Stumbling My Way Around Baalbek | Lebanon 4K

Stumbling My Way Around Baalbek | Lebanon 4K

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they really prefer the cabbages it's open i am sorry we don't know where the hell is [Applause] it is kind of dark in here they've got the ambiance lighting going on a service belt oh that's funny oh this place is like all cool and creepy should we ring the bell icon definitely got something going oh um what i don't understand no problem russian american yes yes right sounds good this is awesome emily what do you think this place is already blowing me away it's amazing so is it so that um what like the uh okay we put the cars on service yes nobody's gonna steal it no problem yeah he said no problem break [Music] i brought us some arabic tea and food cake poof that's what he called it he just knocked on the door and uh showed up with uh tea and cake which is really adorable we should have it in the salon don't you think it tastes really good really soft moist and sweet and the cheese tea you know good old traditional arabic coffee so we're gonna we have a couple meetings tonight because it's thursday still a work day and uh so we're kind of just hoping that this will be a little snack to tide us over before we go and hunt for dinner later on will you be able to make it like that fun fact people in lebanon tend to use diesel rather than lighter fluid to get their fires going it turns out that diesel actually takes longer to burn off than lighter fluid does so by the time it does burn off the fire is going strong on its own so we finished our meetings and now we are going to head out of the hotel to go find something to eat for dinner should be an there we adventure can i get some dinner yay our friend ryan is going to walk us to the dinner place yes this belmira okay um 146 years old i think it might be yeah let's go [Music] i think it's 146 years old or it's 146 [Music] a.d [Music] a ah that's beautiful so this is charles de gaulle's room here here and then [Music] in another part of the weather no no alain uh then yes ahalan one oh really yes oh i see he like made lebanon from here oh wow so he decided the borders yes oh wow that's incredible yeah that's super cool that's so cool thank you [Music] [Music] huh i mean look at it wow so he's he lived here then or he stayed here right yeah and uh so so all the famous people stayed here in mira yes like a famous famous hotel for famous people yeah they all like yes so uh he just showed us around the original hotel palmyra and um einstein stayed here and he even like wrote a review about the place um and a lot of other famous like lebanese artists stay here quite the place it's no longer open as a hotel though it's like more of a museum now tomorrow a lot of these places will be open um which is much different from beirut where literally everything is closed so here it's choice way like kind of open kind of closed but generally more open than beirut [Music] snag i know wow this is the syrian water and syria so it's not syrian water it goes to syria oh this is a river or like oh okay wow in the middle of the city [Music] oh [Music] whatever that was oh so the place you wanted to bring us to is closed so we're going to uh awesome we're going to try that place out it's a bit late so uh some of the things might be open tomorrow but they might have already closed today hey [Music] okay so we're on our own right yeah we're on our own he didn't stay so let's get some food hungry sounds good maybe i'll sit on the same side so we finally found a place that was open so i think all the food came i don't know there might be more but we got a salad french fries like a bunch of meat and random things uh hummus and barbecue sides with like a weird green like sauce thing so we're awake and we're ready to start our first day in balbik apparently breakfast is ready and we're very excited to start going down there and checking it get out breakfast okay but before we go to breakfast you guys have to see this view look at that it's amazing with the ruins and the mountains on top of it wow okay we'll check out more of that later i'm really hungry let's go to breakfast good morning right here yes perfect look at this i'm not quite sure what it all is but [Music] turkish is good yeah thank you to the turkish coffees so it looks like we have bread oil and just various things to grab with the bread so maybe jams savory things that kind of stuff very excited oh and olives too i think i hear valentine there he is that's my princess very excited i got us two turkish i got us two turkish coffees oh nice sounds great wow i i think it's just various like um things to take the bread and eat with this like gems we got all the zapda yeah i know i saw this and then this is like halloumi or some cheese type thing maybe not i don't really know i'm not quite sure yeah it's very cool it'll be a unique breakfast thank you hmm this is so good you know what i like about these huh the fleece oh the shape the um the fact that you can dip into there and not worry about contaminating it because it's not the main like you know container of stuff so that's just for us to like eat in the bar up other places serve it in little marmalade packets that you like that they get from the factory [Music] or you know they have them in like in a buffet so you can take some for yourself and hope you don't mess it up for other guests today my main goal is to just kind of check out balboak and see what there is to see you know get lost get a feel for the city that kind of thing um but first i wanted to just take a look at this courtyard that the hotel that we're staying at has um because it just looks gorgeous i mean look at this wow the funny thing is is that we only planned on staying there for the weekend you know a couple nights but we did something that we rarely do we ended up staying twice as long five days in total i believe the hotel was just so comfortable and there was just such an attention to detail that it made it hard to leave you know from from the amazing caretaker rabea who you've seen throughout the video so far was just so sweet and accommodating and who kind of tended to our every need to the food that they served being locally sourced and in season it was just an incredible experience that they offered and not something that you find just anywhere the owners of hotel palmyra actually took this place on as a passion project and since then they really restored it to its former splendor they see themselves as the guardians of this amazing lebanese heritage staying here was so much better than any chain big corporation hotel that we could have found and if you're in lebanon i highly recommend you check it out so i'm gonna put the whatsapp number of the hotel in the video description below and if you mention that you're booking through 20 camels they're going to hook you up with a bottle of local organic wine from a nearby boutique vineyard also don't forget to ask the hotel owners about the little-known places to visit in and around balbec that you won't find on google maps and that not many people other than them know about so without further ado let's go check out balbic [Music] i think there's something okay okay i'm going to check out the largest stone in the middle east hand carved first he said it's about 500 meters this way some really beautiful views over that list really incredible and you got this crazy moss right in front of us [Music] huh [Music] getting home catalogue but that's not a big deal i don't mind [Applause] it's unfortunate there's like garbage but it's funny because it's not on the main walkway like the main walkway is uh very clean so it's like they just shove it all into the side of the sidewalk so i'm looking for this stone right this like biggest stone in the middle east and uh you think i'd just see it i don't know he said 500 meters and i'm like i'm no expert in the metric system like feeling out those distances so maybe i just don't know you know like i don't know if i've walked far enough or not so i'm just gonna keep walking and uh well if i don't come across it i'll start asking people on the street like you know because i know how to say it in arabic so uh [Music] but for now let's just see [Applause] definitely getting some male attention but that's okay maybe this is it oh yeah how's it there it is i think that's it all right i think i'm going the right way i'm just following the time [Music] oh this is it right here [Music] okay like straight and then oh okay okay it's the the big thing right there too okay thank you yeah yeah yeah see not so bad not is so bad oh my gosh there's just a bunch of sheep right here wow yep here we are the largest stone in the world oh my gosh there it is wow so it's a megalithic stone wow this is an old picture of it [Applause] here's the dimensions wow all right let's go check it out it's beautiful like this area biggest stone in the world or at least in the middle east here it is there you have it why should you come to balbic to see the largest stone in the world so they say at the very least the largest stone in the middle east right here in balbic it's so crazy like walking between these stones in this quarry like what this is crazy it's really quite big it really is like i don't even know how to put it into perspective for you guys to understand and it's so creepy because these are all these are all like burial chambers oh nice they got their trash can in case anybody has any trash i don't like bugs that make loud noises freaking me out should we check out one of these burial chambers kind of creepy creepy see that roman burial chamber right there god knows what's in there now there it is there's so much history in lebanon this is the first time i've really gotten the chance to come to know any of it so cool so so incredibly cool look here got a lizard he's one of the guys that lives here now trying to hide from me and look there's another guy who's up there too kind of climbing checking things out look at this thing i am way too scared to find out what lives in here to like check it out i don't know how big it is i don't know a little bit too sketchy for me but yeah very cool place would definitely recommend checking this place out in balbic yeah time to move on on to the next place i guess [Music] tomorrow tomorrow because i want to go with valentine okay yeah you will come but shugran is like beautiful so after a little break in the hotel room we're back out again and we're heading the other way this time to check out some of the places that the hotel guy showed us yesterday but during daytime so hopefully everything will be even more beautiful and just easier to see there's definitely more stores open here than there are in beirut [Music] this place is like closed bus you know it's like closed but like you know [Music] shoes hello it's not an uncommon site to just see like body parts all the animals love animals just like chilling oh look what are those like things oh i don't know right like look at this yeah what is that soho i [Music] these avocados [Music] babe yeah look at that so what's inside i have no idea but he put uh he put honey on top but he came out of a mustard bottle so i got scared for a second have a good one anything with sweet valentines it's so good [Applause] can i try it yeah you want the honey or you want the liquid oh wow it's like whipped cream it's good oh it's like banana it's really good really really good so this is the river that runs through balboa i've never seen a river like this before that is like seemingly underground you know like i thought it was like part of the sewer system or something i didn't imagine that it would be a river it's kind of amazing so we walked by this beautiful cafe yesterday and uh i'm really hoping it's open because i think that would be a cool place to stop and chill here it is cafe so closed so close so unfortunate it looks so nice but maybe valentine found a way said we'll find a place i'm sure of it and if not we'll make our own place you see the trees here they're different they're like almost like birch trees or something [Music] you see what i mean yeah they're a bit drier climate yeah like drier colder climate trees it's uh very different vibes from like the lower altitude parts of lebanon i like that you can get over there if you want if you want to if you want to nobody's really going to stop you and there's even staircases that will take you right over to the other side but they've got this like park in the middle of town and all of this different like workout equipment it's a nice park it's like the center of town and by the way baldwin's lockdown is very different there's a ton of people outside a lot of things are closed but uh everybody's out [Music] [Music] i think he's coming over they really prefer the cabbage these random people have yeah it's not like you hear those siren noises it's not police it's not like army or anything like that it's just random cars or motorcycles like this guy that's coming up right now yeah what the hell on the side driving his motorcycle on the sidewalk just like beeping at people with a police siren with a police parent i guess to uh alert them that he's coming behind you know he's coming up yeah behind them behind them whatever yeah who knows this park is definitely the main like center of town like it's where everybody is right now because everywhere else is closed right um [Applause] hmm this one's good oh it's nice it's quite soapy is it uh so is it okay and uh a different one like uh what's something different new another oh this one's nice too babe it smells like um it smells like candy oh yeah [Music] oh this one's nice i like this one good yeah um oily is it too strong do you think it's pretty strong strong very like woof i guess arabic ones are like that do you think it's too strong though for me to like wear it like i mean they're ultimately like two bucks that's what he said yeah right you can try it right why not why not just say pick one you like it and get it do you think what do you think about the sweet one yeah i like this one it has like a jasmine in the finish hello so it looks like he's uh mixing the scent with like some kind of never had that experience before now you smell good now you smell better yep such materials so so he's like he's uh differentiating which one is which what is that even for sure like uh yes this is got some arabic perfume he like really made sure that i wanted arabic perfume he asked like three times he's like you want the regular one or the arabic one and i was like the arabic one and i'm so glad that i chose that because it was quite the experience and uh i really like the smell i got one that smells kind of sweet and i got one that smells like um like pine trees like has a stronger like more musky scent to it perfect look at this it's the same perfume bottle that i bought in balbik five months ago i'd say it's about done five months yup that's how long it took me to finally get around to editing and posting this video i know that's a long time but i'm no visiting i'm no video editing expert i actually graduated with a degree in chemical engineering i know right so far off from video editing so i'm still learning and i am improving i'm getting faster video by video but you're gonna have to be patient and bear with me that said one of my next big goals is to be able to hire somebody to help me edit the videos and get them out to you on a more consistent basis because i've got a lot of lebanon content and at this rate it's gonna take forever to get out to you guys so i'd really appreciate your help making that happen i actually just started a buy me a coffee account and it's similar to patreon but what you do is you go on there and it's basically making a donation to support the channel and like i said get more of these videos out to you guys on a more consistent basis my goal is to be able to get videos out to you guys once a week so this would really help with that so i'm going to put the link to buy me a coffee in the description below and i'm also going to link it at the end of this video but other than that another great way to help support this channel is of course by liking this video and subscribing if you haven't already i really hope you guys enjoyed a little taking a little trip to balbeck with us and i will see you in the next one

2021-08-08 00:46

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