Wild Camping on The Eastern side

Wild Camping on The Eastern side

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So, today I was headed north through. The fertile, farmlands, of Angus and per share the. Road, was a bit different to what I was used to heading west but I soon, had bleared Gaudi, onto. The bridge Akali and then I was headed up for. The Eastern Highlands and, Glen she it, was fabulous weather and the, way that had been good for a few weeks I was keen to make. The most of it on our wild cow. So. Eventually reached the carpark and the, Sun was loading it was about seven o'clock I was kidding not to start too early, as it been really really warm during the day so hiking, better than me things a bit easier so I got a boots on the. Backpack ready and I set off up. For a hole called glass mouth. Wow. Well. Fabulous. So this. Evening I've come. To the Eastern Highlands completely. Different to my last wild camp which, is over in the West with us with, the holes are a bit more jagged. Than, their, yeah. I used to think more impressive, but these, Eastern Highlands of Iceland we condone Glenn she and I've, parked the car does the ski center. Maybe. Cheating little bits as well above 600 meters but it makes it a bit more bearable my legs have stole recovering after last week's world camp and the weather remains fantastic. During. The week I think Scotland. Recorded, its highest think. Of this highest temperature, in over five years and, some sports the. Highest temperature ever recorded so. It's, been lovely so ever correct this weekend into the the, hell's neither home and the Glen she holes are just, fantastic a lot of people come. Up here and some of the first holes that we do in the beginning to help walking because you're starting at quite a high level elevation now. Sound of the case for me and I've brought my daughter back and that was her first their first holes it over here Kieran well and, some of its neighbors with them today. I'm heading over to this one here I deliver him me oh it's called grass mal and I'm, hoping to camp in the summer of there doesn't. Look too far away but with. This big pack or to make team I well together so I'm going to win.

A Crack on under blue skies and. Hopefully got there to to find a nice patch to spend the night yeah. Let's. Go. Well. I've been on the Gulf for maybe 40, minutes now and they're glorious. Absolutely. Lovely and, I'm. Actually taking a wee shortcut, the mean sort of track was up over the top of this rising then drops down to black, just. Over there before you start heading up glass mouth so we're a bit of a cheats but there's a surly path that close she cuts. Your you're, a saint and B st. just, a little miss eto sure I remember from the last name is a bit grass here a bit, easier underneath so I doesn't. Look like I've got too far to go over there the. Worst part of the clean, up. Onto, the summit, plateau so. I'll. Just take my time and enjoy the sunshine, now spin round you can see the Sun starting to water a little, still. Got a few hours to, do. We until sunset I think we'll be famous. Well. Look. At oh I'm about knocking class. Begin towards the top best. To be steep, sting, in the tail of the hill beyond. Me behind me I'm. Almost at the top of this, steeper. Section and then it starts to label. Yeah. I'm swaying, the. Mainly uses of a button. Underneath. Behind, their. Swing. My. Nose and. That's. The mean. Here. In the green. There. Is a special, Schuyler, behemoth. Not. Many rocks so still. Absolutely. So. I soon find myself on this summit plateau it, was lovely the gradient, was a lot easier than that elastic. Pull up and if you use we're starting to open up you, can see what the Angus Hills and, then father, owned the Cairngorms, and, the parrot Hills fantastic. Absolutely brilliant. It was certainly a fine night to do now. That's. Near the summit here we go there's, the summit trick. Behind me that's, probably kicking me I, don't. Know maybe about a nolan 15, thing I'll pee and I suppose what's, the stalks and just taking it easy and, it's probably say, what's. The grass always like there's lots of places to pitch the tent so I'm. Just gonna dump my bike here and go for a wander about and see if I can find a nice pitch with a with, a nice view it's clear an. Expansive. Summit plateau so. No. Sharp Peaks here but that, also means lots of flat.

Grassy, Sports so yeah, in the bag off and go for the one dog see if I can find a pitch. So. Far the one that I both the last 15, minutes and. I went where a, fire. Doing there's a lovely, probably. Say cliffs just over over. The video that's, East. I know. There's another talk doing it I guess little. Little. Glass small I might be wrong that. Always like a nice place it's a bit too far because I think your back quite. A little more up so I think what we do is and with a head, back. Could be a team because the views over to the Cairngorms. And. Don't it'll make sub an igloo and Ivy the holes it seems to be going on and on so we'll try and get pitch by cords back, towards the car I'd stolen the top of the plateau and. Yeah. Get set up and there hopefully find a nice. Spot, with a porch of view so enough. Talking let's, get going. So. I headed back down the we had come up and before, long I found a lovely little flat, piece of ground and I. Set, a bug in my tin, top so, I could then relax and just enjoy the sauce. So. It was a lovely sport, the Sun, was going down over towards, the Cairngorms with the views of extensive, in, a retro from locking agar and we, don't say fricassee Eastern where slogans that was a lovely support just to relax and enjoy, myself. After. Having some tea I set about getting, a tripod, up in there but I said he'd take some shots of the of, the, Cairngorms and, the Eastern Highlands it was lovely. So. I'm not want all sunset. But I'm really been lazy like super. Lazy summer but, the tent there great view from the tent no watching the sunset I've been drained you can see I've. Set the tripod up. Yellows. Here, and. There's me setting down. Really. Really lazy so I'm gonna teach, it some, theme laps, whilst. At my back seed watching the sunset, coming, absolutely. Lovely its glorious there's no clouds in the sky and. One. Of the reasons that came up was it was one forecast, I think it was mm. Voice omit them but with the work start again there, was one forecast, that suggested, that there may be a clothed inversion, or a temperature inversion to model and we build off the cloud but. Little, cloud that, was. A mountain weather information service. Although. The forecast, suggests clear, skies and they include Julian that they're covering, the summit yeah, we'll see sometimes, you just gotta gamble and anyway, that's the sunsets worth it absolutely.

That's. A song going down. Sacs, of the breezes, suspect upper we best be nice if in there there's. Been no midges, at. All which is surprising. And. Because there wasn't that dropped rate the. Wind did, drop rate down and I thought at that point in which may come over yeah. There's not many maybe, it's just I'm used to, imagine. The west coast but. You know I know you certainly get merge this year but I think I've been lucky tonight so, yeah. I'm gonna have to hear now see you and get some sleep I don't sleep very well I'm, gonna go camping so but, I am absolutely. Knackered, I don't think about a full night's sleep for a week so I'm we'll, see how we go in tonight anyway. I'm gonna, have to hear and I. Think there's a full moon tonight we overlap I can't see it because of a hill but, it may be setting. When, I wake up in the morning and. A fewer Sun, rises a bit 4:30 again so. Anyway. Let's see what the morning brings late. Night. Well. Probably. Not for a week ten minutes it's full of clock now and. Yes. Look. Leading darshan final, clue at all. Is. That my, left. Cameron, hit. The bed last night so. Disc. Left the film everything on the GoPro note which is Fame and I'm gonna go get. A quick coffee. So. Got a coffee on and, I just really enjoyed, having. Breakfast, and I watched the. Sun Rise up. Above, walk Naggar. Certainly. Breakfast, with a few and it was a fabulous, morning. Absolutely, ghoulia sand as much as I didn't want to leave, it, was soon time for me to finish my breakfast, and set about striking camp. Once. We got. A tenth away I swear. Those comes time it's a lovely morning look at that if you understand. Taylor, doodle being a glue and doing it the north. Over the Cairngorms, and. The Sun came up over walking the GAR so yeah I'm gonna take the crack going to move. So. A tsunami we the same thing doing off the slopes of glass smile with glowing she sprayed before me it, was just one, of those morning's and crystal. Clear views, and blue skies and yeah, I wasn't in any Russians, I wasn't gonna take me long to get back to the car and I knew had beholden before the, rest of the family were away. Oh. Plus. We like though you probably could see, behind. Me, I'm back into the ski, center area that's. A glorious morning perhaps salutely good it and, it's. Not taking it long to get back off and. Bike, doing a movie bit halfway doing good mmm that I know work Leah back to the car over thought by. This taking a team and what's a wildly. Seen. What so here's and beers and, and. What are the important somewhat too sure what the sleep accordance we are certainly gross what's. A little burnt. And. That's. One of the one, of the things I do notice about the Eastern Highlands is I became. The CEO notice, and one more wildlife, than that's. My personal experience, anyway than you feel in the next. This. Is magic, what a morning, absolutely. Bought it so I'm gonna bumble the way back down to the car and then. Head. Back home it's 4:30, to 6:00 in the morning so, people I think, over seven happy. These hey let's, go. You.

2018-09-13 20:20

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Hi Murray...thanks for posting another great video. I’d say those small birds might be meadow pipits...https://www.google.ie/search?q=meadow+pipit&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-ie&client=safari. I’m off for 2 wild camps in Ireland at the end of September. Please can you send over the weather you had on the east coast of Scotland!! One last thing...what was written on your hand at the start of the clip? All the best...Rich

This video was of particular interest to me as I've just posted up a video of my first wild camp...however, your weather conditions were so much better than what I experienced in Wales. That said, I loved the experience and adventure of it all. :-)

That area looks so flat compared to the west but the choice of pitches must be endless. The great looking thing, I thought, was that the views went on forever because it looked almost level peak heights. Superb video again. Keep up the great work

Great video loved it thanks

Hi Murray,Thats where i started doing my 1st munros back in 2008,I live in Aberdeen so they are on my doorstep,Went up mostly every weekend in the summer months.I still prefer the west coast,the hills are more rugged and the scenery is better,great footage always pal,cheers.

Great entertainment as always

Cracking video again. Was up start of August with my son and we did the Cairnwell 3. Cracking paths and as you say, seemingly more wildlife than the west, hares especially. Wildcamping paradise up there but we opted for Braemar camp for the young ‘un. You captured the essence of the place in summer perfectly, and the sunrise/tent silhouette shot was bliss. Thanks again.

Another fantastic film. always enjoyable. Cheers

The accessibility to these mountains and countryside for the majority of Scots, ie 2 to 3 hrs from their homes makes this one of the great places to live if you enjoy the wide open spaces. A bit less rain and midges and it would be perfect.

That looked like a great walk and a nice comfortable camping spot :D Thanks for taking us all along with you :D Teddy

Happy Days Murray Happy Days!

Great camping spot and what an amazing weather you had!!! Looking forward to the next video!!

Always a pleasure to watch, look forward to seeing the next one, many thanks

A very good one!

Another great wee film mate. I enjoy walking up there and also good fun in the winter. As you say a lot more wildlife and nice easy walking compared to a lot of hillwalks. Atb

Makes you feel good to to be able to do this sort of wild camping . Their are so many places in Scotland it would take a lifetime to do it all.

Great wildcamp Murray and once again lucky with the weather Thanks again for sharing ATB ALAN GREGORY ADVENTURES

6:00 love the reflected sun on the dew. Gorgeous.

Hi murray Wow that was a fantastic mid week treat I think you have been neglecting the eastern side lol judging by this footage it looks beautiful murray Ithink you will have to take us back there soon Really enjoyed that as always Till next time take care atvb chris

Therapy. When you're sitting working at the laptop this is the next best thing to being out there. Particularly relaxing, my kind of wildcamp ;-) Cheers Andy

Another epic adventure Murray. Thanks for sharing :)

Great little trip, that! Thanks for the tip - now I know where to begin when I start bagging peaks! Perhaps I should say 'continue' bagging peaks, since I've been up Ben Nevis with my dad in 1990 :)

Not an area I've visited, but I guess now I'll have to add it to my to-do list :-) Seems like there's a wonderful feeling of space there, with views for miles in every direction. Thanks again for sharing!

I'm interested on the longest line of sight from this peak. My brother, while working for the Ordnanace Survey, remembers seeing Morven in Caithness from Lochnagar 90 miles distant and Cheviot in Northumberland 111 miles away. You might be interested in the theoretical longest line of sight in the British Isles which is Snowdon from Merrick in Galloway, a distance of 144 miles.

Amazing weather and an amazing beautiful video again. Thank you!

Very beautiful place, thanks for the video, take care.. Subbed ya.

Great video what a great place to wake up and soak in those views , atb Dave

Thanks Dave :) and Thanks for watching ATB Murray Summit wild camping - Glenshee Scottish Highlands

thank you - very much appreciated Thanks for watching ATB Murray Summit wild camping - Glenshee Scottish Highlands

Thanks Roland - hope you enjoyed the vlog Thanks for watching ATB Murray Summit wild camping - Glenshee Scottish Highlands

you may find these a little less taxing than The Ben (unless you decide to head up multiple peaks ;)) Thanks for watching ATB Murray Summit wild camping - Glenshee Scottish Highlands

It well worth a visit - lots of rolling hills cut through by deep clefts in places Thanks for watching ATB Murray Summit wild camping - Glenshee Scottish Highlands

still one I have t ascend (Merrick) - will need to keep it for a crisp winters day to see if I can spot Wales :) Thanks for watching ATB Murray Summit wild camping - Glenshee Scottish Highlands

Thanks Michael :) Thanks for watching ATB Murray Summit wild camping - Glenshee Scottish Highlands

Thanks Chris - you maybe right - its much easier for me to get to but I do tend to head west more frequently!! Thanks for watching ATB Murray Summit wild camping - Glenshee Scottish Highlands

Thanks Andy - hope you enjoyed the vlog Thanks for watching ATB Murray Summit wild camping - Glenshee Scottish Highlands

thanks Brian and Thanks for watching ATB Murray Summit wild camping - Glenshee Scottish Highlands

Thanks Rich - no idea what I had scribbled on my hand - probably something to remind me to do something from my day job!! lol Afraid I cant send the weather over as I am keeping some for my adventures this weekend ;) fingers crossed! Thanks for watching ATB Murray Summit wild camping - Glenshee Scottish Highlands

Thanks Julian - I'll head over to your channel to check it out (once I get through the comments thismorning :)) hope you had a great time Thanks for watching ATB Murray Summit wild camping - Glenshee Scottish Highlands

absolutely - could see for miles and miles. Was lucky because the clarity was superb too, much fun Thanks for watching ATB Murray Summit wild camping - Glenshee Scottish Highlands

thanks Stephen and Thanks for watching ATB Murray Summit wild camping - Glenshee Scottish Highlands

Thanks Phil , we are so lucky having so many diverse mountain landscapes here :) Thanks for watching ATB Murray Summit wild camping - Glenshee Scottish Highlands

Thanks for watching ATB Murray Summit wild camping - Glenshee Scottish Highlands

thanks Del, its a cracking place to start the kids off - not too much ascent to put them off and some lovely views from the tops :) Thanks for watching ATB Murray Summit wild camping - Glenshee Scottish Highlands

thanks Alan and Thanks for watching ATB Murray Summit wild camping - Glenshee Scottish Highlands

ha - absolutely - dont mind the rain much but those pesky midgies - if only we could get them away from us humans!!lol Thanks for watching ATB Murray Summit wild camping - Glenshee Scottish Highlands

Thanks Again Teddy, It was a lovely spot with far reaching views to the Cairngorms :) Thanks for watching ATB Murray Summit wild camping - Glenshee Scottish Highlands

thanks Stephanie - it certainly was - normal weather patterns have now resumed!! lol Thanks for watching ATB Murray Summit wild camping - Glenshee Scottish Highlands

Thanks Sander :) and Thanks for watching ATB Murray Summit wild camping - Glenshee Scottish Highlands

+Scotland's Mountains no slacking now, get back out and make the next one, haha! Thanks again

thanks again les - much appreciated Thanks for watching ATB Murray Summit wild camping - Glenshee Scottish Highlands

Thanks Ray - I always seem to notice more wild life in the east (astoundingly as I am not the most observant person - ask my wife!!) Thanks for watching ATB Murray Summit wild camping - Glenshee Scottish Highlands

absolutely - we are lucky to live in a relatively small country with a large diversity of upland areas to explore :) Thanks for watching ATB Murray Summit wild camping - Glenshee Scottish Highlands

Thanks Alan - seems like a long time ago now - winters just round the corner :) Thanks for watching ATB Murray Summit wild camping - Glenshee Scottish Highlands

This has made my day, I am from Bridge of Cally. There’s nothing like home. ❤️

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