The Best Things To Do In Tallinn, ESTONIA

The Best Things To Do In Tallinn, ESTONIA

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I hear that Italian is really really  cheap but the cost of the hostel I   think is really cheap because uh the hostels  in Helsinki wow compared Thailand to Helsinki   is nothing to write to him about the gas  prices it's just this is oh yeah uh-huh so I think kind of an old Soviet Union structure  over there that my friend is going to see foreign right here and a vibrant capital of Estonia   Italian has a great history and it has a  lot of things to do and see come with me   as I take you to walk around the most  attractive site you can afford to miss the V2 gate is a great place you can  afford to miss because it's very beautiful   it is where you can take great pictures from  memories and there is also a lot of flurries   just over there so you can also get  some some roses for your loved ones so   in the ancient time the city ended in this  place so this is the Gate of entrance in the   Asian time and where the florists are are  now we're like a Farmland this is the gate   the gate close all these places were like Farmland  a Countryside before but now it is all part of   Italian now and it's beautiful a lot  of great skyscrapers in this area and   the port is also in this direction so  this is how it is it is the victory   very of which you get I don't know  very good oh it's very it's very good so this is how it is you can get  some roses here on our loved ones so this is IDs this is a great place to check out  where you can take great pictures for memories for   me it is one of my best plays so but the  cathedral also is something else let's go exploit the city's defensive wall back  in the days these walls were built in the   13th centuries and you can go hope and walk  along the walls to learn also about history   about this this wall and this city it's a very  historical place and most of all these places   are very close and no the viral gate is just  over there less than let me say 200 meter and   the walls is yeah now they are closed I think they  open at 11 because I'm out very early this morning   so they're open at level 11 11 to 17  p.m and just beside the city's wall   there is the Catherine Passage which is one  of the oldest spots in the city so and well wow the cuttering Katrina I don't  know I don't want to bite my tongue   let me just say the Catherine okay  you get the full package already   so I think here is for souvenirs but  there are there hasn't happened yet   you can get some souvenirs here and this is a  perfect place for Instagram photos and it also   leads you direct to where was once the Catherine  church so if you are looking for a perfect   plays for Instagram photos this  is also a great place to visit wow this is the most patriotic  place in the city of Tallinn the Catherine passage no doubtly is one of  the most fisheric place in the city of darling   man you need to visit this place this is a great passage guys nice  so let's go to the next destination this is the pots one of the places asking  us to come is like there are a lot of bars   and also restaurants in this place but I think  it's twice in the evening we will be open I think it's always an evening  because now everything is closed you can see a lot of boats here yeah yeah and Livia I think it's a Navy ship this is a museum where you can  also see War instrument War boats   and many other things this is like uh  what is it like a gun or a bomb board this is Estonia border guide so it's like a  museum is open but sometimes you can still go   inside and see War weapons of of the past  occupation times and learn about history   all right what did you learn inside when  you get it yeah there was a big submarine   which you could enter yeah this is a this is  submarine anyway it's not a submarine this one right it looks like submarine so this is also a place to check out guys  it's beside the the port of talent you can   walk along the coastline to get to this place  because look look at where you you went to   like this uh old Soviet stuff over there  for the the old I think it's almost here   to go or something but you can still enter  it and uh it gives you a nice view on top the Italian Town Hall stand proudly as the  oldest city in northern Europe and it is   also the only one that is preserved in Gothic  style it is also a great place to hang out there   are bars restaurants Pub and it is also one of  the best place for nightlife in the city so in   this vicinity there are a lot of things to see  and if you have more time you can also go in   and visit and see a lot of things and learn  about history of this country and the City wow I'm going to climbing these steps  up there to be able to share with you   I think the most finest for me I think it  is the most finest Cathedral and the City   it is called Alexander nevsky Cathedral and let's  go and see how beautiful it really looks like this like the Great Wall  and you can also walk around that was preventing the city in Haitian times and the cathedral I'm taking  you to is around this place   it's a lot of people come in here taking  great pictures from this place as well you take some also this is the Danish Garden one of the most  important sites in the city and there is also   a museum over there that you can also go and  explore if you have more time it is also the   bad place of the Danish flag this Garden Remain  the area where the locals the estonians come to   honor the road Denmark play in the history  of Estonia so it's a very historic place   and the City of Tallinn and a great  structures here that looks like Harry Potter   so we got one over here there are other  two over their hot stuff Harry Potter Style oh the wind and the weather is okay it is  not that too cold today neither too hot just   middle the holy little disadvantage is where  the wind so if the wind is not that too much   perfect or some time or some  weather wow look at this beautiful category and the president Palace presidential  resident let me see is even in this place this is the beautiful cathedral guys it is one  of the best spot in the city damn you can also   go inside and take great pictures but I  don't have much time so I won't go inside   and this is the parliament of Estonia and the  wonderful Cathedral is here Alexander nebsky   Cathedral there's so much people in this place  and this city the old town it's a UNESCO wall   Heritage so it has so many things to see in this  place so much of history and great sights in this   city Tallinn wow for me it seems like a very  simple City with great great activities to do and right beside the parliament this is  a parliament here and the cathedral just   in front of it there is a wonderful  garden here a beautiful one is small   and you can walk around it and take great pictures  so just walking around it this is what I do   explore as much you can  there is kind of a toy here um it's a toy and this one sometimes I share  very little of what I experience what I see   so I always love to explore the maximum exploit  these cities learn from the country the city   the history the people shouting with the locals it is awesome so the cathedral is just over  there this is the Parliament and the garden   is here I'm right at the Garden so it's  a beautiful garden beside the parliament thank you and allow yourself to get lost in the city of  Tallinn wander around this city because there   are a lot of great streets it's little small  Street very colorful very beautiful and also   cafes and restaurants that you can stumble  to so don't just go to only like the main   places just get lost walk around the whole of  the city you will stumble into some beautiful   places you don't even expect to visit so  this is what I always do I just want to run   just walk without no plan you will see it  is wonderful I'm like walking into so many   things so many places beautiful streets that  I didn't even you know uh plan for you know   walking into so many things look at this wall and  before we are coming from this great place over   there also great Street small tiny streets  some some small tiny streets very beautiful this is Estonian History Museum it is right beside  the embassy of Russia so it's another great place   to come and learn about the history  of Estonia and I'm adding also toys   the KGB prison cells here we go it's  very beautiful it's very beautiful   allow yourself to get lost in the whole  town and learn about history man very good just look at this I don't know if you can be able  to see it clearly they hacketed The Mastermind   behind the design is awesome I don't know if you  can be able to see it and over here also there are   other great great work here so the whole town are  full of History so much history beautiful streets   as I've said and you can see a lot of great things  in Italian there are other museums over here   three three BC Museum and the Museum of huts and  Design is here this is a Museum of Art and Design   it's not really what I already see I'm taking you  guys to exploit to see the prison cell of the KGB   that is what I really wants to share  because I'm only hearing about KGB stuff   I haven't experienced anyone so find out that  it is one of the best things to do in the city   so that is why I'm taking you guys there yeah man oh how are you good nice this is  the KGB prison cells it's a number 59 pick   I got directed by some great officers yes great  policemen that take me here because I was kind   of wandering around and I talked to them they  said come come one of the officers take me yet   so this is the KGB prison cells I don't know the  only thing I know about KGB is only in the media   what whatever they are saying so I don't know if I  can go inside and explore I don't know if it's you   have to pay to go in I don't know so this is when  the time of the opening time and closing hours so   if you're interested let us go and find out how  it really looks like this is the KGB prison cell hello yeah how are you great so how is it is  it free entrance or you have to pay to Green   ticket is five years okay so it's like yeah  it's typically the the prison of uh KGB before   people yeah thank you I'm just kind of a YouTuber I'm  just like exploring the best places to get   to get some best experience in Thailand  so anyway thank you very much thank you so this is it the entrance is five euros and you   can also go and experience and see  how the prison looks like inside   I'm not going to go in I'm heading to Nava  another city I'm going to catch my train so I wanted to take some   I forgot to buy I would like say well why I  didn't buy what what's wrong with me I I tasted   and it's very cool so it dressed in a beautiful  medieval medieval yes this is what the merchant in the 15th centuries I was on my way to  the train station I saw I said let me get   some some of it because it tastes good yes of  course it has to taste good yeah so it is like   how much it is okay cool times yes I said yes and spices yes the four sugar four sugars and 16  different spices and we made them right here   in this cocktail however you call it yeah in  the pot yes wow look at it it's handcrafted and   packaged here whoa thank you thank you come  and check it out she gave me and I tasted   them I was already going about 200 meters and  what's wrong with me why I didn't come back and   why I didn't take anyone about anything  from her because they are delicious yes   which is right here yes we also have some salty  ones so there is sugar and also salty ones yes   can have a look inside as well because  there's all kinds of medieval crafts   like pots and cups and everything is  handcrafted whoa okay thank you bye-bye so it is awesome awesome you can get more in  this place right here but I'm not going to go   inside because I'm running out of time so this  is how it is this is right in the whole town   this is the tone all square just in front of  me and I'm going Direct to cash my train so   thank you so much thank you thank you thank you  Tallinn thank you the people of Thailand it was   short but it was awesome so this is for me the  best places to visit in the city of Tallinn they   are a lot countless things for me you have to see  in this city so if you have time allow yourself   to get lost and roam around the city of Tallinn  if you like this video give me thumbs up comment   and also share with me what are your best places  in the city of Tallinn comment below and let us   know until then see you on the next one ciao I am  Joel Tamara if you like my videos please hit the   Subscribe button and turn on the notification  so you will get notified of my upcoming videos   as I take you to every country on Earth until  then have a wonderful and inspiring day bye bye

2022-11-18 09:51

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