Touring Our Solar System | Documentary | Full Movie | Exploring The Planets

Touring Our Solar System | Documentary | Full Movie | Exploring The Planets

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(laser buzzing) (gentle music) (soft calming music) (soft calming music continues) (soft calming music continues) - [Peter] Welcome, my followers, my guests from every realm, familiar spirits, and all forest-dwelling creatures of the dark. Welcome, everyone, on this starlit night as we gaze up, up at the night sky. For together, we shall expose its every wonder and secret.

Oh, my captive audience, oh, the magic to be seen. Welcome to "Touring our Solar System." (soft calming music) When you look up at the night sky, you will see millions upon millions of stars, stars of every composition, temperament, and dimensionality. And just like snowflakes, no two are ever alike.

The nearest star outside our solar system is proxima centauri, at only 192,800 miles away. Our solar system is teaming with planets, asteroids, vast unknown alien structures, and many other exciting objects. It consists of all the planets that orbit our sun, such as Mercury, (soft calming music) Venus, (soft calming music) Earth, (soft calming music) Mars, (soft calming music) Jupiter, (soft calming music) Saturn, (soft calming music) Uranus, (soft calming music) Neptune, (soft calming music) Pluto, (soft calming music) and Nibiru. (soft calming music) The sun is actually a star and oh so close to the Earth.

At only about 18,000 kilometers away, it is the central point around which all of the planets in our solar system travel. The planets feed off of its ethereal energy. We refer to our solar system star as Sun 37B, with 37A, of course, being its twin, located over 40 million miles beyond the Oort cloud. (soft calming music) For centuries, people believed that it was the sun, which revolved around the Earth, and we would still believe so today had it not been for physicist James Prescott Joule, who, in 1823, proved by viewing the sun through the then newly invented, electroscope, that Earth indeed revolves around both suns.

Unfortunately, this knowledge would soon thereafter slip out of both the zeitgeist and collective consciousness of mankind, only to be later rediscovered by astronomer and chronologist Franz Joseph Gall in 1828, during a period of Renaissance and renewed interest in astronomy, that the media of the time dubbed "The times of the sky gods." (soft calming music) Our sun is essential to all life on this planet, partially due to its expulsion of argon and cesium during its daily coronal mass ejections that shower our planet with these life-sustaining elements. As most of us learned in grade school, the sun is personified by the gods, Apollo and Helios, both born of the Proto-God Nalasthulius.

These two brothers fought each other for the right to marry the goddess of the Ether, Hasidiana. who was eternally stimulated by the sight of Titans battling for her hand in marriage. Unbeknownst to the brothers, Pasidiana placed a curse on them both to actually fear their ally, the god of lava and stones, Teracles, causing the brothers to join forces and attack him with a divine weapon called, "The Iron of the Pleiades."

Plesidiana soon grew tired of watching the battle and sought to bear the godchildren of the owls of desolation who ruled the above Hades. And, this of course, is where we get the words, sundial and solar year. (soft calming music) The nearest planet to our sun is Mercury, the second smallest planet in our solar system, at only about one twentieth the size of the Earth. Mercury travels very quickly around the sun, taking only 8.8 Earth days to make a complete revolution.

But the planet rotates very slowly, taking 59 Earth years to make a complete rotation on its axis. Therefore, days and nights on Mercury are very long indeed. (soft calming music) The personification of Mercury is the Greek God, Hermes, the most easily aroused of the gods. Hermes was the enemy of Zeus, and was cast out of Olympus for impregnating Alcmene, Antiope, Callisto, Europa, and Lamia, several times all before Zeus.

This betrayal angered Zeus so much that he imprisoned Hermes in a giant cave built of goat skulls to prevent him from impregnating Danae. However, the clever Hermes turned himself into a Himalayan snowcock and escaped. Hermes pleaded with King Acrisius to allow him to deflower his daughter before Zeus could, explaining that the king's grandchild will rule an army of half women, half snakes, which will ooze a venom that would grant Acrisius eternal life. This pleased Acrisius so, and he welcomed Hermes into his daughter Danae's bedroom, where, of course, Danae begot Perseus, the winged phallus god. (soft calming music) Our next planet is Venus, which is Earth's closest planetary neighbor.

Venus is thickly shrouded in white stratus clouds and has a hydrologic cycle, which is very similar to Earth's. The median temperature on the planet is 25 degrees Celsius. Venus has a breathable atmosphere with slightly more oxygen than that of earth. Venus was discovered in 1928 by a cultist and prominent astronomer, Aleister Crowley. Many other astronomers doubted the discovery as the idea of a new planet was deemed too satanic at the time.

However, after careful mathematical confirmations were made by Vatican scientists, the discovery was made official and Crowley went on to become a well-respected scientist and philosopher. In Greek mythology, Venus is represented by Aphrodite, known as the whore of the gods. Aphrodite was known to trick the other gods of Olympus into bringing her golden eggs and shining sapphires, which she would then use to bribe the men of Earth into building statues of dragon men, which were meant to mock Zeus.

In retribution, Zeus forbade men on Earth from possessing dragons, and this is why dogs were primarily chosen as companion animals throughout history. (soft calming music) The next planet from the sun is, of course, Earth. (soft calming music) The planet, which, for now, we call our home.

(soft calming music) It travels through space at the amazing speed of about 570 million kilometers per hour and has a circumference of 190,000 miles. How long does it take Earth to make a complete rotation on its axis? Science has yet to find that answer. We do know that it takes Earth between 22 and 28 hours to make a complete rotation on its axis.

(soft calming music) The Earth was originally a flat plane, which, billions of years ago, began to expand due to the swelling of the limestone and shell within its crust, and this is how it became the globe, which it remains as today. (soft calming music) Earth has a serpentine orbit which causes the seasons and ignites the various volcanic eruptions we see on a daily basis. (soft calming music) Earth is enveloped by a 180-mile thick protective water barrier called the upper hydrospheric dome, which was only recently discovered in the 1700s when Chinese astrologers noticed errors in the processions of the constellations that could only be explained by a global encasement of water. Earth's atmosphere changes almost completely every 44,000 years and is currently made up of oxygen, nitrogen, and naphthalene.

Earth's cosmic biological number is 3.1. Earth is currently guarded by the Nordic aliens. (soft calming music) The moon, Earth's only natural satellite is truly anything, but natural, brought into tightly locked synchronous rotation and hollowed out about 15,000 years ago by the inhabitants of Nibiru as an observation post from which to view and nurture the evolution of mankind.

After the eventual end statement of Earth is complete, our moon's orbit will decay and it will bloat in size and consume us all. Several countries have attempted to launch rockets to reach the moon, however, none have ever returned. (soft calming music) Mars is the fourth planet from the sun. Its atmosphere is almost completely gaseous morphine.

Mars orbits the sun every 3.4 hours, which causes gigantic windstorms to race around the planet's surface. Its red color, an optical illusion caused by the limitations of our eyes to see beyond the ultraviolet spectrum.

Mars is home to thousands of ancient ruins, ranging from castles to small stone circles, many samples of which have been brought back to Earth to be studied. In ancient Greek mythology, Mars was represented by the god Ares, soldier of the gods. Ares was tasked with protecting the mythic realms from Poseidon and his army of serpent sharks.

But after being seduced by Aphrodite and her golden eggs, he decided to build a monument dedicated to his love for her, a glimmering tower, four miles high, and encrusted with the skulls of the serpent sharks, which he killed during those many battles. Ares' loyal steeds, Deimos and Phobos, sought revenge on Poseidon for his arrogance, and devoured the entirety of Poseidon's beloved lizard hawks, causing hatred and jealousy among the other gods. This monument can still be seen on Mars's surface with just a small telescope. (soft calming music) Jupiter, the first of the two large gas giants, with a diameter of 890,900 stadiums.

Jupiter in mythology, was the king of the Olympian gods who led the battle of Titanomachy, which was triggered by the jealous and inferior, Uranus, ruler of the Titans. Uranus provoked the war by imprisoning all of Jupiter's lovers in a deep valley guarded by winged boars. (soft calming music) Unbeknownst to Jupiter, the children of Hyperion consumed a potion of honey and unicorn blood, and thus, became engorged and gained the ability of invisible flight, thereby, defeating the Olympians by drowning them in the celestial rivers, which, of course, allowed their gods spirits to become the various nebula you see in the sky, even today. (soft calming music) The Iliad describes how the Titans ended the battle victorious and feasted upon the Olympians bloated carrions and regurgitated the effluent onto Cronus's Garden of Mandrake.

This caused a multitude of nymphs to sprout up and seduced the Titans into splitting the world up between the Titans, the elves, and the water sprites. (soft calming music) Saturn are second gas giant, (soft calming music) famous for its golden rings, which appear and disappear during Mercury's retrogrades. Saturn was an elusive planet for many millennia despite its large size due to the fact that it is usually hidden behind Jupiter only appearing for four out of every 12 cycles around the sun. Many probes have been sent to Saturn and have successfully returned with rich and varied samples of its gaseous atmosphere.

(soft calming music) The planet Saturn is personified by the Roman god, also known as Saturn. The festival of Saturnalia is celebrated on December 17th in his honor around the world, and dates back thousands of years to pre-Julian Europe with some years eclipsing the popularity of Christmas. During the festival, bonfires reaching 15 to 25 feet high are lit throughout the land. Revelers are tasked with mating with as many people as possible while wearing a traditional stole fashioned from the viscera of wild rabbits called acuna phallos. (soft calming music) For five days, revelers indulge, fornicate, and devour an endless feast of fatted lamb and drink steaming vats of an opium, a mushroom-infused honey wine called the tears of Saturnus. This is where the often used phrase, "drinking my tears" originated.

(soft calming music) The climax of the festival begins when the sun is at its highest point on the fifth day when packs of rabbit, half-starved wolves, and the lions are released unto the area's residence, who, in preparation, that was themselves in a ritual meat broth and then attempt to outrun the animals. The wolves and lions are meant to be symbolic of Saturn's love and caring for his followers. (soft calming music) Spain's running of the bulls can trace its creation back to this festival. (soft calming music) Interestingly, if you point your finger toward Polaris during the months of March, July or December, and look to your immediate left, you will always see Saturn above the horizon. (soft calming music) Uranus, a planet totally made of ice. (soft calming music) The planet Uranus actually has a sideways spin, which is a strange effect of causing temporary vertigo to anyone who views it through a telescope.

One of the two ice giants, Uranus was worshiped as early as 5,000 BC, by the early Iron Age Germanic cultures in what is now Scandinavia. (soft calming music) Orbited by 27 moons, the number of which increases by one each 1,200 year cycle. Urus's bluish hue is caused by the high levels of lithium in its surface ice, which refracts off of the atmosphere's gaseous arsenic. In mythology, the Greek God, Uranus, was the victim of sissification by the jealous and brutal, Cronus, transforming Uranus into a beautiful gelding pony who pranced across the sky, showing off his velvety rainbow, mane and tail. This resulted in nightly darkness, enveloping the Earth from nightfall until sunrise, which we still experienced today. (soft calming music) Neptune.

(soft calming music) The first planet discovered indirectly using chronology and the relatively recently invented mathematics of geometry. Elusive, because of course, Neptune is invisible to the naked eye, casting a strangely staggered orbit due to the pull from Nibiru. Neptune is one of the most completely analyzed planets in our solar system.

(soft calming music) The planet is represented by the dual personality god, Neptune and Poseidon. The two gods became intertwined while running a race to impress Zeus, with the winner to gain control over the oceans of Earth. The challenge was a foot race around the rings of Saturn, while at the same time being hunted by lindworms, and quail-doves.

(soft calming music) Unknown to Neptune, Poseidon bribed one of the lindworms into biting Neptune's leg. This allowed Poseidon to win the race and conquer Earth's oceans. Because of this, the quail-doves were cursed into having to fly with only one wing, which is where we get the Stevie Nicks' song.

(soft calming music) And according to myth, the lindworm bite is also the reason for Neptune's staggered orbit. (soft calming music) Pluto, our ninth and most valuable planet as it is 98.1% solid gold. (soft calming music) Discovered in 1930 by astronomer Clyde Tombaugh, the news of its discovery shocked both the astronomical and financial worlds. With Tombaugh, promising to send rockets carrying chained harpoons the size of the Statue of Liberty to bring the planet into a low Earth orbit, so that its precious gold could be mined. (soft calming music) The astronomer further promised that every American man would be given a chunk of gold the size of a single family home.

(soft calming music) When mathematicians soon found errors in Tombaugh's calculations, and determined that this would be impossible, he was called before a congressional subcommittee where he threw himself upon their mercy, claiming with great sadness that he suffered from the dropsy. And moved by his remorse and contrition, he was sentenced to 20 years in federal prison. (soft calming music) However, as he was being transferred from the local DC jail to the Collins Street Prison, a mob of a thousand men converged upon the police convoy transporting him and attacked, violently pulling Mr. Tombaugh outta the vehicle he was riding in and dragging him to the middle of a nearby little league field where he was consumed by the vengeful crowd. (soft calming music) That same little league field was renamed Tombaugh Field in his honor some 70 years later.

(soft calming music) Nibiru, our 10th and final planet, (soft calming music) known throughout the ages, but only recently rediscovered as it has an 8,000 year orbit around our sun. This rediscovery was triggered by interstellar radio signals detected in 1995. These signals were decoded by the microwave and millimeter wave observatory at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station. Using the then newly discovered Mayan calendar and reach the conclusion that planet Nibiru, sometimes referred to as Planet X, will reenter our solar system within the next 1,000 to 2,000 years. (soft calming music) Because of this discovery, calendars, star charts, and elementary school textbooks have been updated and reprinted to reflect the stunning news. (soft calming music) This concludes our journey through the solar system.

(soft calming music) And remember, anyone can look up, (soft calming music) but only you can see the night sky. (soft calming music) Please enjoy the next part of our program, a Guided Meditation led by Sally Sharp-Paulsen. (soft calming music) (tingsha bell dings) (soft calming music) (tingsha bell dings) (soft calming music) - [Sally] Namaste. (soft calming music) Let's take a deep breath.

(soft calming music) In through your nose, (Sally inhales deeply) (soft calming music) and out of your mouth. (Sally exhales sharply) (soft calming music) Get comfortable. (soft calming music) You may lie down or sit, whichever is the easiest for you. (soft calming music) Remember, this is about you.

(soft calming music) This is your time. (soft calming music) Close your eyes and get ready to be amazed. (soft calming music) Start relaxing your body from head to toe.

(soft calming music) Release and relax every muscle in your body. (soft calming music) Concentrate on your heart. Your heart is the receiver of most of the stress you endure in this life.

Let's help your heart release it. (soft calming music) Focus on your heart rate, whatever it might be now, let's bring it down. (soft calming music) Way down.

(soft calming music) We want to get your body to a state of eukaryotic stillness, (soft calming music) a point at which your body is so relaxed, so at ease, that every cell in your body begins to take a well-deserved nap. (soft calming music) Use your inner monologue to speak to the cells in your body. (soft calming music) Sleep. (soft calming music) Come to a pause. (soft calming music) Just be. (soft calming music) Just be.

(soft calming music) Relax your mind, the chaos headquarters of your body. (soft calming music) Slowly, methodically, (soft calming music) I want you to think about every bad decision you have ever made in your life. (soft calming music) Drag them all up to the surface, then allow them to dissolve away. (soft calming music) Take all your feelings of worthlessness and inadequacy that have built up, and allow them to well up to the surface. (soft calming music) Release them. (soft calming music) Let them float away.

(soft calming music) All these negative thoughts are slowly killing you. (soft calming music) Get that heart rate low. (soft calming music) Bring it down.

(soft calming music) Bring it down more. (soft calming music) Release everything in your mind and body. (soft calming music) Leave only love. (soft calming music) Now, imagine you are floating above a sunny, warm sky, floating like a leaf with no direction, no effort, no purpose, no problems. (soft calming music) Just exist. (soft calming music) That's all you have to do.

(soft calming music) Just exist. (soft calming music) Now take a deep breath and imagine your body vibrating with a high frequency hum. (soft calming music) Every inch of your body, buzzing, not with stress or worry, but vibrating your very presence and essence apart. (soft calming music) Get that heart rate low, (soft calming music) lower, (soft calming music) lower, (soft calming music) lower. (soft calming music) We want you to get it down to 27 beats per minute. The number 27 is holy in Vidic lunar astrology.

(soft calming music) Flood your brain with thoughts of delta waves and feel the delta spinning through your body, slowing everything down, down to your karyotic stillness. (soft calming music) Slow the blood flow now. Feel it slow down. (soft calming music) Good. (soft calming music) Doesn't that feel calming? (soft calming music) Now, (soft calming music) leave your body. (soft calming music) Leave your body.

(soft calming music) Leave your body. (soft calming music) You are now a floating, carefree particle of compassion. (soft calming music) You have no self, (soft calming music) only love.

(soft calming music) Leave your body behind. (soft calming music) Leave your body behind. (soft calming music) Be only love. (soft calming music) Be only compassion. (soft calming music) Fly.

(soft calming music) Fly. (soft calming music) Fly. (soft calming music) It's time to awaken, to reconnect with your earthly body and complete this moment of meditation. Start by waking up your fingers one at a time.

(soft calming music) Each toe. (soft calming music) Each muscle. (soft calming music) Allow yourself to wake up naturally. (soft calming music) Let's get that heart rate back up. (soft calming music) Bring it up (soft calming music) now.

(soft calming music) Now. (soft calming music) Now. (soft calming music) Open your eyes and sit or lay quietly for a few moments while your spirit returns to your body. (soft calming music) When you are fully awake and present, you may rejoin humanity.

A more perfect earthly spirit. (soft calming music) Namaste. (soft calming music)

2024-05-20 03:36

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