S2Ep16 Let's Sail Greece - Ionian Islands (22.07-14.08.2019)

S2Ep16 Let's Sail Greece - Ionian Islands (22.07-14.08.2019)

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Learn. The contestant, with a little shopping. We. Still have two more days the fresh beat so. Four. Days of fresh, food and Amaral. We could store the food from before to two weeks make the ready. Dishes. And put them to the freezer. The. World. So. Are we going. What. Is there. Find. Out what can we go animal. Product. Wise one. Why. Cry yeah. Worldwide. Life. They. Need 50,000. Signatures. At. Least Oh 50. 100,000. Signatures. Max. Pandas. Are not living in dough in the Mediterranean, Sea. Yeah. But now we support, the Mediterranean. So. Tools. We. Never been that close slow. Best, thing. Idle oh but are we safe. Nobody. Told us about it. Santee. Port is not the nicest even, though the town is pleasant after. Three days here. And. Here. We. Really wanted to see the turtles on the beach and even little ones hatching from eggs but, you can't one day support WWF, and next, day go to stir up an destroy nature so, stay. Away and leave the turtles alone. During. Zakynthos, heading. Of the west. Coast, torchy. Frat guy. We're gonna boil off and it's easy to start because there. Moment. Six. Votes who are they 10 you've, gone into field left I love. To be very easy. Know what we're gonna have to do here so much traffic. But yeah the house, clear is stunning. Smuggler's. Paradise. You, know how it's gonna look from the video I'm thinking, the water on the video will be blue but, the really is turquoise. Is really. Greeny. Blue is, just, beautiful. Here. We are back to Kefalonia and, the. Felonious bald, sister, otaku. Underground. Yes. We ended up in this isolated Anchorage because we're going to head to. Toe. If it didn't come close. So. You helped, collector, yesterday, you found from, the world, stage now you found it watch me. So. We let the kappa donate this morning we have some wins and, that sort of influence of direction so we decided to go with the wind and. Sail. To Ithaca which, was of those 25. Miles. And. You go to the corner of Catalonia, now we have to turn to forged. For. Catalonia. To Ithaca or. Wind died. Now. It's just really really, really hot, I would. Like. Likes little, puffs of wind every now and again and guess, what yes mamma knows. So. It got it. Just seemed to have better Anchorage's, so that's why we've headed up that way, yeah. We're gonna go more than for the inner island on up to left cuts to. The canal and. Then we go to faxes, to see some. Olive. Oil products, that could be interesting, like you, know I mean we don't want to repeat, the same things what we already seen on the different islands, like to see the donkeys you already see millions donkeys, before to, see the Venetians perviness we sing them as well. So. We're, trying we're looking for something new something. Experience. And then we finish, it all in Corfu, which probably the most touristy. Comment. About homes we get there two. Weeks in Greece. Actually. Looking forward to change the country but first we have to get there and with this wind of, can be it, yeah, which is boarding these at the moment I'm a movie edge with the Corinth canal we. Go. To the tack of these we're already nearly. And, we're motoring I've done 50 years of motoring. It's. Just crazy for no. End or win in the wrong direction or just very very light that you have to have at least one engine on just require me some. Decent headway and. No. Point staying down here a two and a half months chased, a little bit of breeze and getting nowhere. After. A few days and nights of swimming and watching the stars we're underway to Paxos. We're. Approaching coal to town and a. Busy, busy place a lot of big power boats here. So. Trying to pick out a place where we can anchor. Was, they've, sort of taken all the nice places and they're, very big I'm. Gonna pull you out of the way. Friends. In two, days three, days, first. What. About the olives olives. Salt. Yeah, why would snow white I don't. Know. It. Looks like max wants a pocket money also. So. That's our last minutes, in Greece, last. Minutes in Greece so if flags are prepared. Ready. For Vania, but. Before, that mica has to go to. Had. To go into the whole checkout procedure yes. And now he's gonna tell us how was because he said it's a big story so I'm ready to record it that, he doesn't need to say it wife. So. Today, obviously were exiting we're, also entering as well which.

Probably Should have done that a week ago but he'll never dance neither there we. Exit. Entered so went in port police get your stamp and, then. Exit, you. Have two exits. Down port police stomp, some passports, ours, is not necessary, because we have EU passports, and, still. They like to stamp the actual cruelest, and then. It's returned, the, cruising. Log to. Add, customs. So. Spent two. And a half hours, close. To two and a half hours in Port police. And. I. Was, I had only one person in front of me in the queue and they were being dealt with while I was there so. It's, not like I had to wait, shoot. You hunter time just, a process is so slow so torn half hours they spent on you yeah. They're, dealing with other people in the same moment obviously they seem to prioritize, agents, because I don't know there's a little issue but. Connor is going on I mean they're not in the queue they come in and they just can speak the lingo and it get dealt with a little bit more. Easily. And. So then yes everything, was done decided. We didn't need a passport stamped, as I told her and showed her. So. Whose off dint customs, so. Customs, then is opposite. Side of the board so Alton, today he's George, along get the building, and, then. Trying, to find it so the, customs office is actually, in the middle of the. Departure. Lounge for, the ferries so. People are queuing up for tickets to get on the ferry and you're. There with your transit log between, them in the same queue in the thank you and you get the top two here and here I've said no you can't comment customs are busy obviously dealing with the people who are going to the. Boat so you're standing there and decide and annek you start to build up again at one person in front of me I knew I was in the right place because was an agent who had skipped. The queue and got in while I was being dealt with in in, the port police but, she had just got that one step further so. She, was able to argue with the security guard in Greek. And managed. To weasel. Her way in and get her transit log sorted for whoever she to in business for and off she went of, course my Greek it's.

Just A. Ferris. Toe which does, not really pull you a lot so. Grabby. Resort to English so started moaning I, said. My wife and family and kids sitting, out in the bay and 40, degrees heats were waiting for hours, and papers on two and a half three hours of this stage but and we got their windows in wrong with a little bit of exaggeration and. Of. Course she then started to. Walk. On my behalf and then as soon as she caught the eye of a customs official dragged, him over, and, then cousins official I'm too busy to fotografia, documents. So. I said look we're leaving we're not coming back I don't need any. Good. You, wanted to give you a product obispo you yeah this is a match me I said now I'm good you keep all originals you pay your tax show do all the practices then. I can't give you copies of the tax receipts message but I'm not coming back to donate them fine. You, brought me into the Alpha stand and. Then. That this argument ensued, between her and our co-worker because, when, we arrived here we got a six-month under lock and there's. Nowhere in the books that there is a 6-1, trans lucky to get one month or 18 yeah. When we entered into Greece and, as I said one of your guys left on this nothing. Fooled me, for, me it's without chance one more to 18 months that's it so. First. Of all I want to say why is six months so again I'm an EU passport holder. So. I had to show them yes look on Turkish resident at residency. Card we. Have marina, contract, which I showed them for up to November for. The. Place. You're staying from here in Turkey and. The. Boat is owned by a. Police, company unregistered Gibraltar, it does not come into the EU. Category. For that so it's entitled to an 18 month trans block. So. She'd. Take we deducted, okay fine, I said. You sorted, it themselves but, they still have to find something so, they were dead note that then it was okay you can go and then this is walking in the door she start asking me questions so I came back in answer. Our questions. Oh just. Gibraltar. Where is it you know there's that UK no it's not UK it's Gibraltar, you know so it, has its own cold so she's writing it in and. Where'd. The address for Belize where it is Belize, and you're going new he said yes South America, okay so that was all four numbers and, then, finally, free to go again so. Locally outside is acute axis because the next ferry was just on that's why he N I just. Managed to get in if. Ever. Happens our amount they. Would have loaded, and unloaded the next passenger, ferry and he'd just be left aside so. It is very difficult it's just so unprofessional, they, know they're, not geared towards, dealing with. Yoshi's. And there's, so many of us already we. Just have to sort of slip through there other systems that I have a place and it could be waiting for five hours that's not the longest we've waited we've had longer in Turkey and, I do remember when we exited, exit. Exited. Turkey grease last year true hoses, cost. Cost. You yes it. Was quite slanted process because we were hopping around from, again, we'd go to get. Passport. Control and back, to. Customs. And in that instance the customs guy is more interested in where we've been not about the document with all the different places and discussing, the different places we'd be in the lava stamps, so. Anyway job done free, to go I'm. Technically, you've got 24 hours to get out gosh we. Should be gone in the next let's say 20, minutes. So. That's it for today our five months in Greece is over as well we. Wish to, see more photos of places we visit it check, out the gallery on our website and don't. Forget to subscribe to our Channel.

2020-02-15 13:08

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