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I just. Came to the airport. Oh my gosh so. Excited. Hey guys what's up, my name is, and you are really welcome, on my channel. And i'm so glad to see you here, it's not a secret for everybody, that the international, couples. Are having such a hard time now. And the borders, of russia, are still, you can say closed. And. So the only opportunity, for us was. Going to turkey. So that's what we did obvious. And we met each other in italian. Since. We didn't see each other from february, i guess. So it was the first meeting, from, six months, on the distance. And. We was really excited about it we spent like 17, days in turkey. And i'm completely, in love with it now. Their. Nature. It's just, just perfect. The mountains. Are stunning, the sea. It's, such a clean, and, the sea color is just from the pictures, just like from the pictures for real. And. The turkey for sure took part of my heart. And. The people are really, friendly there. So we had such a nice vacation. And that's what i'm going to share with you. Our funny funny moments. Uh. Some, traveling, stuff, and the places, which we find in italian, so keep watching if you're interested. In the, first couple of days we just was uh. Going around our neighbor. To go into the side of the mountains but the problem was. Outside, was always like, 36. And up, so even if you're going somewhere, at four at five in the evening it's still really hot, and just take a walk it, doesn't give you such a lot of pleasure. So we tried to took a walk a little bit. And, uh, trying to reach the mountains. But they were pretty far from us. And, uh, one day we took a taxi. So. One thing about taxi, the taxi. They're, really nice, to call so you're just pushing the bottom and the taxi is coming all the taxi has the same price, and it's counting by the time which you're spending, in the car. I mean it's not even by time i guess it's by the kilometers, that you. That you're going, so we came to the old town. And, the view, to the sea and the mountains, was such a crazy, oh my gosh i love it now i'm trying to remember. And that is such nice. They had a lot of boats that's like the old pirate boats. So they looks. Really. You know like vintage. So oh my god i loved it i'm gonna show you. Now. When we was uh walking around the old city we saw a lot of pirate boats. Which is uh was making like a different, excursion, for the tourists. And it was like for the, 40 minutes two hours and six hours, i was talking this guy hopefully, he was speaking, pretty nice english. So, we decided, that. Our, trip is going to be for six hours. And. I guess. You made the right choice. So the next day in the morning, and then we already was sitting on the boat. And waiting until we gonna. Go. Peace. And this trip we saw, such a nice island between. Antalya and king here so it was going pretty far. And, you will see me in the caves. And. In the private, beach, race was, just, us, and some boats. And. Just open sea and i was singing without, a, west so i was really proud of myself, we was afraid. To get, burned. But, everything was all right so we came back. Really happy. With normal, skin. And, with, such a lot of pictures, and memories, in our. Minds. The next.

What I would like to pay attention, on in turkey. Was, restaurants. They are pretty, cheap. And. The food is really good, which is like kebab, or. The room. All this stuff. Oh that meat, that was really tasty. But some of the. Dishes, was. Pretty interesting. For example. I don't really remember, the good food which was really tasty. But i do remember. That salad. Oh. This is good. And the salad, how it was, i like the salad but you don't like it that is like. Beans. The next, our dream in traveling, in turkey was, pomo. I remember that place since i've been in turkey with my parents, and my mother she dreamed about. Uh. Going there. But. Sadly we didn't go, and then we tried to figure it out how can we go there, it was just like two ways, or. Uh we're going like this big. Bus, miss tourists. Or we are going, uh, this car and we have to rent a car. We was really. Thinking, a lot about. What option, should we choose. Because, the basket, was like much more, cheaper. But in the car it's like just two of us and you can drive whatever you want, you can listen our music, and so on so that was like nice. But. He also has, to to drive, like eight hours. And it's not, uh. A rest, i mean, it's supposed to be, pleasure for both of us but he has to drive. And, that's why i was thinking. Should probably go by bus. So that was like the, really. Difficult, choice for us. And one day i was going to the mall, i wanted to buy like a new sim suit, to go to the puma. I knew that we're going to go there somehow, but i had new one. So he was going in one of the shops. And, i was in feeding room, and they was waiting for me out. And, that was like one more guy standing there. So i heard when i was in the feeder room, that. Say start to talk, about something like hey, you have the same situation, i was like okay, they probably, made friends. It's fine. And then. When he was talking to andre after he said that that guy, he's from, new jersey. And his girlfriend, here she is from russia she is from moscow. They are really close, to us. And. They would like to go. It happened so fast. In the moment when we, really needed that. And. After that he was texting to guys he was talking to them, and they was like okay, that's fine we're gonna go together, so the next day you already took a car. And he was going to our, dream tree. The road was about. Three, or four hours. From antalya. To drive. And, uh. It was going early in the morning like at seven or, eight. And, the road was such a nice, such a nice mountains, around, and the road is going between, the mountains, really close to them, so. I didn't even fall asleep. We came to puma. We eat a little bit and we was going to see the beauty. Good. Morning. And, that looks, just like it's snow but it's not at all, and it seems like a slippery, so you can go by your feet just like, you have to be really cautious. But it's not slippery, at all and you don't really need your sleepers, and it's forbidden, to wear slippers, there. So. That was really such a, interesting, feelings. For your feet when you were going, the next place that we should visit, was cleopatra. Pools. It's, uh, up on the mountain in that mountain. And. If i know if i get it right, the place was a lot in construction. And it's like the first years when it's open. For the people. And. It makes some changes, there and now you can enter without, payment. But you have to pay for the entering, in the pool. It was pretty much, people in that pool, and. It, doesn't really deserve to go there, but the sub mineral, pools was there really nice but you can assume that look at. It. Alex and anna thank you so much for this so the next day we decided, to go, to the waterfalls. Which is located. Uh near, antalya, okay we can even say that it's in italian. So it was uh. 40, 50 minutes, by car, and it was going, up, a little bit and it was like the first dude in waterfall. Which is uh. Was inside of the like a forest. It was really nice and it wasn't, hot at all so that was really pleasure to take a walk around the park. And. You can go even in the caves, around, the waterfalls. Up, and you can see how waterfall. Starts. And. That was really. Nice. Oh we decided to go somewhere in the sea, so it was really. Hot day, and we wanted to find like private beach, where it's going to be just, four of us, where we can swim. Have fun, and. Listen loud music on our speaker. And we found such a place, that was near the kimmer. And. That was really nice, i love that place, no people, nobody, speaks russian around. No. Kids. After that we was going for a couple of hours to kenya. And. The interesting, thing and camera, that everybody, speaks russian, i mean entirely. A lot of people speaks russian but not everybody. In gamer. Everybody, speaks russian. All the stuff, in the shops, in russian. All the menu, in russian. And, all just russians, around russian music everything is russian kim here is like russian city in italian. Uh in turkey, our way back from they came here.

And They found, a. Cute place in mountains. It was like a national, park. In the mountains. Up, and we were thinking that we're gonna go fast there because. Uh. It was already like seven, in the evening, so, it was getting, uh, dark, but i was thinking i'm gonna do it fast so we're gonna. Make it. We came there and the park was already closed so we saw there just like a little bunnies. Around. And, uh, and that's it, but he was looking for the pictures of people, who visit that place. And. I guess you guys if you have time you can go there all that's really easy, and all the people were saying, us that we should try the turkish, breakfast. So that's what he was doing one morning. He was going, to the restaurant, near our hotel. And we found turkish, prequels, it was two options, for two persons, and for three persons. We decided, that for two persons, is gonna be fine for us. And we ordered it. So look what we. Got. And they also. Give us a tea after that. And it was really. Wondered, how can i drink a tea when it's like outside, it's 34. Degrees. It's 11 in the morning. What, guys how can you drink it and it's really interesting that the cup doesn't have any. Handle, so. How can you hold it. What. Can i drink this. Thing. When it's. Hot as i cannot, even touch. And outside, it's. 38, degrees. Even does it have any. Handle. No it's for tough guys. Okay drink. It. I did it. It's your. Turn. The next day he was in the market near our hotel. And on the day he saw the glasses, for swimming, like the small one, and he said that he needs it, so bad. And we. Bothered. So in sunday i was going to swim he took glasses, with him and he showed me a lot of fishes, was, under the water. And i wanted to see that also so i said, okay i want a glasses for myself, too. So if you was coming back. To, the shop really really fast to buy a glasses, for me and we found the sanding, market. So, and it was like so, cheap guys you can't do it much everything cost like, 10 20 years, so it's not even four dollars. Amazing. Oh my gosh. That's good, that's good. I'm gonna make professional, diving. This is for. Sporting. What's. Good. Uh so the days, after we bought those masks, we spent. Uh. Just swimming, near, our beach. And looking for the new type of uh, fish, and just some blazing. And one day a day he even saw the turtle, under the water. The big huge turtle like that was it okay. When he told me that i was so upset that i didn't see that, but. I hope. I'm gonna see it later. I know. Somewhere, else. Antalya, has a lot of. Wonders. A lot of things to be wondered about. So, yes, come to. Turkey. So the last important, thing to know about, our vacation, was. I was, sick all the time, i mean i was coughing, a lot, and before that in russia, i got cold. So i had the temperature. My nose was running, so i was like. Completely. Sick. And before i was going. To the airport. I was really worried about it they're not going to allow me to go because they had the temperature, and it's probably corona wires, and so on, stuff like that, i took a lot of pills. So i tried to make my temperature, lower. And. You know for those like seven hours. Spain. Airport, now we detect, anything, even when i was going. In my hotel, nobody checked even in the hotel. So. If you guys don't be worried. If you have coronavirus. They're gonna allow you to go anyway. I when i came to talk i didn't have temperature, i feel myself okay i was just, coughing a lot and my throat hurts me, so one day in the local. Pharmacy. I asked. Them about, tea for my throat, so i'm gonna cuff less, because i used a lot of stuff which i brought with me, from russia. And it's already was finished. And i was thinking okay, let's try it probably it's gonna be good for my throat. So we bought a tea and it looked like, a. Little, sugar pieces but it was pink so you could just put it in the boiled water. And. That's it your tea is ready.

And I tried to drink the tea but it was kind of. It was disgusting. I mean it wasn't tasty, at all, it was really spicy. Because i have it has like ginger. Inside. And, that's why it was really spicy so i didn't drink it, and, one day andre comes with question. If i would like to drink a tea, and i said no he said okay i want, he's like no i'm gonna drink it that disgusting, you will see he said no i can drink a lot of tea. I was like okay, let's make a bed, so he was making a bed, so. He. Supposed. To drink. Like three liters, of the tea. Uh, before, the midnight. So it was like five hours, left. And, he was. Tried, to do it he was trying to do it really bad. Oh, such a poor. Guy. So i lose bed. And so i had to pay for. The next dinner in the restaurant. That's it guys, it was all the moments, that, i'd like to share with you i didn't record, so much, because i, didn't use my phone so much. And. Please let me know if you liked it that is really important for me please, go ahead, leave your comments. And. Subscribe. I don't know if i should. Feel more. Or not this is the moment when i'm going to decide. So thank you so much for your support, i need it, and, see you next videos, thank you so much. Love you.

2020-09-29 20:15

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