"This Is How I Prosper In LIFE And BUSINESS!" (Millionaire Secrets) | RANDY GARN

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<i></i> Randy Garn: One of the things we love is you creating jobs and creating an opportunity for people. You know, that's what's exciting. That's what actually gets me pumped up is like how many jobs can we create? How many opportunities can we create that'll put smoke up other people's chimneys? Jeff Lerner: Yeah. Clarity, man. That word. You know, I had a partner three or four years ago that was obsessed with that word. He talked about it. Seemed

like it was at times the only thing he was clear on was that you need clarity. Like he just was so obsessed with it. And it started to really rub off. And in our mastermind now that I run, I would say that's literally 75% of the work we do is helping entrepreneurs and business owners get more clear. And I can say for

myself, as just kind of a quick illustration, you have an online education company. You know, I was talking about here's, you know, how to thrive in the new digital economy, here's alternative business models, here's digital, you know, I was kind of like dancing around the core with different pieces of language and wordings. When I finally got clear about six months ago that what I'm doing, who I am is I'm an education reformer. I'm disrupting establishment education. That clarity has opened so many doors. It's inflected our messaging. It's furthered our cultural growth. Just that, just like two words, reforming education or

disrupting education. That clarity has like literally I would say multiplied the power of our business financially and in many other ways by at least 10X. Like that word. So how do you take people who don't have clarity? I mean

clarity is easy to talk about in hindsight. But how do you help people navigate through the fog? Is there a process you can kind of quickly describe? Randy Garn: Well, yeah. There is a tremendous process and it's really what we call, you know, finding your Polaris point. And here's some things that I do

just tactically. Would that be good for your listeners to actually— Jeff Lerner: Yes. A hundred percent, a hundred percent. Randy Garn: The tactics on what we do. You know, we do have some amazing, the

book High Performing Habits by Brendon Burchard is a must read. If you're an entrepreneur, if you're a solopreneur, you're doing it. That book is off the charts. So good. Jeff Lerner: I'm listening and I'm looking around for my copy. That's why I'm moving around. Randy Garn: So yeah. So I mean I've got one right here too.

Jeff Lerner: There it is. I’ve got mine. Randy Garn: That's it. So let me tell you why it's so good is it really talks about six habits and the very first habit is to seek clarity. The next one is the generate energy. So nobody, I mean what does, when you show up in a room, do people like, when you call or when somebody is calling you, is it negative energy or is that [inaudible] like really good business leaders, like people thrive and want to be around them. And I bet you, some of the guys

that used to work with me knew, like they'll say dude, Randy, you know, always. And I always try to do that. Like what kind of energy do you bring to the world? Jeff Lerner: Yeah. Randy Garn: And then the other one is like how do you raise necessity? Like how do you, like for example, if you have a goal, there's some real strategy around raising necessity. So those are kind of the three first habits. And there's three more that you can get when you read the book. But the very, very first one is like what I do is I journal every single night. And for me, I used

to, I mean we got a lot of stuff happening. We've got, I mean so much opportunity. But if you're overwhelmed, then you're under delivering. So if you want to get really, really, really dialed in and focused, what works for me is I actually journal every, dude, I go through like so many of these. I journal every single night. I know exactly what I'm doing today. I don't waste a second. I don't even waste a minute of my life. And then I review it at the end of the

night and say, did I do, how did I score myself on a scale of 1 to 10? Did I hit 80% of my goal? Did I hit, you know, what can I improve both physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, revenue wise? I mean did I bring in the amount of revenue I wanted to bring in for the day. But that's what I do daily. So those daily habits, that helps me to stay on track with my energy. Most of the time people are like distracted or whatever because they don't know what they're doing. And they're waiting for somebody to tell them what to do. Take charge of your freaking life and get really clear on what you're going to do so you learn how to also say no. And then you also raise necessity because you have certain things you have to do at a certain timeframe. Right?

Jeff Lerner: Yeah. Randy Garn: So you're increasing your ability to execute. Just by journaling will increase your revenue and will increase the profitability for you and your family tenfold. I mean I could go over statistics after statistics. But I will once a quarter spend a couple of days up in a cabin and I'll say, am I on course? And I always say, like if I'm doing something that is not driving excitement and energy in my life, then I'm probably on the wrong path. So I spend a really, really good time each quarter reviewing my quarterly goals.

And I've made this a habit over the last five years. I've been judicious about it for my life and the businesses that I own. And so I love life. I love every second. I mean I've never been in a space and maybe being in my mid-40s now

and all the battles. And like I'm actually a lot more patient with myself too in knowing that things will come. And now I love educating and training people. That's what fills me up. It’s like dude, how many Jeff Lerner, who

else could I take my skillset to and help them explode their business? That's what actually gets me excited more than anything in this world. So I'll work with a certain group of people to help them to do that. And that's what High Performance Institute is all about. We're working with huge corporations, teaching them these simple skills to help all of their employee base get even more productive in life. You know, I've kind of always been an entrepreneur my whole life. And I've always had that thought that if somebody else can do it,

I can do it. And one of the things that my dad told me right when I was heading off to college, he said, Randy, if you don't have your own goals, somebody else will use you for theirs. And I'll never forget that, when he shared that with me. And so I've always had in my mind, I want to be self-sufficient in my life. I want to be able to make my own money. I'm smart enough. I mean I actually might not be smart enough, but I can find a way to do it to be self-sufficient. And I think that's what I love about entrepreneurship is that

you can actually really, really learn not only to be self-sufficient but to be highly, highly profitable, highly successful, and really love what you do because you're creating it with your own two hands. That's what I love about it, and that's really what we did. So. Jeff Lerner: Yeah, amen to that. I'll be honest. I mean I've been an entrepreneur. I started my first business at 16. So you were a few years

ahead of me in your journey. But you know, failed at 16. I did not succeed in college for the record. You got it together pretty quick. I didn't even really, I would say I didn't really click. I mean I was self-sufficient as a musician. I played piano. So you know, I made that work. But in terms of starting an enterprise that could take on a life of its own, frankly, you know, separate or at least interdependent with me, I didn't even get it until I was like 29 after 10 consecutive failures. So props to you for figuring it out so quickly.

But to your point, I've never understood, and maybe it's just a wiring thing, you know, but I've never understood, not longing and needing the sense of creating your own life, building it yourself, not, like you said, what was it? What was that line you said? If you don't have your own goals, someone else will use you for theirs. Randy Garn: If you don't, honestly, like that’s seared into, that's actually one of my life mottos. And that's why I'm massive on goal setting, journaling, strategy. That if you don't have your own goals, somebody who will use you for theirs. So I want you to think about that. And that's where, like pure joy comes from creating things. Even if you fail, you learn so much. Like it's actually not a failure. It could just be you're just continuing to figure things

out. You don't really fail until you stop. Right? So that's what I love about it. And I think that's what you love about it too. Think about like what drives fulfillment for you. Jeff Lerner: Yeah. I mean things that, what is a thing that costs you money and teaches you knowledge? Failure, education. So why can't we just call all failures education? They literally have the same characteristics. Right? I'm so

grateful. I dropped out of high school when I was 17 years old and began this incredible string of failures. And I know a lot more than a lot of people I know that have never failed. Randy Garn: A hundred percent. Jeff Lerner: You know? So, okay. So you're junior, you said junior year in

college? Randy Garn: Yeah. Jeff Lerner: And I will say actually, you know, I've had, I think this is interview number 140 or something, you know, somewhere around there. You're one of a few, like I can count them on one hand, that actually didn't have some, you know, pretty calamitous, tumultuous series of failures into their adult life before they were able to find that upswing. So props to you. I'm grateful for my struggles, but I won't pretend I wouldn't have accelerated the progress if I could’ve. Randy Garn: But I can't, honestly, I can't say that there weren't. Like we

went, I mean not a lot of people know this, but we took our company public like four years after building it and ended up spending millions of dollars buying it back. Like a lot of people don't know that. Jeff Lerner: No, I didn't know that. Randy Garn: So it seriously is just, it is a battle no matter what you do. And I always love my buddy, Trent Shelton who said, you choose your hard. So being an entrepreneur is like dude, we had, dude, we fought for our lives. There were times, dude, 2008 hit. And we're like, we have 600 employees. Like do we lay

people off? Like what do we do? We just lost our biggest account which was a massive events based company. And we didn't have any, we didn't have any new customers coming in. So guess what it did? It taught us how to be the very best direct marketers ever in the world. We said, okay, let's not lay anybody off. Let's figure out

how to do our own lead gen. Let's learn how to do customer acquisition. So it was through the trials of doing the business because you always have to be innovating. And so I would actually say it wasn't always lollipop and, you know, gumballs or whatever during that. But that's what made us so freaking strong and so good. Because the company that we were working with, we weren't self-sufficient. We could do really good on sales and fulfillment and training. Jeff Lerner: Right.

Randy Garn: But we weren't the very best in the early days at customer acquisition. We were forced to do that so that we could keep everybody busy and without having to lay people off. So it is, but that made us so good at it. I mean so good at it. Because it was for us. And we're like, hey, we're finally,

and then that's what made it so that our company was so valuable is because we weren't a two legged stool. We actually became a three legged stool, a four legged stool, five legged stool, where all of a sudden we could actually optimize and scale what we would have built to train millions of people. So I think it was through some of the hardest times in business that we got really, really good at our core competency. Jeff Lerner: Well, you know, you mentioned the three legged stool, kind of the end-to-end solution. And I'm thinking the three legs, it's kind of like okay, you had sales, you had fulfillments. And you were doing a lot of sales and fulfillment for, you know, other people with brands or other people with front end offers. But then you added lead generation. So now you have

demand creation, demand conversion, and then let's call it demand delivery or fulfillment. And that is. And you know, if anybody's listening, those are three things that you either have in-house as a business or you pay slash share the pie with to get. I mean did the business, so 2008, that was crushing for a lot of people. But when it forced you to figure out the lead gen piece, did

that detract from the value of the business or did it improve, increase the value of the business once you cracked that? Randy Garn: 10 times, 10 times increased it. And it really, really helped us to scale. Jeff Lerner: Because now you're not having to share a huge piece of your revenue. I mean those front end brands, I know who some of them were. They weren't guys that were going to be like here, do this for me. You know, I just want 1%.

Randy Garn: Yeah. Jeff Lerner: They wanted more than 1% right off the top. Randy Garn: Well, yeah. And you got really good at media. You got really good at marketing. You got really good at what's the customer acquisition? I mean keep in mind that this was all BG. This was all before Google. I'm talking

‘99, 2000, 2001, 2002. We were doing direct mail. We were doing radio. We were doing, like so those competencies still overlay, we still do a ton on radio with one of the companies. And it's just, it's phenomenal and the numbers work. Direct mail still works. Jeff Lerner: Oh yeah. Randy Garn: And so you just, so if you're, also, just think about your customer acquisition. Are you just doing Facebook all of a sudden or

pay-per-click or Google? What if they change? What do you do? So you've gotta be super strong in all areas of it. And I think that was really one of the things we said. Hey, we're gonna really understand this stuff upside down, forwards and backwards so that we always have ever flowing. Like you think about sustainability. I always, whenever I come in and I work with a company now,

I'm like, is it sustainable? Like you know, we've got, I do a lot. I sit on some advisory boards and we sit on one advisory board. We're acquiring businesses. We're acquiring companies. And I always look at the entrepreneurs and I was like, does this pass the bus test? Does this past, if you were to get hit by a bus or you were to get ran over, will your business survive? If the answer is no, it's not a great investment. So if you're an entrepreneur and you're thinking about this, how do you set your business up so it makes it so you no longer need to be there? That is when you really know that you're a true entrepreneur. And actually not a true entrepreneur, but honestly, then you've moved to that level of a sustainable business leader. If you can get yourself to be on the advisory board

and if you can get yourself to the chairman of the board and build an amazing team that you can scale, that's what I do really well when I work with companies and business. I help that leadership team. And that's what we do at High Performance Institute. We help everybody get really, really dialed in with how do I get my high-performing culture, high-performing teams, and high-performing leadership. And that's where, you know, you have a real legit business. You have to look at yourself in the mirror and be like dude, if I left, would my business survive? And everyone can get there. You just have to

think, and you have to think about the strategy in which to do it. Jeff Lerner: So I feel like I just have to share a win with you that literally yesterday we announced to my company that I am officially stepping aside as CEO. I'm the founder. And I'm stepping aside from the day to day. And I'm the CVO, Chief Vision Officer which is a glorified way of saying I get to go out to market and talk about my business, but I don't actually have to run it. And it's kind of what you're describing. And it's not for lack of care or love. It’s knowing— Randy Garn: [inaudible] that. Right?

Jeff Lerner: Yeah. It's knowing my value in the market where I can go have conversations like this with you. And we have really smart people and really great systems that, you know, it took us two and a half years to get here that will frankly execute the better, execute the business better than I would when I'm running around and trying to put my hands in everything because in a way, I almost care too much. You know? Randy Garn: Well, and you think about it. Like really, really great leaders understand that they want to hire on people and put them in the right places that are better than them. Jeff Lerner: Yes.

Randy Garn: And that a really good leader is not one that cares about the credit. And that's why, I mean you don't really hear about me much. I really am, I'm an operator. I really am an integrator, and I don't really care to get the, you know, the credit for something in such a way, although we've been hugely successful about building out some of the biggest brands you've heard of and growing some really, really amazing people, even today. Some of the companies that I work with today are household brands and just crushing it. So you are doing the right thing. And here's, what's exciting. Guess what else you've got? You've got engagement of your people. People love to be able to have

opportunity and grow. And a real business leader and a real entrepreneur, like one of the things we love is creating jobs and creating opportunity for people. You know, that's what's exciting. That's what actually gets me pumped up is like how many jobs can we create? How many opportunities can we create that'll put smoke up other people's chimneys? Because if you want to just be a solopreneur and just build a small, highly profitable business, like—but it sounds like you know, with some of the people listening on here, how do you do exactly what you've done, Jeff? I mean that's amazing, amazing. Hats off to you. Jeff Lerner: Well, I appreciate it. You mentioned, you used the term integrator. So I'm assuming that you have some context with EOS. Six months ago, we

began implementing our, you know, a slightly varied version. I mean as you evolve into an EOS implementation and you figure out what to tweak and adjust. But that was the first step towards, you know, what culminated yesterday. Right? Was like, okay, Jeff can literally take his hands off the wheel and just go out in front of the car and start yelling, hey, we're coming, we're coming. Right?

And it's a completely different dynamic, and it's much more my lane of strength. But anyway, yes, thank you. And I do. I'm glad you addressed the audience. This is the dream. The dream is not to work 80 hours a week so that you don't have to work 40 hours a week at a job. Randy Garn: That might be the means to the end, but that is not the end. The

end is to get to Randy, you're sitting on boards, and you got your own businesses I assume you have people that run. You know, for me, I get to have this fancy C-level title that basically means I get to do you know what I'm doing right now. That's the dream, and it is doable. And I think it's so cool. You know, a lot of times these conversations on this show center around, okay, this a business I started, this is the money I made, this is how my life changed as a result. But we're going one step further to this was my sort of transition into really just a much more passive way of being an entrepreneur. And you're going to watch how it's going to actually allow you, and here's the thing which a lot of CEOs, a lot of entrepreneurs and a lot of people that are in your position and even bigger is if you look at the really, really good CEOs, they plan time for quiet time and for strategy. They plan time to seek clarity. Our number one high-performing habit that Brendan has spent, you know,

millions of dollars on research. And the number one habit for high-performing CEOs and high-performing entrepreneurs is they do spend time to seek clarity and have a really, really, really good direction of where they want to go. Now you can spend more time on strategy. It’s like I always say, what's the difference between a $4 million company and a $40 million company and a $400 million company and a $4 billion company? I have friends that have done all of it. It's actually strategy and it's clarity and it's your ability. If

you don't know where you're going as a leader, I promise you neither does anybody else in your team know where they're going. Real clarity and simplifying the process and less complication is what makes a $400 million company and a $4 billion company. Jeff Lerner: Hey, sorry for the interruption. I just wanted to let you know, you can get a free copy of my book, The Millionaire Shortcut, which shows you the fastest way to become a millionaire in the new economy. And there's a special link just for this episode in the description. Thanks for

tuning in, and I hope you enjoy the rest of the episode. I can totally resonate with the joy of teaching and sharing accumulated knowledge. I mean it literally is my life's work at this point. It's just do that until I'm too tired to do anything. You know? I've got several decades left I imagine. And it is the most rewarding thing I've ever done in my life is just to take what I learned up to that point and turn around and start sharing while continuing to learn and sharing that too.

So I totally get that. So I'm curious. Because you know, I have a lot of young people in my audience too. So when they hear, hey, wait, this guy started a business in college. And I mean that business, that's the one that ended up going public later. Right? So man, this guy started this big business when he was still in college. How did you get that started while, first of all, how did you have the vision for it to go, oh, there's an opportunity that I should invest as much time and energy into as it's going to take even while I'm still in college? And then how did you juggle and balance that investment of time and energy given that you were still in college? Randy Garn: You know, so I mean it's a really good question. I have a couple

of, I mean I actually teach the entrepreneur class at the EBU right now and I love it. I'm right there with them. And it's the innovation class. It's a high, I mean it's really, really just high achieving, high achieving students. And all of them are wanting to start their own business. And it literally, you just have to think about your business model and your economic engine. And are you passionate about it? For me, I didn't want to and I still don't want to. I love coaching and training people. I love working with companies and CEOs to help them reach higher levels of thought. So I'd always

wanted to, I'd always wanted to build my own coaching and training company. And actually we were one of the largest. And I mean I can think about, my dad was my, I brought this in my office. This is right here. This right here is one of my best memorabilia pieces. My dad gave me this for Christmas, and he was my high school football coach for 32 years. I mean he was a high school football coach for 32 years, but he was my high school football coach as well. And like I

always wanted to build something up that made an impact and made a difference. And so when I was a junior in college, it’s like I can't think of anything else I'd want to do. So if you're thinking about that and starting your own business, make sure that it aligns with, make sure it aligns with your Polaris point. And what I'm talking about, if you want to create the life you really want, it has to be, one, earn the kind of money you want; two, drive happiness; and three, sustainable over long periods of time.

So in our book Prosper, we talk about an attorney that for 20 years was making millions of dollars a year, crushing it, and just doing amazing financially but at the cost of his family. And that for me is not happiness. For me, generating all kinds of money and wealth but at the destruction of the relationships that are most important to you is what I always in my heart never want to subscribe to. It's also not sustainable. And so you have to think about those three things. Money plus happiness plus sustainability are what's going to equal the kind of life you want to create. And so when you're planning out what kind of business you want, what do you love? And I know it seems so like, it seems so Pollyannish, if you will. It's like do what you love. I mean Steve Jobs said that. But there is a process that we

have in our book on how to do that. You gotta stay in your prosper zone, start with earn from your core, earn from your core competency, what you do the very, very best the world. And so really design it around what you love. If you're super, super wicked good at marketing and love customer acquisition, then be the best in the world at it. And you'll grow a massive agency or you'll be highly successful and you'll continue to learn and go deep with that. Don't

just snorkel with your career. Scuba dive. Scuba dive with the things that you love. Don't just snorkel on things. Get really, really competent at things you love and you'll always have a job or you'll be an amazing, amazing entrepreneur. And it's not that you always have to be an entrepreneur. And I want to be clear on this. You can actually drive the same satisfaction, be an intrapreneur. And

that means working in a company, helping them grow and scale. Not everybody's, I don't say everybody's set to be an entrepreneur. But to be an intrapreneur? Yes. Everybody should be an intrapreneur hands down. Because you'll become

invaluable in those companies. And so I think, you know, for us, I did what I loved and I built what I loved and I've just been so fortunate to be able to do that. So I hope that helps. Jeff Lerner: Yeah, it does. And you know, I mean I have an entrepreneurial company and it's funny. We were joking on a meeting the other day. Because we

teach people to become entrepreneurs. And somebody asked on a call the other day in one of our group meetings, it's kind of like let's call out the elephant in the room. You have, you know, we just, we basically just arrived at around a hundred employees in our company. And it's like, Jeff, you have a

hundred employees and yet what you sell is training on how to not be an employee. So how do you reconcile that with all these employees that you're basically saying, well, there's, you know, greener grass on the other side. And I'm like, notice our mission statement. We don't sell education on entrepreneurship. We sell entrepreneurial education. And being entrepreneurial is a way to be. It's not a thing to do or a thing that you do. It

doesn't mean you have to start your own business. And what I love about our company, one of the reasons we've been, you know, we scaled like gangbusters in the last year and a half is because we have a very, very entrepreneurial culture even amongst our employees. As an employer, the most valuable people on your team are going to be the most entrepreneurial people, even—I mean clearly they're not business owners, they're employees—they're no less valuable. And that's the term you described, intrapreneurship. Randy Garn: Well, and you think about it. I mean we trained, I mean we were the same. We loved it when, we loved it when one of our guys like started doing

something that was highly successful. We celebrated in that. But we actually had people that were very, very mission driven and intrapreneurial on what we did. You know, one of the guys that was our customer service rep became our Chief Marketing Officer. And that's what he loved. The other guy came straight fresh off an LBS mission and became the president of all of our coaching and then the president of the company. And he’s still one of our best friends

today. So they really thrived within and became very intrapreneurial. So if you have a very good mission driven company and you're able to do that and have high-performing teams and help them accomplish things that they want to do, then that's also a huge win. And for me, that's actually being an intrapreneur. If you want to, if you're not happy in your job, then figuring out—this is a really big strategy right here for anybody that's working for somebody who's like never go to your manager and never go to your CEO with a complaint. Always go to him with a solution on how to make things better. If you just keep saying like, hey, this

sucks, this sucks, you know, my leads suck, my job, I mean this sucks, my manager sucks. If that's true, you probably suck. So you have to think about how do I come with, if I'm solution-oriented, that's what I'm saying is being intrapreneurial. Actually, if I grow this company and I grow the revenue from X to X, maybe you'll give me [inaudible] and give me a percentage of growth. I would do that all day long with guys. The hardest thing in the world is to teach people how to think. And so if you can get your

employees and figure out a compensation that helps them be intrapreneurial and be an entrepreneur with inside the company, then that is awesome. Jeff Lerner: Yeah. And I think it's really important because, you know, there are so many people out there that have a very binary view of I'm in a job and there's either I don't love it at all or there's something about it that frustrates me. And the binary opposite is thus, I need to quit. I need to quit working or being an employee altogether. I need to go start a business. There is a huge middle ground that, look, if you're married and you're still paying off your student loans and you just bought a brand new house and you got your second kid on the way, it might not be the time to just quit your job and go bet it all on a business. But that doesn't mean that your entrepreneurial itch can never be scratched or that you’re just on hold until your kids go off to college or something. No, like in the moment now, like you said, if

you're, start becoming intrapreneurial and create value inside your company, inside your role, there should be remuneration for that, increased opportunity, increased compensation, something. And if there's not, it's not that you need to quit everything and go start a business. It might just be, you need to find a new job in your field at a more entrepreneurial company with a different culture.

Randy Garn: A hundred percent. Jeff Lerner: So, anyway, I love that we're talking about this because that is one of my, as an education reformer, as an entrepreneurial evangelist is kind of the term I use, that binary fallacy is very frustrating for me. That like I can only be entrepreneurial if I have absolute autonomy and I'm not part of any other system. Because very often that's a hard road. You can end up as a solopreneur working 80 hours a week because frankly, there were probably a lot of, and here's the, there were a lot of things you could have learned in the company about how companies and businesses operate. Randy Garn: A hundred percent. Jeff Lerner: Even if you want to go start a business, if you're inside of a well-run company, take five years and learn everything about how that company operates, the meeting rhythms, the communication policies, the human resources policies, how do they hire talent, how do they, you know, how do they implement corrective action with underperforming people? Like there's so many things. How is their financing setup, how are they able to take credit

cards and get merchant processing? Like there's so many things about running a business that you don't know that you don't know unless you start looking for it. Randy Garn: Dude, a hundred percent. And do it with a very pure heart that you want to increase your skillset and you want to help that company grow. And I mean if you're getting paid and you're getting compensated, then drive revenue, drive strategy, drive innovation inside that company, and you'll be running the company. And then all of a sudden, the CEO is going to be like, dude, I'm going

to move to the chairman of the board. You're now the president. You're amazing. That’s maybe a path for a lot of people. And that's what I'm talking about the intrapreneurship is don't come sit there and complain about how everything sucks or is broken. Go fix it. If you're getting compensated and

you're getting, like go be a Rainmaker and make it happen. And that could scratch your itch as well. And actually, it puts you in a really good position. So that's what I call the difference between entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship is if you are an innovator and if you're always thinking you will never, ever, ever go without. Jeff Lerner: And there might be a lot more leverage in it too. Because you're able to add value or margin or incremental, you know, improvement to an existing base of revenue that you don't have to go create for yourself. Unlike

if you quit your job and go start a business on day one, you start with zero and it doesn't matter how good you are because zero times anything is zero. Right? Like to say, oh, I'm a part of a company that does $50 million a year, and I think I can make this slight adjustment and I'm going to have a conversation about how to participate in that improvement, that’s a lot more exciting than I'm just going to start over. Right? Listen, Randy, I feel like we could talk all day. And given that you're in Utah, I fully plan to meet up with you in person sometime and continue this conversation. But I know that right

now, you actually have a hard stop coming up and I want to respect your time. Can you please share with the audience how they can go get more of this conversation from you, how they can learn about your book, your professional services, really whatever you'd like to share? Randy Garn: Yeah. I mean you can just go to RandyGarn.com or you can also go, also, if you want to get involved in High Performance Institute with what we train on, how to be as productive as you possibly can, you can go to HighPerformanceInstitute.com Jeff Lerner: Wonderful. And you’re on social media as well. Correct?

Randy Garn: Yeah. Jeff Lerner: If you loved that episode, then you're definitely going to love this one. Check it out. Peter Taunton: Hope is not a business plan. And I always tell people, for all your sports fans out there, I said, you know what? You might win a game here and there on a Hail Mary. You'll never win a season on Hail Mary's. Be practical and don't bet the farm.

2021-04-06 18:25

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