USA Tour 2023 Day 14: Meetings in Washington, Roadtrip to New York

USA Tour 2023 Day 14: Meetings in Washington, Roadtrip to New York

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Hi, my name is Saif Al-Din Al-Abaidi, I'm from Iraq. I'm a civil engineer with a master's degree in engineering management. My sister and I, Lily, we opened this business two years ago, so we started with the first location in Vienna, and then after two years we said, yeah, let's expand for another location.

So we chose Old Town, Alexandria, and we also have a plan of expanding more to the U.S. We are offering some dessert from back home, it's called Lokma. I think a lot of cultures, they call it Lugaymat, Lokmat Al-Qadi, in Iraq we call it Lokmat Al-Qadi, or in Egypt they call it Zalabia, Awamat in Lebanon and Syria, but we added our own twist.

So back home they do it with Atar, with Shira, with Pistachio, so we did kind of change the scene and add chocolate, filled with chocolate, vanilla, or Biscoff, then we top it with chocolate as well, we have a variety of chocolates. Ahoy! Enjoy! Not for the faint of heart. Not for the faint of heart.

Not for the faint of heart. Stuffed on the inside, fluffy on the outside, you feel a little crunch on the outside, but your teeth go all the way in. Double layer of chocolate on the outside, double dose. Look at the inside. All the chocolate comes out from the inside.

Oh wow! Unexpected discovery. Honestly. Can you imagine? Sauce, chocolate on the outside, on the inside. It explodes. Biscoff.

Should I call you again to tell you that it's good? Thank you. Goodbye! Goodbye! Goodbye Washington, New York. Hello! Road trip, 4 hours, if it's non-stop. But we won't do 4 hours non-stop.

Of course, we have to stop on the road because I want to have dinner and taste delicious things. What? Why are you looking at me like that? Brother, you... We stop for an hour and a half. Do we want to reach the time? Do we want to reach the logic? We eat and have dinner in New York.

We can't have dinner again in New York. Again? Okay, okay. Who has dinner once? Yes, yes. How many times have you had dinner? He wants to know if it was wrong. Let's go. This idea is nice.

Let's start here. It's nice. Silver Alert. Silver Chevy Cruze MD 2CM. What does it mean? I mean...

We should order it, right? Is it stolen? I don't know. Maybe. If someone saw it, he would say that it's written 9-1-1. Yes.

You should look and search. We are from Washington to New York. It's a very long trip. So it's necessary to fill the time, to have fun with you, so we don't stay sitting for 4 hours listening to music. So we said, okay, what should we talk about? So we don't bore you. So let's sit for 2 minutes and say thank you again to Qatar Airways.

I've been traveling with Qatar Airways for 1.5-2 years. Already platinum. And I really enjoyed it. Not a single mistake. Ravieh, let me tell you. First, the airport is amazing.

I went to Australia twice for a business class with them. And twice for a first class. Outstanding.

The service, the attention, the cabin, the movies, the caviar on board. I missed you. Lobster on board. I didn't eat lobster.

I tried a small one but it's not in the first class. Do you know something? Amazing. Before yesterday, we were having dinner.

We were talking. So we were with a group of Americans. We were having dinner. They were talking about, you know, they all travel.

They're businessmen. They travel. So they were saying they've experienced different airlines. And we had a conversation with them. Did you try Qatar Airways? And then we showed them pictures of the plane, of the food, of the airport. So I felt like we're ambassadors.

We were on a table. We were working with Qatar Airways. But honestly, truth is said. I want to tell you that everyone I met in Australia started traveling to Qatar Airways. I told them and they saw our videos. So today, we're saying thank you.

We're saying thank you a lot. Because when we decided to come to America in August, the first thing we thought of was that the tickets are very expensive. If we could secure the tickets, we would have spent half of the travel expenses. And then, God will send them.

We'll see how we get the rest. We talked to them, we called them, and we booked the tickets 3 months before August. They invited us for the first time. Our second business class. Usually, they send one ticket for business and the other for economy.

And thank you for the pampering. If it wasn't for them, we can honestly say we wouldn't have been able to come here to America. Then, we found solutions for the rest. But the tickets were the biggest chunk.

So today, I'm saying thank you. You know how much I've traveled to many other airlines. I won't tell you about them.

I stopped here today. Because I consider that the experience in Qatar is worth it. The experience in Doha airport is worth it.

The food on board is worth it. The sleep, the bed, the big screen, the internet on board, and everything in between is worth it. So thanks again. We'll meet again and you'll see many videos about Qatar Airways.

Maybe I'll come back. Maybe I'll travel to Australia next year. Maybe many other trips will happen this year.

So I thank you for the support. And I hope you'll stay with us because we're going back to America. We saw a silver alert on the road. So we'll read it and see what it is. If it happened with you, go to a place and read the silver alert.

Look what it said. It's activated when an elderly person, developmentally or cognitively impaired person, has gone missing and is determined to be at risk. It means that he looks like an elderly person. He took the car and disappeared.

People didn't find him, his family, etc. So if someone saw this car that was Silverado a while ago, he got the silver alert, Silverado. Someone should immediately tell them, 911, we found it, follow the car. So wow. Wow.

How much value does a person have in this country. in in in in in in in in in in in in The story and what's in it, what do we want to eat? So we decided to go to Arby's. Do you remember Arby's? I don't know if you remember but they have something that Hardee's made in Lebanon and then they stopped it in its time, God bless, a long time ago. It's a roast beef sandwich and cheese.

Here they have beef and cheddar, roast beef and cheese, they don't have a burger. So we got excited for this sliced beef, it's like Subway, slices like ham, with cheddar sauce everywhere, I got excited to the maximum. So we stopped at Arby's, on the way, they were pouring inside so we took a drive-thru. We will put it aside and taste it with crinkle fries and diet coke. First dinner of the night. I'm ready.

Do you call them crinkle fries? No. Crinkle fries. Crinkle fries. Very good fries.

Wow. Can you believe it? Very good fries. Very good fries.

We took beef and cheddar, double roasted beef, do you know which one is this? Do you know this sliced inside? You are feeling the feeling with me. Look at the amount of meat inside. I will taste it before you to make sure that it's good. Oh my God.

You know I always remember that they are always very salty, I don't know why. But they are good. This is roast beef. This is beef. No.

This is roast beef, this is beef. This is roast beef and beef. So it has two, it has one. This is double beef cheddar. This is roast beef and cheddar.

I will eat it. Man. I love it.

Maybe it's done, no one will come for it. I don't know. I know that it's beautiful, the logo is beautiful. I have a story. The cleanliness is beautiful.

And the food is good. Yes. I will continue with you. Arby's opened again in Saudi Arabia 2 months ago. Yes. And it was in roast beef.

I entered it. Do you follow me in the burger market? Yes. Yes. Yes, I was telling you.

I don't want to bite you. I don't want to bite you. I don't want to bite you. It's the same. It's not the same.

Man, look at the quantity. Oh my God. Comfort food at the end of the night.

Good. Very good. This is the first dinner. Don't tell me that I will arrive later. Okay, we will have breakfast tomorrow. What do you want? What time do you want to sleep? Really.

I don't have a problem. It's 9 a.m. We still haven't done half of the way to New York. Don't tell them that I will continue eating or that you will stay with me? I don't know. I don't know.

I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.

2023-08-19 08:09

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