ASMR Touring Random Zillow Houses | House Hunting Bay Area | Million Dollar Homes | House Tour

ASMR Touring Random Zillow Houses | House Hunting Bay Area | Million Dollar Homes | House Tour

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I'm my lovelies and welcome back to the channel  my name is Mai and today I thought it would   be really fun to kind of browse some random  Zillow homes from my original hometown area   which is really notorious for their high  housing prices and that's the Bay Area in California I don't know if anyone else has this  weird obsession with Zillow but I sometimes like   to see what's just on the market and the  interesting homes that are out there I'm   personally no longer live there anymore and  honestly for a good reason since I couldn't   and wouldn't want to afford a house out  there but I did recently purchase a house   in a different city so I sometimes get that  Zillow high sometimes still so come along   with me to look at some I actually found this  random home Zillow randomizer that can help us   generate some random homes so we're not biased in  this first video with that let's go ahead and get started so here's the home randomizer I'll go  ahead and Link it down in the description below   and the in case you wanted to use it for fun or  if you're looking into a home I think for this   first video we'll go ahead and look for homes  that are currently on the market for sale and   since we're in the Bay Area we're going to  need I feel like at least a million dollars   since a lot of the homes there don't go  for anything less than 7 to 800 and those   are for kind of the lower priced end homes  and we'll do any size bed and any size bath   oh actually I think we need to change  it to a million forgot one zero there so here's our first generated home we're  looking in the city of Alameda which is   very notorious for having expensive homes  since they are actually located on a small island as you can see it's going for about  1.3 million for only three bad three bath but   obviously some people are a little interested in  it let's go ahead and look at some of the listing photos very cute exterior looking at a corner home and going inside very tall  ceilings which is very pretty   when you first walk in and lots of  little antique details there on the floor looks like everything is quite compacted  from the kitchen to the dining and the living room really nice fireplace here and the pictures on Zillo I've learned  make everything on a wide angle lens so   sometimes things may appear to be a lot bigger  than they seem room wise very interesting here   they have this almost peephole looking window  coming from the top of one of the bedrooms maybe and very modest size dining room very nice that they have even  some outdoor seating in the   backyard there if this wasn't big enough to host everyone this kitchen is quite  nice I personally am not a big   fan of the honey oak colored kitchen  cou idence but I know a lot of people   are going back into the wood tones  so this might actually work pretty well and they seem like they have a little  cute breakfast nook on the side there too going on more with the wood  features and the bathrooms it seems and guess this could be the master hard to   say but uh with this bathroom most likely  a master bedroom and lots of closet space here comes another bedroom again really  nice and has our own guest bathroom and   another one which could be used for either two  people or a guest room and the backyard itself   is quite cozy lots of colors and lots of  room to be able to entertain outside when   you're living in the Bay Area even though a  lot of places tend to be colder the summers   are really nice to host since the temperature is  so mild there's a lot of seating and Landscaping   which is really really pretty and that is our  first home let me know what you guys personally   think of that home and if it was worth its  price let's go ahead and change the city   for our next home to a various notorious  City in the bay and that is is San Jose California and here is our second [Music] home looking at it it did get a generous price  cut and is now currently going for 1 Point   3 slash 1.4 closer to that and  it only has four bedrooms and two baths looking at the exterior very nice I see that   personally I'm not a big fan of the  Rocks but personal preference there   very large entryway door the window on  the side there and very spacious entry room I feel like this almost might be their  living room since there is a TV in lots of seating and this might be true cuz we can see  into the dining room across the way [Music] here   and very nice large couches here as well I  feel like they probably wanted to fill this space the ceilings are actually really interesting  they almost have a lot of molding and their dining   set here is also accompanied by more seating  at the island it's a little small for a bench   or the dining but I guess that's why they  have Island seating as well I personally   would have gone for maybe a larger dining  area with more seating and taken out the couch here's the look at the kitchen very nice I'm personally  not a fan of the countertop   colors just because I like to see a very clean look and here's a look at possibly the  master they have the this really fun   massage chair and you know this  person is living the life since   they have a tablet holder that they  can use while they get a full body massage this is probably indeed the master  since you can see the bathroom connected   there and lots of natural light into there as  well another room very coastal so the theming   is changing a little bit I do love the colors and  how everything matches pretty well in this room so this is that room that we saw  that was hiding behind the curtain   area in the front and it is a mini desk office area going back to kind of the  woody tones for the bathroom again   not sure if these tiles are  supposed to be floor tiles but very interesting here's a look the backyard which is  very nice and spacious as well lots of little   rooms to kind of host people and they sent  a lot of plants here and that was our second   home pretty cute but definitely not more of  my speed let me know what you guys think of   this house as well for third home let's go  ahead and change the city once again we'll   go ahead and go to another known area and  that's going to be in copertino oh I guess   the pricing doesn't work so let's go ahead  and change it to 1.5 ah there we go so as   expected there are actually no homes that are 1  million or less in copertino California so this   house it's going for 1.8 which you can see is  about 12,000 a month which is quite outrageous   but there are people out there who do make a  substantial amount of money so they can afford   at home like this only two bed two bath and quite  a small square footage especially for this kind of price looking at some of the  photos the outside is nothing   special really almost kind of odd has  no windows or anything in the front I assume you go in from this side  part here and this might be maybe   down this path here and coming off  to the side that leads over to the front going into the home I mean tall ceilings  are nice there's almost three different floors if   not four in the kitchen going on here and that's  quite a little too odd also the colors seem very   cold I know a lot of people have been hating  on Millennials for wanting very muted and gray   colors so I can definitely sense that this is very  cold in that way and I totally get that it is very   clean cut but still very cold and I assume they  put these mirrors to make it look a little bigger over on this side they have a little office  area with a large window and a wet bar as well makes me wonder where the  kitchen is since we haven't seen it and here's a dining room which I kind of assume   it's maybe off to this area here but  quite a small dining space as well okay so there's the kitchen leading into the  dining area which very small kitchen but it would work and it also looks like it has some  kind of wine cooler which is a nice little perk it also seems to lead to the  outside nice little patio area there still not a fan of the honey oak  color but very eclectic and keeping it   in that same original color and  here is the master kind of feel   the bed might be a little tiny or maybe  that was the angle of the room and the   picture it looks decently sized now and  there's a little balcony leading off from it very nice sized B bedroom I guess another room oh  no this is the office we probably saw and maybe the master bath here the  tiling is quite eclectic for my taste and another bath here very cold in this one but  and a very very generous master   closet lots of built-ins and areas to store stuff oh I wonder what happened to that window there  ah okay this makes a lot of sense so you can   probably enter here and you can probably Park a  vehicle on this side and your walkway to your main   area is on the right very spacious backyard  but these trees will definitely be an issue   I lived in my childhood home when I was  little with these kinds of trees and   they tend to have a bunch of leaves  that fall all the time and you can   definitely see they are falling quite  a bit into the yard and all over the furniture the problem with these trees is that   you don't really have your rights to cut  them since they're outside so it's a little Troublesome the outside in this community  is so cute they have so many little public   areas that you can hang out in and it looks  really cozy oh they also have a pool area   and maybe a little Community Center that  you can probably rent out to host things   in if you didn't want to use your own  space but that means that the HOA is   probably ridiculous which is dead on we would be  paying almost an extra 552 every single month on   top of this $112,000 just to have that extra  shared [Music] space that was house number   three and there you can see the map it's in  it's proximity to San Jose let me know down   in the comments would you pay an extra  $500 to to have all those amenities or not and for our last City and last  home let's go to San Francisco which   is of course the most popular city in the  bay we're going to put it up to 2 million   because there probably isn't any homes below  that or if they are they might be a little smaller okay for this home  it looks like we are going   to 2.8 million and you can see  the monthly jumped up to almost

$8,300 which for a lot of us regular people   is pretty much a year if not a little less  than a Year's worth of [Music] pay let's go   ahead and look to see if this home is  even relatively worth the $2.9 million looking at it from the front view very modern not   much of a driveway but you  still get a garage of your home very interesting so looks like there's a  little room but I really love these wood features   here on the stairs in the walls paired with the  white which are two of my favorite and of color combinations you definitely see  lots of stairs and lots of glass   I do love how open the area feels and you can  definitely see it has an amazing view of the city I personally love the style of this  home it's almost a very neutral home but   with really fun nature pieces like the  woods and really fun pieces like the   marbling above above the the fireplace  and the open concept is really nice too you can see the kitchen in the back  over here and the part of the backyard there and I love how big this p any odor is  it's one of those more expensive ones where   you can pull the whole thing and it makes it  feel like the backyard is connected into the home I really love the more wooded features  here in the kitchen as well and lots   of storage and there's probably the fridge off  to the right so almost like a hidden fridge the   island is actually quite expensive the waterfall  effect of the island makes it an extra charge if   you were to get it in a new build this looks like  the master bedroom like again with the stunning views we have the master bath here very very  white and with a little tub and walk-in shower again with these wood features and the  walk-in closet which I personally really love and this might be another room  which is very generous sized room very nice pictures of the view that you're  getting from this home oh that is such a   nice surprise so you get this top seating  area on the very top of your home where   you can host and have little cute barbecues  and hangouts and these would be really nice   for the summertime when things are quite  mild actually in the bay and not too too hot you can see that your neighbor also has  something similar which I guess can be a   little awkward if you both are there or trying  to play your own music very very interesting   backyard super large and with a lot of amount  of [Music] seating I actually appreciate that   everything looks kind of tall and this little  planter here is definitely the focal point I've   never really seen a full wall planter like  that so that's quite cool especially if you   love to grow things oh and we have a assana I  probably would guess that that was that one room   we saw in the very beginning that had a door in  it and here's a look at the spacious garage as well very industrial looking but spacious [Music] nonetheless and they listed the photo of  the floor plan and you can definitely see   here the SAA was on the first floor  that we saw before we walked up the   staircase so we were right about that but  very beautiful home I mean I personally   love it I wouldn't be able to afford it but  style wise and spacewise it's very beautiful also just to give you a little perspective  on where it's located if you're not familiar   with San Francisco you might be familiar with  some more notorious places like golden C Park   and we have some of the more Fisherman's  Warf area so it's located down below over here and that is all the home lovies that  we are going to look at for today's video   I hope that you guys really enjoy just looking  at random homes with me and hopefully it also   brought you a little bit of comfort as well let  me know down in the comments coms below which   houses that you guys liked or if you thought  any of the houses were worth its price point   we'll probably end up doing a very similar series  like this again in the future again my name is ma   and I hope you guys enjoyed this video and I  hope to see you again in another video byeeee

2024-09-03 07:39

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