25 forex trading tips to get the very best out of your Profit Retriever trading robot in 2023

25 forex trading tips to get the very best out of your Profit Retriever trading robot in 2023

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Hi Everybody Alex du Plooy here from expert4x  and in this video, I'm going to cover 25 critical   trading tips for achieving Success With The  Profit retriever so what can you expect from   this video if you follow all the trading guidance  that I provide in this video you will have a good   chance of achieving success rates of 80 to 90  percent when using the profit retriever now I   am achieving success rates well into the 90 and my  objective with this video is to give you all the   information you need to achieve the same results  so here are the 25 areas that we're going to be   covering and I'm going to cover them very quickly  now just to give you an overview of what you can   expect in this video I'm going to cover the robot  functionality the marketing page of the robot the   video playlist that we have 40 videos user manuals  that you can use technique support given then I'm   going to recommend trading instruments we're  going to look at account sizing we're going to   look at leverage we're going to be looking at the  decreasing lot strategy we're going to be looking   at the increasing lot strategy we're going to be  looking at the need to start with the smaller slot   sizing and with the biggest Gap sizing we're  also going to be looking at portfolios we're   going to discuss manual intervention we're going  to look at the drawdown expectations and then we   are going to look at some combined strategies then  currencies types play a big role in the success   we're going to cover that spreads play a big role  and we're going to look at demo trading The Profit   retriever how you can do that then we're going to  look at the need to know all settings and how you   can experiment with other strategies with the  profited retriever I'm going to show you a few   linked account strategies linked accounts are  producing amazing results and we actually do   publish some of those strategies we're going to  look at what the most important settings are for   the profit retriever are we going to be looking at  optimized settings that we provide for free and in   our paid forum and we're going to be looking at  the paid forum for information about the profit   retriever so it's quite an extensive video we're  looking at here I have no idea how long this video   will last but we're going to be going through  those points one by one so let's start with the   robot function functionality now on your screen  you can see an illustration of how the robot works   and I'll work through that illustration with you  systematically essentially what happens is you at   the start we use a moving average to determine  the direction of the trade and that is a pretty   random one you can set the moving average to any  setting you want it doesn't really matter in the   long run which direction but let's say you start  with a buy transaction now the profit retriever   Works in a flexible Grid in other words as you can  see there are four grid lines there the start is   the second one and it will move from grid line  to grid line to grid line and at that grid line   that's when transactions take place so we're at  the start that's the first grid line and let's   say we were fortunate enough to get the direction  right and the price moved from the first from the   starting grid line into the next grid line at  that point the robot will cache the successful   Buy in and then it will start looking for the  direction for the next trade but essentially   on this illustration I just want to show you  the logic behind the trading so successful   transactions will be cashed in and then  the same decision making will apply as   did for the start transaction in other  words is the moving average pointing up   or pointing down and I will and it will trade  accordingly you can also reverse that direction   now let's say let's take the case where you  weren't successful with the direction so   instead of the price going up it actually went  down to the next grid line so yes the point of   this whole EA is at that point you will open  another buy because you're not you're still   trading in the direction of buy but you just  open another buy and that buy can be opened   with a different lot sizing than you used for your  initial transaction so that's the one point that   you need to be aware of also the grid sizing  the gaps between these lines can be varied on   an ongoing basis so for instance you could start  having a gap of say 30 and you can either increase   or decrease that Gap as you're going along so  there's a lot of variation in the system and   let's say again the price went down even further  so what you would do is you'd open a third Buy   and you would continue doing that and you the lot  sizing would depend on the strategy that you're   using but it's eventually the price will make a a  small recovery and and in most cases when it makes   that recovery it reaches a stage where all of the  transactions that all three the buyer transactions   or all the many transactions that you've opened up  to that point will be profitable and it will then   close the trade so that's how the profitry view  works and that is the concept of profit retrieving   it will continue entering wise until the total  of all the transactions equal a profit and that's   where the name comes from profit retriever so the  main variations in the system are the gap size   how big is the size between those lines that  I've drawn on there and that would depend on   the volatility of a currency and uh the safety  level that you want to build into the trading   also the direction the direction is the least  important item because one of the things that this   profit retriever is and the heading actually state  it is a random market system and in other words it   doesn't care which way the price moves if it moves  up or down it will just trade according to the   rule seen on this chart so direction is something  you you don't really need to worry about and then   lot sizing is what makes this system work so well  you can either decrease the lot sizing or increase   the lot sizing or do both you can decrease and  increase or increase and decrease a lot so so   there's a lot of flexibility there and there's  also flexibility in the Gap sizing so you can   see it's a very flexible system but but what I've  tried to explain now is the basic trading logic   that the profit receiver uses now the first thing  that you would see is that you'd say but Alex what   if this goes down and down and down and down and  just keeps on trending down what do I what am I   going to do now the rest of this video basically  is about managing the risk of what you would do if   that continues to happen but as you will see from  our linked accounts that risk is highly reduced if   you apply what I'm going to be showing you in  this video so hopefully you've got an idea of   the robot functionality I will show you some more  information where you get more information on that   and let's move to point two which is the marketing  page now you would almost probably got to the   marketing page from going to our main page expert  forex.com and clicking on the profit Retriever   and there we are there's the profit retriever  page it says you can train it for as little as   100 in your account and it makes profit no matter  which way the price moves one of the things about   our marketing pages is that we try to build in as  much training and information into these marketing   pages and that is why the second recommendation  in this list of recommendations is go and read   the marketing page thoroughly from top to bottom  because most of the education and training is   built into this particular page so let's go and  have a look at this page okay so so as we move   down you can see that the settings are shown in  quite a lot of detail you can have a look at what   kind of settings this EA uses and you can see  a discussion of the various strategies that can   be used so again familiarize yourself with those  elements then there is a video that describes the   flexible lot siding strategies that I've mentioned  before there is the um Lots lot sizing and reverse   Martingale discussions that go in in that video  and then the then this video shows the actual   EA trading again go and watch it because it will  explain the logic a little bit more the more you   can see the logic playing out the better and then  it has a video about the one cent accounts which   are quite critical for a you if you don't have the  required minimum account balance of ten thousand   dollars to trade the profit retriever if you don't  a hundred dollar invested in a cent account is   the same as ten thousand dollars then there's a  video on the profit receiver Concepts and again   I'm I'm stressing that the training happens on  the marketing page and then this was a video   that we did for Traders to test the The Profit  retriever during the beta phase I must actually   take that one out it is no longer applicable then  we mentioned the owner's Forum which is in our   paid premium Forum you can go and have a look at  details about that and then we can you can go and   have a look at the examples of results achieved  by The Profit retriever the Bro the results are   on most is are best shown in our linking account  service which I'll show you later on but here   you can see some great strategies play laying out  then we talk about support which is mainly given   by expert Forex they are by far the best company  to supply absolutely world-class support and then   there's information on how to get the best from  your profit retriever in general this particular   one I go into a lot more detail than that that  particular video but it is good to go and watch   that video and then we've got some owners feedback  and how you can purchase the EA so there's a lot   of information on the marketing page I find a lot  of people purchase the profit retrieval without   reading the information and that puts them at  a huge disadvantage so number one is go to the   marketing page read all the information and watch  the video supplied okay so now we move on to point   three in our list which is the video playlist  now so on your screen you can see a YouTube   playlists that groups all the profit retriever  videos in to one playlist and you can see there   are 39 videos that you can go and watch there  some are marketing oriented some are educationally   oriented some give you more information about  send files there's a whole lot of golden   information videos in this particular playlist  so please go and visit that have a look at the   videos that that you find interesting you  don't have to watch them all there's so many   of them but there might be videos that help  you there are videos that actually show you   the strategies used how and the variations of  the strategies very important if you want to be   successful at this particular EA by the way a  link to anything mentioned in this particular   video will be in the description of the video  as well as in the first commentary of the video okay we're making good progress we're now on  to 0.4 which is user manuals now the profit   retrievers downloaded from the EA factory  website and on your screen you can see the EA   factory website and here is the download section  along with this section where you can actually   purchase extra licenses if you need them now in  the download section if you click on I agree to   the terms you will see here is the EA that you can  download it is a setup program and it allows you   to set the EA up on as many charts and platforms  as you like the licensing rules allow you to use   it as often as you like as long as you do not use  them on more than two computers at the same time   so if you want to move to a third computer you  just cancel all of the ones on the first one and   you load them on to the third third computer  so it's very flexible and Rule and as you can   see you can download the setup file but you can  also download the user manual now the user manual   explains everything about the profit retriever as  well as how to install it into a VPS so on onto a   Apple computer and all those things so it's a  comprehensive document that will help you and   teach you how to use the settings of the EA lots  of users never ever look at the user manual and   then they ask explanations about what does the  setting do in the forums and things like that and   clearly they haven't accessed all this fantastic  information that we've provided so besides loading   the setup file remember to download the user  manual and here is the user manual it's a huge   documents 142 pages but don't worry it also has  a fantastic index so you can just go to the index   find the information that you need and click on  that on the index and it'll take you to the place   in the user manual that will solve your problem  or tell you more about a particular setting so   very comprehensive document as you can see we've  got video playlists we've got comprehensive user   manuals and we have the marketing page that will  really provide you with all the information you   need about this robot okay so now we come to  technical support another area that's a little   bit gray with many purchases they approach expert  Forex for technical support and that is not how it   works the technical support is done by a separate  business called called the EA Factory and you can   and get details of that support in the email  that you receive after your purchase and as   I've shown you before in the marketing page in  the support section if ever you hit a snag on an   error message that doesn't make sense just contact  EA Factory when you do hit an error message there   are few things that you need to do firstly look  for the error message in the user manual secondly   read the error message many cases the error is  identified and the solution is identified it   might say you're missing this bit of History do  this to get that piece of History so it actually   gives you the instruction on how to resolve the  error and many times if you just go into the   setting properties and click OK the error message  will go away so there's lots of ways of resolving   the error messages before you approach EA Factory  but when you do approach them please provide them   with as much information as you can to enable  them to give the you the very best service   that you deserve so give them pictures tell them  what explain the problem properly and they will   resolve your problems in an instant now we're on  to a number six trading instruments now remember   you have just purchased the profit retriever  there are instruments that are very complicated   to trade in their instruments that are not that  complicated to trade I personally only trade Forex   crosses indexes metals and crypto are complicated  instruments because every single broker has a   different name for these things different margins  requirements and different book values it is very   complicated to trade other instruments the  EA can trade those instruments but they are   Advanced so don't go and jump in with the most  advanced instruments in your first time conquer   the Forex Trading instruments become an expert  at them then it is very easy to move to gold or   crypto or to the indexes very much easier don't  jump in at the deep end and try and try and uh   trade those instruments treat the Forex  instruments as your training instruments   they in themselves are highly profitable you don't  actually need to move away from them they are much   lower risk than the others so in terms of trading  instruments starting out Master them and then move   on to the more complicated most of the problems  in the forums and in the support come from people   that have just bought the instrument and now  trying it on some exotic index or something   like that very difficult to do that all right next  Point here is 0.7 which is account size and we do   mention in the marketing page again the marketing  page is full of critical information the marketing   page basically says that you should start with  a ten thousand dollar count when trading Forex   now if you're going to trade indexes and metals  and those kind of things you might need a much   bigger account might need a 20 000 dollar account  but you need a sizable account now if you do not   have ten thousand dollars lying around spay then  you can use Cent accounts and again the marketing   page has great information on how you can access  censor accounts and set them up and four hundred   dollars what that what they sent account does  it look it looks at the hundred dollars and   says hey this is actually ten thousand cents  we're going to allow the trader to use it as   a ten thousand Cent account and therefore it will  trade as as if it's a ten thousand dollar account   but it is very important that you stick to the  account size requirements that is what makes a   profit retriever successful okay the next point  is leverage we suggest that for Forex Trading   instruments that you have a leverage of at least  100 to one a lot of Brokers do not provide that   kind of Leverage for legal purposes and if you  for instance can only get 50 to 1 it means two   things you either need to double your account or  half your lot sizing now the lot sizing you will   find is already very low so that doesn't allow  for that so the next thing is that if the minimum   requirement is ten thousand dollars you need  to start with a twenty thousand dollar account   unfortunately those requirements are very  important for trading The Profit retriever okay   so now we're getting into the interesting part now  we're going to start talking about strategies and   point nine is decreasing lot strategy now I'm  going to cover the next four points in one so   number nine is decreasing the lot strategy then 10  is increasing a gap strategy then 11 is smallest   lot sizing and 12 is big gap sizing so I'm going  to cover those in one go and to do that I'm going   to look at the settings side of the robot now on  your screen you can see the settings section of   the profit Retriever and I'm going to focus on  Gap sizing and lot sizing those are the critical   settings that you do have to get right so let's  have a look at the Gap sizing element there now   I see the default is 10 that's very very small  if you're starting out with a profit retriever do   not have Gap sizing that is less than 30. some if  you are using very volatile currencies we'll talk  

about them later you can even use a gap sizing  of 40 and 50. so don't go for small Gap sizing   you how it works is the bigger the gap  size the less risk the smaller the gap   size the greater the risk and if you add 10 it  is extremely high risk okay so let's say we're   starting with a gap size of 30. and let's say as  you've seen in that illustration let's say the   price keeps on going against us so what what  we've built in here is we have a ability to say   all right do you want to increase or decrease  the gap size when things start moving in the   wrong direction so it says it says yet do  you want to action this after let's say three   Gap levels have been experienced and that's  I'm going to just go say two so I'm going to   say after two Gap levels have been experienced  what you can do is and I'm going to stick with a   percentage-based scaling increase the gap size  by 100 of what it was before so if it was uh   30 for instance for instance it would then go to  36. and the next Gap would go to 120 of 36 and so  

on and so so what you're doing because Gap sizing  determines your risk you are Inc decreasing the   risk by increasing the Gap sizing on a continuous  basis so that's the one control that you have and   then the other if you don't like that way you can  use Pips so you could say all right there's 30 for   for every level after two I want to increase  my uh Clips so it will start looking at that   setting there I want to increase it by six so  so it will go to 36 then to 42 then to 48 and   so on so on so you can actually increase your Gap  sizing by a percentage or by a number of Pips you   can also decrease the Gap sizing so for instance  if the gaps are 30 you can go to let's say 25 20   and so on by just changing the percentage here  for instance um to 80 or so so if you did it for   80 percent uh the next the Gap sizing would go  from 30 to 24 and down and down and so on so and   then it will reach a minimum gap size you can  tell it oh the minimum gas size I want is most   probably 12 and that type of thing so that's how  you can control the gap size because Gap sizing is   critical for risk control the bigger the Gap the  less risk the smaller the Gap the greater the risk   okay so that covers Gap sizing and as I say when  you start out don't go for small gaps though you   see what happens a lot of people start out with a  profit achiever they select the most dangerous uh   instruments and they select the most dangerous  Gap sizing and they could also select the most   dangerous strategies which is I'm going to  what I'm going to be moving on to right now   so now let's talk about the lot sizing strategies  and here are the lot sizing strategies and they   there are there are two lot sizing strategies  allowed so so um your it's your initial strategy   and then there's a follow-up strategy you don't  have to have a follow-up strategy the initial   strategy can stand on its own and I'll just  show you how the initial strategy works so   basically what you would do is you'd say start  with lot sizing and I'm going to say in this   particular case I'm going to just say let's  start with 0.1 Lots 4.1 Lots there we go and   then after the first level now here it happens  again what you can do is you can increase it   or decrease It Again by a percentage or or by um  by rate or by lots I'm going to go by the rate   and let's say we get if you leave the 100 150 is  increasing it so from point one it would go to   0.15 and then so on and so on I do not recommend  an increasing strategy initially so that is very   dangerous so in in other words you're just adding  to your Lots adding two lots like becoming bigger   and bigger and bigger and it is very easy to  run out of margin if you start doing that kind   of approach so I would always and what we found  with the link service is that that is definitely   not the way to go and all the linked accounts use  the decreasing Lots method which basically says   let's say 80 so it would go from 0.1 to 0.08  and then uh 80 of that number and 80 so it  

would decrease and decrease increase until  the target lots of let's say point 0.01 so   it will decrease decrease until it reaches that  level and then it will just stay at that level   at this point so so that shows you the decreasing  strategy and this is a strategy that I would   recommend that you experiment with first and then  you have an option to then in introduce a second   strategy so what will happen is oh I've reached  0.01 now I can start using a different strategy   and and typically what a different strategy  would be now you start increasing again so   um the rate the rate you would use for  for instance could be um let's make it 120 so so now you're increasing that 0.01  uh by 120 20 on an ongoing basis until   you reach and let's go back to point one so so what we see here a decreasing strategy and  then an increasing strategy and once it reaches   point one it'll just keep on opening trades at  point one but what this does is it it decreases   risk initially and then increases risk but to  the same level as risk wise in the beginning   so it's not really that dangerous as if you were  to increase the risk initially that that would be   very dangerous so those are the main settings of  the profit retriever it is the strategy and GAP   sizing and again in terms of the strategy 0.1 is a  good starting point if you're using a ten thousand  

dollar account that would be a good starting  point as you get more experience in trading it   you might want to increase that or you might want  to decreasing depending on the results that you   get but that strategy that I've put up there is a  fairly robust strategy for you to test initially   okay we're moving on quite nicely we've covered  points uh points nine decreasing lot strategy   we've covered 0.10 increasing a gap strategy  showing you that I've also mentioned that you   must use the smallest lot sizing initially and you  will try and use the biggest Gap sizing initially   to reduce risk it is always good when trading a  robot to go in trading the smallest risk initially   it's actually Converse to most Traders most  Traders go in and trade the most riskiest   strategies straight straight off the bat using  the most riskier instruments you could always   you could always adjust it upwards as you're  going along if you go with the risk is you   might not have an account to adjust at all okay  so let's go on to the next point and I'm going   to actually skip the next one and and we'll go  into the No No manual intervention Point first   because I want to talk about that essentially  the property were trades with no stops so in   other words it will continue trading the logic  that I explained earlier until you they incur   Margin Call or you go profitable so that is the  way it's designed to do and a lot of Traders are   very uncomfortable about that approach they  are used to having stops and trading stops   and all kinds of other things it does not work  with that way that and that is why you have to   use the most conservative settings you possibly  can and never never use manual intervention not   a lot of Traders say oh I've lost 50 percent  of my account I'm going to close all the deals   there's the worst thing you can do because the  whole philosophy of the profit retriever is   um the property will recover that loss now the  minute you close the deals you've taken the EA's   power away from it and you've incurred  a known loss so when you start trading   whatever you do make sure you use the philosophy  are not going to manually intervene with this EA   at all very it's a very difficult concept  for Traders to accept Okay now we're going   to talk about the next Point 15 High drawdown  so as you can see the The Profit retriever has   their potential of running into high drawdowns  now if you use the most conservative settings   you won't that won't happen very often but it can  happen and you must prepare yourself mentally for   that the profit retriever will generate high  drawdowns and do not fight that concept it's   the same as the manual intervention don't fight  it that is the way it's designed to work if you   try to manage drawdowns you are going to create  a less effective profit retriever strategy so   live with the drawdowns they will be times when  you're going to draw down the drawdown might be   big but you just have to stick with them and it  will recover those drawdowns sometimes it takes   a few days sometimes it takes a few weeks and  I'll show you a few examples of that now on your   screen you can see example of one of our linked  accounts and it is done pretty well it's generated   150 percent return over 165 days a pretty good  return and the balance has gone up quite nicely   on a very steady basis but if you look at at  this balance line here you'll see periods where   the account is in fact traded sideways like  there's a period where uh from the 22nd of   September it is traded sideways for until the 3rd  of October and then only did it start moving so   during though that's sideways time there it has  been in drawdown and if we add the equity line   so the account balance is the blue line and  that is the equity line you can see there   where that level part was was where a drawdown  was experienced and the drawdown was quite big   because it went from 16 to 11 or 12. and then it  recovered and joined the joined the the balance   again and went on like that and what happened here  is that that the trader realized that the settings   were too aggressive and uh changed the settings  and therefore you this size drawdown has never   happened again with this particular account so  you must be prepared for those drugs don't fight   them if this Trader had cashed in or that at that  point the trader would not enjoy the benefits of   the recovery very important it's a very difficult  psychological EA to trade because Traders are used   to closing deals or using stop losses to avoid  their losses this particular system is incredible   it does recover your losses and that's why it's  called the profit retriever but but be prepared   for big drawdowns and and be prepared for no  manual intervention okay a combined strategies now   um I have already shown you that where you use  the decreasing strategy and combine it with an   increasing strategy and you can use variations of  that and play around with them but that that is   a good way to combine strategies for the profit  retriever okay so now let's go straight into the   0.17 which is the currency time now currency  selection is critical for the profit retriever   because you want to avoid currencies that are  have the tendency to trade Trend dramatically   for a long time because it can pull you down and  create those drawdowns that you don't want to   experience so what you have to do is firstly look  for currencies that that don't have that tendency   or currencies that have very wavy movements in  their particular currency so I'm going to just   have a look at some of the currencies out there  and give you an idea of what you look for so on   your screen you can see some of my trading charts  and this is just a very general explanation about   currency selection but essentially we want to  look for currencies that have a wavy trading   movement either sideways or upwards but very wavy  so when it's just a Euro Yen here has can you see   how wavy that particular movement is it goes up  down up down up down so that's a kind of currency   you're looking for or even this one the Euro Frank  pretty sideways it's sideways up and down up and   down up and down that's the kind of currency  are you looking for you want to stay away from   currencies that have a steady downward move or  upward movement for instance there's there's a   steady upward movement there there's a steady  downward moving although it is reasonably wavy   it's it's not as wavy as some of the others that  we've seen so so essentially you're looking for   sideways currencies or currencies that are wavy  even if they are trending slightly they don't have   these straights down with trends that um that can  be quite devastating for the profit retriever so   currency selection is important stay away from  those kind of currencies you can see here the   part New Zealand has been pretty sideways there  that would have been a good phase even while it   was trending it was going up and down up and down  up and down so you need to look at the nature of   the instrument that you're trading go and have  a look at the charts actually pull the chart up   into say how would the profit retriever have done  if you see a trend like the Yen that just going   straight down it would have done badly if it was  going sideways like that with a lot of volatility   that might be a better currency just some ideas so  don't be blind to currency selection go and have a   look at the charts see what the movements are and  and select those kind of currencies also you can   use our linked service again you can see which  currencies are doing well and which ones aren't   okay then we come to spreads now a lot of Traders  uh go and select a currency they say oh no this   currency meets my needs and all that type of thing  but they then look at this they don't look at the   spread but the spreads can be as high as nine Pips  or 12 Pips for that particular currency they might   be using a gap of 30 so they are giving away to  the doc to the broker uh a third of the earnings   on on the trading whereas if you were using a  currency that had a spread of let's say two or   three and your your Gap was 30 you're only giving  away ten percent of your gains to the broker in   terms of spread so you've got to take the spreads  into account and not choose currencies that are   going to eat away your profits with high spreads  that the broker basically gets and you lose out in   terms of your profitability now I'm I am jumping  around on these points but we are going to now go   Point 20 which is know all the settings now I have  basically already discussed a lot of the settings   but you need to use the in conjunction with the  user manual in conjunction with the marketing page   review the settings and make sure you understand  what the functionality is of each particular   setting because although I have now given you  some basic strategies you do need to know what   you can change and do with the various settings  you can for instance reverse the direction of   trade instead of buying when the moving average is  pointing up you can sell when the moving average   is pointing up and you need to know all of those  settings to get the best benefit from The Profit   retriever so so spend a bit of time it doesn't  take long 10 within 10 minutes you can review   all the settings in conjunction with the user  manual or even conjunction with the marketing   page or even just looking at the settings the  descriptions are pretty good they tell you more   or less what they do and as I said I'm going to  skip a bit so I'm going right down to the most   important settings and I've already mentioned that  the most important settings in for risk management   are the Gap sizes and the lot sizes in terms of  your initial Lots size so what we find is the   strategies that don't do well the only changes we  need to do is increase the gap size and decrease   the initial lot size that's it those are the two  settings that are the most important settings   for the profit retriever so it makes the profit  receiver so easy to manage so if you're getting   poor results just increase the gap size and  decrease the lot sizing if you are getting really   good results just keep the settings the same if  you are getting good results with big drawdowns   then again you would be advised to increase  your your gap size and decrease your initial   lights because again although you're getting good  results if your drawdowns are big it shows your   risk exposures to big and you need to reduce your  risk exposure so the most important settings get   size and initial lot size it is amazing that this  EA is as simplified down to just controlling those   two main settings okay so as I've mentioned I am  jumping around and I'm going to uh Point 19 year   talk about demo trading now when you purchase or  introduced to a new EA the most important thing to   do is to demo Trade It there are many reasons for  that because your understanding of the logic might   be different to what you see in the results that  you're getting they might be broker issues where   your broker might have minimum lot sizing that  don't agree with the strategies you're selecting   there are so many benefits of of demo trading  the main benefit of red demo trading is actually   to train you on how to use the EA how to change  the settings if you're not achieving the results   that you want to do so be patient don't think  you're buying the en plugging it in tomorrow   demo trade as much as possible and when I say  demo trade don't only trade one currency with one   strategy my recommendation is is to trade as many  as you physically are possible to uh possible for   you to do now just to give you an example I I am  at currently trading 30 Accounts at the same time   on a demo basis to learn more of the subtleties of  the various strategies and um I don't expect you   to do 30 but I do expect you to trade more than  one so five or ten would be fantastic ideally you   should be trading them on separate demo accounts  so that you can actually see the uh results very   clearly if you trade different strategies on one  demo account the results of those strategies might   be confusing because they'll um sometimes you  cannot see the actual profitability in spite of   using magic numbers we can't see the actual  profitability of a strategy so I like using   separate accounts now I'll show you a little bit  about that and as I say you you might not need   to do it to the extent that I do it but certainly  I would suggest that you demo trade for at least   three to four weeks before you introduce to a  live environment now why why that because what   I want you to do is test 10 strategies and out of  the 10 you might find two that you really like or   that are performed so really well with no with  low drawdowns and you might want to use those   particular strategies so you it's it's a really  the best filtering process for live trading is to   demo trade as many strategies before you trade  live so let's have a look at what I'm doing at   the moment so on your screen you can see a uh FX  blue portfolio of 30 platforms that I am currently   using so there they are and and the 15 ones are  more aggressive so you'll see that they're uh   drawdowns are a lot higher and they but their  results could also be a little bit higher the   next group are more conservative and the next  group even more conservative and I can then use   these demo accounts and change the settings if for  instance the drawdown is that big I would change   the settings severely yeah there are few and you  can see it's mainly the concern the aggressive   ones but the less aggressive ones you can see the  drawdowns are already under control these are the   medium risk they've got uh drawdowns I would go  into those settings and lower the the Gap sizing   and lower the lot sizing accordingly and that  way I would learn how each currency responds to   certain strategies I might only have a decreasing  strategy that I'm testing might have a decreasing   and increasing strategy that I'm testing I might  have a gap trading strategy that I did since I'm   always testing continuously on a demo basis to  learn more and more about the profit retriever but   in the end and the this is still going hasn't gone  long enough for me to decide I would most probably   say all right there's a really good strategy that  one that's generated 12 900 maybe I should try   that maybe that 17 000 is a good strategy let's  go and see why it's working and so on and then   I would introduce those into my Live account not  the ones that I'll have these high drawdowns and   negative equity and and that type of thing so it  gives you choice you can now say all right there's   one I want to introduce in my life my life uh  portfolio and that's why I left that one point out   um of the list I wanted to talk about portfolios  at a later stage and now is a good time to   introduce portfolios and there they are I'm going  to show you them trading some of them trading I'm   not going to show you all 30 but I'll show you  some of them trading away so here's an example   of me testing certain strategies on the profit  Retriever and here are I think 20 of those City   accounts that I showed you being traded and  if you open them up you'll see that here is   the profit Retriever and I'm broadcasting it to  FX blue via the publisher and I can basically go   in and see the the settings that I'm using here  and there's the 30 that I mentioned there's the   this is a pip based scaling I'm increasing the  Pips by two when it goes negative three times   and I'm starting with 0.5 as my opening lot  I'm ink decreasing it by 80 percent up until  

that point and then when it hits that point I'm  increasing it by 130 percent until it reaches that   Point again so again not rocket science then  I'm saying close uh the it when you run into   a negative deal phase close it when you twenty  dollars up so those are the main settings for   the uh this particular setting I'm trading in the  same direction as the moving average I'm allowing   buy and sell so the the the profit retrieve is  actually very easy and I've explained most of   the settings as you can see them there and this  particular um one hasn't done two it has a balance   of fifteen thousand so we've banked fifty five  thousand in profit and it has Equity of 12. so   there is a small drug drawdown happening right now  and we can see uh you can see there was a period   of drawdown it was selling into an uptrend but it  eventually closed at a profit and there it was it   was selling into a downtrend and it actually made  a lot of profit over there and so on and so on   and at the moment there's another selling into  an uptrend and it's it it closed at a profit so   it takes a a certain amount and here we're buying  into a downtrend and there is the break-even line   so we're waiting for the price to come up it will  either go down further and that line will follow   faster and eventually that line will meet up with  the price and that will resolve that drawable so   uh the property takes a lot of patience you can  see there's a lot of transactions that were opened   and it took a long time for it to come down but  you have to trust the nature of the Forex Market   okay so that's the um those are the demo  accounts that I'm trading and I'm saying   you should do that too and also it gives me the  chance to select accounts for my live Trading   now one more word about portfolios and why I  stress that you shouldn't Trade One account   only you should be creating portfolios and here  is a portfolio of the linked accounts since they   started trading and you can see there are  some linked accounts with huge drawdowns   twelve thousand twelve thousand down there three  thousand five thousand so there are quite a few   drawdowns but if we go and have a look at the  results of this particular portfolio you'll   see that this particular portfolio is incredibly  profitable look at the closed profits of 432 000   whereas the floating profits of 55 000. now when  it comes to portfolio trading what I am basically   saying now you must listen to this because this  summarizes the benefits of portfolio Trading   it means that even if that from that list that you  just saw let's say five of those accounts blow in   other words they blow they are all they have all  been started with ten thousand dollars so you will   have lost fifty thousand dollars out of that those  accounts that have blown yet your profits are 432   so even the blown accounts will not impact the  portfolio so portfolio trading allows you the   ability to have a couple of blown accounts and yet  to be very very profitable what I'm saying y'all   words and you don't you will not appreciate that  until you have actually traded a wide portfolio of   counts trading The Profit retriever then only  will you realize that the profits made by The   Profit retriever eat up in blown accounts very  very easily so that is the third risk management   tool that you should be using you should plan to  trade large portfolios of the profit retriever   if you don't have that amount of money then  certainly use Cent accounts initially okay   so let's go back to the list that I've got I've  just decided I told you about the big portfolio   you need a big portfolio of demo accounts to trade  to learn how the EA works why it fails sometimes   and why it succeeds the other times and it's so  easy failures you just increase the the gap size   and the decrease the lot size uh what else have we  combined we've spoken about that know all settings   experiment again you need to the demo accounts  allow you to experiment with different strategies   and experimentation is the name of the game even  once you have your live portfolio keep on running   those demo accounts in the background experiment  with different strategies experience with with   buy and sell strategies and buy one account sell  another account and see how that works out and so   on and so on so you can really experiment a lot  but the basic profit retriever is a very robust   then linked account strategies now I'm going to  show you a few of those and um yeah maybe I should   do that right now okay here's our link service  where you can link to successful robot Traders   I've got a few accounts there then a lot of other  successful robot traders that have accounts listed   on this particular service and if we go down to it  I'm not there's the list of linkable accounts that   you can link your account to so they are trading  for instance the profit retriever there's some   other EAS being traded but the profit retriever  is by far the most robust and successful EA that   we have and what you can now do is you can say  oh okay let's let's just take anyone at random   um let's take Link 12 and there is link 12. you  can see it's head draw the draw down period say   um let's see you can actually add you can see it in the early events life it had  drawdowns it was corrected quite nice it had   a drawdown then must probably correct you can  see the equity and the balance stuck together   quite nicely so the the trader actually learns  from the experience and improves the results   you can see at the moment there are there is  no drawing in fact this one is in a positive   drawdown it should actually cash in at any  moment and it's done at 210 return so far   in the let's see how many days 120 112 days that  it's been trading pretty effective all right so   now uh so firstly in the link service you can  actually see the Fantastic results achieved by   The Profit retriever but now how do we know  what's going on here so what we do is we go   to the order section and you can see there's  only one order that's open at the moment but   we don't really see that open we want to see  the closed orders and there are all the closed   orders that we have and what you do to find  out what the strategy is and we can we can   um just look at the greens here it looks  like this strategy uses a gap of about 30   Pips there's 30 that's about 30 that's about 30  30 30. uh sometimes it's bigger because of the  

negative uh but on the whole the first thing that  I can see is that this strategy uses a 30 pip Gap   good information to have it might even be  bigger it might be 34 34 Pips but it's more   or less 30 to 34 Pips so already we've gathered  some information from just looking at the closed   trades then what I'm going to do is I'm going to  sort by by close date and uh and we're going to   go down and find a lot of Reds in fact that was it  here's a section where we had a drawdown and then   a a positive element so let's have a look at what  happened we said that the um the gaps are more or   less 30 let's see that was 20 that was 40. yeah  it's it's more or less City more or less City or   the gaps if you look at the differences as we go  along and then years where I see the strategy so   yeah I can read the study I can say oh this  this study started with point eight it then   decreased it by 80 so it's eighty percent eighty  percent decrease about 80 percent until it reached until it reached 0.1 so it went from  point A to 0.1 decreasing at 80 percent   and then it started increasing and it looks like  other 120 or 130 percent 130 103 and then can   you see the strategy how how you can read and  then it went back to 0.8 and then it stopped   but then the the the price called  back and the total of all of that   ended up positive so can you see from looking  at our the link service I can work out firstly   the gaps that we used and that's the most  important thing and I can also work out the   lot sizing strategy that was used so that's  how you make use of the link service to find   out which strategies work and which ones  don't and to see the strategies in action okay we almost finished we've now hit the most  important settings I've discussed already uh   we've spoken about the linked account strategies  how you can see them but more importantly you   can see evidence of the profit retriever working  very successfully in the linked service in fact   let me go let me just flip back to that and if  we look at these returns and I think this side   is the most probably the most important  one these are monthly gains monthly gains   and you can see some have monthly games of 200  percent 100 70 percent even 25 even down here   those are magnificent monthly gains it's just  really really good and then if you look at the   overall gains 600 percent uh uh 200 percent you  know huge gains made by The Profit retriever so   if you want some uh inspiration come and have a  look at the results that the linked Services is   providing and also going to have a look at the  strategies of each particular account that is   linkable there okay now the next point is optimize  settings so uh what I want to do is I'll quickly   show you there are free optimized settings and  let's go and have a look at how you find them   okay so are we back on the expert forex.com  website we say we come here to up-to-date   robot results and settings click on that link  there and here we provide monthly up-to-date   optimized settings for all of our robots and we  then look at this list for the profit retrievo we   click on the profit Retriever and you can see  there are same direction settings and reverse   Direction settings I'm just going to click on the  same direction settings and here you can see some   really good results uh ignore the loss making  ones because the test most probably won't run   correctly but here are some fantastic results that  you can go and have a look at and what are what we   provide are the actual set files for these this  much sounds strange but I do not recommend these   optimized settings I would recommend the settings  that I've shown you today and rather using the   settings used by the link service the optimize  settings are like Jack Bot numbers it's almost   like saying if I take the last week's jackpot  number and I take a ticket over the same settings   that I should do quite well the linked service  results are proven traded results and I would   put more value into them but if you want to come  and have a look at those settings and then if you   go down here it actually tells you the settings  that we use the moving average settings the Lots   initial lot sizing the Gap sizing and all those  kind of settings are disclosed at the bottom here   and then just one last point to the paid Forum  the premium Forum has a specific specific section   for the profit retriever as well as a discussion  section where the profit retriever settings and   results are discussed um in a lot of detail um  those aren't critical to your success I think if   you followed all the points that I've mentioned  before you should be do you should do quite well   now this has been a long video and I must  apologize for that but all of the items   that I've mentioned in the video are critical  to your success as a profit retriever Trader   uh please go through each of the points that  I've mentioned again make sure that you are   doing them there are no shortcuts if you miss one  or two of those points it could be detrimental   to your trading results so go through each of  those points make sure that you are doing those   activities that I recommend and uh especially  the testing demo testing side of things and that   is the way you do it you demo test and then you  put into live the settings that you believe are   best suited for your particular broker if  you do have any further questions please   raise them in the YouTube comment section or  in the various forums or at an extreme please   contact support for an answer on your  question so from me Alexa Ploy cheerio

2023-01-10 01:12

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