Western Media Don’t Want You To See The TRUTH About CHINA

Western Media Don’t Want You To See The TRUTH About CHINA

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it's un it's actually unbelievable definitely  not what I expected here 100% look at that   that's incredible she's like literally detail  like anything paint them on there all right   we're going to drop our FKS back here hi guys  welcome back we're on tour dges if you're new   here we're a full-time travel couple from the  UK we are currently in Beijing the capital   city of China we have been here for about 4  days exploring and today we are just jumping   straight on the Metro there's the Metro let  5 minutes from our place and heading to the   Antique Market yeah we're heading to a Antique  Market called P Pon we what we're going to do   today cuz we've heard a lot in the media about  it being dangerous and it not being safe and   stuff so we're going to go to some of the local  areas and just see how how we're treated first   impressions of China feels like so safe and  everything's feels good but we just want to   test it out a little bit more just to show you  guys at home exactly what China's like the there   is literally cameras everywhere as you can see  there there there but this is the Metro station   they are normally highly monitored the Metro  is just the affordable and best way and even   the locals use it probably the majority of the  time this is the thing in China everything is   cashless so there's never ever anyone on this  ticket booth they're always out patrolling you   got to like pick up the phone there and call them  for some help and normally they're quick speeded straight to line 10 we're getting the hang of it  now we just had one stop on there we got change   line T straight to our destination we're like  pros so you notice that like obviously we got   checked on the scanners for security like make  sure not caring think we're not supposed to be   um you don't really get that in malls or like  other public places really there's pretty much   zero terrorist threat here in China petty  crime is like really really low and serious   crime is against tourists especially is like  zero it's a lot safer here than it is like   Paris or London or places like that generally  Beijing even though it's the capital it's it's   very safe especially for us tourists we  don't really get no sort of issues at all   I'm trying to like speak to you as well as  like concentrate on like navigating myself   between all the different uh all the people  around me as that cuz this station's really busy so hopefully the Antique Market should be  open today says it's mainly open on the weekend   today is like Tuesday Wednesday something like  that but they said most of the stores open on   the weekend they should be open during the  week as well Happ there oh it went in and it   didn't open I always all these scooters on  the side of the road and they always leave   like the coat things on there like the hand  warmers that go in front of the seat so I'm   not too wor about I think this is it are is it  looks like it could be it this is the Antique   Market you can also get like souvenirs homemade  stuff let's have a look for it it looks so cool   they're all like sat on the floor spoted someone  with voice cream they've got loads of these bracelets little craft ornaments other like food this is more  open place we got some jewelry rings oh look at it another thing to mention do you know  I mentioned earlier about like Petty F really low   right one of the main reasons is totally cashless  so this Market you would expect there to be like   a major like exchange of cash lot of cash lot  of cash no cash at all so every single vendor   they all have so these are your little alley  pays so you pay for these on your phone how   can Petty exist if there's no cash and it's  easy to set up as well so if you come over   as a tourist you could just set your Al pay up  we done it and we're totally cashless now part   from the Metro we're doing cash on the Metro AP  from that totally cashless even a market like this look at that that's incredible she's  like literally detail like anything paint   them on there so she's painting that picture  from the FR on there that's so cool so I'm   looking for a s with the zodiacs on it my um  niece was learning at school so I'm going to   see if they got anything like that and they  also have like the marble kind of bracelet   different colors which have um different meanings  like mood and like anxiety and let see what they   is so you can make like your own bracelet  pick your beads graub on the wood things   and she put it together for you a real like  um Hands-On Market this one like everyone's   like doing something very like made in China  here see what I mean that she's literally like   carving them right there and then but normally  um like around sort of Asia and around the world   they would all be shipped in already made  but yeah they're literally making them and   selling them right in front of you it's un  it's actually unbelievable live streaming there that's what I love about China they  literally don't care what anyone thinks   about them they just get on with their day  no no one's nosing in people's business are   they I think if you Vlog say you Vlog in the  UK or in Europe everyone looks what he doing   speaking to that camera you if you Vlog  here everyone's like what's he doing not   speaking to a camera he should be speaking  to a camera everyone's dancing everyone's   doing everything U one no get two of  each look how cute they are two two yeah I think you grab them put  them on the tray B that's the thing put them on the tray and then  you take him to the counter you get   bit Ben just concentrate on  what you're doing just pick some yeah one of these ones think that's how you do uh Ellie uh yeah yeah 155 each thank you so these power bank  things we see them everywhere them so yeah   if you run out a battery in China you can  charge your phone absolutely anywhere so   you never ever run out a battery  there you go cheers juice lemon juice small small yeah small one  one yeah uh yes uh yes little   thank you very helpful everyone's really really  helpful sh sh thank you all right let's have   a let's have a seat somewhere we found a  sea in area we bought a we think lemon we   the Chinese guy kind of just helped us like  we couldn't point it try it from my girl oh   that is well nice Ben's going to love that he's  been dying for a drink the whole time being here   oh look like so pared what was that I think  it was no six was it six was it I thought it   was 12 Che your receipt 13 yeah I thought it was  so this was 13 so little bit more expensive than   some places but compared to our favorite place  M compared to minsu minsu if you don't if you've   been to China you'll know minsu is unbelievable  but am I going to try these let's try these out   these look unbelievable look at that it's  got some sort of seasoning on some sort of sausage it's like crunchy where it's been deep  fried it's got like a [ __ ] it's not spicy like   a sweet Chinese spice is it sausage yeah I think  it is and there sauce on there I don't know what   that is maybe it's like a hoison or some sort  of soy but it's not really strong there's like   a little after KCK of like spice I don't know  if it's all got the same spice on but let's try   them all these little cubes maybe tofu yeah I  think it's said Foo Fu something so maybe it's tofu no that's definitely me that tastes like  pork oh really and again it's got a similar   spice with like the sweet sweet and spicy  after spicy sort of like a oregano kick as well and then yeah this last  one another like sausage   looking thing I think it's got similar spice on exp that I don't think any of  it's meat you no that's got to   be meat be try this it looks like it should be a sausage that's well noce though so you don't  think any of them are meat I'm not oh I just   got kick I think that sausage no idea  but this is really nice it's got like   a spicy and sweet marinade on this is my  favorite one actually I haven't tried this one that is not pork is it pork I what is  it though look at it though I don't know   we have no idea what we're eating here you  might have to comment down below but this   one's really nice as well it could be  B it doesn't look like pork though it   doesn't look like pork it tastes like pork  I think where the marinade is so wrong you   can't really tell what you're eating yeah but  the textures like meat fish could be fish out   all three that one's my favorite look look  he's been munching that all the way behind   the screens they were good we're going to go  back into the market cuz I just want to grab   bracelet and then we're going to move on  to our next place bracelets I think they   10 I'm just going to grab one strawberry  strawberry Crystal strawberry Crystal tast go check this out as well so this Market has its  own Wii even if you have your phone and you're out   of data or anything like that and you need to use  your alipay connect to the Wi-Fi and then you're   free to use your Wi-Fi of everything they for  every single scenario so you can never run out   of battery you can never run out of Internet China  living in the year 3000 so I know we were speaking   about cameras earlier just just sat here right  overlooking the market um basically One camera   two camera three camera four camera Five camera  is that a camera underneath but yeah you're always   always being watched but like I said earlier  that's a good thing because obviously there's   no crime cuz no one can get away with anything  yeah it's a good thing you always been watched   by the right people so it's good we're just  walking to get princess a drink cuz he's like   literally lying up first princess there should be  a 7-Eleven up here in a minute we're going to take   one of these bikes out and go for a ride around  here CU it is absolutely stunning and it's really   relaxing we did it the other day and we really  enjoyed it and bending crash which is like mental   we're just walking around here and there just so  many public toilets I've never been to a country   where you always pass one there's no like litter  there's no confetti so they're not like damaged or   anything and they're everywhere that's how like  everyone respects everything out here like you   can use the facial recognition software to open  the fridge and get a drink out that was in our   country I say I used my face and opened up some  kids come up behind me and grab a load out 100%   but it just shows you like they trust everyone  and that's a good thing with the facial software   and the cameras everywhere it just like makes it  safe for everyone got a love a 7-Eleven here in   you know what you're going to get and  they got some cool funky food in there   so check it out where Ben gets his water  grab me but as well Ben always got these things boy cups of ice ice drinks already made  up ice cream look at these ready meals Sushi   sandwiches there like a bakery bit donut oh it's  got like Fresh Cream in there B's getting the water all of these teas oh tea so many different  ones check out yeah how cheap the beer is in this   country never ever fing it so try look for a  cheap one here you go this beer I don't even   know what this is whatever this beer is 550 5  650 yeah so as you're talking 50p for a bit so   cheap all right going this way what was meaning  by public toilet look how many there is just in   our area now they everywhere so if you really  need a toilet your cut short or whatever it is   you can say there's loads all over the place it's  my type of place so luckily there's only literally   two blue BS here and these are the only ones we  can use on our alip play simply go on your alip   play Hello bike you can trans that's a good  thing about alip you can translate everything   what happened hello it talks to me I'm unlocked  I'm done and we're on it what so you can literally   change your seat height with this it's very  easy as you can see B put these up and then   you got a little basket to put your stuff in  Snapchat my pals if you're wondering people   can't just take these they're like locked  so when you finish your ride they'll lock   up so you can't move them and they're stuck  but this one's I think this is a bit of an   old battered one but let's make a move I think  we're going to head to like coffee shop maybe or something points for however long  we want and we're going ahead think   straight out need to check my out this is  the best way to get around and one of the   cheapest if you're not using the Metro  well good I am at bik I used to ride a   bike to and from work every day it's been  in front come on baby this way Ben come on Ben I think we like the motorway so on  this bike there's no gears so you don't   have to change them it's super easy you got your basket you just don't have to do anything  except for a ride I love it and you have your   own separate line and the traffic isin't even  that bad to be honest it's not even like a lot   of vehicles on the road there's so many bikes but  them electric scooters you got to watch out for   because they're so quiet where they're electric  you can't hear them coming that's the most   dangerous thing about them and they just merge  from anywhere no helmets or nothing either but I   suppose you're in one lane you're not going to hit  be hit by a car very often unless you cross paths all right we're going to drop our books back here  we need nearly crash I didn't realize how good the   brakes were but the whole time we were Runing  I had my phone in here and when I went using   the GoPro I had that in there and everything is  absolutely safe bik lock back up no one can use it   easy peasy lemon squeezy we did about 20 minutes  prob with them Bo there so many little flies and   they've all got on my eyes and they look watering  yeah you had like big old puffy eyes the other day   would you yeah it's still swollen under there  I think a fly must have gotten to look my eye   socket or something FR bit your eye pooed in there  and infected it so we've actually come to a a mall   and we're going to try out lukan coffee which  is China's like biggest coffee yes I'm trying   to do something which is China's biggest coffee  brand and we've never tried it before so why not   going to try it here space three I'm not sure  if it's like a mall but it's got loads of like   popular coffee brands Starbucks Tim hton and  there's also a Metro just underneath we're   just going inside oh I think it is a mall wow  Ben's arguing me it's a Subway uh it isn't is   a Subway it isn't if getting a head massage is  a Subway 7eleven I'd so laugh the coffee shop   was standing cuz it was probably it's a sway  food court it's definitely like the food court area I'm right look what's that told you Metro  there L off camera you would not believe the   grief you would not believe the grief I'm  getting about me sending as a Metro down   here there's clearly a met it's on the sign  I said it on camera you said what on camera   that I'm giving you bre not off camera right all  right we changed M we're crossing over to Viva   Beijing oh people going Ben um it's got a bigger  coffee shop over there and I think it's got loads   more shops I swear I just saw a Sephora on there  and I'm running out makeup so look how far back   it goes I know look at it all on there so I think  we're going to chill there it looks like it might   start raining it's starts Cloud over so it might  be a good idea to hide in there for a bit this   was talking about earlier um entering the mall no  security no like scanners all that sort of thing   we've been in countries before and you go it's  like an airport check here absolutely fine look   at it there's no threet massive beautiful can we  go in there is it a Cal uh sit there look at this place look who we just sat in there  I think just go in there chill out   oh my gosh it's little robot has  a little camera in it it's a robot cat it's fle oh my God this is what  I love the most about China the cats   oh this one been poy go in there then  look ah you probably got pay look prices   just where you regenerate you can go and sit in  there and CH that's good for anxiety though isn't   it it's very good for anxiety but I would do that  if I having a bad day I'd come and sit with cats   that' literally Be Heaven to me look at this in  the middle they're playing like games in that on   the Playstation or Xbox or whatever it is like  PlayStation you got like an arcade here ah can   you get tokens this floor is like a hangout floor  so yeah you can play you play your games go to Mr   meow chill out with some cats so yeah it's the  ultimate like hangout spot there money there   avocado in it uh don't know oh it moved just come  to the uh DJI shop and a mini Bri which is like   what £400 at home is huh the pro the pro the Mini  3 Pro which is at least £400 I don't know how much   it is but it's like 230 lb so yeah your gadgets  DJI a lot cheaper in China trust me a lot cheaper   after what seems like a billion years right we  found the coffee chain we've been we've been   strolling around that mall for what seems like  next birthday yeah yeah my I seem like an old   man now um yeah found it it's just outside it's  literally outside the entrance so yeah let's get a coffee oh not any playay you can actually  order on there yeah so he didn't want to   um do like a transaction like between  us he said just pointed to the app and   uh alip pay and then he he toed it in for  me and it'll be done everything's digital   nowadays trying to get around it with the  language bar as well it's difficult but   luckily the Alle PL app actually look transes  everything for you so it's a little bit more easy how easy is that you just do it on your  app come in with your QR code and scan it it's   literally like seconds Lally like the year 3000  so you could be in your office building or your   drink run down here and then grab it first time  trying lucking coffee it is a Chinese drink brand   I couldn't find any tea on the menu I just found  like this cold juice and Ben just's got Americano   why so I just want to talk a little bit about  like obviously the idea of this video is about   safety in China going from experience obviously  this is a little bit quiet there obviously it's a   little bit quiet in there we've sat in coffee shop  before but I flash a little clip up and people are   just leaving their laptops like leaving their  phones on the side they're just not bothered I   mean anywhere else in the world most places in the  world in Europe and stuff in America you'd never   do that because within 1 minute would go missing  this is really weird it's orange and Jasmine   so you get an orange flavor and then before the  end with the perfume flavor not sure if I'm a fan   but it's refreshing we were going to go and try a  tea house today but all of them are like looking   online look really expensive it looks like it's  like an experience like a like a museum kind of   thing I'm not sure the tourists if we come across  a good one we'll try and go in there cuz you got   to try the tea out it but we haven't actually  really looked seen one going to finish the video   here just a little sum up on our experience so  far in China and our sort of First Impressions   this is our first time in China absolutely Blown  Away by it I think it's possibly the safest place   I've ever been people are absolutely lovely as  well and so helpful language there's a massive   language barrier no one really speaks English we  don't speak Chinese together we get over it they   don't get frustrated we don't get frustrated with  like all the technology it's kind of like easy to   bypass it like we could order our drinks on  here on the menu without communicating with   him cuz we wouldn't have been able to got start  so much that you don't even need to speak the   same language we've all speak the same language  we all know technology it's definitely not what I   expected here 100% like not what you'd think it is  trust me you have to experience it don't listen to   the news as we say all the time come out here and  experience it and then you understand I think the   West has got a lot to learn from China just the  way they sort of go around their daily life make   sure you watch the next video because we're going  to try beijing's best street food so subscribe China oh it's a dead end so this is  the 18 antique so this is the 18 an   what's the word antique one and  that sauce on there I don't know   what that is come here you give  me the word's biggest STW [Music]

2024-06-26 22:50

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