ALONE in Africa's STRANGEST Business Class

ALONE in Africa's STRANGEST Business Class

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oh hello from enterb uganda and i'm with an old relic and behind me is a 707 as well so um yeah um and we're off on another aviation adventure heading out of africa today yeah it's well our piece of sort improved a bit um haven't they um no we're not on this bird we're on an even caller bird than this we're this is actually probably the oldest played in africa one of the oldest planes in africa and we are going to be flying on one of africa's newest planes today so i'm sure we head across to the airport and deck a ride on today's flight [Music] thanks for having me all the best yeah i hope you get to fly someday yeah yeah nice to meet you yeah day all right nice to meet you i hope you take care see you man see you later all right let's just do this they're not designed for these wheels uganda airlines favorite vaccination thank you [Music] now i've flown through a lot of airports in africa and i can honestly say that i've never seen a show like entebby international airport in my life like anywhere in the world this is just ridiculous you know i mean aside from the fact you've got to go through literally how many security points just to get into the airport like three things before you even get to the terminal yeah yeah before you get to the terminal there's like the car gets stopped and then you have to get out and go through a security point then there's another security point then you've got to go up a set of stairs with your back then there's a kobe check and there's another security point yeah then you've got another co video because they check your covered pass to get into the terminal yeah yeah check you out now this will be next monkey and then um and then there's another security check to get into the terminal and that's when they let you in i mean i'm it's so hot outside man and there's like always and it's all in a tent i was almost about to pass out so we sort of came in and they were and we were like five minutes too early to get in the terminal like literally five minutes and they're like because it's terrible airplane sort out your airport and tubby because it's a bit crap hopefully we could check in soon though so josh shall we try taco aviation that sign i don't know the legend of africa cartoon last mara jeddah riaz a lot of saudis places amman cairo and jamina kuwait kano i've never heard of them before have you i'd be surprised if they're still around i don't know let us know if you want us to try overseas eagle now they're still flying they have left four tents oh yeah yeah yeah domestic flies yeah yeah i was gonna do it while i was here actually but we have time but yeah check plane yeah yeah cheap nasty rubbish like a skoda yeah what are you saying you're gonna learn their airlines yeah [Music] oh it's nice and cold in here yeah oh i said hey how are you hello how are you doing thank you hi it seems to be dirty it's too hot here in uganda yeah you did have something quality absolutely i tuned tonic absolutely absolutely okay thank you double-double if you have still water too yeah same as well can i have water as well get him hydrated yeah oh there we go we start with that beautiful scene behind you look [Music] i was good very nice [Music] all right so apparently we're boarding already it's like an hour and a half until the flight leaves yeah yeah do you reckon we're actually boarding or do you reckon they're just gonna make his way there nowhere let's try and find our gate and figure out if we can actually get on board they might let us business class people on board i'd be asleep by the time you even get on board and i've already been asleep in the lounge i think so yeah absolutely but yeah there you go lovely you're outside on board g1 excuse me um uganda to dubai uganda air to dubai okay three is this here around there yeah all right so we're really confused we've sort of come to the gate and there's like a line of people standing here and a few people dotted around but i don't know which would join a line i think and see what's going on we've got an hour and a half till our flight leaves it's like 90 minutes until our flight leaves and we want to make sure we leave possibly well let's see maybe this is just to um i don't know this may have been a document check or something i don't know are they going through there and downstairs because they haven't checked our documents only 15 times since we got here here they just need to check one more time just to be sure some people find someone all right so we were boarding and then half the line has just sort of got up and walked off and they said we weren't they made an announcement saying we weren't boarding and now they made another announcement say we are boarding and we need to come for another document check because we've only had them checked about five times already and they need to just doubly check again so let's see yeah see what happens so they said that we were bored in and now we're not bought in again and we're all sat down waiting and she said oh you can go back to the lounge if you want um which is a bit frustrating because the lounge is sort of quite a walk from here and also i don't really as much as i'd like to go back to the lounge i don't want to sit down in the lounge and then get another boarding call saying oh by the way we're boarding again so we're sitting here and it's really hot really sweltery um this airport either seems to be like minus five or about 50 degrees so and um so we're sitting there waiting now seeing if we can board at some point tonight which might be nice so an hour after they eventually well they told us we were bored and they're not boarding them boarding they're not boarding them boarding immediately um an hour later we still sat here in um in the departure like gate area it's sweltering like proper hot uganda summer day here um and um yeah it's a bit frustrating really we could we sat in the lounge still um but in the heat and the heat is it is it is proper whole head tomorrow even more so than usual you know right yeah um get another heat stroke oh god don't let's tr you know this trip so far has been i've either been sweltering hot or freezing cold everywhere in africa seems to be the air conditioning down to about five degrees i'm gonna start a business or selling air conditioning to airports in africa i'll be rich now you won't because nobody will buy it no i know i pitched that concept i said guys i have a great idea you have to install air conditioning through the whole airport yeah this is a smart idea yeah let's do it and then i sell them together i'd be rich and i kind of start to stop this youtube nonsense yeah but then nobody would ever buy it though so but anyway we're still here we're still waiting hopefully at some point tonight we might board the plane's due to leave in about half an hour so hopefully at some point tonight we might be able to get on board a plane um i just need to sleep i'm exhausted but yeah i'll see how it goes he wants a traveling do you fancy getting your hands on my socks new ones that is um you can buy those a much more exclusive knoll merch all over on my merch store at the link's on the screen now thank you good night how does it feel joshua finally boarding we are boarding um although everybody together so yeah no no no privilege for you no privilege for the business class passenger uganda airlines you just get the same as everybody else so yeah oh that's going to get on this plane on the sorry on the bus i don't know business class bus whichever that one is i guess it's the same one as everybody else all right so on the bus to the plane since it is a bus um and it's just one bus for everybody um because of course being the national airline of uganda they can't park their plane at the gate and like in like all the overseas airlines do you have to park on a remote stop that's what is it any other airline from anywhere else can park at the terminal yeah having to mix with all the great unwashed here economy anyway let's see if we get on this thing how short it is on the bus seems to be just like in the terminal the power keeps going on but we're leaving now are we leaving now oh exciting we're not going to be the first stop are we [Music] there we go all right at least we get to board through the steps on a wide body it's always nice see if we can board thank you hello hello sorry thank you thank you all right so finally on board the uganda airlines a330 800 near my first time one in 800 neo um one of only two airlines in the world operating them at the moment um uganda along with kuwait airways and greenland will be aiming them at some point this year but um yeah it's quite nice i'm the only person i'm alone in business class for the entire flight tonight um so yeah effectively it's like a private jet i like it josh right about there with the um everybody else in economy so it'd be interesting to see his video check out that link um that video links on the screen to his video um so that you get his perspective of flying an economy down the back but from the business class cabin life is good life is good the crew are nice um crew are very nice actually very pleasant so far um and yeah a marked difference from the absolute shambles that is in tub airport so um yeah nice to be on board finally um and looking forward to the flights oh thank you i never know what i'm doing with this part that tastes lovely that's lovely thank you what would you do if i said it was horrible [Laughter] thank you very much that's very kind isn't this a lovely glass nice glass of champagne so let's have a look around the seat on the uganda airlines a330 800 neo but it's very nice it's the same seat actually as in their senegal business class that i flew on before um link on the screen to that video very nice um seat indeed and hopefully be very comfortable for tonight's flight uh we've got a nice big tv there we'll go through that in a little while we've got some all sorts of bits here we've got the touchscreen control touch controls here for the seat goes into a full life flatbed um audio here reading light little storage cubby thing there a little hatch um something in there i think um and there's a plug down here as well uh usb 3 pin plug um quite a comfortable seat i have to say so yeah looking forward to the one two one config as well it's some sort of staggered so you see i'm in the window that one's on the aisle and that one's on the window um a few airlines doing that these days quite nice because you can get a window seat if you want to be right up next to it like me and get all this privacy from this little sort of area at the side it's quite nice indeed so um yeah really looking forward to today's flight actually tonight's fly overnight over to dubai it's about a five hour 18 minute journey she said so i'm really hoping i might at least get a couple of hours sleep maybe he's asking a lot we'll see we'll figure it out anyway but um yeah ready to go to dubai all right so just come around with an amenity kit that looks very nice as well doesn't it a pair of headphones too we'll go through the odom unity kitto um later in the flight um the crew absolutely lovely she explained that the person has just come around actually and explained to me that business class is pretty much always empty on this flight because the only people that fly uganda airlines typically are ugandans and um ugandans apparently don't fly business class very much they like to go as cheap as possible and fly in the back so they've kind of put all these fancy business class cabins on and nobody's flying in it which is um a bit strange really isn't it no how come what how if they let you up here yeah well they wanted they wanted you to have a terrible flight i was i was gonna i was gonna give uganda terrible i was going to kids i was going to give uganda airlines a really good review but now they've let you up here i'm not sure so okay my name is josh you got one of them do you get one of them [Music] [Music] so [Music] all right then it's time to play a little game of watson the immunity kids i'm going to come up with a theme team for that really don't we i'm really excited to see what's on board um what's inside even this uganda airlines i mean it's okay it looks pretty cool isn't it nice white leather bag or faux leather pleather bag but um yeah should have a little look what's inside come on uganda airlines show us what you've got to a nice little comb very handy very handy we have oh eye mask a white eye mask doesn't seem like it's going to block out that much light actually a white eye mask yeah it doesn't seem like it's been thought through so well to be honest style over substance never mind um toothbrush and toothpaste handy because um obviously senegal pinched mine off me in my bag so i've got a fresh one there if i need it we have a shoe horn always handy for horning your shoes a pair of socks lovely lovely um and now we're getting to the juicy stuff what we've got in the juicy stuff what's our eraser blade and shaving gel [Music] again handy don't i'm not very many i mean tickets have that sunnyvale are they actually i noticed that on theirs um anyway earbuds we've got what's this i can't even read what it says it's some blue potion of some sort i can't read that can you read that what does that say mouthwash there we go my eyesight's dreadful um and then finally we have um uganda airlines what's this body cream they go for creaming your body it's always good to cream yourself i have exactly terrible always good to cream at your body while you are on a flight it's so much better actually anyway oh dear it's been a long day it's been a long day right that is the amenity kit on uganda airlines all right time for the segment i'm going to start calling on what's on tv where we start going through the in-flight entertainment system so let's have a look at what we've got here on the uganda airlines a330 800 neo and we've got a good selection of course we've got big bang theory we get big bang theory on any airline worth their salt six episodes to go through on this fly actually 82 tv programs that's pretty decent isn't it really as some systems go um movies let's have a look watch more videos we've got a few movies here um that's a good movie um that's a fantastic movie actually if you've not seen that check it out um if you're into your war films um or even if you're not into your warfares i'm not into war films particularly but i thought that dunkirk was fantastic so do check that movie out it's a fantastically well done film um but anyway yes there's lots of movies on here what else we got harry popper a few of them goonies of course wow some good movies on here lethal weapon fantastic love it love it love it love it um we've got games we've got a few books and things music let's have a look at the moving maps though that's a bit we all like to see isn't it what we got let's have a look it's all it's loading it's loading flight path 3d of course and there's our little roots from entebbe oh debbie overweight all the way over to dubai like that um although actually we think we're going to go sort of down here and around because for some reason we can't fly over this bit here um because politics and all that but um yeah that's not bad really not a bad entertainment system um on uganda airlines and yeah that's what's on tv on uganda airlines [Music] all right so dinner has turned up and it's actually looking pretty decent um we've gone for i've gone for beef tonight with mashed potato and a few veggies um and then a little chucky pudding now they did offer me a starter as well it's worth noting that they did offer me a starter the starter the only options they have that was fish and salad and given my current issues caused by fish um earlier on this trip um let's just leave it to that um i'm not eating fish at the minute because it i just the thought of it is making me feel ill so um nothing against uganda islands i'm sure their salmon is delicious but not for me tonight so i'm just going straight in with the main course tonight so sorry if you wanted to see a bit of summon don't shout at me too much in the comments and i absolutely love how everything on uganda airlines is branded the cutlery is branded the plates are branded the glasses are branded just look at that even the forks i've got the old um uganda airlines um logo and slogan on them fantastic um that's one thing you get i think with a lot of state i mean you've got the airlines the state-owned airline of course and um you get that with a lot of state-owned airlines because they like to brand everything but um it is very nice shall we have a bit of this beef anyway let's see what it tastes like even the napkins branded with a lovely embroidered ugandan airlines um lugo there let's give this a go then i mean it's a little chewy well it's perfectly acceptable to be honest um considering they've had to make this just for me as well because there's was only me in business class on this flight um so they've only made one of these so um yeah it's not bad i'm grateful to be getting a nice meal it's a little bit chewy though that beef but some the mashed potatoes i mean just look at this even the water bottle is branded as uganda airlines i mean it's it's nice it's nice um everything is brand new we've got plates we've got uganda airlines bowls we've got it's amazing an etched etched engraved uganda airlines glasses it's lovely it's really nice i love seeing branded stuff on airlines um but i can't help but thinking at the back of my mind that all this money that the ugandan government spent on branding this airline which sees it seems barely any passengers um maybe could have gone into i don't know maybe doing some work on the airport and making it a slightly less horrible place to transit through i don't know i don't know maybe that's just me battle that one out in the comments if you will it's time for the no phillips blue review all right then it's time for the lou review on the uganda airlines a330 800 neo um and um it's very clean as you'd expect for a plane with just me and josh on unless josh has been here before me um but um it's relatively clean this aircraft is so shiny and new even still today um i mean i told you about that in a minute but look at this everything's brilliant brand new clean sparkling even a clean loo love it love it love it love it love it um and yeah absolutely brilliant i mean this plane basically they delivered it it sat still for six months never went anywhere because they couldn't i don't know why they didn't fly anywhere anything they had the rights to fly any routes or anything and now they fly it but like half empty all the time so it's still pretty much in brand new condition inside it smells like a brand new plane and everything it's really cool um but you're having a great flight so far the crew are absolutely so so amazing they really make this flight um and yeah having a good flight so far anyway anyway um senegal is calling and i need to use the bathroom so um yes that was the noel phillips blue review all right then time to try out the flatbed on the um uganda airlines a330 800 neo and um it's nice it's pretty comfy i put the bed down and if i lay flat um i am my head's touching one end and um my feet are touching the other end so it's slightly tight just like the senny ball one was but i can still hopefully get a few hours of sleep on this plane um it's lovely and private i mean these walls at the back here are so high it doesn't really show you on the camera just how high they are but they're very high and it feels like i'm in my own private little cubby hole which is very nice indeed um you can't really see out either into the aisle which is also very nice so um yeah i am going to try and get a little bit of sleep before i hopefully get a little bit of sleep before we arrive at a ridiculously early hour i think we're getting at like 4 30 or something in the morning into dubai so um yeah hopefully get a little bit of sleep before we land in dubai oh good morning just woken up by the end which got woken up in fact by the um first officer announcing that we've started on descent down into dubai so we've slept for a few hours just five nights um yeah we'll be on the ground soon actually so we're about quite a good few hours sleep anyway which isn't too bad really i suppose um very soon we'll be on our i'm on the ground down in um dubai thank you to this week's video sponsor surf shock who always comes to the rescue whenever i want to watch some british tv when i'm traveling surf shark is a vpn provider and what that means quite simply is that you can use their software to connect to the internet from anywhere in the world and make it look like you're just at home which has some really good benefits for instance i could be sitting here by a sunny pool in vietnam and watching some top gear on my phone it lets me watch eastenders here in the middle of the australian outback oh yeah i'll have a castle main forex place mate cheers surf shark even lets me catch up with only fools and horses while i'm here in new york now surf shocker offering you a massive 83 discount plus three months free when you use my promo code noel philips at the link on the screen now what are you waiting for even baby shark approves [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you thank you so much lovely to meet you thank you bye-bye [Music] as always a massive thank you to my patrons for helping to make these videos possible you can join them at the link on the screen now for access to my whatsapp group live zoom calls with me and much much more [Music] all right we made it to dubai back out of africa how was your flight loved it loved it it was a great memories great crew great seat um i mean there's a little details but you can work on them but you mean like the airport the grounding experience was a bit disappointing but overall it was a fantastic flight and i love the the pride that the crew takes and that in that plane and and the service they delivered it was genuine and it came from from the heart so i love that i absolutely agree i think they've got a brilliant product it's a shame that nobody uses it and i think if they just like did some of the changes like with the airport and stuff it would make a really you know they could be a really good airline and they are a really good airline it just it's the other bits that sort of let it down a bit isn't it really so yeah with all the potential of everything absolutely and i kind of just say the crew were absolutely phenomenal absolutely phenomenal they were probably there's so much passion for what they did didn't they you know and they loved it they loved their airline um and the fact that they were getting to fly for their country it was just it was lovely to see lovely to see um but this is this is like the end of mine and josh's adventures together in africa do you want more guys do you want more information let us know in the comments yeah it's going to be very emotional saying goodbye to you today josh as you go off to your fancy hotel to go and sleep while i get on another plane that's um [Laughter] let us know if you'd like to see that anyway if you'd like to see more videos with me and josh and also don't forget to go and check out josh's channel i'll pop a link on the screen now and give him a follow we've made some amazing content genuinely and flying on some really random airlines and even ones that i wouldn't dare fly on so um [Laughter] i can retire i mean so yeah anyway well thanks so much for watching as always take care and we'll see you on the next one bye for now

2022-08-22 13:23

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