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Alaska. Native. And the creators. So. Far we got know who Pulaski, yeah, Lasky's. But. New Yorkers love a parade. All. Ready to move out. I. Started, period convertible. Solidarity. More islands, just off, the coast. Nice, warm there Beach, is beautiful. If. The first sample, to, the classical, or the, one that we are going to stop. Not always. Free, from, a democracy in, all the Greek language this, means marble. So the marble see, you, say it through it. On one hand on the other hand is the black the mosque on top of the hill is. Sulaiman, mosque, it, is the one that we are going to stop. Three. Although, changed, it also better. Is. The first sample, to, the classical, auditor all, the. Mask. Letters. On them some, of them are but, most of them are some. Explanations. We. Are going to hit the mosque I mean the bazaar, though, just. Shopping, I get the stores. We're. At senta's, Sophia's, still and this is a mosque nearby. Park. Rat. Wonderful trial this time. Okay. Here. We are in front up the Blue Mosque. Did. Really. Sixty-five. Americans, coming within. Two seconds will arrive back into port. Tara, :. Particle. Cruising. Along. Douches. The. Statue of a famous, medical doctor, and his, name was alexandros, and. Of course we get the information from. The inscription, which is written down there, I cannot. Read it this, had been read. And, translated. By the experts. Article. Character, and snake haired lady and, they put majors over there to take to evil eye up from the temple and to take the evil eye off from the Emperor. Hadrian who, was worshipped within, the temple. Because. There were no separation, between the, seats so, as they were relaxing. They could chat with each other. Ladies. They had their own they were few topics or needs for men and they, were why they made holes here so they can easily put, their. Friends. A mosaic. Floor, shows. The riches and. Was. Also covered with. This. House they. Will all coming, from the upper class they. Are all. Wealthy. Coming, from work which family we, were all inert a footprint. Over here, the. Message it gives is very simple, you see a left foot and it points out this direction because. It's the left foot it, means that if you walk this way on the left-hand side of the road the. Cross here, is, the corner whenever, you get to the corner you are going to find the house. Rectangle. Was the house and. At the top of the house you can see a lady with. A bird in her hand which, means the. House was run by a lady and, she has some birds chicks, or girls in her head. On. The left hand side is universe so that's love the, Datsun, it is money that means. It. Was especially for. The sailors who come to visit Ephesus, they, had originally six. Of those footprints. Starting. From the harbor, till, the corner of the building so, but following it they found their way to it but, the other fiber. And. We, were. Filming. Across its going where. All the 24,000. People said. Little. Winded from getting up here. But. You can see the view. They. Had from, here how often. What, was the ocean there but you can see it further out there. Big. Place. Sitting. On the second side of the restaurant looking, over to doctors office. Have a beer what. It's a busy little place here at. And. Bus stops right. That's how they spell taxi, Turkey. There's a Russian, ship. Two big chips in there full. Of Americans. All Europeans, and Russians are, all over the city. Tirpitz, door. Mostello. She honest this is okay, you have all your stuff all, around with my everything, my bed if, you're gonna film it's supposed to be all meet those passes, roses. We just got an. Assortment. Aqsa and, we are now at the port of, we're. Pulling out of the poor dog are. We still here what port. Push. Sudah z/os adazi we're. At the port of Kusadasi, we. Just had a very nice Greek dinner, I mean Turkish, dinner shish, kebab Turkish. Wine, and. We bought some, nice. Turkish, roses, I ripped, off but we caught them. We're. All hanging they got half priced at them they were all good and. This. Is our little cabin not. Much to it but it's all here how. About you show us a better bathroom, as you can see it's got a nice mirror. Yeah. And. Then. Here is the shower. Baby. Thank. You you need some help so you can show the fixtures there's the shower okay. Tommy's, watching, there's. The shower oh we're. Gonna have shuffleboard. Lessons, in. Honor of Tommy Karlin. This, is roads. Alan. Trilogies, we're coming in. Yut, going out to, this job back. Who. Say we, don't want on a Greek island to be in a huge hotel without any kind of style, we love the life and have the same in Crete and I'll be surprised, on the slope of the natural, rock rules, of the DVDs. Of the Knights of st. John at the bottom the, city of bollène does the action, city of Windows and you see now the two natural, harbours, have, a look at this manner what nature, gave as a gift as, a present, to be for Christ's people by these two natural harbours. In a time when the ships rather they. Wrote, a lot about these double.

Harbors, That helped so much the people of Linda's to continue. Their trade, contact, with ships of course where, the East people, to have a beer or coffee this. Is why I told you come with me to eat those if you won't exercise you come up with me to the very top and you enjoy. Very. Pretty. Articles. Here on rocks. We. Are and the cook Acropolis. Straight. Down the water. My. Last shot of the bay at. Birley. Betty Lindo, yeah they say no this is Friday so must be Windows. They alene dose roads, over. The harbor. Harbor. Phases turkey because that's where all. Their trade came from back when I first established. Roads. And they've. Taken the floor. Medieval. Hallway here. The. Courtyard, of the medieval castle of st. John. Crusaders. All, the old rogues. Standing. Up for the statues, their Romans. Their. Roman rogues. This. Palace is built on the site of the ancient temple of apollo. Why. It looks like a sea. Ray. Check, it out. Maybe, come down to here. Wow, I bet this was dirty names parking spot he. Had to make a quick getaway. Jettison. His cargo. And. Laid. Off right. Out into the harbor. So. He could go through customs and then he'll be back. Early, morning is official morning. Sir. Arthur Evans did not only get that excavator. Panel that he built part of, the. Base of this column you see here is original it's made of alabaster, Sir. Arthur Amos pond the place where it was originally he did not find a column because on the crab for, olive. Oil or for wine of their jobs were seventy. Five thousand, gallons. What. Is most maybe the halogen classes you can very easily see here is the evidence of fire. Another. Declaration use the change from time to time in this particular rule. Our. Women's room they said so, this is the painter, you. Know the Dolphins is such a beautiful subject of declaration, we just live with them if. You had a small boat in the sea is nice and calm and you go out they come and play with you. So. Those being the nice subject that graciously here they are. There. Is a jar here which is original, and the decoration, too and it took 100, or more staples, to hold this in one piece. And. This. Is evidence, of the level of the very first panel dated 2000, be for Christ, this. Is the earliest, civilized. Level in Western world. To. Be taken to be sacrificed, so his blood can never be offered to the gods and. Every. Work of art at this time in, the world stands, like this. There's. No movement and, there's no expression if you find an expression in the face of some of this works in this period can only be the fear of death, and I want, you to remember this listen, to this.

That. It was. Seven. Centuries, before Christ, only. Which. Means 1000, years after this when, Myron. Myron. A Greek sculptor. Decided. To, put a smile, on the face of his chorus and. One of his legs to, form a move and. It, was considered a revolution, and. It is a revolution, have. You see a statue standing, like this. The. Eyes are made of dust and crystal. One. Of the things you see in the first pages of every signal pedia inevitable, did you open. Before. Christ for, the first road in Europe 2,000. Years before Christ there's, Patsy. And. Mike. This, is. 2,000. Years older. Than the Afghan way. There, are Kevin could you. Excavated. This thing into, the 90s. When all these fortune, and all. This. Time. 35. Years. Here. Of all the private yachts. Doctor. Trail. Take. A green. Oh. Honey. The, wild, donkey ride up the hill you saw. Typical Street. Santorini. Do. You ever pretty. Kind. Of open me. Filipinos. Goodies. Santorini. Looking. Over to the other side of the island. Just read, it sunset it's so beautiful. Yeah. I'm having some Santorini wine. That. Lovely picture on it from. A fresco, and. Good. Wine yes, it's, Greek. Dried camel I'm in Santorini, yeah. Yeah. Pretty. Place here. And, he's so little by that man my. Staple. Hey. Yeah. That's what the dogs watching of course. Tell. Me. Big salad, there's our feta cheese, I'll. Put it back here feta cheese and, the Greek olives, yummy. Allah. Business Manos wine. Little. Lowenbrau beer. Bread. Oh. A. Nice pension well. Like. She's having a good time. Yeah. Fresh. You know where. We are, it's. Right here on Santorini. Great. Festive. Occasion. Watch. Them son. Here. We are see. The cruise ship come on. Many, around this area, this. Is the way to go over here is micro shops yeah, cruise ship is. Great it's a floating hotel and it gets you where you want to go. Fantastic. Rock, push there. Volcano. Delos. Rates. Like this. Harbor. Preview. It's pretty windy here windswept. This. Is the residential, area. He's. Riding a panther oh yeah. I'm. Ready vedantis. See. His face there. It. Panther. There, it's. All mosaic, and the floor of Dionysus, home. Anyway. It. Seems to me. Around, here. And. But. Right, here in Greece. The. Oceanside bar. Having. A beer. For. Example, you have a preliminary, oxides. But 17, on the long side.

2018-11-01 03:06

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