Upper Shivalaya Badami Bagalkot Tourism Heritage Site temples of Karnataka Tourism Badami Chalukya

Upper Shivalaya Badami Bagalkot Tourism Heritage Site temples of Karnataka Tourism Badami Chalukya

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this is Kannadas first and foremost thirpadi shasana (inscription) now we are in front of Badamis Upper Shivalaya and here is also the lower shivalaya there are a lot of interesting places above this mountain along with our guide Ramesh let us see this interesting place by car too we will have to go by the same way if we have to upper Shivalaya by car if we have to come is this the same route? yes same route people are getting there car but it is a little difficult as the roads are congested this is the monday market of this place from this way the vehicles have to come it is a very narrow road, a small car can come with a big car it will be difficult if the car comes the opposite direction then then either one will have to go in reverse that way it will be difficult to come here if coming by auto this place is near to the bus stand they may charge around Rs 50 or you can come by walk too is it locked? oh no before going to upper shivalaya we though to visiting Malegitti Shivalaya first but here they have locked the gate this is the sun temple this is also known as Malegitti temple Malegitti means the lady who sells flowers this temple was built by her, it is of 8th century the shikara is of Dravida style there we can see shiva shiva holding trishula sitting in padmasana posture it is on the out side there is a image of the sun as well this temple has a garghagudi, shabha manapa and a mukha mantapa as per guide Ramesh the department has evicted all people from these houses and they are making provisions for the getting the vehicles closer to the temple there is also a museum here of ASI but camera is restricted inside the museum so could not make photo or video inside the museum if possible when you visit, do see the museum too now after visiting the ASI museum now we are going to upper shivalaya temple it is a shaiva temple this temple has the southern style of Dravidan architecture but it is a incomplete temple Sandhara temple means a temple around its garbhagudi where there is place for circumambulation thorugh two three maha dwara and mantapas we will climb the stairs to reach the top there is a cannon there this area was also under the Bahamani Sultans rule in 18th century Tippu too comes here when we go up there we can see a cannon of his period there this is the door this is known as the Agasi door a place for rest for the people visiting, like a sofa to sit they have made a seat stage like structure they have made a place to sit this is a dwara mantapa in India when we enter any village this kind of a entrance door will be there in it there will be provision for people to sit in it the is the fort mountain first what we saw was Dwara manatapa this is the second entrance Me: here i do not so as many tourists as we saw at the cave temple, why is that so? the four caves are the most frequently visited place very few people come here to visit both the mountains on either sides on the same day, it is tiring hence people visit only the cave temples this is the way towards the mantapa Me: can we go up? yes Me: for upper shivalaya we have to go up this path but we are going here as there are few mantapas here we are going to explore it here we can see a very narrow passage if some one is little over weight then it is difficult for them to go thorough this is a narrow passage a vertical boulder like this we have to go from inside a cave like structure come carefully, you will have to keep you leg only on the left you cannot move to the right if you keep on the right then this boulder will press against you here along with the bag it is very difficult Babu: only if you are thin will you be able to come through Me: is this the watch tower? this is a kind of mantapa it may be yagna mantapa or wedding mantapa these small ones for dance known as navaranga mantapa this is a four pillared mantapa with a lotus on the roof this gives us a feeling of being Hampis chariot in front of that chariot were horses, not elephants here all around we see the elephants since this is sand stone the colour of this stone the sedimentary layers will keep corroded due to sun wind and rain but his stone colour they reason why it has turned black is this is due to the rain water, it gathers moss here here too we can see couple of mantapas here this too is a single stone which has been carved up there is upper shivalaya that is a incomplete temple lower complete one is lower shivalaya upper shivalaya and lower shivalaya Me: can we go there? yes we can Me: but there are so many monkeys there guide: they will go away all this concrete work has been done by the department because when it rains the water if it seeps in then the wall will collapse directly on to the houses below and offices around there this was original but there was no civilisation area below this for the safety of people ASI department has done this work this has to be preserved for the future generations to know about our history it is our responsibility from here too we can see both the shivalayas lower and upper shivalaya behind the lower shivalaya is the agasthya lake behind that we can also see the four cave temples after seeing these mantapas we have to go down this same route doing a little adventure we will have to go this is similar to the Chitradurga forts kindi like oonake obavana kindi again wearing the bag ok you will carry it in hand and come all of sudeesh's property is there in this bag along with that our water supply is there in it we have to carry the bag if we want the equipment inside Me: what are they doing cleaning is it? taking so much risk they clean it this has been rebuilt many bollywood movie shooting has been done here, such as rowdy rathode guru movie, vikram, the remake of rowdy rathode is Veera Madakari nayaka was shot here even Magadheera movie was shot here as well as at pattadakal the permission that they give here, but they cannot permit at that side since that is the monument area this too is the monument area but no cave are present here here they can keep camera and they do the shooting around here there inside each cave we cannot shift the camera because maximum visit those caves with the intention that the shooting should not disturb others so they permit to shoot only here Me: has it been cut or is it naturally such? Guide: it has been such for lakhs of years this is the third dwara mantapa , no sofa or seating provision has been made here this is the entrance gate on both the sides are the dwarapalakas here is Badra, veerabhadra Jaya Vijaya Danda, Pingala for Sun badra, veerabadra for shiva Jaya ,Vijaya for Vishnu here 1500 years ago people were here at this place people resided, here we can see the house kind of structures all this has been rebuilt by Archaeological department in 2013 all this had collapsed at the same places using similar kind of stones Me: we are entering inside the house without an invitation as of now only so much is there Babu: Too many monkeys here.. other side one or two were there this is lower shivalaya, a incomplete temple here no kind of carvings are there only the garbhagudi we can see here here are the pillars here there is no mukha mantapa and sabha mantapa here here only the peeta is there here they have made provision for placing the statue this is one of the big cannon one more is there one is up there in the first cave there is another if the monkeys see they will not leave the bags that is the date Me: previously all this was not there? guide: yes previously none of the houses were there here they did not have to put deep foundation because here are a bed of rocks boulders are there on top of it rocks are placed and temples constructed 8 to 10 years ago what ever had fallen Archaeology department has rebuilt it they are preserving the structure Me: what is there this side? there is forts round structure there a way to reach there was required during the time of Chalukyas notice how they have cut a boulder of this size we can see here that using a chisel and hammer they have cut this boulder a hole is done in the granite stone heat is used in those portions to cut the stone here we can observe how they have cut the stones using hammer and chisel we saw certain objects inside the museum such as clips, iron and so on here we can see how they have cut the stones even now at certain stone quary they using similar kind of technique there is no need for doing it on this side as there is a natural wall only here they have roughly cut the rock after the chalukyas rule not just chalukyas, after the end of any kingdom another king will start ruling that place here after the chalukyas during the 17th and 18th century that is in the 17th century was the Bahamani Sultans Tippu sulatan was in 18th century during their ruling these kind of arch, or mosque kind of structure, these kind of structures we can see here in those days here were the jails, they have made few hidden room kind of structures rooms are there inside the way to go in there is a door below Me: it is deep inside we have come inside now they have done some construction inside as well they have put beams above and have made this place in between two boulders they have made a room like structure from outside when it is locked if we see we cannot make out that there is so much space in here only after coming in do we realise that there is so much place inside here and for purpose of light they have these kind of openings too this is a secret chamber here too just above the door is a secret place to hide something or if some one sits here the person entering will not know when entering only when exiting will we come to know of this secret place during Tippu Sulatans rule this was used like a flag hoisting and watch tower area from here too we can see both the shivalayas lower and upper shivalaya from here you can see, the incomplete temple a small mukha mantapa is there in the front known as Malegitti Shivalaya garbhagudi, shabha mantapa and in the outer area is the mukha mantapa if we go up from here then we can see the granary and upper shivalaya we are going there now Babu: all this stairway has been made by ASI is it? the original pathway was rough like this stone it was as people kept walking on the stone or even when the animals kept walking on it when the upper layer of the stone corrodes and falls of in the form of powder then it becomes smooth then it become plain like this and slippery later ASI has made such systematic steps this is the fourth entrance gate or arch mantapa the way here is a little congested one more thing is where there is too many people around there we have to compulsory wear masks here other than the monkeys and us no one else is here so no need here another thing is that wearing a mask while climbing a mountain that is not good for the heart we will find it difficult to breath if our nose and mouth are covered when climbing a mountain it make breathing more difficult that too we need to take care here some people have scribbled their names and other things here so strictly ASI trying to maintain this place Me: is it easy to carve on these rocks guide: if we take a stone and if we make a mark like this, then that mark will remain there permanently these are the granaries, which we can see from here millets to store here as well as above the cave similar granaries are there for storing food grains for food storage now we have fridge at home in villages the earth is dug for 1 to 2 meters and the place is rounded off it is packed such that no air goes in inside only the dry items are kept then in summer season no worms or insects will attack it it will remain the way it is then after 2 months they take out as much as they want and use it to store the food grains here, it should have dried completely even if there is little moisture left in it then the whole stock will rot and smell of decay and cannot be used as you can see here this is a place for storing food grains here is one there is one that side there is one but all these metal rod gates have been installed now this way it is better if not monkeys, dogs and humans humans are the most destructive these all are small rooms here the water storage these are the water storage tanks Me: to climb up there are stairs isnt it? guide: yes stairs are there to climb up those are the stairs now to in villages on the house roof we see this kind of stairs we can climb up such but for people in city cannot climb up such stairs here too the structure is like that of a jail to climb up there is no way this is just like a now a days central jail that is Boothnatha temple on that side, below here we have to walk a lot there of a lot of places to see we have to walk around, if we come to one place, we need to walk to the next that continues further there we can climb up and down the same way, here it is not such here we can see the islamic arch done during the 18th century this structure was made even at Bijapura you can see similar motar now let us go inside this and see inside this is a well as per the locals here, this was the treasury of Tippu sultan Motar prepared using brick pieces and lime stone powder jaggery and sticky kind of a fruit is crushed and mixed using that this is made this has a life span of 400 to 600 years cement only has 100 yrs life span British got cement and banned this thinking that this will affect the demand for cement this is a incomplete temple Dravidian sikara here in front we can see the ugra narasimha this place was filled with stones, mud and plants water here below we can see the dwarfs dancing similar to the one we saw in cave 2 of Badami similar kind of hair style we can see all these are cross ventilation windows for light and air in some places the designs are no more there since this is sand stone small designs and carvings are disappearing here is carving of Vishnu Adi shesha, shesha nagaraja below is Nandi Shiva and Parvathi this is a style of doing wrestling pulling the leg that is the technique dancing here is a scene of fighting with a animal this is also a differently designed window here is the carving of the bird they have depicted as if it is done on paper here dancing person as if showing like a movie, depicting the lifestyle of chalukyas here they are playing the drums and the flute krishna, holding the Govardhana mountain saving the citizens and the cattle this was done during the 6th century this is yali the design is different face is different , here is the leg and infront is a human form only it upper part of the body this is a kind of punishment on the other side they depict how their dance was these all depicts situation of life standing Cahalukya sculptors have carved the Shila balike, their hair styles the grandeur of the king King sitting on the throne in form of god the human life is depicted on the stones these all are dwarfs a support for the temple was the elephant elephant was like a crane or JCB(excavator or bulldozer) in those days it depicts that on the elephants body the temple is there here is the face of a lion inside there is a circumambulation path inside the garbhagudi there is no idol on the outer walls small pictures related Krishna stores related to Shiva, stories related to that king only on the outer side small such carvings are there, but inside there is none here only the peeta is there idol is not there can we circumambulate ? this is the planning done in the 6th century multiple windows for cross ventilation they have done it so well our alien technology person has not come here yet if they come here them they will claim that the 6th century architecture was also done by Alien and they will give all the credit to the Aliens instead to our ancestors we are climbing down from the other side of the mountain we can see a Anjaneya temple there we can see Kannada's first and foremost thripadi inscription Me: are there bears and leopards here? not here Anjaneya store room, kitchen this is like our Chandravali Me: this tulsi pot area is all new isnt it? Me: Where does this lead to? Mahakoota, in this same road is it? till there have they put such stones? no only till there here one shivalaya is there during the time of chalukya rule, regarding Immadi pulakeshi with regard to his valour, ruling describing all this is a old kannada inscription we can see that on this boulder, it is in old Kannada this is known as the first and foremost tripadi inscription of Kannada notice the lower portion there is a wheel above that is the inscription yes we can go up, there are stairs leading up to it this is also known as Kappe arbatana shashana arbatana means the roar a inscription related to it Sādhuge Sādhu, mādhuryange mādhuryam. bādhippa kalige kaliyuga viparītan.mādhavan ītan peran alla means the king is good to the good Very cruel to the cruel sweet to those who are sweet, He was nothing but God Vishnu in this regard" this is said of Immadi pulakeshi in this inscription the mother of history are inscriptions monuments and inscriptions first is inscription then the monument only when the date of its birth is mentioned in the inscription only then we will be able to tell about it Me: here you can notice that they have carved a roof kind of structure this has been done so to preserve the inscription so that even the rain water does not fall on the inscription they have made a provision for the water to flow down this way that is the reason why this has survived for so many years now we are walking along this path and going to Boothanatha temple so in the next video let us watch the Boothanatha temple

2021-04-09 23:02

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