Port Dickson Avillion Hotel 2D1N trips

Port Dickson Avillion Hotel 2D1N trips

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阳光气息 啊你们可以去探索一下啊 哎这边有个泳池 嘿 啊 这个看这里就是动物园哦买噶 我要去买点水喝 等下我口渴嘞 2瓶哪里够哦 我买点冷冷水喝嘞 啊啊啊啊 就是进来里面过后呢 他就是这样子的 等一下我看一下先有冷气 呢 我们去别的地方玩 我们去另外一间好不好我们去 可以但我建议你应该是不必 因为我们还要去沙滩一下 两张床 然后还有一个床在这个这边呢 后面还有个阳台呢 有些人讲很多那种鸟屎啦 但是我觉得还好啊 这种地方 大自然的地方都是这样子咯 来给你们看一下 哇好漂亮啊 我给你们看一下厕所 他厕所好大哎 你看有这样子 他的厕所是开放式的 没有冷气 which is fine 啊嗯然后有一个厕所啊 呃然后有一个哇浴缸诶 给他妹妹泡澡太好了 这里有一个淋浴的地方 然后这一边就是这边是钓鱼的吧 涨潮现在退潮也钓不到 我好喜欢他的浴室 他浴室 我觉得很很大自然的感觉 怪不得不可以就是用无人机啊这地方 好漂亮哦这地方 真的是不错 进去啦你你这是拉门来的 你可以呃向旁边拉就可以了 拉喽 拉 舒服啊小宝宝 现在是现在是3点 现在是退潮 等一下9点就会涨潮啊 9点就会涨潮 嗯 看到有一些有一些 那个螃蟹 yes 啊 啊 啊 啊啊啊啊 咕噜咕噜嗯咕 噜咕噜嗯 咕噜哈哈 咕噜嗯咕噜 咕噜咕噜 咕噜 这边你看是什么东西啊 哎好乖哦这里有一只 哎咯咯咯 咯咯咯咯咯咯咯咯 咯咯咯咯咯咯咯咯咯咯咯 给人喂惯了这些兔子 咬你手啊我跟你讲 哈哈那个喂惯了啊 你看到没有? 有人骂你了 啊我坐我坐 去玩了杰 去玩那个滑梯 你带他去玩滑梯啊老婆 你扶着他 你扶着他啊 去扶着他啦 你带他去带他去 啊 哈哈哈 哈哈 哈哈 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 嗨 嗨嗨 嗯慢慢扶住扶住 这边呢可以 啊妈 妈 啊啊啊 啊 啊 啊 哈哈哈哈哈 这里这里这边这边 嗯 这边这来 耶耶 哈 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 哎 哎 哎小心小心这边 耶 耶 哈哈哈 唔你看喂 给你吃要不要 小小的螃蟹 不要了不要了 不要啦给他自己跑 拜拜 喂你很坏耶 不要这样子的 这么坏的你 不要不要不要 你看我有贝壳了 看到没有 我有很美的贝壳 我要拿回去 爸爸我看到美美的贝壳啊 很美这贝壳真的是 真的美哦 哎我去拿给你贝壳 美美的贝壳 哇下雨啊 嗨 有没有挖到啊 有没有挖到东西啊 耶 我的粉红色贝壳呢 我的粉红色贝壳呢 耶嗨 嗨 有没有挖挖 哎 水不要这样子哎 要不要喝的 为什么把水放里面 不是这样子的杰 摸摸他看看他就好了 不要打他的 对啊 嗯 不要摸的,看就好了 看就好了啊 好了来我们走 我们走了 他遇到母的他就会开啊 没有遇到母的就不会 飞上去上面的 呃穿鞋子玩啦 做么脱鞋子玩? 肮脏嘛 肮脏?嗯 this is your house can i go up cannot i'm too heavy only jie can 哇杰那边有转转啊 你看那边有 有你看这个 转转的 OK租了这个钓竿 是时候要尝试钓鱼一下好不好啊 要钓鱼吗杰? 要要啊 真的 哎妈妈在喂牛奶 hmm relaxing 有蚊子咩? 我们隔壁有 这我们自己的 隔壁是有 这人家冲凉房的 他们厕所跟我们连在一起 真的 多美啊那个风景你看一下 我的天 不要讲外面呢 里面的也是很漂亮 你看这个小路 你看这个灯 哇 not sure go and check 应该是小鸟吧 哇好漂亮哦 对啊灯来的 OK 好喝吗你要跟我换吗? 不我的 我的我的 我的脸变成红色了 我觉得我的比较好喝 哎我的龙眼 好喝啊你你肯定你要中国茶? 要叫热水给你吗 有点糖分的我觉得 嗯 虾姑 嗯 这边东西好吃哦 东西又多 价钱也OK了 比起我们去云顶吃那个好吃很多 那个很奇怪 那个又贵味道又很奇怪 那个半山那个 什么蛋白虾 哎哟难吃得要死,苦的 放酒对啊 放酒我不是很吃得惯 但是他蔬菜不错 田七菜还是不错 还是这边的比较适合我们吃 杰你这个是什么口味 哎呀 芬达 好喝吗好不好喝 拜拜 老婆你看 呦 no one no one there no one there oh oh my god 不是夜市 那个是海滨步道 海滨集市 全部在钓鱼 不要在这边钓鱼哎老板 啊 你选你要的 不要只是看你爸爸 选你要 选哪一个 杰你要哪一个颜色啊 你要这个 杰你在做什么啊 你在干什么啊? 风筝 杰你在买什么 买风筝 啊我没有听见呢 啊 你们 大个的 杰 这是什么来的 杰这是什么来的 啊喂 哈哈哈 很累啊要去睡觉 要不要要睡觉 要睡觉 啊很多人买这个 不要啦跟你讲笑的啦 你傻傻的 要什么自己要讲的嘛 不用怕的 我玩这个好不好啊咦 嗯 啊 哈哈 哈啊哈哈哈哈啊哈哈 这边这边啊这里啊 咦咦咦哇 你小鸟飞很高哦 该次我们加给你喽 你什么名字哦你小鸟 啊 你小鸟是什么名字哦 咦咦 哇哇哇 哎呀让我来 妈妈时间 是妈妈的表演时间 啊 啊啊 啊啊 啊啊啊啊 啊 哈哈 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 还有 呢 啊 啊啊 比较好看 哇越来越厉害 很熟练了他 有两只鸟,不要过去的 等下撞到人家 等下撞到人家会打结的 哇这里很好 很厉害 耶 看你 你比较好看 有两只鸟鸟不要过去了 等下撞到人家 要撞人家打结的 哇杰你的小鸟飞得很厉害哎 很好哎 飞到很美哎杰 哈哈 哈 哎呦妹妹还不能玩呢 等大点先,多两年 两年还不可以啦,要三年 这可以 他又认真了 啊 啊啊 哇 杰过来这边过来这边 杰 你去哪里? 哈哈哈 他还是要找你哎 爸爸 哈哈 你抓泡泡啊 哈哈呜呜呜 小孩子的天堂真是 啊 不用买那个泡泡 看到有人玩就粘过去吧 还好不是直接抢 那个枪来玩 杰最喜欢就是抓泡泡 失败失败 一个不可以啊 要两个的 哎呀 哎呦 好厉害哦 要不要射你的头啊?不要 痛痛的 羊肉串 我们选的呢 它是羊肉 然后把它切出来的 所以他烤的时候呢他有油他会溢出来 所以再靠我们自己腌制呢 他们里面的肉就是最后的食用油 嗯小心哎 哈哈 哈不要紧啦来过来 叮叮 叮叮 爸爸嗯 爸爸看我 嗯看这个很肮脏的 画来的嘛 画是这样子 爸爸嗯 这根绳子是不是打开啊 拉咯,要很大力才可以 不是拉这个 拉另外一个 嗯这个咯 拉不到吧 要很大力的 帮你拉好不好? 这样子拉嗯 哎呀对不起对不起 有痛吗你 哎呦不可以 顶着了 不要紧啦,我明天才看 锁了 啾你看杰 啾 哼哼哼 嗯那是谁啊 杰在做什么? 喝什么水? 嗯 巧克力,好喝吗 好喝 能不能分享? 哎呦咳嗽了 不能喝了喽 是不是对不对 咳嗽了 哦 我听到咯咯咯哈哈哈 喂 呵呵呵OK OK 啊这个是录影啊 这个不是拍照 这个我放这边 有鸟大便 好我看海就好 肮脏肮脏 你按你按着我就好 谁在里面 啊谁在里面 谁在里面 谁在里面 不知道妈妈在干嘛 爸爸谁在里面啊 谁在里面 嗯别人咯 别人。有很多人在那边住的嘛 也不只是爸爸 爸爸嗯 他在做什么 他们 他们就喝酒 听歌倾偈啊谈天啊 他们在里面做什么 他们在谈天啊 倾偈谈天 这样子啊 谈天 啊 不错哎这个风景真的是很好哎 爸爸这个 这个酒店很好哎 不错哦 这个什么 如此柔软的芦苇 应该是酒店的设施 在哪里哦那个? 嗯 好的 派对屋之类的吧 看下有什么东西吃啊 这是什么东西哦 不知道什么来的 哦 飞饼也有 水果也有 有两个哦 这个 放里面吧 放里面啊 啊 不要不要 脆脆哦 搽给你吃的 搽点那个叫什么啊花生 花生来给他吃 抹手了 可以吃了 好吃没有啊 嗯哼好吃没有啊 嗯哼 is it good 哦呦好吃 哎杰不要去那边的 那边很小很小很窄那面 哎走了过来 去喝水啊 去喝水你看有没有水 它不要吃哦 哎去给他吃啊 哦去问他要不要吃 去看他要不要吃 啊啊 他不要吃,算了 要 他不要吃,他饱了 来对 丢这边给他吃就好了 他不要吃 来放这边看他要不要吃 OK 他不喜欢吃哎 哦你要坐那个船啊 哈喽 姐 有鱼吗有没有鱼啊 等下她会冲走 不会啊 why like that who's inside why like that 为什么 哎 哦哎呀 不要紧不要紧 哎他冲走了 不要紧啊 哈哈哈哈哈 哈哈 要不要放下去 不要了我写字了 放哪了 要小一点的 哎 哇哇 冲掉了 送给我可以 吗 哦这是滑梯来的 要玩吗? 要玩啊 and he loves and he loves this one oh he love her he want this one he want this 不要了还有别的吗 菜要吃菜吗 问他要不要吃菜 豆豆也有,给他吃 菜也有豆也有 豆啦,长豆 他很喜欢吃的 哦呦 他他抢到来吃的哦 他喜欢吃哎 哈哈哈你看 他抢来吃哦 哎后面还有哎 这边还有很多只哎 巧克力色的 你看有白色的很多哎 哇好多兔子 嗯老公 你挡住我了 你屁股我拍不到 啊 好多好多兔子 我看你后面也是很多 哎 不用怕的 他不会咬你的啦 不是咬我 他抢我的 他抢你的来吃 嗯 哈哈哈 他吃到吗? 喂 妈好多兔子 喵喵喵喵喵 喵喵 喵喵要吃呀 不喜欢吃 嗯 你拿着不要丢的 拿着给他吃就好 这边有沙 拿着给他吃就好 嗯啊 去这边去这边 好你来这边 这边有这边有石头 啊 来,这边哎 他 哦哎这边啊 这边有沙呢这边 哈哈哈 他有牙齿 牙齿啊有咬到你没有啊 有啊哈哈 oh what 哈哈哈 哇这边 很多只,有4只哎 这边这边很多只在等着你吃 啊我给你一包要不要? 你要进来吗 这边哈喽哈喽这边 这边这边 哎 呀 好可爱呀 哎可爱呀好可爱啊 喵喵喵 你看他的嘴巴很厉害 哎呦呦呦 你看他哎呦呦 哈哈 吃菜多哎呀哎呀哎呀哎呀 哎呀哎呀哎呀哎呀哎呀呀呀 我再买了一包啊 哇塞 拿进来吧 老婆你 你拿着,老婆整包给你啊 再买一包 他很开心 哈哈哈一群兔子围着他 够了够了够了 哈哈哈啊 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈 哎呦 哈哈哈 眼睛有看 看看看看看 不要吃啊? 不要吃我放车上面 啊 不怕他咬你? 不怕他咬你手? 你很敢你真的是 好了啦没有啊 走我们去去去 换衣服了 你不是要去游泳哎 走吧不是啊 你儿子啊很喜欢这个 买一只兔子给他养要不要? 哦兔子啊 放在阳台 阳台会不会热死他 放厨房哦 没有肉吃 可以煮来吃哦 养的话应该是放客厅啊 要养吗杰 要养啊 买一只给你养要不要 我要养 好哦 好像很温驯嘛 吃啊 他不要吗? 我试一下喂它看一下 不吃啊 我试一下 他不喜欢哎 放这边了 看他吃不吃 他不吃哎 little fish 我弄一个枪他就走 好啊弄给他吃 它吃了你看 它吃你的鱼了 吃你面包了 它很喜欢吃你面包 哇有个蓝色的鱼耶 有个蓝色有个金色 我看一下 很多很呢金色的鱼 看到没有 金色尖尖的鱼 Sunshine breath Ah, you can go and explore. Hey, there's a swimming pool here Hey! Ah! Look, this is the zoo. I'm going to buy some drinks I'm thirsty How can 2 bottles be enough? I'll buy some cold water to drink Ahhhh Just after coming in. That's what the room looks like. Wait a minute, let me take a look. There's air conditioning Woof Let's go somewhere else to play.

Let's go to another room, shall we? Yes, but I suggest you shouldn't have to. Because we're going to the beach Two beds And there is another bed on this side. There's a balcony at the back Some people talk a lot about that bird shit But I think it's OK.

This kind of place This is how nature works. Let me show you Wow, it's beautiful. I'll show you the toilet His toilet is so big You see it like this.

His toilet is open There's no air conditioning. Uh-huh, and then there's a toilet Uh and then there's a wow tub It's great to give his sister a bath Here is a place to shower And this side is this side for fishing, right? You can't catch the high tide and the low tide now I really like his bathroom His bathroom I feel very natural No wonder you can't use drones, this place So beautiful, this place Really good. Come in, you are coming from the sliding door. You can, uh, just pull it to the side.

pull pull Comfortable baby It is now 3 o'clock It's low tide. Wait a minute, the tide will be high at 9 o'clock. The tide will rise at 9 o'clock OK See some have some That crab Ah! Ah! Ah! Ahhhh Gollum um goo Grug Gollum haha Gollum um gollum Gollum Gollum What do you think it is here? Hey, there's one here Hey, cluck, cluck.

cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck Cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck Rabbits here are used to be feeded Later bite your hand Haha, the rabbit used to it Did you see that? Someone scolded you Ah I sit I sit Went to play Jay Go play that slide You take him to the slide, wife You hold him Can you hold him? Go and hold him You take him take him Ah! Hahaha Ha ha. Ha ha. Hahahahahahaha Hi.

Hi. Hi. Well, hold on slowly, hold on How about here? Ah mom Mom Ahhh Ah! Ah! Ah! Hahahaha Here, here, here, here. OK Come here Yeah yeah Ah. Hahahahahahaha Hey Hey Hey, be careful, be careful here Yeah! Yeah! Hahaha Uh look hello Do you want to eat for you Tiny crab No, no. No, let him run by himself See you. Hey you are bad Don't be like this.

You are so bad No no no You see I have a shell Do you see it? I have beautiful shells I want to take it back Dad, I see beautiful shells. Beautiful this shell really is It's really beautiful. Oh, I'll get you shells.

Beautiful shell Wow, it's raining. Hi. Did you dig it? Did you dig up anything? Yeah! Where are my pink shells? Where are my pink shells? Yeah hi Hi. Did you dig? Hey Water, don't be like this Do you want to drink Why put water in it? It's not like that, Jay. Just touch him and see him Don't hit him Right.

OK Don't touch it, just look at it. Just look. Ok let's go There we go. It will show it's tail when he meets female peacock Not without a female Fly up above Uh, let's play with shoes Why do you take off your shoes to play? Dirty Dirty? Um Wow, there is a spinning thing over there Look over there Yes, look at this.

spinning OK, I rented this fishing rod. Is it time to try fishing? Want to fish, Jay? Do you want it? Really? Hey mom is feeding milk Are there mosquitoes? We have it next door. This is our own There is one next door. This person's shower room Their toilet is connected to us. Really? What a beautiful scenery, take a look at that scenery Oh, my God. Don't talk about the outside The inside is also very beautiful.

Look at this path Look at this light Wow It must be a bird Wow, it's beautiful. Yes, it's from the lights. Is it delicious? Do you want to change it with me? No, mine. My, my. My face turned red I think mine tastes better Oh my longan Delicious! Are you sure you want Chinese tea? Do you want hot water? A little sugar, I think OK Mantis Prawn OK The food here is delicious Lots of stuff The price is OK. It's much more delicious than when we go to Genting to eat that.

That's weird. That one is expensive and tastes weird The one in the middle of the mountain What protein shrimp? Ouch, it's horrible to eat, it's bitter. Put wine, right? I'm not used to wine But he has good vegetables.

Tian Qicai is still good The one here is more suitable for us to eat. Jay, what flavor is this? Oh, dear. Fanta Is it delicious? Is it delicious? See you. Wife, look Yo Not a night market That's the Waterfront Walk. All in fishing Don't fish here, boss Ah! You choose what you want. Don't just look at your dad Choose what you want Which one to choose? Jay, which color do you want? You want this? Jay, what are you doing? What are you doing? Kite Jay, what are you shopping for? Buy a kite.

Ah, I didn't hear it. Ah! you big one Jay What is this? Jay, what is this? Ah hello Hahaha Tired and going to bed Do you want to sleep To sleep Ah, a lot of people buy this. No, I'm joking with you You are stupid If you want something you need to tell Don't be afraid. Can I play this? OK Ah! Ha ha. Hahahahahahaha This way, this way, this way.

Hey, hey, wow. Your bird is flying very high We'll add it to you next time. What's your name, you little bird? Ah! What's the name of your little bird? Eeee Wow wow wow Oops let me do it Mom time It's mom's show time Ah! Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

Ahhhh Ah! Ha ha. Hahahahaha And Woof Ah! Uh-huh. It looks better. Wow it's getting better He is experienced now There are two birds, don't go there Hit someone later Later you hit them and both strings tie together Wow it's nice here Very impressive.

Yeah! Look at you. You look better. There are two birds, don't go there Hit someone later You're going to hit someone and string will tie together Wow, Jay, your little bird flies really well.

Very good It's beautiful to fly, Jay Ha ha. Ah. Ouch, little sister can't play yet Wait a little bit, two more years Two years is not enough, it will take three years. This is ok.

He's getting serious again. Ah! Uh-huh. Wow Jay, come here, come here Jay Where are you going? Hahaha He's still looking for you. Dad? Ha ha.

Are you catching bubbles? Haha woohoo A child's paradise is really Ah! Don't need to buy that bubble. Go to them when you see someone playing Fortunately, he is not grabbing by force that gun Jay likes to catch bubbles failure failure Can't make it with one Need two. Oh, dear.

Ouch. That's amazing. Do you want to shoot you in the head? do not want painful Mutton skewers What did we choose? It's lamb Then cut it out So when he bakes, he has oil and he overflows So we marinate it ourselves? The meat inside them is the last cooking oil Um, be careful Ha ha. Ha, it doesn't matter, come here Ding ding Ding ding Dad Dad look at me Hmm look at this dirty It is painting Painting is like this Dad Is this rope to open? Pull it, it takes a lot of force Not pulling this.

Pull another one Hmm this Can't pull it? It needs a lot of force. Can I pull it for you? Pull like this Oops sorry sorry Do you feel any pain? Ouch, no. Hold on It doesn't matter, I'll watch it tomorrow. Tweet, look at Jay chirp Hum hum hum Mm, who's that? What is Jay doing? What are you drinking? OK Chocolate, is it delicious? delicious Can you share it? Ouch cough Can't drink Is it right? Cough Oh. I hear it, giggle, hahaha.

Hello Hehehe OK OK Ah, this is video This is not a photo shoot. I'll put this here. Bird poop Okay, I just look at the sea. Dirty dirty Just hold me Who's in there? Ah who's in there Who's in there? Who's in there? I don't know what mom is doing Dad, who's in there? Who's in there? Hmm someone else Others. Many people re living here Not just dad Dad What's he doing? They They drink. Listen to the song and talk about the sky What are they doing in there? They're chatting Chatting Is that so? chat Ah! Not bad, this scenery is really good Dad this This hotel is very nice Oh not bad What is this? Such soft reeds It should be the facilities of the hotel.

Where is that? OK Okay Party house or something Let's see what's there to eat. What is this? I don't know what. Oh.

There are also roti canai. Fruits are also available There are two. This one. Put it in there Put it in there! Ah! No, no. Crunchy Gel for you to eat What is that called, peanut? Give him peanuts. Wipe your hands It's ready to eat.

Is it delicious? Hmm, is it delicious? Uh-huh. Oh, it's delicious. Jay, don't go there It's very small over there. It's very narrow.

Hey, come over Go get some water! Go drink water and see if there is any water. He do not want to eat Hey, go feed him Oh go ask him if he wants to eat Go see if he wants to eat Uh-huh. He doesn't want to eat it, forget it want He doesn't want to eat, he's full Come on. Just throw it here for him to eat He doesn't want to eat Come and put it here to see if he wants to eat it He doesn't like it Oh, you're going on that boat? Hello sister Are there any fish? Are there any fish? Wait a minute she'll wash away No way. Why is that? Hey Oh, dear.

It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Hey, he washed away It doesn't matter. Hahahaha Ha ha.

Do you want to put it down? No, I'm writing Where is it? A smaller one. Hey Wow wow Washed away Give it to me. Yes. Really? Oh, this is the slide. Want to play? Want to play? No. Anything else? Do you want to eat vegetables? Ask him if he wants to eat also has bean, give it to him There are vegetables and beans Beans, long beans He likes to eat Oh yo He grabbed it to eat He likes to eat Hahaha, look. He grabs it to eat Hey, there's more behind There are many more here.

Chocolate colored. You see there are many white ones. Wow, so many rabbits. Hmm husband You blocked me. I can't shoot, your butt blocked me Ah! So many rabbits. I see a lot behind you.

Hey Don't be afraid. He's not going to bite you! Not bite me He stole mine He robs you to eat Yes Hahaha Can he eat it? Hello Mom, so many rabbits. Meow meow meow meow meow meow Meow meow want to eat Don't like to eat OK Take it and don't throw it.

Just give it to him There's sand. Just give it to him Uh-huh. Go this way go this way Ok you come here There are stones platform. Ah! Come here he Oh, this way.

There is sand there Hahaha He has teeth. Did you get bitten? Yes, haha. Hahaha Wow this way There are many, there are 4 There are many here and here, just waiting for you to feed Ah, I'll give you a pack, do you want it? Do you want to come in? This way hello hello this way This way this way Hey Yeah. It's so cute.

Oh, cute, so cute. Meow meow meow You see his mouth is powerful Ouch yo yo Look at him Ha ha. How much food do you eat? Oops oops oops oops oops I bought another pack. Wow! Bring it in Wife Take it, give you the whole bag. Buy another pack.

He was happy. Hahaha, a bunch of rabbits surround him. Enough enough enough Hahaha ah. Hahaha Hahaha Ah. Ouch.

Hahaha she is seeing it Take a look. Take a look. Don't eat it? If don't want to eat, I'll put it in the car Ah! Aren't you afraid that he will bite you? Aren't you afraid that he will bite your hand? You are brave you really are Okay, no? Go let's go go Changed clothes Aren't you going to swim? Let's go, isn't it? Your son loves this Do you want to buy him a rabbit? Oh, a rabbit! On the balcony Will it be too hot in balcony? Put it in the kitchen If no meat to eat You can cook it and eat it. If you keep it, it should be in the living room. Do you want to raise it, Jay? Do you want to raise it? Buy one for you to keep, do you want it? I want to raise Okay. Seems tame Eat it! Doesn't he want it? I'll try to feed it Don't you eat it? I'll try it. He doesn't like it Put it here Let's see if he eats He doesn't eat I get a gun and he leaves Sure. Give it to him

It ate you see It ate your fish Eat your bread It likes to eat your bread Wow, there's a blue fish One blue and one gold Let me take a look. Lots of golden fish Do you see it? Golden pointy fish

2024-07-08 06:03

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