Whitney Houston's Hologram Tour

Whitney Houston's Hologram Tour

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So. Thank. You thank, you I love you more listen they're putting out a hologram, about Whitney Houston. They're. Gonna take it on tour I just have to get right to what I think this is the worst idea ever, all due respect to the dearly departed Whitney, she's been gone for many, years now she. Does not have an heir her only daughter has passed on as well you. Know I I don't want to accuse Pat, Houston, her sister-in-law, or her brother Gary of a. Money. Grab or, being. Highly, distasteful but. Would. You go see Whitney in a hologram, won't or clap if you would. Okay. A few. People not many though if, you're, looking for money that's not many if, what. You want to do is keep her memory, alive we, got the radio and and. We've got Spotify and we've, got our collections, and we've. Got our memories. They're. Currently planning this everybody. Pat, Houston, she's, the one at the helm of it they want Gary to go out there and sing live while the hologram, of Whitney is there, yes. As a background singer. This. Is terrible not a concert. I. Mean. Tupac. Did it didn't. Work so well. Who. Else did it um Michael. Jackson, did it didn't. Work so well. Today's. Biggie's birthday, please mrs. Wallace please faith do not get. Biggie on the, hologram, happy, birthday big. Now. They also plan, on having the Whitney story on Broadway now see I think that's a fabulous idea. As. Long as it's not in a hologram, you know what I mean like I want to see Deborah Cox, the only Whitney, Houston, I I, want, to see Deborah. Cox she's the only one that could get close to Whitney we've seen her do it before people love her and she's got a great voice and we like her here in our show but I think the Deborah on Broadway, she's done Broadway before as Whitney, and then you do the whole Whitney Houston thing and make sure that you include a lot of good stuff and, also, on this. Tour that Gary's gonna be on with his hologram sister. They. Want to introduce us to new Whitney music. All. Due respect, rest. In peace I don't, care about here in new music I want, to hear the music that we can sing along too you. Know. I just. Think it's a bad idea all, the way around shout out to the Houston family that's all. An. Aretha. Franklin. Aretha. You will not stop messing with people will you. Okay. So our friend Aretha rest in peace. Had. Three, wills hidden, around her house have you heard about this. Well. As I was leaving the house this morning all I heard was she left a will that's what I heard on the news and then I had to go so. By, the time I got here the bureau let me know it wasn't just Oh will Wendy three Will's. Two. Of them in a locked safe from 2010. Handwritten. Handwritten, I. Want. To leave the house to Ted. She, has, a son named Ted and. Then look the Pens not working here's where she scribbles around, you. Know what I mean, they. Say that this is really her handwriting, would. You look at miss Franklin okay two of them were locked in a safe in her home and one of them was in a spiral notebook under, a cushion, in her couch. Wit. Well, who knew. Aretha. Franklin, just like us. It. Might be a mere grocery, list that you have in your couch cushion but the point being she's, scribbling, and writing in a spiral notebook and, stuffing it under her couch. This. Is the same woman who wore her purse on stage though because, she didn't care how rich the people around her we're and how well appointed they were everybody she thought had a ceiling bone, well. She did have a point with that. Kind. Of sort of this. Is the same woman who would ask for cash up front, she, wasn't trusting, you promoters, just because you have a line, around the corner doesn't, mean that you were going to give her a fair share for for, performing, in a cheque that won't bounce or you say you're gonna wire the money no she wants cash and she, stuffs it in that bag and she'd come on stage and do chang-chang. You. Know to, me she's looking and laughing at all of us in my mind my joke during hot topics. Morning meeting was that the spiral, notebook at the couch was she was writing her will she was probably watching Wendy at the same time.

I. Think. She, was our girl for the show remember the way I met her is because she called the bureau to curse me out about something I said about her. And. I was like that wasn't really Whitney Houston I mean I'm Aretha, Franklin they said yes it was Wendy and she talked about this that in the third and she got me on the telephone she was like I watch every day this. Was during our six-week, sneak peak we weren't even a show we were and. But. It was on in the day and she was watching on her couch so Teddy gets the house according, to this handwritten, will whoo yes, yes her, children, are ages, 49. To 62. Now, you would think that a 49, to a 62, year for signs somebody. Would have said mom you need a proper will now can we talk McCobb for a second I don't. Know who you are if you have kids or not if, you have a living will but to me the second you have children you need your, life insurance you, know sometimes if you don't have kids then you know why, I get life insurance that's what a lot of people feel and sometimes, people feel that if they're just by themselves then why I have a will well you. Should have it even if you give it to your favorite mailman. Just because, your stuff no matter what it is just because otherwise that state takes it and I don't care where you live there's always something funky, about the state you don't like when, it comes to death you. Know and, it's. Not macabre like I don't talk to my parents about wills and stuff like that I just want to know do you have one that, was years ago they said yes I was like okay fine good you. Know I kind, of don't want to know anymore, for. My son my. Son and I of. Recent, late of course my. Son no yes, we talked that talked I've introduced, him to the actual people this is who you're, the boss over and this is when you're 18 now boy. If. I walk outside and something happens to me. You. Just know everything's, laid out for you I. Just. Feel like you. Children, the Whitney the Aretha. Franklin children you've done your mother's legacy a disservice and there's two of the brothers who don't like the idea of this handwritten, will well they're saying so far that it is written, by Aretha and they are gonna give it to a handwriting. Analysis, but in my opinion something like this should be absolutely, legal and here's why it's, not like she wrote one or two sentences, that you know a plagiarize, ur a forger. Could you know imitate. One or two sentences, you know some of us. Some. Of us have done that before you know bad progress, reports at school. Thomas. D, Williams. I. Told. Them after I graduated. And. Once I had a successful career then I tell my parents all my tricks but anyway, um, I I, feel this is enough writing to say whether this is her writing or not then they're gonna get it under a handwriting, analysis, then it's gonna prove to be hers well they're two brothers who are all down for this they must be the two brothers who are the responsible, ones who probably know they were gonna get everything anyway and then their two brothers who hate the idea these. Three wills even be a part of anything those are probably the two brothers who were less than, responsible. The ones who would benefit, from the. Know will thing, in Michigan the know will thing goes like this everything. Gets divided equally amongst, the siblings say, so the ones who weren't necessarily as, opponent, will get, as much as the ones that took care of Teddy who. We could read his name. He. Gets the house now. I don't know where they're going where they're going from here but I got to tell you something there is a hearing scheduled, on June 12th and believe me you I will, be on top of it. I want. You to talk to your family about wills it doesn't have to be Alma Cobb and stuff you know could just be like you, know like mom I really, like you know that dress and then.

She Says Wendy, it's yours. You. Know or something doesn't, have to be all deftly, and. You, want to talk to people about their wills and find out and stuff why they still have all their marbles. Kim. Kardashian, is. Mad. At. At. The, fast-food restaurant. Jack-in-the-box. Do. You know that remember Rodney Allen Rippy used to be the spokesperson, and then they kind of disappeared that we here on the west or the east coast for a minute now they're I guess only on the west coast anyway they have tacos and burgers and stuff, so. Yesterday. Kim, posted hey. Jack-in-the-box. I've, a serious complaint, but, I won't fully, put you on blast check. Your corporate email inbox, and send me a DM with direct person, for my team to contact, pronto. First. Thing I says who. Does she think she is. All. Right. I, mean. Yes. Your your with, the prison reform and your leading a movement that a lot of people might not have opened their eyes to yes, you're in Van. Jones is law school to. Get your law degree and, you know you seem to be doing, really really, good, for the people with your position but who are you with. This right here get. At me pronto. First. Of all I thought I was the only one to flip but everybody in my hot topics morning meeting agreed with me I wouldn't care if they didn't they agree they're like who does she think she is and then. I said to them I said and one wouldn't her people respond, to her millions of followers they said most of them were like what does she think she is like. You either share the whole thing which are complaining about don't. Don't just string, people along because what this sounds like Kim is you're using your your celebrity. And your newfound you, know business. Head for a lot of pomposity, and bullying like. Like who are you. And. There's. Not a bone in me that believes that she's complaining, because they left cheese off of a burger it's. Not like that she's probably complaining. Because maybe they saw a worker being mistreated, or they, saw a worker do something wrong or something, wasn't right in the restaurant so she was pissed she wanted to do good for the people that's what I believe in my mind, but. The way she went about it just makes her sound like an ass, who. Are you. You. Know. Maybe. There's no handicap, ramp or something like that but, you know what you should have done Kim you're, Kim you should have picked up the phone and called corporate, and talked, about it behind the scenes like everything. That you do for the good of the people doesn't, have to be known and please. Don't become that that, bully online, because because, right now you're bullying the, jack-in-the-box. Anyway. So. The corporate people the jack-in-the-box found, out about this through her and so. They wanted to DM her apparently. But they. Tried to reach out and and, it, was unsuccessful so, I guess through hot topics Kim they're trying to reach you. Maybe. You want to call them like like a lot of just use the phone and call them. Hey. Can we change these stories around I know we have nine oh two one oh to talk about but I prefer to talk about that boy at Empire cuz you're, not gonna believe what's going on. Excuse. I mean the shy, well. Excuse, me he's the cookie, of um the shy you, know the star of the show one. Of Hollywood's hottest rising. Stars this guy right here, what's. His name again in mid-tones Jason Mitchell.

Jason. Has been fired by. His no, listen. By. His agent his. Manager, and his. TV show the shy. Along. With an upcoming Netflix. Movie, now. You asked me what a 32, year old man could possibly do, when his the, new season of the shy was just renewed. For the third season do. You know that he's on a hit show if you, don't watch but, you watch Empire okay he's cookie lions like. Virtually. There were chairs flying across our morning meeting people saying the show cannot survive without Jason Mitchell and I. Was like well well what is it going to have and I love um um, Shai also so, I'm like what did he do he played eazy-e, and straight out of Compton oh now. You know. He. Played mary j blige his, son in Mudd round, okay. Do, you understand, he was a rising star and, everybody. Fired him at one time. Jason. Was hit apparently. Everybody with multiple, allegations. Of. Misconduct. What. Are you thinking I'm not, saying it. But. Guess. What. This. Is kind of the nail in the coffin not for nothing if you are in the third season, you just got renewed for a third season and you're an actress who's never been seen, or heard of before. Her. Name is Tiffany Boone and you. Quit your job cuz you filed at your jobs for sexual harassment, against the sky and nobody at the job did anything so you ended up quitting Tiffany. Boone has quit the show, she. Plays his girlfriend, fiance on the show no. His wife on the show she, has a fiance in real life it was, Oh strained. At. Home with the fiance and Tiffany that she asked the fiance to come to the set every time they had to shoot scenes together her in him uh-huh. Uh-huh. Isn't. That where a man just breaks full bail like. You don't just show like if you know that, your woman's, about to do we love seeing with somebody who she's complained, about sexual harassment, he. Must be very civilized, to just stand by and just watch as, opposed. To you know jumping on him I don't. Know and that any of this is true Jason but this does not look good producers, of his upcoming Netflix movie, I was just telling you they recently got, specific. Information. About. An incident that led, to him being fired. The. Information. They said is. What. Led everyone else to fire him so the Netflix, infos got it and then, the agent, fired him the manager fired him and the scheie fired him and Tiffany. Quit her job, now. This is a woman who she. Only had one thing that, we saw that, you might know she was on that show called the following, they. Were up, and canceled quit you know what I'm saying now she finally gets this show right here the. Shy and she's. Got a big role because she plays that well that she plays the fiancee of the star and she. Quit she walked away from the money on the table a guaranteed, third season well. We don't know that he's guilty of anything I'm just gonna say that because. I I. Have, to. But. It doesn't look good you know what. They. Should offer her her job back. Well, Tiffani I got to tell you my co-host think that they should offer it back and I assume you think that that you should go back they, should go back we'll see if I was Tiffany I take, the offer and then I would make, a press conference saying I will not be coming back would. You like to know why while. I understand. We're in our third season we just got renewed everybody's, talking about us we love people love the shy and I love my role here. Just. Because you maybe. Would fire Jason, if the allegations, prove to be 12 already fired Jason, and so the coast is clear no it's not because, we got the same HR, people that I complain to and we got the same other staffers, and uppers that I complain, to and you never look out for me so, I don't want to work for you I'm. Going to unemployment. And, I'll just wait to the next role, Tiffany. You don't want that job back not, those same people are there you complain why you know it's not just about the store or the show do you understand what I'm saying, I was. In the house. I was, in the house last night minding my own business as, I always do. And. Then and then my phone rang. Phone. Not a text because it was 9:30 on a school night and, I knew I had to get up in the morning in 9:30 you know I'm like you, know what. We're. All at Lucky Strike we're, bowling and having a good time Cal it's here Kevin Hartz here come on let's go I was like nope I got, to stay in but Kevin Hart is in town and Kevin Hart by the way this is hi Kevin this is another Kevin Hart story. No. Look look. So. He was at a friend of his wedding did you see this this um footage and, lucky. For us we caught the tape he, was gettin down and forgetting down it, looks like he's still got on his wedding pants, but then he put on a hoodie and, and.

The. Great thing it must be great to be short when you fall cuz you only got a little distance to go look, he felt like a five-year-old just just here so there, he is the. Next day he explained what happened take a look. My. Heels, on. Both, shoes. Look. At this came. Off. That's. Why, I, went. Down okay. I, am. The product of. Defective. Shoes. Any. Excuse, is better than none his wife was off to the side sang, the hill came off after, you fell. Anyway. Kevin is already, in the, Wendy a fall, of shame but we're gonna put them in there again. Oh. My. Gosh I didn't have time to tell you about nine oh two one oh it's. Okay we've got more great show for you do smile before it's. Filipino. But. Up next everybody we're bringing down the, biggest celebrity, loss we're gonna break down I'm sorry the biggest celebrity lawsuits we've got an attorney here she's brand new we're gonna talk about Nipsey Hussle 'he's daughter you heard about that and we're. Gonna do it with a lawyer lady so grab a snack and come, on back. You.

2019-05-22 17:28

Show Video


Why are only black artists going on hologram tours? Anybody else thinks that’s fishy? Or are these the only ones you hear about?

Enissa Amani ist daaaa

The incomparable Whitney, on broadway. Yes

Can we just get a Norman appreciation day! I love Wendy and I love me some Norman too. I love his little cameos. Hey Normie!!!!!

Whitney Houston is very happy with her kids in the witness protection program.. I believe hologram concerts could be part of the future.. Justin Timberlake viedo filthy.. Was like a hologram concert and was super cool.. But a head of it's time.. Wendy is old and not current.. For god sake she at a sex dungeon show... Yuck... And lives in the past ...


Kim Kardashian is not leading a movement! She has recently contributed funding to black female lawyers Brittany K. Barnett and MiAngel Cody’s Buried Alive Project. Their efforts got those 17 or so people free recently and Kim has largely taken the credit. These two women and many other activists have been fighting for and freeing inmates for years.

Kim is MRS. KIM WEST now

She's bullying them? Wow, that's a stretch. Lmao!

This new Wendy

I don't see anything wrong with the hologram tours. I think it's really awesome and it's a chance for people to see someone performing that they never got to because they themselves weren't alive at that time they were too young or didn't have the money to go see them etc. This is the next best thing.

I'm with you Wendy.  I am over Whitney Houston

Enissa ❤

Wendy, you look so goood in this navy outfit! And your hair is beautiful.

Old people ate hardheaded af lol we cant tell them anything

Jason Mitchell....damn

I would go see it.. it’s fxckin Whitney Houston

Wow! We should let all the dead RIP. Let's please not have media make them hot topics:-/

1:32 look at her frontal! LMAO NOOO!!

2:10 , that is a famous stand up artist from Germany Enissa Amani.


A hologram appearance can be tastefully done but a whole tour is tacky. At some point your using a dead persons image for personal gain.


Can't they leave Whitney alone! Money hungry!!

Holograms are pure Satanic!

Not satanic, just creepy.

There something creepy and unsettling with Holograms. Just doesn't sit right.

Little Kevin who is now big Kevin needs to change his last name to Williams

I think they should've did it on her birthday in new Jersey one time pay homage to the great not a whole tour

yeah no no one will go to those concerts only idiots its actually pretty sick

Yu think Deborah is The closest because y’all haven’t heard me yet❗️

Pay $ to see a Hologram ?

@wendy you should have NOTHING to say about Whitney, you only spoke the most nonsense about her when she was around, speak about something else pls!!!...stop!!

Is that Enissa Amani in the audience?

I really feel how much Wendy loves Whitney

Got us ova hea thinkin u done wit him(Kelvin)HUH

Great shout out about rude Kim.

Wendy please invite me to your Show - im from Germany i Love you !

Jan J I just would like to attend one of her Shows.

I believe tics are free! Hope you make it..

Wendy!!! U should of wentt!!!

Correction: Glennis grace is the only one who can get close to Whitney

When she was talking about her son did anyone else get that seemingly subtext, and nervous tone and hand shaking...idk...gave me chills

It's soooo sad that this decease woman can't be left alone...It appears to me that this Pat her sister in law doesn't have means or skills to make money on her own. That's having greed, in the eyes of God he only Bless the child that establish his own.

Nobody wants Tiffany there without Jason!!

The Jason Mitchell guy shouldn’t be fired due to sexual harassment allegedly

Lol if I was Jack in the box I would've replied "If you have a complaint, here's our customer service line. Thanks."


Hope the rumours aren’t true that Kelvin is lurking in her penthouse

I love Aretha!!! Rip

Wendy I thought the SAME thing about Kim. Are you serious girl? Have several seats.

she is Kim KW that's why you are talking about her.

Are we not gonna talk about ole girl's hair at 1:33? Oh. Okay then.

Wow the word on the street is pat was jealous of Whitney. Now she wants to make money off of Whitney.... Wow things ppl do

I love how Muhammad always say edit it out

by the thumbnail, she aint w/ it.

Whitney Houston’ sang her heart out ... now that was an amazing singer wit the most beautiful voice I’ve ever heard!!!!!! God rest her soul ......

Why is there no video and only audio?????

I dont think Wendy realizes how often people disagree with her. I would be interested in hearing unreleased whitney music.

If you like Whitney... look up : GLENNIS GRACE

wendy looks like a mature transgender lmaooooo

Hang on Wendy... have you ever heard Glennis Grace?? She sounds exactly like Whitney!!!

Congrats, on your new home with hubby kelvin

+Jan J Im actually waiting for either tmz or the daily mail to confirm.


whats with her lips?

Biggie already has a hologram

enissas fresse schon nach paar sekunden erkannt...wie sie so tut englisch zu verstehen

Lovely E. Wendy say it aint so. Kelvin lives with you? No divorce? What have you got to say about these allegations?

We Love You Wendy❤️

I like Tupac hologram it excellent

Nooooo girl! Did you see her leave out at 1:33 ?

I miss Whitney music!

Love Wendy. Even is wearing sneakers with ur outfits, u still look Fabulous!

Wendy's eyes really scare me

That really sucks, i love Jason Mitchell

Wendy's Kim voice.... lol lol lol


This is one of the rare times I can agree with this woman. This is just CREEPY and GREEDY!

She has a point he is just doing it for the money

Wendy i been rooting 4 u since i discovered your show in 2010 & u helped me thru a really hard time in my life! And in da words of 1 of my favs I Am Elhoh thanks 4 coming thru wit da looks da factz & da tea lol!!!!!!

My mom works in insurance, so we’ve had the death talk multiple times. It’s just a necessary conversation to have.

Yes it is. I've had it w my mom and kids. Wishes should be well known/made.


Watching a hologram is so morbid...it's like they're there but they're not there...because their life force isn't there...it's just so disturbing...it's not even like watching a ghost because a ghost (if they exist) is at least some of what remained after someone died but a hologram is nothing of them, just a projected image. It's just depressing!

Pat is such a damn opportunist

Wendy looks wonderful and seems to be confidant in herself.. So proud. You are amazing.

Wendy shut up!!

Glennis Grace has the BEST Whitney Houston voice! I would definitely go see her do a Whitney tribute concert! https://youtu.be/u16OsA3_ct4

Wendy the mumpet


Hot topics has been so entertaining since Wendy left that trash man

She was cursing you out! How is she your girl? Yes, she is probably laughing at you!

When wendy said its been many years...

Whitney just wanted to share the love. Ppl got greedy felt deserving ,& like expected coins b/c you watched a door...tf.....ppl are greedy,especially family. Look at Toni Braxton. Always Always trying to get her sistas a gig. She couldnt enjoy her come up. Toni zhould have been able to ENJOY that moment of fame!

Instead of a hologram tour they need to open a whitney museum. I'd totally go to that!

Aretha ole school & why get the gubment involved with taxes....yas ma'am

Tupac hologram was at Coachella, it was great! Maybe they should do that at a special event, not a concert..

Wendy is living her Best Life! I

What a great episode. Yeah Aretha aint done yet. I think she has a few more surprises up her sleeve. I have an elderly neighbor who always brags about giving Aretha a ride in his cab, back in the 60's. He tells everybody bout how she gave him a 100 $ tip. He says she was the nicest lady he ever met. He was sad when she passed .

I hope I it's not true Wendy is not actually with that lowlife kelvin he's not worth it take it from a woman who's been there my husband of 26 yrs made and out side child he pretended to be rid of them 3 yrs later the same woman was pregnant again !!!

They free loaded while she was alive and now they'll free load when she's gone. SMH


Someone's making money off her and she can't have it. Let her rest! Let her rest!

I would Love new Whitney music cuz hunnaayy that voice is legendary!

Keep Whitney Houston's legacy alive by creating scholarship funds...etc. Love you and miss you Ms. Houston.❤

Okay Wendy, in all your new positivity you won't call them out, but i will. Pat & Gary Houston are money grabbing

Hello from Scotland! ❤️

Sing along to and butcher it up. Nobody and I mean nobody sing like Nippy

It worked great for Tupac

Just creepy....

She'd Kim KarTRASHian West the hoe that knows.

My one wish today if it could happen is to have Whitney back to laugh and cackle at Wendy for going through a disgraceful divorce and also having drug issues.This same Wendy who harrassed Whitney. Karma time Wendy karma time.

I am sick of them digging up her past. She isn't the only one who had problems with drugs. Please leave her alone.

Well Wendy I guess only those who really appreciate “music” would understand. I’d honestly love to hear what we didn’t hear, I can’t see what’s so wrong with that. The voices of today still can’t match that of Whitney

She was gonna chop their heads off if they talked about a will.

Fabulous Hair and Outfit Wendy! You look like a million bucks!

Who else noticed Wendy doesn’t show us her entrance to the set anymore

1:33 what is going on....

WHY....do they applaud WW like this?????

Empire is cursed?

How you doin’?

Pat needs cash and drugs. SMH at their ratchetness.

cool that aretha got paid up front and kept her purse with her.

I think Wendy is scared for her life, because she mentioned the whole will thing, and she said they did all that recently. Knowing that Kevin Jr got arrested for hitting his dad is crazy to hear after this...Kevin Sr is a danger to society, but specially to Wendy!

Whitney Houston hologram tour is a bad idea. Whitney Houston jukebox musical is a good idea!

Wtff!!!! Stop

I absolutely loathe The Kardashians. I'm still confused as to how they developed so much power. Eww. Ugh. Never seen one show.

Not only is this a "bad idea" but it's down right CREEPY!! As well as disrespectful & "new music" really? The arrogance, pride, & ego of these people in charge of this as if this is something these people like Whitney, Michael, & Tupac want to be doing BEYOND THE GRAVE when it's the industry & all that comes with it that initially sent them there in the first place. This is truly a wicked world that we live in full of self serving twats that have NO morals or respect especially when it comes to the dead let alone those who are still living. SHAMEFUL. );-/

Pat Houston and Gary Houston are despicable!!

Pat Houston is one evil jealous axx rat along with Whitney’s brother too #Trash

Open a Whitney Houston Memorial Museum. Just not this.

I don’t agree with the tour but I think the album with unreleased music is a great idea because us fans just want to hear more Whitney

don't cover kevin hart thnx

Sso true abt kim

Split ot berween them all theyre all hers children

Wendy talking about her will and preparing for her death made me a little nervous... take care Wendy!

Talk about nipsey hussle Wendy

That hologram did not capture Whitney's beauty

Hey there, Wendy. All kids should get an equal share. Everyone with multiple children knows how it goes. The ones that were on it at one time, may drop out for a while, and those that may not have been on it at one time, come through in the end. It's narcissistic to "award" children based on what they have done for you. We love our children equally and want to help them all, for as long as we can, even after our deaths—even the prodigal children. There may also be grandchildren to consider, and if she left out their parent, she may be affecting the chance for those kids to go to college, or what type of college they go to. No, no. There should be a law that all offspring raised by a parent is entitled to equal shares.

Oh god that is so distasteful in Whitney’s memory!! I certainly wouldn’t support this, a hologram just NO!! Broadway! Yes if done in a respectful way! Hate the thought of her brother and pat Houston making money off her memory though! Money grabbing f*****s

OMG Wendy’s Kim K impersonation hahahahahaha so funny!

DO NOT SUPPORT THIS! I would not see this if it was FREE!

It's a disgusting money grab and totally distasteful. People are fucking sick.

Who does she think she is? Lol. Unfortunately she's somebody. If she'd fully put them on blast, probably woulda been a hit on their business. Snapchat fiasco with Rihanna and Kylie Jenner, nuff said. And tbh Kim K is rarely mad so something must've happened but she could've gone about it differently

Whitney dead and you still got her name in your mouth I can hear her cursing you out now

Wendy, I was a paralegal years ago. You absolutely need a Will b/c you do not know how you will die. There can be a semi-tractor trailer who hit you, and it could be an $18 million settlement. So do you want to give THAT to the State, or to whom YOU want? And there must be a Trust so that your loved ones do not have to pay $5000 probate fees for that house & land she left you! With a Will and a Trust, you do not even have to go to Probate Court to get it. Ask Suze Orman for her $54-80 gold kit on HSN that was actually prepared by an Attorney!! I did it for my diabetic brother, who suddenly died 3 yrs later. We had his Will & Trust already done!

Wendy is on fire

Wendy looks awesome! You can't fake when you're glowing. I would never give Pat Houston a dime. I would NEVER go see that. Aretha, did what unfortunately a lot of us do. You have to prepare.

Leave whitney alone

Click like if you've watched GOT. To make it Wendy related, doesn't Wendy looks goodt?!

Let the poor women rest in peace

Gary the warlock and his wife the sinister witch should stop exploiting the privilege of having Whitney Houston in their life allow her to rest in peace and stop profiting off of her amazing talent shame on them

Well I'll tell you what! Wendy has moved from "Aunty Wendy" to "cousin Wendy"! Why she looking so godamn hot all of a suttennn!

Wendy, You shouldn't even mention her name, after the way you treated her, while she was alive. That's why karma is hitting you!

Who's profiting from this? Clive Davis

I love the Chi. I don’t know how well it’ll do without him.

Wendy has alot of class. She and whitney did not like each other in life but she just stood up for her sister. LOVE

He’s a dog, I’m glad she walked and complained.

Maybe we can sing along to the new Whit music. Hush urself Wendy. & go tame ur son. The unfunny comic Kevin Hart.

I don't understand why everyones ranting so hard about something that doesn't need to be so negative? A hologram tour would be beautiful, IF they did it right. They postponed the Amy Winehouse one which was announced by the same company last year, as they were caught out on trying to use a double act and lied to that girl who went to audition for a movie about her life, so they could CGI Amy's face on her. At the end of the day, I do so where ya'll are coming from by it's kinda extreme. This is a fantastic feature of modern technology and it's great people can now do this. It's one of those things where you can hear her voice like that again, wouldn't that be amazing? If they do Whitney's right, it could be a beautiful tribute to her music and legacy. But thats ONLY if they do it right. And also, why did everyone scream so hard about the duet? It's a great idea. Whitney is gone now, god rest her soul but I'm sure she would want to be remembered in every positive way possible and this could be it.

Pat was only out for money. She fed Whitney drugs and she and her entire profited off of Whitney. Both her and her only child are deceased. Let it rest already. Greedy money hungry Pat!

Let me pause @1:33 at the sister on the right... WTH wrong with her hair doh :?

Y'all won't let this woman rest in peace

Tell the whole story wendy, Kim came back and stated a few seconds later that it wasn't about her and no one even recognized her


Let Whitney rest

These white people sacrifice you and then try to make money off your dead corpse. White people are the antichrist.

When I saw the Kim story first thing i said was, why didn't she pick up her phone and call instead of doing this publicly but anything for attention.

i ain't mad at Kim. she was being discreet.

Disagree the hologram were great to me. One of Whitney will be awesome. And all music of Whitney is great new will become old music you can sing too Wendy. Damn you sometimes go into left field.

Aretha no doubt in her long career, went through so much. Probably dealt with so many con men and etc. Deep down she was still the poor hometown girl.

They already did one with Christina, but it got canned, as it did not look like Whitney.

They are clearly on coke to even think of a hologram tour? Wtf

The hologram is a horrible idea! Please just let her rest in peace!!!

Whitney's family is disgusting. Let her rest in peace & quit trying to keep the money rolling in off her death !

lmaooo @ fell like a 5 year old

Hv the record company not making enough money out of her name ???? 2 lives albums after her death and what’s next ? Whitney Perfume ?

I don’t think it’s distasteful....it’s just like going to see a movie you can sing along to

this is nuts

Cover Wendy in Prayer....

Natalie Cole did it. It worked amazingly well!

I don't believe TashaK is right. I don't think Wendy is trying to get back with Doo Doo Brown. Plus Chronicle speaks just posted a story about the boy tussling with his daddy...

Loving Wendy’s energy! It is so freaking dope to see her in her element being herself as she pleases!

Yes, let Whitney rest in peace! This is so morbid and demonic. People are not to 'channel' or idolize people who have passed away. This is all about money. Horrid.

I don’t believe all the Wills ate real. Not valid.. Notary was not signed on it so they are not any good


Takeshi would like the life time spot

Can l get some fn skittles

Just let Whitney rest !!

Meeech flanery would like to come live at 5 o'clock spot

Trump would like to be on the show at the 3 oclock spot smoke

Crack head

What about lionel richie fn his daughters

Lou pearlman would like to star again

Wendy is seriously looking healthier , sharper and well put together. Emotional health is everything.

Love these vibes regarding Whitney and Aretha, Wendy!!!!! Go head ❤️❤️

wendy sounds like the mum on simpson's marg


I wouldn't mind new Whitney Music, just give us her 90s unreleased music when her voice was on point.

Serious God- complex in this world. Only God is God... this immortality thing being pushed with celebrity and the media needs to stop. Jesus is coming very soon as prophecied. Many everyday persons are seeing Him in near death experiences, no other religious figure. Not much time left.. wake up to these last days deceptions. We are created beings so we do have a Creator. No more time for pettiness of this world.. time to get right with God!

Pat is sick ugh. Can't do nothing but pray for these lost souls

Deborah Cox??? Glennis Grace is the one that sounds exactly like Whitney Houston: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaCgnvNcq0M

Filipino food. YUM.

I don't like Pat she is so distasteful!!! I mad at her brother for allowing his wife to do some of the stuff she does.

I wish they would leave this woman alone. It's so not cool to do this crap. It's like just showing up to be reminded that she is dead. It is so creepy. I'm actually hoping they catch somewhat of a break from the obsession of Whitney Huston. That never seems to end. It is not unique to be a legend that has passed away. Many have.

Wendy look good god bless u .......n where is that rock ? n Kim must think she’s all that since she’s married to Kanye ...girl check urself quick !

I think it's a bad idea too

Wendy is looking goooood

I saw her live she had a great voice

She’s Kim and you’re her maid.

Hello no... !!! Now let's watch

No, I wouldn't dare go to a hologram concert! I mean what in the hell??? This is a money grab for her greedy sibling and in-laws!!!


Please allow Whitney to RIP!!!!

Wendy is back to her own self now. The "idgaf" and take what I say like a big boy attitude. Lol

Oh Well done Wendy!! Agreed..... She should not accept the position unless all HR is dismissed....


Need more topics Wendy. You’re dragging a few out tooooo much. Great energy tho!

Kevin hair looking suspect lmao

sis at 1:32 played herself.

I felt bad for Tiffany that she complained to important people on the show yet they ignored her. This is why most of us don't complain or don't say anything because of ppl like these.

I wonder why Madonna hasn’t been added to the fall of shame after her super fall on stage at the Brits awards while performing

I'm loving the new Wendy. On point and seem so happy and confident ❤

Money grab all day... Pat is trifling and Gary still on crack

Wow ! Today Whendy looks Gorgeous from head to toe. . . . .

missed you wendy, glad you’re back

Why does she keep wearin those shoes? MAKE IT STOP!

Handwritten wills are legal, it's just better to have one created through an attorney because of the legal language requirements.

It's not about "who are you?" re Kim K, it has to do with her influence, and she has a ton of influence over her followers.

Nope... Ms.Wendy wait....the #tupac hologram was dope asf tho.... at least from me viewing it via youtube! Loved it!!

You know why Aretha had so many wills.... So when she died no one can say she died without one and steal what she worked for.

They should leave Whitney rest in peace. They are just money hungry. Her family use her her whole life and they want to continue with this tour

The whole hologram idea is demonic in my opinion. I know everyone won’t agree with this opinion but I really think it’s just demonic!

Miss Wendy, we are loving your vibe!

As legendary as Queen Aretha was, she wasn't the most sophisticated or refined woman so I could see her doing something like writing a handwritten will.

Another boring outfit & same hair!! Who's dressing Wendy?? I don't like most of her clothes or hair!! I use to love seeing what wig she had on & what outfits!! Now......I know it's not anything special. Sorry to say. ....my opinion only! I love her......not stylist!!

They need to leave Whitney's legacy alone. And I will never forget what Wendy did to Whitney back in 2002!

Kevin Hart falling is really funny

Aretha was clearly someone who wasn’t going to go to a lawyer and trust them to do her stuff. She wanted to know she was in control. I know the type.

The love for Aretha was so real, made me cry.

I didnt have to watch or listen to the video. I just want to say, ITS SICK....

I agree with you about Kim Kardashian. I'm tired of these celebrities thinking they need to share their every thought. Just like that Chinese actress last week tweeting about her show being renewed. They think every thought that comes to their weak mind is important and we need to know it. We don't!!

I absolutely looove this new Free Wendy spirit!!!

Bad Mojo to use the dead for profit!! Why don't they get a job?? There is a career under the arches just waiting for them!!

Awww nooo really? her people must be hungry ASF Bobby brown u in on this 2? this is about to be a thing,people r going to waste money on hologram concerts.

Enissa Amani i see u

If they wanted to do this just to send the money every penny of it to different drug rehabs to better assist those getting off drugs then I can see that. This right here is about them reaping the reward & greed gets us no where!! I will always believe that they killed Whitney Houston & written her off as a drug overdose that everyone would believe it because the world knew she was a junkie. I feel Ray J had a hand in it along with others & shame on them!!! You noticed he showed up with her but never once came fourth to say anything. Why would you allow someone to ride with you if you can see the person high knowing their struggles in the past I wouldn't want to be apart of their relapse!! You know drugs had to be in the Limo!! Clyde Davis are to be ashamed of himself as well. He took Whitney underneath his wing & straight failed her you can look at him anyway tell he has no soul it's hell burning all through out him!! You know he got his money when she died he new she wouldn't going to be able to fulfill those rest of those songs of that contract that she signed with him so her death sealed the contract!! As they say people are worth more when they are dead then alive!! They set her up & we didn't even know Whitney & knew she wasn't herself!! We live in a cold world where demonic spirits are walking among us every single day!! I go off when it comes to Whitney Houston because I loved her talent just who she was but she wasn't happy!! She said she never wanted to be a singer. Sissy Houston pushed her into that business to fulfill her own dreams that she couldn't do to reap some of the benefits of her own daughter!! Her family is a hot mess!! Even when her daddy was on his death bed he said that Whitney owed him money & he wanted it...smh Like okay you are dying so what in the heck are you going to do with it because where he was going no money was needed

I can't believe this is happening. Leave her alone, let her reast in peace. Our society is terrible. They want to make money over dead women. This world is messed up.

I love Whitney's voice, but she was boring to watch in live concerts... I say leave her alone.


I absolutely love this look Wendy!

Is this the Pepper's Ghost illusion. Basically, Whtney's "hologram" will just be an image projected on a piece of glass. You can do this at home. Look it up!

Nice New Balance shoes!

LMAO you crazy Wendy lol

Thank you

Wendy I agree

I love Whitney Houston but no ..... Pat want money. Its over

1st of all its 2 blk women Lawyers who are getting those inmates out & kim asked to attached her name to bring attention to it out

These nd are evil

A Whitney hologram is heller disrespectful and distasteful. As a HUGE Whitney fan I would never participate in this nonsense. Let her RIP. U remember her through her music & movies! Some people are such vultures

U Kno the sister in-law always been a money hungry u know what!!!

So now we have to pay to see a dead ghost..... lol I don t think so

So now we have to pay to see a dead ghost lol

I like this Wendy.... absolutely right on everything

call me crazy but I find holograms eeeeextremely creepy!

Just try to use a phone to call them and ahhhhhh... lol!

LOLOLOLO Yeah sure U broke those shoes afterwards because were So embarrass that the world was Laughing

Pat Houston pushed Whitney into her disastrous 2010 World Tour just because Whitney's money was drying up, and of course Whitney was the cash cow for ALL of her family. I saw Whitney on that 2010 twice just out of support, but I KNEW she should not have been up there doing it. Now Pat is trying to cash in again to get her mortgage paid by Whitney, even when she's dead.

Tiffany can SUCK ass..i dnt believe it!!

Jessie j could have did a Whitney your considering she is amazing at singing Whitney songs

"Chang chang chang" that was too cute.

Love Whitney..but I dont want to see that

Disrespectful ‼️ Shameful ‼️ Disgusting ‼️ Not a Hologram and Gary Singing Back -Up ...

Hologram concerts NO..but her bestfriends book that's coming out ABSOLUTELY I can't wait to get my hands on that one, also leola browns book about her and whitney is a definite YES.

Seriously! Someone at Wendy at 2:09 that audience member is beautiful.. can you connect a loyal viewer wow

Years ago SNL (when it was still funny) did a parody of the Elvis cult and made the "Elvis coat tour".. They showed the coat moving and singing. Then interviewed the audience that gave rave reviews . They had seen other Elvis coat impersonators but this was the best.... Point of the story? What was once fantasy/joke is now reality....

Love you wendy

Kardashian will ALWAYS be someone who became famous for a PORN TAPE and her WHOLE Family are nothing but pimps and tag-alongs.

I want to remember MY Wendy during the BC timeline. BC= Before Crack!

Dont think kim is being a lawyer good of the ppl she doing it to get a other reality show who are you kidding

This hologram is dumb. It doesn’t have the audience that it needs. It’s GREAT when it’s for one song for an appearance at someone else’s concert or an award show etc but not a whole show to go on tour. The musical is definitely better! And the Tupac and Michael Jackson one we’re just for one show weren’t they? For like award shows and one concert with other live artists.

Anyone see that lady’s hair at 1:33 I really don’t know how I peeped that

Kanye probably was using Kim's phone... Haha

Hate the idea of their being a hologram of Whitney. Please respectfully keep us in the loop with what happens with the Queen of soul's will. Still hate referring to both of them in past tense. :(

Whitney Houston was sacrificed at Clive Davis PreGrammyparty. Her body left the building, when the party was over. Her daughter, nearly died in the same tub in the same room one night before. After Whitney's death she died the same way.

Bit you look like goro from mortal kombat

Wendy has to have some of the shadiest camera crew. Why'd they put the camera on that young lady @1:33 with her hair looking like that? Smh just messy

loved the outfit today amazing

Wendy staff and friends check on her she's acting very strange and moving a lot during set though your going through a storm now Wendy I pray your not turning to the wrong thing for comfort


I agree with Wendy on the Whitney tour. It is a terrible idea!


Whitney's relatives should seriously go get jobs, earn their own money and stop living off handouts and other people's success. Pat and Gary Houston seem like slobs, you never seem to hear of them having any type of career of their own, very lazy and self-entitled people. The whole hologram thing is very creepy and it's treating singers that have passed away like cash cows. The Houston family need to take several seats.

1:33 ....... what is wrong with this picture????

Enisa Amani

Pac's Hologram Was A Success, What You Mean It Didn't Work?

Pat Houston has Gary wrapped around her finger this is why I believe she had something to do with Whitney and Bobbi Christina death. Pat is HORRIBLE poor Ms. CC to have to go through this.

This puts Black mirror’s “Ashley Too” into perspective

Whitney was such a big icon and famous that she can't even rest in her burial .

Wendy, I'm in an career that promotes the importance of life insurance. It's my favorite thing to talk about! Thank you for keeping this topic on top of mind and not dreadful. I will be studying this video again.

This pat woman is a pain

Enissa Armani in the Audience ❤

If Gary up there no. But if its whitney by herself i would go. I dont know about the broadway thing. But I liked that hologram of Tupac.

Can't believe people actually attend this crackhead's show

barf big time! This woman is so evil! When you get sick? Analyze it girrrrrrrl! You don't work that well!

Where is there Whitney in this age right now I can't find anybody else

Yes, you do.


Profiteering. How many more Whitney projects is this family going to put out? That reality show, a mere 3 months after she passed was ridiculous ( I just watched a few episodes last weekend) and a completely transparent attempt to get their own names into the spotlight. 2 Whitney movies. Now this AND a broadway show? #facepalm

glennis grace is even better than debra cox

lol at Kevin Hart’s fall. That’s the funniest thing he’s ever done in his career.

Better check out Glennis Grace, the only singer who can come close to Whitney. She is having 2 Whitney tribute concerts next week. She is fantastic and brings back what it was then.

1. This hologram thing is creepy and tasteless. They want to make money off people who they did not appreciate or help. The story on Broadway is a much better idea. Or they could release her archived tracks. 2. This will thing cost Aretha's estate beaucoup money. I do agree with getting paid up front because the music industry is ruthless.

Hologram tours are not séances. It is a very valid form to pay tributes to the artist and I personally would love to see Whitney’s hologram tour and show my respect to her life and legacy.

I'd go see whitney in concert as a Hologram. I love her....

Thank God that I'm not the only one who thinks that this is incredibly JACKED UP... This is NOT a good idea. I find it disturbing, greedy and immoral.

LAME!!!... naaahh not Whitney Elizabeth Houston but tis show!!!!

Funy how they use black artists as guinea pigs to see if there is any push back-if not, & if its sucessful they will roll it out to dead white artists. They know bp are less likely to be outraged over their hereos being exploited like this. Do u think whites would be cool with John lennon/elvis etc. .. getting this treatment?!

Let her rest and peace


Did this dumbass just wish a dead person happy birthday?


Celine Dion Did With Elvis on American Idol! It was incredible!

I think it's a great idea!

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