Touring Yorkshire - Part 1

Touring Yorkshire - Part 1

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good morning everyone it is 7 55 according to Pam's clock we had a little bit of repair work done last time I went out on Pam it's the first and only time I hope ever that Pam takes air as I believe the saying is when all the wheels leave the ground uh we went across a level passing which had two speed limits marked on it one said five one said ten and unfortunately by the time I read both of them and decided which one I was going to do we were still doing about 20. and we literally left the ground uh this led to a bit of a weird noise off the front end I wasn't terribly happy about uh went to get it checked out and oh offside wheel bearing and roster about it the shock absorbs leaking as well got that fixed at my local Friendly Tire Place hello to Eden Tires over at Derbyshire masses there and we are now ready to rock we are going north is all I can say uh Yorkshire you're a vape plan but it's a more vague than animal vague plans and we'll see where it all goes so times get loaded up uh cleaned everything yesterday uh it took four hours to replace two tiny bolts that hold on one of the table brackets yesterday was not a good day but today is a new day let's get ourselves loaded and get ourselves gone [Music] hey very pleasant joining up here we are now to the Village of okra here is a thing called strangely Julian's Bower which is a very ancient Earth maze I've got the Drone with me uh if it's not too bad and we're not going to eat in people's way we'll have a flight if not I will walk the maze for you and probably time lapse it let's go and have a look this is going to be one of those uh YouTube cheats because I came down a few uh well 20 minutes ago and uh wanted to walk the Maze and show you what it's like that'll be easy I'll get the steady cam going I'll walk the maze there is the maze two things the first is it might look small here and it is only maybe 10 meters 15 meters across but it's such a convolute Path Bike it's a long time to go around and even though I've got dizzy trying to hold the camera so instead just to put up with me just telling you it's great obviously weather's a bit dry so it's a bit uh a bit Brown at the moment but uh yeah good fun what are the slight calamities before to me I can't find the misses last in heading off this direction I can't say there's a blamer this is gloriously cool there's a public right away goes down to uh the beach absolutely beautiful this is wonderfully shady as well uh-huh any beautiful Maiden is in the distance some rather glorious birthstone along here SATs I have no idea what half of them are this will take us back to the maze [Music] with no clear plan in mind other than Halsey and with an idea about this place called The Marine which allows overnight stops if you a register at the bar and we go and have a drink or two I think I can do that then we'll go and explore well that didn't go to plan uh the people here are very very friendly the car park is lovely we've typed the registration in and just as well we've checked because you need to be a member of Park format if you want to do it the other night and we were members of Park tonight the first year we had the van young we never used it so it didn't do it in second year and they're in the third year guess who it hasn't renewed the park for nights so we are going to go and find somewhere else after we've had some drinkies and we're going to skip C apparently first I wanna go along the coast it has to be done and found the amusements arcade we've also remember to ring with us two people which I guarantee won't be enough I'm gonna have to spend more money on getting more toothpies let's go and pay the two peoples [Applause] okay [Music] well that must constitute one of our more successful uh forays into Amusement arcades so the amusement Center at hornsey wins Top prizes as well as our two ducks we have a a pink thing which we're inclined to leave might be a cat um we're not sure about its parentage because it sounds like oh no I broke it already oh look at that that is awesome so you know two deduction a pink thing and we came out more two peas than went in with which is absolutely amazing [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] if there are we'll get the uh for the time being it's dinner time well good morning good morning it is uh about seven in the morning it's ridiculously hot already not very humid in the sky it's very hazy in fact still it rained all night till at least zero three uh to put the Drone in the air got a bit of footage of this fantastic Cliff Road so although I'm shooting to the sun this might be the best video ever but I'd like just to get a different perspective of this path [Music] I was about to point out this is not my dodgy photography videography whatever it's uh the science collapse as well as the road um let's go and have a look see what I can find so it's very bright we'll see what happens and you are surely about to see the road and that's about as close as I'm going to get to it [Music] however some enterprising sausage has built this path um to get them I'm not getting slightly more slippery now so there's this chain and I have no idea what the other limited train moves up to um carefully here this train even goes you have really really want to go down there I don't have to say I have no idea what this train is attached to but I can tell you I'm about to attach to it [Music] thank you [Music] we're at the Village of Millington and we've come here for one particular reason which is a old [Music] BT British Telecom phone box it is now a bicycle repair facility so without further ado so we are actually on one of the national cycle routes and uh no vehicles these things get repurposed for defibrillators these days that we have the famous snail brand spanner and in here we'll draw a blimey that's a bit stiff we have the bar School repair said look at that there is no phone in this phone box according to the sign all item been generated donated for General use by cyclist for cyclists and I've Just Seen down here one of my favorite signs The Botch box random parts for black first aid brilliant idea so yeah there's uh pump down here uh for some reason an assortment of shoes a couple of spare tubes tires rather I'm good at this I think little first aid kit which is always a good thing to have three in one oil and uh brilliant idea and just to really top it off someone's made our lovely sign so I'll uh let that go that is really strong come back up here and there you go oil and air well I'm glad we made the uh the dire version of this because that is really worth having a look at or by pure fluke we've stopped off at a place called fimba picnic site and is this very cheeky little chap here and there's bird feeder just behind me and they've clearly worked out this is a good place to be and just a moment together right up to me so I went and got myself some bread with a view to see if it come close and it's it's going to be very becomes another one [Music] and they're kind of having a bit of a go at this yeah a little bit closer and it's all yours just deciding without a piece of bread is worth going for and apparently the prize is good [Music] thank you we left Finbar picnic site very lovely it was too heading for flambra I can't remember if I've ever photographed the lighthouse there so we're going there and on the route we realized we're going to go past this place and this is absolutely famous for a whopping great Stone monolith so I'll give the name in a minute let's see if we can work it out so find a church with a whopping great Stone monolith so I'm going to try and get myself over there without getting run over [Music] a very lovely place very very well kept this is rodstone there you go let's say famous for a whopping Great Big Stone monolith which we'll go and find check we've taken a walk anti-clockwise as we go around the corner here you'll see the Redstone monolith and as the saying goes why heck it's so big 26 foot tall [Music] for some reason these are fairly big bump of stone so they're being dragged here and then stood upright let's go find the inscription it certainly takes some weathering over the years I'll tell you what I can the Olympic new stone age I'll try and find out why there's lead on the top I need no one times because we've been here before but I really can't remember [Music] well I've never seen this before uh in the church right here William Foster presumably spoke incorrectly now somebody's changed the spelling of this to Forster and it's not just like you know painted on there it's actually proper engraved in I'm sure there's a story behind that somewhere but if you know it I'd love to hear about it feel free to drop the comments below but I've never ever seen anything like that if you're just going to do anything you know the FDL now why not I'm not painting the rest of it as well whilst you're doing it very odd foreign magnificent building and although I'm not a conventional faith that doesn't mean I can't appreciate he's an architecture on us here this is one seriously beautiful building behind us and an enormous set of pipes for the organ stuff let everything not have breath praise the Lord I know it takes some breath to make that thing work foreign [Music] an archery a bit like a doodle door and we're just trying to find it without committing to uh walking down a million steps and then of course haven't talked a million steps back up but just asked something and they said oh yes it's that way so uh we're just seeing what we can find oh I found it oh I found it right oh ah like a four-year-old now getting all excited all right let's turn it around let's have a look and there we are okay um I wonder where the heck we can get to photograph that from good question let's go find out yeah it's rather business and down the bottom here there's a couple of very smooth fabrics it wasn't my best to probably chalk a bit softly worn away obvious you're very much important land here and you could go over this way possibly they're very big steps loads and loads of people of carved their names uh do you mean the trunk they found it's got the camera going the right way yeah sort of Kilroy was air type Style and it's took the washer see if we find the arch I'm always very mindful of the tide coming in when I'm uh down at the coast in a place I'm not familiar with but I do know there's a couple hours before high tide so we've wandered down the path and down the steps I thought these are really quite interesting let's have a look at these and they really are quite interesting and I walk around the corner and I thought yeah I'm liking this look at that for a thing a great job because I'm walking out all kinds of stuff here and that it's very old and that boys and girls is my photo [Music] oh dear bit of a Calamity yes who dropped the Steadicam in a rock pool uh we're gonna try and dry it out and see what happens but in the meantime Bridlington and we're gonna go see if we can spend more two peas and bring something else amazing but we'll catch you in a while okay well this is becoming a bit of a theme isn't it we've been into the arcade and come back with sparklyduck in fact I'm making breakfast collection and now we're going to Blue bank I think there's not really much of the overnight parking gear there's a park night at Blue Bank just outside Whitby and we're head for that and going to explore a bit tomorrow one of our fantastic last minute change of plans we phoned up a lovely lady who we found on park for night and she runs a place called Bonnie banks at slight just outside Whitby in fact just over the hill now I can actually see the Abbey so a nice day out the way surrounded by wildlife and we're gonna chill out here for the night um possibly go and see Whitby tomorrow and as ever after that we have not got the foggiest clue hello D well we had a wonderful night at Bonnie Banks very lovely lady here and we've decided that as the weather's not fantastic we're going to go into Whitby use the park and ride and then come back here because it's just a lovely place so playing in the afternoon sitting down do not to break down catching up with stuff I'm just being chilled so park and ride it is stunningly organized a massive load of spaces for camper vans uh literally 30 second walk down and the bus is going to be 15 minutes one of two pounds 60 return I can't argue with that I mean of course it's persistenting down now well that was certainly an adventure uh turns out two and a half miles in the honking down sideways right uphill all the way yeah uh got everything we wanted and I thought you know what whatever text you back because remember a lovely lady whose name I didn't get back down to 20. I'm at the same bus drive on the way back now most people have think about bus drivers I would like to pick up a guy called Lee and Lee works on the P1 P2 park around the ride service for Arriva buses and Arriva buses if you ever get to see this we are sending an email saying what brilliant top Guy Lee is so people can often say nice things about bus drivers but P1 P2 parking lot at Webby Lee top man big smile big friend really helpful really friendly Arriva look after him a bit of shopping happening now uh top up with some milk sales in that well-known German at supermarket uh probably come at the canoe and unlocked welding set we're going back to base just chill out for a bit and enjoy the sound of rain good morning What A Difference A Day Makes still at Bonnie Banks fabulous place really really welcoming lady that runs it adults only site so if you want peace and quiet this is your place to be just filling up with water since World pension at the seaside and uh quick twirl for you literally just uh one other here and those are your views down the place it's not on the great site it's parking lot is where we find it uh I think it's on the motor carving Club as well but do come and spend some time here it's a lovely very welcoming place and apparently an amazingly famous fish and chip shop which we uh we didn't use last night [Music] be happy then and we're going to go and walk along the coastal path and hope we find the wreck and I don't mean me that might be by the time we get there glorious Blue Sky fluffy clouds all the rest of that lot and we are about to set off plenty of water with us vague idea where we're going apparently if we get wet feet we've gone too far well the instructions we have are to keep going until we come to a caravan site and then turn left and look the path down oh well that's not it however I'm gonna be here and a little bit of down there I don't know what that is but it's not the wreck I'm expected to find so this one's quite a few reps around here you can't see the Wreckers yet so we'll get down there and Google Map it and put a blue dot on us and find out where we should be going yeah last few steps when I said sleep path they weren't kidding I'm not sure that's better going down the steps or down the sort of unofficial ramp where people walk beside the steps but we are oh my word hurry all right there's definitely more fun going down and it's going to be going up but it's hard it's just around the corner but nobody actually specified a rich corner we do like the rock over there that looks rather like it suits just our crazed Minds [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] wow here we go then the Journey of a thousand miles and all of that I suspect we may have to stop once or twice on the way up from these steps are high that's ever I was so sorry for the poor person I mean we're glad they did and there's more and probably even more to be fair I'm never sure whether it's better to get up the steps one lump at the time I'll walk up the ramp where other people decided not to use the steps up the steps is Big steps up the ramp just pulls on the back of your ankles oh my [Music] there's even more [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] what I was about to say I bet you can't guess where we are but as uh a bit of a giveaway and apparently for the prince December 10 pounds like you can stay here they've even got a shower which appears to be free of charge so rescued a sheep on the way here hopefully got a little bit of video of that and hopefully got a photo but uh yeah my good day risking a sheep that managed to get yourself Tangled Up in barbed wire let's go explore see what they've got [Music]

2023-07-10 09:11

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