the um if you guys can see the spreadsheet looks like it's sharing on my side but I just want to make sure so before we jump into this this is um totally different um if you purchased the one before they just a lot of that stuff's just gonna have to go out the window um I started building this and it just kept um growing like exponentially to a lot of things that um I never thought I was going to include in here so anyway I don't want to like bore you with all of it and make this take forever because this is pretty big and there's a lot to go over so let's do kind of a general overview first and then um we'll get into the details of like how it works like instructions of what you do and how you make it function okay so um let's see here first you've got a navigation menu on this side I'm going to zoom in a little bit and you can see you've got this whole menu um so instead of dealing with like the tabs at the bottom and having to scroll over and all that stuff you've got a navigation menu here so you've got a dashboard you've got gift cards packages so those are your trackers for gift cards and packages you've got a profit and loss statement as well as a clients tab where you can update all their information add new clients and manage them again we're going to go through each one individually and then you've got an update info Tab and this is where we're going to start in just a couple minutes kind of inputting some information for you um and then up here you're going to see you've got monthly sheets oops and this is going to give you a drop down and then you can just pick the month and then when you click it it's going to open up that months tab so you don't have to worry about navigating along the bottom okay um so let's get into kind of how this works and and what all of the the pieces are first let me tell you when you download this in Excel specifically it is going um to prompt you to ask if you want to enable macros it's going to be the first thing that pops up when you try to open the file is your computer is going to say hey do you want to enable macros you better click enable yes yes you want to enable those because if not half the sheets not going to work the way you need it to um so and by the way if you have questions if you have anything put them in the chat I can see that at least partially right now um so hopefully that will work well like weird things happening on the phone and computer and oh my goodness there we go okay better yay Gretchen I'm so excited you're excited uh perfect so let's get into what you're going to do first very first thing you were going to um jump over here to update info and this is where you're going to start this is where you're going to put in all of the information that's going to kind of feed into the rest of the spreadsheet so this is where you start you put all this in and then you don't have to mess with it again um and it it should all operate fine unless something changes and we'll go over that in just a second so let's zoom in here at what each one of these things are because there's like some some random things but they're kind of important so first what payment types do you accept so we say cash check card venmo insurance whatever types of payments you accept if you want to track who pays what um this is the way you want to do it this will also help if there is an Associated fee so let's say you have a card fee of 2.5 percent you put that in there that way it calculates how much in-carb fees you actually need to set aside for your expenses and you can input that once a month for your expenses for that month because card fees are something that a lot of people just like forget to put in there um and yet it can add up pretty quickly and then down here you're going to see you have gift cards expire in blank months after purchase I'm going to put 24 because I'm in Tennessee and that's our requirement that's two years and then the same thing for packages if you sell gift cards and packages you'll you're going to want to put um an expiration basically in here how many months is that package or that gift card good for so I'm gonna say 12 months for packages and 24 months for gift cards okay um now distribution of Revenue and this is totally new um if your card fees are variable now that should be pretty standard but if there is something you want to um put in here and do like a couple different types like if it's a discover is this rate and Visa is this rate you can list those out here um but these are your your options and you can still put that Associated fee in I hope that makes sense um okay so for this distribution of Revenue this is something that I wanted to put in here because a lot of people don't know how to split up their money um and this isn't quite profit first but it's similar in the method of if you bring in a thousand dollars how are we going to split that up among your business profit because your business needs to make a profit owner's compensation that would be your income taxes operating expenses savings okay so this is the kind of thing that you need to have in place so that you know how much you need to put into specific accounts if you have these separate accounts or at least at the very least you know how much needs to go to operating expenses how much you're actually getting paid um we would like to have access set aside so that's typically 30 that's why I have these numbers and here this is kind of a ballpark basic standard sort of thing um but that's going to vary so feel free to change these percentages by all means but this is going to help you actually visualize how much so when we get into each month and then even your annual overview you can see how much you actually made as owner's compensation how much went to taxes how much you set aside for operating expenses how much you set aside for business profit how much you set aside for savings um that sort of stuff so this should give you that kind of breakdown so you have that at the ready and can view it okay um next are your expense categories I have these in here these are kind of like some of the most common your bank fees charitable contributions client gifts I'm not going to read them all for you um but your basic categories for expenses and what this is going to do is allow this to number one you can categorize all your expenses as they as you log them um and then that way at the end of the quarter at the end of the year whenever you decide to do your taxes you can look at your profit loss statement it has them all categorized so that when you go to do your taxes it's the tax forms how much did you spend in charitable contributions 600 how much did you spend on legal expenses 300 how much did you spend in professional fees 800 like whatever it's right there it's all summed up for you so you don't have to do all the math um so um there's a couple extra here too that in case you've got some other things that apply you can put those in here as well um and of course change any of these that you want these categories get fed in through the rest of the spreadsheet and will change as you change them here then your marketing Avenues and again there's a bunch of I just put in a few here for samples um but you've got some other things that you might want to add in there however you mark it um so you can see there's there's a limited amount but you've still got a good bit here so that you can keep track of uh where people are coming from so when you go to input a client you can specifically Mark how they heard about you did they hear about you through an event and then you can mark the details of that which event um do they hear about you through Word of Mouth then you can watch who referred them that sort of stuff but it lets you see most of my clients from word of mouth I get most of my clients from Facebook or I get most of my clients from Instagram whatever it allows you to take a look at that um now I also put a client status here and this is something you don't have to use by any means you don't have to use any of this but um the client status I think is important if you want to Red Flag people um if you have like a VIP program and you want to Mark those people as separate so that maybe you can go and grab their email addresses or you can grab their addresses or phone numbers and send out a mass email through all of them that sort of thing um or you just want to have a whole list of red flag people there's a section in the clients that will pop up all your red flag people that sort of stuff so we want to put a status on there um and then let's see your expense accounts so when you go to put in your expenses where are you paying out of so if you have separate expenses or excuse me expense accounts like for your taxes for your general checking operating expenses account whatever savings account anything like that Mark them here so that when you go to pay anything pay any expenses you can Market as which account it's coming out of and this can help you just kind of like you know balance your own books um later balance your own accounts okay next you have your initial follow-up a check-in and a re-engagement so this is going to say they're days since last visit how many days since their last visit do you want to have an initial follow-up so that could be a text and email a call whatever hey how are you feeling don't forget to do a stretches we talked about that sort of stuff you check in if they've not made an appointment in a week so you know you want to kind of engage make sure see if they want to book again all of that good fun stuff and then re-engagement that I'm trying to get you back in I'm trying to at least kind of make sure that we're touching base so I'm not completely losing contact that sort of stuff so you set how many days you want it may be five days it may be two days whatever you want I did two 7 30 just for ease of this and what this is going to do in the clients list is it's going to pop up the people that you need to engage with the people that you need to follow up with the people that you need to check in with based on their last appointments um that they were in so that's everything on top now we come down here and this should be relatively straightforward for y'all um I've got some samples in here for you this is just your services your add-ons products that sort of stuff so we're gonna go through each one real quick um you've got room for 35 in each one of these categories I had a lot of people who had a lot more services than they could fit in the last one um and they had add-ons and stuff so there just wasn't enough room so I tried to make this with enough room and categorize each thing so that you can see it and plus this is going to play into some other metrics we'll get into in a little bit um so you have your primary services so this could be you know all your massage services basically you put in your fee you put in how many service hours they are um so for this I'm just doing this thing because it's pretty far out um so for 30 minute relaxation it's fifty dollars and it's a 0.5 service hours and the reason we do this is so that you can track how many service hours you're actually doing um now when we come over to add-ons we do the same kind of thing service name a fee and service hour there might be some add-ons and such that have a zero service hours because they don't add any Hands-On time to the service now if you want to track the Hands-On and hands off that's perfectly fine and you can put in that amount of hours instead does that make sense to everybody so if you have um something like hot stone that doesn't add any Hands-On time but yeah it's going to take you an extra 15-20 minutes to wash the stones and do all the setup and all of that stuff then you might want to factor that in I never personally do that but that may be you know something you want to to do so you have that option and then just like in all these you're going to have tax rate if you have to tax these services for these add-ons you want to put your tax rate there so we'll come over to products and it's the same thing your product your fee and then your tax rate so my tax rates we don't have to Tax Services um in Tennessee but we have to tax um products so our tax rate is 9.75 so
that's what I put there and that way it will calculate the sales tax you should be collecting whenever you give or to your sales tax same thing for your gift cards you can just label them however you want you can put a description in if there's more to it like if it's a package of services kind of thing um the fee associated with it and the tax rate again and then your packages so this could be um five by sixty so let's say I've got um they're basically buying a five pack of 60 Minute relaxation massages and let's say that that's I don't even remember what I was charging for those we're gonna say 500 just because I don't remember what price I put onto this um and no tax rate and we'll say this is five service count because it's five services and what that's going to do is when we go to do your services it's going to treat keep track of how many they have left um so how many they have actually bought and then you can go in and alter that for how many they've used all right um and then your rent you can go in and put you know if you rent out rooms or rent out space or whatever you can do this here so you can mark your renter if there's any details you want to put in like the specific room or the specific person or whatever other details you may want um the fee Associated that they're paying for rent and of course if you have to charge tax on it and classes as well whether this is workshops for the public or CE classes I know there's a lot of therapists who also teach so I wanted to give you an option for classes as well so there's class name your fee and your tax rate okay once you have all these in you don't have to mess with them again okay they're all they're all just going to Auto populate into all these other spots in the spreadsheet um the let me make a note here really quick though if you increase your prices let's say you do a price increase halfway through the year do not do not come in here and just change the fee right here because it will recalculate everything that you've marked under that specific service before so instead come down here and say new 30 minutes relaxation and put your new price okay whatever it is however you're going to structure that leave yourself room if you're going to do a a price increase at some point to leave it there or you even mark it as an add-on okay instead of let's say you don't have add-ons you could use this whole table if you want for new pricing um and just say this these are your new prices okay so you can compare how many of your new services or excuse me newly priced Services compared to your old price services okay um let me know if I'm losing anybody because I've stared at this thing for like months and so it's just kind of old hat for me um but if there's something you're seeing that is like whoa that doesn't make sense or I'm not quite sure I understand please let me know um because for me this is all just normal um because I've stared at it for months and months on the end okay so that is all the information you need to put in there once all this is done you are set um and you can start using this as is you'll see here the day is always updated um since Dynamic it will stay for whatever today is that'll automatically update so let's go let's start with clients how you're going to input clients here um so if we come up okay let me back up when you have a new client you're going to come in here and you're going to input their information in this little form up top you don't touch any of these other things any of this stuff don't mess with it it doesn't matter okay um but it doesn't matter but it's not something for you to input in there's some very big formulas in these sections that I don't want you messing with okay so don't mess with those you're only putting information in here all right so let's say we have we put in our client and we'll zoom in so we can actually see a little bit and we will say choose Word of Mouth she was by John Smith sure we'll keep it simple um and using my phone number and put in an email address and then again you can mark the status here so is this person a Vib VIP client are they good client is there concerned are they kind of thing is there a red flag are they terminated um so we'll say this is a good client and put goals and putting notes that I want you know uh surgery in 2020 um whatever I'm not going to get super detailed here just to waste your time um then you hit submit and it will automatically come down here to this table now what you're going to see in all of this is this first part automatically copies down and you're going to see number of visits so when you start entering in sales if you pick this name it will automatically count how many times she's come in how many sales you've had from that client it will show how much they've spent in total what their average spend per visit was when their first session was when their last session was and then you have a space here where you can put any feedback maybe quotes and testimonials from them so that you can kind of you know keep track of those things and then be able to share them in your marketing and such does this make sense so what you'll see here I'm gonna clear I don't know I'll leave that for now um you will see this needs initial follow-up so once I have session dates and such in there these will start to fill in and it will show you who needs initial follow-up based on the days that we marked um in that inter info here tab um so if they were if they're two days out from their session from their last visit they'll pop up in this tab and it'll have their name their address their phone their email and date since last visit same thing for these check-in same thing for the needs re-engagement [Music] um all right then you're gonna see here once again we have visits and stuff in who has the most visits out of all these clients that you're going to end up on this list what their highest average spend or who has the highest average spend who has spent the most with you and what's your top acquisition method all right um now let's go over here and oh this I'm using the I fixed this earlier I'm using the wrong copy version ignore that I already fixed it the birthdays will pop up here okay but apparently I copied the wrong file yours is good don't worry um anyway it will have their name their birthday their address phone number and email they won't do all of this um it will it will work properly but this will show upcoming birthday so you can keep track of that and then you have red flag clients so if I was to Mark her as a red flag instead that's going to change that she's now going to pop up up here as a red flag client okay that way you can keep track of what's Happening all right so that's your clients let's look over at real quick your dashboard first um so this is where again we don't have any sales and stuff in so you're not going to see a whole lot here but just so you see kind of the overall layout of this so you've got some charts down here you've got your revenue from specific things so you can change this here primary Services add-ons products gift cards packages ramp classes and your tips so you can see how that fluctuates from months to month or you can see this quarterly and it will change first quarter second quarter third quarter fourth quarter we don't have any um data in yet so it's not showing anything but that's how you'll be able to check and see what kind of fluctuations you see from month to month or from quarter to quarter and then your average client spend you're also going to see a monthly breakdown your Revenue versus expenses broken down and then your rebooking rate month to month that way you can get a look at everything as we start to enter stuff these will all change so we'll check back here but I want you to see up here up top your distribution of Revenue so again you can see based on those percentages you entered earlier this is going to basically add up your year to date how much did you have in business profit how much uh was supposed to go for owner's compensation how much for taxes how much for operating expenses how much for savings so it keeps tabs of that um all together right there and then you can analyze all of these numbers your gross your expenses your net total service hours again this is why we Mark the hours in that other tab so it can add all that up um let's see yes Julie how do we keep this HIPAA compliant um it is just like in anything else that you have on your computer um it should be under um password protection locked and guarded turned off when anybody's around that sort of stuff um so just like any other software you would use um because we're not transferring data electronically we're just having it here and uh let me rephrase that you're not transferring data electronically you have it on a local file so it needs to be locally protected does that make sense um all right so you've got total tax collected your rebooking rate will calculate so you know what percentage of your clients are rebooking new clients return clients total clients how much in total credit card fees you've collected other financing fees too excuse me if you have other fees associated with like venmo or whatever you can put those in again based on the rate that you put in the other tab and how much your average client spend was so what are people spending on average every time they come in okay um oh and one thing to note here for my European uh people I know this was a big request because it was very tedious to go in and change every little dollar sign um for y'all so you can just click this lovely little button over here and it will change the currency for you you can change it to a dollar you can change it to a Euro you can change to a pound whatever you would like so that's all available right there too um let's see so all the clients will be new clients at this point because none of this will transfer from the old tracker nothing's going to transfer from the old tracker um however if you know the client has been in before then you want to um go ahead you can go ahead and mark them as return if you would like to start freshman C just this year alone like if I treat everybody else new what is my rebooking rate then you can do that but if you know this person's been in before especially recently then go ahead and mark them as returns so you get a little bit more of an accurate look at that transfer from year to year does that make sense Renee um what if you have a loan through Square where would you put that as far as paying that back you could Mark that under a specific expense category so um let me go back to your update info on your expense categories here you may put that as you know loan repayment um or something like that that way you can mark that separate as to your totals toward that awesome okay um let me come back to dashboard so we went over that so that's that's awesome okay and anything that you need me to stop at please let me know all right so we got clients with that so let's get into our monthly stuff so you'll see here at the top you've got your monthly sheets and you can pick so we're just gonna go into January when you click it in the drop down it's going to change here you're still going to have to click it here to actually jump to that sheet okay so you'll have to click it twice just so you know um all right now this is where things really really really changed from last time um so if you had the first one you know it was pretty much just sales and expenses um and like all your sales was on one whole sheet all your expenses was on one whole sheet and it was just a lot um in one section so what we've done is kind of alter this so you've got several different things for each month so first you've got your calendar and you'll see there's a menu up top so you can jump from area to area next you've got your sales section here you've got your expenses here a travelogue and a marketing plan every month has this exact same layout so we'll go over each section okay so let's start with the calendar um New Look makes you giddy I love this it makes me giddy too because I've stared at this thing for so long and I'm so excited to finally show it to someone um other than my mom sorry Mom I appreciate her Insight but yes it is nice to show it to people who will actually use it um okay so here's a note if you are going to use this for years and years to come which I hope you will um you can change the year here and your dates will automatically change by the way okay so we're gonna go back to 20 you can change the year here um now none of the information that you put in here is going to change sorry excuse me in this part is going to change with that but you can change the year this is why you should save a master copy of this so that next year all you have to do is change the year on each month and then you're set and it's all brand new and all ready to go um okay so let's look at this calendar first so let's say today you can I'm gonna blow this up really big you can take a look um you can keep track of your appointments here now this does not just like anything else this does not feed into any other system it does not import anything in here it does not export anything out into other systems this is just a standalone you get to look at this type calendar okay to keep track of your own appointments so you can mark your time let's say 9 A.M you will pick from your client list so the Smith that already put in in my Client List and then I can pick my services so again you see how you've got that new one down there if you change your prices you would come down here for that by the way um I'm gonna put in that I can put in an add-on or I can leave those blank and you would just do this for any appointments that you have if you want to use this calendar to keep track of your appointments now this marketing section you don't need to put anything in here in fact don't put anything because you'll see this big old formula here that took me a long time to figure out um is going to do the work for you I'll show you how that works in just a few minutes but don't put anything in here for your marketing just yet you're going to put that in a different spot and it will automatically come over on this date um okay so that's basically how your calendar works that's it you can keep track of your appointments and then you've got some marketing stuff that will come over which I'll show you in just a minute so let's jump over to sales by the way you can also just scroll if you don't use those buttons everything side by side so um okay let's do sales so this is similar in the sense of you having a form here so we're going to put our form in you can pick your client you can also just type client's name in if you don't want to go through a big drop down list um if you have a whole lot of clients you just have to make sure it matches because if it doesn't match what's in your Client List like capital letter and everything it's not going to pull it to count those visits so we want to pull from that list I'm going to say today and then my client type we're going to say she's a new client and then I can pick my primary service that's a 30 minute relaxation and then I pick my payment type again what I put in that enter info portion say she paid with cash and as a I don't even know hot stone add-on I think yes there we go if it was a product you could add a product here so you've got up to three different sales types so you add your sale type and then your actual description there say she bought a hand cream okay now let's say she gets 10 discounts and she tips 15 your total automatically calculates here so don't mess with it you hit submit and then you'll see that it pops down here in your tabs or excuse me in your table and then what you're going to see here is how all of this translates into all of these okay so first you have your gross so I left these in here for your goal setting so if you want to set a goal each month and that way you can compare side by side so the first of the month set you a goal how much do you want to gross how much do you want to net um and then you can see your your actual numbers side by side um to keep track of that and how you're actually doing um then you'll see primary or excuse me see results four and this is something you can choose let's say I change the add-ons so it's going to show me how much I made in hot Stones how much I made in foot scripts how much I made for the sauna whatever it is okay I can see those results for very particular things so again the products it's going to change so I can compare which products are selling the most which ones are not does that make sense um you will also see your distribution of Revenue so it's basically taking this amount and it's splitting it up in those percentages that you already marked that you wanted it to split up how much that month needs to go toward your operating expenses how much that month needs to be set aside for taxes how much needs to be set aside in savings all of that calculates here then you have your sale types um and this is the same kind of thing so you're seeing basically how much revenue and how many of each you sold for your primary Services your add-ons products versus gift cards versus packages versus rent versus classes um so for some of you you're gonna have primary services and that's it and none of this else none of this other stuff matters and that's fine for some of you you're going to be using every single one of these so that's what we want um let's see oh thank you okay um and then this is the same kind of thing and just another chart to kind of view this data a little differently um so you can see how much you've where your revenue is coming from um between primary source of add-ons all of that good fun stuff then you've got your rebooking rate is calculated here we're zero because we have one client in um but it will calculate you have your total client count return clients new clients all of that's here and again you can set goals for each of these that way you can compare side by side you want to get 20 new clients this month you set that as a goal so you work toward it and through the month you can see how many total clients are you getting or how many new clients are you getting excuse me so that you can gauge what you need to do to improve that because it's right in front of you you've got Total Service hours so again when we put in our service hours in that inner info here tab it calculates here based on how many things you've sold um and again that is variant and personal preference whether you want that to be just Hands-On or that's just client care in general so it counts some of those hands-off hours that is total personal preference on how you want to track that total sales tax collected so you know how much you need to pay each month or quarter or however you decide to do that with your state um and local government total credit card fees and then there's a nice one um so most popular so most popular primary service and it's going to tell me which service and how many I sold what's the most popular add-on which one and how many and then as compared to the most Revenue obviously I only have one in there so it's gonna be the same thing but it's going to tell me which one was the most popular which one gave me the most Revenue um so that you can just click in real quick and add that instead of trying to analyze the other numbers over here the charts just a different way to again to view the data so that's it now when this is done um actually let me cover something really quick before we jump off of that um let's say I add a gift card I'm gonna change this to a 50 gift card here when I I'm gonna submit this just as another one so you can see again it follows it comes down here into the chart and if I go back to my gift cards you're going to see that this automatically enters here in this gift card entry so that all I need to do what just happened yep that's supposed to go over there hold on let's go back over to January of course that's where I need to be let's try that again what is happening hold on that should work just fine okay oh there we go okay oh no I will check this give me a minute um I'm not gonna waste your time here on the live do you hit submit and it comes down here in the table supposed to I will fix this um this was working like an hour ago maybe though because of the version I have okay um anyway it will put it there and then it's going to keep track of how many you issued how many have sold excuse me how much in gift cards you've issued how many you sold um how much is earned how much is unearned so in other words do you perform those Services yet because you're going to be able to put in when it's redeemed okay all right let's go to packages it's going to do the same thing if I was put in packages on the sales tab it's going to automatically enter here just like in the gift card tab don't worry I will fix this I'm not sure what's happening but I'm gonna fix it it may just be because again I grabbed the older version and made a copy for the sample um so that may be why I may have fixed that Bob already thought I did okay let's go back out to our monthly sheets here and get back to January all right and back over to our sales tab once you have those input you will just clear and then that will clear here that will also clear it on the gift card and the packages tab as well okay let's see here that's everything for that um I will go ahead and note do not try to just enter stuff here in the in the table there's a lot of hidden columns in there who are that are doing all kinds of magic behind the scenes and if you're just inputting data directly into the table it's not going to calculate correctly okay so just don't put stuff directly to the table always use this form up here okay let's go over to our expenses and this is the exact same thing you're going to put your expenses up top so you're going to have the company well maybe have the company the category oh that's because we didn't fill those in so you put let's say this is your landlord and then you're gonna have a category that is your click Grant um our amount say 600 due dates of one one we paid this from our general checking I don't need to put a description in and is it paid yes or no um and there we go and you'll see again it'll pop down here when it's yes it'll be green let's say that I have another one in here that is I don't know client gifts and we're doing ABC company and that's 20 um and we Mark that as no I can submit it we'll come down here and then you're going to see our total expenses are 620 but I've only paid 600 so far so I have 20 to make so if you want to input your expenses on a regular basis or excuse me um like your Android expenses you can do that and that way it shows you what you paid for the month and what still needs to be out there so you can compare that to your revenue and see how all that's playing out together okay and then same thing we're going to clear that out and you'll see that all that data stays there okay let's go over to our travelogues I want this to take forever for you guys and if you are a mobile therapist or in any way travel for work this is for you if you are not you do not have to worry about this um let's see can you do reoccurring expensive it says the same amount each month I have not set it up for recurring expenses I'm sorry um that is something that I might be able to do later but right now it is not reoccurring um in this table though let's see you would be able to if you would inputs unlike the the sales thing you could copy and paste this into the other tables so let's say that you put in you know you have five or ten expenses every month that are the exact same you could go ahead and just put them all in one month copy and then paste them into each subsequent months you can go over to February and just paste them in here does that make sense um so that would make it a little faster but I do not have it currently set up for reoccurring um okay okay let's go back to your travelogue so again if you are mobile or if you travel at all you will need to to or you can use this you put in your vehicle information just because usually you have to have that for reference um for tax purposes and these will automatically calculate for your total fuel spend you'll total your total repair spend and your total travel to be miles uh traveled um so you would put your date in you will put your amount so 20 gallon of the gas how much you paid for it hit submit and it will pop in down here the exact same thing for any repairs and maintenance you put in your dates the vendor that you're paying the repair shop whatever the description is it a break job or you you know get a new transmission whatever and then the cost you submit it it's going to pop down here and then you're going to have your toggles up here so that you can easily take those and then put them over into your expenses when you're ready um at the end of the month foreign so that is your travelogue if you need it and then your marketing plan this is the part um a whole lot of people said they really really wanted to have involved so this is what we've done um it looks like a lot but don't worry it's actually pretty relatively simple here um so again you want to set a marketing budget so your goal versus your actual spend on marketing and this is just going to track everything that over in that expensive section you mark as a marketing expense okay um let's see so if you have some promotions you want to do you will list these here the name of that promotion the purpose of it is that to get clients is it to um you know educate the public is it to promote a workshop whatever um and the goal so is it you want to get 20 new clients is it that you want to make a certain amount whatever it may be and put the specifics there and the same thing if you had any ads that you want to run you're able to put this here and put which platform it's on what your offer is what the goal is for that ad what your cost is for it and then you can put your results in how many people did you reach what was your Roi your return on investments money wise how much money did you make on it um how many clients did you get off of it and therefore it will calculate what's your acquisition cost how much did that ad or excuse me how much did you have to spend on that ad to get each client okay so you get your acquisition cost there then for each of these you have events emails networking and then social media you have one two and three different social media platforms depending on you know what you want to use and you can absolutely change these and let it read Facebook or Instagram or whatever um so in these they're each a little bit different but essentially you're going to put in the date up top and then you're going to just plan your marketing for that day so you may only do one event a month you may do 10 events per month you've got those here okay um emails again you may send once a week otherwise you may send on you know a very regular basis same for networking same for social media you may be doing this every day you may not but you put your date here you mark your name of let's see girls night out there's a whole thing here locally see there's usually 800 people there so that's my exposure it cost about 200 my contact I'll say is Jane Smith and I could put a number in there okay um that sort of thing and then any notes what I need to bring you know any special things I'm going to do whatever and then you've got some results an area you can put results how many new clients did I get at that event um what kind of Revenue was that see 100 per client so that gives me I made a thousand dollars an actual Roi so I had a 500 return on investment this makes sense it was 17 per client cost me to get them does this make sense and what you'll see is this same thing applies for all of these your emails same thing you can mark your opens your clicks um your call to action which is book an appointment read the newsletter read a Blog whatever um and Roi numbers can go here you're networking who you're wanting to talk to how many clients you get from them how many clients you send their way all of that sort of stuff and in your social media your post types the purpose of it the theme what your call to action is um any type of media you want with it an image a video whatever any text you're gonna put with it any notes that you need to have just for your own sake and then your actual results and you do that for each one of these and what you're going to see when you've got this in here as soon as you put a date in here let's go up here to calendar and you will see that automatically feeds into your marketing so you will know I have this event today or I need to put this email out today or I need to post this to social media today whatever it is once you plan it out in that marketing plan section it automatically brings it over here to the associated dates so that you have it on your calendar okay so let's see I think that was everything on the marking point oh nope results so your marketing plan results now you've got all this up here for each one your events your emails each one of your social medias these kind of give you a little bit more insight so again if I had a dozen events I'm able to look and see which one had the lowest acquisition cost which one had the best Roi which one had or excuse me what was my average acquisition cost what was my average Roi total or Roi total new client total revenue total spend so I can you know analyze all of this so once I get several events in there I can see how much did I spend on events versus how much should I actually get um in my Roi that sort of stuff how many clients did I actually get you can analyze all of this a whole lot more same thing with your opens you can see you know what emails are giving you the best results what posts on social media are giving you the best results your likes your shares how many clients are getting off of them stuff like that um so this is just a way to track your marketing a lot more effectively okay and you'll see that every single month this is the same type of setup um so you go to February which I had scroll through before March April May if the exact same type of setup everything your calendar changes with it all your stuff is kept locally in that month okay and then your profit and loss statements um kind of the last thing we'll go over here and this is something you can do monthly quarterly or annual so if I do monthly and I want to look at just January I can see my breakdown of Revenue by again primary service add-on products gift cards and this also has tips in here so that you can see how much was for what um and then your expense is broken down by those categories that you listed before okay so it shows if you have a net profit or a net loss and that's it and you can change this again if you at the end of the year and you want to change that we'll change it to a complete annual and then there you go obviously we don't have a whole lot of data in here so it's staying the same but you'll see those change and adjust to add in the other months as well so that's pretty much it I don't think there's anything else I was missing but I don't think so I think that is everything oh so here you can see that how the charts will present again once you start putting in data you'll start getting more and more in here so that is the whole shebank um if you've got questions let me know I will hang out here for just a minute um if you have any questions if you need anything if there's something actually you want me to show you let me know um I'll hang out here for just a minute but other than that um that's it so I will get this video ready it's kind of an instructional video to go um to be ready for y'all it will probably be an hour or two before it's all processed and uploaded and all that fun stuff but I will get that out and ready um probably in the next couple hours and then it'll be available in the on the website too um with both on the sales page and for those of you who've already purchased like the old version and you've already got this new version that's already in your files I put it in there earlier today um it's ready to go so this um instructional video will be in there as well if you didn't catch it all so it can walk you through all that stuff but if you have questions please let me know um we'll just flown to Google Sheets that was the other thing okay yes Google Sheets um this will not transfer you're not gonna be able to just take this and transfer it into Google Sheets and have it work I will have the Google Sheets version it was supposed to be ready today I will have it ready hopefully within the next few weeks um if not or not a few weeks sorry a few days I'm gonna give myself a week um not to drag you into like behind the scenes business drama but you all know how that is um I got royally screwed over by a contractor who was supposed to deliver the Google sheet version of this and didn't and then ghosted me and it's been hellacious weekend um to try to get anything from them and now I have nothing from them so I have to go and learn Google Sheets so that I can make this work um because it's just different coding there's a lot of coding in this Excel file and I'm going to have to learn how to code it for Google so I will do that and it will be ready I'm gonna say give me a week just in case I struggle with it I'm hoping I can have it done in a couple days um but I don't want to promise that and then not be able to be able to deliver so give me a week but I will announce as soon as the Google Sheets version is ready um let's see a couple questions how do you delete an expense if you make a mistake you can go in and just highlight that whole row off the table and delete it um so January if you come in here and yeah I didn't mean to put this in here just highlight it and delete and it's fine you mess anything up um you are welcome thank you let's see distribution of Revenue awesome I do like that um so now add more services even if 35 isn't enough um I know you cannot add to that tab or to the let me go back here um in here hold on some things would work but some things would not I'm trying to think of how all the back end stuff works or how it's all situated um if you were to just like add a line here and try to add more services instead split it up between if you're not using one of these other things then use that for your additional services and to say that's your services number two list um something like that because it's just not gonna it's not gonna function correctly if you try to go and add more lines beyond that 35. so split it up between your primary Services your add-ons your products your gift cards practice Ranch classes and if you're not using one or two or any of these other ones feel free to add more services on those lists and just label into something different so that will work just fine um let's see any other questions anything that you guys wanted to know about I'm gonna stop sharing for now um let's see if there was anything else I had to make sure okay awesome awesome okay I think everything should be in there and we're good to go so let me know if you have any other questions I'm going to go ahead and wrap this up and then I said it is already available on the website I am going to double check I'm pretty sure I just grabbed the wrong version before I fixed that bug but I'm going to double check my bug that I found while we were doing this um and get that corrected um if it's if it is in that file I don't think it is but I'm going to double check um but let me know if you have any questions anything else that I can possibly help with um and I hope you guys like this it's been a labor of love and tears and so lots of things so um anyway I will talk to you all soon thanks guys
2023-01-08 19:59