Unique Coffee Leaf Tea Experience at Marapi Volcano in Sumatra

Unique Coffee Leaf Tea Experience at Marapi Volcano in Sumatra

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Indonesia is open for [Music] surprises oh up what is this one I order with you so this is a coffee already you need down and you now I got they ordered without egg but they brought it with egg how can you make it more special getting with someone special and uh oh what is it actually the do is catch the Pink Palace was buil on 1347 wow it's so high wow the ceiling looks so amazing a gum beautiful Lake then I saw this one it's always like this people are eating and then boom hello guys from Boogie thingy somewhere yeah I don't know where I am exactly but look at the nature and look at the weather and over there it's a mountain SL volcano I really want to bring this cow down coffee and I saw a sign there power down what now it's behind me cow down um down means leave so it's a traditional coffee from here but I think uh nah nah that's nothing yeah let's see maybe I find it somewhere else and there's a nice there's a nice dessert actually from Buffalo milk there's some oats inside as well and some yeah of course sugar I think but I haven't seen it oh so dusty here see you later there was a restaurant just in the curve so I have to turn back now to turn back now really delicious maybe this is even the trash from the restaurant but hey they don't have a proper um trash disposal in the Indonesia I mean even if they throw it somewhere in the nature or in the trash bin it goes either into the ocean it will be burned or it will yeah just lay here somewhere the nature so this is also not a big difference then to be honest I'm so hungry Yi it's too meaty for me I don't want to eat just rice with uh leaves I don't want so let's continue that's the reason why so many times eat into me not because I love it yeah The Taste can be okay it can be good if you don't eat it so many times but um it's an alternative to if I don't want to eat meat one more try I really want to get this freaking coffee here Al oh inpp down oh that's why I'm here we have it okay nice I will remove my my things here we have it finally yeah I would say it's time for [Music] um cow down done maybe maybe I eat some good on as well cow leaf coffee and oh so much so many kurangan what is this one is it like I don't know boxo kby or something where can I order who's the boss here huh who is the boss boss you are boss M um copy uh copy down oh wait I get my helmet one second I order with you huh I don't know who's the boss here no inside oh hello hello M M Copy uh down to yeah original um what do you have you have original and you have milk the most traditional is the original it's only the black one right [Music] he Trad can I film how you make it yes because last time they had a private room that I made it wow that looks really interesting so this is a coffee already yeah and in up yeah up the down down ah in down down and this is a water the same okay I don't like speak English oh I don't like speaking Indonesian Ionia sura i e Indonesia I like you I like you in I like you you like me cpri coas what is this I from International you are from International you Germany Germany this is one of the most common [Applause] question okay oh yeah I don't smoke anymore thank you so much because because I don't know I only drink coffee no but what is it can I can I see I cover the picture because this picture doesn't look so good so my coffee is already here my go girl it's still filming he my friend but it's almost broken he my friend and you YouTuber yes yes yes will caros appeared will will caros will caros I show you on your phone you subscribe share subscribe share like no no no no no iy saver battery saver so the coffee is really hot but let me make a smell test [Music] first yeah there are some leaves inside it smells like this cof down yeah so yeah they really mixed the coffee or maybe they call it just coffee because it looks smells like coffee or something I don't [Music] know pul I've heard the name pul but I don't know what it [Applause] is oh nice yes sticky sticky rice sticky rice sticky rice usually you make S here or not not on this one this is a bit more sweet so I wouldn't put some out [Music] there okay whatever that [Applause] means no idea I think you don't eat it with the chili sauce Sal yeah you can eat it with chili sauce actually pus 100 let's give it a little try and down C let's try it it's a tea it's it's not a coffee that's why they call it down cover so it's a tea but I hear that you call it Cofe down cover so maybe you can mix it with coffee as [Applause] well huh you like coffee it's good but but this one tea not coffee yeah boilet boilet down boilet boil but this is the tea right for the coffee but do they have it with the coffee as well you can mix with this coffee always yeah okay okay we or we or all together we okay oh I don't many ah next year maybe many you need money how much how much you need usually for marrying and you come from Dana yeah yes to your B yeah basas so you can really get it with milk that the girl said earlier yeah you're right no sambai no party yeah we need party but really really liquid that's D [Applause] Champion puy boo Bo C ask me yeah this with milk where do you come from Germany Germany and you Thailand T North tatra North sura Medan yes what's your name actually uh I'm 18 18 not enjoy your but why you call it coffee it's not a coffee right yes it's not a coffee it's a coffee leaves a the ah Le so the carwa means coffee leaf ah from the coffee leaf you make a tea then actually ah now I got it yeah okay then uh enjoy your stay nice to meet you yeah katang katang okay katang yeah peanuts and they make something for eating then wow and she's making you make okay on me T inside and inside there's a me [Applause] I like it I tried it couple of times um B okay she said yes I can go there and here you fry oh hello here you fry all the gang on yeah really big kitchen off I feel the the smoke is coming in into my eyes okay that's a lovely Place had a really good timing when I was driving here luckily I stopped here otherwise maybe nothing else on the road a lot of rain and so I can even try something new and it's what the girl said um the leaves from the [Music] [Applause] coffee this is what we saw tofu with the noodle inside yeah you see the noodles [Applause] inside yeah the rain is not getting better hey bro I will get another one this time with milk can I order one more M lagi um down yeah [Applause] um I ordered um some indom no it's super me I think even um they ordered without egg but they brought it with egg so now they removed the egg and this is the same just with milk what I had earlier so this is the um what do you call it um down down cover yeah mm so this this is a a tea from the coffee leaves right and they put the milk inside there and it felt like they put so much milk inside so when I stirred it and I just took some with my spoon I was like wow this is so milky that's really good as well okay weather starts to get better over there the sun is coming out already maybe between the hill between the mountain and above the trees you see it [Music] already what have you eaten you ate the the good hang on only right mm how do you like it way again it's so so so so not special not special how can you make it more special uh eating with someone special with someone special yeah it's my special have you hear this you are not special no yeah you know what I mean you know what I mean yeah you said that you need something more special for eating it's just kidding you like to band yeah just [Music] right four of October I came here oh no I see there are many dogs even I don't know why because um Muslim areas and dogs is actually um not so common I don't know why they have so many dogs here inside um do you know why they have so many dogs here inside yeah because we have a traditional the do is catch the the dog catch the pig [Music] yes catch so you go to the the forest and it's a wild pig or they wild pig the dogs kill the pigs or how is it yeah maybe maybe and then it's depend on condition but Muslim people and pigs and dogs even is a contradiction actually right what happens with a pig then maybe you can ask them I will ask them more yeah oh friendly dogs oh another one [Music] um no no maybe you can uh do you mind helping with translation or asking cuz I find it really interesting once a week B Babu uh that's the name of the event right yes yeah baburu is the event oh okay the dog uh kill the pig in the forest okay the dogs they want to kill the pigs or they train them that they kill the pigs they do it naturally or they have to force the dogs to kill the pigs no it's naturally it's naturally but they don't eat okay and what is the origion of this ceremony because it's like it's like totally different to many other things yeah especially here in the Sumatra yes what time or when will they start with the petion with this heav they will bring the dogs now to the forest or they will keep them somewhere and after what will happen with the dog they release it or they have an owner oh they are the the owner they owner owner yes and is there is there some money involved when they make this this tradition it's only like a local tradition yeah it's just like a Hobie hob so they keep the dog they uh uh take care of the dog and uh give a good foot for the dog to make the dog uh powerful to run and catch the pig and they have good they have good manners as well yeah when I went there they didn't really bark they look just cute and um yeah when did they start the very first time I mean the people here in general it's really interesting Indonesia is open for surprises good luck with hunting okay I would also like to Pay Mo 26 what is Muka actually caution you are you are looking for money I don't look for what is Muka on on the T-shirt wait M M M that means advance her t-shirt says she's um working she's looking for money she's working looking for money she's not looking for what is Muka Muka is face uh no uh it's not for personal brand hello start to dig it yeah D price kids local and fora more people coming oh big group yeah no okay enjoy then so water is so special here got these houses you see everywhere in Westra but this is maybe a bit bigger and I think there's a museum inside as well and another one with a dog even walking around with a rope and a dog hello yeah wow racing girls when they older they will be racing drivers so this could also be a German flag but these are as far as I know the colors from either booket tingy or the whole West fromat area wow that's so big that's extremely huge [Music] wow let me show you with some people in the in the front oh hey mister oh my God this looks pretty impressive because of the shape so you don't really see how is with this shape much and if so then you don't see a big one like this and there as well I don't know the meaning of this house maybe they use it for something I don't know for something [Music] specific hello I go bare food or what oh really oh no you have this one for walking or my plastic I walk with a plastic then okay put a plastic I thought I walk with a plastic open open open sauce Open sauce and put a plastic this one you put here or is 12 okay your plastic number is 12 we have to go out from the back of this Palace so our stuff will take your shoes on the back of this on the back yeah so exactly on the same side just the different yeah different way because uh since the pandemic we use one way okay what is the reason actually to not damage the the wooden ground or uh yeah because there is a rules you are not allowed to bring your SE inside of the house yeah yeah okay now I see it makes totally sense yeah yeah the guest book first yes have you see the car r the car race uh pwii no what is it actually uh the the coace no but they have it in Madura as well right yeah but here in the rice field oh really yeah today today they have every yeah every Saturday what time maybe this time is done it's finished a yeah uh the C that will be the winner is the Buffalo that can go straight like this it's a straight race only yeah not the fastest I haven't seen on the internet anything about this yeah so when this house was built actually yeah actually this uh Palace was built on 1347 in 1347 1347 and the original is not here this behind the hill so if you go to second or third floor you can see there is a hill that uh that's uh we have pagaran recent War the original location is behind the hill the original what yeah the original location of the palace because this is the replica ah okay and and the original you cannot really go you cannot enter there because nothing uh there's nothing anymore because that Palace was burned down on the Civil War on 1804 oh yeah on 18th century so the government built the first replica on 1976 and the fire accident happened again on 2007 because of the lightning on the roof and that met Almost 100% of the building got fire so it is the second replica and it it was totally destroyed yeah it was burned to the ground yeah so this is the second replica that was uh built on 2008 until 2013 so it just 10 years open again as open Museum I hope nothing will happen ever again yeah we hope so this is what I noticed so many times um interesting things or events you don't really find it on the internet you have to ask the locals but if you're unlucky then the event is already over like right now bull race yeah would have been nice to join but yeah that's life maybe the next city that I visit I can see a I don't know pig race or something even more interesting these are apparently the traditional Minong dresses and I don't want to explain it too much because it's maybe boring for you but in case you're interested there's a video on my channel as well when I went to the museum in Padang also a house like this the so-called aruma gadang let me show you this again the wall here they look so colorful the curtains here this looks pretty cool pretty impressive wow it's so high W one 2 3 4 5 five layers of mountains and Hills you have there check this out what is the material um it's the outer layer of the trees I don't know what kind of twe and this is some some wooden parts let's go to the next floor wow the ceiling looks so amazing theyve even the same ceiling here but I haven't checked it out properly it's only a little space they is open for the maybe that's all and the rest they use for something else here so this room serves as Storage King property such as a former Royal crown that stored in special container Co [Music] all right what your name my name Carlos what's your name car okay nice to meet you D okay solo okay enjoy yeah bye bye bye you want okay okay okay okay okay thank than you bye bye bye bye and you too this way to the exit and of course souvenirs and snacks hello hi what's your name what's your name I'm caros what are you make [Music] video for for studying for University ah okay that's nice yeah there is a kitchen as well hello oh I know the smell this is a smell of B when when you drink the butter from uh Samos from Medan The Taste is same so the ingredients of BS these are the same herbs oan or something from you know from a coconut shell like this something to make I don't know so where are my shoes now ah yeah my bed it's here just tell them the number then you get your shoes back no more yes number 12 okay see now I would like to sit somewhere let's say here and put on my shoes and my socks there's the lake it's definitely bigger than expected and look at the mountains in the background I wanted to go to the peak but Google Maps kind of scammed me and I was supposed to stop my motorcycle and walk there or something I don't know it's a beautiful Lake uh so let's get something here that I can park my motorcycle here brother okay let's check out the lake but let's try caramel macato first pretty good for me welcome to this tourist attraction beautiful something I suppose by the way because I saw so many people with dogs on the way all the people use the dogs for this tradition with the pigs wow I like sink it's good for couples I think wow and there's a kids playground as well Mr photo Mister what do you think yes or no yeah I definitely think from above here from the peak it looks way better you better view you can see the whole lake but why I stopped here was because I was driving here then I saw this one and this looks a bit less touristic and why the hell it's always like this all the treash just goes into look people are eating and then boom I haven't been to too many lakes in Germany but I think it's not like this in Germany and if there's someone throwing something inside the lake here people would say hey get it out there hey what is wrong with you so this would have been the the view from the peak yeah pretty nice actually you want me to take picture of you yeah wow these places in the nature are really enjoy and appreciate if they're a bit more far from the street and from everything so that people they have to um put a bit effort to reach these places otherwise yeah it's too touristic like this too much trash would be really nice to have a boat or something having a little trip maybe 1 hour before um the Sun down or something yeah it will be really awesome

2023-12-07 10:22

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