Our First Time in URUMQI, CHINA Exploring Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region

Our First Time in URUMQI, CHINA  Exploring Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region

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What a beautiful Sunday day here back in China and  a smoky one too it's not pollution we are at the   street where there is a lot of food being served  being grilled I believe they are grilling lamb   that's why it's so smoky yeah it smells like lamb  but it's so lively here so today is our first day   to really explore Urumqi which is in the province  of Xinjiang and this is a place we didn't come to   last time when we were here in March of this year  I hope you're hungry because this is a very local   street where we can find all types of goodies so  I thought I'd take you here for lunch and this   place is called Hetiener Street and it's a walking  street no cars can come here well some cars can   yeah if you have a permit you can drive through  here because I think there's like residential   buildings and stuff in the street as well but  they have closed it to be a pedestrian street   because it is so busy and it's just full  of food and full of people every day let's   go get something to eat it's a long line up  here wonder what it is what are they serving not sure that looks so good I think it's plov  or pilaf oh plov yeah like the rice dish they're   making it fresh here wow it's interesting to  see it here in China I think that this one   has such a long lineup because you can get  refills no way I see people bringing their   plates over for more it is so interesting to  see so many familiar foods actually for us   because we just came from Kazakhstan and  Kyrgyzstan we spent almost a month in Central   Asia and kind of got ourselves familiar with  the culture a little bit the food like seeing   the fresh pomegranate juice brings back memories  of like Almaty for me and I think overall like   Xinjiang is just a province that is home to a lot  of ethnic minorities from Central Asia like the   Uyghurs the Kazakhs the Kyrgyz the Tajikistan  people as well like there's so many different   ethnic minorities here and yeah you can see the  culture and the food reflected on this street oh that's a sheep's head not today  you don't want sheep head today no   I don't want sheep today oh this one  look it looks so good look at that   let's get one this one has meat inside that  one just plain oh this one has sesame in there it's beef inside you want to get  one of these yes what about that one which one you want the beef I mean 10 CNY that's like less than $2 it's still hot we can split it in half  I think this is good enough for lunch   look at the portion of this you sure  you don't want some like grilled lamb   or something oh my God and there's  also beef and green onions inside nice and salty is it lamb I think so but  she said beef though right mhm but it   has a lamb taste and it also have a spice  taste to it like like cumin or something oh look at the lineup it's finishing what are they  lining up for they're lining up for this bread   that also has a meat filling inside but earlier  I heard that lineup was 30 minutes should we go   line up it looks shorter now and maybe let's get  this drink look at this and he just shaved the   ice from this block of ice let's get one what is  it though I want to know what it is I think it's   dried fruit tea dried fruit water we'll find  out this one was only 5 CNY and it's so funny   he poured it in the cup and then that just kept  refilling by itself it's like a fountain of tea oh my God it's good it's  good oh that's all refreshing what you got nice finally good job most  people are buying like 10 or 20 so that's   why there's like just not enough supply  for the demand let's try it here to see   if it's worth it yeah oh it's so hot this is  called [... ]which is like grilled bread but   another name for it they call it I think  it has to do with the way you grab it with   one hand and then you stick it into the  hot oven and inside is lamb look at this hot so hot cuz is it similar to this not really  because this one has a lot more meat hot it has   a lot more meat and it's very very tasty the  bread dough is so thin you can see it's like   super super thin very tasty right this was good  this is even better and I look around and majority   of the meat that there serving is lamb lamb or  sheep cuz I saw sheep heads earlier sheep and   lamb in Chinese the word is quite similar so I'm  actually not sure because "Yang" I always thought   it was lamb but good point it could also be sheep  doesn't matter we eat sheep real quick big thanks   to Squarespace for continuing to support our  channel and if you're not familiar Squarespace   is an all-in-one platform for you to build and  manage your website to keep things easy you can   start with one of their award-winning templates  and then customize the look and feel of it to fit   your brand with their new technology called Design  Intelligence you can work smarter by letting AI   personalize your website with tailored suggestions  and it can even help with copywriting they also   have a Squarespace app that 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everything   walnuts they all look good which one should we  try walnut cake yeah get one walnut cake yeah hey this is a walnut cake our dessert seems  like there is more walnut than cake look at that   it's completely packed with nuts and raisins  this one was 10 CNY you can go first is it yummy wow everything on this street is delicious that  is like full of ingredients honestly this is   the best power bar that's what it feels  like probably high in calories and fats did you have enough to eat for now yes but  there's another place that I want to take   you it's going to have more food it's like food  everywhere basically is it a market you'll see look at this big army truck it's like a  tank all right yeah I guess we're in one   of the most popular spots here in the city  that's why we need this kind of security   it is AAAA Scenic spot I think the most A's  you can get is 5As this is a 4A Scenic spot   we are at the International Grand Bazaar look  at how grand it is beautiful and we just go   in through here we have to go through security  but you don't have to pay to go in so let's go thank you thank you wow security is strictt here  I think because it's like a very popular place   for people so course they want to make sure it's  safe for all the tourists and all the local people it doesn't feel like we're in China right  now feels like we're in the Middle East   that's a mosque right I have no idea it  looks like but I don't think there's a   mosque in here yeah I think it's just the  color of the bricks and the store selling   rugs and dried fruits give off that  Middle East atmosphere it's quite nice so this is the entrance to that big building  it's not a mosque it's it's just bunch of shops   selling beautiful colorful stuff wow look at  this see this is what I mean it's like we're   in the Middle East this is like Aladdin  yeah the genie is inside this little lamp imagine having this at home that's beautiful  and when we have guests coming to our house   we just pour them tea yeah wow just look at  this red one yeah red one look so nice but   is it for tea for wine probably for wine it's  like a little shot really or it's good for both it's for tea okay I think for wine  for wine yeah I think for like wine I'm not sure she actually speaks another language  mixed with Mandarin coffee or tea oh this one for   coffee and tea oh okay thank you thank you  did she say get something for your mom yeah   this reminds me of Kyrgyzstan because when  we go to the homestays they all have these   plates at the table filled with different  dried fruit and candies and chocolates just   like this how much would this be I think he  said this was 280 CNY yeah it's heavy duty   the thing is if you live in China then they  just pack it up and they send it back to your   house you don't have to carry this in your  luggage to waste your space and the weight   but for us this is really heavy to take but it's so beautiful all of this is so beautiful   it's a lot more peaceful out here yeah I  think we spent about 15 minutes walking   around the Bazaar but it's not really the type of  destination that we enjoy it's really set up for   tourism like lots of good photo opportunities  lots and lots of souvenir choices but it's a   bit chaotic yeah a bit chaotic and not much to  see for us but we came to see it for ourselves   yeah I mean the architecture is beautiful but  just walking around the streets outside of the   bazaar Urumqi feels like a very lovely city and  the buildings are not futuristic looking like in   big city like Shanghai a lot of the building and  the vibes are kind of like cultural lots of domes we're about two blocks away from the Grand  Bazaar and we've stumbled across this local   looking mall it's called Jinquan and  it's a lot of textiles and souvenirs   a lot of local people kind of roaming these  streets but this is what Urumqi is known for   right textiles yeah and I think a lot of  the ethnic minority clothing as well is   very very beautiful I know lots of people come  here to buy them let's go take a look around even this place doesn't feel like China  walking through that alley there I hear   three different languages I didn't even hear  Chinese what other languages do they speak   I also know noticed the same so there are  some people who are speaking Mandarin but   I do hear another language and it doesn't  sound Kazakh to me cuz we've been getting   familiar with that language but it sounds  probably like Uyghur's language wait or   is it Arab because I see all the signages have  Arab writing on it I'm actually not sure as well I'll hold your purse what do you think with  like a white shirt inside you actually match   with dark blue really yeah you like it yeah  I'm going to get it how much she only has   one size left so she said 50 CNY oh that's  very good yeah this one can I actually wear   this out this one looks nice I think it  might be too long if it was like up here   and like but that's not the style of it 22 cm  yeah she can alter it right and this is 120 CNY   so if she's going to alter it for you then I think  it's a good price and how long does it take she'll   do it right now she's not just going to cut it  and that's it right she's going to sew it too thank you this is it I got it this is what  you're buying I got a scarf you buy one get   one free she's funny do you know how to sew  I did at one point in my life in Grade 8 had   Home Economics Class where we learned how to sew  pajama pants that was the only time that was the   only thing I ever made but my sister is really  really good at sewing I think sewing is really   cool it is really making your own clothes yeah  that is so cool like now my sister makes clothes   for her kids her husband for me for my mom oh she  made me boxers too yeah she made you boxers too tell her it's too short no I'm scared tell   her it's too short I'm scared  just tell her it's too short she said I told you you didn't believe me no it looks good I like it I like  it very good hey I think we both   did really well we got something  something that we can wear when   we go to the desert yeah so where to  next I have no idea let me look it up For a little change of scenery we  are now at the Yamalike Mountain   Forest Park it's quite a popular  place for young people for couples   yeah like us to walk up the trails and then  enjoy the sunset from one of the platforms   up there this park is so pleasant it is it's  so green lots of trees lots of shade and I'm   glad I got this keeps you a little bit warm  I do have my vest too I guess if I need it I see it I see the platform you  see right there yeah the thing is   it's almost 8pm it's 7:45pm and it's  still bright out the sun doesn't set   until 8:45pm so we have an hour  to get there before the sunset we made it good job second high five but what's  this view wow I didn't notice the mountains before did you notice all the signs as we  were walking up this mountain of   what this mountain used to look like  yeah yeah so it said that from 1957   there was a team of people who were trying to  plant trees on this mountain because before   this was completely bare there's no water source  the soil is not ideal for growing anything so they   wanted to start planting trees to make this like  a green space a mountain and it took them decades   and lots and lots of trials and errors and hard  work to make this Forest Park the way that it is   today yeah so don't take it for granted no don't  take it for I saw the photos of those people   hundreds if not thousands of people carrying bags  bags of soils carrying trees buckets of water and   because there's no cars that could get up um in  this area they did they formed an assembly line   and just transferred them one by one like person  by person to go up the mountain pretty incredible so what do you think of the sunset it's actually  a pretty shitty sunset we're just unlucky today   is a cloudy day there's like a huge piece  of cloud that's hiding the beautiful sunset   but I'm sure we get more opportunity  to see beautiful sunset here in China are you sure this is the right place to take the  bus yes I asked this is the right place to take   the bus today we are at the Urumqi International  Bus Passenger Transport Hub this is where people   come to take a longer distance bus to different  cities and different like attractions that are   outside Urumqi you can even go to Almaty  Kazakhstan I saw a sign Astana and Almaty   like you can cross borders but why is it so  dead there's no one here I was just thinking   that most people enjoy this area Xinjiang by  private tours and I kind of understand why   because it's quite difficult to figure out your  way if you're not with a tour like this is not   set up for foreign tourism I even feel like  not really set up for domestic tourism even   you had a hard time yeah I kept having to ask  imagine if it was just me there's no way like   everything is in Chinese but yeah we are going  to head on that bus over there it's going to   take us to Tianchi which is a beautiful Alpine  Lake outside of Urumqi about an hour to 2 hours   away and it is called the Heavenly Lake for a  good reason so we'll show you guys is it just the two of us no there's a couple  of people sitting in the dark already yeah they haven't turned on the bus yet this  is quite exciting already there's about   five more people just sitting here in the  dark I mean they've been in here probably   for at least 20 minutes because we  were waiting outside yeah and we   didn't see anyone get on but I actually feel  relieved to see other people yay Adventure   so we have arrived at the entrance of the Tianchi  mountain but we cannot purchase our tickets yet   because we're both foreigners and carrying foreign  passports we need to come to this police station   to get a special barcode or a slip to buy the  tickets it's a bit different cuz they were saying are you with a tour if you're with a tour they  do all this for you but we're not we're doing   this ourselves so what does it say it just says  that like an officer has inspected everything   and then they have now allowed one Canadian and  one Thai person to go in on this date this is our   third time doing this going through the security  I hope we can get through first time we couldn't   go in because we had a drone so we had to store  it at the police station second time we didn't   know that we need a special slip to go in and  buy the ticket the lady was like I'm so sorry   you were just there at the police station  and I forgot to tell you you have to do it hi see you bye she's like have fun hope you have fun she's  like I'm so sorry when I saw you left last time success we got the tickets 95 CNY  for the ticket and 60 CNY for the   car ride to go up I think we have to  take another bus or a car to go up it's not the easiest attraction to get through  for sure feels like we're jumping through like   a bunch of hoops yeah we're almost there it's like  so close now I understand why the bus driver said   I was like oh is there an earlier bus to return  to the city he was just like you probably don't   want to take the earlier bus maybe he knows  it takes like 2 hours to get inside the park we made it this is the start of the  park there's actually a couple ways   you can get up you can just walk up here  it's like 800m or you can take this like   little blue electric vehicle for a couple CNY  to take you up this path cuz it's quite steep   we going to walk we're going to walk  yeah but let's grab something to eat   I want to grab something before we go in  just in case we can't find anything in there you got hot dog and some  eggs and also a little cake do you like it I don't know it tastes super  artificial yeah it tastes like rubber it   smells good I'm going to use this as  a hand warmer that's a weird hotdog that's beautiful in there actually everyone  is walking on the street following the tour   group but nobody walks on this path no one  is here and this is so beautiful wow that's beautiful so much snow on  the mountain look at that yeah there   was a huge storm in the city yesterday so it  was raining really hard and they said it was   snowing really hard in the mountains  that's why it's so covered by snow got some walnut cake oh and I got our three  eggs we also got some extra snacks high protein   chicken jerky oh this one I'm excited to try  we saw this at a not a local market but like a   streetside vendor near our hotel and we've never  seen this before so we asked her and she's like   it's a Xinjiang specialty it's sunflower seeds in  the actual sunflower I've never seen this before   this is good but it's very chewy very chewy maybe  should leave in your mouth for a few minutes this   is a great start to our China Adventure Part Two  right Part Two and we're already experiencing   things that we didn't experience when we  were here last time so it's pretty amazing

2024-10-24 08:10

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