[Musica] aperti per voi è una delle tante iniziative del Touring Club Italiano un'associazione privata senza scopo di lucro fondata nel 1894 da sempre il Touring è al centro della valorizzazione del patrimonio italiano e chiede ai suoi soci di essere protagonisti di un grande compito prendersi cura dell'Italia come bene comune perché sia più conosciuta attrattiva competitiva e accogliente per questo il Touring contribuisce a produrre conoscenza a tutelare e valorizzare il paesaggio il patrimonio artistico e culturale e l'eccellenza economico produttive dei territori attraverso il volontariato diffuso e una pratica turistica del viaggio etica responsabile e sostenibile il progetto aperti per voi rappresenta un esempio concreto di questo [Musica] impegno nato a Milano nel 2005 il progetto favorisce l'apertura sistematica e continuativa di luoghi d'arte e cultura di varia natura chiese palazzi teatri musei Giardini siti archeologici tutti altrimenti chiusi al pubblico o visitabili con orari limitati l'apertura avviene grazie al prezioso contributo dei soci volontari che dopo un'attività di formazione accolgono i visitatori curano l'attività informativa di orientamento nei luoghi e promuovono la conoscenza dei beni comuni generando senso di appartenenza verso il patrimonio culturale Il Touring Club Italiano con il progetto aperti per voi promuove il volontariato e la cittadinanza attiva per rendere accessibili a tutti luoghi meravigliosi in tutta Italia aperti per voi è un grande gioco di squadra Prima di tutto fra i volontari stessi che si impegnano ogni giorno nel progetto ma anche con gli enti proprietari con i quali collaboriamo per rendere il luogo maggiormente visitabile anche organizzando eventi iniziative visite concerti tutto ciò che possa rendere un luogo veramente accogliente e anche per creare un maggior senso di appartenenza tra i cittadini e il patrimonio culturale una città oltre 80 luoghi più di 30 città coinvolte più di 150.000 ore di volontariato Donate all'anno e oltre 21 milioni di visitatori accolti La forza del Touring Club Italiano è la sua rete volontaria oltre 1600 volontari attivi sia operatori che fruitori in un continuo scambio con il territorio essere un volontar del Touring Club Italiano nel programma aperti per voi mi permette di stare in luoghi molto belli e davvero ricchi dal punto di vista storico artistico e culturale e penso che questo migliori davvero la qualità della mia vita e confido anche la qualità della vita dei tanti visitatori come cittadini europei la nostra priorità è prenderci cura ogni giorno di meravigliosi luoghi che appartengono a tutti e che fanno parte della nostra eredità culturale promuove alle generaz future profs cement Korea usad Pani manager per for [Musica] and you please US Open For You is all per by Touring Club Italiano Touring Club to take care of Italy as a Common Good and to make it better known attractive and welcoming protects enhances the Landscape cultural Heritage and all italian excellence and so uses Knowledge through responsible and sustainable Travel practices is a Project is concrete example of this commitment theom volte We Prom volunteering to make accessible Wonderful places otherwise not Open cultural Sites usually Close to to the Public Excuse Thanks to Mers every 1600 volunteers Welcome Visitors Citizen and T and provide General information for orientation the Visitors are a italiano and we are pr to wec More than 2 Million Visitors in agreement with property owners trains and coordinat volunteer to guarantee a continuous Access toar numbers of Visitors and off commun appro tyes of Visitors can Team inovy Eur nostra Award strub italiano volte network the numbers of this Project First of all that 1 dedicated and TR volunteers facilitate continuous Exchange with the local communities evident in the numbers aev as our go is to be all of us Active custodians and Prom promoter of the Treasure entrusted by our sensors releasing many energies creating a sense of Belong and Mut Trust our priority is taking Wonderful that to All usent our cultural herit enhancing culture to pass them To The Future Generation sustainable Project that has been Ono for two decades and fored a Strong and Community with a High level of volte networ Heritage accessibility going be theit of Museum anding range of Sound Transfer Train volte and make Ap per Unique Mod to conclude I would like read Little part The Motivation expressed by the Jury of the priz if can in terms of Policy the initi advocates for tourism approach priori Heritage Protection and raises awareness among Visitors ining challenges and engaging private entities to Open up the cultural Heritage Sites sets a powerful prident demonstrating The potential for a broader adoption of similar strategies In Other countries we are very very proud Congratulations Congratulations now Can you share with us some the positive experiences that you had in the Process of carrying out These programs and Maybe some difficulties and challenges along the way I'm sure there are many Open for you requires Attention to relation relation of relation Train them Coin institution both Public and private that own the places the relation This relationship is Daily All Round and usually fortunately Long a significant difficulty Development develop coordinate an increasing number of volte in an Ever increasing number of places places that are very different from Each other and with different needs That's why It was necessary to to create and implement an it Management System the System Special for all allows to organize the monthly ship of volunteers to Enter The availability on weekend on weekend Days absence And to ensure a pun programming and Management of exceptional openings Emergency So we say the S very different in Type size [Musica] h Honor for us in 20055 than expi perella together students all universi of R We wel More than 5000 Visitors Wonderful Quin very impressed by the voluntary nature of this program as Well as the Magnitude um and I'm wondering Uh you know specifically what kinds of areas are the volunteers involved are they mainly involved in the maintenance and Operations of the cultural Sites or are they also do they Take part in the Promotion and tours and do the proceeds from the activities contribute to the economic cult Man volte do not Professional guid inad make all Access [Musica] and Unique Heritage Sites Even if effec Club And volunteers are not directly involved in conservation and restoration practices we are confident that keeping places Open Fru contribut to the Knowledge but also to the Protection Conc concrete aspect That is important to keep places Alive so Take agp that participates in volun programs and what other What is your target Group in the future that you like to get involved we can say introduction the principle of subs in italian autonomous initi of citizens Who ha for the Care of Comm goods Today TENS of thousand people in Cities are taking Care of school Public Gardens cult Heritage we can say that Public goods became Common goods When a Community decides to take care of them so cleves that volte moral Duty and bel to Community must do for it obviously in relation to possibility and Skills in the Act of taking Care beces becomes reaffirmation of the right of Community to Enjoy vol Ages and different backgrounds includ students teachers Of course Of course reti rees Because of the time we ask to spend with ofit Club italiano Acc Service Benefit Cens and trav [Musica] Can you give Us examp Where the vol participation local Cens has en Access all All thees involved In the project this Project precisely this characteristic as we Said They are Open Because of Our commitment Of course there are many churches in this list in this Long list but also palaces archeological Sites a Theater to Gardens and botanical Gardens [Musica] examp from the ren Of The Church of San mauriio in Milano To The Church of Santa Maria de Lama In The very of the historical C Salerno Pains from the The Wonderful 17th Century arano Maderno Palazzo Romeo Scetta del Carmine in Padova Master collezione Farnesina and as we the monumental Palazzo del Quirinale in Rome are all Wonderful places also Even if One different from the other all Wonderful for us and hopefully for all the people we have welcomed Over All and Hope Will Welcome in the future W I think We need to really Thank you you know for making this available not Only For Italians but also for the rest of the world you know who will be so interested in looking at this I me you know italian Heritage is so much admire by the entire World you know It's only through This kind of participation that you make available for the rest of Us so me Being an our historian I think I need to Than You personally For I really Sinc Hope That your progr continues and thrives in the future and you continue to make The Great italian Heritage for us available and for the rest of the world Thank you very much for Being here with us today than [Musica] bye n
2024-08-29 18:03