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Namibia. A. Fascinating. Country full, of wilderness. Adventure. And loneliness. From. Sand dunes to canyons, mountains. To rivers history. To, wildlife encounters. Namibia. Has it all follow. Us on our journey through Southern, Africa's, desert, country. Our. Travels started in the capital, of namibia been, took, it, didn't take us long to leave the city in search of wilderness, though. After. Some time heading south warts on the highway we, arrived at lake Arnhem, where we got a rather prickly. Welcome. Typically. For the draw in arid landscapes, of Namibia many. Different, cacti can be found here. The, bird's-eye view of the area shows the contrasts. In nature with, the lake being surrounded by a desert-like, landscape. We, decided to stay for the night and enjoy the view of water which. Is a rare commodity in, the south of Namibia. The. Next day we cross the Tropic of Capricorn for the first time on this journey. Not. Without some giddy excitement. Following. The highway a bit more we soon reached a second source of water leg, hard up the. Lake may not be as picturesque, as lake one up but it is home to the largest stem, in Namibia and some, fun off-road tracks in its backyard. We're. Testing the four-wheel, drive capabilities of, the Hilux for the first time right now it's, nothing really that hard but a bit. A rough gravel road but, definitely, good to be back on the tracks driving. South the landscape, did not change drastically. The. South of Namibia is very try and dominated, by shrubs and small bushes, with only the occasional tree. Although. We often just saw a lonely tree in the distance we suddenly came upon an entire, forest, a forest. Of quiver trees which, are also called Coco, Palms in Afrikaans. As. We arrived for sunset the entire, landscape was, tinted in a smooth red light. With. The Sun setting we, call it a day and settle down for the night, there. Are definitely, worse spots to camp. We. Decided to get up early the next morning to enjoy the sunrise as well which, proved to be more, than worth it. Quiver. Trees are oddly shaped funny-looking. Aloha plants, which are endemic to southern, Namibia and the northwestern, part of South Africa. They. Are called quiver trees because, the original inhabitants of the country the Bushmen or son used, to make Quivers from the prances, of the trees. Close. By there is a second, cover tree forest which appears to be a favorite among, the sociable weaver birds. These. Little fellows form large colonies, building one of the most stunning structures. Constructed by, birds. Their. Huge community, nests can easily, stretch over an entire treetops. Just. A stone throw away another, natural sight is patiently, waiting for visitors, the. Ginés playground. We. Are just on our way to the fish river canyon which. Is the third, largest canyon, in the world and. We are trying through a landscape which is very, dry very, desolate. And, extremely. Dusty, so we fit a gravel road and. So probably longest road we're going to try for now when. You extremely, try if, there's a car coming towards us it's just, kilometres. Of dust. Slightly. Exaggerated. This. Part of Namibia driving, has to be embraced as part, of the journey it. Is not just about arriving, at some location, but enjoying loneliness. Along the way. In. General, everything, is dry and dusty so. We were surprised, when it came on a little for. The. Landscape, is a special, kind of beautiful, with mountains, rising, from an otherwise flat countryside. In. This, wild area with barely another, human anywhere, near we, had our first exciting, wildlife encounter, spotting. A large herd of Oryx antelopes, in the distance. We've. Just seen like. Two-thirds of Oryx antelopes, we've seen, Springboks. In the distance, we've seen a family. Of ostriches. With maybe twenty, chicks, and. Also, over there we've, just seen our first try Roz. It's. Just incredible. Seeing this amount of wildlife in just a single spot that, same day we also marveled, at Namibia's, most impressive. Landmark, the. Fish River Canyon is the largest canyon in Africa, and one, of the largest in the world. Whereas. Day hikes into the canyon are not allowed a five-day. Hiking trail leads down into the gorge. There. Are multiple viewpoints, which all offer a different perspective, on this natural, phenomenon, the. Canyon is more than 160. Kilometres long and at times up to 550. Meters deep. The. Best time to visit is in the late afternoon when the Sun is slowly setting over the canyon barding, it in its warm light. We. Decided to come back for a second visit early, the next morning. With. The Sun slowly rising, the canyons started to illuminate. Soon. We were on the road again driving, further south towards the south african border where's.

In The beginning we still saw some rock bands the landscape, soon became very flat, and desolate, no. Trees just some bushes and a gravel road leading through the wilderness, an. Unusual. Sight was coming upon this vintage car in the middle of nowhere, judging. By its looks it has been lying there for many years being, used as a hunter's target, in the meantime. Shortly. Before we reached the Orange River we decided to leave the world trot and travel road for a little track called gam lab eco trail. Although. There was absolutely. No signage, to be found we had a rough idea of where we would be going, the. Trail gave us some easy 4x4. Action right from the start which we really enjoyed after all the kilometers, spent on straight crevel roads the. Old and tribe riverbed, slowed down our progress but, had has really, enjoyed the scenery. Looking. From above our car is nothing, more than a little speck in this vast landscape. As, we entered the I ice reached his file transfer, on tier Park we, spotted some baboons climbing. On the rocks and running across the street. After. Hundreds, of kilometers, spent driving through dry and rather colourless, landscapes, we, suddenly encountered. A lot of three. The. Reason, for this narrow strip, of flourishing, plant growth is the Orange River, marking. The border between South Africa and Namibia this. River is flowing all year round supplying. This try landscape, with much needed water. Equally. As much appreciation, for clean water have vervet, monkeys. They. Are the smallest monkey, species namibia, in are only found close to running water. Vervet, monkeys live in groups of 10 to 70 animals and communicate, through a number of course. Leaving. The orange robe behind we soon were back in the dry landscape, of the Namib Desert fringe there. Is a good probability of, spotting, wild horses in this area. These. Horses are the descendants, of animals who escaped, in the turmoil, of World War one when the Germans fought against South African, troops. Although. The journey proneness, back onto tar roads and towards the coastal town of blue donuts. Rudl. Its is a windy, place where the contrast, between the maybe us try and Theriot landscapes, and the large expense, of the ocean is evident. Thanks. To the ocean rude alerts office one of the Libya's most intriguing. Historic, sites. The. Small town of Coleman's, copy used to be the settlement of several, hundred, Germans at the beginning of the 20th century, it. Offered every, comfort, of a European, town of that time including, a nice factory and a hospital. The. Only difference, it. Was situated in, the harsh environments. Of the Namib Desert. As. The days of the diamond rush ended more, and more people left the town until it was finally claimed, back by the desert. Today, visitors, can explore the historic, buildings, which are in different states of decay. Most. Striking, is the amount of sand that has found a way into the houses. Some. Rooms are filled with so, much sand that you have to crawl to get through the doorframe. Some. Of the buildings were even constructed, as two-story, houses with a rickety wooden stairs, leading to the upper levels. We. Decided to stay until the Sun set taking in the eerie noises. While. The clouds moved over the buildings the wind slowly picked up giving us a first indication, of the rough night ahead. This. Is gonna be the most horrible, night ever. Because. We've never slept, in such strong, winds as we now. Have to, we're, in lüderitz at, the. Campsite, and direct, the next to the ocean and the wind is just, insane. The entire, car with the rooftop tent is shaking, and I have, no, clue how we will sleep a single, minute tonight. We. Just woke up we'd be sunrise, in, lüderitz. But uh that, was a truly, crazy, night I mean. The wind was shaking, the entire tent. And it was it was really. Intense. Really. But. Now we're enjoying. The, sunrise with, just a little bit of wind and, quite. Acceptable. We. Then went our jigs for the lüderitz Peninsula where we soon spotted our first flamingos. These. Are crater flamingos, who are wading through the lagoon filtering, small invertebrates from, the mud. Especially. Amusing, are there dance like moves when they steer up the map in search of food. Directly. Offshore there's an island which is inhabited, by penguins. Eppley. Named penguin, our boat.

Cruises Offer to bring tourists, close to the Penguins, but with these kind of waves we had no. Deciding tickets. Our. Further, journey brought us north through, the dry a very scenic, Namib, Desert. It. Is important, to come prepared and have a basic, understanding of, tire crushers before, venturing into, the desert. The, scenery, is wide open with corrugated, travel, tracks cutting the way fruit. The word namib means as much as vast place. With. Annual precipitation levels, as little as two millimeters. In the most arid regions, the Namib is the only true, desert in southern Africa, it is, furthermore, said to be the oldest desert in the world. Despite. So a little rain wildlife, can still be spotted, most, often there would be either ostriches. Wandering, around with, or without chicks or, Namibia's, heraldic, animal the Oryx antelope. These. Beautiful, antelopes, are well adapted to the dry desert climate they. Do not depend on drinking, water but supplement, their fluid intake by feeding on roots and wild, melons. Oryx. Live in herds of ten to forty animals and can be found over most of Namibia, they. Are most well known for their long horns which average 85, centimeters in, length a. Truly. Astonishing, site, in the middle of the desert, is yousef, castle. This. Castle, is a remnant of Namibia's, colonial, past. It. Was commissioned, by German, captain Hansen rich fun walk and his, American, wife Jada Humphries, at. This, time Namibia, was still called German, Southwest Africa. The. Castle, is very impressive. And completely, out of place at the same time. Tourists. Can visit the interior of the castle which is still in the good shape retaining, most of the historic, furniture. Paris. Evenly possibility, of staying overnight. Despite. Being situated. In such beautiful, surroundings. The castle, did not bring the couple joyful, or. On. A trip, to Europe in 1914. The couple heard the news of the outbreak, of World War one, captain. For both volunteered. To serve his country, only. Two weeks after, you entered active service he was killed at the Battle of song. His. Wife never. Returned, to their castle. Another. 100, kilometers, and crevel roads protesters, s Liam Kenyan and natural, Kenyan caft into the soil by the periodically, flowing, township River, not. Far away one of the most iconic landscapes. Of Namibia can be found the. Giant red sand dunes of Sasa flee often. Photographed with a dried-up camel, thorn tree in the foreground these, dunes are a symbol, for Namibia. The. Last five kilometres of the road to Sicily are only accessible, by four-wheel, drive as a, lot of deep set has to be traversed. The. Landscape, is especially, scenic, early in the morning or late in the afternoon when. The Sun highlights. The red color of the dunes that is. Also the time when animals such as Oryx, can be spotted. To. Get the best views a little bit of effort is required, several. Students. Can be climbed up although. Just about 300, meters of altitude are, scaled the, soft sand makes it quite a challenging, task. Just. Time to the top of big Marmot Union such a fillet it. Was quite a decent clump a lot, of sand very, soft and and. It's pretty, windy and sanny up here so just sitting behind the the. Tune rich. Line and the sand is just flying over it at a basically. A bar being in sand, the wind has absolutely. No pity shifting, the sand continuously. On top of one of the highest, dunes in the world. I'll. Leave it up to you to charge it this view is worth the struggle. Luckily. The way down is a lot easier better. Zuriel. Is the only term that fits the landscape, of nearby dead flame a, short. Walk through the sand dunes which is scenic, in itself brings visitors to a truly, bizarre place. Dead. Flay is a white clay pan which used to be home to a number of occasions which. Are all completely, tried, up and quite, dead now. It. Is clearly, discernible, that the river was flowing into the pen in the past earning. It the name Flay which, means as much as Marsh in Afrikaans. But. With the sand shifting, all the time and the dunes moving, dead Flay was completely, cut off from water in the tree slowly with it leaving behind a unique, landscape. The. Stark contrast between the red sand dunes and the white pen is especially, striking in the late afternoon with, the Sun slowly setting, and shadows, entering, the picture.

Due. To the National Park regulations, all visitors, have to leave the park until one hour after, sunset. After. The journey brought us for the northern part of the Namib now cliff National Park. Instead. Of taking me directly to the coast we, decided to opt for the longer at the scenic road there were several steep, mountain, passes. First. Up was, straight soda pass which, is the steepest, pass in all of Namibia. Within. Only four kilometers, of distance travelers, climb about one kilometre of altitude, resulting. In marvelous views of the surrounding area. Exploring. The equalness highland is an added bonus of taking, the route over the pulses. The. Second pass along the route is called gums burg box and of course it affords travelers with equally, marvelous views. Then enough to bend we marvel at the beautiful, scenery before, arriving, at our adventurous, campsite. We. Just arrived at one of the most picturesque campsites. We've ever been to we, have a rock overhang, to this side and we are sleeping underneath, and kind of in a cave style and on the other side we have a large. African. Plain we will be looking onto for sunrise so. This is at a Roy clip guest farm, it was a rough 18 call me to try to get here very, bumpy road very remote and then very, steep, grade to come up to the actual campsite, but it is just incredible. In. The morning we were woken by a very persistent bird. Looking. Out of the tent we were crowded, the view we had hoped. With, the plane opening, up in front of us we sat down and enjoy our breakfast. Of. Course, we couldn't resist taking an outdoor shower or, driving down the steep path to our campsite. The. Following drive back to the main road showed us the beautiful, surroundings we had missed in the dark the day before. At. This point we had an idea what our car was capable of so we pitted it against some extremely, steep inclines, for no other reason than enjoy, of four-wheel driving. The. Cassette pass was the third mountain pass we traversed in two days it.

Offered Us equally, beautiful sights, on to the trike we sip River which can only be crossed via a bridge, after. A short glimpse into Khoosat Canyon we continued, on roads that were mostly flat. That. Is also where we encountered, our first traffic. Jam, maybe, instead. We. Found ourselves a, beautiful, campsite and settled down for the night with a relaxing, fire. After. We left our pots and pans unattended, for two minutes, we heard some clattering, just. To discover that a small spot at Gannett appreciates. Peanutbutter, sauce just, as much as we do. The. Following day we set out to explore Schmidt's Copper Mountain which. Is also called mutter, Horn of Africa. The. Peak stands out traumatically, from the flat surrounding, plain with its highest point at almost, 1,800. Meters. The, grenade of the mountain is more than 120. Million years old. Several. Vehicle, tracks lead around the mountain to Center many viewing, opportunities. Of course there is an animal that is perfectly, adapted to, live in this environment the, rock, hyrax is a medium-sized. Mammal, living in rocky terrain. Although. They don't look like it they are closely related to elephants. Leaving. Behind bits Coco we drove back to the coast where the weather could rather murder. But. Our way north we came upon many, fishermen, indicating. The amount of fish living, in the offshore waters. The. Fish holes are very popular the Cape fur seals living, at Cape cross this. Seal colony, is one of the largest in the world, sometimes, being home to. 250,000. Seals. Coming. Upon so many seals, left us with a mixture of feelings from or to. Disgust, it is. Hard to describe the smell but so many animals, living in close range emit. They, mostly feed on fish and can dive as deep as 200. Meters. When. Mothers have pups they usually spend three periods, at sea and longer, periods, with them, upon. Emerging, from the water they start calling for a young which respond, with a crime a, mother. Can recognize, a pump based on its individual, crime and its smell. After. About four to six months the pups will be weaned and have to start taking care of themselves. While. They look very clumsy, on land seals, are very nimble swimmers. Among. The thousands, of seals the intent of observer can sometimes, also spot, black back checkers patrolling, up and down the beach, bass. Jackals, are also referred, to as the health police, as they mainly target wounded, and sick animals as well as parse even. In a gang of cattle checkers they are no match for a fully grown and healthy, thirsty. A. Short. Row from office the entrance to the Skeleton Coast national park which, welcomes, visitors with an intimidating. Gait. Off-road. Trails through the dunes bring travelers, to the ocean where, it becomes obvious that the National Park is aptly, named as many, skeletons, can, be found along the coastline, the. Waters off the coast were notorious, among seafarers. As they are treacherous to navigate, often, combined with bad weather. This. Was not a good place to get stranded, as there is no surface, drinking water for, many kilometres. Furthermore. Many whale bones can be found on the beach of stating, back to the days when hunting, whales was acceptable. The. Little Lagoon in the park is home to flocks of greater and lesser for meals. We. Then left the coast of Namibia a last time intro Finland, except. For the occasional centre of there's absolutely, nothing, to see for many kilometers. As. Soon as we enter the Tomorrowland, the landscape, changed. The. Vegetation, was still very sparse but the red color of the rocks was a welcome, change to the gloominess, the coast. Driving. Down this little pass was especially, seeming, as the entire, landscape seemed, to open up ahead of us. It, didn't, take us long to spot some animals we, had been looking forward to seeing from close range. Giraffes. Are the tallest terrestrial. Animals on earth standing, it up to five point eight meters they. Can therefore reach, food sources, no other animal, can die they, mostly feed on leaves and twigs which they pull off with their specialized, Tom. This. Group of giraffes was placidly, feeding, along the roadside. Lecher. Offs have a long history in this area becomes, evident, when looking at the rockin cravings of the Sun people at twyfelfontein. Detective. Did, a candy bar. Which. Today. Give to. Riff on a Greek winner the graffiti mopida. De la santé, Wow. Wow. This. Was our local Damara guy Leslie who took us around -, tane sharing.

His Knowledge about, the rockin cravings, the animals of the area and also his own language so. Maybe. If we try to say wait out on this Publix for example. Let's. Go. Leslie. Told us that the entire area around twyfelfontein, was, used by the Sun to, communicate. With neighboring, troops and as a school for their young. So. Before it specifically dunk with the hood they go out for the first time to hunt the anyways we have to know to. Put business. And. Also the behavior of the enemies in the, area around, while Fontaine, at least. 2,500. Rockin cravings have been found the most famous being the lion with a human, hand on his tail. At. A waterhole, just, outside, Etosha National Park we spotted some mountain cee-trust having a drink while, some giraffes slowly, approached, but. At once they all that quite startled. The, reason was a large group of elephants, approaching, including. Juveniles, and babies. Elephants. Are not fond, of sharing their water source with other animals, so, they usually threaten, them away. Once. They had the water halter themselves they calmly had a drink before moving on again. We've. Just entered the Etosha National Park, through the Carlton Paige and. Driving. The first couple, kilometers and they're literally, giraffes, everywhere. No matter where we look from. Right here I can see four seven. And there's, ten, more on the other side so they're literally. Giraffes, everywhere, I just open the window. But. My son part of Etosha National Park, is a dream for anyone, effect. Visited. By a lot less tourists than the center of the park, many, animals need to guard around the little holes in the dry season. The. Occasional, Oryx under spotted justice, heirs of ostriches. Springboks, Ward Hawks quarry bastards, wildebeest. Kudos, and the list goes on. We. Were also lucky enough to spot some female lines at our first waterfall, which were mostly busying, themselves with. Finding shape. The. Entire, Park has been fenced, in which, makes it impossible for the animals to leave in the Tri season. That. Is why all throughout the National Park artificial. Water halls have been established to make sure the animals have enough drinking water, although. These water halls may not be completely, natural they, are great places to see the wildlife gather in close proximity. The. Western part of the park is also the only region where both subspecies, of cifra can be seen next to one another the. Mountain zebra and the plains secret. While. Mountains across have big stripes, all the way down to their hooves the, plain suppress stripes begin to fade a lot sooner but they, certainly share, their preference, for wallowing, in mud and dust. This. Is a seriously. Bad road in etosha so. Many very. Rough corrugations, and the entire cast is janky. Not. All roads at the park are in a good shape sometimes. The entire car, is vibrating. Tremendously. That is why a sturdy vehicle, is definitely, needed. A, great. Feature of all the campsites are the wildlife, heights from which animals, can be viewed in safety, the, infrared, light used that night does not disturb, the animals but, allows visitors to get a good look in the dark, very. Amusing was this young elephant, who didn't know how to use its trunk for drinking water yet so, decided, to play around with it in the, meantime his buddy was practicing, his moves on a rock. Early. The next morning a Brown hyena visited. The water hall it. Definitely, had a limp in its gait which could indicate a fight with another predator, while. Drinking it kept on getting harassed by, a jackal. Eventually. It told it off. Etosha. Is home to a wide range of antelopes, among which the eland is the largest weighing, up to 800.

Kilograms, While. The eland is not very common visitors, almost certain, to see a Steinbach. They. Reach a maximum shoulder, height of 60 centimeters, and are therefore quite good at hiding in high cross, they. Mostly feed on leaves from bushes while sometimes turning to fruits and cross. Impressively. They're almost completely, independent. Of water as they take in all the moisture they need through their food. Steambox, are usually, active during the early morning and late afternoon while. They rest in the shadows during the heat of the day as we. Further explored, the western part of the, we, came upon this water. The. Sheer number, of animals, is almost, in this quadrant. The, icing, on the cake was the arrival of three young elephant, bulls which led to some commotion at the waterhole. They. Went straight to the water to have a drink all the while being surrounded by hundreds. Of animals, in. General, elephants, are rather composed, moving, around with a certain calm, these. Free young males on the other hand were constantly. Moving throwing, their trunks, up and down and flapping various. After. They had drunken their share they left in a show of strength while, the rest of the wildlife carried on as before a. Really. Special, sight is coming upon a rhino. Their. Numbers, have been drastically, reduced, due. To the poaching, of their horns, which, uneducated, superstitious. Idiots. Believed to be an aphrodisiac. These. Beautiful. Creatures are slaughtered. For a substance, that has the same effect as chewing. On your fingernails, as. We. Had a once-in-a-lifetime. Moment. When we came upon five, black rhinos, at night. Rhinos. Usually, prefer to live alone but, tend to socialize, during darkness. Two. Mothers, with their young and a fifth individual. Came together and calmly, shared a drink. In. These moments it is easy to understand, the true value of these animals, which. Is simply, having them live in peace in their natural habitat. During. The heat of the day most animals, are looking to stay cool in the shade the, Sun. Is relentlessly. Burning down creating, a hazy atmosphere. The. Name of Tasha means, as much as great white place and, refers, to the larger, Tasha pen which covers about a quarter, of the National Park, the. Pen is completely. Dry most of the year but royal life tends to gather along its fringes. Along. The edge of the pan we also found a large group of blended mongrels. While. Other Mongoose tend to forage alone banded, mongoose always, stay together as a group at. Least one individual, of the group is always looking out for potential, predators, alerting, the others with a warning crying rain. And Mongoose mostly, feed on insects and small reptiles which store search by digging in the ground. It. Was definitely an advantage to have our own kind abortion, allowing, us to drive wherever we liked and visiting, many water halts throughout the day. Along. The way we saw countless animals, and it was up to us to decide with which we wanted to stake. Driving. Along a little-used, trail we came upon this large herd of elephants which was happily, feeding. Their. Tool of choice is, of course their trunk which, is an extremely, versatile, an important, body part, the. Elephant's, trunk has no bones little. Fat and a lot of muscle, fibers it. Is ideally, suited for tearing, of tranches to Chua. The trunk is also perfect, for scooping, large amounts, of water to drink. While. The Tosh house elephant's are among the largest in all of Africa their, tusks, are not very impressive, this. Is due to the mineral deficiencies. They phase in this landscape in. The end it probably, helps them stay alive as their ivory is luckily, worthless, for humans. Next. To drinking elephants, also use that run is fleshing themselves, with water mud, dust.

Vinegars. As a protection, against the stark sunlight, as their skin are way too thick is rather, sensitive, they. Therefore try to cover their entire bodies. In a cross of dust or mud. These. Elephants, use water to wetting their bodies and have the dust stick to. The. Young ones are not as talented with their trunks yet so they usually are sort of wallowing in the dust which is adorable to, watch. Equally. Cute our line comes walking through the bush with memories. Upon. Seeing these free cups from a distance we thought we had really struck, luck, later. On we realized that these young lines were completely, alone with no adult lines anywhere, near this. Combined. With a disheveled, state of their food has, us believe that their mother must have been killed somehow. Of course. This is bad news for the cups as they will not be able to care for themselves. As. Heartbreaking. As this fact may be it is, part of the natural cycle. They. All hit a drink at the water hole they, went off into the sunset. We. Are currently driving on the dick dick tribe in etosha national park, dick, digs are small antelopes, and we are having a dick dick sporting, contest. We are crouching along with 8 kilometres an hour trying to figure out who can spot more dick dicks and currently NS leading with free to do but. We shall see who wins in the end dick, dicks are among the smallest antelopes. Reaching a shoulder height of only 40, centimeters. Bear, active during the day but usually rests, in the thick undergrowth when it is hot outside. Due. To their small body size and the areas they live in they can be quite hard to spot. Once. Active, dick dicks can be seen feeding on leaves and fruits. Similarily. To steambox physics are completely, water independent. And. We have a clear, winner with. 95. Ana, has, on the dik-dik challenge. After. Four days with many clothes, animal encounters, we left Etosha National Park for new adventures. Or. Further, journey protists to make or chacorta, which, is one of only two natural. Lakes in the middle of, the lake also has an interesting history as German, troops and war equipment in it in 1915. So, it couldn't be used by the British. Around. The lake the climate seems perfect, for a large range of succulents, greatly differing, in size. All. The succulents, are tiny compared, to this baobab, tree of course. We. Continued, our journey northwards. Person, travel later on a small towards the Caprivi strip. We. Are driving for the northeast of Namibia right now on our way to the Caprivi strip then. We can clearly see differences, between northern, Namibia and southern Namibia, because. Southern, Namibia that, was mostly, landscapes but, barely any villages, yet in northern Namibia in the Northeast they a lot of villages next highway. Compared. To the rest of Namibia the Caprivi strip is fairly green, and wet which is mostly, due to the presence of several rivers, the. Most famous of these is the Okavango, which crosses the Caprivi strip from Angola into, Botswana. Along. Its shores lies the beautiful, Marengo, core area of Guagua, a national park while. Many of the animals were familiar by now we also spotted some that we hadn't seen before, grown. Antelopes, among the largest antelopes, reaching, lengths of almost two and a half metres they. Are closely related to sable, antelopes, with which they share their habitat. We. Also saw some Tessa be in our first hippos both on land and in, water.

A Highlight, of ours was definitely, coming upon a family of all stretches. Ostriches. Are the largest living bird they. Can reach a total height of almost three meters. They. Young leave the nest after only three days and follow their parents everywhere. And ostriches, mostly, feed on drop seeds, leaves, and insects, they, also not, depend in the water they. Salos them to live in a range of habitats, including. Deserts. If. They get the chance ostriches. Will still go for drink which, usually looks, rather funny. Borning. Is. About seven o'clock in the morning we. Just woke up at the banks of the Okavango River which. Is right. There. You. Can see the Sun is slowly rising, it. Is bitterly, cold but. It is stunningly. Beautiful, here because his absolute, silence except, for a plethora. Of birds singing, and the. Occasional, crunch often hippo but. Otherwise it's, just an. Absolutely. Magnificent place. The. Sunrise, was quite memorable with a lot of heart slowly rising, from the river we. Weren't, disturbed by anything and completely, enjoyed, this magical, display, of nature. Afterwards. We said goodbye to the Okavango for the time being and followed the highway through the Caprivi strip until. We reach the cuando, really. We. Are completely, and utterly stuck, on the four-wheel drive track which barely helps us but. Today it's, just no, going forward, since approximately, now, we've tried almost everything but. There's. Just no way and, the reason there's a little bit different, to what usually. Might be the reason of getting stuck on a four-wheel drive check but there's, a herd of 200, elephants blocking. The way, so. We. Have just no recipe, to fix the situation's. Exemple. Waiting we. Watched in disbelief as. More elephants, appear from the bushes to take a bath in the river. The. Problem, was less that the elephant's went to the river for drink but, more that they were spread out over several, hundred meters. Going back and forth walking. Away from the river but returning after only a few minutes, we realized, that these elephants, could easily stay, there for many more hours but. As we still had some way to go we, took our chances about riding a little travel path through the bush a. Detour. Was about 20 kilometers which took us at least one hour. Once. More anna has the very unthankful, part of cleaning, away branches, from the track, apparently. Last night there has been a big, group of elephants on this track as well because there's plenty of elephant food and there, are so many branches. Lying directly on the track which are definitely, chewed, on so. Quite. Clearly maybe. The big group we've seen has been on this way as well and it's. Just very tough going right now as this is also the habitat of lions, leopards, and other predators I always, try to keep the car as close as possible to enter. Back. On the main track we didn't meet any more elephants, luckily but, only came upon a gang of the birds. They. Were quite busy grooming, each other climbing, up trees snacking. On some leaves and generally. Looking photogenic. In, the trees above we also spotted some rather large fruit, base. -, round of our time and anivia we decided, to go on a little boat cruise to see the cuando river from a different perspective. It. Did not take our guides long to spot a number, of herds along the short. We. Were very happy woman spotted our first ledge, mantle, and a small herd of African Buffalo. We. Explored, the cuando river system for about two hours before the Sun slowly, started, to set. And thus, ended, our trip through Namibia, but. Our journey is far from over, for. The next three weeks we, ventured, into the wilderness of Botswana. You. You.

2019-01-01 21:58

Show Video


23:38 XD ;)

True story :D

can you pls share your trip plan

+LucasTJahn waiting

+samdamn Thanks a lot! Botswana video coming up in a couple of weeks :)

+LucasTJahn all the very best for your next adventure.. superb video

Sure, we spent three weeks in Namibia and three weeks in Botsuana. We did not plan anything in advance but played it by ear. It roughly turned out like that: Windhouk - Lake Oanob - Lake Hardap - Keetmanshop - Quivertrees und Giants Playground - Fishriver Canyon - Orange River - Aus - Lüderitz and Lüderitz Peninsula - Kolmanskop - Southern Namib - Duwisib Castle - Sesriem Canyon - Sossusvlei - Spreetshoogte Pass - Gamsberg Pass - Kuiseb Pass - Walvis Bay - Swakopmund - Blutkoppe - Tsaobis - Spitzkoppe - Dorub National Park - Cape Cross - Skeleton Coast - Damaraland - Palmwag Lodge - Twyfelfontein - Galton Gate - Etosha Nationalpark (4 Days) - Lake Ojikoto - Caprivi Strip - Bwabwata Nationalpark - Off to Botswana

Wohoo, it's finally here

Great job!

Thanks a lot!

Keep them coming.

For sure :)

Wow what a great video. I was searching background information for a trip to Namibia that I am planning to do in 2020 with a group of people for my small travel company and you gave such a good insight. I can't wait to go!!

Glad you liked it! Good luck with your trip :)

Finally had the time to finish watching. This is by far the most underrated Youtube channel known to me.

Thank you so much! :)

outstanding video

Thanks a lot :)

Great video! How was the Eco-trail called exactly if I may ask? I coudln't understand it exactly :) Thanks!

Ronny Pony I think I honestly just translated the insurance info myself and sent it in. Worked fine! As to Etosha - my wife just said ‚no, she did not own a drone‘. After all it was I who bought it :D they did not check our car. As we had the same route as you will, this worked the best! :D

+LucasTJahn Thanks for the extensive answer! Best info I could find already. The most difficult part for me seems to be the liability insurance. I have one in Belgium that is valid worldwide but I need to get it translated somehow... They really do confiscate it? We would enter by Galton Gate and exit at Von Lindequist which is about 300km's apart so I hope this can be done... I also read reports of them just sealing it...

+Ronny Pony No worries! I went through the lengthy process of obtaining a permit in advance of the trip, which is not cheap (around 70 Euro, I think). It is definitely not impossible and the people at the NCAA are very nice. You have to fill out some documents, giving infos about you and the drone. The most difficult part is when you have to specify where you want to fly the drone exactly (with coordinates). Obviously this is not possible for a person travelling. I told them as much and supplied them with two pages of coordinates of intended flight destinations. I was granted the permit quickly after paying (btw. they check if you will be granted a permit or not and only then prompt you to pay). In saying all that, nobody in Namibia ever asked me if I carried a drone (except for in Etosha - they will confiscate it and keep it until your return) or checked whether I have a permit or not. As long as you have the permit and adhere to the rules you will be absolutely fine.

+LucasTJahn Thanks for the fast response! You didn't encounter any problems with the droning? I read so much different information concerning it with people talking about permits and the impossibility to obtain them...

I actually said a wrong name, so no worries at all. It is called Gamchab Eco Trail and can be found close to the Orange River :)

Thnx I will probably watch your video a couple of times more!

54 minutes! awesome, I'm gonna make me some popcorn! :)

Enjoy, hope you like it ;)

Thanks for watching! Wanna see more travel docs? Check out my channel :)

What time of the year were you there?

We visited from end of August to around middle of September in Namibia and until beginning of October in Botswana

Amazing video. Which drone did you use. The amazone link does not work

Thanks for pointing that out! I use the DJI Mavic Air Fly More bundle. I am very satisfied with it - small size, great image quality and fairly stable in most situations. Only thing that sucks is the wifi signal instead of radio signal. It gets lost way too soon. Other than that - great drone!

Absolutely beautiful!

well done !!

Incredible video footage! Hereabouts at Y&S FOOD! we adore to come across these types of content. We produce Travel & Food movies too, all around the world, so we are frequently aiming for inspirations and so ideas. Thank You.

Awesome! thank you so much for sharing your experience with us. I really like the way you comment and catch the moments on video!

Thanks you! Glad you liked it :)

It has been that there is something about Africa that gets in your blood. ( It's called malaria.)

Awesome. Thanks for sharing with us. Love. Peace.

cool video!

Truly great video! A lot of effort has been put into it. Thanks a lot!

Hey......How much does it cost????

Hi Lucas, we were made aware of your video by Asco Car Hire. We did a similar trip with them end of 2017. Your video truly captures the beauty of both countries, me and my girfriend really enjoyed watching it and relived our trip. Bonus are all the drone shots, views that we (of course) never seen ourselves :) Great work!

Very glad, Asco decided to share it and you saw and liked it. Happy to bring back those memories :)

That fully depends on many factors. We were travelling frugally, camping and cooking for ourselves, and not paying for any safari tours. That way it costs a lot less than if you decide to stay at lodges and hire professional guides of course. I cannot pinpoint a specific amount but our entire trip would have cost around 6k Euro.

Thank you :)

Amazing Africa

Awesome film - great footage and interesting commentary. what was really nice is you showed the 'real' side of the adventure, not just the Insta worthy footage. This really helps to see what the reality is when planning a trip. thank you Can i ask how you charged your camera kit DSLR and Drone batteries? i spotted what looked like a transformer. did this come with the car? I've been researching and found the BESTEK 300W Power Inverter. what did you have?

Thanks a lot :) You have a good eye! We used an inverter to charge not only the drone and camera batteries but also my laptop. This did not come with the car but we actually bought it in Canada two years ago and bring it on every trip since then. It is called the MotoMaster 300W, so same power as the one you are looking at. Definitely a great tool to have! Just doesn't always work if you drive slowly on a bumpy sand track and have too many gadgets plugged in. Otherwise works like a charm.

Haha yeah and a cold glass of beer!

Nice one, very informative! I also made a movie with the highlights of 3 weeks traveling around Namibia

Our country is so beautiful ❤️❤️❤️

Great you know the name or the location of the big water hole that you had the 3 bull elephants come to visit?

this video is just amazing you two make a great team

Thanks! :)

I am 99% certain it is called Ozonjuitji m'Bari waterhole :)

Amazing! Well done you guys :)


+LucasTJahn I would love to see a documentry on Namibian desert express train journey ...i mean the whole journey of the desert express...if possible

+LucasTJahn Sure...i will definitely give it a watch...✌️

The second part from Botswana is already up on my channel :) more videos will definitely come, I promise!

Truly outstanding video of a high quality and extremely enjoyable. I hope to go there next year! Thank you.

Rethine Musutua it sure is!

Best money ever spent

Defenetly worth watching

Awesome movie. So many beautiful places.

paul comerford yeah

Thanks :)

Thanks a lot! I hope you'll make your trip :)

Well done, very professionally done..cinematography ,sound, POV etc..and bloody informative

Haha thanks a lot! :D

Awesomely beautiful video. Thanks

A journey well documented

Thanks a lot! :)

This was very cool. I watched it with my non-Namibian friends and they were amazed at the beautiful landscape that we have.

Absolutely love your video. Would you mind if I used a few segments of your video for a band to try to promote themselves? They are very talented and I’ll gladly credit you within the video. Many thanks. Nereida Littrell

Anna & Lucas; Thanks for posting this magnificent footage from the one and only southern Africa! This is one of the very best (''viewer-friendly''?) videos I've seen from this truly unique land! - Breathtaking vistas, cosy campsites, superb filming (and a nicely tuned ear for choice of soundtracks too! - For those not able to have the experience, you've both certainly given us all a healthy 'taste' of what it must have been like . . . . . . Thanks again!

Hi Neireida, thanks a lot for your message. I am very glad you liked it :) I am sorry, but I cannot give out the rights to my clips for free. I license them through stock footage sites, where people have to pay for them.

Thanks for watching! Watch Part Two from Botswana here:

+LucasTJahn - As the saying goes: It's a business doing pleasure!

Hi Eric, thanks a lot for your comment! I really appreciate that you took the time to write these kind words and I am very happy you enjoyed the journey :)

20 minutes in so far and loving it. This deserves more views!

Fish River Canyon is the second largest canyon in the world. Nice documentary by the way.

Thanks! Glad you like it :)

echt gut gemacht, Glückwunsch!

+Omar Jamal This is the biggest compliment you could ever make me :)

Better than National geographic channel . Thanks for this

Lucas your Namibian documentary was enjoyable and that's coming from a seasoned film maker / African adventurer and explorer. I actually had a very good map of Namibia next to me to follow your journey. My only negative comments will be: the flow of your trip translated to your editing your dokkie is a bit disjointed. Then I got frustrated each time you camped, you did not disclose the name / location / or GPS points, what a pity. I understand your not from Africa, so firstly well done in trying to pronounce some wildlife and indigenous names, I see you battled somewhat but in all a good attempt. Botswana my remarks would be similar. Best wishes, in all a nice bit of shared experience. Be good, hamba gaghle, amadodda: Karl

Great video! I am going to travel around Namibia in a similar fashion next month, and wanted to know what's in store... Now I'm super excited! Thanks for making this!

Glad to give you a first impression! Enjoy your trip, it will be awesome :)

Thank you for responding,+LucasTJahn. All the best. Nereida

+Steven Ogare Hi Steven, I uploaded the entire outline of our trip in this forum:

Hi Lucas is it possible to send out the road map of your trip, i would love to explore this either with motorbike or a 4x4.

Hi Karl, thanks for your comment! Always appreciate to get feedback to improve in the future. I agree: pronunciation is hard, especially as I couldn't find any 'native pronunciation' online for words such as Spreetshoogte, Khomas or similar. As to the campsites: the videos feature only a couple of the 42 different campsites we stayed at. I might give it a thought to include the name of the campsites in the future in text form. Let's see. Thanks and have a nice day!

As a Namibian, I am astounded by the sheer eloquence with which you have truly captured my country. I had traveled to almost all corners across the breath and width of my motherland but hey, watching this had me in your 4x4! Guy you can summarise, I am amazed. And oh, big ups to Suzan. This is an 8/10 from me.

By far the best travel video in Namibia I have seen, and I looked at many. Commentary is excellent and to the point. Love this video.

Thanks a lot, Detlef! Glad you enjoyed it :)

Epic video ..truly enjoyed it ... thanks for sharing !

well researched, well written, and great footage. Thank you :)

Haha, thanks a lot! Glad you enjoyed the ride :)

great stuff. We went to Namibia from Australia in 2017 - fantastic ,eh !! (You are very lucky to have seen a brown hyena). You didn't go to Walvis Bay or Swakopmund?  .

+Craig Smith Glad you enjoyed it! We are actually Germans ;) But I lived abroad in New Zealand, Australia and Canada for a total of three years, hence the wild mixture of accents.

+LucasTJahn yes, our time there on the Atlantic coast was also cloudy. Apparently it is like that a that a lot of the time due to cold Atlantic air hitting the hot air coming off the desert. We were there in September. Just watched your Bots video, where we also went - Moremi, Khwai etc, and also great !! Thanks, Are you folks Brits or South African or Dutchies ? could not quite pick the accent !!

+Craig Smith Yeah, we visited both areas but weren't lucky with the reptiles. We saw plenty of flamingos but the day was very overcast, so the footage didn't look too great.

+LucasTJahn Out of Swakopmund is the wonderful desert area, where you can seek brightly coloured geckos, snakes, chameleons. And Walvis bay has all the flamingos and kayaking with seals.

Cheers! Yeah, seeing the brown hyena was awesome. We did pass through Swakopmund and Walvis Bay. However, we are no big fans of cities and although we had a look around, I didn't capture much footage.

I'm travelling to Namibia in June and just started looking for docs in youtube ! Amazing, great job. I felt like i was inside you 4x4. As a photographer i'm also happy that you shared the list of equipment ! Congrats ! Gotta be seen by millions !!!

Thanks a lot! Wishing you all the best for your upcoming trip! :)

What a great video! One of the best I've seen on Namibia.

+Jonas Litzki Very glad you enjoyed it and it gave you inspiration :) I think we drove about 13k in 7 weeks, so yeah, quite a bit :D

Wow awesome, thats a lot more distance than I expected. I watched the Botswana part as well. Much more unreal landscape than in Namibia and really impressive. That will help for my planning. Thanks for the map and thanks for the perfect mixture of travel report and documentary :)

Very nice , please do not drive at night !

Really awesome Video and realy good filming. I've been twice in Namibia but never had so good pictures, so I really enjoyed watching :) do you have a map with your travel route? My next trip will go to the caprivi strip and botswana as well and the route looks quite lovely :)

Hi Jonas, glad you liked it :) Make sure to check out the second part from Botswana for some inspiration! You can find a map of our route here:

23:14 Dusky Sunbird, sunbirds in Africa interestingly occupying a similar biological niche as hummingbirds in the new world.

You can't imagine how happy this film made me! I am not able to travel due to $$$. But , I feel as if I get a sense of what it is like to actually be there (although I know it isn't even close to the real thing). Thank you thank you thank you!! Blessings from Ohio, USA.

Hopefully you told the park rangers about the cups as they can be raised in a secure environment...

First time seeing indoor sand dunes

Hopefully you told the park rangers about the lion cups as they can be raised in a secure environment...

I am very glad you enjoyed the film :) Thanks for your comment!

Namibia is peaceful n beautiful land

Thank you for doing a great movie. It is one of the best I have seen of any country.

Thanks for this awesome Video!

I've just stumbled upon your video by coincidence and as a videomaker myself I have to really compliment you on that documentary. I think it's the best travel videos I have ever watched!


Thank you Lucas this is so beautiful

Thank you so much Lucas for capturing Namibia in the way you did!!I too have travelled Namibia extensively(I am Namibian) and watching some of the places I've been to through your lenses took me back in the most beautiful way...keep it up !

really nice like the way u took the video and explanation have u been to rundu .

What a fantastic video. So professionally done. Love it.

Great effort

Thanks a lot! Very glad you enjoyed it and it brought back memories :)

Thanks! We passed through Rundu on our way to the Caprivi and stayed at a Campground along the Okavango for a night :)

Thanks so much! Very glad to hear you liked it, and appreciate the compliment :)

Thank you for watching :)

Thanks a lot! Very much appreciate it :)

You use very harsh words. So if something does not suit your liking you have to be soo rude. Gosh im a Namibain. You left me feeling offended at some of your comments.

Absolutely amazing video thanks you and keep them coming cheers

Africa the most beautiful. I have never seen such a beauty.

These pictures show exactly my memories of my Namibia trip. Namibia is just beautiful. This video brings all the emotions back. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

That was an amazing film about African nature. Thank you very much!

Lucas thanks for touching a heart with your videography.... We "trekked" through Namibia two months or so before you did. With Namibia being the country of my childhood and into my early twenties, the uniqueness of this arid to semi arid part of our world still has me awed in my mid fifties. Your work has captured some beautiful moments which eclipses my memories. You'll have to return for more! Thanks for sharing and God Bless!

Hi Dirk, thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts and memories. Glad I could revoke some of those :) There is certainly still plenty to see!

Thank you for sharing your journey. I was excited to see Namibia through your eyes. Looking forward to Botswana.

very good monkey

+LucasTJahn thanks for the map and the lovely documentary! We're off to Nam from CPT soon and this was a lovely insight into the country!

+akash chotai Sure! Tyre pressures means how much air you have in your tyres. Usually that would be anywhere around 35-40psi for driving on a tar road. Once you leave a tar road for gravel or sand you should lower the tyre pressures to increase traction. The less air you have in the tyres the more surface of your tyre is on the road. For gravel roads I usually go with around 24psi. For sand we go down to 18psi or lower. Always make sure to reinflate tyres when you are back on the tar road as it will otherwise damage the tyre. For that reason you should always carry an air compressor. Essentially tyre pressure regulation helps you to increase safety through increased traction and prevents you from getting stuck in sand. Enjoy your trip!

+LucasTJahn could you please tell me a little more about tyre pressures? We are basically using the same car but with two tents on top with 4 people in the car.

Namibia is the best country!

What about aussenkher were you there

You guys are crushing it. As an aspiring travel film maker I appreciated the quality of the shots, the history lessons, and overall narrative flow. Well done.

Thanks a lot! Glad you liked it :)

Me i live in namibia Ek bly in namibia Afrikaans

You're gonna break through/go viral soon. Mark my words

This is incredibly high on creativity and production quality!

My beautiful country..great video

That's great! Proud to be a Namibian... may be you're one of our guest stay at our place

Very nice

Felt like was travelling with you good job can wait to watch when you tour south Africa my home country

excellent documentary, loved every bit.

Outstanding !!! Great video

You were so lucky that you met Lions and Rhinos in Etosha. But where actually you saw them? I was in Halali and I didn't see any. Oh anyway, I was there in Halali last month, March 2019.

Love namibia! Literally been to every place mentioned in this vid!

My my my my.... Amazingly great film


Oh yassss

We saw the first rhino on day one close to Olifantsrus campsite. Similarly saw the lions right when we entered the park through Galton Gate. The big group of rhinos was at Okaukuejo. And then we saw more lions at different points through out the park :)

Thank you very much, for best video.

Fuck Afrikaans

Fantastic video! I'm visiting Namibia next May and cannot WAIT to see it for myself! You've whetted my appetite, for sure. Beautiful job!

Great video, well done!!!

We just returned from 3 weeks in Namibia and we absolutely loved it. You have captured the highlights very well! It was so great to see so many of the places we visited. What an incredible country!

Hi Lucas, Thanks for sharing such a beautiful documentary, we will be driving trough Namibia next june , is it possible to describe what was your driving routes you used , special the passes you used, we only have 11 nights , as i understood you took 3 passes , all of them is something not to should be miss or i can skip some ...thank you, regards from Rio de janeiro

Hi Nelson, you can see our entire route here: You will not be able to do that route in 11 days of course, so you have to pick what you would like to see most. Absolute highlights would probably be Fish River Canyon in the South, Kolmanskop, Sossusvlei and Etosha :)

Thanks! Enjoy your trip :)

Good video! I had to pause at 5:55, Gyraffes.. lol love it!!!!! Followed on instagram. Your videos are really good.

This was really neat! What months were you in Namibia? And for how long were you traveling around? I'm going there in June and renting a 4x4. I will only have 6 days though.

Hi Kimball, thanks! We spent a total of almost 7 weeks in Namibia and Botswana, about half in each. We arrived at end of August and stayed until beginning of October. Enjoy your trip! :)

Absolutely, a wonderful place to visit :)

"Go back to Africa does that sound familiar white people"

+Nelson Fellini The first pass was Spreetshoogte Pass and number two Gamsberg Pass. Both very nice :)

thank you Lucas , i already printed the map, but i stiil not sure the passes you used and said that they were so scenic...can you still remenber the name ? thank you. +LucasTJahn

Where are you from?

+LucasTJahn Thanks!

+M Swede We went between End of August and beginning of October to both Namibia and Botswana :)

What time of year did you go? We are planning a trip in 2021. Thanks! Nice video.

Brilliant documentary mate

Outstanding work Thankyou

Wow, I must say as a Wildlife photographic tour guide in Kruger National Park you really did an amazing job with this video great job!! Your comments where spot on and a real true reflection of the area you traveled.

Beautifully shot and very informative!

Great ❤Video --- what country are you from??

Hey there. I love what your doing, and your videos are very informative. You became our travel model, The more you travel, the good information we get.. +We might get a chance to travel someday+

I love my homeland

Thanks a lot :) I am hoping to visit Kruger as well in the near future!

Thank you! :)

Very professional video I liked it very much !

+LucasTJahn : Danke Schön dein Engilsch ist sehr gut

Germany :)

I hope you will get the chance! :)

Proud to be a Namibian ❤

OH WOW! This is stunning and the production level and flow is incredible. Only my opinion, but I think that that I would love the whole viewing experience so much more if the voice over was less "nature doc" and more personal, fun, eye-witness, expressive. Told more as a storyteller vs. documentarian. Not like a vlog exactly, but just more personal. Maybe including some real interactions between you two. Haha, that's my two cents ;) BUT, wow wow wow anyways all the imagery and fantastic footage.

Thanks a lot for your feedback :) I will keep it in mind for future documentaries!

Pleasure dome 256 me i is not correct you are mentioning yourself twice you could have said i live in namibia

How many days did you go there for?

We stayed about three and a half weeks in Namibia in total!

Hands down the best documentary any one can make alone

+John Steytler thanks

Can these two subspecies of zebra breed with each other.

Great editing and sound design job! Thank you! :)

Please enter the song links next time!! Good video for my country thank you!!

Thank you for an awesome video! Proud Namibian

There are three main species of zebras, which all have sub-species and can all interbreed: They are the plains zebra (Equus quagga), Grevy's zebra (Equus grevyi) and mountain zebra (Equus zebra.) Zebras can breed not only with other types of zebras, but also with horses, ponies and donkeys, as all of these species engage in the same sexual behavior. Crosses between zebras and horses are called zorses. Crosses between zebras and ponies are called zonies, and crosses of zebras and donkeys are called zebrasses or zedonks. However, like mules, the offspring of these pairs are sterile. Courtesy of: :)

Cuz of you we are planning our visit ... do you think April is a good time to visit Namibia and Botswana and if we have 3 weeks .. is it good enough ?

Thank you so much :)


Are you from Namibia to

Namibia is a very beautiful country am proud to be a namibian

awesome !!!!

not third largest fish river canyon in the world , but the second largest fish river canyon in the world .

This video is unbelievably beautiful. Watched it full 3 times already. And I am getting inspired to do a similar trip. I have two questions for you, 1. How long was your trip? 2. Do you recommend this trip to someone who has no prior experience of driving a 4x4?

My favorite place on earth? Epupa Falls, Namibia...these folks missed out, they went east instead of west at Caprivi.

Beautiful photography. Boring as *^¿*.

You have the best presentation skills bro.. keep them coming as i am your no 1 fan

Thanks for making and posting this video of Namibia. My American friends were very impressed with the video quality itself and more so the information about Namibia as a country. Thanks again.

Loved the documentary sir! Can you please let me know the name of the musical piece starting around 4:50? It's marvelous, and it really sets the tone for everything to follow. There are over 30,000 titles at Epidemic Sound.

Awesome! No words to describe my feelings! Thanks so much for making such a beautiful video! Why did you name this video as documentary? You could have used your own voice in a natural way instead of sounding like a professional documentor (I know there is no such word

My country my pride Namibia

Thanks a lot for your feedback :) I will keep it in mind for future videos :)

Sorry for the slow reply - the title is Southern Comfort 5 by Gavin Luke :)

Hopefully you told the park rangers about the lion cubs as they can be raised in a secure environment...

That looks awesome. Thanks for sharing this video. We are planning a trip to Namibia. At what time of the year have you travelled? Did you only sleep in camping sites?

amazing!! you guys are great!! respect!

That looks awesome. Thanks a lot for sharing this video. We are planning a trip to Namibia and wish to know, at what time of the year would you recommend travelling, in order to observe the most wildlife (and less other tourists)? Also, did you book all your campsites in advance or is it ok to leave that to when you arrived?

@LucasTJahn Thanks!

@M Swede We went between End of August and beginning of October to both Namibia and Botswana :)

@akash chotai Sure! Tyre pressures means how much air you have in your tyres. Usually that would be anywhere around 35-40psi for driving on a tar road. Once you leave a tar road for gravel or sand you should lower the tyre pressures to increase traction. The less air you have in the tyres the more surface of your tyre is on the road. For gravel roads I usually go with around 24psi. For sand we go down to 18psi or lower. Always make sure to reinflate tyres when you are back on the tar road as it will otherwise damage the tyre. For that reason you should always carry an air compressor. Essentially tyre pressure regulation helps you to increase safety through increased traction and prevents you from getting stuck in sand. Enjoy your trip!

@LucasTJahn could you please tell me a little more about tyre pressures? We are basically using the same car but with two tents on top with 4 people in the car.

@LucasTJahn thanks for the map and the lovely documentary! We're off to Nam from CPT soon and this was a lovely insight into the country!

@Jonas Litzki Very glad you enjoyed it and it gave you inspiration :) I think we drove about 13k in 7 weeks, so yeah, quite a bit :D

@Steven Ogare Hi Steven, I uploaded the entire outline of our trip in this forum:

@Omar Jamal This is the biggest compliment you could ever make me :)

@LucasTJahn : Danke Schön dein Engilsch ist sehr gut

@Nelson Fellini The first pass was Spreetshoogte Pass and number two Gamsberg Pass. Both very nice :)

thank you Lucas , i already printed the map, but i stiil not sure the passes you used and said that they were so scenic...can you still remenber the name ? thank you. @LucasTJahn

@John Steytler thanks

@Craig Smith Glad you enjoyed it! We are actually Germans ;) But I lived abroad in New Zealand, Australia and Canada for a total of three years, hence the wild mixture of accents.

@LucasTJahn yes, our time there on the Atlantic coast was also cloudy. Apparently it is like that a that a lot of the time due to cold Atlantic air hitting the hot air coming off the desert. We were there in September. Just watched your Bots video, where we also went - Moremi, Khwai etc, and also great !! Thanks, Are you folks Brits or South African or Dutchies ? could not quite pick the accent !!

@Craig Smith Yeah, we visited both areas but weren't lucky with the reptiles. We saw plenty of flamingos but the day was very overcast, so the footage didn't look too great.

@LucasTJahn Out of Swakopmund is the wonderful desert area, where you can seek brightly coloured geckos, snakes, chameleons. And Walvis bay has all the flamingos and kayaking with seals.

@LucasTJahn - As the saying goes: It's a business doing pleasure!

Thank you for responding,@LucasTJahn. All the best. Nereida

At 09:00 you say that you are entering the Richtersveld Transfrontier Park, but if I understand correctly, you travelled north to south via the Gamkab 4x4 route. That sign actually announces the Richtersveld Tranfrontier Park (Namibian part) going north, so you exited at the entrance - that is also why you did not see any sign announcing the route at the exit (where you entered.) The Richtersveld Tranfrontier Park is so called since it reaches from the northern part of South Africa (over border/frontier) right into the Fish River canyon. Some of the small wonders on that little 4x4 route are the salt crystral formations on the rocks - very tiny but so perfectly formed. Very special place. This must be one of the finest production I've seen on Namibia. Well done!

Happy you liked it! We travelled in August to October, which is a good time as it is the end of the dry season. Most animals congregate around the waterholes then and there is less foliage plus fewer mosquitos. We did not book the campsites in advance, with the exception of some national parks. We were always fine that way :)

Is it possible to have a private driver along your camping adventures ?

this is so beautiful Thank you Lucas

Thanks for having me along in your 4x4. I had a great adventure.

Proud Namibian ❤️


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