Tomato Recipes | Joanne Weir's Plates and Places | KQED

Tomato Recipes | Joanne Weir's Plates and Places | KQED

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If you, love Tomatoes like I do when summer rolls around there's nothing, better than cooking with fresh, ripe tomatoes from your garden but. When it's winter what do you do, I reach. For a can of tomatoes, and if you're like me you, probably have stash, in your pantry today. We're going to make a few recipes using canned tomatoes, will, make tomato tartare, with capers, black, olives and basil a savory. Tomato bread pudding. With, parmigiano Reggiano garlic, and basil and crispy. Delicious, fried tomatoes, these. Recipes, will bring a little bit of summer into a winter day I. Love. To travel the globe in search of new food and wine discoveries, for, me it's, about more than returning, home with a handful, of new recipes it's. About taking the spirit of Austria, of Italy. Of Greece. And of, the Danube, River and injecting. Some of their magic, into, our everyday lives, food. Has a unique, ability to transport. Us join. Me as we discover, new plates, and places on our culinary journey together. Johanne, where's plates and places, is brought to you by. With. On the waterways, guests. Can climb, pedaling. And journey. Beyond. The beaten path while. Cruising, on storied, rivers across Europe you. Can find out more at alma, waterways, calm. Our. Wine making is the result of teamwork and patience working, together we dedicate our best efforts with every, buying grape, and bottle Washington. Vintners since. 1899. My, family, shared our passion for everything that goes into our multi, 100%. Italian, tomatoes only, Tomatoes, only, multi. Start. Something, delicious, California, figs from Valley pig growers I. Am. Standing, in the, middle of the most. Incredible. Incredible. Field. Of tomatoes look at this all, around, me there are mountains this, is called the food Valley, yes fo. O d, the food Valley it's we're right outside of Parma and the reason they call it the food Valley is because, of the ingredients, the fabulous, ingredients that come from here, parmigiano-reggiano. Prosciutto. De Parma, tomatoes. And. Check. This out check out that hill right up there those are vines grape vines and they make lambrusco. Here and honestly, I am dying, for an ice cold glass of Lambrusco. Right now. When. I went to the food Valley one of the things that I remember and I can still. Conjure. It up is the smell of those Tomatoes honestly. It was just rows and rows and fields and fields of tomatoes, it smells so, good to me as a tomato lover I was in heaven, tomato heaven. This. Is truly, tomato, heaven, look, at this, can't, you almost smell them can. You feel the heat it's. The height of summer when the time to harvest tomatoes is now, this. Is a multi-generational. Family. Farm operation. And although, Tomatoes, didn't arrive on the scene in Europe until the sixteenth century boy. You can see by these farmers, that they've made up for lost time, as you. Know Italy. Is a country whose passion. For tomatoes, is known throughout the world and as you can see such. Care is taken in sorting. And choosing, the ripens Tomatoes for the table. I'm, here with a Batali family, and I'm outside of Parma, they're incredible. Tomato, growers and passionate. About tomatoes, this is Julia, Rosetta, fast oh and Frank oh sure, I got all their names and, so. How, many years. Has, your family, or how many generations, have you been growing tomatoes. So. I know Cinque. Want on me yeah, 50, years 50. Years Wow. Okay. So this is your grandmother. Your. Grandfather and. Your father yes. Do you eat tomatoes every day. No. No. See. But. These are really beautiful, so tell me you, how, long is the harvest how long does the harvest take. Do. Amazing, meds oh gee I count two, and a half months, okay, so for the rest of the year you're just. Resting. No. La. Piscina programa de la de la Campania she, painted a koala Veritas, monitor, been Advanta company, policy, personas, para montar. Lo. A technical. And so. How many acres, do, you have Ching, Wan big. T wow, that's, a lot of tomatoes. A. Lot. Yeah. And. A lot to team a campus on time. Cuando. El finito zumasys, tada. The. Proof is on your peripera, to telemark a marijuana -. Right. Is, it always this, hot Oh, we, depend. We. Depend on, our. Equator. From. Contente. Theatre a. Telephone. Yeah that's acquired okay now you. Do an incredible job for, the land and I want to thank you so much. One, of the things that I was so struck by and I still remember is, how hot, it was there honestly, I was just dripping it was just incredible. And I watched the people and the, people working and growing the tomatoes, and picking, those tomatoes, and he's just the dedication and, the passion and, the love that they have to. Get. Those tomatoes, to pick them at the right time get, them in the can within 24.

Hours Which, is unbelievable. Which is why they taste so fresh and I. Just, was struck with all of it I. Was. So inspired by, my, time in Parma, and all those tomatoes, that, I thought it would be fun to make a tomato bread, pudding, I know, people make bread pudding sweet, but I thought I'm, gonna go in this savory direction. So I'm going to just toast, this in the oven and I'm, using a nice coarse textured, bread for, this if it's a day old it's fine if you got leftover, bread this is a great thing to do with it with, some nice fruity, extra virgin olive oil I'm just pouring that over the bread with, a little bit of salt. Just. Using a little bit of kosher salt, and. Then. Toss that together. These. Are probably one to one-and-a-half inch pieces. 350. Degrees for, about 20, minutes but it's a really good idea to check them every once in a while and, then just toss those because the ones on the edge are, going, to brown a little bit more quickly. All. Right what we wanted to now is, just to saute some onions so we need some aromatics. For this and that, will be onions, and garlic so you want to heat your pan add a little bit of oil and then, we're gonna add some chopped onions I'm just using yellow, onions, that, are chopped. This. Is a tomato bread pudding so we need some Tomatoes I have canned tomatoes, these are whole Tomatoes and what, I did was to pour, them into a sieve like this and then, the juice runs, out from the bottom and I'm gonna snip, these just. With some scissors and, I'm cutting them into about 1/2. Inch pieces. And. Then. I take the tomatoes and add those, to. The juice. And. Of course don't throw away any of, the, juice I'm adding, that as well. Don't. Forget your onions you're, just gonna continue to stir those. Periodically. And we don't want to take on much color all I want to do is just have them soften and. They will also be translucent. Sometimes. What I do is I'll add a pinch of salt and, what that does is it draws the moisture out of the onions and. Helps. Them to cook a little bit faster. This. Takes about five to seven minutes. The. Onions are soft and translucent now, so I'm adding some minced garlic. I. Don't. Had at the beginning because, I find, that if you added at the beginning you don't have it nice garlic. Flavor that's so delicious, and so pungent I like it right at the end so it has that nice fresh flavor so, just one minute. Okay. Now. That I smell the garlic I turn the heat off. Golden. Brown and nice and crispy that's exactly, what I'm looking for. Now. I'm going to make the custard, for this I'm using five eggs and a little bit of milk you, can use nonfat. Low-fat milk, that would be absolutely, fine if, you feel really Decade go for cream. And. I'm adding a couple, teaspoons of, salt. So. 1/2. I'm. Adding a little bit of grated, parmigiano-reggiano. That's. Really delicious, it will go well with the flavors also, adds a little bit of salt. And. The. Tomatoes, with, the juice that's important. And. The. Onions will add a lot, of flavor. Onions. And garlic. Basil. And tomatoes perfect. Combination. Perfect. Marriage, so I'm just picking the leaves of the basil if you want to tear the basil you can do that but I thought it would be just as easy to. Shifa. Not it so just take the leaves and pile, them on top of each other and of course you know how to do this roll, them up cut. Them in very thin strips. Shifa. Nod it means ribbon. See. These are little ribbons. Then. You can add that Oh smell of basil is so wonderful, it's, just so great every, single time it's got that sweetness. And kind, of a richness that I love and a little bit of chopped, oregano. And. Then. Just stir this all together oh I. Want to add a little bit of pepper. What's. Kind of nice about this, is to have these chunks. Of tomato and this, delicious. Liquid. That has that beautiful tomato flavor. Right. Now finally, the bread. This. Is cool just slightly. That. Olive oil gives really nice flavor to the bread as well. This. Is such a great dish I mean it's a great breakfast. Lunch or dinner dish. Which is what I love, stir. This all together and I know it looks like a mess right now but after, it bakes it puffs up it's so delicious and that. Bread just absorbs, all that wonderful liquid.

I. Have. An oiled, nine by nine baking, dish and this, is just, extra. Virgin olive oil and, then you can just take this. Mixture and, pour, it right into the dish what's great about this is you could even get this all set an hour before, leave, it in your refrigerator when, you're ready to bake it just pop it in the oven. Okay. Now this goes into a 350. Degree oven for. About 45, to, 50, minutes and it'll be nice and golden brown on the top. I'm, here to meet farmer, Luca Cote who, not only grows Tomatoes but also makes parmigiano-reggiano. Cheese, while. It's hot out here. I'm. Here, with Luca, Cote and he, has this fabulous, tomato. Farm and he also makes parmigiano-reggiano. Anyway. Tell, me a little bit about your. Tomato, harvest and, right. Now I see that everything, is ripe, are you in the, midst of the. Tomato harvest in ready to pick be. Omocha Matata, City. Man. I'm. Gonna company and. Minutes in quantity. Quindi somewhat popular in Asia 50, days tell. Me a little bit about the rotation. Of the crops that's interesting, to me. It. Product principle. At. Eppley, parmigiano-reggiano a. Very. Last ala a very Tonti campi d4g a particular, de agua medica. This. Are mahkumaat Asuna. Dilute Amalia, poly pomona a, camuto, substance, organic, a Mazda Terranea, Ricky. Jr., molto, molto lunga so. Tell me a little bit more about the connection, Unadilla. Cause people, don t and grandidis. Probability', Delita. Une. Autre causa in they say/i questa, hotels una multa lune got an era me at the end abhi amo say tanta % OD 4jra, a so, long Trent a vintage equate Renta % OD Pomodoro, right, so, how. Many years, do you grow your tomatoes for you. The same prepa, communicative. Avi Pomodoro, mio padre cultivate, Pomodori, yo cool. TV Pomodori. In. The you, do the same play okatee poem darling can you plant, tomatoes, every single. Year in the same field, no I probably, to the discipline, originally. Maha moon quinone, abbiamo kutami TB so ano via. The data to Nicole or Bassanio the fairy motif of a Dairy, Queen De Palma dava when you track what Ronnie. So. During. Those years what, do you plant, loss. In suit issue enemy Tiamo, lava medica, alfalfa. Alfalfa, Park, I think we are near Wow. Yes. On. The. Medeco. Park asynchrony. Oh poor. Metamodel, a forager, agra - it operated. For me into the grana Wow. So that's a long process so, you have to rotate all. Over. Your property you have to keep moving that, fields, where you are planting the, tomatoes, yes. Yes, so, what is your favorite, thing to do with tomatoes, what's your favorite recipe. Recheck. The. Palma de. Buci. No yo que pasa ultimate. Pasta. Passata, yeah. Just. Simple we don't have to Pauline yeah, yeah yeah but the best tomatoes, they're. The best see. I feel poking at the audience and, of course what, do you put you sprinkle a little cheese a little parmigiana so. To top CC you mean. Take a pyrometer, sort of course, it's. Game thank. You so much it's great talking to you thank you. Smells. So good, YUM. Whoo. Beautiful, all. Those great herbs I can really smell the basil the, oregano mmm. I love. That. But. Of course, you have to have a glass of wine with this right I chose a nice Calabrian, wine that's the southern part of Italy, it's. A nice and light and I think it's gonna be perfect for this let's. See. Mmm. Wow. My. First bite and I got tomatoes, and basil like what is more perfect than that right oh this. Is so delicious. Mmm. The, breads amazing. Hmm. Oh. That's wonderful. What a beautiful, paring I'm so excited about this. I'm. In parma where tomatoes, really flourished, and i'm gonna cook up some incredible, tomato recipes, come on join me in the kitchen I. Was. So inspired by this restaurant, in a 15th, century grain. Mill you. Can still see the old mill stones and I love the romantic, winding. Pathway, in this Italian, garden, in the middle of this agricultural suburb. Of Parma. They, do so, many things with tomatoes here in Parma and today, I'm learning something, new it's, a tomato tartare, recipe, made, using, canned tomatoes. It's. Topped, with fresh ricotta, and. Finished. With basil, and fruity. Extra-virgin, olive oil, and. Check. This out who.

Would Think to deep-fry Roma. Tomatoes. Believe. It or not they're really, delicious served, simply with, fresh greens and finished, with sea salt. Let. Me show you how to make them. I. Know. It sounds weird but I'm doing a tomato tartare, you know everybody does a beef tartare but I think, this is kind of a cool idea and I learned it from a friend, in Italy's, a fourth-generation, tomato. Grower you can use either fresh or canned tomatoes, and I'm using canned tomatoes because what's wrong with you know you're thinking February, I'm dying for some Tomatoes grab, a can just, buy diced, tomatoes. And then, what, I did was I poured them through a strainer the liquid, went, to the bottom and then, I've got the tomatoes but I didn't, yesterday so 24. Hours so, I've got just, the tomato and all that deliciousness. Right, here in the sieve and then I'm going to just place this in, another Bowl. And. You. Can save that tomato juice for something, else make a Bloody Mary that, would be delicious, okay, I'm adding. To this some, capers just some diced capers. And. Also. Some olives, black. Olives, that have been diced also. And. A. Little bit of parsley, in. Italy, it's called fret sama low. And. Then. It. Would be fun, this is veering, off a little bit but I'm adding a little bit of crushed red pepper I think, it would be nice to have the sweetness of the tomatoes and then that nice little, bit of pop from the crushed red pepper and then. A little, bit of salt always remember. That whenever, you, cook with tomatoes, you always, want to add some salt it brings out the sweetness and also the acidity and just. Stir, this together. All. Of these ingredients are, so nice and aromatic. I think, they'll really be delicious. And. What I love about this dish all, you have to do is remember the tomatoes 24, hours before but, it's so easy to make now, it's really important, to taste this. Mmm. So. Good and, get the saltiness, of the olives, and the capers the. Sweetness. Of the tomatoes, it's really, really wonderful and, how easy is this really these are my kind of dishes I just love this and it's kind of a WoW dish wait till you see all. Right, what. I have is a ring of bread that I've cut into a circle, I brushed, it with a little bit of olive oil and then toasted, that in the oven and, I'm just placing that in the center of the Ring you could also use some pecorino that's, my friend in Italy did and it was good too a really, nice fresh pecorino, just a thin slice would be really great and then. Take your tomatoes and. Just. Fill the ring. Use. Your spoon to press. The tomatoes, so it fills it completely, and, then. Just lift your ring. Beautiful. And. Also. A ship, and out of basil, and of, course you all know how to do that now. I'm. Just sprinkling a little bit of basil. Around. The plate and onto the top. You. Know what else a little pinch of that crushed red pepper I think right on the top just a touch, and a. Little bit of extra, virgin olive oil just, a bit drizzled, around and right, on to the top. And. Finally. The. Last thing is a. Little bit of shaved, parmigiano-reggiano. Right on the top. I've, been so excited about tasting this dish again, I just it's, so great, hmm. Hmm. You. Know all the flavors are there it's. Wonderful, it's bright, it's just it's just such a fantastic, dish I really, love the simplicity of it when. My favorite place is to travel to is Italy, and one, of the things that I love so much are the ingredients especially, the, tomatoes whether, they're fresh or canned one of the best things about tomatoes, is that, you can add them to your cooking every, single day of the year, chin. Chin. You. You can visit our website to find a print selected recipes get. Information about each episode, learn more about joanna in the show see behind the scenes photos provide. Email feedback and more it's all at Joanne we are calm, orbit slash plates - places. Joanne. Where's plates, and places is brought to you by. With. On the waterways, guests. Can climb peddling. And journey. Beyond. The beaten path while. Cruising, on storied, rivers across Europe you. Can find out more at alma, waterways, calm. Our. Wine making is the result of teamwork and patience working, together we, dedicate our best efforts with every buying grape, and bottle, washington. Vintners since. 1899. My, family shared our passion for everything, that goes into our multi, 100%. Italian, tomatoes only, tomatoes only, multi. Start. Something, delicious, California, figs from Valley fig growers. You.

2020-04-01 01:08

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