My Qatar Experience in 2022 (Q&A)

My Qatar Experience in 2022 (Q&A)

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my friends and welcome back to another video the  last and final video sadly here in the beautiful   country of Qatar however I'm actually filming this  video after I left Qatar with mabelle here in well   I'm not gonna tell you yet you're gonna find out  in the next video exactly where we're going but   uh we decided we're gonna toss the camera up  and answer all your questions that you have   all submitted so kindly on Instagram so if you're  not following me on Instagram it's @worldnomac   and there whenever I finish going to a country  I always submit at the end of it basically a   box where you can submit all your questions on  my Instagram story I take all those questions   and I answer as many of them as I can in a video  like you guys are watching today so hopefully   this video is going to be helpful for some of you  prospective people that are considering visiting   Qatar obviously you got FIFA 2022 coming up I do  want to say straight away right now that there are   things in Qatar that are changing here in October  versus what the rules are going to be during the   FIFA time for example if you saw some of my videos  there's this app called eat therese or something   they want you to show it every time you go on to  the Metro you enter the airport or other public   spaces I think hotels as well but I asked the guy  at the Metro and he specifically said I don't know   if it's going to be the same during the World  Cup so just keep that in mind on everything I   tell you whether it's coven tests whether it's  visas on arrival whether it is using specific   locations whether it's opening hours whatever  it might be I would guess there's a good chance   it'll change in some way for the World Cup  but maybe it's still going to be helpful for   you guys to know what my experience  was like right now in October 2022   so yellow uh we're gonna have Habibti to actually  join this Q&A her first one actually now she   joined the Lebanon Q&A and uh I'll probably  answer some of the questions that she'll be   jumping in whenever and she's going to be doing  the honors of reading the questions that you guys   submitted so question number one by the way we  are not in any specific order from favorite to   least favorite question they're just simply  how the questions showed up in the algorithm   on Instagram's uh feed so [__] here we go first  question is what did you like the most about Qatar what did I like the most about Qatar well  to be honest what I probably loved the most   was generally just the level of design the city  head I mean the modern architecture mixed with   an incredibly beautiful infrastructure overall  layout of the city from the highways the roads   to the types of buildings to the detail of um  just Unique Designs that I saw on buildings there   that I'd never seen before that was probably  the most impressive part that I enjoyed just   staring at the skyline all the time what about  you what was your favorite part Vibe of the city of the city so nice having ever this new yeah they put in a quarter  trillion dollars since 2011.   250 billion dollars to get this city Ready  for the World Cup so that's some serious bread good question yes for football  expensive main food type expensive food type yeah and she's asking if it's  expensive and a main food type oh okay yeah it's   uh pretty expensive I would say you can expect  prices similar to you know some of the coastal   cities in the United States a lot of the more  expensive European cities you can find like   a bit less expensive options just in general  like we did stay at one hotel I don't think   it was in the Vlogs though because I did quite a  few Hotel videos so I didn't include this last one   but we found like a $30 per night hotel called "The  Plaza Inn" that one was kind of near box Park area   I don't know the exact uh actually it's right  near Souq Waqif however guys if you're looking   at places to stay during the World Cup just keep  in mind prices on everything are for sure gonna   increase supply and demand uh so it's it's a bit  hard sometimes to compare but overall like you   know if you want to go out and have drinks for  example it's a dry country except in hotels and   maybe some specific lounges so you're gonna  pay like Dubai level prices like maybe $10-$15   a drink and so it's it's it's not going to be  your cheapest destination to visit I mean you   can see by the infrastructure in the city it's  uh it's got to be paid for one way or the other   and then for foods to be honest this is where  we didn't spend enough time in Qatar that we   didn't even try any Qatari Local Foods first  time I've been in a country where we didn't   try any I'm embarrassed to say but it just means  when we do uh Qatar 2.0 Vlog series then we will from Reckless worldwide so that was that app  that I was talking about before it's basically   you enter in your passport your phone number and  uh you download it and it tracks where you go so   basically you need to have your location on all  the time and it basically just follows you so   that way if you get probably infected with covid  then it knows everywhere you've been in it and it   can sense all the other apps right picks up the  location of all the other apps that were near you   exposure exposure so basically they require  it in a lot of places in and out when I was   in the airport both times actually I think on  the way in so when we exited the airport they   didn't ask for it because I didn't know  that it existed actually until I went to   the mall of Qatar no no the first time was when  I went on the Metro and they're like you need   this app and I was like what are you talking  about it's like this was the app used at the   airport and I was like I was never asked for the  app at the airport when we were leaving Qatar and   went to the airport then they did ask me for  the app so yeah right now in October they are   asking for it but that might change I would  download it right now anyways so you have it   and then once it gets closer to the World  Cup you'll find out if he actually need it it's there I'm looking a job there and I hope it come true the house what how is life there I'm looking  for a job there and I hope it comes true   inshallah you can get your job there in  Doha my friend you know in the 12 days that   we spent exploring I felt that it was a really  enjoyable place to live I think it's a place where   you know if you're if you're working all  the time it's a great place to be productive   like with any big city you're going to have a lot  of that motivation you get just from being in the   Towering skyscrapers and there's so many things  you can do all around the city and especially   most of the year it's so hot out you want to be  inside uh working on stuff it's it's good for   that definitely beautiful beautiful places to  walk around like the Pearl Lusail the new city   you know just overall I think the quality of life  can be very very enjoyable over there the food   options are endless multi-cuisine from all over  the world I think you know if if you're interested   in a multicultural place a place where you can  walk down the road and meet someone from Kenya   Uganda Tanzania uh Tunesia Lebanon Egypt you know  all over the world if you like Multicultural and   exposure to many many different countries  and experiences Pakistan India Sri Lanka   you're going to meet all those people and  I personally love love love meeting people   from all over the world so I I enjoyed that so  much okay how expensive was the trip how expensive was the trip well the trip was a  couple thousand dollars off the top of my head   I'm not entirely certain but basically for two  people to go there you know probably each way   from Beirut was about 150 dollars per person so  it's like a 300 round-trip flight per person to   go to and from Beirut but that's going to  vary from whatever City you're flying from   accommodation you'll pay between 50 to up to  a thousand dollars per night depending on what   you want right at this time of the year and so you  can do it really inexpensively or you can do it uh   uh very expensively and so you know I would say  if you want something really nice like a Westin   or Pullman expect to pay two or three hundred  dollars if you want like a high-end hotel room   there if you want something a little bit more  average expect to pay about at those hotels pay   about 200 and if you want something cheap at like  uh Plaza Inn for example nice enough gets the job   done you can pay like 40-50 bucks anytime outside  of the World Cup so that's usually your biggest   cost is accommodation and flights then you have  meals so you know if you're cooking inside of   your hotel room or Airbnb obviously that's going  to save you some money but if you're going out for   every meal I would expect to pay 20 to 50 ahead  depending on the level of quality of restaurant   you're going to and then add maybe 20 to 50 bucks  per head if you're drinking nice cocktails on top   of that so just to kind of give you a general  idea like lifestyle habits are a big indicator   of how much your trip's going to cost and that's  why sometimes it's hard for me to give an exact   number because I do a lot of activities I usually  stay sometimes depending on the country or the   city I stay at nicer high-end places and I try out  really nice high-end meals so I can make videos my sound that I can women wear so this is a very good question and a question we  were wondering also before we arrived some of the   content I saw on YouTube made Qatar seem so so  strict and maybe those laws are accurate I don't   know and this is an advice and I'm not giving you  recommendations or anything I'm just going to tell   you what we visually saw in our experience  and how it differed from what I saw online   basically online it makes it seem like the country  is so so strict just like my experience before   I went to Dubai everyone made all of the content  that I saw made it seemed like it was super strict   and it wasn't now Qatar is going to be a bit  stricter than Dubai generally if you've been to   Dubai but overall like there was things I saw that  like men couldn't wear shorts and I wore shorts   all the time I saw tourists wearing shorts and  I think I heard from someone they said you know   if you're in like shopping malls and some of those  more like very public places you should maybe wear   long pants I wore them anyways because the air  conditioning in Qatar is blasting on the inside   so you don't necessarily want to wear pants for  being conservative reasons you just want to wear   them because it's actually cold in there but no  I'm just getting it all in all seriousness though   like as a man first of all I'll answer like I wear  shorts sometimes I wear a tank top to the gym and   especially because we were staying at a hotel  and it's for foreigners uh and most of the time   you know that's usually the majority of the hotel  guests that we ran into uh they're they're used to   just like people wearing um you know western style  clothes now I would say as a female the you know   she went out in a skirt and you know so sometimes  uh some like spaghetti straps and there was never   a single moment when anyone said anything to her  I think when we were in the mall she had like the   spaghetti straps but she had like a little um does  that thing called like a cardigan that went over   it and you know like some of the chest was showing  and no one says anything you know I think probably   now it's more at a point especially when the World  Cup happens and there's such an influx of people   I think people will care even less about the dress  code but like even now a couple months before when   we didn't feel like there was that many other  tourists here like no one said anything no one   really gave dirty looks but I would say just  in general one thing to keep in mind is that   in societies where women are very covered up and  then there's women there that are not covered up   expect of course you're going to get a lot of  men to stare you know they're not used to they   haven't seen it so the more you expose yourself  the more you can expect to be stared at and then   it's just if if you're comfortable with that  because you want to wear your specific style   of clothing then then you're fine when it comes to  wearing bikinis there was never an issue wearing   um bikinis at the hotel from what we spoke to  one of the representatives that worked at one   of the hotels we stayed at she said you know a lot  of the foreigners that visit they go to like the   Pearl and the beaches around the Pearl and Katara  Beach and there's just so many foreigners there   always in bikinis that no one has a problem now  you wouldn't go around walking around the mall   in a bikini is like couple she made maybe some  of these more formal places but yeah there there   was like you know that some of the typical  style maybe you know in of course the Middle   East more review what what some would consider  here as the more revealing swimsuits those I   saw people wearing them you know in hotels  and in some of the beaches and so it's way   more relaxed than I expected it to be now just in  general though um the there aren't that many like   really really strict rules that stuck out to  me right like if you're not being an idiot and   you're just kind of minding your own business  like no one really bothers you obviously things   might be different at the FIFA World Cup but  you know like you're not you know I think it's   illegal to be like drunk in public you know we  had a couple drinks at the hotels but and you   know if we went outside we were never like so you  know from too much alcohol so you know if you just   kind of mind your own business and it's just like  any other country in terms of you can enjoy your   time enjoy your vacation and once again that's  our experience I'm not telling you what the law   is that's just what we observed from both our  time and then others we saw walking around us   can I travel to Qatar during the  World Cup if I haven't visited before   so this is where it's a bit unclear for me but  from what I understand from some of the locals   and of course anybody who disagrees with what I'm  saying please drop a comment below if you're from   Qatar or you live in Qatar and you know these more  defined than I do since I'm not there during the   World Cup I'm only going off what I had understood  from people but from what I had understood there's   going to become a date sometime in November  where you need a ticket to the World Cup   in order to be able to fly into Qatar obviously  because of the amount of traffic that is going   to be brought in from the amount of games that are  being played there in the international tourists   so I believe when you have a ticket to get  into Qatar then that's the first step and then   obviously second step depending on where you're  from you might have specific these requirements   when we went now in uh October for both she's  from Lebanon for those of you guys that don't   know and I'm from the United States neither of  us needed to pre-apply for Visa we got the visa   on arrival when we got to Qatar cost any money  once again that could change during the World   Cup I want to emphasize that so do your research  and check because there are restrictions that are   going to change as of like maybe November 1st or  November something with the World Cup happening   a couple weeks later so uh there's there's like  um a day where it all of a sudden goes from not   being super strict on who can come in to all  of a sudden I think you need a ticket hey Mac   what are the differences you've encountered  in Qatar compared to other Arab countries that is a great question so one thing that I'll  tell you when it comes to like Middle Eastern   countries from the ones that I've been to and at  this point I've been to United Arab Emirates I've   been to Iraq I've been to Lebanon I've been to  Jordan I've been to a Qatar am I missing any that   is all of them that I've been to In the Middle  East so far so the more let's say International   influence the more it varies right and so when  I'm in Qatar the one thing that I'll tell you is   the first like four days I was there I don't even  think that I met a single person that was Qatari   because there are so many workers from all around  the world that live there whereas when I was in   Iraq uh in Baghdad you know like I only met Iraqis  right and so I got such an immersion into the   Iraqi culture without even trying whereas in Qatar  like some of you guys I saw commenting like you're   not hanging out with any qataris you're not you  know doing this but I'll be honest it's not really   as easy like it doesn't just kind of fall into  place like I talk to people I meet people while   walking around but most of the people that I met  are workers from other countries and so the reason   why I'm sharing that with you is because that's  where you have to go a bit deeper maybe you need   to try and reach out to someone maybe on Instagram  or try a bit harder in order to find those local   people who can give you the true local experience  and you know like there's locals and then there's   Qatari locals right so like if you saw some of  the Vlog series I met people from Indonesia I met   people from Bangladesh we met them from all over  that had been living in Qatar either their entire   life or most of their life but obviously they're  uh ethnically from another country culturally uh   basically a bit from their uh Home Country  original and then they have a bit of the uh   Qatari culture in them as well but once again  though like there's maybe only a handful of   people that I even interacted with that were  actually Qatari and so I wish I could have met   more and hopefully on the next series now that I  know the country a bit more I'll be able to meet   more Qatari people so guys we cut off their uh not  sure where it cut out but I'll jump right back in   basically depending on whichever Arab country that  you're in or Middle Eastern country you're going   to get a very very different experience obviously  the common parts you'll see are Arabic but each   Arabic country has their own dialect right and so  it's interesting that you know in some of these   countries I've been to specifically like uh you  know Lebanon it's a very soft Arabic and then you   go to uh you know some of the gulf countries and  it's a bit um like uh harder to understand if you   don't if you're not fluent in the language right  and so it's a bit harder to pick up on some of   the words the dialects if you're not familiar with  it but overall um yeah I'd say that's that's the   biggest difference I see is the more International  it is the more International influence like the   the bigger the difference I'd say probably the  more it becomes a Melting Pot of many cultures   so that's what I find very very similar  between Qatar dohan's specifically and   Dubai Dubai is obviously even more International  in terms of like you can't really feel to do the   Arab Emirates culture in Dubai and it feels kind  of similar in Doha as well but yeah it's a very   welcoming place in my experience from people  all over the world so next question is we are   going there for World Cup 2022. can you tell  us what to visit and where to eat yeah Habibi I thank you Habibi well all right you're  going for the World Cup it depends on   how much time you have but I would say some  of the absolute musts you must do are you're   going to want to visit the Villagio mall  it's a very large mall that has like the   Venetian style Italian boats that you can  take through the mall along with even a   theme park inside old gondolania you have the  Dow boat rides basically the traditional boats   that take you in the evening right  at sunset or even after incredible it's like a castle oh my god I've never seen  this in the floor just just small in my life it is massive we'll try and overlay a clip  right here but it's in the last video we   posted the video that came out right before  this we mentioned the double we mentioned   lucelle which has this new mall called the venom  venom all I believe is the name of it venome   and yeah we didn't go inside but definitely on our  next visit we're going to do it as well and then   if you saw the video that came out before this  there's a couple awesome food courts we went to   basically you drive up in your car and you  and the experience of trying many different   like international cuisine Cuisine like  this fast drive-through type of format   also in Qatar you know like it depends on what  you like to do if you want to get out in nature   we did the kayaking and that was really nice to  do at Sunset beautiful to see the mangroves and   just have like that nature feel without going too  too far outside of the city oh and of course like   probably the favorite thing we did was going  Dune bashing through the desert so far that   was awesome it's like an absolute must but I  would book it soon because I guess it's gonna   get quite expensive because it's supply and demand  and only so many Jeeps can go out into that desert   but um yeah guys those are some of the the top  things I would say you can also go jet skiing   through um um like around the the big I guess  I guess Bay Area that you might have saw in   your box Park and there's just a lot of spaces  in the area where you can go and walk around   and guys fast forward about 2 hours later we  actually didn't have enough space on the SD   card to film the vlogger film and let's continue  this so we're in new outfits and we're going   to continue with the Q a so next question Habib  tea did you buy a USA World Cup 2022 from Frito   uh you know I wish I would have but the only  Jersey I bought was a Qatar 2022 fake Jersey   from soup Waki for 15 us or 16 US dollars Qatar is  a modern country how could you see the culture of   them by the very close great question kind of like  what I answered before I didn't get that much of   an insight into Qatari culture besides maybe a  small understanding uh when we went and did the   kayaking in the mangroves and then we went kind of  just like enjoyed a little bit of the traditional   Bedouin life very briefly but other than that  you know we did a lot of the main things to do   we explored met a lot of people but we didn't  really meet any people that were from Qatar   originally so that was kind of the the challenge  I will say Qatar compared to for all of you that   watch my videos compared to other places usually  I stand them like three to four weeks minimum   in order to properly understand the place and  you know with there being such an international   influence and a massive International population  it makes it that much harder to just meet a Qatari   person walking on the street I'm not saying it's  not possible but it just didn't happen as quickly   as in other countries where there's not as large  of an international population living there now   that said from what I hear they're really nice  really generous people and they'll show you an   amazing time and so I'm hoping when I go back  at some point and film another Series in Qatar   now that I know the place now that I've done a  lot of the most common tourist activities I'll   be able to focus a little bit more on trying  to meet some people that are from Qatar and   and get the true local experience because I  would love to you know obviously my favorite   part about traveling is to immerse myself in  the culture and you know really the best way   to do that is when you meet the locals was  it an invitation from the Qatar authorities I wish I wish I did reach out to them like a  couple times because I was planning on going to   Qatar anyways and um unfortunately unfortunately  guys I was not able to uh even get a response back   from them so I did tell them that I was filming  a lot of videos but nope all paid and funded for   Bundy which restaurants do you recommend a visit  by Remy I would say if you want an incredible   Sunset experience with a delicious menu Marsa  Katara is going to be a great option for you   it's a special place for US History you've  probably found out at some point here soon and   um so we have Marcia Katara we  have um what are the restaurants we mostly went to restaurants in  the hotel yeah that's true that's   very sad we didn't like we didn't have the  opportunity to experience different cuisines   this restaurant the yeah the most common and the  food wasn't incredible it's very high quality for me that's the only the only one that  I just like remember vividly because   because restaurants we tried differently yeah  yeah it's a really good point yeah hakkasan   that's a worldwide chain uh but the hakistan Doha  if you like Chinese food it's freaking incredible   so so good and uh we went to Hunter's  Grill but that's inside of the   Westin Doha but it was an incredibly delicious  meal that they prepared there and yeah just   because it's inside the hotels I wouldn't say it's  you know you're not going to get as good of an   experience but we are basically our recommendation  to our own are pretty much only limited to   maybe two restaurants Marsa Katara and  Pakistan outside and then the rest were   inside the hotels because we were staying at  these hotels and one options in the videos okay   um same uh a question from the same person what  are the best places to visit to dance and have the best places to visit and dance and have fun you know my body it means I don't know because we  didn't really go out clubbing or partying I don't   have that answer I did hear there's a couple  establishments where you go out and have a   drink like I think there's one called like the  Irish Pub or the Irish bar if you look that up   um but just Google uh places to go  out in Doha because I did look it up   just in case we decided to go out but we didn't  actually end up like going out and partying or   anything but there are a couple options available  not as many as Dubai for example but enough where   you can have some fun that's for sure how  was the experience with money or budget by you know I would say when it came to Ubers I'm  going like 20 30 minutes across town you'll pay   like three four dollars so I thought those were  really really affordable the Metro's affordable   about 50 cents per ride uh if you eat at really  low cost restaurants uh you know you could you   can go to like I think a place called tea  time and you know get like one dollar teas   or something one Qatari realities and um you  can find Budget options I would say in a lot   of the things we did there were relatively or very  luxurious so our budget was a bit more expensive   so you know you kind of get what you pay for  but Qatar is a place where if you want to live   inexpensively there are ways to do it however if  you're coming during the World Cup I don't know   if that's going to be as possible when it comes  to like accommodations you will still be able   to find restaurants that are modestly priced  but I'm sure they're going to be quite busy   okay bye Marwan Alam which is more  advanced as a country Qatar or is just a city inside the United Arab Emirates now  I think the UAE has more money I'm not positive   on that but it's a really large country in  comparative uh like geographically speaking   in comparison to uh cut dog now there are a lot of  buildings in Qatar that were very very impressive   like um just architecture you haven't seen before  but then in Dubai I mean the skyscrapers are   so massive say that I think Dubai slash UAE  United Arab Emirates probably is higher end   because that's what they breed there you know like  everyone's got not everyone obviously get what I   mean like saying of speech you know everyone's  got a Supercar everyone's got a yacht in Dubai   everyone's you know kind of flexing their  money over there uh and it's its own Vibe   right like you know you go to Dubai and you're  like hell yeah I'm living the high life it's   the vibe you kind of get over there it's  it's good for that whereas Qatar you don't   feel as much like hey let me Flex how much  money I have you feel more of like uh this   is really high-end Sleek modern let's focus  on working these types of things not as many   tourist activities as there are in Dubai so but  they're honestly they're similar they're very   similar they're more similar in my eyes than  different are you going back for the World Cup I would say at this point I'm not going back for  the World Cup because I don't have any tickets   and I think you can only get there with a  ticket and uh I don't necessarily want to   spend like three thousand dollars on a ticket  don't take what I'm saying as actual prices   or facts do your own research but from what I  understand tickets are getting very expensive   got invited to the World Cup by you know someone  in Qatar was like oh we like your videos and they   wanted to work out like a a sponsored trip I would  do it but like right now I'm sure flights there   are so expensive to book to fly during that period  that um I'm not sure that I'm gonna be back here   but I would love to okay Mac what is the things  in Qatar which grabs your attention the most   sunshine great question you know I really  liked uh on the natural side the sand dunes   that are only one hour from the city are  absolutely gorgeous and they were just so   amazing honestly I wish I could have experienced  them at Sunset however uh Sunrise was enough for   me to just absolutely be like in a in a wow  factor the entire time and then also just   like the level of infrastructure they have built  for the World Cup is just something I've never   experienced before I mean they've literally  went and redesigned everything in the city   they have built new cities like Lucille it's  a completely new City they have architecture   that's like a half croissant type of like  moon like I mean just it's just so above   and beyond what they were able to build there  that it's it's so impressive and I love modern   architecture so um almost like oh wow she's  insane just drooling over it all the insanely   beautiful buildings everywhere can we live with  500 for three days or do we need more bye and I think uh yes like so let's say you came  in October right because like it's it's not   possible for me to compare what prices will  be in around the world cup but if you came in   October we stayed at a hotel called The Plaza  Hotel in which they were even nice enough to   upgrade us and I think we paid thirty dollars per  night for four nights it was 120 I want to say   thirty dollars per night and it was a double bed  plus it had a couch because they upgraded us so   you could easily fit three people in there so if  you're going with friends you split that three   ways and then if you eat at lower cost places  and you can even take Uber still or metros and   you're gonna still pay a small amount I think you  can easily live on five hundred dollars in three   days you know and and do a lot comfortably  but Around the World Cup I think activities   will be more expensive I want to say I heard the  Metro is free so you can get around uh easily but   don't quote me on the free part I just thought  I remember seeing that or hearing that from so   yes definitely you could but Around the World Cup  my body if I don't know okay what difference is I would say generally in the UAE or Dubai you're  gonna have more things to do because it's been   a tourist focused country for a lot longer so  they've had time to build things like the tallest   Urban zipline in the world in Dubai they have  built a more worldwide title at this point of   being known for like luxury Dubai you know come  live in Dubai Habibi come to Dubai these types   of Trends you know people rap and sing about  Dubai in the luxury so it's kind of built this   image I would say whereas Qatar I think still  needs to break and it will after the World Cup   this extreme level of strict more and there's  nothing wrong with this guys I'm just saying   what it's evolving to but more of the strict  traditional way of Middle Eastern living that   um I think a lot of people and you can read  them in my comments think that Qatar is still   like you know in terms of restrictions and  modest stress and all of these things that   are a bit different than you know like  some of the visual things you see in the   Western World versus Middle Eastern world  so I think uh Dubai's broken a lot of those   stereotypes and changed their way of thinking to  accommodate tours from all over the world and I   think Qatar is in that stage after the World  Cup you're gonna see this as maybe a bit more   of a competitor for Dubai because they're going to  have the infrastructure to be able to bring people   from all over the world I mean imagine needing  the house I don't want to say Millions but maybe   it is millions for the World Cup I don't know the  exact number but you need a lot of infrastructure   for that so after the World Cup's over they're  gonna have all this infrastructure they need   to do something with it and I think if they're not  already it would be strategic for them to focus on   tourism industry and become more of a  competitor of Dubai but they need to   of course continuously relax their view or their  um their more strict way of living that you know   sometimes can come into conflict with let's  say your Western tourists um why uh you are that's a great question and I was just talking  to my bell about it this morning that I made   the mistake of just like I want to go to Qatar  and I want to go to Oman on this trip and so   basically uh I had to limit the amount  of time because then we had to get back   to Lebanon after Oman and so what that means  is we had to basically it means we needed to   is what we were going to be able to do to  fit as much as we could in both Qatar and   Oman last and final question my friends our  visas required for U.S citizens by the road   so I already answered this one as of now  in October visas are not required but that   might change okay last last question uh what  was your favorite part of the trip by avnito   oh that's a great question my favorite part  of the trip I would say it has to probably be   well of course spending time with uh with uh  habibte oh thank you that's the best part but   probably the Dune bashing I think I'd say I  enjoyed the most I love being in the desert so   like whenever I can get out in nature  and just experience what it's like out   in the desert you know uh flying through  there seeing you know rolling landscapes   I think that's probably my favorite yeah trying  to think if there's anything else that I missed   that like the jet ski was fun but that was only  like 30 minutes you know checking out the city   uh everything we did was like a lot of fun  like definitely kept busy but honestly there's   a couple days just chilling in the in some of  like the nice accommodations both in Pullman   and uh Weston and just like enjoying the  luxurious life for a couple days and just   relaxing and working on some video projects  but um what about you um visiting the mall no I think uh definitely the desert  because it was a little yeah true yeah   nice yeah so yeah guys that's where I'm gonna go  ahead and end this video there's a fair amount   of other questions I could have answered here but  as I see with all these videos there's only about   eight percent of the amount of views eight percent  of those people if there's one hundred thousand   people that see it only eight percent of you watch  it till the end so I figured I'm not gonna make   these videos too too long but I appreciate all you  guys who have made it this far into the video and   um if you have any more pressing questions drop  them down in the comments below if I can't answer   them maybe a fellow local from uh Qatar or someone  who lives in Guitar might be able to answer some   questions on things that are specific to I don't  know FIFA World Cup or these types of things so   thank you guys so much for watching as always  and we will see you tomorrow in a new country

2022-10-28 13:43

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