The Super RIch People Of Saint Tropez

The Super RIch People Of Saint Tropez

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forever can I get it Ros R if you going to get more money  than you ever could imagine let me get secret go [Music] [Music]   out in the first round hiding enough I hold  on to you this might be a big rough what's   up guys it's your boy Ace I'm here in Saint  Tropez ever since I was a young cat looking   at television looking at the super rich and  the famous they would always say they would   go to the south of France to sental prey to  party and I always thought how expensive that   place is and why do people keep coming here so  today I'm going to be here for 24 hours maybe   more depending on how the things go to find  out how expensive this place is first thing   first this place is expensive at least with the  airbnbs all right or hotels they can run up from   $500 $600 a night all the way to 1,000 Euro  all right where I'm staying I'm paid around   three something Euro for one night here and I'm  going to show you the studio Airbnb soon they're   actually still cleaning it but I didn't want to  waste any time since I'm going to be here for 24   hours maybe to start showing you how this place  looks all right um there's some things that I   want to do but we'll see if it happens okay all  right but uh first thing first I want to see if   I can go ahead and find some clothing all right  something like this right but a little bit bigger   my size and white all right heard there's a cool  Club you can go to that uh it's called Nikki Beach   and most people wear white to go to it so we're  going to check it out all right I actually was   in another city and I got here this morning  and uh the place they dropped me was like an   hour away cuz if you take the train the train  doesn't actually drop you in this particular   City it drops you to or I don't know if this is a  city or consider a town but uh the place actually   drops you at least one hour away there's two train  stops you can take and uh I took uh I forgot the   name of the one I took sorry about that but it's  like to see if I can write it here and yeah it   took a while it took longer than an hour to get  here I arrived here at 10:00 in the morning and   if you look on Google magc it say says 1 hour to  get here and then all of a sudden it's more like   2 hours because of the traffic involved we we're  going to go to the Town Square I I was able to   look at it earlier and then we're going to work  our way to the beach to see what's on the beach   I got some Beach SC just in case it goes down and  I can just jump in the water real quick also I   want to go to a restaurant I'm hungry I've been  for warn to watch out for the bougie looks right   here when I'm walking around so I'm ready for  it all right so this is the Town Square I guess   all the stuff goes down here looks like a lot of  restaurants on that side but before I go on that   side let me show you some of these uh Boutique  shops all right all right Seline Paris all right look at this Louis Vuitton  Cafe right here nice you can come   and get some Louis Vuitton something what  is this here uh open for for tea time at 3:   so that's in an hour and a half and then open  for dinner so not open just yet but yeah wow   just look at the Dior of the plates here okay  I'm feeling like this place is getting it's very expensive all right look at uh what we got here  you got menus right here there you go you get your   wines right here minimum wine is going for 110  lb guys all right and then let me see what else   is out here oh okay we got some uh sweet dream  espresso going for 18 lb that's approachable I   mean to say you bought something from this place  it's a a taste of the menu there you go I don't   know about you guys but I got to find me something  to eat low carb food all right let me see if I can   find it got Fruit stand here you can get a pizza  for 12 lb that's that's eon I think I don't know   if it's a slice or something piece of Kebab for 14  lb a piece of burger for 14 lb yeah this is those   are compatible prices from what I've seen in other  places so I think there's like if you come in here   you might be able to find what you're looking for  de decent price oh wait a minute it's getting even   better this is exactly what I was hoping I could  find let's get around and find out see the deal   here all right look at this hello how are you  doing what's the name of this place listo okay   L listo let me get this right here the chicken leg  Yeah the chicken what is this right here uh this   is like um of the chicken leg let me see what  else is here I can get and this is a Kish Kish   is what uh with the H Andes oh let me get one you  know there a place I can eat eat around here or no   where you can eat yeah uh for me the best place  with the best view it's with the Citadel over   that way I think right you you mount and uh you  will see out is it far or is it a lot of walking   500 M 600 M up okay you know I don't like the walk  guys we'll probably find a closer place all right   let's see I think this is a really good place to  get some food everything seems to be made fresh   or who am I to tell but it does look good here all  right so everything here cost 24 lb U I added some   extra stuff here so we'll look at it when we find  a place to eat he said something about his friend   is a YouTuber all right so he was telling me that  one of his friends is a YouTuber and they have a   shop wow look at this guys they have a shop here  and I should be able to see their sign so let's   see if we can find it before I get me something to  eat so I can uh showcase it all right is it here   or is it further here let's find wow all right  okay this going to be a cool spot to get some   shade wait a minute your food looks amazing  there this might have to be the spot we eat   later on today let see the name of it called Le  sporting beastro restaurant right here okay nice   oh all right so you got Spar grocery store so  you got uh you can get you some um strawberries   I don't know if it's per box uh 12 year 13 so  if you're going to be here for a couple days   and you want to even save more that might this  might be it right here get you a little champ   you know to celebrate your being here for your  boat if you're getting on a boat I think their   pricing is reasonable here so they said this  could be expensive I think it could but it   depends on what you're doing here if I can take  time to highlight the the backdrop of this place   man let's go here let's go in here maybe this is  the place if it's not after that I just find a PL   place to sit down to eat wow everybody's eating  something here oh okay so yeah I heard there   was this famous pastry here that um it's really  made here some actress came came here they were   shooting a movie and um she actually recommended  something and it got super popular and now people   come here to eat it so I think this is what  it's called right here or something but it's   supposed to have the words uh uh Tropez so yeah  s Tropez that's what it is no that's rasberries   no that's strawberry raspber that's why you  got to see all these people in line eating   let me see if they got something from from  in here oh where you you have closing for   men sorry guys the battery overheated um but  yeah he had some cool shirts there but not my   style but they were going for 19 to 20 um EUR  regular t-shirts so I what I was going to say   is you know when you come to a place expecting  higher pricing and it this like okay I guess   that's reasonable uh I mean in the grand scale of  things it would have been cheaper if it was in a   different area you know but that's how things  are you pay for um more based off of location   and conveniency stuff like that is nice but I  don't know if they have my size that's the thing see I'm much toss hello bu you hey hello hey how you doing how much  you said for this one right here   uh 30 no 14 oh you said 100  yes Oh I thought you said $40 no okay so yeah it's it's up there okay it's kind of windy here  so I got to put my windbreaker on and boom here we go nice get to see some of the Town wow I've seen videos of this so many  different times from so many different channels   and finally I am here too first of all these  boats are huge man look at this huge Sailing   Boat man it's huge this one too man my camera  doesn't give it any justice man this is super   long and then that one right there is even longer  man wow it's so beautiful and then here all type   of stuff that's happening here in this area  right here so I heard there's like a citadel   which our friend told us about if we go this way  um we can climb and see uh aome uh viewpoint but   I don't want to go there just yet um I want to do  it after I eat okay but as you can see right here   there is something everybody wants here ice  cream okay barbach rock ice cream let's see   if we can get a closer look to see what's the the  Rave about all right we're going ice cream to me all right and probably economical too but I would  see why I it's hot as heck out here guys oh okay   here you go you got some taxis to get you around  town so I I wanted to see what's up with this uh   day party called Nikki Beach and um let me  see how it goes let me see if I can talk to   one of these taxi guys cuz I hear it's not  near you have to take a taxi getting there   so listen um how much is does it cost to go  to Nikki Beach Nikki Beach you are only one   people only one people I give you a good price  40 40 how far is it from here 15 minutes okay   all right thank you appreciate you okay  all right what do you know what time it   Clos Nikki Beach uh at 7 7:30 okay thank  you thank you all right so we yeah we got   plenty of time to see what's up with the  Nikki Beach energy here how you doing man   yeah I'm pretty good man you look like Fabio  Fabio that the r man r rppers no the the model Fabio you know that's no one tell you yeah you  look like Bob Marley [Music] ah respect respect   no you're a good artist man beautiful work man  thank you all right nice to meet you all right   touche touche wow look at that wow it's very nice  it's a real it's a real cool a cool tourist area   right I can see why people come here I don't think  this is a Beach town but there are beaches nearby   um coming here I saw a lot of theme parks nearby  water park and then a music Park oh yeah you come   out here you can have a good time all right  check this out right here guys look at this   I haven't seen a sentral play sign that's cool  what the heck is this this looks like a exclusive   restaurant or something right here let's look at  it oh yeah look at that wow what the heck this is nice Wow Let's see what we got let me   yeah this place look like you  can come eat Bro Look prices are approachable for a place like this you expect to  be paying 40 50 bucks look this is 56 World plot   it's high it's high end but it goes back to what  I was saying how sometimes you're going to have   to pay for you know the Ambiance and definitely  this place brings it I like this spot seems like   a cool spot to hang and get a couple drinks  sit down I like how they have the shades here   for their customers ready yeah looks like a Vibe  here all right Seafood here calamari more another   restaurant here to enjoy I don't know what this  is and here is one of their um Premier night   clubs all right this is where a lot of people come  to party a lot of celebrities have come through   this uh area right here so if you are coming to  San jope you might find yourself trying to get   into this building one of the day so let's see  who we can find here um some notable celebrities   got Jay-Z Cindy Crawford Quinton Tarantino Denzel  Washington Luda Chris been here all right you got   uh some Fashion Icon here I don't know who that  guy is actually a Beyonce Ring thick got 50 Cent   up in here you got Whiz Khalifa my Cary up in  here I guess this is the spot if a celebrity   is coming in town seems like this is the spot  they would go to all right and um yeah it has   all the information here if you're trying to  get a night here so yeah I'm going to try to   see if I can get in here tonight and see what  the party looks like all right I am definitely   happy I chose to stay in this area there's a  lot of airbnbs around here and are like maybe   30 40 minutes but you're going to have to take  traffic to get here uh so I'm glad I don't all   I have to do is just walk to where I need to go  all right yeah check out this Gallery right here okay um really interesting artwork here [Music] wow wow very beautiful all right check it out wow look at this one all right uh Japanese uh  I forgot the name of that gang from Japanese but   or a Thailand type of Yaki I forgot the name of  them but yeah this is dope right here King Kong   right here go what's up King all right we got you  bro all right guys so I'm back at my Airbnb and uh   yeah this is how it looks okay I got a kitchen  right here got a washer and U this is a fridge   small fridge but it works you got a stoes top they  put water in here that's me the other stuff is me   and then um microwave so I'm I'm going to use that  some storage space right here well not really the   bathroom right here okay so yeah very functional  bathroom all right I'm not complaining over this   functional so that's good um AC very important in  this type of weather woo I'm really appreciating   appreciating that and then um if you want TV but  most likely if you I'm going to be here one day I   don't have no time for no TV but if you're here  for a couple days this works you know just in   case it's a rainy day or it's at night and you  don't want to go out you can watch something you   place to sit down to work and then these are your  storage areas right here all right that you can   use to put stuff in all right this room is for the  max I guess two people maybe three if you have a   small child with you it can work but uh yeah like  I said I pay over 300 for one night here all right   so just to give you an idea and I'm here during  summertime when it's summertime you already know   prices go up after talking to the taxi driver  he told me that this place gets even more crowd   it but because of this year's Olympics more people  are spending more time up north front but normally   this place would be Packer with Americans and  foreigners running around here so maybe this price   would be even higher I don't know all right guys  I'm with cortor acad okay so she actually makes   dresses here so check it out and she has a YouTube  channel so let's see what she got going on okay   okay so guys she barely speaks any English so  we're just going to have to work with it so   everything custom you make everything boop boop  boop boop okay I make ha dress okay and then you   put it on YouTube you you film and everything  okay what is your most popular dress this oh   okay oh wow I can see why because a lot of air go  through and yeah you can wear the for bathing suit wow yeah wow you uh F uh you French yes okay cool  from San oh made in San okay okay 100% made in s   okay okay here you go all right guys okay here  we go guys go check her out and go support her   store if you do come to Sano and you you trying  to see what's good come to here and see if she   can hook you up with a nice dress if you're  coming here with your girl or something like   that oh my God guys check this big bottle out  oh man I wonder how much it costs somebody's   going to buy stuff like this all right what do  you think guys comment down below how much this   would cost here street value if this even real  and how much would it cost in the club if it's   real or not let's go and find out and honorable  mes right here come on I don't know if it's open   hello how are you hi I got I stopped cuz I sold  the the this big bottle you have there is that   real no it's not real no no no it's not true but  this is not real how much is that this is a 21,   oo so let me ask you a question I'm a YouTuber  how how much would that go you know typically   in the club the club yeah this one this one  right here how much how much the club yeah I   see that's around one uh uh 100,000 wow uh how  often do people buy that here like every every week yes nice perhaps every day you can  clip day wow all right okay thank you man   I appreciate you wel all right wow okay oh man  guys every day people are buying that a bottle   that size guys awesome yo it's money out here  boy maybe you know what they buy it because   maybe it's the club Owners that's buying it and  if they're buying it they're making big Bank done insane bro I think I found the Roo Drive  of this particular Town check it out you got   Gucci right here H I don't know what that is but  you got doce Cabana right there all right Dior   store right here fragrance all right and what  seems to be another Dior house or a bar you see   how beautiful this is and it's already full for  tonight we will be open from tomorrow 10:00 a.m.   thank you for your understanding so yeah they very  strict on reservations here guys but nice look at   this WOW let's see how much it cost uh for stuff  here all right so yeah the cheapest thing here is   uh I think €26 and that's for starters and then it  goes up all the way to I think around 390 for the   caviar uh Euro wow just in case you were curious  to see yourself and then yeah man Le de blue 596   year old uh approachable approachable keep in  mind a lot of this stuff is going to have a lot   of service taxing available on it too so just keep  that in mind but not too bad not too shabby guys   check out these beautiful watches right here let  me know if you can recognize some of them this   one's Ro Lex right here I'm outside you can't tell  me what I can't film Outside Inside you can tell   me outside you can't all right I'm not filming  you all right you don't one I'm I don't it's not   me but I'm I'm yes I I'm outside I'm not inside  I'm not in his property I it's not me uh okay you   did your job all right so check out some of these  watches right here I'm only I'm going to be gone   in seconds man I'm not trying to go in your store  nice all right people take pictures here all the   time this is Lim addiction that one right there  yeah why is so limited oh okay because I know   this kind of watch watch do you know how much it  goes for yes how much how much It Go for because   I ever this this watch oh you have it that's why  no no no not me okay you monlo wow nice I this watch there you go guys all right very beautiful yeah got more people looking  at him now all right I'm giving you business you   see that oh you want me inside now I understand  you doing your job okay I'm not trying to get   you in trouble thank you all right uh that has  been the the theme um I'm not mad at that brother   because you know just in case you know he just  got a job and his job is to make sure ain't no   funny business happening guys I'm back in the  port area right here where all they where all   these boats are and man a lot of them just came  back in so you can see the pleora of boats here   and it's a oh excuse me I got my boy on the phone  he's telling me those are Yachts but yeah man yes   exactly Yachts bro insane man insane people are  living just like this look at this look at this   guys it's amazing look at this look look look at  this one right here it has like a dinner table   thing going on for it oh my gosh and then most  of these things got their plank cup all right sit   down and just eat and then they got upstairs deck  that one's nice these are all the smaller ones   right here this is a insane one what is this and  it like it got a little deck thing in the back yo and this is the Tesla one I saw earlier is being  it's not Tesla it's Maserati but it's connected by   power right here like you see the line going  into it it's kind of disturbing how the line   just going into the water but it is what it is oh  so that boat right there is the Lamborghini bat   cuz I see the Lamborghini logo on it ah and then  this that boat in front looks like a submarine bro   so guys I'm actually having a conversation  with my boy um on these glasses I told you   about I can hear it uh him talking he's like  I'm giving him some goals I'm like me too   cuz I'm here just to show you the energy I'm  not actually living this lifestyle all right   before yeah because I'm here don't think I'm  I'm rich in a way okay every video I make is   like an investment to see if I can inspire you  guys all right so this understand that all right   right here you go and here are the boats I  can afford right here these boats oh man they   probably they probably expensive to park here  unless they're like grandfathered in you know   what I mean look like these are grandfather  in boats like hey we've been here for 197   something we not paying what y'all paying  it's backing up guys look at this big boat P cran and all the ships are like right next to  each other the captain on that boat is looking   and the staff are looking here it should  be okay long as those gooes are out no big   damage or anything and as you can see this  boat I don't know if uh the captain is just   moving his boat like that little corner to the  side just to open up space here all right this   it's tight you can see it already touching the  buoy on that end it's going to move that b up look so yeah they're moving it  yeah definitely need your staff on Deck careful with the lines please can move back all right there we go and there you go man   these are the Big Wigs right here bro the all of  them wearing white got the family with them you   know what I mean the running the country look they  taking pictures of us we like hey look at these guys all right wow I'm not a materialistic  type of dude but I would like to see how   life is living all different sectors of life I  don't I already know how it feels to be broke   though so we don't got to go that way okay you  know me right we we we can focus on different   aspects of uh the quality of life okay so  it is 1:00 in the morning it's a bunch of   people heading that way cently there's another  club you can go to but I am heading to today   I'm heading to VIP room I think there is an  American Artist there I would love it if we   we have the opportunity to get in fingers  crossed some people and some clubes they   trip over dress code and stuff like that  I was able to call earlier and they told   me um no shorts so I'm not wearing shorts I'm  wearing jeans uh yeah let's see what happens   but before we try to get to any club just wanted  to show you how this place is vibrating at   night how it looks amazing um and they have these  restaurants and bars you can still go to if you're   not trying to do the night life uh Club thing  definitely The Vibes today is Thursday night guys   so imagine the weekend out here got to be crazy  and uh yeah I have decided that I will be spending   one more day here so there's so much stuff we  need to catch up with so we might be able to see a   second night of this all right let's go and guess  what our favorite restaurant that was looking   amazing is also a nightclub apparently same place  where I went with that golden sign it's a club I need a [Music]   I got to do this for my boy 305 in  the building you already know [Music] if you on being rich forever  can I get it [Applause] R if   you going to get more money than  you ever could imagine let me get a i ProMed I wait for you but I'm  getting so impatient tell me that   you already know this room is biging off for two   and I want to do that something something that  will blow your mind do you know the things you   do to me touch me and I'll make you understand  yeah do you know the things you make me feel I can   show you if you take my head I just want to dance  dance dance with you let me take you under nobody   can see I just want to dance dance dance with you  harder than so put your hands on me put your hands   on me on me on me put your hands on me on me on me  put your hands on me on me on me put your hands on me your hands hands before you I was paralyzed all broken  down from heartbreaks then you came and   set me free you've taken me to paradise  when nothing is a mistake but we move so   flawlessly see all the things you do to  me touch me and I'll make you understand   yeah you know the things you make  me feel I can show you if you take myce all right guys I made it in this pool  day party pool it took me a while I got a   Russia I call them Russia I don't know  why I call them Russia but they from uh Germany all right what's up Russia all right  what's up [Music] Poland I just finally told   him I'm a YouTuber that's why it's been like no  conversations but they're cool they're cool they   actually drove me over here today so um we've been  vibing all right nice get in the water before the   time is up show her show her show her all right  guys so a lot of things I wanted to do here was   get a get on a jet ski have a good time hang out  with some cool people and I've done all of that   so I think I've got into Essence here um um it's  my final review about about this particular place   is yes it can be very expensive here um the people  here belong here okay years ago when I purchased   a Cadillac Escalade ESV um I quickly realized  that in order to have this car you should have   the money for it and the reason why is because  the gas on that car was around 130 to 140 us   you do that twice a week you realize what you put  yourself into so Sandra is cool you can come here   on budget but generally if you want to stay in a  nice hotel if you want to enjoy nice things come   prepared and be prepared to some certain type  of way if anything it's just the culture here   all right it is what it is like if you want to get  on a plane in first class they expect you to dress   well too come on let's go Russia all right guys so  we are leaving this area right here I just wanted   to highlight man it's huge and there's more than  one beach club party so there's a lot of strict   rules here when it comes to getting into certain  Beach Clubs but um if you can't get in one there's   plenty others so many businesses having Happening  Here restaurants it's a Cool vibe and I don't know   if you can hear that music in the background  people still partying all right so get in where   you can fit in now another thing you want to do  is remember where you park or park where you want   to be all right that way you ain't got to wander  around looking for where we park look at these   homes guys wow I can only imagine that these go  for around a thousand something a night plus what   just to stay in these Bungalows but you're going  to have the best view you're going to be in the   best area and it's a lot of community here too so  you can have a cool time hanging out really nice   so check this out guys they also have a Chanel  house right here an amazing looking house as   you can see it's a little bit on the outskirts of  San Cho or at least in the beginning and this is   the traffic you have all right of people coming  in it's actually uh Saturday I'm leaving but uh   you probably see this video in different order  but I wanted to make sure I get everything right   so yeah this is how it looks all right going see  a big body trucks coming through uh I seen a lot   of more people with g wagons and uh it seems  to be Range Rovers are the popular choice here   for the most part when it comes to uh high-end  Vehicles I've noticed in this area but you do   get your Bentley's you do get your uh Rolls-Royce  you get all type of uh interesting vehicles coming   through this so Range Rover Range Rover of course  your BMWs I'll call that a BMW that's a Benz   right look so yeah man uh uh this is where the  people come and uh enjoy theirselves all right   I don't know like to tell people to everyone  to show up here but yeah that's exactly we're   coming then you got your your people who live  in the neighborhood who have uh the ride around   in their bikes and stuff like that yesterday I  met a lady and her mother and uh the mother's   like yeah she's from s trro born and raised  and then you know her daughter which uh her   daughter probably was in her early 50s you could  tell that they were doing pretty well so if you   were a native here and you've been living here  for oh let's say 60 70 years you probably had   a good opportunity to uh um take advantage of  the popularity and make some really good money   here so yeah uh it's a cool place you know what  I'm saying it most definitely is a cool place   uh hotels are overpriced but that goes back to  what I've been thinking all along the people who   enjoy this place can afford this place right  guys here's another Chanel house right here   let me see if it's a whel or what let's see what  Chanel has in here all right okay I got two boss   all right so here we go nice Courtyard right  here very beautiful nice little Lounge area okay oh hi thank you I'll be fast okay hello hello wow okay all right guys they don't  allow filming in there but I was trying   to see if I could purchase a perfume for  my mother but I think uh Chanel this is   too popular brand and too known I'm trying to  get her something like she can only get here   unique but the staff explained to me what  the houses were about which was basically   one house for makeup and perfume and the  other one the bigger one was for clothing   all right guys so they have an expo here free  entry so let's see what we can find in this Gallery wow so we got a Rolex broken uh I don't  know what typee of tequila bottle that is I forgot   the name awesome and this one is a d Peron  bottle which are ripped they're probably real   $100 bill but it's a plasted into the glass  and this is probably gold flakes plastered   in nice okay really cool I guess these are like  cool things you can put into your your bar here   they're going for $1,300 somebody's going to buy  this stuff okay I can't help but think like Sano   feay is one of those places where people who  are dreamers can really make it meaning you   can create your own thing and make it Chic  enough for people to purchase and buy don't   get me wrong they're all some dope stuff look  at this it's a see-through car nice right wow   look at that you can see the engine everything  and it has the hisory of the vehicle here too   nice vehicle on order and delivery oh you can  purchase this thing you made it no I you know   how much it go for yeah 65 5,000 a Euro 65,000  that's fun that's a fun car wow I think that's   uh worth it man that is most definitely if you  come in here you got that type of cash then this   is a like you go to the beach you know what I  mean forget a Rolls-Royce forget a uh forget a   Lamborghini P up in this right and have some  hot chicks behind you you're going to be the   Envy of the street right here this right here  nice this is awesome look at it cool seethrough car look at that all right everything about it is see-through   I can't help but think this is made out of uh  polycarbonate I used to work at a plastic uh   warehouse and so if I'm correct they would have  to have built all the frames for every part here   and then um put it in the oven and then the oven  would melt and this is what you would get the oven   would melt the the the plastic and frame it  right and this is the what you get right here   so they can make multiple if they have the frames  all right if they have the molding they can   definitely make another one and then you know they  have to buy the parts and everything and really   nice very impressive this is a show stopper it  ain't me meant to go fast you know what I'm saying   but I can have a think someone inspired could  probably create something similar but it's going   to take time if you if you you got to find the  right people to create that mold actually I can   think I think the people who made this probably  are Master at U making bolts and they made this   as like a you know what let's make something else  other than boats I think that's the history look   at the the way you open the hood you got to untied  the belt and everything on here okay everything is   in um in French oh you can actually choose what  color you want too guys with this particular car   you don't want to be racing you don't want to be  doing too much stunning around other than you're   outside in the public ey right because it's not  as strong as you would like it does have a fender   but the material itself you know and you're going  to have to bring it send it to France to go get   another one insane this is nice all right guys so  we are at uh Mason's Margaritas Margaritas why did   you choose Margaritas because it's the second name  of my sister nice and she is doing the brand with   us and because it's a flower and it's uh to all  our woman flower wow okay so uh explain to me so   that that describes the type of clothing you make  here right yes all right so um what is everybody   loving what type of style or what is the style  right now for people the summer style I don't   know uh like this one all right people they  love it they keep it open everything here or   like this for the for the weather right yes it's  free mhm uh because it makes you feel like you're   goddess and everything right and uh yeah these two  it's the most I have it in a lot of colors then I   have other ones but yeah the most the one I show  you that I have the different wow and you and your   sister make this yes okay congratulations so is  there a way people can check out your collection   online yes your Instagram is a Margaritas you  have a card or something okay cool Instagram is   all right I'm going to make sure I put it in  the description I'mma put it in this video   so you can go and check it out man just to  speak on that woman's style wow and I just   think that's like a cool way of showcasing how  like that's the Vibes here in Sant trop for many   people beautiful feeling uh sexy womany and just  out and about you know so I think that's cool so guys uh that was cool to go into her boutique  but I heard there's another YouTuber here that   has their own store or something like that so  let's see if we can find her all right guys so   it is Saturday I here on Saturdays and maybe  Tuesdays or Wednesdays they have this farmer   marker so this is actually the same entry I went  to last time I was here you were like seeing all   this dirt on the floor or something it is a  farmers market where they're selling all type   of things unfortunately since I'm leaving I'm  traveling with my bags and my bags don't work   on the dirt okay and I'm not about to drag  everything in the dirt but you get it 15 old   and then uh what else she got here these are these  are nice wow look at this one right here this is   like a velvet looking type of glasses you make the  glasses she make the glasses who make the glasses okay can repeat this who makes  the glasses who make yeah cust my dad he makes the glasses the  theing gles is made in Taiwan in okay   okay but this but his company  okay got it Mary my name is mar ah okay nice in French gles it's loop loop  so Mar Loop ah wow you know wearing no   glasses [Music] today okay awesome that's  nice nice of you good Daddy good at daddy   that's awesome so he named his company after  his daughter and uh interestingly enough Loop   means uh glasses so this to keep that in mind  that's a that's actually a interesting thing   I hope they guys do well their brand does  well because of you know it's like Chanel   or something you I mean did you get the merry  Loop oh that's merry Loop that's nice all right   look at that so I got all different styles right  here okay Mar what great uh since 31 years ago   wasid he was a little baby oh so he okay him  and his family yeah yeah uh my grandparents   here oh wow wow congrat that's beautiful and Mary guys email okay so if you want to check   out this stuff you can check it out thank you  thank you all right you all right the okay all right a pretty picture for the ones that lies in   life but even dreamers have  the power to save the friend

2024-08-24 16:29

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