Resell SUCCESSFULLY & PROFITABLY in 2023: Reselling Tips & Changes In My Reselling Business

Resell SUCCESSFULLY & PROFITABLY in 2023: Reselling Tips & Changes In My Reselling Business

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I don't know about you but I am determined  to make 2023 the year that I win at reselling   let's get into it [Music] hi everyone my name is  Becky Park I have been a part-time reseller now   for about five years and as we head into 2023 I  am determined to make sure that this is my most   profitable and successful year as a reseller to  date and in this video I'm going to share with   you all of the ways that I plan on doing that now  one thing that I think is really important as we   step into a new year is to take stock of how we're  feeling about the prior year and about who we are   to date 2022 was really weird there were a lot  of things that happened that we could have not   have predicted a lot of things worldwide a lot of  things within our economy live sales be honest did   any of you see that coming I know I certainly  did not so 2022 was 2022 but as we step into   2023 I feel like I have so much Clarity finally  regarding who I am as not just a businesswoman not   just a reseller but also who I am as a mother as  a teacher as a wife as all of the other roles that   I play in my life one thing that is for certain  is that I want 2023 to be the year that I am much   smarter about how I use my time because we are  limited as far as how much time we have in the   day and I want to make sure that the things that  I do have a strong Roi or return on investment   last week I had volunteered to lead a craft for  my son's winter party and what I ended up doing   for this group of like I think it was like five  to nine year olds was I took these pieces of   cardstock I cut them from rectangles into squares  and I pre-cut out all of these snowflakes and then   I brought them to the party so that they could  put like glitter on them they could color them   they could add cotton balls to them I thought  it would be really cute and really fun and it   was except for the fact that sitting there and  making all of these stinking snowflakes took   so long and my husband was like your Roi on this  project is not good he's like I just I don't think   that the kids are going to enjoy this as much as  the amount of time that you put into preparing   this project and he was probably right and that  really got me thinking about how I tend to put an   insane amount of time into certain things that the  outcome really just does not justify the amount of   time that I spent on whatever that project was  or whatever the task was and that is something   that I need to be smarter about because I don't  have the luxury of time to be throwing it away   on useless tasks so that's definitely one thing  that we're going to be talking about in this video   is how I can be smarter about how I use my time  as a businesswoman as a reseller so that I have   more time to spend on the things that actually  matter which is things like spending time with   my family spending time with my friends you know  being a better teacher for my students because in   case you didn't know I am a full-time High choir  teacher and I resell on the side that being said   I am stepping into 2023 with I think the most  confidence that I've ever had in myself which is   finally enabling me to go all in on myself let go  of my imposter syndrome and truly get after it so   I'm really excited about 2023 because going into  it I feel good I feel good all right so first of   all as we talk about how to be successful in the  year 2023 I think we have to talk about letting   go of the things that are no longer servicing us  letting go of the things again that just don't   have a good Roi that don't have a good return  on investment so before we can talk about maybe   what we're going to add in the year 2023 or what  changes we're going to make first we need to talk   about what we're going to let go of and I don't  know if this is something that you have thought   about but I have definitely been thinking about  what things can I break up with in the year of   2023 and here is my list the first thing I'm going  to get rid of are a few platforms that I may have   started experimenting with in 2020 to or even  before that those platforms are trade Z which   is now turned into best share I still don't know  how to say it it's part of the reason I have to   break up with it yeah I don't even know how to say  the name of the platform I don't personally find   enough items that would sell on a platform like  that to continue listing over there the second   platform that I'm letting go of for basically  the same reason but also because their payout   structure has evolved to a point that it just  sucks too bad to support it is the real real I   did have some decent luck with the real real  in the year 2022 that's the only year that I   experimented with the real real and I had some  really big and really great sales however as I   have watched them continue to make adjustments to  their payout structure I'm learning that they're   really not in it to help me the seller they're  really in it to help themselves and so no longer   am I going to send items into the real real I'm  just going to sell anything that I could have   sent to them I'm going to sell those things  myself and then finally this is probably the   hardest and toughest breakup of all but this  has been a toxic relationship in my life I'm   finally naming it and I'm finally cutting ties  with it and that is thredup now my relationship   with thredup is complicated there are many facets  and layers to it for example I have used thredup   to send them inventory so that they could sell  it for me and I could make money that way and I   have also purchased rescue boxes from thredup and  those serve a number of purposes one it's content   from my YouTube channel it's so easy I just sit  there and open the box and oh look at this what   is this you know it's a very easy video to make  so it's served that purpose but also you know for   inventory I would open the boxes on camera but  I would also sell the items that came in those   boxes the issue is while there were always a  few Treasures to be found in every rescue box   there were also so many stinkers and my house is  filled with the stink of thread of rescue boxes that is pungent it's a lot of time invested  in inventory that I didn't get to choose and   again sometimes I get some really great pieces  sometimes the ROI is great depending on the box   but oftentimes what happens is I get stuck with  a lot of pieces that I have to look at and ask   myself what am I going to do with these and you  know maybe it's a trip to a local thrift store to   drop some of these pieces off where I'm going to  try to consign them at a pop-up Consignment sale   you know I'm just shuffling these items around  trying to figure out what to do with them but   the honest to God truth is I didn't need those  pieces in my house in the first place my time is   much better spent going out and finding pieces on  my own to Source versus allowing a third party to   send me their garbage in a box to just clutter up  my own home so that's a tough one that's a tough   breakup but if you see me even try to upload a  threaded rescue box unboxing on this channel in   the year 2023 you need to just unsubscribe right  there oh wait please don't hit that unsubscribe   button but you know what I mean like please hold  me accountable the last thing that I'm getting   rid of in the year 2023 is the lie that buying  cheap is better buying something for dirt cheap   and holding on to it for forever only to turn a  small profit is not better than paying up for an   item but making a larger profit on it because it  was a smart investment to make this is going to be   a hard lie for me to break up with because I have  sourced within this framework for years and it's   because I didn't have enough faith in myself  that I could Source any other way I thought   I could only source cheap because even if I made  a mistake at least I didn't have that much money   into that item however as I step into 2023 with  more confidence in myself and the knowledge that   I know what I'm doing it's going to help me be  able to make better choices pay up for items that   I know are worth paying up for and ultimately make  more money in the long run without having all of   these items sitting around at home that are going  to turn me a five ten fifteen dollar profit when   I could be getting after those items that I know  are going to turn a bigger profit for me and said   by the way let me know down in the comments what  you are letting go of in the year 2023 as well   what items are just holding you back what baggage  is bringing you down I want to know what you're   letting go of I want you to put it out there  in the universe so that we can hold one another   accountable and we can check in with one another  okay so let me know down in the comments below   let's talk now about the goals that I have set for  myself in the year 2023. the first goal that we'll   talk about is a numerical figure the amount that I  want to earn in net profits from reselling in the   year 2023 and this number may shock you and I'll  explain why in the year 2022 my goal was to earn   forty thousand dollars in net profit now I have  not had the chance yet to sit down and figure   out all of my numbers for the year 2022 yet in  fact it's not even you know December 31st as I'm   filming this but I have complete confidence that  I am not going to get anywhere even close to forty   thousand dollars in net profit so my goal for  the year 2023 is 45 000 dollars and you might be   thinking to yourself that is crazy you didn't even  hit your 2022 goal of 40 000. I know that but I'm   still gonna set a really big goal for myself so  that it pushes me out of my comfort zone to really   get after it and try and Achieve something that  is way up here and even if I don't hit that 45   000 goal I'm gonna definitely hit a higher goal  than if I had kind of lowballed Myself by setting   such a logo for myself I'm not going to buckle  down and try to figure out what it's going to   take for me to hit such a high number I'm just  going to Coast because I know that I can hit it   whether I try that hard or not the second goal  that I have it might seem kind of vague but I   promise I'm going to Niche it down a little bit  but my next goal is to have more confidence in   myself and in my reselling business as I shared  earlier I think I've been holding on to a lot of   imposter syndrome I'm gonna let go of all those  negative thoughts and I'm just gonna get after   the things I have been dying to try out myself and  that takes me to my next goal remember I told you   I was going to Niche down and that is to make my  most profitable platform in 2023 my own Shopify   store I know that sounds so lofty and I know that  that sounds so like oh like who do you think you   are but that is my version of going all in on  myself now if you're kind of new to my channel   you may not know that not too long ago maybe like  a year and a half ago I actually launched my own   Shopify store but I was just treating that Shopify  store as another regular reselling platform I was   cross-listing essentially everything that I had  listed on platforms like Poshmark and eBay I was   cross-listing items over there at the same time  and the only thing that really differentiated   that platform from my other ones was that I was  offering items at a slightly discounted price   with free shipping that was the only difference  however as we go into 2023 I have really been   dreaming about how to make my Shopify store  something that I can be proud of and something   that is worth anyone's time to go and visit it so  this is how it's going to be different I am going   to offer monthly draw crops so in the month of  January my first drop is going to be the second   Friday it'll be January 13th and all of the drops  will drop at 10 A.M Central Standard Time and what   each drop will consist of is the best items that  I have sourced up until that point the best day of   the year they will go to my Shopify store first at  really great prices and that way I'm able to offer   these pieces to all of you before anyone else sees  them on any of my other reselling platforms and if   you watch my YouTube channel you know that I will  list basically anything anything that I can make   money on it doesn't matter if I'm super passionate  about the item if I get excited about the item if   it's an item that's you know my aesthetic I will  pick it up and list it if I know that there is   money to be made in that item but what's going  to be different about the items that I list on   my Shopify store is that they're only going to be  items that I am genuinely excited about so it's   a curated collection of items that are my style  my aesthetic my Vibe not necessarily all things   that I would wear but things I look at and I'm  like wow wow that is cool that is amazing so if   you are interested in staying up to date with what  goes on with my Shopify store and receiving alerts   when it is almost time for the monthly drops I  will actually have a link down in the description   where you can sign up to join my email list and  if you do join the email list I'm also looking to   send out weekly newsletters with just information  related to reselling tips and tricks when it comes   to reselling but also information about my Shopify  store and any other information that I feel may be   pertinent to you in your own reselling business  this is how much I'm going all in on myself I'm   even going to erase the on Poshmark part of my  YouTube name it's just going to be Becky park   because I don't want to just be known as the girl  who sells on Poshmark in fact I think that I did   better on eBay in the year 2022 than I did on  Poshmark I also blame a lot of that on Poshmark   because Poshmark was a little yeah and then  you're 20 22. so that's how much I'm going all   in on myself I'm not gonna hide behind a platform  anymore it's just me whether you like it or not   and I'll be honest with you one of the biggest  kicks in the butt that I got in the last week or   so regarding you know my decision making process  going into the year 2023 came from a comment that   one of you left on one of my YouTube videos I  believe it was a thrift haul I think and I was   sharing how some of those pieces were going to go  in my January drop and I was just kind of teasing   that I was gonna you know have this website go  live again and this was a comment from grabs and   Deals 8213 that honestly literally almost brought  tears to my eyes it started with congratulations   on your website it's long overdue are you going  to put a link to your website in the links and   I kind of responded and then they responded back  with this you have been losing money to Poshmark   with your following you should be selling on your  website a new year is Sunday and a good time for   you to start using your website and advertise it  you are just hand spending thousands of dollars   to Poshmark it should be in your pocket your bank  and your gas tank not poshmarks you know something   I tell my students all the time as a high school  choir teacher is it is really frustrating that I   believe in you more than you believe in yourself  I don't know how many times they say that to my   kids and it's true I really see their potential  I really see like what they could become if they   just saw an ounce of what I saw in them but  because they don't really see it in themselves   it's hard for them to push themselves that's  exactly what this viewer did for me this viewer   was essentially saying to me I believe in you  so much why don't you believe in yourself that   same amount so you know what grabs and Deals I am  going all in I'm going all in on myself and it is   largely things to you so I cannot tell you how  much your comment meant to me thank you so much   all right so we talked about all these goals the  important piece of the puzzle is how am I going to   meet those goals the first thing we already kind  of talked about and that is my Shopify store by   the way in case you were wondering my Shopify  store is called you can try   to go there right now if you want there's nothing  on there because it's not going to go live until   January 13th at 10 A.M set your alarms now but  that's one of the ways I'm going to try to reach  

that 45 000 goal is to just Source amazing stuff  that I'm super excited about and list it on to my   very own website and pass along to you in savings  what I would have given to platforms like Poshmark   eBay other platforms that you know are taking  their platform fees next and this is a much more   practical thing and something that I have been  talking about for a long time but I want to have   more systems in place for everything for every  facet of my business I know I've talked about   this in the past in regards to things like returns  you know like I'll get a return from eBay and it   just kind of floats around my house like at first  it ends up like right next to the door because   someone brought the return in from the mailbox  and then it'll end up on our stair line ending   and then it'll kind of like work its way up one  stair at a time into the room that we're sitting   in right now but it takes forever for that return  to get processed for it to get re-listed and it's   because I don't have a good system in place for  what I'm going to do with my returns this is   also the case for items that have stains on them I  don't have a good system for that so usually what   ends up happening is you know I will hand it off  to my husband who is really good at getting stains   out he will get it out for me at some point in  time I will get it back at some point in time but   Adam is not a good system it's not a good system  and so it's something that I need to work on and   this isn't just for the physical products that  make up my reselling business but it's also for   things like running sales it's also for things  like content creation you know the social media   piece of my reselling business there are systems  that need to be put in place so that I am much   more organized and things happen in an organized  fashion versus what has been happening for the   past five years which is I just fly by the seat  of my pants across my fingers and hope for the   best I cannot continue to function like that if I  want to have a profitable and successful reselling   business that kicks last year's reselling business  in the book kind of going along with that is I   want to find more ways to automate parts of my  reselling business you guys know that I am a huge   fan of a tool called Pacho va posher va is a tool  it's a Chrome extension that I use to automate the   sharing of my Poshmark closet or to automate these  sending out offers to likers in my Poshmark closet   it does a lot of things for me that I could sit  there and do by myself if I wanted to I could   sit there and do all the clicket ease and I could  send out all the offers and I could do all that I   don't want to I have much better things to do with  my life so posture VA does it for me my goal is   to find ways to do that with other aspects of my  reselling business and social media part of that   comes from just being more organized and one tool  that I am using to get more organized especially   with the content creation side of things but also  with things like scheduling out my drop schedule   drilling out sales on eBay is a tool called  notion notion is similar to tools like Google   drive or OneDrive my brother actually was the one  who turned me on to it and I found a template that   someone was offering for YouTube creators online  and I found it so incredibly helpful in terms   of helping me stay organized the best thing  about it probably is that you can basically   see your business in calendar view you know as a  content creator I can see what I'm going to post   on Instagram what I'm going to post on YouTube  and when but also using that calendar I can do   things like plan out sales for the month for you  know platforms like eBay and Poshmark and Facebook   Marketplace and I can even start to automate  some of those sales you know on eBay you can   plan out sales very far in advance if you have  a store so if I can map out on a calendar view   okay this weekend I'm going to offer a 15 off  sale on everything and throughout the week I'll   offer a five percent sale maybe this weekend  I'll offer fifty percent off of you know super   stale listings if I can and look at a calendar  view map out when those things are going to take   place then I can just set aside you know a few  minutes at the beginning of the month to set up   all those sales and then they'll just go live  on their own when I have set the time for them   to go live so I want to find ways to automate  even more parts of my reselling business so that   I am working smarter not harder just to spend  a little bit more time talking about getting   organized using that tool that I mentioned notion  what I like about it is when you have these big   pivotal moments in your calendar it really helps  with everything so for example I know in my mind   and in my notion calendar that January 13th is  going to be the first drop on my website shop   Becky Park so from a reselling standpoint what  that tells me is I have up until that point to   find some really cool pieces to list their first  before it goes to any other reselling platform   it also helps from a Content creation perspective  because obviously there's a lot that I want to do   to advertise for that drop so if I'm able to start  there and work my way backwards and figure out how   to create content that will support the drop then  it's easier to fill in the blanks as far as what   kind of content I'm going to create for each day  leading up to that drop does that make sense it   does in my brain it just helps me feel like I'm  much more organized and on top of things than I   used to be next let's talk about live sales for  a second live sales was huge in the year 2022   and I definitely dabbled in it I did a handful of  What Not shows I actually got onboarded to do live   shows on Poshmark I just never actually had a live  show on Poshmark I have been watching from afar   just to kind of see what is happening with live  shows and how I want to utilize live shows within   my own reselling business I am not opposed to live  selling however I am super opposed for myself of   bringing my best stuff to live sales and that is  mainly because I have watched time and time and   time again and experience for myself as well but  I have watched a lot of people get burned because   they bring their best stuff to live sales and the  buyers just are not there so instead I think the   way that I'm going to utilize live sales in the  year 2023 is to sell off stale items those are   the items that I don't mind having a three dollar  start because if the item sells for three dollars   great I just need it out of my closet I just need  it to go to a new home and I'm cool with that I'm   not okay with selling some really great pieces for  three dollars five dollars ten dollars or you know   starting items at fair prices and spending two  hours in front of a camera just to not make any   sales because no one wanted to buy items at my  fair prices so I do want to utilize what not and   Poshmark life sales but I think I'm just going  to do it to offload the pieces that I no longer   want to to carry in my Poshmark closet or in my  reselling business in general and those are things   that I can also put into my notion calendar you  see how much notion is transforming My Life by the   way I'm not sponsored by them they don't know who  I am I don't have an affiliate link or anything I   just have really super been loving notion finally  on top of utilizing what not and Poshmark live   shows to liquidate still listings I also want to  utilize my local Plato's Closet and utilize local   Consignment options a little bit more as well so  I think the process moving forward and I'll have   a separate video that comes out about this but  the process moving forward will be I get close   in usually hopefully like 90 95 percent of the  time it's clothes that I myself have sourced but   I already have some really great friends who  have reached out and said hey I'm going to be   bringing you a bunch of clothes really soon and  I love acquiring inventory in that way because I   have gotten some really great pieces and usually  there offering me their clothes without expecting   anything in return I always give them something in  return because I want them to keep coming back to   me but I'm not giving them as much as I would  have to give my local thrift store so I love   getting their clothes to resell however when you  take everything you're also getting a lot of stuff   that you're like I don't know what I'm gonna do  with this I don't want to list it myself and so   I think the first course of action will be to take  those items to a place like Plato's Closet or to   try and consign it myself at a pop-up Consignment  sale or if it's a kids item there are some local   Consignment kids stores so I will try to sell  things off that way first because it requires   the least amount of effort and energy on my end  the second thing that I will do is in conjunction   with liquidating items that I already have listed  that I just want to get out of my life I will you   know host what not shows or Poshmark live shows  and sell off those items for super cheap finally   you know if it's an eye item that I just genuinely  don't want to list I'll go ahead and just take it   to a thrift store but I want to give myself a  shot of making some money on it first because   it's already in my house I may as well try to  get something out of it but if it's really not   meant to be I will bring it to a thrift store so  I think by utilizing those options I can still   make a pretty passive income and also give these  clothes a second chance at life as well so these   are the ways I plan on making 2023 amazing as a  reseller let me know down in the comments below   what you're thinking of doing the changes that you  plan on making but for me 2023 is going to be the   year that I stopped being so scared and the year  that I go all in on myself and trust and believe   that the past five years have prepared me for  this I'm super excited for what 2023 is going   to bring and I hope that for all of us it brings  not just Prosperity but also Peace Love lots of   laughter and time with family and friends I  hope it's a year for the books thank you so   much for watching don't forget to hit that like  button if you enjoyed any aspect of this video   hit that subscribe button if you are brand new  to my reselling Channel don't forget to sign up   for my email list down in the description below  and I will see all of you in the next one bye

2023-01-07 23:21

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