Wearable technology | Wikipedia audio article

Wearable technology | Wikipedia audio article

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Wearable. Technology. Wearables. Fashionable. Technology. Wearable. Devices tech. Togs or fashion. Electronics. Are smart electronic. Devices, electronic. Device, with microcontrollers. That, can be incorporated into. Clothing, or worn on the body as implants, or accessories. Wearable. Devices such, as activity. Trackers, are an example, of the Internet, of Things since. Things. Such. As electronics. Software. Sensors. And connectivity. Are, effectors, that enable, objects, to exchange data including. Data quality. Through, the internet, with a manufacturer. Operator. And/or, other connected. Devices without. Requiring, human. Intervention. Wearable. Technology has. A variety of, applications. Which grows as the field itself, expands. It. Appears. Prominently, in, consumer. Electronics, with the, popularization. Of the SmartWatch. And activity. Tracker. Apart. From commercial. Uses wearable. Technology. Is being incorporated, into. Navigation. Systems, advanced. Textiles. And healthcare. Topic. History. The. History of wearable. Technology, starts. With the watch which was worn by people to tell time, in. 1500. The German, inventor, Peter Henline created. Small watches. Which were worn as necklaces. A. Century. Later men, began to carry their watches in their pockets, as the waistcoat, became, a fashionable. Item, which led to the creation of. Pocket, watches. Wristwatches. Were, also, created. In the late sixteen. Hundreds, but were worn mostly, by women as, bracelets. Over. Time, the, watch become, smaller, and more precise, in. 1904. The aviator, Alberto. Santos-dumont. Pioneered. The use of the wristwatch as it allowed him to have his hands, unoccupied when. Piloting. This. Proved, that the wrist is a convenient. Place to wear, a watch which led people to start using wristwatches. People. Started, to create wearables. To use in every occasion from, tools that help them win in gambling games to rings used, as a computational. Device by traders, to, electronic. Headbands used, as a costume in theaters and a wearable, camera strapped, to a bird to take aerial, photos, among, others. Modern. Wearable, technology. Is related. To both ubiquitous. Computing and, the history, and development of. Wearable, computers. Wearables. Make technology. Pervasive. By incorporating, it, into daily, life through. The history, and development of. Wearable, computing, pioneers. Have attempted to enhance, or extend, the functionality. Of clothing or to create wearables. As accessories. Able, to provide users with soos valence, the. Recording, of an activity, typically. By way of small wearable. Or portable, personal, technologies. Information. Like movement steps. And heart, rate is part of the quantified. Self-movement. The. Origins, of modern wearable. Technology. Are influenced. By both of these responses. To the vision of ubiquitous. Computing. One. Early piece of widely, adopted wearable. Technology. Was the calculator. Watch which, was introduced. In the 1980s. And, even. Earlier wearable, technology. Was the hearing aid. In. 2004. Fashion. Design label, Cutty circuit, unveiled, a Bluetooth, connected, electronics. Called the hug shirt at the cyber at Festival, in Bilbao, Spain where. It won the grand prize at the festival. The. Hug shirt designed, for telle transmitting. Touch over, distance, differs, from previous early. Wearable, technology. Examples. Eg, watches, all the helmet, designs, of wearable, computing in, the 1990s. Because the product, is the first wearable, technology. That took the form of a garment of clothing as. Such. It is also the first piece of Bluetooth, connected. An Internet connected, clothing. This. Product, was included, in Time Magazine's. Best. Inventions. Of the Year special.

Issue In. 2008. Illya, Freedman incorporated. A hidden Bluetooth microphone, into. A pair, of earrings. Around. The same time the, spy tie appeared, a, stylish. Necktie. With a hidden, color camera. Fitbit. Released, its first wearable around. 2009. Fitbit. Products, have primarily, focused upon. Activity. Tracking in the following, years smartwatches. Began. To be released, by major electronics. Companies. One. Of the first offerings, was the Samsung, Galaxy gear, which dropped in September. 2013. Apple. Quickly. Followed, suit with the Apple, watch in April, 2015. Topic. Prototypes. In. 2009. Sony. Ericsson. Teamed up with the London, College, of Fashion for. A contest, to design digital, clothing. The. Winner was a cocktail dress, with bluetooth, technology making. It light up when a call is received Zac, Hoch, and Smith of, MakerBot. Fame, made keyboard, pants, during her fashion. Hacking. Workshop. At a New York City creative. Collective. The. Tindall national, institute, in ireland developed. A remote. Non intrusive patient. Monitoring. Platform. Which, was used to evaluate the quality of, the data generated. By the patient, senses and how the end users, may adopt to the technology. More recently. London-based. Fashion. Company, Cuddy Circuit, created costumes. For singer Katy Perry, featuring. LED, lighting, so, that the outfits, would change color both during, stage shows, and appearances. On the red carpet. In. 2012. Cutty, circuit, created, the world's, first dress. To feature tweets, as worn, by singer, Nicole Scherzinger. In 2014. Graduate. Students, from the Tisch School of, Arts in New York designed, a hoodie that sent pre-programmed. Text, messages, triggered, by gesture, movements, around the same time, prototypes. For digital eyewear with heads up display, HUD, began. To appear the US military. Employs, headgear, with displays, for soldiers using a technology, called, holographic. Optics, in 2010. Google started. Developing. Prototypes. Of its optical, head-mounted, display. Google, glass which, went into customer. Beta in March 2013. Topic. Usage. In. The consumer, space sales. Of smart, wristbands, aka, activity. Trackers, such as the jawbone, up and Fitbit flex started. Accelerating, in. 2013. One. In five American. Adults, have a wearable, device according. To the 2014. PricewaterhouseCoopers. Wearable, future, report, as of. 2009. Decreasing. Cost of processing, power and other components. Was facilitating. Widespread. Adoption and, availability, in professional. Sports. Wearable, technology has. Applications. In monitoring, and real-time, feedback, for, athletes. Examples. Of wearable, technology in. Sport, include, accelerometers. Pedometers. And gps's. Which, can be used to measure an athlete's, energy, expenditure. And movement, pattern. Topic. Modern. Technologies. On April. 16 2013. Google. Invited, glass. Explorers. Who. Had pre-ordered its, wearable, glasses at, the 2012. Google, i/o conference to. Pick up their devices. This. Day marked, the official launch, of Google, glass a device, intended, to, deliver rich, text, and notifications. Via heads-up. Display, Warners eyeglasses. The. Device also, had a 5mp. Camera and. Recorded, video at 720p. Its. Various. Functions, were activated. Via voice command, such, as, ok. Glass. The. Company, also launched. The Google glass companion. App my glass the. First third-party Google. Glass app came, from the New York Times, which was able to read out articles. And news summaries. However. In early, 2015. Google, stopped selling, the Bata Explorer. Edition, of, glass. To the public, after criticism. Of its design, and the. $1500. Price tag, while optical, head-mounted, display. Technology. Remains a niche to, popular, types of wearable, devices have. Taken, off smartwatches. And activity. Trackers. In. 2012. Abbey research, forecast, that sales of smartwatches, would. Hit 1.2. Million dollars, in 2013. Helped. By the high penetration. Of smartphones in. Many world markets, the wide availability and. Low cost of MEMS sensors, energy, efficient, connectivity. Technologies. Such as Bluetooth, 4.0. And a flourishing, app ecosystem. Crowdfunding. Backed startup, pebble, reinvented. The SmartWatch. In 2013. With a campaign, running on Kickstarter. That raised more than 10 million dollars in, funding, at, the. End of 2014. Pebble, announced, it had sold, a million devices. In. Early, 25. Tene pebble. Went back to its crowdfunding. Roots to raise a further, 20, million, dollars, for its next-generation. SmartWatch. Pebble, time which started, shipping in May 2015. In. March 2014. Motorola. Unveiled. The Moto 360. Smartwatch. Powered. By Android, wear a modified. Version of, the mobile operating. System. Android, designed, specifically. For smart, watches and other wearables. Finally. Following, more than a year of speculation. Apple, announced, its own SmartWatch.

The Apple watch in September. 2014. Wearable. Technology was. A popular. Topic at the tradeshow Consumer. Electronics. Show in, 2014. With the event, dubbed the, wearables. Appliances. Cars, and bendable, TVs. Show, by. Industry. Commentators. Among. Numerous wearable. Products, showcased. With smartwatches. Activity. Trackers, smart, jewelry, head mounted, optical, displays, and earbuds. Nevertheless. Wearable. Technologies. Are still suffering from limited. Battery capacity, another. Field, of application, of wearable, technology is, monitoring, systems. For assisted, living and elder, care. Wearable. Sensors, have a huge, potential, in generating, big, data with, a great applicability. To, biomedicine. And ambient, assisted, living. For. This reason, researchers. Are moving, their focus, from data collection. To the development. Of intelligent. Algorithms. Able, to glean valuable, information from. The collected, data using. Data mining, techniques, such, as statistical. Classification, and. Neural, networks, wearable. Technology, can also collect, biometric. Data such, as heart rate ECG. And HRV. Brainwave. EEG. And muscle, bio signals. EMG. From, the human, body to provide volley information. In the field of health care and wellness another. Increasingly. Popular. Wearable, technology. Involves. Virtual, reality. VR. Headsets. Have been made by a range, of manufacturers, for, computers, consoles. And mobile, devices. Recently. Google released, their headset, the Google daydream, in July, 2014. A smart, technology. Footwear was introduced. In Hyderabad. India. The. Shoe insoles, are connected, to a smartphone. Application. That uses Google Maps and vibrate. To tell users when and where to turn to reach their destination. In recent, years fitness, trackers, and smartwatches. Have, become, increasingly, common and, recognizable. As examples. Of wearable, technology. Examples. Include Fitbit. Apple, watch and Samsung. Galaxy, gear. In. Addition. To commercial, applications. Wearable. Technology, is being, researched, and developed for, a multitude, of uses. The. Massachusetts. Institute of, Technology is. One of the many research. Institutions. Developing. And testing, technologies. In this field for. Example. Research. Is being done to improve haptic. Technology for. Its integration, into next-generation. Wearables. Another. Project, focuses. On using, wearable, technology. To assist the visually, impaired in, navigating. Their surroundings. As wearable. Technology. Continues. To grow it has begun to expand, into, other fields. The. Integration. Of wearables, into, healthcare, has been a focus, of research and, development, for various. Institutions. Wearables. Continue. To evolve moving. Beyond devices. And exploring. New frontiers such. As smart fabrics. Applications. Involve, using, a fabric to perform, a function, such as integrating. A QR, code into. The textile. Or, formants apparel, that increases. Air flow during, exercise. Topic. Methods. And techniques. The. Following, methods, and techniques, explain, the manufacturing. Process. Of clothing from, fiber to garment, and the insertion, of electronics. To the process. Topic. Wearable. Technology and. Health. Wearable. Technology. Is often, used to monitor a user's, health, given. That such a device, is in close contact, with the user it can easily collect data. Wearables. Can be used to collect data on, a user's, health including. Heart. Rate. Calories. Burned. Steps. Walked. Blood. Pressure. Time. Spent, exercising. These functions. Are often bundled, together in a single unit, like an activity, tracker or a SmartWatch. Like the Apple watch series, - or Samsung. Galaxy. Gear sport. Devices. Like these are used for physical training. And monitoring, overall. Physical, health.

Currently. Other, applications. Within healthcare, are, being explored, such, as. Measuring. Blood alcohol, content. Measuring. Athletic, performance. Monitoring. How sick the user is. Health. Risk assessment. Applications. Including. Measures, of frailty, and risks of age dependent. Diseases, while wearables. Can collect data in aggregate form they, have yet to analyze, or make conclusions. Based on this data. Wearables. Cannot, account for the differing, health needs of an individual. They can only collect data. Because. Of this wearables. Are used primarily for, information. About general. Well-being but, not for making decisions. About one's, health. Today. There, is a growing interest to, use wearables. Not only, for individual. Self tracking, but also within, corporate, health and wellness programs. Given. That wearables. Create, a massive, data trail, which employers, could, repurpose, for objectives. Other than health more and more research, emanate, that also, studies, the dark, side of wearables. Topic. Entertainment. Wearables. Have expanded. Into the entertainment. Space by, creating, new ways, to experience. Digital. Media. Virtual. Reality, headsets. And augmented. Reality glasses. Have. Come to exemplify, wearables. In entertainment. The. Influence. Of these virtual. Reality, headsets, and augmented. Reality glasses. Are, seen mostly, in the gaming industry. Virtual. Reality, headsets. Such as the oculus, rift, HTC. Vive and Google, daydream, view aim to create a more immersive media, experience. By either simulating. A first-person. Experience. Or displaying, the media in the user's full field, of vision. Television. Films. And video, games, have been developed, for these devices, in. A. 2014. Expo. Edie tang of aven't, presented. His Smart, headphones. These. Headphones use. Virtual, retinal display. To enhance. The experience of, the oculus, rift. Some. Augmented. Reality devices. Fall, under, the category, of wearables. Augmented. Reality glasses. Are, currently, in development by. Several, corporations. Snap. Ink spectacles. Are sunglasses that, record. Video from, the users, point of view and, pair with a phone to post videos, on snapchat. Microsoft. Has also delved. Into this business, releasing. Augmented. Reality glasses. In. 2017. The. Device explores. Using, digital holography. Or Holograms. To give the user a first-hand. Experience. Of augmented. Reality. Wearable. Technology has. Also expanded. From the wrist to apparel, there. Is a shoe, made by the company shift, wear that uses, a smartphone, application, to. Periodically. Change, the design display. On the shoe, the. Shoe is designed using, normal, fabric, but utilizes. A play along the midsection, and back that shows a design, of your choice, the. Application. Was up by, 2016. And a prototype. For the shoes was created. In, 2017. Another. Example. Of this can be seen with Ataris, headphone, speakers. Atari. And audio we're are developing, a face cap with built-in, speakers. The. Cap will feature speakers, built, into the underside, of the brim and will have Bluetooth, capabilities. Many. Other devices, can, be considered. Entertainment.

Wearables, And need only be devices. Worn by the user, to experience. Media. Topic. Gaming. The. Creation, of the first virtual, reality, headset, can be credited, to, cinematographer. Morten hi League he. Created, a device known as the sensorama, in. 1962. The. Sensorama was a video, game-like device. That was so heavy that it needed to be held up by a suspension, device, in, 2016. Sony debuted, its first portable. Connectible, virtual, reality. Headset, codenamed, project, Morpheus. The. Device, was rebranded, for, PlayStation. In 2018. Topic. Fashion. Fashionable. Wearables. Are designed, garments. And accessories that. Combines, aesthetics. And style with functional. Technology. Garments. Are the interface, to the exterior, mediated. Through digital, technology. It. Allows. Endless, possibilities. For the dynamic. Customization. Of apparel, all, clothes, have social, psychological. And, physical functions. However. With, the use of technology these, functions. Can be amplified. Wearables. Are made from a functionality. Perspective. Or from an aesthetic perspective. When. Made from a functionality. Perspective. Designers. And engineers create. Wearables. To provide, convenience. To the user. Clothing. And accessories. Are used as a tool to provide, assistance, to the user. Designers. And engineers are. Working together, to incorporate. Technology in, the manufacturing. Of garments, in order to provide, functionalities. That can, simplify, the lives, of the user. For. Example through. Smartwatches. People, have the ability to, communicate on-the-go. And track their health. Moreover. Smart. Fabrics, have a direct, interaction. With the user as it allows sensing. The customers, moves. This. Helps to address concerns, such, as privacy. Communication. And well-being. Years. Ago fashionable. Wearables. Were functional. But not very, aesthetic. As of. 2018. Wearables. Are quickly growing to meet fashion, standards, through the production of, garments, that are stylish and comfortable. Furthermore. When, wearables. Are made from an aesthetic, perspective, designers. Explore, with their work by using technology. And collaborating. With engineers. These. Designers. Explore, the different, techniques, and met foods available, for incorporating. Electronics. In their designs. They. Are not constrained, by one set of materials. Or colors, as these, can change in response, to the embedded, sensors, in the apparel. They. Can decide how their designs, adapt, and responds. To the user in. 1968. The Museum, of Contemporary crafts. In New York City held, an exhibition named. Body covering. Which presented, the infusion, of technological. Wearables, with fashion. Some. Of the projects, presented were, clothing, that changed, temperature. And party, dresses that light up and produce noises, among, others. The. Designers, from this exhibition. Creatively.

Embedded, Electronics, into the clothes and accessories to, create these, projects. As of. 2018. Fashion. Designers, continue, to explore, this method, in the manufacturing. Of their designs, by pushing the limits of fashion, and technology. Topic. Project. Jacquard. Project. Jacquard a google project led, by ivan, pope i f has, been combining, clothing, with technology. Google. Collaborated. With Levi, Strauss to create, a jacket, that has touched sensitive. Areas, that can control, a smartphone. The. Cufflinks are removable, and charged in a USB, port. Topic. Intel. Intel. Partnered, with the brand chromate, to create a sports, bra that responds, to changes in, the body of the user as well as a 3d. Printed, carbon fiber dress, that changes, color based on the user's adrenaline, levels. Intel. Also partnered. With Google, and Tag Heuer to make a SmartWatch. Topic. Iris. Van Herpen. Smart. Fabrics. And 3d, printing, have been incorporated, in, high fashion by, the designer, Iris, van Herpen. Van. Herpen was, the first designer, to incorporate. 3d, printing, technology. Of rapid, prototyping. Into the fashion industry. The. Belgian, company, materialized. Envy collaborates. With her in the printing, of her designs. Topic. Issues. And concerns. The. FDA, drafted. A guidance, for low-risk, devices. Advises. That personal. Health wearables. Our general, wellness products. If they only collect, data on weight, management, physical. Fitness, relaxation. Or, stress management. Mental. Acuity self, esteem sleep, management. Or sexual. Function. This. Was due to the privacy. Risks, that were surrounding. The devices. As. More. And more of the devices. Were being used as well as improved, soon enough these devices. Would be able to tell if a person is showing certain health issues, and give a course of action. With. The rise of these devices, being, consumed. So to the FDA, drafted. This guidance, in order to decrease risk of a patient, in case the app doesn't function properly, it.

Is. Argued, the ethics, of it as well because, although they help track health and promote, independence. There is still an invasion, of privacy that. Ensues, to gain information. This. Is due to the huge amounts, of data that has to be transferred. Which could raise issues, for both the user and the companies, if a third party gets. Access, to this data. There. Was an issue with the Google glass that was, used by surgeons, in order, to track vital, signs of a patient, where it had privacy, issues, relating. To third, party, use of non consented. Information. The. Issue is, consent. As well when it comes to wearable, technology. Because, it gives the ability to record. And that is an issue when, permission, is not asked, when a person, is being recorded. Equals. Equals, see also.

2019-01-19 22:12

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