What Now? Broken Electronics & Suffering Wood In The Middle Of The Pacific - Ep. 65 TS

What Now? Broken Electronics & Suffering Wood In The Middle Of The Pacific - Ep. 65 TS

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sailing and exploring the tuamoto atolls in the pacific ocean is a dream come true how can blue water be so mesmerizing [Music] as we were heading north we had a hard 500 nautical mile sail beating against the wind up to photo eva the most remote of the french polynesian marquises islands [Music] we dropped our hook in a bay pinned down as one of the most spectacular anchorages worldwide we skinny dips in the lush green island's waterfalls spend time watching and chatting with local craftsmen enjoyed fresh pamplemoose traded for some of our old ropes and today it is time to continue our journey again passing by spectacular mountain ridges and rabbins [Music] so finally we say goodbye to um on bay of virginia virgins so yeah 60 meters anchor chain was pulled out today by me her hand as always good fitness program yeah well so now we are heading for [Music] towing it's just 40 miles around the corner to tawata to tawata now we're heading to towata just 40 miles here around the corner we're gonna mortar uh and then when uh behind the island we're gonna put the sails on because it's pretty gusty down here a little bit afraid of ripping all sets here yeah it's a valley here and the wind is coming from the east so and this is like a like a funnel there in the anchorage so it was blowing over 40 knots every every day in gus and you have to secure everything on deck otherwise just gone in the ocean we lost quite a lot of stuff huh that we got back live our cushion our dinghy went flying a little bit yeah what's gonna come with and our fridge finally left us so after not working anymore onto 20 volts i put it on two on 12 volts i put them on to 20 volts and then it worked for a half a day and now it shows error so no more friction bye bye fridge which is why we're headed for heaven or instead according to polynesian legends hewa was one of the first islands in the marquesas to be settled although being one of the youngest in the island chain the island is located 1400 kilometers northeast of tahiti and is sometimes described as a seahorse whose head faces the setting sun the island measures 40 by 10 kilometers while the 1190 meters high peak time tiu crowns the ridge of the mountains above pictures valleys and bays separated by dorsal spines and ridges we dropped a hook framed in a theater of mountains in tahoku bay providing us a moderately safe anchorage due to the uncomfortable incoming swell [Music] do [Music] so we are in artuona just uh in hivaoa sailed here yesterday from fatiha and we are making our way from the anchorage to the main town which is actually quite a walk and it's pretty hot and uh but you can't really land your dinghy here when you look at the swell coming in here into this bay uh you're just gonna wreck your dinghy probably and we're actually on the search for somebody who knows the number of the refrigerator man here on the island because our fridge is not working anymore and the other one is also doing funny stuff and so we're taking the long walk hopefully also to find some eggs maybe in the supermarket here and just check out the main town of uh on hiva a little bit and i must say pretty cool scenery here the clouds hovering above the mountain over there over here you can see swell long swell coming into the bay versus this birds of paradise foreign it's our first christmas tree that we see is [Music] so [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] after being unsuccessful finding internet anywhere not even at the town hall to be able to find the telephone number of someone who could repair fridge compressors in the middle of the pacific ocean we strolled around arturona a bit more the french impressionist painter paul gurgaon came to eva or in 1901 in search of savage wildness and primitive cultures whose bodily remains now rest on the calvary cemetery behind the atuona village the administrative center for the southern marquesas petals from the lightly smelling old frangipani trees shower down on his grave and a statue of oviri the savage stands at the head of the tombstone a few graves away from gogar's tombstone you find the final resting place of the famous belgian singer jacques who lived in atuona from 1975 to 1978 and whose grave is often decorated with flowers named anom de voil he also sailed to the marquises like us from france in his last song le marquis on the 1977 album the beauty of the pacific island paradise contrasts dramatically with his decline dying at the young age of 49 through a cancerous humor he sings of laughter in the people's hearts coconut palm trees writing love songs he rugs coming and going while the sea tears itself apart people talking of death as you talk about a fruit and time coming to a standstill at the marquises where whining isn't appropriate i these bloody sailors sailing around in the world looking at all these nice places and putting up their hammock in the base chilling having a cocktail or maybe a coconut to drink well i can tell you that's not what boatlike is like so today we have a day where we have to take care of the mode again as there is always something to fix the to-do list actually is actually is never blank to be honest and sometimes we have bigger projects sometimes we have smaller projects from sowing our sales from hard sales where we have little rips seams have come loose to two broken fridges at the moment that we have to take care of which is quite tricky um as yeah we are still in the pacific ocean in the middle of the pacific ocean and there is uh off no one around or it's really hard to find and adding to that you have all the technical talk that you do in the telephone booth in french if you're lucky enough to understand them they don't speak too quick yeah and today uh we actually have our super structure day again um we are giving uh tula a new uh coat of varnish um she looked pretty bad i must say and it's really astonishing i'm just going to show you right now what our superstructure um looked like when we left germany and what it looks like now because it actually has lost a lot of its color so um we have already sanded everything and as you can see here these are the really bad parts with the cracked varnish because it's just too hot and we are one month too late with varnishing good thing is that the varnish is going to leak into the little cracks hopefully to seal this up the windows are always a little bit of an issue um because small cracks the wood works and sometimes small cracks form that's what you always have to check for uh now we come to the front and here you can see the result so you can see it very clearly this is what it looked like we had the horn on here like a little horn for wind and when we left germany you're cracked a little bit as well oh not so good yeah and well this is what it looks like after one and a half years in the tropics so she's a good boat but i must say these wooden bows just don't belong here in the tropics because they suffer quite a bit and yeah i think if we would do this again i think we would rather go for a boat with a plastic superstructure where you have more time to chill in your hammock not do your woodwork even though i must admit every time we do the job again she just looks so pretty so hopefully hopefully the clouds stay where they are don't want any rain here when the varnish dries in the early evening hours so after cleaning everything with acetone um the superstructure looks pretty good again here we go still see here it's a good part to see the difference between tropics and non-tropics again pretty good finish here you can see some parts that we will have to redo and kill um there's another small crack where you can see where water has leaked in a bit but otherwise let's see looks pretty good [Music] he's calling me she's calling me so if you're interested in seeing how we redo our superstructure revarnish it what materials we use click on the video that you can see blended in um there's a whole explanation video that ilya did for seeing how we deal with sailing with a wooden boat in warmer tropical waters so we rented a scooter today finally 125 cc it's like it's like a real motorcycle a little bit and we will need it probably and we probably need it to go uphill yeah so see you later tula [Music] so [Music] we followed the road built on tipuna plateau 440 meters above the sea connecting the airport and other villages with archwana except for a few cars passing by there was no one but us we enjoyed making a few scenic stops listening to the sounds of the forest and gazing at trees that reminded us of ones found in africa's serengeti the views from the top were spectacular you [Music] don't [Music] [Music] having reached the top ilia's level of joy its maximum when it was time for a mountain scooter slalom we were heading for the puamau valley 48 kilometers from matauona it is said gokan's descendants still lived there [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] chicken a [Music] do so we've made it to a place on the other side on the north easterly side of iwa um it's something called if i remember right guo or something like that um was quite an adventure with the mop head as some of the roads uh yeah where gravel roads and there were a lot of rocks that fall fell down but now we're back as you can see here next to me with the banana in this lush green valley and really really pretty and here we have a tiki site with the largest tikkis ever formed on the marquesas in our other episode we talked about a giant tiki that was set up in the bay um of taiwai in nukuhiba but that was not naturally made but made years later and these are um all stone tikis so let's go and check them out in this really really green paradise again oh juicy nice they're big elia huh huge wow tickets in the in french polynesia i've heard the oldest one we saw in hanabe let's see all the oldest ones so this area in earlier days i would never have been allowed to enter as this is a sacred area there's a lot of basal trucks around here so it's me or may i'm not really sure how to pronounce it and it's a place that only certain people were allowed to enter depending on the mana that they were born with the more mana that you had the higher your social status was and these tikis they marked certain areas that only for example higher priests were allowed to enter so here we are at a very very special place here it's a lovely site to visit apart from the number of no-nos the sand flies which are obnoxious pests stinging you all over within minutes despite strong insect repellent it feels like they particularly favor visitors white visitors as i didn't see many locals with backs or legs covered in stings like mine seems like somebody was bored here because i think these are these are shot holes we made one last stop in the valley of hanayapa and then headed back to tula hewa is one of the marquises islands that is often said not to be that pretty and worth stopping if he could dare saying that while the southern part near our anchorage was rather dry almost desert like we were super surprised by its diverse landscapes even shivering in the cool wind we felt on the mountainous plateaus and lush green northerly side with its neatly arranged villages and gardens [Music] christmas tree transport hivo style just go in the woods and go with chop one for christmas we make a hop over to our last marcation island to visit the one with the only white sandy beaches in the marquesas tawata like many of the other french polynesian islands in the pacific this one pours on a charm of its own type on our website you can find more information of our travels and how you can support our filming activities if you enjoy being part of our adventures behind the screen or just want to buy us a cold beer [Music] at this point we'd like to thank some for us very important people for supporting us on our sailing journey [Music] and most importantly our friends and families for supporting us in various ways with whatever our newest sometimes a bit daring plans are thank you karen and philip julian and gautier laura and friedrich thorben christine mama and papa

2021-05-20 04:20

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