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my name is daniel shepard on october 23 2020 my father was murdered in my hometown of walker creek an area which i now know is occupied by shape-shifting creatures known as the hosted or skinwalkers the day he died he left me a package and he told me to find the truth and for over a year i've been trying to figure out exactly what that meant we're trying to uncover the secrets behind my hometown and uncover the secrets about him that was a year ago now i've been invited back to walker creek by the leader of the hosted tour guide they threatened my life but they promised me answers it's it's dangerous and and risky and and insane but god i have to know i have to know what my dad was up against i have to know why he was murdered so i'm going back to walker creek yeah let's do this misery fell on the town when they lost all their looks spent all those years with their jobs and their scholarly books with no one to share all their thoughts and their worldly to oh no they got down and prayed a little more for a life that was free wanting a change they assessed how reform comes around [Music] a wise man suggested they work in their smiles not their friends and all of a sudden it sounds like the town was to be oh yes a happier place where they live out their personal dreams why this town without love too much faith in a ball can you feel the force that it brings not to [Music] hey i'm actually parked right now i'm still a few miles out but if i drive through the night i should definitely be there by tomorrow what are you up to okay cool yeah i'll be there by uh 11 or 12 tomorrow morning this will be fine also adam said he wanted to talk about something he wants to talk fine listen daniel i got to tell you something can you just tell me tomorrow look this thing with adam it's going to be all right all right i'm just glad i'll be with you anyways i'll see you later sounds good [Music] can you feel the force that it brings not to worry about [Applause] their things all the people that kiss all the children that wish all the fresh living flowers that spend all their hours outside in the rain just so happy you came from so far for so long with a welcoming song to say [Music] it's so good to see you bye good to see you too here man what's it called that sucks so here i am back in walker creek back in this living room back with matt you know i do wish the circumstances were better but you know hanging out and going down memory lane just doesn't really work when you're trying to fend off an alien invasion well i mean think of it like this the most badass things friends can do and i mean it wouldn't be any other way so i'm not complaining well yeah but hey look daniel and matt back together again right fighting off aliens uncovering secrets taking on the host and if i'm being honest it feels kind of good to be back in walker creek yeah you know i never thought i'd say that he did so our plan has changed since we got the message from the management they know about us now originally the plan was to infiltrate the home and acquire intel but that plan's basically shot so here's the alternative me and matt are going to meet with adam he's been in hiding ever since he betrayed the tour guide and now the plan is to meet with him at waterfield park daniel what i need to tell you something all right matt whatever it is you can tell me right come on remember when i went to investigate the home entrances and the enforcer chase happened yeah you mean luke right i remember well he wasn't the only one there and i didn't get away as easily as i said matt what are you saying no no daniel i'm not a host adam was there so we have something to discuss adam what the hell do you want i want you to talk to me the enforcer is still inside your home how about will you turn there to discuss he said he wanted to talk to me that was before everything was just [ __ ] with adam what was what was he even doing there i don't know it's like the time i met him at sanders mine like a warning but by this point you've caused quite a lot of trouble it's getting more difficult to keep you hidden you got the attention of that idiot rebel turns hosted fought the look at enforcer you're becoming high profile huh so how does that affect you matt matt i need you and daniel alive i need you under the radar you're a crucial part of my plan here listen what the hell i don't like being a pawn in someone else's game what do you even want from you and why why didn't you even tell me because i had no choice that's a pawn for him too i didn't jeopardize the investigation or you wasn't optional listen matt i don't want to kill you but you should hear me out the enforcer is waiting outside well do you all of me i want you to work for me to ensure that everything runs smoothly are you insane i'm not really one of them and besides the enforcer knows where you live he knows who you are and unlike you to this point he does work for me every time adam when i think you're getting better you just do some insane [ __ ] david was right about you you're untrustworthy you're probably right i'm glad we're agreed i have a lead on getting into the hope i'll send it to you soon and under no circumstances will you tell them about this so he blackmailed you what did he make you do not much just listening to him he was the one that tipped me off the paradise island it's also the one that stopped me from saving nick there's also the one that told me to turn on my tv to see the message from the englishman i don't get it why why didn't he just tell us like a normal person i don't know he never told me control power security you know why we're seeing him soon you can ask him then oh you bet your ass i will okay matt i'm not mad at you okay it's just surprising you know i know you did everything to help with the investigation i mean look where we are right now we wouldn't be here if it weren't for you right and when we see adams tonight you and me working confront them and take care of this all right hey i love you man hey do you have food i'm hungry how about i make you some uh spaghetti or something huh yeah sure i'll have some you know where the pantry is i'm just gonna finish editing this vlog cool hey you just blew past the road to waterfield park i told you i should have been the one driving we're not heading to waterfield park not yet where are we going then i have a few errands to run look will you stop worrying we have a hell of time before we have to actually go to the park just we'll be there soon [Music] it's good to be back [Music] so what are we doing exactly two things one i need to go to carter company and get the rest of my dad's stuff it's been there since he died [Music] you didn't do this before because because i wasn't in walker creek and only blood relatives can come and get their stuff oh yeah fair point second thing i need to get some julie's in me because it has been literally forever since i actually had julie's speaking of which we are actually here so could you put the camera away hey julie well this is it time to get my dad's stuff all right [Music] well a lot of memories and this is actually kind of interesting a flash drive you want to go home and open it no no let's wait until after the meeting and if you don't mind i'd want to open this on my own well yeah of course thanks man no problem all right did you ever tell you what he wanted to talk about i don't know the plan i assume but don't worry i'll have some words with him on your path won't change anything i know maybe not but look i'm just sick and tired of everybody just walking all over us this ends now you're so pissed why'd you get him an extra muffin i don't know like actually no why'd you give me extra i don't know listen i don't know all right maybe i thought i'd calm down a little bit it couldn't hurt right [Music] hey matt it's gonna be fine all right together now we're gonna get through this okay i don't know that's making me nervous we're not exactly inconspicuous with these cameras out here either don't worry if you're assuming you're correct and daniel's right you're making this much riskier with all the cameras i like the new look at them but don't forget these cameras were part of the plan that you told me about true let's get straight to it i want to talk about our plans we'll get to that but how about you first tell us about how you blackmailed my best friend into doing your bidding seriously would you expect adam for you to stick to the plan there's always a plan within a plan with another plan and another plan what's going on i'm going to tell you why do you think i called you two idiots here you just call us idiots you're such a dick look i'm here for a fresh start you know my goals you know what i want and you know what you're going to do for me all you care about is yourself adam you don't care who wins or loses as long as you benefit that's not true daniel i'm still human mostly look i want this to end when andrea wins want this to end when you win i want this to end when the host in the harvest star lose in case you forgot adam i'm not a part of the rebellion neither am i you're both naive do you think the tour guide will see it that way do you think the enforcer cares about that little technicality think the harvest star will spare you for it god pull your heads out of your asses you are so far beyond simply finding the answers to your daddy issues you're rebelling against the hosted you've aided rebels you're meeting with me now if you actually listen you'll be on the winning side adam is it really that simple it's that simple fine and just tell us the simple truth why did you recruit matt at all to keep him from screwing up the plan everybody said to you on that phone call he was going to quit the investigation push you further from walker creek i couldn't have that wait does that mean so you still want to quit so were you just lying the entire time no no no are you kidding me no i wanted help for god's sakes have emotional revelations on your own time we have more important things to worry about right now fine so what's the whole thing you're trying to keep him from ruining and is your plan even possible with the tour guide screwing everything up still oh it's still very possible daniel look i already know you're planning for the festival you're meeting with the tour guide i already know where it is and i know what you'll actually be doing during it look since we already discussed it you know basically what to expect not everything because i can't tell you everything but look here's my advice for the 23rd no matter what happens don't panic stick to your plan well actually it's max play well she's my plan so your whole plan was just our original plan yeah meeting with the tour guide exactly there's no other choice i would get the rebellion to help but we're not in the best position you'll be completely on your own in your meeting why is it scary still makes me nervous though how about this adam what if we make our own plan what if we don't follow yours you won't really and what if we do what if we do make our own plan you know i'm tired of you i'm tired of you not being trustworthy and you're not telling a [ __ ] i'm tired of being your pawn you won't matt seekins and i'll tell you why you're incapable of beating me you're too scared to go off of my path you want to call this game fine nobody plays it better than me this has been my life's work this is my only way out and it will not be sabotaged by two teenagers being incapable of following the rules i have broken every rule i have to protect you i have ensured that every event has come to pass and now it is down to you either you keep playing or you die that's not a threat that's just the truth of the situation you've gotten yourselves into we're done here you know if we weren't dealing with an apocalyptic potentially world ending scenario we'd be friends we're both arrogant self-absorbed obsessive we're not i'm not like that at all and maybe if you got your head out of your ass you could see that too and adam i'm not selfish i got you this from julius i know you like that thank you listen to the message your father left my father on the flash drive listen to it what do you mean god he's so intense no he he does what he has to do i i think i understand him now what i mean him i i get it daniel about earlier no matt look it's fine let's let's just get out of here all right i have a message to listen to daniel i don't know when you'll hear this but i want to say i'm sorry words can't fix what i've done but i'm sorry i should have been around more i should have been more positive more caring more loving more of everything i'm sorry i thought i was doing it for you the lying the the double crossing you're gonna find out a lot about me soon if you care enough to look if you do i hope you can understand maybe even finish what i started maybe treat me a little less harshly but i don't expect much what i'm about to do i doubt i'll survive adam told me it isn't worth it but my life's work has taken everything from me including my son it has to mean something i have to take a stand even if it means i'll be gone stay close to matt he was there for you when i wasn't don't let him go even now that you've left have someone who cares about you someone you can trust don't make the same mistake as me you have to choose on your own now i believe in you i love you daniel [Music] matt [Music] i'm sorry daniel [Music]

2021-10-25 19:21

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