Touring a secret evil villain base in Roblox

Touring a secret evil villain base in Roblox

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a family lost with no help inside real Hill and T made an unpleasant night they took to the forest for s from her but the adul trees buff could not keep them calm they traveled along their legs tired their hope for arrest had almost expired but they in the distance a wonder will find a bling abandon Sur no one would mind they wented forward for they knew what to do was finally time for breaking two hey guys I'm I'm and I really try to stop myself from saying doll trees I don't really know the lyrics that well it's an Engish B still this came out no wait it came out a week ago why am I only realizing that now okay yeah now let's play um let's play kid um the hyper yes origin ending finale we on a camping trip [Music] cool but this camping trip has been a disaster it's a bit sick oh we're lost the car broke down why are we walking like this I I think it's weird guys guys why is Tak much time being outside makes it slow okay let's go we need shelter oh don't tell me maybe there's some nearby I love sarcasm it has to be my favorite favorite thing yeah starcasm is awesome let's go what are these random puddles it's hailing oh it's hailing get indoors that makes sense get TR what is this place I know what it is cuz I watch it on YouTube it's so what is this place just got to go training immediately with everyone else secret evil villain base not a secret is we literally found this is probably not a secret guard dog I didn't see [Music] you Ren too the way everyone just goes back to training as as soon as the cut scene ends it's hilarious we are acent in this SEC Prett evil base we' base we've done a breaking I can't talk right now I don't even know how to talk right now then fight bad guys for money yes I want money but need to train my speed I'm going to train my speed first I'm going to do it [Music] equally not know why I'm constantly clicking my mic if I'm clicking my mic click I'm clicking my mic guys I'm clicking my mic I clicking my mic now I I know I'm conly clicking my moue if I know it's not going to make a broadcast is starting on TV I want to see if from [Music] here breaking news I repeat breaking news scary Larry's body has gone missing after his defeat now a few weeks later there has been a break in at our secret Evil Base by a group of intruders they look weak and should be easy to be we are preparing three waves of backup to defeat them once and for all the first is now our new leader is Scary Mary she's meaner more evil and we'll put a stop to The Intruders okay so we have 40 seconds wait one off three is coming get to the mail room if you let me go down will go so I so I continue training quickly okay let's go what do you want yeah what you want what do you want I want to see Fe three bad guys okay done I'll do it come already oh yes they are finally here do you all some time I'm losing lots of health very quickly but there's money so I don't care give me money this meting all the money for fun [Music] good job grass be 2020 and so hang G 96 in the most Salam wave 1 off three complete I'm just going to continue training until the other wave keep training for wave too the doors downstairs have opened now uh wh off Tre is coming okay fine I'm coming get to the midd room yes I do when the do closing I'm going to squeeze some training in here yep squeeing some training guys just going to tr out speed of light okay yeah I got to go now got I go okay yes this weapon a weapon is too weak for a level don't worry I'll buy I'll buy any one after I collect all every the money everyone else earns [Music] I want to try something though can I steal stuff oh my God you can loot money I'll L later fight time Ang go PE Quest complete oh there's where everyone else is why are you going up the stairs stay down here going to go steal some more money that one has fallen did we also win yes we did I'm four four food items outside they they're in the okay I don't need I'm busy looting good job minaha and that alexand did most I did a lot yay so now um golden fine oh yes Diamond yes I am [Music] happy by should eat not going to take everyone else's food items but yes I am going to loot them I'm going to earn food with my own money with my own I do not need help yes I'm going to go train a bit more there's no key I need to break it [Music] open I'm going to take this only took one guys okay now I'm just going to quickly TR some more so I can get four some someone found armor what is it Spearman 9 SC Pro Power uses what's going on going to be out of power no power that mean I can still train I do not care let me train I'm almost at four power has gone out oh don't tell me yes level four okay come on let's go find a generator outside turn the power on yeah you guys do it I'm I'm kind of busy right now all the enemies have being already there's armor inside oh I need to pay for armor now okay someone joined my team someone red them up okay what was I going to do again wa the armor thing is there anything else I need to do this is random all right yeah the power thing yeah I don't care they'll take care of it I'm just going to train I'm helping you guys I'm training okay um um I don't think that um insect Bry or whatever the name was I think that's very bman guess a tread was powered by Magic yes it is yes it is yes it Ronaldo and hog do 3362 turn the power back on thank you cuz I wasn't planning on doing it w tree out tree is coming okay do not remember asking get to the midd room sure right off I'll do it a few minutes wait do in a few seconds let let me earn more yes when the door is closing okay the door is closing let's go I can do this now what left a dog oh it's a guard a guard dog outside I want to go get it I'm playing Minecraft guys I have a diamond crowbar Diamond crowbar I'm playing Minecraft yes Minecraft I okay come on guys I want to fight I can fight learning Japanese we still going sing a Japanese song come on unle detractive Bradley beans Bradley beans I want have money oh I did take the money I might take the money guys they're stunned okay don't worry I'll do it okay no no no I might not do it I might not do it guys done someone has falling but no I will kill the person I have a good crowbar wonder if I can get another [Music] our base now yes it is our base now should I go find a guard dog there's no point now I a crass b220 I mean I 100 did the most damage than you all right I want to go Che the at thing come on this Bas belongs to us us yes I know there's no key you have to breake it open yes I have angered a pie of box that's enough you brass have annoyed me for long I have experiments to get back to no one asked oh come on I need to tr my speed a bit more wait guys I'm lock Inside Yes Yes D going to be clever for breaking it and taking over my base oh no guys I locked but now it's time for you to see what I've been working on down here someone please teleport me I'm kind of locked inside this would be fun yep it's a game it's supposed to be fun oh thank you for teleporting me outside I got stuck in there yeah I'm just going to recharge a bit I have seven charges yes let's just use one uh-huh oh right really fast speed now test subject car okay nothing left in here yeah check the cast trans cast cast stand I'm going to Che the cross cans cuz I'm until L to come back here to Che for the batteries someone opening someone Retreat a rainbow pizza good nothing left in here to use for scare laser items some of them are missing I remember seeing that crowbar earlier man left in here so we did see AAR earlier do you car some of them are missing yes that must be fun okay now I'm just going to go inside see what we can buy okay nothing put a trash can back here guys where's the last battery nothing left in here does anyone know where the last battery is the door has open finally go across the bridge wait wait for me wait for me okay yeah I'm here now we can go come on Scary Mary I'm not scared of you cuz you are not scary ah we meet at last you have broken into my base and C me a lot of trouble oh don't tell me you want to know what happened SC Larry he was weak I did not care and we fixed him I did not care about SC L not sure if he notice yet now let me get look at [Music] you you've trained quite well probably not enough to defeat me [Music] though you have barely any food you realize I'm going to P you right yes I do have food I have six food a diamond crowbar so weak you think this Minecraft that's what I've been seeing this enti video and I don't have armor I was to put my money arm not a bad NPC team mine is much bigger and cooler though who's talking all right SC n mine's better no are you going to let us Cross or no the brid is collapsing go to where scary Mar uhhuh uhhuh totally oh actually I do need more see wasn't wrong probably that's probably I'm going to eat while way yes my Health's [Music] up I'm just going to do M for this I'm probably going to [Music] need where I supposed to go [Music] okay let's dance we'll begin slowly okay stupid I like FR talk TR scary Mar all we did this cuz he just TR off me now I want to Revenge it's like the sweetest thing in the world I'm sug than anything but yeah are you like never going to get [Music] dizzy this as hard as I thought it would be I Turing the key on her back oh let me lava pipes again good warm up you'll need to be faster I am fast stronger I am [Music] strong here we go just going almost I almost fell off yet I almost do not fall yet guys [Music] really this thing we [Music] strangely okay so yeah in Let's Dance a little faster okay that that hurt oh no I'm out of food guys this is bad I can [Music] survive there's only four of us I think this going to [Music] work have one heart left but it's probably going to be hard all [Music] our how we're supposed to go to you are weak no I'm not you want survive this no no yes I will no I yes I I want your prac [Music] this what is this oh if you fall off you put you back on I follow these people right going in the right [Music] direction this is still a warm up guys these people are more okay hi SC Mary how you [Music] doing you might if we kill you no okay I think that sound is enough time for your final dance no we're going to survive this what's going to be the problem is when it goes sideways I can't use my camera like this that's that's my problem I I will not be able to do it that time right now I can because zoom into me after I [Music] won't someone I know how [Music] Rob War little energy oh don't tell me I'm going die everyone has fun being with you I have fallen now um can I spectate Lobby can I like not [Music] spectate no anyways um well then guys thanks for watching like this um oh my stats good thanks for watching sa fresman bye the

2023-10-26 08:06

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