Walk through Tour of our Yacht a 48 foot John Pugh Windsong Ketch named Awaitea #vlog

Walk through Tour of our Yacht a 48 foot John Pugh Windsong Ketch named Awaitea #vlog

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[Music] w w [Music] w [Music] w [Music] thanks for joining us this morning we're  going to take you on a tour of our yacht Awaitea   to start with we're going to give you a bit of  her history and background she was built in the   early '90s 1991 and was built to be a charter  boat on Sydney Harbour she was actually built   in New South Wales at one of their boaty yards and  from there she remained doing tours and Charters   out of Sydney Harbour for years I'm not exactly  sure how long apparently so yeah for the next 10   or 15 years she did tours from Sydney Harbour  for up to 12 people she could sleep at a time   so after that she was uh there was a bit of a gap  in her history and then then sometime later about   2011 a family bought her and sailed around  Australia so a young family the Robinson the   Robinson of course sailed around Australia after  that she was uh moved up to Bundaberg and lived   aboard for a few years by the next owner after  that she was still here for a few more years   and then we purchased her this year yes so is a  steel monohull ketch weighs about 33 ton maybe 34   ton carries 800 L of fuel and has a 7 L diesel  motor she holds 400 L of fresh water and her   name Awaitea is derived from marry which means  water cloud or something similar to that we're   yet to exactly work it out so if some someone  knows the exact meaning of Awaitea let us know please or if you happen to be the Robinson's  we'd love to hear from you we tried to read   your blog but you've closed it down so let us  know if you're the Robinsons okay she has a   clip of bow and I get to pretend to be on the  Titanic but hopefully we never sinks like that the deck is all Timber it's a teak or teak  substitute and it needs a bit of love it will look good it's got a lot of space on the deck for deck parties that's eventually I'd  like to put some cushions here and I did   want to make them so that if you flipped  them over they had solar I don't know if   that can happen if you can make that happen  let me know but yeah cushions that yeah can   stay there and flip over as solar panels  got wind turbine for power as well as the   solar panels down the back over the tender  so we've got solar up here 600 WS of Solar   which we think's not enough we're going to  temporarily put two 200 W panels with it as   well which will give us a thousand W of solar  but it does get shaded by the mizen boom you   can see if it's not midday it will shade the  panels and they won't be so efficient we've   got our little tender that goes on the back  which you saw us go out adventuring on that yeah the Barbie we've upgraded our Barbie or  downgraded some might say we've got a   new little Weber and it's been going good we  have removed the kitchen cooktop for the gas   compliance so we don't actually have somewhere  to cook inside apart from Electric but we'll   run you through the batteries generator  and so on but for now let's have a look we've got a semi covered in Helm  area which is pretty good it's   pretty weatherproof the canvas is a  little bit old needs to be replaced   needs to be addressed a little  bit but for now it's going to do us I'll get Kathryn to run through the boat  interior where all the stuff is the cupboards   the fridges and all of that sort of thing and then  I will go through the steering the generator the   batteries all of that sort of stuff at the end  or towards the end of the video so first of all   interior and the pretty stuff of course and  then we'll go through the real stuff all the   stuff that will make you fall asleep the real  stuff okay to a guide yes so do we want no this   is the saloon lots of seating which I love don't  particularly like the table but we're keeping it   it is a little bit too big but large it's got a  few issues we've been advised that it's meant to   be that way so we're going to keep that eventually  we'll recover the cushions but I've been making my   spice rack cuz as you know I love my spices so  I've got my jars and I'm just putting on my rope   so that they don't clang and then we're going to  have uh elastic that that will go across the top   so that they won't fall out when we heal is  that right heal that's it yes here we've got   our Galley and as Karl said we've got no actual  Gas Appliances anymore it used to go here used   to be a stove and an oven one stage under here and  we'll work out what we're going to do there in the   galley we have a nice big fridge and it goes both  that way and that way but it's a little awkward to   um get into so Carl came up with a trick a new  idea for us and he's put in another fridge so   we've got a draw fridge so that we can put all of  our um veggies and and easy to get to stuff y so   it's a 40 L Evacool draw fridge so we're going  to see how that goes so that's been all put in underneath the lounge so there'll be a bit of  a video showing the install of that yep we then   have the nav station and the nav station  kind of does link with the galley because   under the nav station is a big giant freezer  which is great so you got a big freezer in there and a reasonable size nav station  We Believe anyway we believe yes take   everything we say with a grain of salt  remember we're not Sailors obviously   we got the baskets for fruit and all  that for when we're on bigger voyages   and stuff like that the microwave  is under here everything's got a place so that's hidden away there so we need  to sort that door out a bit it's got issues okay storage wise it's it's got lots of  storage but it's all a little bit higgledy   piggledy at the moment we've decided plates and  all that sort of thing it'll be in here and the [Music] pantry is under here on both sides  so that's where our main storage is yeah   for things that we don't use too often  so that's all under there yeah which is   fairly big goes right through to the  the edge of the hole and linking with   that we have our our uh Pantry that we use  more often so that's just out here follow me and that's in here so it's more out  everyday type everyday stuff yeah it's   all through these cupboards so  it's just easier access to get   into to uh grab what we are after  so that works good for us so far yep everything is subject to change yeah we've  been living with it for a while now yeah well   I took over your pantry I took over and put  my pantry out in your tool area yeah that's   right tools got moved subject to change take  you through to First Class the master bedroom   so on your way through Karl will show you the  dungeon later which is all in here got clothes   hanging all here we have this nice sitting area  that just allows us to have our privacy if we've   got crew on board we can separate away and  just chill got a TV which is funny cuz you   know we we never had TVs got two TVs now and  if you're wondering why it's a bit cave like   in here it's because we've actually got shades  on cuz we are in the marina Kyle had these made   up by the solar screen company and they just  suction on like what we have in the truck and   they're so good cuz it means we don't have to  have permanent curtains that collect dust and   crap yeah so it's more for everybody else's  sake cuz not everybody wants to see us in the   nud so we got these. storage like said earlier  we got storage all under the bed that lifts up   and we've got storage under there then through  here is the top head the top head no the after   head after head the after head in here is  the after head the toilet the rear toilet   toilet which you've seen Karl working on a fair  bit yep then we have this nice shower so it's   a separate shower area which is super nice and  of course you know the decorator in me octopus curtain and uh yeah in here it's just nice   and roomy plenty of space follow  me I'll take you to second class now in here is our second class area so  this is the two bunks which will be both   functioning bunks for visitors we just got  to move on some more stuff that we've got   cupboards hanging and they're full of stuff  at the moment full of rubbish willr they   will be empty for the visitors hi all nice  with mirrors and everything so that's nice   opening hatch and then across the hall  is the second head the second head the   forward head forward head so it's a shower  as well combined shower and toilet what area then we have third class the rebirth  so this is the rebirth we're going to keep   three beds main being the true lower that's  it the top bunk there is a backup if we do   require it that's our storage area  for our charging gear and everything   else then up here sails and all that  sort of thing we'll live on that bunk permanently in the v breath Karl has made a laundry look at this I've got my washing  machine that he's installed and we'll be   sharing some of that content too when we get to  it yep just in case you're planning on putting   one in works okay this one but uses a bit of  water it's a cheaper machine than what we had   in the van um because we couldn't get that  style anymore it was made in Believe It or   Not assembled in Russia oh yeah the Camac  is the was assembled in Russia so that's   a issue obviously so we've got this fits  in nicely wash is quite well but appears   to use probably double the water yeah I'm  guessing not necessarily deal but the idea   is that we'll be in weather that is better so  we won't have to wear clothes yeah that's right simple so that's a two-way door oh yeah  two-way door so it's either open into the   cupboard and closed the room off or closed  so it's quite Nifty I'm going to hand you   over to Karl because he wants to talk about  all that stuff that makes me fall asleep all   the good stuff [Laughter] where are we going  to start where would you like to start we'll   start at the back steering so this boat has got a  hydraulic Rudder so that's all in the bedroom that   can be controlled manually so it's got a manual  killer if the system goes or bad you can use the   manual killer at least so in there you can see  that's how hydraulics steering and the RAM for that and yes there will be a quiz after  this yeah yeah of course there is under   here we've just got access to youve  probably seen in here already the last   bit of the V the outlet for the toilet is  there so that's all pretty accessible and easy little bit further forward under  the helm area is the dungeon this is   where I've been sweating Blood  and Tears out of here I tell you oh yeah we'll do that first mhm so in there we've got access to the water  tanks which I mentioned before which are under   the floor there two 200 L water tanks the  I've put in a drinking water filter with UV   sterilizer and also this is where our water  maker is with its filters which again will   be an upcoming video yep so that goes right  down into the bottom of the the build where   the prop shaft is I'm not sure what you call  the tube I've forgotten someone will let me   know that's for sure but that's right down the  bottom there that's very hard to get to because   it's about a 1.8 m deep down there so super  hard to get to on this side of the dungeon room we have aircon so we've got inbuilt air  conditioning in this yacht which is great   because while we been at the marina we've  been using it of course for the warmer days   it's nice but um we can use it when we're  not hooked to shore power but it will draw   more power obviously probably need to run  the generator so we'll get on to that so   that's done underneath here we got access  to the to the floor if we have to in water tanks and to get to the engine's a little  bit more difficult you probably have seen   him do it a couple of times already but we'll  take you down there take take it down so it's   like A F step thing yep depending on where  you want to go but we'll lift it all up so   you got to get rid of all your cushions  after we finish here we're heading off to   a festival hence our frocked upness yep  going to a concert in the park literally   so we're going to the lighthouse Festival  in Burnett heads and looking forward to it just a little donk so that's our engine room it  is quite difficult to get into which you have   to sort of crawl down in and around it in the  builds there so we've got our our main engine   which like I said is a 7 L UD Nissan Motor so  it's a truck motor that's been converted for   Marine six cylinder no turbo so it's about 180  horsepower and uses I think it is about 12 L of   fuel per hour down the back there we've got  a Sea wasp generator which is huge it's a 19   KVA generator so that can easily run everything  that we want this it's huge there's no problems   with that except of course you need to run the  generator if you want to use a lot of power the   hot water currently which is just right beneath  us in that white box is an electric 40 l or so   unit so to run that we really need to run the  generator currently to make hot water there's   the two Refrigeration units for the fridge and  freezer under here and there is separate Stand   alone old school to type unit and we have eight  house batteries in two Banks so that's bank number   one of four batteries and bank number two is  way down the back on the other side that you   can't currently see so we've got about I think  uh probably 125 amp I'm guessing each so we've   got probably 1,000 amp hour of storage capacity  lead acid for our house batteries we also have   Start batteries for the main engine here and  a battery at the front for the winch as well a   booster battery so we've got a few batteries  on board all together we got H how many is   that there's just two there so we got 8 10 11  batteries all up all we had 17 no I thought we   had 15 but anyway but that's nothing compared to  what we used to have on our farm yes of course so   basically that's the engine room for this shop  so to work in it you have to get down in there   now as you can see all the way down there I  was working earlier in our sump because our   sump pump has got a our sump which is where the  shower and sink water goes has got a hole in the   bottom so I've put another sump beneath the sump  so that when it drips through it pumps back up   into the top sump which then pumps out so that's  a little issue that we need to resolve the motor   is in good condition as it is just been rebuilt  about 400 or so hours ago so that's great news   generator and everything it needs just a little  bit of love but I think it will be hopefully okay is there anything else you want to know about  the motor let me know we've got a few Chargers   we've got crank battery charges we've got  house battery chargers and he's throwing   a bit of storage in bit of storage in there  and behind there also storage we also have a   a couple hundred L um petrol storage under the  seat for the tender for the dingy so it's got   a little handheld pump on it and you can  pump out from there so that you got your   own fuel supply for your dingy so you got that  covered if you're out and about I going around   Australia or something so you don't have to  take Jerry cans everywhere so that's nice we're   not necessarily pleased with it being indoor  yeah I'll have to have a look at it and make   it assess it to see how good it's been you know  done um but we'll have a look at it behind that   we've got some more storage over the back um  that we can't really access yet we also have   storage under the seat which I'll show you  for spare parts let me put the floor back together all these floor panels are quite heavy  but the good thing about that is when it's running   it is fairly soundproof when all of these are  closed so it's not too loud at all which is good hear the difference right away for those of you are wondering why I'm  here underneath here is our inverter for our   240 volts and it is a 2,00 watt inverter so 2 KW  inverter exactly the same size that we have on the Caravan so we need to turn that on just like  we do in the van to run any 240 when we're off grid underneath the lounge area here we've got  just spare parts essentially for the main motor   and up the very back there the fuel tank for the  dingy like I said the unlet petrol either side   underneath that in the bu area are our two  diesel tanks so we got one on the port side   and the starbard side for boat people um so we  got 400 L each side of diesel which will get us   about I believe um about does about um 1 1,000  km range so I think it's about what does that   work out to be maybe a little bit if it does 700  miles something I that anyway underneath here is   a black water tank that needs to be sorted out so  all the waste can go into that tank when you're at   Port so that needs to be sorted out and here is  our front build or sump pump so we've got a sump   pump up the front here for the washing machine the  um shower water and sink water from the front and   that all goes into there and that pumps into  the rear sump which then pumps out so that's   all okay it needs to be modified I think it's  got a problem since I put the washing machine   in that it can't handle the flow rate for the  size of it when the washing machine empties and   I think it's overflowing a bit so I need to  work on that and maybe put a bigger unit in uh way up the front we just got access  underneath to the bow essentially all   the way up to the front under here not  real storage just access if we need   it follow me and I'll show you the  last thing which is our anchor well area so we got our anchor our anchor  chain goes through past the winch or   the windless and it comes into this  area here so it's got a lot of stuff   in it at the moment being our hose  and some snorkeling gear and so on but basically I get this out of the way you can see we got our anchor chain spare  anchor and it goes all the way down the bottom   which uh the bottom actually drains back into  that sump that I showed you earlier or it's got   a drain for the anchor chain out as well so this  anchor I think we're going to get rid of because   it's really hard to get it in and out hurts me  pinches my fingers and all that sort of thing   the windless and the battery you can see have  access from in here as well they're way up under there so I need to look at them as well  which is coming up fast for the next job so there you go that's basically a tour of our  Yacht for the ones interested here's some diagrams   of the ship basically you've got your V birth  up the front here forward head area and laundry   the saloon area with the engine underneath  ladder up the rear dungeon area that I call   it here and the first class or master bedroom  here there's a plan view of the same thing you   can see the toilet and show configuration in  this is a little bit different to what we've   got so they must have either changed a plan or  maybe possibly built some more it is a John Pew design so he designed it originally it says  Here length overall is uh 14.97 M the beam is   4.25 the draft is 1.56 but we know that that is  not correct for sure the uh ballast is 4.76 tons   and I believe it's Concrete in the Keel the steel  weight is approximately 10 tons and the sail area   is just over 100 S M and that's all we really have  on this boat itself it was like I said constructed   in New South Wales and you can see the New South  Wales flag up the top there when they rode up this   multilanguage life jacket and for extinguisher  safety advice back in the day there we have it   our lovely boat and we love the inside of it we  we think it looks magnificent it's quite comfy   to live in so far we've been aboard for months  now so we need to just sort out a few things one   of the fridges has got a gas leak that we need  to fix we need to commission the water maker we   need to redo the anchors uh the anchor roller has  got some issues and we need to have the rigging   attended to which we've sort of halfway arranged  and is happening at the moment because there a few   things on the rigging that need attention sail bag  needs to be repaired and the decking at some later   stage we'll have to get onto that slowly for the  rest of our whole life I'm guessing but I will go through I'm just getting ready  to go out and party yeah we'll   go through all the navigation gear  at some other stage so it's got its   dip sander chart plotter it's got VHF  radio AIS as well as as a HF radio and autopilot and so on so officially welcome aboard  our yacht and I hope you can join us on our new   adventures thanks for joining us this week  and we hope you join us next week for more boat I will take you to the what do you call it  um the bedroom no what's it called it's called I   don't know first class the master bedroom now my  uncle did say that these bunks are for midgets   no offense midgets or small people maybe we  won't put this in this is for jockies poor jockies the bow or the stern the bow but we're  at the back we're at the back of the boat Are we   you had a bad day today I have we should go back  to sleep the story thanks for watching and don't   forget to subscribe if you want a reminder hit  the bell and remember we always love a thumbs up   if you're interested in joining our patreon jump  on over to our patreon [Music] page [Music] he

2023-10-23 22:16

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