Montreal Travel Vlog

Montreal Travel Vlog

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The adventure, begins for Montreal, I am. At, sea-tac, airport waiting. For. My flight, and I am literally, by. Myself. Climb. Aboard the airplane. There's. No one I. Just. Read that the Airbnb, it's. Probably around 8:45. A.m. and. Now, I'm gonna take a little nap before, going. Grocery shopping to, fill up the fridge, I'm. About to go out to dinner it's. Around 6:30, p.m. I. Came. Home after, my. Groceries. And I'm getting. Over a cold that, I had or. I still have so, I decided I'm, just gonna take, a break, sleep, that way the, rest of the trip I can really enjoy my a stay and now I'm gonna go find some dinner and nearby so, on my way to. Finding, a restaurant, I stopped. In this. Little area it says Cornish. Himalayas, it has all these informational. Signs, about. The, history, of this, building. In this place which is kind of cool. I. Am, watching. Buffy. The. Vampire Slayer because. It's not on Netflix anymore in the States and I. Love this show anyways, I'm, gonna go to bed soon after, this episode of Buffy and then. I will see you tomorrow bye. Good. Morning. Miss -. I'm. Planning to go walk around the, old part, of the city and, just kind, of see what I can find over there I. Took. A little detour through, McGill University, on my way to, the. Old montreal. So. We're gonna see a little bit of the University so, I continued, walking through. McGill there's. A lot of construction, so. There weren't really any good photo opportunities, of the buildings. But. I ended up in this little like forest, trail. But. Looking. At it it looks like it's taking me in the. Opposite direction that I want to go so. I think I'm just gonna do the bottom part of the trail and then I'll head back the way I was going, to. Go to review. Bro. I'm. Walking for Chinatown right now it's really hard not to stop and eat is. It's around lunchtime and I love Asian food and this is the place to get it however. I promised myself today that I would go to the. Old, part of Montreal and get. Some real kibbe quoi food or, at least find a cute little place that's, semi. Quebecois. So, I guess I'll just have to come back some other time. I. Am. Taking, a little break at. The poem, land or the vehicle, or. Sorry the old sport. I was trying to translate it to English and then I just translate it to the other name in French. Okay. Break, is over I got a little rumbly, in my tumbly so, it's time to go get some lunch. The. Last time I was in Quebec. I tried. Maple. Butter and it was my favorite thing and I could not find it anywhere, the poem is now I'm traveling. With carry-on, only so I can't buy it and bring it home. So. As I was leaving the, view. Movia I. Ran. Into some guy who asked, me if I knew where to buy successful a ticket and we started chatting and then she. Was like here let me show you the city and so. We just walked around a little bit until, we got to kind of an area that I wasn't familiar with and I said like sorry I, don't really feel comfortable but, thanks for the tour I'm gonna head, the rest alone and then he offered to show me a naked spa and I was like okay no thanks I'm. Gonna head off like now on my own thank you bye. So. That was kind of interesting we'll, see what is in, the store now. Guys. There's. A dress-up, room if. I were not by myself I would. A hundred percent dress up and play make-believe, because, this is literally, my. Favorite part about museums. Like when they do stuff like this I really. Really want to dress up but I have nobody to dress up with, so. Sad. I. Was. Hoping to go to. The. Notes padam basilica but there's a show every, night and the, line is crazy. So. Even though I didn't get to go into the notes with them Basilica. I did. Go in to the Catholic, cathedral, and. Spend. About 20 minutes looking around and. Praying. And, just unwinding. At the end of the day it was really nice. Another. Day is at an end, I walked. At. Least 15 miles today I just need a little break because my eyes are super tired but. It, was just a really good day overall, and I'm excited. For the rest of the, trip, goodnight. Good. Morning, it is the start of day 3, I'm. Probably going to go to some, museums, I want, to go all. The way back to the, V moai because I saw that they had the.

Science. Museum and the architecture, or what, was it the archaeology, Museum, I'm. About to head off and, it's nice because I don't have to carry a big, jacket in my backpack and it's gonna be so warm today anyways. I'm up. I just, walked into the st. Patrick's Basilica. And. They. Were in the middle of mass so, that was kind of awkward but, I was very respectable I stayed in the back I didn't, get to take as many pictures as I would have liked. So. I just got done with lunch and I'm, in, the, archaeology. Museum. Season. Under fire a bomb. Archeology, museum is, done, now I'm going to go see if I can get into this Science, Museum which is right next door I just walked into the Science Museum the. Ticket, taker has. The funniest, and nicest, accent he, was like module. Gummel. Salva oh my gosh she was so nice big. Smile was all like it's just, the stereotypical Canadian. Friendliness. She. Made my day that man go. You. Thanks. From the pharynx is my jam I can, tell you what you want to know. Hey, guys big news. I'm. Pregnant. Look. At the babies. So. Cute. Dinner. Is over and, I, have about an hour before, I have a, show. Part. Of the Science, Museum. Offers. A. Iin, IMAX, theater. Show. So, I'm. Just gonna go walk and explore the streets a little bit probably get there a little bit early. It. Was really good I recommend to anyone it was dubbed in French, which. Is fine but, the original English, version is narrated, by Morgan Freeman yeah, there's a whole section I mean the whole video, talked. About Louie Armstrong before, her going on the airplane I watched Louie Armstrong and Danny Kaye in there maybe five pennies which is one of my favorite movies by the way I recommend that movie to anyone who. Likes music. And jazz especially, but. They also wanted to some Elvis and some Motown. And thinks oh it was really good I was about to walk, home, but, it's nine o'clock already, and I needed to get home. Before Emily, does she's. Coming in tonight and. It's. About a 45-minute, walk, I, would. Probably get lost so, I'm, just gonna her and, now I'm just gonna chill and wait my, friend emily is finally, here she's gonna walk through. This door at any second, I don't, know how but she got into the building on her own and. She's, gonna come up the. Elevator. And, here is my friend Emily. We. Are booking. An air B&B -. Could that air in Quebec City and we are gonna go take the train tomorrow and explore. There a little bit oh yes, but. Today. We have a late start so, we're gonna grab lunch and, then we're gonna go climb to. The top of Mount. Royal. So. See, you later. We. Are walking, up, to the, mountain, now we. Stopped, for some Mexican food for lunch. Not. The best idea, but. We're, gonna work off all those calories on. Our little walk walking, uphill to, get to the uphill walk yeah.

Keep. You updated. It's. Been probably. Not. Even not even five minutes, and, we are both sweating, and huffing, and puffing and. Dreading. This walk. Yep. But. That's. Okay we're, gonna do it. We. Made it to, the top yay. It wasn't actually as bad as we thought we. Got to the. Trail and we were like oh this, is probably a third of the way and then some guy was like actually you're almost there just take this really, flat trail and you'll be there we were being extremely, dramatic in the last part. Made. It to, the historical, circle stone, which. Is literally. A circle. A circle stone, in. The ground. Yeah. Although, it's all covered in dust and, dirt but. The one thing I can read is, it says I don't. Know if you can see this gate ku shows, which. Means something. Quite. Literally something, yeah. So there. You go. Hole. Rock of something. We. Found the cross and, we. Had some trouble because, we keep thinking that we're really far away from something, and we're actually not. On. Our way to the, bagel place we. Stumbled, upon some, kind of market, festival. Thing. We. Found a little part, with. A nice fountain. And. A, church. This. Is the way to spend a Friday night. Oreos. And. Netflix. We, started. Off by watching. American. Horror Story. Episode. 1. Of season 8 before dinner and. Then that was good but there were no more to watch and. We went out to dinner and came back and, watched an, episode of queer, I, cried. Cried quite. A bit and, now we're gonna watch The Office with. Our Oreos and milk because. That's. The way to go. Good. Night. Good. Morning. We. Had. A late night last night because. We were watching TV and eating, snacks. And dessert. And. Now we have a train ticket or a bus to catch and. We. Slept in 45, minutes past what we wanted to. So. This, should be a fun. Morning. Despite. Our 45-minute, wake-up delay. We. Arrived in Quebec City, we. Arrived a little bit early so now we're gonna go find our apartment, before. Heading, out to lunch. We. Made it to the Airbnb and the. Couch. Is. Sideways. The. All the furniture, is. Stacked, up so off, to a great start in Quebec City the. City's nice our. Place, les, nice. We. Made it to Old Town connect, me. We. Were just saying how warm we were and how we deserved, an ice cream and. We found a, little, place to put our feet in the water this, is fantastic. Sunset. Stop. In the park. We. Watched. Breakfast. With Scott and it, is such a cute, movie and, Canadian. So, make. Sense to watch it and it was just such a good, what uh the. Feels all. Those, feels. Yeah. Now we're going to go to bed so we can enjoy tomorrow, and. Yeah. Good, night. We. Are having, breakfast. Before. We go drop off our bags and, start our museums. We. Made it to the Citadel. But it's $14. For entry, and we. Have other places to be. Here. On the plains of Abraham which. Is significant, because, there. Is a very, important, battle was, fought here it was in 1794. Between, the British and French who. Were both trying to lean 94. And. Basically, the French had. Occupation. Of all. Of Quebec, hence. The name and. Britain. Was primarily. In Ontario. And other, eastern, provinces, and, they wanted control because they liked that and, they, fought a war on these plans and the, British, beat. The French and. Yes. That's. Why the queen is on French money and there's not Navion money.

And, There's no two, different currencies, in Canada right that's, my. History. With, Emily. She's, wearing 29%. Of the weight that a normal soldier would be wearing and I. Am wearing. 21%. Of, the, weight a normal, soldier would be wearing and they would usually total, around 70, pounds, which. Is crazy because I could not imagine fighting, in this we. Are now, switching. Outfits. And. Fun. Fact the, Hat is. Called a tricorn, because it has three points also. To tell the difference between a French and a British soldier. You. Look at the sleeves of their waistcoat, and if. The, sleeves. If, there are sleeves in the waistcoat not the overcoat because they all have sleeves on the overcoat but, if they have seeds on the waistcoat which would be the red inside, sleeves then they are French the, English waistcoats. Did not have sleeves. Drinking. Job see money. We're back in the Airbnb, in Montreal. Yeah. Didn't. Really we kind of skipped dinner because we had candy on the bus see you tomorrow. Good. Morning. It is Emily last. Day, here. In Montreal, and we're, gonna go do a scavenger. Hunt today in Old Montreal. You just had dim sum for lunch and now, we're gonna start our scavenger hunt of Old Montreal oh, here. We go ready ho yeah do team, pretty hobos, from, breakfast, to Scott because, that. Movie, has imprinted. On, our hearts we're, taking a much-needed break, with, our blue, raspberry slushies. Right. In front of the, ferris. Wheel. We. Finished, our scavenger hunt team, pretty hobos, beat. 91%. Of the other teams who have done this course not surprised but, we did really. Well and he was so much fun and a great way to tour the city we, rocked it Emily's, leaving. She. Is going back to her home in Toronto. But. Good, news is that we had a fun last day and if I was again, we. Have fun this. Is Emily's. Last, few. Moments here Montreal, on this trip well see Sara got in Seattle, yeah. Good. Night it. Is the end of the day and I. Walked. Around town a little bit after dropping Emily off at the airport or, at the train. Station, and, now it's time for bed good. Night. Hello. Again it, is another day here in Montreal. I. Didn't. Vlog this morning but nothing, really special, happened, this afternoon I'm. Thinking of going to go see a movie, I wanted the local cinemas, so, today is kind of a lazy day not. Much of tourism. Or anything. Just. Got back from seeing, Christopher, Robin, it. Was a fantastic. Movie I had, recommend, it to anyone who's a fan of Wendy, the Pooh or just Disney in general now I'm probably gonna have a little bit of dinner and then. Probably. Just hang out at the apartment good morning. It is my final day in Montreal. I think. I'm going to go visit the. Musical. Event and, the. Museum, of Fine Arts today, yesterday. Was a horrible, day of, logging. It. Was a great day, but the vlogging, was pretty terrible because I just didn't, film anything, really. So. I apologize. And. I'm. Loving her dress and I'm wishing I could have one just like it but the. Last I do not I. Have. Never done a wax museum by. Myself, and there's, nobody in these rooms with me so. I forgot that, they're, kind of creepy I mean I keep feeling like what I was gonna be like hi. My. Feminine sister, at first. Sound the music. Hey. Bud. This, is the English general, who. Won. The Battle of the plains of Abraham, mr.. Charlie and I, two. Peas in a pod, takes. Me back to my. To. My Bob Fosse, dancing, days. We. Had little bowler hats like these. Guys. Look, who I found. You. Laurie. Happy. Birthday. Mr.. President, my. All-time favorite. Mr.. Louie, Armstrong. Music. Laval is finished. And I'm gonna head over to the Fine, Arts Museum and. See. If I could spend the afternoon there I don't suck. I. Had. Time to kill and I decided I passed, her right in front of it but two stops inside the Barbie Expo it's free which, is awesome it's all the Barbie clothes that, are like high-end fashion, it has really good reviews this, little museum thing. Guys. I, had this one growing up, she's. The princess, of Poland, it's a 17th, century gown, and I remember loving her, and I, also had a rose from, Titanic. And they had kind of a similar style, like the red, hair I guess and. I used to like have them be sisters and, oh my gosh I did Oh memories. I found, another one from the same collection I, had, this. One right here and it's, the princess, of the create Court this really brings back memories I'm sure there are some here cuz I remember I had a whole collection that. You received one Christmas, or one birthday from. My parents, I think is my parents, and. I had a whole bunch and I don't remember, what. Oh I think this one here I've got another one. Princess, of Imperial, Russia, was. Another one that I had oh this is so cool I'm. So happy I came in here. I. Forgot.

That Another scene that I used to play with my dolls. Was, the. Scene in Gone with the Wind. Where. Melanie. Is. In. Labor, with her child and they have to play the city because it's being attacked, and I was like what I might go to, Barbie. Play. Stories. Guess who I found. Rose. From. Titanic. This. Was dissolved. That I was, obsessed. With I just thought I loved, her so much but I'm so happy they have her here. The. Museum, was. Huge. I, was, not expecting it to be that big, I don't really understand, contemporary. Art I just, there, is one as it was literally just, yellow. Paper with. Holes in it the. Classical. Art was, impressive. They definitely have a huge collection I, may. Go out for dinner after or, I'll just try to empty my groceries, i over. Bought stuff. So maybe for the hosts. Next, guests. They'll have some you. Know cereal, and tea and soy, sauce. Today. Was a great day. Fantastic. Way to end the trip here's, to, the last night in Montreal good. Night. Good. Morning. It is like. 5:15. The apartment, is pretty. Much ready, for me to leave I just have to make the bed. I'm, not gonna like make it make it just so he knows that I like, you slept in it but. Just, make it look like. Morph. I guess. Nicer. Every. Security and. Now, I just have to find my gate. Right in. Seattle. After a little bit of a delay they made it home and I. Have been cuddling, with this, little furball. Since. I arrived. She's. Hiding her face. There. You go good, girl. Anyways, the trip was a fantastic. Way to end the summer and I'm so glad I did it and, thanks, for watching my little video.

2019-01-26 20:26

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