today we're going to be talking about Ai and how it can help us build trading strategies so let's get straight to it [Applause] hey Traders my name is David and welcome to my channel where I go through trading strategies that I find on YouTube and on the web and then I use code to debunk the bad ones and find the good ones today we're going to be looking at chat AI which is going quite Wild on all of the YouTube channels at the moment and I thought we could go through it and have a look at how we could try and produce trading strategies and how chap AI is a program that can help us to build better trading strategies so if you haven't heard of chat GPT it's a program or a website built by open AI it recently launched and had millions of users in five days I believe it was which is absolutely amazing and the reason is is it really is the closest thing we ever got so far to real Ai and the results are absolutely amazing now the chat a chat AI oil chat GPT is a program where you can chat and ask any questions whether it's dating advice uh trading advice and its own way that it will be able to help you with and it can even script code so if you're building a video you can ask it to produce a video for you and it will give you a script for your video and if you want to build a training strategy it would also be able to help you with the code behind trading strategies so today as a trading Channel obviously we're going to be looking at how to build training strategies with it and see if it can actually build a full training strategy with risk management and then I'll be able to build it and connect it to bots so it can trade by itself so I guess the best idea is to get over to my computer have a look at chat AI or chat pgbt and go through step by step how to build a bot with it and connect it to something like five bit okay let's get over to the computer okay here we are on my computer with GPT open to get over your own account you literally have to go to very simple to find and set up your own account you just need to log in and create new account then it's like any basic chat programmer but you can sit and talk to this a bit like Alexa in your home if you have an Alexa but this is via chat now it is extremely extremely good it can uh it can help you with things like recipes it can help you with things like trading uh well building scripts uh and things like that so as a chat program we have our chat area down here and you can pretty much ask it any questions so for instance you can ask what is the blockchain if you're just getting into crypto and want to know what the blockchain is it'll go through uh exactly what the blockchain is how it works it's decentralized etc etc give you an example you can also ask it to summarize it to give you a smaller quicker uh reply and it you can ask questions about anything from dating from restaurants uh to what is the blockchain ETC but what we're more interested in is is building a simple script for training view so we know that tradingview accepts uh Pine script now I use trading view for building my uh strategies daily you can find all of my strategies Down Below in the description below from the point patreon but today we're going to be looking at how we can generate one here so we're going to start with a new chart over here I'm going to go over to here I'm on and we're going to start by opening the pine script editor here now this is where we're going to be copying and pasting I'm looking to build a new script here so I'm going to go over to this and click open here and click strategy okay so the idea is is we're going to be looking to build a simple strategy so I'm going to give an example very quickly so let's build a simple uh trading indicator for training reviews okay so I've typed in the question can you build me a simple EMA pullback trading strategy in points group I haven't run this before so we're going to see what this actually happens as you can see I've actually added a couple of questions already here and it's going to give us an explanation and then it's going to tell us how to build that actual trading strategy okay this is a long only strategy that is built for us as you can see it's built as a strategy with a 14 length we're looking to add a make sure that it's above a certain percentage to take our entries uh our exits sorry and we're going to be building so I'm going to copy and paste that into into our trading view just literally copy and paste that over here now there are a couple of problems as you go along and copy and paste one being that chat AI seems to be capable of only coding in Pine script 4 and as you may know pinescript 5 has been out since last year so you will have to upgrade that code if you if you don't know how to do that there is a button on inside trading view I'll go through that maybe in the video sometime just to show you how to do it okay let's get back to the screen and test that training strategy but before I go if you are finding some interesting information from this video if you don't mind just give me a hand and give it a good old thumbs up and why not subscribe I do videos every Friday and every Monday or every Monday and every Friday and you find trading strategies and things like that in the patreon below where you get access to Discord and all of my scripts so that you can build your own trading strategies and loads of new tools that I've been building right over to the screen enough of that okay so I've copied and pasted it in here as you can see now we're going to go over to the top over here save now this one probably won't have the problems of the EMAs we have an EMA problems now this is what I was talking about uh strategies four and five now we're gonna have a mix of four and five here to fix this all I'm gonna have to do is write TA in front of the EMA and that should fix the problem without any problems okay let's go and have a look to see whether it works I'm going to add this in and as you can see we've created our first strategy we have uh let's look at this here we have our settings Cog up here so we have a length of 14. let's put this up to something like a 70 and we also have the percentage above EMA for a uh for a stop loss or an exit sorry so I can't see any entry is around here at the moment we're on the five minute time frame let's have a look at the bank testing results as you can see we had 30 entries on a 73.33 win rate uh as you can see the egg critical looks absolutely terrible but for something that was a simple simple trading strategy that literally took us a couple of seconds to build it's not too bad right okay so let's go and try and build something a little bit more complex uh I'm gonna take a trading strategy that I like which is a mean reversal reversion strategy we're going to take uh this one here now if I go over to a trading View and type mean reversion uh you'll find this one here the mean reversion Channel script if you add this to the Chart this is something that I used in a bot that I built inside of python which helps me to divert to find Arbitrage in market so what the idea is is when we come out a below this middle red line here we're taking Longs and we're hoping for price to move back up to this yellow line here the other way around for shorts we're looking for a short around this area here as we come back below this red line and then we're looking to for to exit the short as we come back below this yellow line over here would be somewhere around this area here so that's our main reversion script let's see if we can build something like this in chat AI so I'm going to click on the coded brackets here and it's going to give us the code that we need here so this is an open source code so you can see all the source now if I want to edit this I literally have to go over to three dots in the corner over here which you can see yes uh and click make copy of script I'm going to call it something like this here all we need to do is convert this to five so I'm going to click up the three dots up here and press convert to five and this is converted now into version five now this is going to solve our problem of version five uh scripts inside of tradingview created by the body itself so I'm going to literally go through and copy the code that I need now I don't need all of the blotting drawing ring I just need the actual middle here and we're going to convert this into a trading strategy so I'm going to go back to chat AI I'm going to press new chat over here and I'm going to ask it what this actually does uh can you explain the so I've copied and pasted the code below and it's going to go away and explain exactly what the code does so as you can see you get a good uh under it gets a good understanding of the actual code it tells you what the code's called that is written in uh in Pine script for trading View and it'll probably give you some kind of information about what actually happens inside the mean reversion here the script has several functions called Sak smoothing uh gives you the option to things like the filters etc etc so it's going to give you a good explanation of what that headshot indicator does now what I want to do is be able to turn this into a strategy so what I'm going to do is go back over here and I'm going to remove the word indicator from above here and type strategy now this is going to inverted it into a strategy for us I'm going to copy and paste that over too here just like so okay so now I'm going to go and update the code [Music] okay so I've given it an updated version of the code I should imagine saying thank you okay fine perfect so it's understood that I've updated the code for future use now what I wanted to do is uh add an enter and an exit for uh this uh for this actual training strategy as you can see in the code here we have our bands if I go back over to trading view over here we have our bands here now I don't really not interested about all these yellow and orange red bands over here more interested in this red line here which is this smaller band here and the red line here if I go over to here I should be able to hide the other ones maybe yes that's it okay so I'm only interested in these red bands these green bands and this yellow line in the middle here so our trading strategy will be as we break outside of the Red Band and looking to exit as we come back go below or above this yellow band now if we look at the code we can see that those are here as uh the mean line being the yellow band the channel low and alert sorry up band and the low Band 1 being the dotted line so this green dotted line here and the red line being the uh the the second bands which is this one here these ones out around so I'm going to ask chat uh chat AI or chat GPT uh to add us some entries can you provide okay so I've asked it to you give me an entry when a price approves previously below the PE band at low one so that means that we'll be below this red line here and then we break above it above that line once being previously below it so that means once we're below come back up and we take a long entry uh it says that we're going to take a long entry doing the same thing for the shorts we're looking to do a previously below there but above the Up Band so this upper band here and then once we come back I've blow it we're looking to take a short which is exactly what's written here we need to close Longs when price goes above the P meme P meme being this one here the mean sorry uh the mean being the yellow line here so we close our Longs when we go above it and the shorts we're going to close with when we're going to be uh going below it uh yeah below it yes that's right okay so when we come back below the line once we're in a short up here once you come back below the line we're looking to close that short now I just want it to provide me with the snippet of code that I'm going to be adding the problem is is that sometimes on the weekend as you can see there's a lot of high uh high demand and when you look for it to copy and code out all of that code it does take quite a lot of time so I suggest that you just ask for the snippet of code just provide me with the code that I need to add it can provide you with all of the code from A to Z but sometimes it takes a little bit of time okay here we go entry logic foreign with the code that we need for the entry and the exit as you can see we have the PB band low the pland low and the current previous candle and two previous candles below it as well it's giving us the entry so we have the entry here we have the entry for a short which is the other way around and then we have our exit logic so I'm going to just go away and copy that as it is and paste it literally into our strategy which we had opened here hopefully this is the strategy here Yep this is the strategy so now I can copy and paste that around this area here so if I copy and paste that there and save it I'm going to press save and press add to chart that's going to add it to the Chart as a strategy there's currently a slight error because there's too many orders uh but okay there was a slight problem with the code that uh chat AI gave us I didn't understand what I actually meant I was actually looking for the close to be over uh the the band and not the bands be over each other so I wasn't providing any entries I was providing way too many entries so now I've got uh I press the button for it to re-edit another uh example and here we have a the close crossing over the band as you can see after it being lower or higher than the band previously and then we have uh the actual close so we're closing get the any Longs when price goes over the mean uh and then when it goes below the mean for shorts okay so I've got the actual example here I've copied and pasted it in here as you can see we have entries all over the place as with shorting we have a short entry as we come back down we're closing that short as expected Longs are the same here as you can see we're coming outside of that band coming back in and we're closing our long as we come back into the mean over here which is absolutely fantastic exactly exactly what I was expecting perfect right okay so now what we're doing is going to be testing this on the five minute time frame I'm gonna go away and try and get a little bit more code from chat AI giving it maybe some examples of a better stop loss and things like that so I'll be back in a couple of seconds asking you some more questions and I'll just give you an example of the equity go okay here I am back on my computer as you can see uh results are pretty impressive now as you can see I've added a couple more questions I've added the macd for Confluence here uh just as an example as you can can see it's coded the macca d uh asked giving us an extra variable for uh the full Confluence it's completely removed the if statement well edited or modified the if statement adding some compliments here for the macd uh the only thing I've actually done myself manually is literally added these boxes down the bottom here so we can connect this to bots at the end of the video okay so what I'm going to do is go through some of the settings as you can see I've got the macd use macd uh activated so it's actually included in there we have a 88 profitable trading strategy with only 25 trades which isn't great if you take off the make d as you can see it still is profitable at 71 and we've got a lot more trades I'm on the five minute trading strategy so this is a five minute mean reversion trading strategy uh with 80 89 trades uh we have plenty of settings so you can play around with here so you can play around with this uh find even better settings or worse in this case here let's have a look at some of the other ones here 70 and we have 111 trades on a five minute time frame which is absolutely excellent if I go back over to this one here let's try this one here and they're all quite profitable on the five minute time frame now if I go back to this one over here let's have a look at the other stats here 111 trade 70 profitable if you look here uh the sharp ratio is only 0.28 so it wouldn't be something that I've personally
trade at the moment profit factor is 1.6 uh we would have had a buy to hold return of minus 18 so that actually smashed that return rate uh profit factor is 1.6 which I just said we're holding the 447 bars so it's staying in the trade for a bit um not sure whether that'll be something that would be something uh that I'd wouldn't want and myself maybe not let's move on right okay uh so let's have a look at the other one which was 80 I think this was with the macd here make D takes this one up to make the doesn't really change much uh our markdown is this is a 3.59 if I move the
macd here we can see that our about markdown was considerably more but there was a lot more trades so as you can see a profitable trading strategy we're using somebody else's code that we copied and pasted into chat AI it's on version five so it's absolutely amazing I'm absolutely stunned Myself by uh how fast it is at building code and how easy it is to build profitable trading strategies I have added a room in our Discord so we can share chat AI trading strategies together and discuss them improve on this one and improve on other ones that we find uh to get that as a community so how do I connect this to bots let's go over to my computer very quickly and I'll show you how to do that and then I'll leave you to your week right let's go okay here I am back on my computer now if I move myself from the screen here as you can see I'm on trigger trade so it's if you go to this website here anybody that's using David tick as a patreon gets free access to unlimited Bots to this platform here I've clicked on other strategies just here uh because it's a strategy that we're going to be connecting to buy a bit uh we're going to go get our apis from by bit I won't go through that there is plenty of videos on the website on how to do that I'm going to choose BTC usdt because I'm going to be trading a Bitcoin here so BTC USD T and I'm going to leave everything else on as it is you can choose your leverage I'm not going to be doing that today because I'm just going to go through this as quick as possible your stop loss and take profits we're going to leave because we're not actually going to be using them uh we're not going to use multiple take profits either we don't need the advanced mode you can add things like your telegram here so you can connect it to telegram for alert I'm going to go through that today it's literally the most simple uh entry and exit so far so I'm going to click here and to enter long so I click here to copy that I'm going to go back to the indicator itself and we're going to click the cook button here we're going to copy the the code that it's provided with me with here and then I'm going to back to trigger trade again and I'm going to go back to trigger trades website here to copy enter short now I'm going to go here and enter short copy and paste that just there and then we have our exit signals just here as well trigger trade over here we're going to copy our exit along here paste long exit long just here like that and then the final one is our exit short we're going to copy our exit short over here copy and paste that there we're done okay now we go over to our clock over in the corner over here where it says alert press the alert add new alert now this allows us to connect any trading strategy uh to trading view this one's called MRC for two by bit sorry uh this one's called MRC so we're going to click there click um I'll see we're going to give it a name so this is name of name of alert here uh we're gonna go away and click this button just here I need the actual placeholder for that if you want more information about this you can see the full video on their website I'm just going to copy and paste that very quickly across like this and then I'm going to go to Notifications over here and you'll be able to see the web hook URL never go back to the trigger trade website and press copy webhook URL that's going to copy a web hook URL to my dashboard there you go and then I press create and I'm done that's now connected this trading strategy to my buy bit account as you can see here I'm going to pause that one because I don't actually really want want that to trade for me but yes so they'll now connect this directly to my buy bit account and every time that there's alert it will take a new entry or exit so that was a quick tutorial on how to use it chat AI or chat gbt with a trigger trade and trading view to create a bot which will be a strategy that will run in the background and hopefully be a profitable one for you you can share all your code on the discard if you find a great trading strategy or come and join us and use the ones that we've found uh Discord and Patreon links are down in the description hope that was enjoyable for you I hope that you found some great information like I said I do videos every Monday and every Friday so don't give forget to subscribe take care Keep Safe Keep coding and trade like a boss and I'll see you on Friday bye-bye good Ness [Applause]
2023-01-14 18:18