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we stop over here for GMA to eat for you know  for us to eat some breakfast then after that we   follow we take you guys to Fort paa I'm sure  most of you have heard of Fort pora some of   the Asian cities or Asian towns you have here in  Uganda so we'll be taking you down there to Fort   Porter then from there we just explore Uganda  to show you things you're going to find here in   Uganda I'm not sure we're going to get to campala  because we've been to campala several times so we   about to explore other part of um Uganda so keep  watching this video If you're not subscribed to   my friend Kara check her out please make sure to  subscribe and guys I'm not in the mood to talk   today you have to talk yeah but anyways please  make sure to subscribe and all good right now   where we are in karuma karuma Village yeah we're  in K yeah you guys know about the mo mo for Mo   song four is located around this karuma Village  so we'll be exploring Uganda to show you guys   a lot of things lot of beautiful places to see  for some of who are planning to come to Africa   this Christmas there are lot of places you have  to visit so we're going to explore those places   so you want to see more of that kindly subscribe  to the channel you also support the channel in   the description below by buying us a coffee and  also the paper donation or you can you can as well   join our Channel membership you know to support  the adventures and uh let's show you what you   going to have to offer let's show you things you  have to see when you come down to Africa this uh   Christmas this festiv festive season so subscribe  and join the adventure and uh look my view over here yeah so when gma's food come to show you what  a vegetarian is eating as for me ugali and beef   but I'm I'm so good guys every day only rice beans  rice beans rice beans rice beans I'm so tired of   it it's not Essen you eat in India as vegetarian  no what do what you eat what not what not when you   go to India you will show them in the video what  we eating inia it's not just rice be so you have   varieties yeah without for chicken I told you just  for the sweet dish you know in muzungu it's only   cinnamon roll Cakes And Pastry for India in just  sweet dish we have different kind of 500 sweets   500 yeah more than 500 maybe so we have different  kind of more than th000 kind of vegetables and   the way of cooking them so it's not just beans and  rice yeah what do you expect for a country of over   1.5 billion people so she expect much and most of  the thing they e they eat in East Africa isia like   japti ja is Indian food right wow so they copy  of food from India your East African followers   will be offended no but that the truth yeah but  that's the fact somehow because in East Africa the   food in East Africa is totally different from  West Africa even in Nigeria the food you find   in eastern Nigeria is totally different I mean I  live in Legos all my life I've never eaten Amala   euroba food like a SW I've never eaten it so it's  total different food even in Nigeria have lot of   food that's what I say you know in India also  within every 50 km the food changes within 50   km but here they have chti ugali beans rice yeah  within th000 kilom is just the same maybe taste   is different yeah in Uganda they call it poo yeah  call it po looking for you know what is you say   poo like oh she like you want poo and Kenneth was  like what's poo then I explain him the one you do   with MES like this then she po so but still the  same thing different name that's what I'm saying   the concept the basic is the same but just the  name is different in Africa in most of the areas   I've been in I not been West Africa but I've been  North Africa East Africa and South Africa she to   be West Africa yeah so from North Africa except  Sudan they don't eat ugali so much but till Zambia   Zimbabwe bosana is the same thing yeah it's the  same food yeah okay so don't worry when you come   to West Africa we're going to surprise you our  first country of West Africa will be in Ghana   I'm sure of that then from Ghana you can make  your way to the giant of Africa you see variety   of school hopefully not hopefully certainly is a  sure certainly so guys keep watching and make sure   you subscribe to the channel So Many Adventures  are coming so Many Adventures check out wondering   with paint those of you put wondering with camera  because you don't going painting again no I and I   have Paints in my bags but I'm not when did you  paint last two months ago two months ago okay   you're still painting So painting so check out  water with pain and kindly subscribe and also   check my channel out Kenneth ma we at the road to  100,000 subscribers but she is at the road to 1   million subscribers guys please follow my Facebook  oh yeah she just started her Facebook so follow   her later get because I just started yes you know  in India you can also monetize your Facebook yeah   but in in Nigeria you cannot I think Mark is a  racist doesn't want Africans to live good life   but in India we cannot monetize our Instagram is  Mark if you're watching this video what what did   we do to you making you're making lot of money  in Africa why are you the only place you can   in Africa South Africa because they are white M  there that's why you can monetize there so even   do you know how much you making from Nigeria but  Nigerians can't make money from you why is that   why what's your reason please you you to write to  write your wrong do you to sit to it do something   most of nigeran creators who are making money from  YouTube from Facebook they have to get somebody   from abroad to help them monetize it which means  that person be taking like 30% of their revenue   yeah they take money then they send because  they have to put their account number there   once they see Nigeria account number or anywhere  Afric account number they will not monetize the   page so why why why they profiling do something  about it Mar you can do better you making a lot of   money from Africa why can't to have give us that  opportunity to make money look at YouTube copy   from L page page page of Google used to be okay  copy from your M huh or copy from osk look at look   at X anybody can make money huh if you're watching  this Mark do something by the way for YouTube can   subscribe to my YouTube channel And subscribe  to w p let's explore Uganda together so let's go hey guys welcome to the city of forp this  is forp um in Uganda this is my first time   coming to this City and I'm going to look  for where I can get oali I noticed that in   Uganda people don't know what oali means they  call it poo so I'm going to look for poo and   I'm going to take you along as we explore  the city together you guys know GMA don't   eat meat or beef or meat or fish or whatever  she's a vegetarian H look how organized this   city is this is for PTO the weather is quite  different today sunny but usually very cold   in for poto so let me go look for where  I can get some oali and uh I think over   here they they have some food over there well  let's just walk down here as we look for where   we can get some poo my friend good afternoon  this what can I get poo ugali poo ugali food so let's go let's go down here and search this is Po and beef Ste what is this W so this go just fix  we'll see you when you're done with this he told he guys from UGA kind of I'll done with this food okay hey guys we just finished eating some  aali and it's time to explore the city so join me   wow I I thought this was the town but actually  it's actually a city for Porter is actually a   city so if you're coming to Uganda and you're  looking for more organized City uh more calm   and relaxing area I think four sparter I think  over there they have a national park down there   so if you're looking for more relaxed area or more  relaxed City I can recommend for p and Gulu City   in the northern part of um Uganda so let me show  you around to show you how this city looks like yeah know the city has this this  uh kind of hilly hilly area just   like Rwanda because from here to  Rwanda TR not that far you can see how you won't believe that this city is actually  in the same country as campala but when you go to   cala you see how crazy and how busy is trying  to C for even is so busy in Cala but when it   come to cities like Gulu or this particular  City the for p you see how relaxing and how   chill everywhere he just enjoy their life and  also they have some nice roads this part of   Uganda actually has some best have one of the  best roads and coming from the northern part   down to this part the road even yesterday we com  yesterday we met we saw elephants yes when we come   here we pass through the national park which also  extend to this part we pass through or we passed   an elephant on the way while coming to Fort PTO  that should just look at the hills look at this   side look at the hills and that show you that  this area is quiet so cold but today today is   a bit sunny but generally for poto is so cold  hey my friend yes guys how you doing good yeah   so let's let's let's thr around and show you  guys for PTO and how it looks like are you Ugandan oh my God the city is bubbling oh guys look down there but  we're trying to cross the we need to look for we need to look for where we can buy some hot  chocolate asked to buy her some hot chocolate so   we look for that as we explore the city I love how  heiling I love how really F Pho is and U I love   how the life is so simple over here less craziness  hey there there's some police station around here right here hey soing station I went from this way so let's   try go this way uhhuh let's go this  way I'm look for I can get some hot chocolate get it station those bonu hey my friend  those bonu fast food so let's walk down this way   I'm sure we can get it over there and I like  how busy if you look down there look at how   hilly there's some Hill on top there and that that  is where W border is if you go down there you see   Lake abat if you guys know the reason why Africans  like naming their they are natural resources they   are Lake almost all the lake I've seen in in  East Africa is being named after a white person   what is the reason those who have Legends those  have H not to have Africans prominent Africans   who deserve to be named but we're going this way  let me check this play like I was saying why do   we name our Lakes after white people in Africa  mainly in this East Africa you hear this like   if you go down there you see lake abat Lake  Victoria like this one like CH don't we have like like something African name why  must it be like a white people we   need to I don't know if you know the  reason why Africa always name their   after white people comment below hey my  friend guys we're going to this uhhuh we are going to this place to get some hot  chocolate if you know the reason why Africans   like naming their Lake after white people canly  comment below I want to know the reason White Lake   AB about eh I'll see you guys so guys let's  go get some hot chocolates down there let me   give you a tour of how beautiful this city looks  like this is forth photo one of the CI is here Uganda hey wow this looks so natural okay these just Shields right okay okay there on that shelves yeah yeah hey I  would have gone this one I want to buy something some one is f what photo beautiful here I love the the my friend this this one is far maybe you bring me back yeah you bring  me back he let want to buy chocolate inside inside wow I love the weather here man the  weather here is so so nice if you're coming   to Uganda make sure you come to this part of  Uganda this is forth boto and okay we going   over here to get some hot chocolate W I just  love the nature friend 1 minute take me back Christmas Memories I've beening So  lately I can barely find the time   to yeah my time around keeping people  pleased but this is my favorite holiday   it's a chance to start over new  cuz I missed you so I'm letting   go of everything you these are the good  times with you all right thank you baby this let's continue continue as I show you the  beautiful city of my friend let's goone else making a Christmas pass that  road pass that road is okay pass here wow guys this coffee this  chocolate is from Gara she asked   me to buy it she already had some breakfast  from Indian restaurant so I went to look for Val to get they go oh wow go there yes are the good times with you  we don't even care what we do with you see you again Christmas show this Christmas Christmas this making a Christmas oh yeah almost naal and like I said earlier  yesterday when we coming tooto we passed   elephant along the road was just really  strolling I never knew that there National   Park in Uganda thought only in Kenya that you  can come across white animals on the road but   yesterday we saw that when we were coming to for  portter so there's also a hot spring here in hot   in for pter so there's so many things so many  touristic things for you to do here quarter so   he we keep showing you around there something  you want us to show you here in foro while we   still here can comment below uh your wish is our  Command leave a comment and kindly support the channel we are back to the hotel I want to  show you guys something whenever you go to   a hotel in in Uganda this is common everywhere  look from the government protect yourself and   your loved ones very important use H condom  direct correctly and consistently oo see and   this is free actually you don't need to buy  it just take one and protect yourself it's   very common whenever you go to a hotel in  Uganda the government wants you to protect   yourself and also protect your loved ones  so I think that's a good idea it's a good   initiative so I will see you guys in the next  video kindly subscribe to the channel U chiao   so I can barely find the time to sleep yeah  spend my time running around keeping people   please but this is my favorite holiday it's  a chance to start over new cuz I missed you   so I'm letting go of everything but you these  are the good times with you baby this year is   just going to be you and me hang by the fire sh  isn't this how it's supposed to be making our   Christmas Memories oh and I've been longing to  hold you close forget about everyone else isn't   this how it's supposed to be making our Christmas  Memories oh oh la la la la oh oh la la la la oh oh

2023-12-25 03:40

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