Paul Crook On Meat Loaf's Neverland Express Band, Anthrax, Future John Bush Touring Plans & More

Paul Crook On Meat Loaf's Neverland Express Band, Anthrax, Future John Bush Touring Plans & More

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[Music] about true cash now with Daryl trumpets  get ready to listen to your favorite art artists [Music] technology aside Paul how is your day  going so far I can't complain it's really a   pleasure to be speaking with you because you've  been part of a lot of artists legacies that I   care about and have regularly listened to oh yeah  I mean come on Anthrax Sebastian Bach meatloaf   Queen We Will Rock You Hell hell of a line of  credits right there but also a label guy but   then you were attacked before all that happened  so when did you feel like hey this is a career I   don't have to worry about hits I can do a bunch  of different things and life is going to be okay   yeah you know uh growing up I grew up in a  small town called Greenberg in New Jersey   where are you from I'm from Long Island my wife's  a jersey person I mean everyone is from Jersey   around here right right yeah so I'm you know  Central Jersey and I I don't know I I got lucky   you know at a high school uh just  coming out of high school I met   this guy uh his name is Jack Secret and he at  that time he was getting Lee's keyboard Tech   and uh we we just we started the bands uh  it's what was called the Jack secret project   and I spent a lot he was in New York in  in Brooklyn so I spent a lot of time in   Brooklyn I was hanging out just  18 years old and I I found myself   um actually you know what I gotta go back I'm  sorry I gotta go a little earlier uh maybe senior   year in high school I I just for some reason I  knew I had to get out I knew that being in Central   Jersey in this town my graduating class was 52  students wow yeah so I knew I had to get out to do   something so I just started to go into Manhattan  I would go um I I found myself at the Lion's Den a   lot oh yeah we just said I bring my guitar and  I would sit in but these guys you know really   ripping players you know and I would just um just  kind of cut heads you know what I mean and uh I   just met people that way and then I I met Jack  Siebert uh has to go back to the story and uh he   he's the one that took me on the road he said hey  you're gonna you're gonna come with me to Greece   we're gonna go to Greece with blue oysterical  and you're going to be a drum tank and I'm like totally just destroyed the job it was horrible  but thankfully the guys are very patient   and they saw my talent was with  guitar and keyboard so they moved   me instead of firing me they moved  me and then everything was perfect   the world was perfect that was 1985 you  know 80 45 somewhere around there yeah you answered a question of mine but then  you also created a new question which is   a fascinating thing about your career is when  all the people overlap but in different periods   so for example you winding up in meatloaf span  because of Chasm Sultan and Chasm was in Blue   Oyster Cult and you were in Anthrax and Scotty  and winds up marrying Meatloaf's daughter and then   that's another happenstance kind of thing so you  have this interesting small world thing where I   guess you stick around long enough you eventually  meet everyone is that the lesson to gather from   the whole thing I think that's that's a great  point right there you stick around long enough   you uh you don't give up I think that's  everything I I think these starter we said   that right the only reason why fans don't  make is because they break up right yeah   um you got a hard-working band you're gonna  make noise you know so yeah it's just a matter   of working hard you know and getting lucky yeah  the uh luck is what gets you in the door right   yeah and then your uh your hard work keeps you  there wow yeah write that one down if that's   not a regular thing you said but uh Neverland  Express you're keeping the Legacy alive that's   a fantastic thing how long was it from going  this is a good idea to actually getting the   endorsement and starting to plan the recordings  and tours related to the meatloaf Legacy   well who we had Meatloaf's blessing  before we did it what happened was we   were in Edmonton in 2016 and Milo passed out on  stage right eight meatloaf passes out every show   uh whether he was out completely or  he's just on the ground taking oxygen   every show I you know I I toured with him for 20  years we know we did he was on the ground at the   end of the night this night in Edmonton Canada  he dropped on the stage during anything for love   uh after that he never recovered he went through  back surgeries where uh we had to cancel the   Braven yard tour which is a record that I produced  you know for him and uh so he passed and he passed   out on stage in June 2016. he said to me hey Paul  give me till December and we can get back to work   and said no problem boss gotcha December comes  around he's not ready because I need I need till   summer okay boss now May June comes around and  he's not ready he's in a lot of pain actually yeah we need work so I I called him I said hey boss  uh we're losing the band I gotta get out and play   you know and we're great at methods you know  that's what we do best so we're gonna play   meatloaf and I'm going to find somebody else to  sing until you're ready to do it you know we're   not replacing you you know who could replace me  but that's an impossibility I saw an article that   popped up a couple days ago it said Paul crop  replacement I'm like get the [ __ ] out of here   first right yeah you know it was just it was  just a way to keep the band working keep the   machine oiled so that whenever meat was ready  he could simply hop on a plane and it turned   into a meatloaf show without any pressure the  idea was we weren't going to ever announce it   he would just call us hey okay I'm going to  fly in tomorrow I'm like great boss wouldn't   say a word we just play or we always start  the song or excuse me to start the show and   he would just walk out you know that's how we  planned it and that's we did that four years ago   okay so you know losing our boss last year  wasn't the reason why we did this this has   been going on for four years hmm I don't think  the average person realizes that and I'm really   glad to learn that element of the story because  not only is this not a cash in on any level but   and not only is it endorsed by the person  whose Legacy that you're carrying out but   at the same time he was cool about wanting  to do smaller shows a lot of artists don't   do the smaller shows except if it's a warm-up  gig that's right yeah you know one of the uh it was probably the first tour I did with me  yeah we're going back to like 2002 2003. and   um yeah 2002. we actually did the  China Club in New York wow okay  

it was amazing it was like a 16 foot by 12 foot  stage and he already had you off there the Chinese   Club has been home to such history because I  remember reading about that all-star band that had   um oh oh who's the guy I don't know if it was a  Steve Luka there band but that random man that   did one tour of Japan and then just broke up you  hear all these stories about bands that happened   because people hung out of the China Club yeah  the feeling this is another story going there   it was this show was amazing you know I had  no idea you know again it was it was early on   in my in my tenure with the boss and uh man he  blew up that room it was incredible sure really   yeah well all that said and it's great to  see that you're also documenting it in the   studio with the paradise found that out of hell  reignited project and Caleb is on the vocals   how did you know Caleb how did he  connect to the whole band picture   thank you you know the uh the re-recording  about it to hell we did that just so people   could see what they were going you know what  they were going to get when they bought a ticket um I've gotten some pushback on that you  know people are you know this is this is   Blasphemous you know that kind of stuff you  can't record this you know I'm like well you   guys not seeing the battle of the hell musical  the gym Simon Musical they recorded a soundtrack   we're not allowed to record a soundtrack of  the show you know you want to you want to buy   a ticket but you know is this guy any good listen  to the CD Caleb is amazing and we are so fortunate   that we found him he is a he's very much like  meatloaf in the sense of he's a southern gentleman   uh there's something that goes on in the South  where um guys are just really polite you know   they're they're very respectful for their  mother you know it's just it's a good family   unit usually right for the most part you know  I we know that very much loves his mother yeah   very very much you know he was uh you know just a  really gentle polite man you know I mean obviously   there's a there's a fire in meatloaf you know you  you get him angry he's gonna he's gonna pop off   on you like you get something you tell me how to  work a stage he's gonna rip your head off you know   his whole career was based on someone going  you can't do that and him wanting to prove   everyone wrong because you have to look like  this you have to sound like this no one wants   an eight-minute song you can never get that on  the radio his whole career was basically a I'm   gonna prove you wrong yeah that's right now to  get back to your question uh at the time that   we started this thing you know  again we had meets blessing   went around to the band got everything  lined up now I had to find a booking agency   you know so what you do is you call friends  you know so I called my buddy Mike montarulo   who uh manages Anthrax and he uh he runs TKO and  uh which is a booking agency so we want the TKO   you know I love Mike he's my buddy and uh we sent  over the uh it's called a one sheet for the show   and Serendipity uh one of his guys in his office  was taking care of Caleb Jonas or when she went   across his desk and there you go next thing you  know I'm on the phone with Kayla and that's what   it was uh since then we've um we've joined forces  with day after day quoting the agency out of LA   um yeah we feel good about it and uh Taylor was  also there as well so it's a good it's a good fit   and this album is a joint venture between  Deco entertainment and crooked media is   crooked media a real company or is that  just say hey I'm gonna LLC this and be a   normal thing in other words are there other  artists or projects signed to Crooked media   thank you uh cooking media is  a uh it's our touring company   this is our production company uh all the business  I do goes through Cricket media even uh you know   when I produced uh Helen the handbasket for  meatloaf and greater than we are for meatloaf   that was all done through cooking media uh we  have uh I am focusing on one artist right now um   I started working with her four years ago when  she was 14. she's 18 now obviously her name is   Kylie Baxter k i l e y Baxter b-a-s-t-e-r and uh  John varal too which is really great I think she's   up to what I have to learn followers on Tick Tock  and she have just about 10 million views per video   yeah uh she's a spectacular and she's actually uh  doing shows with us I'm bringing her out like we   have the show in Atlantic City uh January 27th  and she's gonna come out and she's going to do   all coming back to me now we're gonna  do the Celine Dion version of that   and she crushes it uh so she's uh she's  definitely something I'm really focused   on really excited about uh uh her Talent  is undeniable to answer your question with one artist we're gonna get her get her  to Madison Square Garden headline and then   I'll find somebody else to produce as well  after that so essentially it's all music   all the time for you it's just you're very  Diversified in that sometimes you're the   music director sometimes you're the Hot Shot  guitar player sometimes it's the producer   sometimes you're the label production  person it's all music all the time   that's right thank you yeah nothing but music  I'm very grateful for that too you know it's   funny okay great questions thank you so  much I I don't know if these are great   questions I think these are fine topics right  I last night probably one in the morning you   know I'm in the same seat you know when I'm  sitting here and I uh I always have my guitar and I'm always jamming so it's about one in  the morning and I'm I'm just cranking and I   was screaming in the room by myself thank you I  was just screaming up to the universe I was so   I said I'm so grateful it's one in the morning  and I'm clanking music and look look how happy   am I how lucky am I to be doing this I am not  kidding I said that well your career path and   this is intended to be a compliment you remind me  of Steve Brown I'm assuming you know Steve from   well you're two people who the average person  would have went well I lost my major label deal   time's up but instead you reinvented yourself  in that you're the studio person and you're   producing and you're leading the charge in a  variety of ways that you kind of figured out   that the major label is only the start of your  career my father I was probably 22. years old   and you know I was having a hard time I was uh  coming off the road from being a roadie and I was   just wanted to play guitar you know I I wanted to  write music I I didn't wanna load trucks anymore   and I'm sitting home and I'm pretty much starving  you know I'm meeting like Chef Boyardee [Music] you know I I was I was I was kind of  complaining to him you know what was   me you know I worked so hard I'm saying and I  can't get anywhere you know and my father says   you know everything you're saying to me you're  I understand you're a talented guy he said   he goes yeah you know so reality is just it's  not an egotism it's a reality you know you got   talent You Got Talent and we're all talented  in different areas right my talents with music   just figure out how to make money that's it and  when I heard those words I was like he's right   you know I just got to figure this out you know  this is a business you know it's not just about   passion to play the instrument I got to figure  out how to make this work and how to survive   so you know I I did that and and and the one way  to get around that or to figure it out was I went   into production so rather than just sit here and  just work my skills you know rather than just work   D major scale up and down to 10 hours a day I  got into sound production and video production   and I went into that area and that helped me you  know and that uh so when when in meatloaf when the   music director gig came up I just kind of stepped  in naturally because I had all the shots already   and then uh when it came time to do a record you  know meet and I were talking I was like I can   produce this of course I can I feel like I can  do anything honestly there's nothing I can't do we can do anything we want well said well my last question topic Before I Let  You Go and this is not intended to be clickbaity   I just don't know if this is a rumor or not is  it true that you might be going out on the road   with a John Bush oriented Anthrax show yes John  actually this is about five years in the making   you know John mentioned it in an interview I think  2017. and we we talked about it heavily we were  

um I I don't want to go into any crazy detail sure  but yeah we had a tour we had uh two of the bands   on the bill it was all it was all you know just  kind of speculation uh we're just kind of putting   Steelers out seeing seeing what numbers would come  back right because it's a business all right they   want to go out there and lose your sure right  so we um let's just say John's team went out and   did some you know reconnaissance yeah and yeah  you know this is gonna work and then Kobe hit   so that was what two years of  just lost maybe three right   and then uh this year earlier this year John  yeah let's do this and then all of a sudden   wasp comes in and wasp you know it takes one  to say now which is which is a great tour   uh this is the best one right there they crushed  it and so that we lost last year because of that   uh so I'm not sure what John is thinking right  now uh all I can say is that we are talking about   it and I I feel fully confident this is going to  happen because John wants to do it you know and   believe me I would love to do it I I am I can't  I'm the biggest fan in the world right I love   I love the songs I I love my time at Anthrax I'm  so proud of it and I love John bush you know and   it's just the voice right you know hearing  his voice coming through the cycles into the   monitors that big Husky voice you know and the uh  and the guys that we talked to as far as you know   a band lineup crushing you know this is gonna  be great I'm excited to know that that exists   that you're keeping the meatloaf Legacy alive  that your artist Kylie Baxter that's happening   so Paul whatever it is looking forward to  it coming from you in the near future man   thank you hey we have shows in your area we're  doing Westbury really March yeah I think I think   it's um March 31st or April 1st we're at Westbury  oh and now I'm looking at the corner the space at   Westbury theater March 31st okay and Atlantic City  England big shows Connecticut you're keeping busy   yeah I mean yeah the UK tour we're really  excited about that it's our first time there   since we lost the bus and they've been asking  for us so we're we're excited to get over there   I can imagine but thank you for your time we'll  get this a lot in the next couple of days and   have a wonderful resume man thanks Paul all right  now buddy thank you so much take care all right

2023-01-30 08:22

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