Business Education 500 with Arondo Holmes in The Gambia

Business Education 500 with Arondo Holmes in The Gambia

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Hi. Back family got a special. Guest from. The US today in, the camp here to talk to us. Facebook. Friend of many many years and he might, smile when I say this but he, taught me all about the Fresno Lina's guys that's, where you get a. Reflector. That uses. The sun rays to. Heat melt. Aluminium. And, do other things but it concentrated. So. What I'd like. Our. Guests. To do is introduce, himself. Really. See. So much opportunity is. There. Is no ceiling. I. Think. When I was, back in America and, that's almost about four years ago you were saying that you possibly, were, looking at maybe the Ivory Coast is yeah, headquarters. I was looking at Ivory Coast right because it's the first place. They're. Everything. Sailed. Perfectly, tell you get to look, at the capital, capital, capital. Is the problem, I lose, the curt's capital. Is the freedom to get. Things going, otherwise. People. Like you with me we can manage, because. We've worked out of pocket, and we built from small. To something, you, know had, that skill but. Speed. Of development can, be magnified. Families. That's. Right you know they look at you like oh. Oh. We with you when you got the money yeah well you know presidency, we start thinking, everybody. Is like you I was with you yeah all frontstretch, oh man. Will you get set up I want to come business, right you, don't want to be you know it's. People like you that make. Me it's like you, are the Trailblazers. To. Come behind that's right but. But. But, what. You're. Right Peter Brook you know I have no doubt you. And your family. You. Know. All. These. Countries, the world. Oh. Guess. What err decline now. Get. Back on the capital issue is tough we're so mistrusting, of each other you, know if I come to you with a business proposal say, hey look god this can make us money and you'll, be happy and ha be happy it's a win-win situation there's. Still so much distrust, exactly. I don't, know how we get around that other than to say hey I got to find like mommy people like myself in. A year and let's. Do some type of collaboration, we, all can kind of like give our different inputs we all count on you know rats I'm talking with the roof, and we were I was there a week the. Concept, just came huh. Anywhere. Throw and set a month in, one of the young country of toys.

Okay. And keep. Them. And. Have. To learn all, right I understand to learn how to function with people. Because. Pockets. Of success. But. You know, we're, gonna have to pass that off to our children, that's right to finish it because we had to start so, small that's right absolutely right we're gonna say my son my. Daughter they, will finish what, I did and, keep going and should. Be a couple, generations, it will grow it will flourish but, we. Need to be back fast yeah I bring everybody else's, there's. Their economy's. Going. Down. That's. Such a high return. See. And, those who return. We're. Team. Market. That, will go like this and go down right. That's. Right and nothing is more valuable than water and food that's right unless we necessity. That's exactly what I'm, about to make ask you the next question that's kind of controversial, do I need to cut the camera can I keep going now, a game back, in America when we first got abreast of each other I asked. If I can invest in your project, yeah and, you declined you didn't give me an answer yeah I'm just curious why big, back then you, kind of like I was I'm saying hey guy look what I'm doing I'm come on I know you know making, it mine. Yeah. I know, yes I will show you what I've decided. But. I'm grateful other people's, money, because. I know how, some, people. Will give you three. Weeks, okay. Okay. I. Did. A small, my. A. GoFundMe. Page and, one. Kind of knocking. Out got a person it takes care of okay. I am a Miami. Run through the jungle. Operations. Solve. A problem, yeah make. It work by just. Sheer, will and determination. Fries I'm gonna resolve a problem make, it work that's, just the way I am okay thank I, have. To have a, very. Skilled competent, capable. Good. Friend I've brought over to Ghana, mmm-hmm I. Just said. You. Know your head spins, around. All. This, I said, ya know we gotta pick, up what to do first, mmm-hmm her time you know what what what can we get the best kick, so. She is my, ace, team. Member, because, she. She, she, bounces, back ideas, and we go back and forth right and I know she. Will make sure. The, paperwork things got, your life Stanley, we I'm, like. Yeah. I understand, that's it, they said you know a man, without a wife or a queen. You. Know when, they go. You. Know you gotta shake me down for paperwork, look, in the band, there's buy some gas receipts, like there, whatever. I got you know I'm not that I am someone, told me Sigma Rhonda you're the Tesla. Edison. Uh-huh. Backroom, guy yeah who make, things work and come up with ideas. That's. My big. You. Know. You, gotta buy 10-year notes it will no wait ten years they're. Willing to take you know three. Cents, dividends. Right on their on their you, know. Investments. And, yet don't even keep up with inflation yeah they won't even keep up with inflation when I'm like little I know things, over here you can do that will give you you, know a hundred percent return exactly. In. Six eight ten months from year max yeah they.

Do Not understand, why they cannot believe we, would know something, wrong that's some other. Person, right wouldn't, you. Know, it's. Like we. Just sit back and look and we see the Chinese come in the English returning. The. French returning, the. Arabs. Coming in and we, just sit back don't want to complain at that ya know you really need to shut your mouth if you're not gonna jump in the game again wow yeah they will complain oh these people are taking over Africa, do. How much money, because. That where, are you looking in that Sankofa. Repay. It's like we're asking people $1. Because. You look at some of the deals that are done. Ten. Million dollars and you got the homes the whole government up in your face you talking, to unison, to make a deal. Caribbean. Everybody. Can find a dollar right you're right if you're not but you can't find a dollar, then. We need to put you on a program and that's. Right that's right you know. Like. Things I've learned. Sharecropping. That's right I said I said, what. A cocoa. World gets. And, I've seen countries like Ghana and. Ivory Coast. Will. Not come down and say look you gonna pay me what I wanted we shouldn't make a coup Pilates shoot yeah. That's right that's absolutely, right that's absolutely right and now you said some numbers they were specific, to us at the bank YouTube channel now you see why we started, a YouTube channel, black. Ink is it a Gambia because, we foresee. In. The near future would have them 1, million subscribers. Exact, the six million subscriber the Marcus Garvey didn't have internet, actually. He, got six million. Subscribers. Or followers. Warning. Economic. Independence so. With the use of YouTube well as they kick us off for, what we're saying but, I can, see one, to, six million subscribers, and today, Marcus, on your counter today, is the 10th. Of. February. 2020. Mark. How long it takes for, us to get to the hundred thousand, and the 1 million, subscriber. On now, going back to what a Rondo. Said if, you have 1 million subscribers. Or, followers or. People. That are interested in what you're saying everybody. Donates $1, in. One month how about you got 1. Million, dollars, and you could go to any, president, now, you see why we don't you do. You, can go in and. Put together. Industrial. Agricultural. Development. Press really because, if. Some of your money's being put on and man. We. Wouldn't we. Wouldn't play that. Pennies. On the dollar a year. That's. They're getting lost people. Can actually make money over time everyone's. Time someone said I said we're trying to do a forty thousand, dollar, project. That's. So serious dog and I mean it's, like hey this thing can drop my, same thing if someone can drop our, targets, place myself. In. The. Right. Literally. As business education. Mmm-hmm that. Can't duplicate. Itself, six times any and. I mean there are things that one, there's a need for, environmental.

Benefit. From it right there's an energy, benefit, woman I sat, down and I told my said look let me tell you why I like charcoal, despite the. Gas of oil industry. Always. Gonna lobby against, it one they, say. But. There's so much bio waste, this. Leaves. Grass grass, shell. Everything. Can. Become inert, mm-hmm. And. These. Things you know when. You take and buy a kick propane, mm-hmm, who, gets that money. Will. You go and get charcoal. Here. Even. In a conventional, state who gets them, we. Do that's right so, we need to focus on that yes nice to make it more economic. We. Have to make it more environmentally. We. Have to do and we in there are things here, that are just so. Much better and healthier, you. Take dairy. No. American. Viable, full scale she, melt. Cheese production, company, that's, lasted, the largest, the largest one just, went under, because. Yeah they're like a half a gallon for she I mean, a little bitty goat actually, makes more melting. There's, like some. Fantastic. Like. You, can look. Anywhere, and, not see some. Coconuts. Did it Miranda, you know, bananas, there it's everywhere. And there's an avocado I just said. This. You. Got nappy, picado. Yeah. Everything, to help you know enemy. One. Mic, effect your kind of clear PLO you, know it's not a fast one. India. Chick. Down what's, on to it you. Know, you've got ground that's never been plowed right, that. Has, never been pesticides. Sprayed that. Doesn't have the toxins, in it and, also there, I have, videos. Of Africans, with farming, techniques, far. Above. To. The mega. Core mega farm mayorality, because, America. Is destroying, their farming they know that dick they know that it will no long it's eventually will peter out water. Uptake won't work in some. Plants because they destroyed the microbial. In, the soil that's why they burning up the forest yeah exactly, so they, have, to find. New land and let the other leg work, for you. In. A place. Where. My parents have planted in the same. Wing. You never put chemical, fertilizer all. Compost. All working, and, that's, rich. Smells, beautiful it, is my. Dad is a stickler. A beautiful. Garden said it's not like up and they know it. Will look like oh no just. Two. Carbon solid pull them up they've. Got it down to dig. They, can produce they, press press, inch engine when I see your mom drawing yeah, man it was the first day of canning, some first thing we was thinking about what we came over here and stuff most candy. Source the jars here, how about what do you 40 think about the concept this wonder concepts that we want to do we wanted to be able to canny, now we understand. We are all into this organic and everything we, have all organic, yeah but I'm just saying sometimes. We. Might we might not have an. Abundant, rainy season, or just whatever so, what do you think about putting in the king. There's. A party, and just. Like. Just. Tomatoes. To care you who can tell them I said you know when. It's dry season the cost of. With this Sun y'all, haven't seen the, sun-dried. Tomatoes. It's. A. Sheets, of plywood cinder. Blocks. Keep, that, just as you're right you right you know it's, sun-dried, tomatoes, now you have a learning, curve because. You. Say look, gives. Us some dried tomatoes and. They go what. It's. Just like, the fresh meat except he was so good in water. Throw. It in you'll find you can make it thicker quicker cry cuz, you know i. They. Taken he takes breath maybe when they cook it. I. Mean. It's like fresh. Tomato and. It. Involves a wooden table. I. Mean. It's just you. Energy. We like I said you, know. We're, in the land where the Sun is almost always over, your head and runs in a perpendicular, track across the skies eight to ten hours a day so simplify. The. Solar cracking see this way. Taking. Advantages. Right, everybody. Whether it's pineapple, papaya. Here. Papaya, we have. To show you the. Hoop house design okay, that, we make for less, than $100. To, dry coffee. Rebar. Cheap. Plastic, and it'll last as long as, necessary. Depends, on. Classic, high, grade you, know duck hi, great you know birds but, I've, seen it last, hurricane. Season. Honduras. And I'm depressed, and so, those solar, dryers. Sundries. I mean it's just like. You want hot water here. Welding. And tinkering. In my toys and, ride I said I've made solar up and I, got. Everything. I'd like to learn that besides the personal man but now, I don't want to insult you by asking you, what different countries you've been to an African consulates all you, know you've been to a bunch an hour. Because. Plans. So. You had presented. It to someone. Maybe actually flew into the country, so government it was a government official associate. Prime is a private, person okay we've had a lot of government, connect okay, okay. So they flew you to the country I. Love. Them indebted, to the guy who.

Great. And every country is beautiful because it's got a different flavor and pride, you. Know that's what makes us green and hey so it's, you, know then Gambia. Was just another. Wonderful. Place, I started. Originally. Right. There we're cutting this land. It. Was during the. Global. Share cropping cycles, okay coffee was at a price, too. Cheap to pick okay. What happens is those cycles, hit like it is now, it gets. To a point where people may cut down their farms these, cattle, or something. Else she. Is they don't understand, how the market please. Japanese. Japanese, already. Control. Is. Controlled. By. Couldn't. Raise. Container. It's. Just like people get in. We. Are not cute. It's. Gonna happen. When. The common, economic crash, has happened. The, economic. Viability. The. Cost of living by Belize is, why these people. Come here and state, because. They can stay here in the Royal. Well. They. Had. Like. You. Know a lot of African, coffee always, goes to the government because they serve a, larger. Is. The second most trading commodity. On the plan one. Thing you won't, hear. Sergeant. Sara. Lee. Nesmith. Recognize. That's good babe. Sara. Lee. You. Heard of Jackie Robinson right, yeah now his son is in Tanzania, and he got a copy back three I. Mean. You. Know it's like people, like the Starbucks. And. People. Fall for these schemes. Like, Fairtrade. When, you need their trainers I mean, you. Know a. Coffee. At, a growers, level. Traders. Play with it they pick up pennies in the country as, it makes it way to the coast. You, have invested may buy futures and all this, economic. Jumble, that I don't fully comprehend. Right but. 37. Back. That. Bag is laughing, whatever to please it that's right. Play all these boys the roasting, technology. That is no can make good coffee can be dried and don't know yet it applies to talk with. Economic. Dynamic, is, made, to keep. Global. To. Be able to do, that. Is quote I want you to wake up go to work go home. Maybe, get money to kids in school I mean when you have people. Say. At. The. Person that made the stick. It's. Another, inequitable. Scale. That. Another. Thing that makes me upset is on, the African content and I've never been hinders or Jamaica those. Other places perhaps we can visit them later on. Focusing. On an African continent. It. Astonishes. Me that, we, can get billion, dollars in aid and be. Happy, about it but the fact remains, that they're stealing billions from the continent. So you can never get ahead if they're stealing billions from the continent, and in, return giving you millions you're losing, you, know, there's. No way you can come out ahead of that proposition. Guys, so, we need to change our mindset okay what. Are we getting out the deal if, it doesn't benefit, us we, should not be involved in those deals guys yeah, so let me turn it back to a, Rondo now you've mentioned those other places that you've been to around.

The World and the African continent what brings you to the Gambia dove smiling close to battery. Is. This your first time here it's my first time okay, acceptor. So mama was asked about your first hike I won't, talk to people and, you know the best resource. Okay. Or. They're. Not gonna eat them they don't taste right didn't, know this yeah I mean it's. Tradition. Because. These. Are unreal. Numbers, you know I need 100. It's like just, understand. Integrate. Yourself in the culture yes. Turn off your. American. Mentality that's, it and listen, listen. Listen listen is it then take your you know idea. That's. What I say. And. I always ask him to what do you think about this idea that I'm Horning they say oh man you make money I just. Put a little check mark you even do this right hand stuff but I thought about their briquette machine, going. Back to that where we came over you know we came over for two weeks and. Kind of scoped the area and said hey these are business, opportunities and, I saw briquette. Was, one of them you know and of course the machines that we're going to purchase the middle. Manufacturing. Machines they're gonna come from China. Yeah forgot the name of this guy what's his name. Oh. Yeah, Alibaba, yeah you got Alibaba, most, of our machines will come from here going. Ever. Amazing, everything, an amazing, when you want passion fruit juice. It's. Like. So. That's where our medium manufacturing. Machines will come from get it doing that to their ways around it's, just like you guys, should be all circle yeah I mean see that's what I say I have always had. Bringing a closed-loop, zero-waste. Farming, men that's, what we like it's like if you you can buy one. Side of we. We. Crane whatever. Sprouting. Up. This. Many trays the sprout grass, and. Quadruple. That. Now. Becomes 400. Kilos. Of, bead material, that, is healthier because once. It sprouted the nutritional, value skyrockets. Did. You notice we mom. And. I learned that from Canyon, city people. They. Will sprout grains and. Add. Water. Slowly. Like this is so it's. Just like. It's, just. Yes, here you got to plug into it like you say people don't believe. Good. Breath. Great buy one bag or, you're the same as four bags deal. You. Know there's just so many things you. Could have you you, know cuz you know crash season I always see this you look. Like. They found this little spot right here they'd be all over all, David Holladay it goes to cows - yeah. Okay. Your. Range and put up yeah. Everybody, got a block I think being the force of you okay to get this and this and breeders, get this and. It's just the, system potential. Of. Organic. Zero, Kim, healthy. Nothing. Comparative, western. Space. Is. Is. Here. Despite, this global. Crowding. And overpopulated. Africa. Is not over we. Got. Scared. Thank you that's what they do yes. Exactly. Now, Gaza. I don't want to give. All y'all the information, today now we're going to finish this up in a another. Video part to it I can get them to have. Some more information but. What I'd like to do now is ask. You, well let. Me say this thing here one, thing together not, a lot of since we started this YouTube pages, this. YouTube channel about five months ago. Hope. That's not a lot of noise guys we're sitting on the side of the road in machines though I just, being loud. That's the garbage truck. They, were acting, was the garbage truck company. Here I say yes it is. All. Right guys. That, the. Regurgitate. Information guys, but a lot of y'all have asked. About. Donating. To channel, and. We're. Going to go ahead and open that up to, receiving. Donations and. Right now sweet juicy Mama's working on how, to do this petrol. Account. So, we can start, accepting. Donations and. Guys who. Contribute. To the project that we're doing it bank since. We're talking to her Ando here and getting pumped up with all the information that has given us we want to try to expedite, development out. Of that bag, so. Right. Now again we're. In the near future as. Soon as we juice mama gets it all hooked up we're gonna start accepting donations, and. Retro. Contributions. And, we're. Gonna tell you what you get for. Contributions. Okay it ain't like when you just give them give us free money no, we want to earn it and stuff and we want to show you what you get for it is them and some of those things are, recognition. And, if. You look at the developments, out of bag when you come free. Few baskets, nuts. Herbs. Discounted. Stay at hotels, apartments. And. Things of that sort and we'll put that out in a later video but, we are going to start accepting donations.

And. Contributions to, up a Tron. Account, did I say that right sweet mama all, right okay, now we want to wrap this up today what we'd like for you to do is basically kind. Of give these guys another. Quick. Blast of information, on why we, should be looking at doing investment, and relocating. To areas that are growing rather, than staying put in areas, that are in decline. There's. Nothing more important, than getting involved, with. Projects. In Africa you got to locate, and identify. Trustworthy. People people. That you can you. Know realize. It's. Not a game it's not scan the, property, are real the potential, is great whether, it's, the Sankofa, repatriation. Group or private, individuals, this guy's been here for years and plus. He's, been planning he's, made the move he's made the commitment, he's not going anywhere. Your. Return will. Be. Much. Greater than if you go, see. The, Wallace. The savings. Account, these things are paying. And. If nothing else let. Me tell you there's nothing more valuables, will be here than having a friend, having. A person that will say oh you're from America. Rondo. Get in touch with us we gotta get together hey. I was, fortunate I had contacts, that helped me get you. Know location, constant, you. Know you, $15. At night place, that it's got a kitchen. TV. Private. Someone. You, know just having them as, my friend, in Gambia, well my friend Ivory, Coast my, friend, and God is priceless. You. It. Will pay for itself and, the, things that you developed, you can go and say I hope like that. You. Can take your new. Cell phone money your, Nike. Shoes those. Things are gonna wear out those, things are gonna fade away they're gonna be in the trash no longer valuable was when, you have one thing, that makes money this world is land you. To. Get, to that. But. You know it's. Trustworthy. And. Sincere, people who, have a business beyond, their own personal, needs that. Are going to be your best resource. You. Know I knew, this guy when he was like getting, out of here so. Glad you're, feeling same they're brothers man thank you thank you thank you for all the information and, stuff I guys again we want to have a. Part, two of this business education from, Iran doing stuff and who. Asked if, you have any questions, for Rondo. You. Have some contact information if these guys tell them about your Facebook, to, share, that with them so they can go and sign up for your page so I have to send you the link to okay. I'm. With a, group called Sankofa, repatriation. Assistance, Program, okay. The a. Pro. Agro industrial development. Facebook, page. Request. To be a member and, my. Facebook page Rondo, Holmes is, always open. Look. At your profile. That's. Right. And you. Know just. If. We. Have something here. It. Gives us to. Come. We. Got. Everything. We need right here we can make it home people. Resources, land. Air. Good. People, everything. We need right here guys resources. Alright, guys so if you like this video please, give us a thumbs up. Drop. A comment if you like and, subscribe, subscribe, subscribe and. Share the video alright. We. Need to practice that. Okay, go sit at the camera cuz that's. Good that's good, said. You Bob let me go people. Like. Me like me. Yeah. Gotta learn the language just getting. Released. At Handy released at in know your head of tight like this relax. Now that's a, okay. Alright, alright family under how we always in that video with love. Peace. So. Thank. You.

2020-02-18 13:43

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