Touring Kundasang, Sabah…better than Cameron Highlands?

Touring Kundasang, Sabah…better than Cameron Highlands?

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good morning everybody actually more  accurately great morning because we   just woke up to that incredible view because  yesterday we spent the night in a glamping   sort of igloo style accommodation incredible view  we actually went to bed as the sun was going down   and there was a double rainbow yesterday so we  just checked out we've got all of our gear with us   and we've sort of accidentally wandered into a  market here there seems to be a bunch of rice   in a banana leaf here everyone's  crowding around and grabbing some rice some sort of nasi lemak or something  they're lining up they're actually   lining up for the nasa max so you  can leave peninsula or malaysia   into the island but people still line up  our national mech some things don't change   we got our new guide here taking us around  for today from borneo trails super excited   for this let's go for breakfast and maybe a coffee  would be really really good so a little bit of an   outdoor open market here sort of right on  top of the plateau above our accommodation   lots of different things what's this  what's this oh this is like perfume   homemade perfume or natural yeah honeydew rose  david beckham yeah you made it yourself sure don't mind if i do thank you okay good job  homemade very creative good job thank you   okay guys with that it's time for some mccann  mccann already tired had to walk up the stairs   the backpack's on already tired hey shout out i  got one of these does it say stifle in the back no all right time to eat my camera can let's go i tell you what that purple rice is something  special i really thought they put dye to make   it purple but apparently it's naturally purple  and only available in this part of sava and there   is a texture to the rice that is different  than the rice i'm used to i would say the   flavor of the rice is the same as rice flavor  yes obviously in the dish it was cooked with   vegetables so there's a flavor in the dish but i  mean the rice itself it's like whole grain kinda   still different it's some texture to it that's  quite nice i would guess it's probably more   healthy because it looks yeah also just the  purple color looks visually appealing and   makes it taste better i think it is okay guys now  our next stop i'm super excited for this a little   bit of the history portion so history teacher  steve will welcome himself back to the vlog   and we will learn something about the history  of sabbah at the war memorial okay let's go volleyball okay good all right the kunda song war memorial so we  started with a short video which was really   informative and the story goes like this during  world war ii japan was at war with british   malaya which is modern-day malaysia and singapore  now japan took a bunch of prisoners of war   and in british malaya at the time was obviously  british soldiers as well as australian soldiers   a bunch of the commonwealth countries sort  of fighting against japan now japan for some   reason decided rather than keep these prisoners  of war or rather rather than sort of execute them   and kill them they decided to put  these soldiers on a death march   from one side of borneo to the other so there  were 2 400 soldiers mostly australian and out   of two thousand four hundred six of them lived so  they've got this really powerful video they showed   and i will say the only time i've seen people  that skinny and kind of being tortured to death   is in auschwitz in germa in poland i should  say uh on the german part of world war ii   so being canadian we don't learn much about the  japanese role in world war ii in school because   obviously canadian forces were fighting against  germany so we learned about germany's atrocities   and actually my grandfather was in the navy at  the time and he was in the war protecting british   merchant ships and battling against german  u-boats but the story here is just crazy that uh   japan acted so inhumanely and sort of  forced these soldiers to on this six-day   trek through the jungle they had malaria they  had dysentery they had no food and they all   starved to death except for six living soldiers  and so for this reason they built this huge   memorial here and my understanding  is australia is actually the one   paying for everything and maintaining  everything because most of those soldiers were   australian i believe we're on our way now to the  main sort of memorial but just another example   if you guys have seen many of our vlogs about the  atrocities of war especially world war ii just   what a horrible war and time period and just sort  of unspeakable and overwhelming so we will uh   and there you have it guys in the  war memorial learning some pretty   brutal history but still have the incredible views   of borneo maybe giving us at least some thing  to be positive about and be glad for so we will   try and change gears from this part of the vlog  into more exciting stuff obviously we'll save the   obligatory uh whatever fun and happiness we're  doing later on i will not be reflective of this   uh terrible sort of war memorial i do love  learning about history but it's not because   it's good history just because it's very  uh important to learn this kind of stuff   here we have i'm dreaming of australia the land  we left behind dreaming of the loved ones we could   always bear in mind although it's only fancy  our hearts within us yearn but we'll make up   for the lost moments when to aussie we return  uh nelson shorts who is actually one of the   few survivors of the death march if i remember  from the video correctly and he was singing songs   for his fellow marchers as they were being marched  through the jungle and dying and this would be in   all the names of all of the people and  look at it the list goes on and on and on   2400 started and six survived  something like a 99.7 percent   uh death toll and japan was not intending on  transferring the soldiers to the other base they   were really just tran uh planning on just killing  them and sort of torturing before torturing them   before they died so really dark and sad history  although interesting for me because i really   in canada we don't learn much about uh japanese  role in world war ii in high school it's mostly   about the germans and the nazis so there you  have it guys the history section although heavy   and sort of not fitting in with the rest of the  vlog still very interesting for a tourist and   from here we'll go and in search of some  positivity and good vibes all right let's go oh my gosh it looks scary look at the tiny lines can you get out there pull  the front wheel in the air oh no i'm there fail so hold the break where's the break okay for what  it would be nice if there was a bell you know   oh my god i'm scared maybe i won't bring  this i'm scared to drop it let's drop it scary wait what if we get stuck in the middle   hold on you gotta change gears as you're  going you gotta change gears go faster   no i still pull the front wheel in the air  this is scary and whole leg oh my gosh oh you're good you're good babe you got this yo ivana you're killing it you're fast you're  faster than me yo it's actually so scary i'm   not gonna lie oh my gosh hold on hold on brakes  brakes brakes brakes no it's actually so scary   and it bounces a bit and i realized if that tire  comes off the track uh we're in deep trouble so i i decided bouncing was the wrong approach  but definitely keep it slow and steady   as i'm sky biking first time sky  bike you know first time sky biking i cannot look down i cannot  look down down babe i'm sweating good job ivana i'm so scared okay let's everybody  get to the comments it's a good job ivana because   ivana has a severe fear of heights and she's  fighting it right now you're fast i'm going as   fast as i can you're the best ivana okay yo ivana  one high five one high five no no no no no no no   over there one realization overall sky bike  good experience five star sky bike experience   this is actually so scary because hands-free  this makes it much more scary because you feel   like you're gonna fall but it's pretty good yo if  the tires popped out of the trap though oh my gosh   i just scared myself thinking of  that oh gosh okay okay don't think of   i that it's a bad idea guys  don't try this at home we made it   we made it still waiting for my high fives good job okay good good job good job evan you did it you made it  there and back my legs are shaking   you got yellow legs i'm so  scared i'm so scared can i bite so he's looking at you i'm very uncomfortable  right now look at that oh snakes oh when it   moves you can feel like the muscles in the  oh gross what does it eat probably mice   like rabbits no maybe full-size foxes look at  the size of this animal it's anaconda thanks   anaconda look at this it's right it's so weird  i don't like it at all i don't like it at all   okay you gotta move so fast i  don't know which way it'll go   even the tail has muscles look how strong  it is it's so strong okay i'm done here all dad all right based on our first two days in  sabah seems like a lot of chinese food here   could be coincidence i'm not sure it's a sabbath  thing or just what happened in our first two days   but we had sweet and sour fish as well  as cashew chicken i got a bug on my hand   oh surprise bug this is an app first  impressions of sabotage really small   creatures grasshopper not sure what this is i will  let him peacefully exist over here comes right   back towards me um third glass of sabote really  nice tea and today again the sambal was amazing   oh yesterday was the first time i like summer  blush and today was like kind of sour i don't   know what what to make of it but it's sort of  sour right yeah like stumble really really good   and i think this would be  local pineapple for desserts oh my gosh good pineapple you like oh gosh yeah  this is good pineapple salmon just started just   to start the dinner oh my gosh it's really  good it's so juicy and not really acidic and   sour just sweet and delicious less acid  and more sweetness five-star pineapple oh check it out so this is this  is dessert from the host because   he knows we're doing youtube videos  for buying dessert look at this green and of course some tea leaves on top look at that  yo nice dessert it's the green tea from here babe   oh this is green tea from here yeah we are in  the people we are in a tea farm after all why   are you surprised what are you surprised okay  okay let's let's enjoy our green tea ice cream   it looks so good look at that oh why not oh  this is really good ice cream okay this is   five-star dessert really this is really good  wow yo you want to eat it it's so good okay it's so good it's so good right mmm it tastes  like um very rich it's very rich it's very thick   you can tell it's homemade and it tastes  like tea kind of bitter but really really six star ice cream come to the sabbath farm or the  ice cream alone and also for a few look at this okay guys shout out to that kid but welcome to the foot spa oh we're going to sleep our feet in the  lake and the fish are going to nibble on them   nibble on them now uh there's a big line up up  front and we only have 15 minutes on our time slot   so i'm not sure if people are coming here because  of the genuine genuine health effects or for the   interesting experience of having fish nibble on  your feet for me it's the interesting experience   of fish nibbling on your feet hey flo can the fish  can the fish take off the the bad smell on my feet   i see the fish still alive so it's fair river is going to bite my foot happily i hardly  see this but oh my gosh this just got very scary   oh my gosh oh my gosh yo these are big fish with  serious teeth i think you're going to bleed what   do you think bleeding though oh my god this one  is giant she said completely don't pick the fishes they're running away from me yeah you  guys put order man you put fungus bro yo that fish is the size of your leg oh my  gosh i don't have any dead skin you don't   have any dead skin all right let me let let the  let the dead skin master come on it's running   you can actually feel the  does stick hurt like a pinch okay okay okay don't be shy don't be shy yo  there's too many fish here for this i wanted like   one or two fish to go there okay go go there's  gotta be there's gotta be three hundred fish here   oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god come on come on fishy nothing yet my feet   so what happened to the 15 minutes come on steve   yo one fish bit me and i didn't like it at all  okay let me try again oh my god look at this one oh my god i don't like this one you get used to it you get used to it oh  it's kind of hurting oh it's kind of hurting   stop the one over here i can't do it anymore yo some of them are quite friendly  some of them are like you're not boy look at this okay hold me okay so  i don't fall okay got it you got it okay ouchie oh my god okay let to watch you all right check that  one off the list experience completed the   activity let's just talk about all the people  here i did not expect the fish to be that big this big yeah it's like this big it's bigger than  my foot look at it oh my gosh bigger than my foot i realized the smaller fish is the most suspicious  same like dogs yeah smaller one is the one that   barks all the time all right the little one is a  little it's fun though okay so after this we're   gonna body cam pull again let's probably kampung  and let's go rest because i think i'm bleeding in   my face you know it's safe it doesn't actually  hurt that bad but sometimes they just get more   and more aggressive some really is oh my god  this little one yeah that little one just goes   out you so hard his tail came out of the water  he like he like head planted on your foot   okay all right i'm good by the way it's a  beautiful river and lots of people look at   that they're just chilling look at we should  get wow a chair you have no foot left would   you be bones your skeleton foot they're so  calm wow they're so calm look at your foot   i'm not convinced of the health benefits  of this look at the redness oh yo yo wow you're tough ivana i couldn't  take it i tell you what though   i have a blister on my foot and they were going  after that hard so they are going after this   loose skin you know you see oh yeah poof all right without further ado  let's go to the belly camping check it out guys oh i try to go up there with the bus right now  i decided to get out and show you guys ivana   and i are calling this place kampung kampung  which means village village because we are   in the village past the village man there's no  internet there's no service we are deep in the   campaign yvonne and i have dubbed it kampoon  kampung so hopefully the boss can make it but let's see oh it's okay scrape here right oh yeah okay here more okay okay you got it  you can do it he's a good bus driver   and that bus is pretty strong actually so i  think i can make it oh man kenpoon kampung oh gosh why is this tipping sideways maybe no  maybe cannot i mean over here is maybe even harder   maybe we can put some rocks there some big   rocks to make it make a make  a bridge for your right tire it's right here man we gotta make a bridge  this one's bigger this one first okay and then this one okay look at the bridge look at the bridge the bridge worked man we made it is this uh guest  house no it is oh maybe right here the last turn oh good driving good driver good driver were you nervous yes we had to make a bridge with  the rocks but we did it and now we're safe i tell   you what guys stay tuned for tomorrow's  vlog to see if we can get out of here   yeah let's check out our home let's check out our  room actually it looks like a super nice building   so let's go check out our room oh there's cameras  oh yeah youtube tv oh tv television oh okay okay   what's it feel to me you're also feeding me  right there youtube what are you doing yeah okay guys so pardon the darkness but it's  a hill right now there's no uh electricity so we're just checking in super nice  homestay very big and very spacious   check the rooms make sure it's ready  unfortunately no electricity but this is life   in the campus okay so here we have  kitchen stove sink uh rice pot   walk i think here's our room let's run no oh  no the sun is still out okay fantastic room   hopefully uh actually please that would be nice  but actually super nice and clean and fresh for uh   camping homestay it's totally fresh and clean yeah  uh good quality all right let's rest for a bit and   then maybe we'll go to the campoon that's a good  idea walk through the camping that's a good idea so much for camping walking tour  guys a little bit of bad luck with   the weather although i will say kind  of good luck because if it was raining   20 minutes ago on the way in we would be on  that hill with the rain we'd be still down there   so the timing was actually kind of good  that it delayed the way here was quite rough   about one hour before we get here really really  well but we made it a bit of a shame because i   really wanted to go around meet people show them  my skills saying bole ba calico and meet some   locals and put a drone we saw a bunch of young  kids playing separately back to across here to   go infiltrate their game and show them what a max  la can do with the sepak takrow with sandals on   but uh stay tuned to this 14 day series because  we'll have plenty of opportunities to do camping but as of right now it's time to charge our  electronics and lay down oh no electricity   we'll do our best what we can do with uh the campoon boy steve is feeling right at home all right uh we'll see you guys  in the weather stops i guess okay   no internet sunshine what you gotta do yes red one red one see it yeah yeah yeah  dinner is served okay it's clearer from here oh yeah come on oh yes oh and it's okay  okay one more one more here one more i got a new technique it's slop and grab come on come on boy okay okay spin it but then i gotta  drop it okay it's hard right steve   i'm surprised they all don't grow at the same  time or maybe oh explode it no it's a good one   it's a good one that's the best one good good oh  nice thing you can get this one as well yeah yeah right there yeah don't fall to that okay ready ready it's coming  it's coming off any second that was hard okay bouncing the way down all right  good all right tell me what we will contribute   this when they have dinner for us we'll have we'll  prepare dessert we see guys desserts on the okay tell me if the fruits of my labor are  the best best jamberry you ever had   sweet and juicy sweet and juicy and the water is coming down  again this is life in the camp all right next step okie dokie smokey time for mccann mccann  what do we have here but banana leaf   oh it's uh the rice rice yeah it's  this is the meal rice hill rice   yeah there's stuff in there no  just rice just rice that's right   okay and we have a natural way of how  they pack their food oh it's not bananas or they have a sweet potato i think sweet  potato there's nothing sweet potato in there   yeah and i don't really like them  like they're rice a little bit mushy   yes it's not so firm the rice it's more mushy but  this one is packed and a little bit from like food   almost like a nice input where it gets squeezed  together isn't it and then we've got chicken   and potato uh fish and veggies curry chicken  fish and this seems to be very common chinese okay let's see ivana what have you been your  impressions of today today uh saba is like you   can find everything here culture history nature  adventure i almost died on a bike yeah that's the   vlog title the time i almost died hey thanks to  our guys by the way they're local people so that's   uh oh this one is morocc is known as the head  hunters oh gosh oh gosh only only compliments   there are i think until 38 tribes right in summer  uh yeah yeah what a great day we've had only our   second day of our fourteen day itinerary the  main tribes and here's the second largest tribe   ah number one and number two yes number one  in the three one and three okay okay there   you have it guys today i was gonna say  this saba sort of reminds me of brazil   paradise extreme activities interesting culture  natives sort of interesting many races of people   similar to brazil in that sense yeah boom  okay let's eat time for mccann mccann ivana says go closer i'm like dude let  the camera go closer and they'll go yo whoa flying right now just drop this phone and scream  like a girl and go lock myself in the bedroom   under the covers mind you   okay bye everybody thanks for watching

2022-06-08 02:08

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