Breakout Swing Trades | Swing Trading (Days to Weeks)

Breakout Swing Trades | Swing Trading (Days to Weeks)

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good afternoon everyone john mcnichol here and welcome to swing trading days to weeks where we go ahead and we take a look at short-term trading opportunities whether we're looking at stocks options or spread trades today is no different we'll go ahead and look at some spread or we'll look at some swing trade setups both from a bullish as well as a bearish perspective we'll do practice trades and we'll go ahead and manage existing positions so stick around okay hey it's great to see those that are live with us today uh we got uh jack wayne vijay krista krishna jack i think i said jack already tony vj uh john larry vijay dj and everyone else there uh thank you so much for being with us we also got fabian and mike david scott awesome great to see you jerry mohammed and we have mr cameron may helping out on the chat today do appreciate him helping us any questions i am unable to get to he'll be more than happy to help and you can see her twitter handle on the screen at j mcnichol underscore tda if you wish to follow me along with other fine instructors such as cameron may his is actually pretty easy it's at c m a y underscore tda it's a great way to learn more about your instructors as well as learn about the markets there you'll also notice uh right above my twitter handle on the lower right uh is a uh subscribe button uh this is part of the trader talks channel so any uh content if you're enjoying what you're learning here today uh feel free to click subscribe as well as like uh subscribe you can turn on those notifications be alerted to other upcoming sessions including ones taught by cameron so let's take care of disclosures we'll get right into it the contents intended for educational information purposes only not investment advice or recommendation of any security or strategy options not suitable for all investors as well as spread straddles other multi-leg options strategies often involve greater more complex risk than single leg option trades keep in mind as well that whether a long option or a short option there are risks to that long options an entire position can be at risk as well as with short options assignment can occur at any time regardless of the in the money amount and your courage to practice what you learn here today with tools such as the paper money software application which is for educational purposes and successful virtual trading during one time period does not guarantee successful investing of actual funds during a later time periods market conditions change continuously now in order to demonstrate the function out of the platform we will be looking at actual symbols keep in mind t ameritrade does not make recommendations or determine suitability of any security or strategy for individual traders any investment decision you make and your self-directed account is solely your responsibility now stop-loss order will not guarantee an execution at or near an activation price once activated they compete with other income and market orders there's a brief background let us know if you are new to this webcast uh this is a little more on the intermediate side uh where we take a look at relatively shorter time frame trades looking at a swing method whether from a bounce or a breakout of different patterns and you can see some of my uh interests here and here's our agenda now we'll review the current market conditions whether we're looking at a turnaround tuesday or not uh we'll see with about an hour left we'll discuss potential entry exit criteria on a swing trade both with new examples of some previous ones our overall demonstration will be placing a stock trade with an oco bracket order and i will probably also place some spread trades as well which is fairly common with our class here as well as review some of those open positions let's go ahead and take a look at the thinkorswim platform we have the spx on the screen and i know many of you may have joined my good friend uh pat in the last session on active trading uh where uh there's a bit of a snapback there after prices had sold off intraday uh still technically making a higher low as far as on the intermediate trend it did take out a low from last week but notice price action is getting back into that range some traders may look at this if that low holds uh and notice i have a 13 week moving average kind of riding along there you know some of the characteristics of an ascending triangle still intact on what we had talked about last week now i took the liberty since i saw a little pre-chat discussion there i added an indicator called the market forecast the market forecast is a study that's available on the thinkorswim platform technically it is proprietary but essentially a combination of oscillators over different time frames from an intermediate standpoint think of kind of like weeks going into months a blue line that kind of represents days kind of think of this almost like a swing whether from an upswing or a downswing and you know over several days of course of a week and then you have a a red line uh kind of called a momentum and this is obviously the faster line and that can basically fluctuate on a day-to-day basis some of the arguments as far as uh at least the support uh is you know with the overall trend still being strong and bullish based off of the oscillator being in that upper zone and staying above that zone whereas a reversal some traders may look for that indicator to break below the upper zone and usually the zones in question are around 80 and 20 20 being the lower zone adb in the upper zone now notice uh with the overall trend still being intact and then notice the momentum line turning up and some of the old adage is what we refer to as an intermediate confirmation uh for this type of indicator meaning kind of a bounce or potential bounce uh in the overall trend and you know we're still seeing a little bit of a doji pattern there on the s p uh if we go ahead and take a look at some other indicators you know just bringing up the russell now notice the russell has struggled it's basically if i go ahead and look at this applying the market forecast you know it's actually in the 50 zone which is kind of more in the middle part that kind of shows on how the russell has struggled a bit uh selling off and basically going back and re-testing where it broke out last month now notice uh maybe finding some support in my example around the 55-day moving average and we can kind of see that swing in that momentum line turning up which you know may be a confirmation of that support now things can always change pretty quickly but just kind of giving it a small application on that indicator we look at the nasdaq notice the nasdaq relatively stronger relative strength good overall trend yes we have been trading in the upper part of that channel and we've seen some bounces off of that looking at that market forecast it is above the 80 zone which still implies bullishness there if the indicator backs down below that 80 zone that would be potential sign of a reversal and notice we can see in that momentum line kind of turning up which may portend a potential bounce let's finally look at djx and notice the dow like the russell uh has came out of that upper zone um kind of showing into 60 and notice its bias still has been down but again uh maybe seeing a bounce or a support attempt to holding support uh after the previous sell-off with the russell and the dow getting hit harder uh so far this month as we go into thanksgiving holiday and again notice uh on that little bounce there on that line okay and as jack mentioned and not meant to be a in-depth uh discussion on market forecast but one other comment if there was a major correction is looking to see if all these lines get into that lower zone in that 20 level that's what's potentially called a bullish cluster although we're still far away from that and if markets make big highs looking to see if all those lines get in the upper zone that could be a potential bearish one so it's kind of a run through of the broader market so uh as we take a look just as far as a net change both the dow being up about a half a percent uh the s p i believe just got into positive territory still kind of flat and the nasdaq uh still in negative territory down about uh almost three quarters of a percent yet still off the lows and the russell uh just a little negative there and you can see what some of the drivers are as far as the sectors uh we're seeing moves in energy which may be a closer look here for example of our swing for today at least on the bullish side uh financials being positive uh notice there's some defensive areas in here as too uh real estate consumer staples utilities uh kind of rounding out some of the positive territory and as you kind of squeeze down you know industrials healthcare just slightly positive discretionary tech keeping the nasdaq down communication services you can see why the nasdaq's negative and to a lesser degree uh the russell uh with materials although interestingly i would expect the russell to be a little bit more positive with the moves in energy and financials but looks like discretionary tech information is weighing down that area there all right let's go ahead and take a look at agenda as far as reviewing those market conditions the other thing looking at too is as far as the vix or volatility let's bring that up real quick and the vix uh we did break i believe uh 20 came pretty close to 21. uh today kind of the higher range you can see we have seen some higher prints uh from september uh but potentially uh i don't say finding resistance but at least being in the upper part of the range for volatility as far as a turnaround on the market would probably would like to see that volatility uh drift a little bit lower and if uh more fear in the market more selling we would probably see that vix continue to rise all right so let's go ahead and talk about some of our setups today potential entry and exits for a swing trade now we got both a bullish and a bearish example for you today let's go ahead and start off and i'm going to go ahead and remove market forecasts there thanks to those of you that brought it up hopefully you found that a helpful discussion tying in with the overall market if you're enjoying what you're learning here today feel free to click on the like that's a great way for other people to be shared this information as well all right let's see what we got going on here uh let's go and start off since we saw some of the moves in the energy area let's see how some of these patterns are setting up and one example was looking at su which is uh sun core i believe kind of tied in the tar sands there if you go up to the analyze tab on the platform you can go ahead and select that fundamentals tab and hopefully get a little background on the company sometimes this loads up sometimes it may take a little bit but if we go ahead and take a look at the chart there and notice uh we're seeing a couple of things one good strong overall trend in this case with the ryzen 55 day moving average i'm utilizing uh you can see the macd turning up some technicians may use that as an indication of momentum particularly when prices are bouncing or breaking out notice a a break in a diagonal resistance on this shorter term pullback and concurrently a potential could hold price closing above the high the low day whether it's a breakout or a bounce in an otherwise uptrending stock on an intermediate period or at least a sideways stock that could be a potential entry uh if we go ahead and just pull this out a little bit you know where would a potential target be on this swing setup well one can go back and whether measure the size of previous moves or previous swings some of you if you are new and may struggle on identifying some of those previous swings which are essentially from low to high points in a bullish trend or high to low points and a bearish trend if you struggle on identifying them we can come over here to the patterns tool under patterns we'll select show patterns now it already appeared for me that's because i had it selected but if we go to select patterns and as part of the candlesticks tab once under the candlesticks tab look for william good friend willie there williams fractal this is an indicator that helps us identify uh from a back testing standpoint some of those potential candle reversal patterns that are taught in technical analysis and i know my good friend cameron talks about quite a bit in the getting started with technical analysis every monday at 11 a.m eastern time uh but if you uh go ahead and scroll down click on the details there we'll click apply uh this is kind of the oop tried to bring it up let's see if i can do it up here you can also search for the indicators if you go to the learning center williams fractal there we go and basically what it's going to do it's going to put a little carrot points at both bullish and bearish candle reversals typically at highs and lows this can help us pinpoint some of those swing highs and swing lows and notice as you go back here you can see some examples going from low to high some of these swings could be a little bit smaller but you can kind of get an idea this is essentially what one may be trying to capture here's the latest swing that was relatively large okay and jack great point as well helps us see support and resistance knows something as simple as this diagonal resistance kind of connect the dots as my granddaughter the warrior princess and i'm sure she'll uh teach her younger brother leo it was just born my grandkids there uh on how to connect the dots and there's that resistance okay now if i go ahead and measure let's say a drawing tool diagonal line go into a swing low to a swing high we can measure that right click and you can do a duplicate or just activate the drawing and then just slide it over what we'll do is we'll slide it to the low uh of the actual pattern in this case uh whether you call that a wedge rising a falling wedge or a small channel large flag same principle okay if we go and pull this out now some swing traders may keep an eye on a previous high and utilize that as a form of potential trade management if that high gets taken out to uh if they have a stop which is not guaranteed to fill at a particular price but may look to adjust to a break even or use it to scale out of the trade i do have a horizontal line may have to go back in history that may actually resemble uh as we look back previous support may have a tendency of acting as new resistance and notice that as far as that target is kind of pushing at or potentially through that area and that can set up things uh from a more longer term bullish perspective at least getting back to those pre-covet areas as energy prices are have been continuing to work towards all right okay so with that as a potential setup we can also determine if we were going to do a stop order where to close out the trade let me switches back to a daily chart and one reference point is uh setting it below the low day let's say we'll do an example of one percent below the low of that day uh so if i go to that cursor we got 2462 being the low all i'm doing is highlighting that bar and looking up at the top we'll go ahead and bring up the calculator here on the left hand side you got your gadgets we'll go and switch that bring up a calculator and we'll go ahead and we'll take that 24 62 24.62 times 0.99 we'll set it one percent below that low that would be a level of 24 37. i'll take a horizontal line under the drawn tools that's that dollar sign one we'll just click on the chart approximately around that area you can also right click on the line edit the properties and type in that specific level 24.37 so we can visualize

the trade we can make that whatever color we want i'll make that red and we'll make it a dashed line click ok then likewise as far as that potential target uh we can go ahead and also put a horizontal line there as well and we can go ahead and modify that however which way we wish and so with that and since price is already breaking through we can essentially make an entry you know at or near that current price and so in constructing this swing trade we'd be potentially enter in here as the prices trade above the high the low day broken through that resistance if we were looking at this earlier in the day we could have entered as low as if we look at the high of the previous day which is 2574 right up here we've commonly used a trigger price about 20 cents above that so 25.74 it's only about uh 20 some cents below where we are right now so a little bit of slippage there as the price went higher and since we have the potential entry uh potential target for the swing as well as a potential stop then we have everything we need to construct our next topic the oco bracket order and we'll do an example with the stock trade for this one so we can simply go ahead and uh right click actually pretty close to that price although try not to click on the line it'll bring that up but we can go ahead and right click and do a buy custom with oco bracket so we'll do by custom with oco bracket by default that's going to go ahead and bring up a limit order once that limit order is brought up it's also going to have the oco bracket which is going to default to a limit day order as well as a stop order and it's going to be a bracket because if one order fills it'll go ahead and cancel out the other one hence oco so if it hits our target that stop would be cancelled or if the price goes down and trades down to whatever stop we say it'll go ahead and cancel out the limit order now we do have to modify this a bit one time and force ticking on the sell side we want these to be gtc so they'll continue working for us now we can also uh since we're going to enter close to the current price we do have the limit order in here right now so we have control for some price discovery on what's the most we're willing to pay for the stock if i go ahead and uncheck the lock it'll tie close to the market price okay so i'll leave that there i'm going to go ahead for the limit price now one thing we may want to do here is adjust since it's a live quote this will change these numbers i'm just going to go and lock this in since we locked towards the current price uh but then go ahead and take a look where our potential target is i think we said 28.78 so i'll go ahead and i'll change that limit price to 28.7 hit enter and then for the stop we had set 2437. now notice i just keep

hitting this up down arrow so we can kind of get our screen back there but we can also click on that to bring back the order so we'll go ahead and we'll change that stop to 24.37 now keep in mind uh what this means is if the price goes ahead and is at or below 2437 it'll trigger an order what type of order a market order and it'll compete and fill at the closest market price now that stock price is not guaranteed to fill at that price it can fill out whatever the price is at the market if there's a gap and some of you may have experienced some gaps today and we'll take a look at one of our examples uh that one may be stopped at a sniffingly lower price so the risk is not as defined here and that could be a challenge with short-term stock trading which is also why we've done examples such as options and spread trades to define the risk a little bit more obviously there are some pros to stock ownership particularly if one's building on a trending position and looking at dividends and things like that but there's obviously risk to the downside so i basically have this all configured here i'm going to go ahead and let me just go ahead and adjust the price a little bit here make it closer to the market since i was talking through it as far as the number of shares uh one can determine from position sizing how much they're willing to lock up uh in the trade since this is a stock trade we are locking up about three thousand dollars in equity you know consider that as far as the size of it of an account if this was a fifty thousand dollar account uh that would fall under less than ten percent uh allocation you know it was a hundred thousand dollar account that would be about a three percent allocation uh theoretically assuming if we're stopped out of the trade we may be risking about a buck 60 per share but keep in mind there's no guarantee that that stop would fill at that level okay and let's go ahead and send us through now looks like my stop adjusted there so i need to go ahead and change that that's what happens sometimes uh when this price is adjusted and it's locked it'll adjust those prices so let me go ahead and double check that there that's why we confirm and send not send send so it's 2437 was our stop let's go and look at our target and i think the other problem was i typed in the wrong limit price there we go let's try that again because the stop and the limit will offset i'm just going to go and put in 25.98 and then let's go ahead and make sure our prices are entered correctly here and i think we said it was about 28.76 so there we go all right now we do confirm and send double check what we have here uh now i do have a larger account here i'm going to do 200 shares so i'm going to go ahead and adjust this to two now i also want to make sure that the the sell orders match or at the very least let's say on the stop side i can go ahead and make this two and then on the limit let's say i may want to make this a little more of a combination maybe possibly a trend trade so i may target shorter term uh that 28.78 but maybe i want to leave another 100 shares kind of on the table and see how this trend develops we can talk about this in the breakdown reversals class tomorrow so that's what i'm gonna do for this example i'm gonna hit the confirm and send so we're tying up about five thousand dollars in equity and i'm going to go ahead and click send now notice we went ahead and we got a fill there so we'll go in we'll continue matching uh managing this position in upcoming sessions let's go ahead and take a look at potentially a bearish example and let's see what we got here two is look two is looking at uh today and some of these may be a follow-up tomorrow in our breakout and reversals uh carvana cvna and this is going to be an example a glass half empty or half full notice we have a rectangular pattern now earlier in the session price had broken down below this resistance and knows price has snapped back i know pat was talking about this in the last session not necessarily with this stock but with other positions okay uh and uh dylan i don't see a survey as of yet sometimes they may pop up in the latter part of the session but one thing you can do right now is click like but if there is a survey that comes across between cameron and myself we'll push that out uh so notice here we got a rectangle price did snap back in the range now some bulls uh maybe looking for a hold or a bounce after today and see if it trades up in the range well as bears may be looking for a break below um in this case here since um we're kind of back in that range what i could do is i can go ahead and right click at or near that support and create an alert maybe be alerted if the price breaks at or below that support then go ahead and make a note uh you can turn on your notifications that can actually be not only in a pop-up on the platform but also text or email we'll create that uh if you are new to as far as alerts uh just simply come up to the setup here in the upper right hand corner go to the application settings it's a great way to kind of fire and forget on things if you don't want to commit to entering a trade but want to be alerted if a a situation pops up you just come here and there's a tab for notifications and just follow the steps you can go ahead and send emails to email addresses after confirming the email you can also add phone numbers as well and turn on notifications too and you can be check off on what you want to be alerted to such as an alert triggered and as well as any announcements order fills if you want a few things that you can go ahead and apply okay all right so a little service announcement for you another one was looking at two was um let's see trying to bring up another bearish example uh it was c-o-u-p i believe this is coop software if i go and pull this out a little bit you can see a break below a large support going back at least over the last few months notice this one did not snap back above that support and i've been looking at this earlier in the day too and and you know from a matter of timing you know one can see one could potentially have entered earlier in the day and captured some of that momentum as price was broken below and we've used stop orders to trigger uh those types of trades but what i'd like to do is an example of a defined risk trade called a put spread this has been something common that we've done in this class and also help us when we look at some of our existing positions when we wrap up for today uh and i actually did this one as kind of a relatively shorter term trade was actually looking only going out to december 3rd a couple of reasons for that one we are looking at this as a potentially shorter duration trade two is there is an earnings event now some traders may wish to speculate on earnings uh earnings are coming out on the six uh this trades life would potentially would end on the third uh prior to that so if we were to be uh bearish over the next few days and expect the price to trade lower we can do a slightly directional trade and that would be an example that would be a long put spread i'm going to go ahead and look at these three decembers we're going to go ahead and look over on the puts and we'll use an example of one that's a little more in the money i think i was looking at if this was correct looking at the 200 uh which actually is a little more at the money there but i'm going to click on uh gosh the spreads are opening up on this too uh which you know maybe a deal breaker there wow that's a lot wider than when i was looking at it earlier today uh let's see let me see if i can go ahead and construct this anyway i'm going to click on the buy there let's try that again we're going to click on the ask price that would be the long option then we're going to sell a another option against it that's going to reduce the net cost of the trade and it's going to be around where we believe the price may be trading at in the next 10 days now notice as we look at these options uh 10 days out the implied volatility is looking at a potential 14 15 move up or down so that kind of gives us an idea if if our target is somewhat realistic um based off of the options now there's no foregone conclusion that that'll occur so let's say if i wanted to try to do the 220 or the 200 and the 190 that's a 10 spread so i can go ahead and buy the 200 minimize that hold the control key and then go ahead and sell uh the 190.

now that's a 3.40 debit i think earlier when i was looking at it yeah the spread definitely opened up a bit um it's actually not too far off when i looked at it earlier which was closer to around uh 4 30. let me make sure that i got that right 200 and 190. i'm going to go ahead and try and set this a little bit in between so we got a 10 wide which is the most that can be made or lost on this trade uh if i go ahead and hit confirm and send this is going to basically give us a defined risk and a defined gain trade our maximum loss is going to be the spread what we pay for it doesn't matter how low this or high in this case the stock goes the most that our potential loss would be would be 380. um the maximum gain uh would be targeted in that 190 area now how do we come up with that 190 well we can go back and take a look uh at this pattern this rectangle has a range of about 65 points over the course of two months now one if they wanted to go through earnings based off a time may take that duration but here we're just looking at a relatively smaller move and 190 you know would be you know putting us right around that area okay now two the other reason why this trade may be a little more uh forgiven as well too is looking at the break even i should say forgiven but um i should say as far as the not only the risk but the less of a potential move is required for the trade to potentially be profitable okay if i click on the confirm and send we can take a look at the breakeven it's 196.

the stock would have to be four dollars lower than it is right now which in that case would be about what uh uh one percent okay basically about one percent lower than it is right now uh for it to um be profitable at expiration now there are transaction fees uh but if the price does make a sharp move down uh we may be able to capture a significant portion of this profit and typically we've been setting a goal of trying to capture about 50 percent of that maximum gain now your results may vary but that's kind of an idea to look at so i'm going to go ahead and place this tray let's see if we get a fill for it and again now withstanding some of the concerns on that spread but this is another trade we'll go ahead and manage now since i'm going to position sizes to a maximum loss let's say i wanted to risk about a thousand or a little over a thousand on the trade i can go ahead and do this three times so i'll do one two three hit confirm and send so theoretically risking upwards of around 1100 there's our potential gain so if i'm able to capture somewhere around 900 i would be looking at some potential profit management there we'll go ahead and we'll hit send looks like we got a fill there so we'll go ahead and we'll manage that and i had this actually off on a different uh account here so let me just go to move these around here on some of our fills there's su we'll go ahead and we'll move that to our swing trading and there's coupe let's go ahead and move that to our swing trading and there we go all right so let's go and double check see where we're at here folks so we reviewed our current market conditions we've talked about uh potential entries and exits for a bullish swing trade uh on um on our example uh with su we also did a defined risk trade uh for a bearish perspective uh to the downside uh with their example of coupe and we demonstrated uh that oco bracket order in the case of our previous swing trade let's take a look at our open uh review our previous positions this will also help us manage in some of the existing positions that we have on here as well so let's go ahead and bring that up let's talk about the trade that is not on here and that is a f because it was stopped out today and this is a good illustration uh on stops not being guaranteed to fill at a particular price also could be some lessons learned on trade management now as far as disclosure this was actually a cumulative trade where had taken positions on the trend as well as on the swing i believe it was around 11 9 when we reviewed a f in this class and entered an additional 100 shares to try and capture a swing now notice that swing didn't fully materialize didn't take out the previous high nor hit the target it kind of consolidated and notice we had an earnings event now as far as trade management could we have closed out this trade prior to earnings absolutely we could we could have worked on closing the position before the earnings event uh that would limit some of that downside now this was more of a trend trade so was willing overall to go into earnings now it was actually stopped in two areas i had a stop that was right around here at around 44. now if you have a stop order that says 44.47 when the market opened the market opened at 42 and change so there is that slippage you're not guaranteed to be filled at that stop order uh in our example what happened was it got filled the first one got filled at 4202. okay now throughout the day price did trade lower and i had a previous stop on the trend trade that was a little bit closer to the break even and boy this is where stops son of a guns you know where they go ahead and touch you and then you get that turnaround prices go back up now this could be a lesson as far as stop placement maybe having no stops below a previous low but a good illustration on stops on how they can have benefits and uh and you know how they don't necessarily always work in one's favor but they serve their purpose okay if we go ahead and take a look at another existing trade sky works this is an example of a short put vertical the same example that we did on coupe today and this was basically buying we also did this on the ninth i believe that was the last time i taught this class uh where we went ahead and uh let's uh view the trade we had bought 1020 and we had sold 480 so that should be a spread of about what five dollars and forty cents i believe was the debit uh five dollars and forty cents which means we can make about 460 out of it this is a ten dollar wide uh if we go ahead and look at the p l for this uh we're up uh five hundred dollars five ten now this is two contracts so that's about two hundred and five dollars per contract uh this was actually showing up about 50 percent of the risk that we had on the trade so basically gain of 50 percent that's not necessarily 50 percent of the maximum gain but that's a 50 return on risk and this is where one can use this as a bit of a guide on some profit management we're 24 days left so there is still some time to potentially get more gains but some traders may be looking to preserve some of those gains and reduce the risk so once since we've hit that 50 percent level or one of those levels uh at a minimum we can scale out of this maybe close out one contract to lock in half of those gains so we can right click on that create close and order and then sell to close it out we'll change this to one contract now there is a the spread looks like it's widened a bit here i think with a lot of the volatility today uh but let's see if i can get this closed out uh at the higher level i can always go in and adjust that notice that did not fill right away and so if i wanted to go back in there we can wait a little bit see if it fills or go ahead and go to those working orders right click cancel and replace and maybe come somewhere a little more in the middle and notice patient could pay off uh again your results may vary uh this is a demo count there looks like we got that filled all right hey we covered a lot of ground here in a relatively uh short period of time folks hopefully you enjoyed what you learned here today i don't see a survey there but you can go ahead and vote whether those you here live with us as well as this in the archive session go ahead and click like and uh just as importantly uh leave down here on the bottom is the subscribe button so you can be alerted to upcoming sessions including uh this swing class and my technically speaking breakdown reversals which will be tomorrow at 11 up nope that will be tomorrow at noon eastern time it's a great follow-up to this class as we'll talk about breakouts and different pattern trades maybe follow up in some of the examples we were looking at today that haven't quite broken out more importantly we encourage you practice what you'll learn here today by whether a stock trade option maybe you're interested in spreads and do a practice trade uh utilizing some of the techniques that we have discussed here today and remember folks in order to demonstrate the functionality of the platform we did have to use actual symbols keeping in mind td ameritrade does not make recommendations or determine suitability of any security or strategy for individual traders any investment decision you make in your self-directed account is solely your responsibility thanks for being with us here today folks do appreciate you do appreciate mr cameron may helping us with us on the chat and uh we'll see you again real soon bye now [Music] you

2021-11-25 07:46

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