Unbelievable Inner Mongolia Hohhot with Niranjan Lulu

Unbelievable Inner Mongolia Hohhot with Niranjan Lulu

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Hello guys, this is Lulu What a beautiful railway station Welcome to Inner Mongolia Let me tell you something special about China's railway station These are the tourist attractions near to China Every evening they have a tiktok program like this Ghangez Khan is sitting on top There are some rituals going on in the temple They are playing the bell There are many priests standing in the queue I didn't expect Inner Mongolia to be so developed They have put a cap on their head Hello guys, this is Lulu I am your friend, Niranjan And Lulu I am in Beijing You all were requesting where Lulu went after Dalian Lulu had come to Beijing for her work She works in Beijing That's why she can't travel with us all the time Today I am in Beijing And I am going to Inner Mongolia from Beijing Lulu, where is my ticket from? This is Taoranting Station Okay, this is metro How far do I have to go? Which is the railway station? You have to change two lanes And go to Qinghe Station It takes approximately 40 minutes Okay So, I need to go by metro Yes, go by metro Okay, so we have to say bye to Lulu So, thank you Lulu Bye bye See you next time It's very clean You can see everything is clean from inside There is no single piece of garbage We have an alipay So we don't need to buy a ticket here We just need to enter our alipay And click on the travel option I just clicked on it I will show you the code So whenever you travel to China Download the alipay app From this station We have to go to this station We will change from there Beijing metro is one of the biggest metro in the world There are 27 lines in Beijing metro And 450 metro stations And from 1965 The first metro started from 1965 So many people are walking inside This is the Beijing railway station There are more lines inside Many people come and go That's why the stairs are so wide This one will go To that railway station It's written here Qinghe The name of that place means station Let's see how far is the station Here it is Oh my god Is this a metro station or an airport? It's a great railway station It's so wide It looks so good Chinese people have worked hard The height is also good It's beautiful too There is a wall on this side They have done a cultural painting on it It's a very wide station And the doors on it Are from 1 to 8 You will find A on the left And B on the right There is a central information desk In the middle Let me tell you a special thing about China's railway station The platform here They don't allow people to reach there Until the train Arrives There are only 10 minutes left Sometimes it takes 15 minutes Sometimes 20 minutes Where there is a lot of crowd Mostly it takes 10 minutes The waiting area is very big There is a premium lounge Business class lounge And there is a separate seat for the common people They have managed it very well And the ticketing system Is also very good Let me sit here for a while And the chair Has a plastic coating Because of which you feel very comfortable While sitting There was a lot of time left So I thought to eat something It's almost 6 pm Let me tell you one thing They provide this kind of device I ordered food from the restaurant behind And they said Whenever you get a call The food will be ready This device will make a sound And light will be on So we have to go there And get the food See the light is on And it is vibrating Someone put it in his pocket Thank you Dalia Cucumber Samosa type Salad And rice If you know Chinese You can eat vegetarian food in China And it is a very profitable deal And you can get good food See this is a salad We have come to the platform from the waiting room And our train is also about to reach soon Everyone is in line This is how it looks And there is a railing And just like the metro box They have provided it for safety And just like the metro box They have put a railing So that no one can jump on the platform And most of the time High speed trains pass through this place And if something comes in front of the high speed train It flies away 300 km is normally a high speed train So that's why they have put a railing We are waiting here Our train will come here It is a 5 number train And the train will come in 5 minutes There are some seats like this And there is a table here You can sit on it and work And the table is also like this Bye Bye Beijing We are going to Inner Mongolia And this is how the view looks from inside We have reached the speed 195 km per hour And I am showing you the stability I have put a bottle of reverse water I can't see anything from here The water doesn't move It is very stable This station is called Houlai Let's go inside quickly We can't stay for long Because it will stop for a few seconds And the sun has set And the view is very beautiful You can't see it in the camera But it is beautiful to see with your eyes And on this side There are mountains and valleys And there is a village below We have reached a station It is called Zhanjia Koi The temperature is about 30 degrees Hello The temperature is about 30 degrees And We have only 1 hour and 40 minutes left To change the train It is 8.30 pm And there is a lot of light outside Let's change the train And sit in the next train Which will go to Inner Mongolia The capital city of Inner Mongolia HOHHOT H O H H O T This station is very beautiful And very clean And the chairs Are coated with plastic So that the passenger feels very comfortable And There are 10 platforms Let me tell you one thing The technology here is so fast That by looking at your face They automatically know that you have booked a ticket Apart from this There is another option You put your ID card on it The Chinese ID card is the same as the Aadhaar card It has a chip on it It detects from the sensor That you have booked a ticket And this is When foreigners also put their passport on it It automatically scans And finds out That our ticket is booked And it is the same train's book And the gate of the same train will open If I go to the other platform The gate of the other platform will also not open The elder sister sitting next to me She is from Ulaangeb Which is a major city in Inner Mongolia Which is near the capital city Welcome to Ulaan Chahbu Welcome to Ulaan Chahbu She is saying that you are welcome Welcome to Ulaan Chahbu Welcome to Ulaan Chahbu This is the station Which is called Ulaangeb Bye Bye So After this station......., I have come back inside alert bail is saying TTT the gate will close soon.

There is a view outside People are getting down And going We have reached the final destination This is the view of the station This is the last station of this train This is the station and the platform. This is built on the top. We are going down. Everything was written in Chinese here. There was no taxi symbol.

I asked one person to go anywhere on both sides. So I am going this way. Good morning everyone. I slept last night. I woke up early. It's almost noon.

I am going to Lanzhou Mian. This is the place where we mostly eat. This is the impression of this place. There are many big roads here. Inner Mongolia, I didn't even think about it. Inner Mongolia is very far away.

This is a desert area. But the development here is really commendable. I can see some hotels here. And many people live here. Apart from this, there is a beautiful place for walking here. They have given such beautiful trees.

I didn't think that they would have managed it so well. What you can see on my right side is National Vocational College. It's so sunny here.

But you don't feel the sun when you walk in the shade of trees. There is a cycle for public use on the roads. There is also an electric bike for public use.

You don't need a license for this. Scan and ride. There is a bus stop. It looks like this. Let me show you closely.

There is a place for advertisement here. It's a big place. But it's a place for advertisement. They are showing the advertisement. They have given seats there. And there is an iron bus stop.

You can see the details of all the bus here. One thing you can see here is that all the shops have written in Chinese along with the local Mongolian language. Here is a luncheon and there are many shops here.

All the shops are written in Chinese. I asked him to cook food. I ordered it.

There was a supermarket here. I thought to buy some yogurt so that I can enjoy the food. There are many yogurts on the right side. You can buy whatever you like. I am thinking to buy this one. It will help me a lot.

It means 6.9 RMB. It is around 84 Indian Rupees. The food has arrived.

I will eat it here. All the food has arrived. Here is the fried rice. I will eat it quickly and then show you the city. This is the capital of the country. The lunch is 41 RMB.

It is around 480 Indian Rupees. I checked the bus from this bus stop. The bus from this bus stop will take me to bus no. Everything is written in Mongolian and Chinese.

I will take a bus from here to show you the city. The bus is coming. Let's see how beautiful this city is. Let's go. The bus has arrived. Only 1 RMB is the fare which is around 12 Indian Rupees.

You can travel anywhere in this bus. The development of China in a small area will take India 50 years to reach there. Think where China would have reached after 50 years. I have got down from the bus. I have to walk 1 km from here. Uncle is selling watermelons. The total area of this city is 17,200 km2. This is a very

important city in North China. According to 2023, the total population of this city is around 30,60,000. The trees are very beautiful.

Let's walk in the shade. Let's walk in the shade. China's development is irritating. The country which can't compete with China, abuses China. The development of China is amazing.

This is the bus stop where we have got down. I can hear some sounds. Let's see what is happening. This is a big gate from where you can enter. Vehicles are not allowed to enter. Just in front of this gate, you can see a statue of Genghis Khan. It is a big statue.

There are two different types of umbrellas on its sides with big stones. There is a carving on it. This is a public toilet. This is a mobile toilet. There are many people who are taking pictures in traditional Mongolian Dress with their photographers. Look at this.

Genghis Khan is sitting on the elephant. He had a great history. He used to shake people from inside. We have got 3 saris. This ticket is for 35 RMB.

This is the way to enter. The view from outside will be more beautiful in the evening. There is a beautiful carving on the other side. There are two big lion on the other side. This is the first impression when you enter. Horse is very important in Mongolian culture. That's why horses are kept here.

This is a flying horse. It has wings. In 1579, the chief of Mongolian tribe was Alantahan. He got an appointment with the third living Buddha Dalai Lama at Yanghuan Temple in Qinghai. It was the fourth region of the Ming Dynasty.

When he came back, he built this temple in 1579. He started following Tibetan Buddhism again. People have put coins in this vessel. On the top, Tibetan Buddhism is depicted. There are four statues inside the temple. In Buddhism, they are called Vajravana and Dhritarashtra.

Here are Virudhaka and Virupaksha. I will show you these four. The instrument in one hand is called Pipa. They have an umbrella. In the other hand, there is a snake and a sword. There are some rituals in the temple.

The bell is ringing. There are many priests standing in a queue. Look here. There is a man standing in the front.

He is standing there. He is seen far away. They have put a cap on their head. I don't know what it is. They are going inside.

There are many rituals in the temple. Many priests are sitting in a queue. They are saying their names. There are many paintings on the walls. There are many statues of animals.

There is a wooden bed inside the temple. Some clothes are kept on it. They bow down on it. When someone gets married, they bow down 10,000 times. Hello! I am from India. There are many friendly people in China.

Wherever you go, they talk to you with love. When you leave the temple, you will see a beautiful area. You can find these kind of stoops There are many people who are taking photos capturing their things. Welcome to China's Inner Mongolia. Do you want to have a rest? I'm here for a vacation. Thank you.

Where are you from? Shaanxi. You are from Shaanxi, near Beijing? Yes. When did you come here? He is very good. Two days ago.

Yesterday. I came here yesterday. You came here alone? Yes. He is saying that you are very good at traveling alone. I asked him where he is from.

He said he is from Shaanxi, near Beijing. I will take you inside the walking street. Let me show you the shops and cultural things here. Wow! This street is very old.

Various things are being sold here. There are antique pieces here. There are coins here.

This is a Tibetan-style praying rotator. And this is a traditional bracelet. It's really amazing. I feel like I'm in Tibet. Everywhere I look, I see Tibetan-style things. There are many bracelets here.

Look at this. Hello. She is asking if you are making a vlog. So she asked if you are here for a vacation.

This is for drinking. For drinking? I thought it was for drinking water. There are many such pots here. She is telling them that these pots are used for drinking water and alcohol. Look at this.

They have put corn in it. I don't know what they have put in it. Now they will heat it. This is their traditional way of making something inflate. They will close it and keep rotating it. The result will be something like this.

They have heated it. The top cover comes off like this. The line over there was for shopping.

The line here is for eating. There are many local dishes for eating. You can also see seafood here. Traditional Mongolian houses look like this.

People sit here and eat. There is a photo of Changej Khan inside this. They have painted the walls here. The gate here is also very beautiful. It is 7.41 pm. It is not sunny yet.

There is a lot of light. This is how they start dancing in the evening. This is Changej Khan. This is his statue.

This is the temple behind him. We went there in the morning. This is how their TikTok program goes on every evening. They are dancing here. Look at the crowd. This is the TikTok column.

This is their live performance. This is the camera guy. This is how they perform on the big screen. This door is very beautiful in the evening. The door behind me is the main gate of the street.

It opens on the main road. I will end this video here. I will tell you where I am going tomorrow. I will go to a dairy farm tomorrow.

It is one of the 5th largest dairy farms in Asia. I will show you how they do dairy farming. I will show you how they produce milk. I will show you how they save milk.

I will show you what products they make there. It is a very reputable brand in China. It is like Amul in India. It is very respected in China. Wait for tomorrow's video. If you have any doubts in this video, comment below.

I will try to improve it. Thank you for subscribing. There is no hurry. If you liked the video then Subscribe, if don't like comment below and give your suggestions. See you in the next video. Bye.

2024-07-24 13:52

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