SSL567 ~ ENOUGH already...

SSL567 ~ ENOUGH already...

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so today on our way back to the marina, gotta  go pick up the bike, so I hitched a ride ride in a pink car (and we have a nice  road to come back Portobelo, we are with Francesco) (hello guys, our pinky car, love  it, hello kitty) (it's very fancy) (getting ready because we  are getting close to the new bridge) si si okay you ready (yeah I'm ready) okay we're at  shelter bay marina again as you can clearly see got the moto, and we got a cruising permit, so thank  you very much to the porto capitan, and we are good to go this is good and valid for up to one year so  we can do whatever we want in the area, anywhere in Panama, we don't have to report or check in  or anything we can just roam about the area (june 2022, great) based on our cruising permit, so moi bien (thank you so much Panama) yes thank you so much that's all cool, and now we are going to take you  for a little bike ride because we've been doing a little bit of riding around the area here but  now we're going to go through town and back to Portobello it's actually quite a ride it's like  over an hour long, but you're going to see a lot of transitions, so it's worth sticking around  having a look this might be a long video but (I'm a little afraid of a lot of traffic) yeah it's  the traffic that we're not used to, it's a lot different than anything that we're used to (yes San Andres I love you) yeah we we miss our cruises in San Andres for sure and just roaming along the water edge and  everything beautiful, but here's different you like the rides through the jungle and there's these  little small towns and communities along the way and of course some not so nice areas, I almost  had a panic attack the first ride through Cologne and everything it's like there's some nasty areas  (yeah is only in the city we need to stop very very less time) yeah, but we're going to  take you guys for the little ride and we'll see how our batteries hold up, but if they hold up  we'll show you the whole ride along the way and uh go from there, so all right let's suit up (yeah) and  here we have helmets, so we have our helmets to put on I know you guys didn't like that and sometimes  but hey nobody has helmets there, nobody, except the police that's it (yeah and I think it's better)  but it was a complete motorcycle community so everybody was riding motorcycles they all watched  out for each other everybody's very cautious whereas here not so much, so we have to be we're  on the cautious side now, all right let's roll ready? (ready) ready here we go yeah check this out guys, I  don't know if you can hear me but this is a runway, how many times in your  life you get to ride a motorcycle on a runway that's cool okay taxiing for takeoff (are you ready?) the runway, see that's all  the abandoned military base buildings there ready (yeah ready) okay let's exit the runway before we get busted and this coming up here this is all the abandoned  army barracks here for the military, so this is when the US signed over the Panama canal  to Panama back in 1999 all these buildings were abandoned have just been empty ever  since it's unfortunate they're really nice and look at the view I mean this was a really  nice area, but they just haven't maintained it but now they are planning some expansion so  they've been rebuilding this road, this is all brand new and it's not paved  yet, but that's going to be next so we've been driving around here as they've  been running all new gravel through here and levelling it out, so a lot of change is  coming just all of this I wonder what their plan is for all these buildings  because they're all just run down and this is the army-based entrance here so there's security guards there the  monitor who comes on and off the base (we enter in the jungle) yeah this is one of my favorite parts of  the ride just running through the jungle lots of road repairs right now, which is  good they're building you know better road but we are definitely in the  jungle, beautiful out here (and it's fresh a lot of bird sound) yeah you  can actually hear all the birds in the jungle it's nice and cool the air is much cooler in here  than out in the town or city or anywhere okay, so now we've left the wilderness behind we're  heading into the real jungle across the bridge and the bridge is quite a spectacle in itself this is  the new bridge what's it called? puente... (atlantico) puento atlantico, and this is one of only  two points that connect north america and south america and it's puente atlantico, the  brand new bridge, so it's really really cool (yeah and the same because the view  is amazing, you see the Panama canal the entry of the Panama canal) yeah it goes right over the canal (the ocean and another size) the construction of  the bridge is quite a spectacle... we'll see you'll see now we're going to go under and we'll try and  get some shots for you (yeah it's very cool) ready? (our lunch, I'm hungry) mhmm we got like a chow main and a fried rice so not too bad, to put it into perspective  if we were in San Andres we would have had more healthy meals for about three to four  dollars, for one that was good for two of us so this is one meal that we both split, with  one drink, ten dollars seventy-five cents, not too bad, but in San Andres the same thing would  have been about six dollars, so of course there's we're gonna have to get used to that  everything is a lot more expensive here but it is what it is, so for now it's lunch time all right just a quick stop  for lunch, and back on the road stop for a little drink (something fresh...) something fresh (rest my ass a little bit because  it's very... this road is full of pot hole) (oh this is the national beer  guy, we have balboa, atlas, and Panama) (I think for me the bath is water because I tied  the ghetto and I am more toasty than before I'm okay with this) (his eyes with the flavor) even a rainy day it's  part of the adventure on a motorcycle (oh yeah) at least we came prepared got our  rain jacket (I don't feel the rain is very good with this jacket too) it wasn't  too bad at all (but look at how is nice this this country road) see the chickens? (uh yeah, look) it's a cool little side road town in the middle of the country eh (yeah oh yeah) halfway between  Sabonitas and Portobello (yeah really Rick I hate to live in a city, I hate go to....) the whole time I'm in the city I can't wait to go, to get out of the city home sweet hell on water (yeah) now do  you want to hop off before I go down just in case I slip and do anything  stupid? (uh I think this is better oh it's the police, wait wait wait  wait wait, oh I go down, I go down) (sorry guy, but is not so simple,  clean my legs, yeah I'm okay, yeah you go down slowly because it's wet) (I feel old, why) that was a hell of a first ride hey we put 70 kilometers on the bike that  ride, not bad for a first little tour around Panama (no, it's not bad) nice ride (okay) thank you motorcycle (thank you you work  very well always) all right home sweet home (I miss San Andres a lot) this is why it's hard to get stuff done in Panama yeah this is Panama yeah we're really starting to  miss San Andres that's for sure we have no shortage of water we don't need  the water maker, but we have no electricity this is the problem, big big problem,  well just today's issue one of them finally the rain did subside and actually we  ended up getting a very very nice sunset, so that was a nice way to cap the day, then we enjoyed  a quiet dinner inside and studied some videos and next morning it was back to coffee on the bow thanks for watching guys, enjoy your evening  and we'll see you in the next episode, cheers good morning guys, it's coffee and bailey's,  Saturday morning on the bow in the beautiful bay of Portobello (good morning) Panama yeah  very happy to be here nice weather rainy day yesterday, sunny day today not a bad trade-off  but just a little show around our area here you can see it is a beautiful quiet  little bay and so we continue our day ciao

2021-08-08 19:14

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