Rural Life in China’s Most Controlled Region (Tibet)

Rural Life in China’s Most Controlled Region (Tibet)

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all over the mountains inet are local people  living at extreme elevations and I want to   meet them I've been traveling through one of the  most restricted places for foreign Travelers in   the world at an average elevation of 4,380 M or  14,000 ft Tibet is the highest region on Earth   We're on the roof of the world and today despite  altitude sickness for one of us tort we're going   even higher to try and meet one of the world's  most remote families along the way we'll see   some of the most beautiful sites in the world  do some things I've never done before I've uh   never done that before and take in what is one  of the hardest places for foreigners to visit Tibet our first stop up in the mountains here  in Tibet coming from laasa to shat their stop   that kind of overlooks the entire mountains  there's a lots of animals they have and what   do is basically like they dress them  up then if you want to take like a   photo or video with them you have to  pay so yeah there's there's that I   hope they have a um Workforce labor  for the animals hello hello how are you no thank you those goats back there were  like tied to the one spot on the wall I don't   personally like stuff like that um and I won't  support it so that's just my personal choice   oh I feel so bad for the yak they're so cute  though do I have any favorite animal you do   I have any your favorite animal we should get  you a yak thing instead thing can I have a yak   no not not a toy like a yak and we're currently  about 2,000 no no 4,280 M um up and I'm still not   feeling any altitude difference or sickness  um which is very very lucky I don't feel any   different to where I was in Lassa and I really  didn't feel any different in Lassa this is my   last video however if you did watch it Michael had  some issues so watch that one after this one and   I'm pretty sure this is called like the roof of  the world we're on the roof of the world if you   watch the last video you'll know that Michael is  suffering with extreme altitude sickness here you go we're back in the car um to continue our  journey to shagat but Michael just needed to   grab some oxygen he's not feeling um um  the best I just don't handle it well no   because we're going to be in the car for so  long today I'm just going to grab a peach   that I bought yesterday in Lassa to eat along  the way something I've been so excited for   was seeing Yaks I didn't agree with paying to  sit on them but at least I could see them in   the wild Yaks aren't found in many places and are  generally localized to this General region of the world y hi cuties oh they're so cute they have one  baby oh little baby oh my God that's so cute we   will see the leg other side so oh wow leg did you  see that yeah wow yeah one of the three bers l in   bed oh really yeah can I get a coffee here yeah  yes today is a good day coffee and Yaks so we've   just stopped at this second stop if you know me  you know I need a coffee and if you don't know me   welcome hello I'm Josie I need coffee to function  it says Coffee what is it like 10° yeah 10° you   don't want a coffee or tea tea let check what they  have for coffee Michael is really struggling I   think with the altitude not well it's a fun trip  for me yeah you're not feeling well water pleas   okay yeah I'm fine but I think we've gone  up another probably 7 to 800 M just roughly   off the top of my head and I don't think it's  really meshing well since he was already sick   when we got to Lassa um he's been sick since  we got here I am being pretty irresponsible   though like there are people walking around  holding oxygen tanks and I'm trying to be too   proud like I can do it without it but like  everyone's walking around oxygen tanks I saw   one of the drivers who must do this all the time  sitting in there with one of the ones attached   to his nose like it obviously affects people  and it's not a stigma to like look after you   but I think I know Aussie maale thing to just try  and like tough it out so the driver's going to get   me [Music] some oxygen in a can and some water  and then it gets to the point where we fight   because I'm like just take your goddamn oxygen  I know I should I know I should I'm used to this   being like I I'll get through or whatever or not  making a fuss I'm used to not making a fuss very pretty I can see some Snowy Mountains from here  it is absolutely insane I've got a a yak back this way oh my goodness that's a yak yak's my new  favorite animal and look they've got all the Poo   here they're saving the Poo he just told me they  burned the Poo so they' just got like poo sitting   on these shelves oh that's so funny there's  lots of prayer flags up here it's really awesome   cappuccino latte uh cappuccino ex Americans  okay I'll a cappuccino cow oh yeah yeah so we   are just currently on our way to uh a local Farm  where we can actually have some local lunch with   them it's a long time in the car today I think  we're in for about 8 hours going through these   mountains so your girl really needs a coffee yeah  coffee shop from 4,677 Ft no meters meters he he   lives here right in in the mountain yeah how does  he uh feel the DM he come to the C and the night   will go down to the hotel he goes down to a lower  ler does he does he need oxygen does he find it hard you're okay he's if he not run then everything's not for me Texon text and Company text and  Company no I don't sorry no what what I want   to what I want to make make friends and what uh  relation relation oh it's okay I have I have a   boyfriend I almost got another boyfriend while  you were gone leave you alone yeah he wants my   number you your husband yes hello he's my friend  oh your yeah see you travel have a good trip you   too safe travel back to China you doing all  right yeah get you back to the car good thank you Michael was already struggling at Lassa  at an altitude of 3,700 M and at this point   we were over 4 ,300 and Rising but I was  completely fine we ended up stopping at a   local spot for lunch a few hours later so  we've just got to this uh town for lunch   um but I need to go to toilet and I literally  just realized it's probably going to be a squat toilet your girl's never done that before  okay Moment of Truth oh gosh okay okay   okay okay oh gosh okay um I don't know  how to do it I I don't know how to do   this I I don't I don't know how  to do it what do I do how do I   I have pants on I have pants on where  where do they go when I when I when I well that was an experience squ only I'm traumatized squat only  all right I'm chilling I have to ask you guys   if you've ever gone to a squat toilet before do  you take your pants on or off like I just didn't   know what to do how do they work no one's ever  taught me so in case you don't know you can't   actually come to Tibet as a foreigner without  a government permission so you need a permit   to come they are our permits to get into Tibet  and you have to have a guide with you basically   the whole time this tour is by experience to  bet I'm going to leave them in the description   bar below they've gifted me this um whole tour  in exchange for me making content for them um   which I said in one of my short forms that it's  easy to make because it is so beautiful here um   but thank you to experience debet if you are  looking to come to debet that's the company I   with I highly recommend them not just because  I'm getting gifted to me but because just of   how well they've looked after Michael um when  he's been sick with his altitude sickness um   and how friendly and helpful they are during  the tour as well so yeah I'm going to leave   them down below they are my um suggestion or  recommendation um for your trip to toet I am   a fiend for noodles I swear I love noodles pasta  noodles all different types of noodles this is delicious okay I think we have a change of plans  all right clean clean clean clean clean sorry   we're not going to Shikata anymore we're going  to gang Guang g g g g g g you say it for me ganty   thank you listen to the expert we're going to go  there instead we've got about a 3-hour journey to   that City it is absolutely stunning though we  are driving through the middle of all of these   mountains Mountain we've come through these two  mountains and one of them in the middle of them   is this massive like Glacier with snow on top  and it is just oh it's right there wow it's just   white it's so bright it's like blinding me like  this the reflection on the snow it's like bright lot how many met 7,200 M at the top of the  mountain yeah top of the mountain W the top   of the mountain we got yeah the like holy M you  that CL uh I mean I probably could to be honest   with you I'm a little I'm a little mountain  animal you are I'm a yak you are a yak I'm a   yak in a past life by the way wait where's the  altitude we are up to 5,000 m in altitude and I   am singing songs and dancing in the rain how  are you feeling horrible absolutely horrible   but this is beautiful this is worth it it's  it's worth being in disc guys I have never   seen anything like this I've never seen snow  I've never seen snow on a big mountain I've   never seen snow on a big mountain this close to  me this is insane true this is crazy I like the   the mountain is so close to the the clouds that  you can see the cloud Shadow see the cloud Shadow wow and yes yes I like his thumbs up okay  so we're 5,20 M up wow wow this is so incredible yeah sh sh glacia thank this by the way top of the the  mountain up there is like in the clouds that's   how high we are bye pretty Mountain bye bye  as we left the really White glacia Mountains   realizing I had never seen anything like this ever  before we headed to our new destination of gang to   spend the night okay we have to check in with the  police register with the police um that way here so this monuments is for the Tibetan Army you  got an need B just let me do this first H the   camera okay okay from it to tomorrow 10 yeah yeah  should I oh get the tank okay a tank yeah yeah   yeah yeah yeah to look after it's just an oxygen  tank chill out you need it you're going to die otherwise Here Comes Your oxygen it's embarrassing you have the oxygen at  the room okay then you can use the yeah yay come in whoa oh cool thank you Jacuzzi  Jacuzzi as well stop it they finish okay we bring   it to your room okay thank you thank so much  thank you okay so because plans changed and   now we're stop stopping here in this city rather  than chat um she had to book this on the fly on   the spot um this is so that we can go back and  do a village um see a local Village and and a   farm um a lot of the people here in Tibet he  was telling us are farmers um so we're going   to go have lunch with a local Farm uh with a  local farm with local people on a farm with   a farm we've got this really nice room um  we've got two twin beds we've got a place   over here for you to sit and work with a  massive TV there's a really nice bathtub   and he said there's a Jacuzzi a western toilet  a big shower um and a really nice space for us   to kind of spread our stuff out in um I have to  repack my bag a little bit oh and I have to set   up Michael's oxygen tank now I think if I turn  this curtain one [Music] it'll yep good [Music] night just before we head out for the day um and  go to like a local rural Village um I just want   to remind you that if you do come to tobet or  any like well any place actually at all if you   leave your house put on SPF this is not an ad I  just use this one um and because the sun is so   strong up here the UV rays is really really harsh  I went out for like an hour the other day without   sunscreen on and my face is super super red and  burnt and so is my neck I don't know if it's gone   away that up no mad all right let's go we started  the long journey in the car today to see a farming   family in the mountains of Tibet I've already  said that you need a guide to be able to come   here at all but you also need permits which were  checked at multiple stages throughout our trip   I will say that my lips are like super super I  don't know cracked or wind bured or something   I don't know if that has to do with altitude it  doesn't usually happen to me but I don't have any   Vaseline um that's probably the only symptom  that I have um with the altitude my lips are   really really bad but Michael's still struggling  today didn't sleep last night he kept feeling like   he was going to like die and stop breathing in his  sleep so fun fact peaches and apples are the thing   that mainly grow in Tibet because that's what the  climate allows to grow um the rest of them are   imported but I've been living living of peaches  and apples since we got here they're actually delicious all good good thank you thank you [Music]   so we came to stop to have a look at the base  of this amazing like ice Glacier but I found a   little coffee shop so I'm going to grab a coffee  from here you want one no thank you um someone there I can make it myself this is such a like photographic  spot this place is just so picturesque   hello sorry no coffee but no no electric  oh no electricity yeah no electricity   damn okay because actually they have  the generator but they don't have the   gas Lings okay hello hello thank  you how do I say thank you in TI oh no coffee next stop we'll try again wild  sheep yeah the wild sheep yeah we call Blue   Sheep blue sheep like the color blue yeah  because their eyes is the blue you know   oh that's what they call the yeah the blue  sheep with is the man and he not the man a   cool the Second National Protection animal yeah  okay uh I think I need to use the nature okay somewhere um I made the mistake of drinking  water to try and keep hydrated and now I   need to go to the toilet so I'm going to  they're picking a pal for me to use in the bush there's no way to go the  bridge you can use the under   the bridge okay okay just a second  oh I see in the bridge like a troll   okay all right be right back so I'm  going to head to the toilet just in here well safe to say I've uh never done that before we've been driving for a while and on this  side we see the Himalayas over there across this   r River and on the other side of that is Ban  wow we really are far away from everything out   there yeah after hours of driving we arrived at  the Tibetan family's house they had prepared a   traditional lunch for us made from the  produce they grow in their own Gardens hello hi poop yeah from cows Y and Y what is it what's  it for up there fire in the winter time oh they   they burn it yeah they burn it it's everywhere  so we've arrived at the local family's PL cows hi cuties climbing up through these stairs and houses  to get upstairs whereas he was telling us that the   animals mainly stay downstairs and they live  upstairs wow hello hello hi hello wow this is   pretty sweet tea or butter tea yeah uh sweet tea  for me sweet tea please cucumber that's cucumber   yeah no potato and the green pepper it's really  really nice they've prepared this food um I'm   not oh this is the uh cheese cheese that's right  the cheese the really hard cheese we saw in the   markets in the last video and the bread okay  they made at the homes all the fruit you know   all the food and drinks all they made at their  home you know oh all homemade yeah they Cheers Cheers that's good I again can't go wrong with fried  bread actual just potato he's um   he's peeling it but I think I feel  like T skin is actually good for you   so I'm I'm probably just going to  eat it you didn't eat with I guess yeah it's good that's cheese come closer look at  that do their um cows have names CS normally it's   not no name no no no no names because too much  normally one family they have um sometimes you   know six seven more their turns you know that's  way can I name them of course yeah all the way out   all born here yeah and this is to say that she's  married right you told me yeah yeah yeah yeah   she's married can you ask them what their um day  normally looks like yes they are like half NORAD   and half Farmers they have a lot of the Ys wake  up at 7 yeah 7:00 okay then the mens okay they go   for the Yaks okay they're looking for the Yaks and  okay the girls get start milkings milk yeah yeah   so normally the girls will get uh responsibility  at the home yeah the man they go outside too [Music] yeah I got my bowl of the food that they  made he was telling me that like the Cucumbers   the potato all of that stuff they grow in their  own Gardens and I had a taste of it already the   potatoes are so good they are it's like they're  meant to taste like this and we'd have different   stuff but anyway I got a little bit of pork  with some grains um capsicum delicious I'll have some I'll have some try the butter one yeah so butter tea yeah butter tea oh  wow that's different than sweet tea   yeah yeah totally different it tastes  like butter like funnily enough that's good sh I think I do prefer the sweet tea um  the butter just tastes kind of like butter   which for me it doesn't usually go in tea so so  this would be how they make the butter tea so   they put oh it's heavy so they put the butter  in here along with the tea and the water and   then you like manually do it somehow which and a  salt oh and salt which is crazy they keep water   in this one my first video um copper is really  prevalent in Tibet um why why why do you have   copper again I forget because we have the mine  the copper mine copper mine yeah so everyone uses   kind of copper to hold things yeah yeah yeah  also they keep this very long time you know   not like other yeah it last a long time so you'd  have this for like 10 years or something or more more at least 100 years what yeah really  yeah 100 yeah 100 years yeah at least means   at least so like your mom or dad or something  yeah yeah yeah they live yeah yeah 100 years   yeah at least 100 years yeah also met by  copper you know for Waters here oh yeah   for the water show you real quickly this view  sitting out here and that is your view it is beautiful you live in a beautiful looking place she means she live the most uh beautiful  place in this area live in the almost   the middle of the leg oh yeah sure very  nice house oh sugar sugar sugar this was cheese Tea Station yeah and the T ah you said  for the morning yeah yeah yeah Zamba yeah so   that's okay you can you can mix the cheese  okay if you like sweet you can mix the yeah   Sugar Sugar yeah a cool roasted B the winter they  use the stock now it's really cold here right yes   the winter time okay they use the stock at the  middles okay they they do the morning tea and   dinner so how many people would live in this  house is it all one family yeah one [Music] family six yeah this is where they  would prepare oh is this butter is that butter be B beer like alcohol yeah Al  oh good thank you delicious away drink   how others live their daily life is so interesting   to me and I'm so grateful to be able  to be here to see it fir hand [ __ ] you like this so you do you're telling me that you make a  like a prayer and then you pull this right yeah   that's right so what does the Turning symbolize  because I told you the inside there have lots   of scriptures scriptures way she sorry that he  turn into crop WS it is similar he recite the   man that's right normally when I meet people  from different parts of the world I normally   ask them what they would like to tell the  world can you ask them if he has anything to say uh hold walls peace yeah because uh right now  they have lots of Wars inace that's way he means   okay the world peace is that his most you know  wishes and again it's shown to me that while we   may live so far apart on a map our wishes aren't  all that far apart after all that was beautiful   let me name their cows hold on this one's name  is Cappy Cy cuz that's our dog's name yeah this   one's name is Milo Milo yeah Milo that one's name  is spot spot yeah spot um one drinking's name's h   for hangover H and yeah the Milo is my favorite  there there's a horse oh there's a horse bye   friends wait what do you call C tur t t this one's  called snow and this one's called milk you like it   not milk because of the [Laughter] color thank  you thank you sure goodbye [Music] sure we are   a few hours more into the journey that started  at early this morning we're just checking our   permits again and passports almost back to  Lassa almost the 4-Hour drive back to Lassa   gave me time to reflect on what has truly  been anep journey I came here with the same   thoughts about Tibet that the rest of the world  has but I didn't come here for any political or   investigation based reasons I didn't come here  to prove a point or to change anyone's Minds I   came here to experience true stunning Beauty and  I found it in one of the most beautiful places in   the world I met welcoming people who are kind  enough to share their culture and home with me   regardless of what's happening in the world or  in a specific region of the world it is just   confirmed what I learned over and over again when  traveling people are the same we value similar   things we want to love and be loved and despite  what the people who are supposed to represent   us do on our behalf we all want peace with each  other because that makes life better for all of us

2024-07-30 03:06

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