There's No Place in the World Like Sri Lanka

There's No Place in the World Like Sri Lanka

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you hear all the horns going it's time to rush the  Red Bull Arch Tuk Tuk tournament 2023 starts right now you sell toy how [Applause] much good morning guys and welcome  back to another beautiful day here in Sri Lanka   today is the big day today is the start of the  Tuk Tuk tournament and right now they got a DJ   it's active it's 700 in the morning and we're  just about to kick off here in about an hour   right now teams are slowly pulling up in front of  the Red Bull Arch because Red Bull is one of the   sponsors of this event and we're taking some  group photos before eventually lining up and   in about an hour time every Tik Tik is going to  to be smashing right through this Red Bull Arch   heading both left and right off to explore  Sri Lanka for the next 12 days now we do got   a midpoint in candy so essentially the whole  game um takes you around the entire island of   Sri Lanka it's free game you can run around and  complete as many uh Quest and challenges along   the way as physically possible however there are  some rules you have to meet in candy in 5 days   from now and you also have to um what was I going  to say you also have to follow the rules on each   challenge which I actually talked to you guys a  little bit about that's later on I'll show you   guys the application where all the challenges  are uploaded where you can track every other   team's points and of course participate in all of  the games activities now our Tik TK is actually   completely set up now we finished decorating it  last night and we put a donkey on top we put a   parrot and andw is actually pulling up right now  for the team photo look at their little parrot   right here I don't think this is going to stay on  too long but hey it was worth it was worth it for   the pitcher so we got Andrew back here glattus is  in the took as well hello guys are you ready to   roll I'm ready to win we're winning we're winning  number 62 of the Tik Tik tournament so it's quite   funny everybody's kind of just mingling right  now before we get started and this year is tan   she's from Australia this is your first Tuk Tuk  tournament first first time traveling first Tuk   Tuk wow and how do you feel so far being here  like surrounded by all these amazing people uh   exhilarated exhilarated exhilarated absolutely  free very excited happy to play and we have Mr   Steve yow the deal dude how you feeling  today dude I am so excited the energy out   here is contagious we're all ready to go how you  feeling hey and they got good music and it's at 7:   in the morning good music good Tunes you can't go  wrong you know how to do it I'm doing pretty good   I'm I'm sweating even more now that I'm standing  next to you I don't know how you're surviving in   this running off pure Vibes today are you are  you wearing the pickle suit all day today this   is just what do you mean I'm not wearing a pickle  suit this is just part of me he is the who I am   you ready to go Chris I'm so ready bro how are you  feeling this morning I know you you and your team   have put so much hard work and effort into making  this event come to life and it's come to life how   do you feel feeling good it's always fun to see  everybody actually take off head through the arch   and then we can finally get some sleep so yeah you  guys have been working literally uh day in and day   out making sure this event happens and guys when  you're when you have 150 people participating in   events I mean there are so many things you got to  be on top of what's up guys how you guys feeling   this morning amazing what's the name of your guys'  uh team again coconut tuers the coconut tuers oh   you guys got the logo on the side so my friends  here they're actually from India they're from   Kerala yep so kerala's representing I wish you  guys the best We Got the Disco Tuk to in the house   what's up guys T disco what's the what's the group  name disco fever I love it where are you guys   from uh I'm from Estonia my uh my teammate is from  Netherlands what is your guys this took name three   k three kings oh the three kings the legendary  three kings we actually had a couple drinks the   other day awesome guys look at this the three  kings where's your where's your outfits uh we're   going on now we're trying not to sweat too much  yeah oh man I've got you beat I've got you beat   exactly why I love your guys' uh took man it's  awesome I wish you guys the best these extremely   vibrant men that you see here they're actually  known as the vibrators keep the buzz going the   buzz baby build the buzz always up front never  in the rear the vibrators are here oh I love it   I love it so this is Cory I met him a few days ago  it's been a pleasure already and this is Wolf Gang   two legendary guys and they've actually been at  the TK tournament this is your second time right   second time time and are you guys in it to win it  yeah baby down we're taking you down dude their   energy has been so contagious this entire trip the  vibrators are charged charge R I love it I love it oh the association is pleased you have quickly  become accustomed to your new vehicles and their   moods and emotions and you understand why this is  the chosen vehicle this is the perfect vehicle to   take on the Beast rapia catch for futuristic  design Pivot Point turning no airbags no [Applause] abs [Applause] go to your vehicles ready their engines and woo all right it's time to load up into the  TK TI it's game on you hear all the horns   going it's time to rush the Red Bull Arch  Tuk Tuk tournament 2023 starts right now wo [Applause] yeah woo yeah [Music] guys up for everybody woo let's [Music] go myoo and the F rers first stop was literally um right outside  of where we took off from oh they have already   completed it all right we got to catch up oh man  this is so much fun already and it literally just   kicked off but yeah people are slowly um arriving  here to collect the first gyms want te up up for   the phot though yeah let's team up let's make it  here with boats yep right here with the boats so   the first gem is actually to take a picture with  another team right in front of these boats but we   both need to post a picture uh with all of us  on it and uh yeah and and the both Idols okay yeah nice awesome nice now y oh you have it  there no you have it there go B do you me   take a photo from you guys thank you thank you  got you back team the idol the idol the idol the idol thank you nice thank you guys done well  done so this here is the Tuk Tuk tournament   application and essentially you can click  um on the map and find um gems all around   the island all of these little like orange and  green uh gems that you see are worth uh smaller   points than the red ones but they're spread  out all around the island and essentially you   can stop anywhere and complete the quest  and there's also like um other challenges   that require you to go into um a local  on and get a head massage that require   you to help out local families literally it's  extremely diverse but um more on that later on hello we're just now arriving to the Second  Challenge site and we just drove through some   small little Beach town uh small little village  and we have just arrived to where there's other   beaches you know what this might be a perfect  spot for a beach cleanup as well all right so   these are the trash bags that were given to us  in our our goodie bag and we got to fill this   up and you can actually do this every single  day per point so let's start picking up some   trash it looks like this a nice little  area to knock this challenge out pretty quickly a lot of plastic bottles oh the bag's not terribly big it fills  up quickly all right we got the full bag done   idle in hand time to take a picture and then you  submit all the pictures into the application the   actual Tuk Tok tournament application which  is super cool but man that's actually a bit   exhausting picking up this much trash now we can  do this every day for points now I'm going to get   over there and finish Andrew helping or helping  finishing helping Andrew with the sand castle   and then we just knocked off two challenges  on one Beach that's how you do it oh what do   you got going on over here that looks nice all  right so I was going to put water in here but I   don't think it's going to work but this is the  bridge to get in the castle this is The Little   Door make some windows and you know this is to  keep everybody out you know to keep out all the   gods you never know what's going to go in there  so you just got to you know build some barriers   around it maybe you got a coconut uh coconut  tree in front this is our flag for the castle   okay okay all right so this is the coconut Castle  what a with a little bamboo stick coming out the   I like it I like it good job man done with these  challenges it's time to grab the trash bag jump   back in the Tuk and make our way over uh to the  town where we're going to continue on looking for   more challenges oh man are they stuck the hot  dog gang is stuck first still we we got to get   hang on hang on will you shake me yeah put it  in neutral so you can all we go neutral is you neutral there you go well these gentlemen  just got done helping us with uh well our   Tuk Tuk was stuck in the sand also so we're  actually going to give them um one of the one   of the envelopes with a donation from Tuk Tok  rental so that they can go and do some grocery   shopping so we'll do one of these to them  here we give this to you it's a small gift   for you I think it's um uh gift certificate  to the store money for a grocery store thank you of course you're welcome thank you so  much thank you for helping us thank you thank you   thank you guys oh all right now it's time to  go inside thank you all right let's continue   that's the best part about this tournament man  you get to help others while you're having fun   how amazing is that all right on to the next  challenge I think glidus said that's in chill out all right so we just saw some police officers  on the road and one of the challenges is to   take a picture with smiling police let's see if  they're nice let's see I have a feeling they will   be hello hello sir hello hello I have a I have  a question we're doing a challenge right now   Tuk Tuk tournament and we have to take a picture  with uh two police officers can we take a picture   with you okay go for it here go in the picture  oh me too yeah okay the idol smile show me the ID thank you so much thank  you sir take one with them babe and wow we me thank you wow that was easier   than expected man they they just said  yeah right away awesome let's continue just made it to the next location of  today and it is this beautiful Temple   right behind me and we actually have to  take a picture right in front they said   do not go in and take a picture because it's  prohibited but let me show you guys and look   at these ban trees they're so beautiful I  remember being in Cambodia and seeing the   ban trees wrapping around it's where they  filmed Tomb Raider remember an anchor wats   the ban tree actually wraps around the entire um  building but wow this is amazing very beautiful that is amazing wow I really like that the ban  trees are so impressive also Sri Lanka is just   incredibly beautiful and I can tell that this  Temple is is like a a peacock Temple because   they got peacocks everywhere it's really cool  just took our picture in front of the temple   and now guys we got to hit the road because  I just realized well I'm looking at the map   right now on the application and it actually  shows you where every everybody's at this is   everybody in the Tik TK tournament and we're  literally right here we haven't left the area   that we've been in all morning but there's  already people halfway across the country   no not halfway across the country but pretty  far away chasing this red gym so that's what   we're going to head to right now and hopefully  be able to knock that one off the list because   we are staying here tonight in kurung Galia  so the red gem I think is is the next move   we're going to hit this little bar Tavern  first and then make our way towards the Red Gym all right so this is the small  Tavern that it has us pulling into   and it says that we got to come on  in here and buy some locals some TDY   okay hello oh yeah this is definitely  like a little local bar hello my friend   Tori Tori hello all right hello hello  hello how are you guys you drinking TDY is this where you buy TDY hello how are you yeah going that way weit to turn you you  so TTY hold on yeah yeah think it's cuz we   went that way but we came back yeah yeah yeah  thank you all right we're going to drink some   ttty then let's see if we can get some here  hello a beautiful little bar ml 750 hello you   sell toy how much 200 200 rupees okay can I  buy can I buy one toy you like toy toy to toy   five five toties for everybody thank you wow  nice little bar look they got some snacks in   here very nice place actually let's do a little  tour let's see what else they got going on here hello oh very nice place ni are you drinking  toy you want toy I invite you no no no no no   only one only one is it very people come in D  dinging D oh many people come okay all right   is it delicious very very good only one  to and and drunk two cup two cups okay   okay and youup and you how many cups one cup  no no no no no two cups all right well let's   go pick up the TTY I guess that gets you  messed up where you going you're missing   the toty oh I I invited all of them to toy  they left oh okay um you have you want toy bro you know what's the problem is they  got done saying that um a lot of Tuk ts   are coming in and buying them toy and they're  getting drunk so they don't want to drink no   more oh really yeah okay one cup H up okay  one cup half half all right one cup for you photo photo one photo photoo  yeah let's take a photo here you go now I would definitely try the toy  but I got to drive so we're not going   to try the toy today thank you sir  you make the toy here wow can I look   come let me see let's go check out  how they make the to I'd like to see this oh this is all toty all of this is toy wow  very nice oh so you you pour it in the cup and   then you drink how do you make TTY how do you  make the TTY it's Al alcohol right alcohol yeah   yeah very strong oh okay okay he's showing  you he's showing you thank you sir thank you oh oh it's made out of coconut  oh it's made with coconuts he oh dang this is crazy so up there is where you   grabb the Coconuts very nice  can I try climbing it can he climb yo these guys are so funny get up  there Andrew you're going to give it a   go I need to do the challenge you know  get but you got but you got to have the   uh the idol in your hand you can toss it  to me yeah true true true man that's very   cool ladder palm tree ladder Sri Lankan  ladder that is crazy very nice very nice   I can climb you think you're going to make  it to the top 2 m 2 met how big is 2 m um dou hey that's actually probably  the easiest one though out of all   of the people is a video I don't know  let's make Ro because I can't find it amazing is that 2 MERS that's the me no I  think so you think so I can't go higher than   that okay we try to fully stand right there with  the Tuk Tuk in hand and then think you killed it look at glattus [Laughter] oh what a classic photo there wait all right on to the next challenge so we  just made it to our next challenge which is at the   gas station and here I actually got to fill up my  tank and pay for the person behind me so let's go   ahead and do this hello sir how are you today is  your lucky day I'm going to pay for your gas full   full and this is how the challenges work guys it's  super awesome you get to get back to hardworking   Locos so let's see how much the the damage is  1,000 um full full thank you actually let me pull   up oh I got to put the key this back in there I'm  over here messing up man but we've actually done   quite a bit of challenges guys so far we um bought  some school supplies to give to some hardworking   local families with kids and a bit a bit of other  items as well and today we're filling up his TK   Tok hello sir let's see hopefully they got some  change from me I think we're good I think we're good sir I I invite you I pay  I need to get some more backup   we've been spending a lot of money today let me see all right it feels good to give  back though you should always do it you're welcome take care  sir thank you 2450 plus 1,000 thank you thank you you're welcome   thank you thank you of course  brother thanks thanks of course take care guys thank you sir thank you enjoy your  day all right well that's how you do something   good and you give back and you have fun while  doing it all right now we have a three-hour   Journey three-hour journey to guren Gala I think  that's how you say it gurala all right let's make   our way over there man it's so nice to to be  able to help uh people and you know that was   $6 but you can imagine 2,000 Rupees quite hard  to come across especially as a taxi driver only   working um with locals so next up gungala  I hope I pronounced that right see you guys there one of the other challenges that's super  cool and we can actually do 10 times during this   trip is to stop and buy some fruit on the side  of the road so that's exactly what we're going   to do right now there's a banana truck hello  hello how are you fine we got to have some   delicious SRI YK and banana yes banana very  good it's very nice huh what's the green one for sugar banana is egg banana every  everything is oh so the red banana you   cook different any uh tasty differ oh okay  what's your favorite banana favorite banana   red banana the red banana is your favorite  oh okay very expensive it's expensive I'll   buy you some red banana today let me invite  you where are you from United States really   California yeah let me invite you red  banana I invite you please I I I pay I pay I I I pay how much how many Rupees this one 1  kilo is 500 500 P okay that's fine are you   buy now I pay for you yes thank you thank  you very much there there's your 500 for   your bread bananas thank you thank you very  much of course you're welcome and can I get   um half kilo half kilo half kilo no no it's  I buy now take take this no but for me it's   I buy okay I now you invite me no thank you  thank you thank you very much just half kilo   small amounts you tourism call me I call you  huh have phone number no Sri Lankan number yeah here I I I pay half kilo I think there's some confusion going on right now okay thank you very much no but I  want for me for me so many no no no not   for you for me half kilo it's this  one this one is 1 Kil this one is 1 Kil yeah but I want for mine for me 1 kilo want I want banana yes how much 15 okay thank you Andrew is  going to take a good picture because   we can get canceled very fast it's a huge  competition right now there's a lot on the line oh can you take picture with me picture give you guys school supplies  these are some um pencils books for you   than of course that way you can go home and  draw United States where are you going uh   kurela kurel are you there for a vacation  yeah we're doing a Tik to tournament and   racing around Sri Lanka yeah I hope you  enjoy that can we take a picture I got   I need to take a picture with this  to here we go now we're all in the picture perfect thank you so much thank you I  hope you enjoy those thank you so bye guys byee   they're they're like coloring books and you know  they're fun for the for the little kids especially   thank you thank you so much byebye have a good  day thank you beautiful bye guys bye oh man my   heart is so full seriously the Tik Tuk tournament  is it's one of those things that's rewarding for   you but rewarding for so many others man all right  now this time we'll see each other later bye guys we're about to drive the Ved truck here  this is the same same same same same okay [Applause] [Music] W let me f [Applause] the okay I think we did it thank  you sir can I um can I give   bread to them yes let me invite them to some bread can we um thank you here one more  do for you bread bread bread yes for them please please please [Music] you thank you come on please this is what happens when you  drive the bread truck everybody gets bread thank you this is awesome this is what  life is all about guys where's my idol oh my idle now we're on track thank you sir thank you of course this is what life is all about man me  no for them one you want bread no have some bread we should just get bread to the  whole school bus too be awesome you're   welcome you're welcome St we got more  people coming on over man this is a   party right now you know what I think I'm  going to do I be awesome video later on   buy the whole bread truck for the day and  just drive around and give out bread be awesome very delicious than you're welcome  bro you're welcome you don't want bread get   some bread bro he needs one one piece come  on bro all right well I think we're done   for challenges uh for right now we got  one more big red gem but man my shirt   looks disgusting I think I need a shower  um I'll catch up with you guys later on tonight so we ended up making it too candy we  didn't stay in uh kurala I forget how how you   actually pronounce that but it started pouring  rain when we actually made it there so we decided   to just keep on driving and just stay and the  Tuk Tuk and hide so we just cruised down for   another 2 hours and made it here to Candy this  is where we're going to be spending the next   few days we're going to be doing Adventures  from Candy and of course this is also where   the midpoint party is now right now I'm at the  hotel I'm at Rison and this is what the food is   looking like we got some Pata some pork some chick  some tendery chicken dog Curry noodles rice mixed   veggies and a tomato soup and they actually have  a white selection of desserts as well so this this   is much needed right now we're beats we spent  in total roughly six actually like 10 hours in   total inside of the tukk and a lot more than that  on the road while doing challenges but I'm proud   to say that we are top five right now I don't  know if we're going to stay that long or stay   in that position for a long time but right now  we are top five I'm excited I'm going to enjoy   my meal and then tomorrow we're going to start  planning for tomorrow morning tomorrow morning   we got to wake up nice and early and start chasing  some gems and um I'll see if I film that for you   guys I don't know exactly how I'm going to go  about filming the TK Tik tournament uh series   um I don't know if I'm going to make daily Vlogs  or yeah just daily Vlogs of these Adventures I'm   not too sure yet um however there will be plenty  more videos to come so for now I'm going to enjoy   this meal everybody got some full plates Andrew's  loaded gladus is loaded and we're all Beyond Tire   I hope you guys enjoyed that video and I'll see  you guys again soon for another one later guys

2023-12-19 05:03

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