Sidila Padi ಸಿಡಿಲ ಪಡಿ Prehistoric rock art paintings Badami Bagalkote Karnataka Sidlaphadi cave

Sidila Padi ಸಿಡಿಲ ಪಡಿ Prehistoric rock art paintings Badami Bagalkote Karnataka Sidlaphadi cave

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this video of Sidila padi was made with the help of a local person but that person was not ready to come infront of the camera hence i am not able to introduce that person to you in this video now come let us see, Badami's Sidila padi in order to go by bus or auto, we came to badami bus stand Me: Please tell your name yellappa Me: you are from this place itself is it? yes this is my hometown Me: we are going to Sidila padi for around 2 kms we can go by bus or auto its is not advisable to go by private vehicle as we will have to park it in the way and then proceed further so it is best to go by auto or bus from that point if we walk for 3 kms we will reach sidila padi so we are going there by share auro will you get down here or further ahead Me: we will get down here Badami is on this side at a distance of 2 kms if we straight ahead here we will reach Badami railway station here on the right side is Konamma Devi Temple here as you can see there is a arch or a gate through this we will go to sidila padi saalumarada thimmakka park name is written here this is being maintained by Forest department in this road we have to walk for around 3 kms they say we can reach here in 1 hr we have walked around half a kilometre stones have been arranged like tiles as we can see here for a small stretch the road was not so good you can see, from that path we came walking like this till here the walkway is good, little further it gets a little bad the stones laid as stones is almost over now we are walking along this rocky path mud road we are walking on mud which is like sand now we have walked almost for 1 km now the climb is almost over now we are walking of plain land as you can see there is not much incline now the road is such there we can see a mobile tower we will go up till there after we go a little ahead we have to climb up the a little steep path you can see the condition of the road from here the inclination has increased till here the climb was less steep now the inclination is more we have to walk along this small rocky path we have come so far from here i think only little climbing is required here is the mobile tower now it is next to us as you can see we have climbed this way now i think we are going to climb down mobile tower is here we have walked close to 1 and a half kilometre more 19 minutes to go it is a little tiring isnt it Babu? specially since we had breakfast and immediately set course we still have to walk 1 and a half kilometer we have reached half way now we have cover equal distance as you can see it is slope path but on our way back we need to climb this we came from here if we go straight here it is mahakkoota temple instead of that we are going through this route here we are taking a turn and going as i mentioned earlier if we go straight, we will reach mahakoota no we are taking a turn and going now we have come near the tower when it rains, water flows down from here and goes towards Badami Which side is Badami? Badami behind this area badami caves temples we are moving ahead of the mobile tower along this way we are going now we came walking along this way as you can see we are going next to the mobile tower again we have to climb a little now we are going away from the mobile tower we came from there then in the curvy path we cam this way in between there is another way to through which we can come that is the mobile tower, next to it by this way too we can come but lot of thorny plants are there hence we came by this route this is the best route as per locals as you can see here, similar kind of thorny plants are spread all across here this will not only tear our clothes but will also rip our skin we if come by this thorny path then we will only be able to reduce the distance only by half a kilometre hence no need to take that risk the stones here are quite heavy what do you feel babu isnt it heavy Babu: yes the stones here are heavy compared to normal stones, feels like i am holding iron Me; yes it feels like we are holding iron now we have to climb up a little more we had seen at hampi the technique they used for cutting rocks similarly here too we can see here they have made an attempt to cut it in a circular form it is circular shape here too we have to climb up like this we have come climbing up like this now we are proceeding further we came up climbing so much, now the climb has reduced road too is a little smooth Babu: is holding two types of Rock these are the two normal stones found here, one of this is different in colour almost like iron the stone which is big is less in weight this stone though small buy weighs more in comparison how much more does is weigh approximately Babu: it is almost double the weight in comparison to the other stone Me: there you can see the mobile tower we came from the way on the opposite side of the tower then came this way, took a U turn again we came this way then took another U turn and then came here we came waking in a S shape this looks like as if some one has assembled the rocks one above the other here we can see how they have cut the rocks i dont think this rock was cut in ancient time seems all new the stones here are a little soft as you can see here these are soft stones see how easily it breaks and become powdery like sand, thats why it is called sand stone. like sand as you can see it is all very different here the shape looks like a snake we have to walk a little more, now climbing up and down has decreased now we are continuing to walk on plain land now we are going down till some distance we have to move down ward the descend is over now we have to climb again this path is not one time inclination or steep, here repeatedly we climb up and then down now we are again climbing up it is not too much of a inclination but just a little bit of climb this is our mobile tower as we can see from there we have come quite far away now climbing up is over, now again descend begins now we have walking around 2 and a half kilometres starting to almost half a kilometre we were feeling tired initially climb was much and so we were feeling tired now as we are coming close from a distance of 1 kilometer we are not feeling that tired we are waking quite comfortably what do you think Babu? Babu: we are not feeling as tired as we felt initially the wind here is the reason locals say that the wing that flows through these medicinal plants they say that this wind has more oxygen content hence they say that we feel less tired here here in 1 hr time we can come walking but we are taking more time, we are taking more than one and a half hour since we are not the only one walking here, you all are with us here so that you too dont get tired and so that we can show you all the places around since we are showing every nook and corner here that is why we are getting delayed if we are going by walking we can reach there even if we spend half an hour or one hour there then in one hour we can come back within 3 hours we can go take photos videos and return back as well we are walking in a plain area all across us the place is plain where we are walking now we have come very near in around 100 meters distance is sidila padi it is not visible from here sidila padi is now just 30 meters away from here, yet it is not visible to us we have come as close as 20 meters we have got our energy drink of lime juice we will not throw this plastic anywhere we will carry back this along with us where ever we go what ever the situation we do not indulge is throwing waste here and there we have almost reached there, we are right next to it , yet it is not visible to us only if we go near it is visible it is some where here, it is not yet visible to us Babu: i can see it now, look there Me: where? wow, this is amazing you can now sidila padi when i had seen its photo i had imagined it to be a small place where we would have to bend and go in what had you imagined babu Babu: when i had seen it in photo i had imagined it to be small but on seeing it, it is too big Me : when we saw it how it felt was for around 2 seconds i was in shock it is so magnificent wonder in our own badami to go closer to sidila padi we have to climb down from here and then go come let us go there and see this is where we need to come, here is sidila padi previously astounded we saw this place from there now we are going there by walk a stone was hit by lightning thus this cave was formed hence this place is known as sidila padi here using rocks they have made a structure like walk the colour of the stone on the inside is different this is almost 5 times of Vijendras height Vijendra is 6 feet tall almost 6 times his height is the size of this cave i never thought that this would be so huge Babu: when is had seen in the photos in museum it felt as if is small we will have to bend and enter and may be only 4 people will fit into it but on seeing here, it is almost like going inside a cave Me: this is big cave hundreds of people can come here comfortably Me; i had thought that it would be too small and would have difficulty entering i was really surprised you may not be surprised as looking at it you may have got to know how big it really is i was amazed as i did not expect it to be this big that is why i was quite surprised the caves temples at Badami are human creation the caves have been carved out to make the temple here is a naturally formed caved really this is we can say that this is a gift of nature this gift has been around for lakhs of years they say our responsibility is to preserve this gift for another thousands of years this will be all of our responsibility here we can see pre historic paintings this looks like a sheep it is nice as you can see lot of picture they had drawn here 2 and 3 thousand yrs old pictures but the present people are so intelligent that this way even the ancient paintings we have spoiled no where else will we find such people, who spoil such historically important places other than in our country i feel other than our people no one else will spoil this to this extent as you can see if here are the people who spoiled this place here are the pre historic ancient paintings here we can see the pictures they have drawn these all are pictures of pre historic era it is getting destroyed a lot cannot say as to for how many more years will this survive even here at the lower part paintings were there but all that has got spoiled one is due to the rain water other are few of the people who come here have spoiled this place like this they have made their own drawing above the painting amazing sidila padi this is so wonderful it is not possible for us to make one understand by telling you have to come here, see this when seeing the place we need to act responsibly we need to preserve this we should not throw plastic here we should not resort to any kind of plastic based pollution and this should not be used as a place for drinking alcohol this is my heartfelt request i can only request you all as much responsibility we take it is so good for us all can come by walk till here even a little aged people can also come walking here it wont be that tiring we have to walk for 3 kms you can come walking if you get some water and some food if required, that will be sufficient you can sit here and have your food but again i am requesting that in no way do not pollute this place, what ever we had go along with us, we are taking it back we will not pollute this place in any manner all of you come see this gift of nature the happiness that it gives that is a different kind of happiness i have not seen a place like anywhere, this is the first place i am seeing like this if any of you have seen this sidila padi or if you have seen a similar place in Karnataka kindly let me know through comment these kind of 3-4 places exist there they have fenced the place and closed it so that people do not come there if we behave irresponsibly here then definitely here too will be a fence then there will a situation where in we too will have to see this place from far we have to behave as responsibly as possible now we climbing up we can see the views from top as well here we have to climb up the heat has begun we have reached here on top it is very beautiful this is a very beautiful place as you can see we are on top these are the openings which were visible from below we can walk around here are the stone here is quite thick we are going there in the middle if more people go there it will be completely destroyed though the locals are assuring that nothing will happen but i am not going there so i am only walking here hi am i visible babu come here we came walking by this way we came down that path and then from there the view was visible from there from this way we came inside

2021-04-23 23:21

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