Microsoft Excel: Whirlwind Tour 2019 - BRK1002

Microsoft Excel: Whirlwind Tour 2019 - BRK1002

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That's test everyone. Can hear me okay. Good. Afternoon everyone, thank you, for joining us today to learn what is new in Excel how is your afternoon, going, good. I'm good walk after, lines so. We. Had to, we. Appreciate you made such a long, walk just to see us here so really great to see all niggas here. Today. We're. Going to talk about what, is the latest and greatest innovation, in Excel my, name is Jana I'm a product. Marketing manager and, I have a great team joining me today I, have dividend Joe program. You know just for Excel and Shashank, is a program manager for Visio so, we'll talk about that a little bit too. When. We develop, the product, we look at the trends that affects the world of analytics tools, and, the. World are for modern workplace in, general in. Order to make sure Excel, is the most innovative collaborative, and performant. Tool for making better business, decisions. We're. Also going to talk about some. Of the, benefits. That you, get from Excel. Using. As a part of Microsoft. 365, and. Finally. In today's, presentations, we're going to spend most of the time not. Me speaking to the slides to you but this guy is showing you very rich and interactive demonstrations. So. Sit. Back and in the joy that. Was. Our. Presentation. Names, theorem. So. What is Excel everyone, knows, what, Excel it is the most popular. Tool in the world to understand, data and to make decisions, and we. Have about 500, million, devices cornered, Excel every. Month but. I, personally, believe Excel is even more, about. A month ago we had a visitor from Japan. In. Redmond, and she was telling. Us how. She's been 80 years old creates, some art in Excel because Excel guru gives her a precision, of, handling. The patterns. Gives. Seniors really. Good hand-eye, coordination because. They cannot handle the pen and pencil as well anymore and, she, didn't speak good English but she was telling us some about some of the features she wanted to see in Excel to hug her do even better, and that, moment we were. Totally getting that there was a great feedback she was giving us what. Else excel can do and at some moment she, stood up and said you know even, if I we don't say this speak, the same language, we can understand, each other because we all know Excel and Excel. Is the common language we all know so I. Personally believe Excel is not only about understanding. Data it's a way, to communicate with each other as well so which is great so, we all know what exists what is Excel but. What I care about latest. And greatest, what does innovation mean to us and. As. I mentioned some of the trends. That we look at today we. Believe that innovation. That, helps increase productivity, is, not a buzzword, anymore, we see some of the stats that really show it is true that innovation. Does hub of productivity and here's, a couple of numbers about. 53%. Of decision-makers. Actually. Look, at the needs of their workers, before. Introducing, new technology, so they're just which is really promising so hopefully, you see that many organizations as, well, the, younger population and, trained workforce really. Cares about the, latest and greatest they care about innovation, and you can see in the another stat here is the 90 percent of the Millennials. Think. Of businesses. Is being old, with. You using the older. Technology, and the facts negatively, their perception, of such businesses, so innovation, does matter these, days and today we're going to talk about what is what, is the latest innovation and, how Excel could help increase productivity and. Specifically. Because we are at this conference we can see, and look at some of the challenges, that modern. Business. Analysts, actually face and how some. Of the latest. Keyboard is help address those challenges and. We've. We've, identified four. Of them that we're going to address and, talk about today, first, is the very. Modern. Methods. To understand. Analyze, data do. Not catch up with the the. Tools not catch up of those tools actually limit, those methods, that modern. Business analyst wants to use the. Second one is about collaboration being. Able to work from anywhere is stable sticks and it is expected, of any tools that, I used today the. Third one, it's, not about data, anymore. It's, about how, you can visualize this data how, what trends sequence it from this data and we're going to talk about how. We bring the power of artificial, intelligence intelligence, in general into the product to help uncover, those insights and get a better visualization tools, and.

Finally, With, the pace of innovation is, really hard to catch up even, if your tools, latest. And greatest how, do we how do we catch up of all the constant innovation, so. We're gonna talk a little bit about that. So. With. With those challenges, in, mind of the modern business analysts. We're. Going to talk about how Excel is evolving to be even. Better. Modern, analyst tool how, the name is collaboration anywhere, what, features. We bring to excel to how better visualize data and beyond. Bringing, new, capabilities, to excel what, what can we do for, the resistant, features, to make them more performant, and have, better experience, for users. With. That let's. Talk about Excel, being a modern, Ellis tool and how it enables collaboration and, Jim up to you. Okay, so. We're going to jump into some and, just, take a look at some of our investments, over the last few years particularly on the mountain, one analytics front and collaboration. To, allow you to do new things in Excel and to work better with your colleagues. So. I'll. Be giving you a demo and in this demo we'll be talking about, dynamic. Arrays and you may have seen this this has got a lot of press recently and it's, an. Enhanced, calculation, feature so now you can do more powerful calculations, in Excel with. That are some new functions, that we'll be shipping we. Have some, features, already in the product and they've been in the product for fair. While getting transformed data it's. A feature. That has been getting better and better over time and we'd encourage you to revisit. That one it allows you to take, data from outside your spreadsheet. Pre-process. It and landed in your spreadsheet, in a clean way and then. We have power. Pivot and. Power pivot allows you to break. Through the limits of a million rows spreadsheet so you can work with the data model to, bring. Your data in and just land what you need in that spreadsheet. And. Then I'm going to show you some. Of our new collaboration, tools so, threaded. Comments being, able to reply to your colleagues, and documents. Add. Mentions, being able to request. Assistance from your colleagues and get. Given notifications, that they need to attention something and then, co-authoring, so working together in the document at the same time. Now. First. Up just some background on dynamic arrays so in, excel for the last 37. Years we've. Had formulas.

But Formas could only return one value so you'd, write a formula you get one value in a Cell you wanted another value you'd. Copy that formula you place it in another cell well you'd write a new formula. And. You can see some of the types that we have today, so we have numbers text billions, errors and recently we added rich data types so we have stock in cells you can have geography in cells and you can extract the properties or fields from those which, data types but, there are always single, things single, entities. With. Dynamic arrays we've taught the grid how, to, deal with arrays. Natively so, he had a formula that returned, the, name Mary or a list, of names in the past we could just land Mary in the cell but. Going, forward we'll be able to land entire, list of names. In the grid. Alongside. Dynamic, arrays because now you little array, functionality, in a product we should be six fantastic, new functions so we've got the filter function the, unique function sort. Sort by sequence. And Rand array and I'll be demoing the first three here today. Okay. Without on the jump into demo. So. In this spreadsheet I'm gonna be playing. Megan. Bowen and Megan. Works with Kanto so and she's. Looking at her January sales, data. Here and she'd like to do some analysis, first. Up she'd like you to work out the units sold for each one of the products. So. I'm gonna jump into the sullivo here and use the new, unique function, equals, unique and this. Takes three arguments but we're just gonna go for the simple. Case which is just give, it a list and. Hit. Enter now this, particular function, is going to return an array of values so. When it does return that array of values those are those values are going to spill to the grid because they can't be contained in a single cell so. I hit enter and you'll see how it just spills onto the grid. There's. This blue border, around it which is an affordance to help you know that that's a set of data and that's connected and if I select outside of that you'll see it disappears, and as soon as I select inside, you, get the border, there. Are some other affordances, here so, if you look at the top cell you can see the formula is black. But, when I move to the. Spilled cells you can see this ghosted. In formula and that's just to tell you that it's a calculated, cell but. That, the formula truly doesn't live there it lives in there in the home cell. So. Because this is Excel I, can. Go and edit my data and I'm gonna add a VR, headset to the data. Headset. Okay, now, that isn't in the unique list so. When I do this, that. Formula, that I just typed is gonna have to recalculate and when it does you, can see it just resizes.

So It spills, further, takes up more space in the grid now. I'm going to undo that so we're back to four, items and, I'm just gonna put some data into the cell, over here it's gonna type X. When. I go back here and I type VR headset, to. Introduce that. Additional. Item this. Is gonna want to grow and, we. Didn't want it to damage. Your data so what we do is we, rather, return an error and when you interact with that error it, tells you that I couldn't, spill and that's, what we're calling it when it goes outside of the cell I couldn't spill, and. It shows you where it would like to spill too so, then you can interact with it just go over to it if you can see it or you can interact with the the. On object UI here, and, select. The obstructing cell tap, and paste it out in this case I'm just gonna delete it and the second you do that it. Just spills so. Just moves out to grid, okay. And. I'm going to continue building this out so I'm going to use the, summit function okay. Now. The side functions being a product forever and that's just a demonstration of, how dynamic arrays is just built into the fabric of calc, it's not specific, to those six functions, or, functions, can, leverage the the. Power of dynamic arrays so I'm. Gonna start out and I do this in the old way and then I'm gonna show you how to do it in the new way so. I'm gonna sum for, all the products I'm. Gonna go ahead and say some, this value in the cell which is H 9 and I'm. Gonna give it the unit's. Column over here okay. And I. Hit enter and it gives me 2 then, that's correct so. I can copy that down and, now. I've essentially, completed my task of getting the. Sales for all the different products but. If. My date had changed. In. This case I removed the VR headsets, item, you can see how that unique list shrunk but. Because I copied this formula down here and exists in all these cells that. Formula is still down here and you don't really want it to be there now it's just this kind of orphaned, formula. So. We're gonna use a new technique here so. I'm just gonna delete those and I want to go back to my original formula, which is the summit and rather. Than just saying h9. I'm gonna say. H9.

Through Age 10 okay so I'm going to give the sum if two, things the sum of generally expects one but, if you give it two things it's going to do something called lifting, and. I have an advanced session and tomorrow, discussing, some of these array behaviors, but. What's. What is essentially going to do is this get a summit, for each of those things and then. Return. An array so if I hit enter there you see and get two things back and, if. I extend the whole way, you'll. See this new notation h9, pound and that, pound is a spill ref so what that says is reference. The entire school from age 9 so, as the, spill. In h9 resizes, that reference will resize as well so it's always gonna reference the unique list so, I hit enter there and I've got my four items and if. I go VR headset. You'll. See they grow in unison so spreadsheet. Is dimensioning, itself things, are depending, on things and building out correctly. Okay. So that's the first task the. Second time she wanted to do was filter the data to. Just, the sales for, a particular State címon use the filter function, filter. I'm. Gonna go and grab, all. The table all the info in this table, I'm. Gonna filter it where the region equals. And. I'm just going to say they're only in the cell over here, okay. So I. Already go to state ham. In that cell and if I enter you'll see it spills now. That's, a 2d spool arrays, in Excel and natively 2d, all. Arrays in excel on TV so it's not limited to just simple. This and. When. I interact with this drop-down here I put that there earlier it's just a list of the states with data validation, you'll, see it just recalculates. And. You can take us further so because it's nice having things. Sorted alphabetically, I'm just going to wrap the sort list or this unique list in a sort and you'll see that sorts, and the Yi a units sawed off to the right, of that and if, I jump in here to the filter I can, sort this to and I'm gonna do a more advanced sort on this one because. I want to sort this one by revenue, descending. So. We're, gonna do it based on the sixth column so, one, two, three four, five. Six and, negative. One says descending, and. If I enter there you'll see it's a now a sorted, list and it'll main sorted. Now. The amazing thing here is the spreadsheet is just, three formulas three relatively, easy. Formulas, in the, past this would have been a huge. Task and there, would have been a lot of chance, of error and. So. Speeds. Things up less, chance of error and. You can do things you could just never do before so. A pretty amazing feature. This. Point I'm going to demonstrate some. Collaboration, features so. If I go down here or. Megan goes down here and she she, sees, that there is some missing sales from Alabama. So. She's. Gonna put a comment in a Cell and, get her a colleague, to update, the information. So. I'm gonna go new comment so you would have been familiar the old Excel yellow comments, and, they're. Very difficult to work with and interact with but now we've got this new fresh comment. Infrastructure, so you can see here Megan, and she's gonna use an app mention so she's gonna add, mention, Isaiah. So. Add mentions I science as. Looks. Like. So, it looks like we're missing some sales data could you please update and I'm, gonna commit.

That Comment. At. This point I'm gonna hand across to de'vide, who's gonna play Isaiah. And. I, just got an email notifying. Me of this, comment, that was sent from the spreadsheet directly, so. I. Click. On that link on Outlook, your. Is still seeing Joe's machine, but. I have, the same file open here so. It. Lands me directly, in the, comment, where, my, attention is needed you. Can see my, presses. Since. We're working on the same spreadsheet together. And. This is on the windows. Endpoint but this, works exactly the same way across. Excel. On the web or Excel, mobile I'll show you a bit later in. This session some. Of the mobile, capabilities. So I'm just gonna go here. Notice. That the. Additional information is needed so I'll paste it into the table, and. A. Merged. Into the document, where Megan. Was working before so. I'll. Just reply. The. Data is, updated. And. That will be visible. Also, to me again on. Her account. So. That was a. Demo. Some real-time collaboration, and that concludes. This particular demo so hand back to Jana. Alright, here. We go so. Now. I'm gonna, walk. You through some, of our other, innovations. In terms of data, types and ideas. Which. Bring, additional capabilities. To. Excel. The. Way you, know it so new, data types. Joe. Already, briefly. Mentioned, them but they convert, a text, string. And. Turn it into a rich connected. Data type this. Is a service that is pulling data from Bing. I need, enriches. The data that. Is already in your spreadsheet, so we're. Starting with stocks, and geography, so, you, can have your portfolio, you, put the company names or the tickers and you, turn it into a stock data type and it will give you real-time. Information. Either, on the close price, on. The beta on. The valuation for, the, companies that you have in. That. Sale. And then. For, geography. Same. Thing you can have zip, codes country, cities, and. It, turns it into an. Entity, that has connected. Real-time data, about. Population. About. Surface. Area income, and it depends, on what. Kind of geography. It is so there, will be some more information for. Countries. Fewer. Information, for. For. Instance a specific, state, and. We'll see some, of these then. Ideas. Is. A. Connected. Feature as well that. Uses, machine. Learning to, understand, your data analyze. It and give you insights, of your data so. It analyzes trends, outliers, and automatically. Inserts, useful. Visualizations, and tables for you to leverage. The. Data we'll also walk, through it, we. Also have additional charts. Beyond. The traditional, line. And bar charts and pie charts that we've had in the past. And. One. Of the great. Innovations if you heard about it in, the media recently it's been covered, pretty.

Extensively, Which is insert data from picture, that. Leverages, Excel mobile both. In iOS and Android Android. For the. Past two months iOS, just. Was released to, general. Availability last, week and, finally, we have the visual. VCO, data visualizer, that, shushant will. Walk us through so. In. Terms of the. Data. That we have this is a similar. Spreadsheet, you see that here we have already the, connected, data type set so, for, the specific, zip code I can. Extend. The information, and add the city and. The state that. Zip code belongs, to, so. I can run additional, analyses. First. Thing I'm gonna do is create. A summary of. The. Information by, state this. Is something that I didn't have in the original, dataset but, thanks to the power of the. Connected, data types I'm able to summarize. It without needing to go into being and searching, for a list, of you've. Probably, all done it list of. Information. And then having to run several vlookups. For. Connecting. It into, into my data set. As. I. Create the summary I. Need. Additional information, in this case for the population, of the state so. To convert it into connected, data types you go into data and choose. Geography. You. Could see both of the ones that we started with and you, get this icon in the cell that means that it's a connected, data type I. Can. Then add into the grid the, population, for each of the states. And. I. Want. To understand, how the sales are behaving, in. Terms of that. In, relation, to the population. Of that state so. I'm just gonna do. A simple ratio and, get. That information in. Now. As, Jenna was mentioning, before I mean, have the data but what. Does it really mean it's not easy for me to understand. How. This is looking for state a by state so, I go into the. Recommended, charts and use the field map. Alternative. Here, I have, the, sales. That. Are coloring, each of the states in. The country so. It's, very easy for me to see what's, high. And what's low directly. In the grid without needing, additional services. This is built straight. Into Excel and it, is one of of. The charts that you can use this. Has been out for, a. Couple. Years already. So. Now. Moving. On to ideas. I'm gonna, go back to my original data, set and run. From, the Home, tab the ideas button, here. You. Can see that, the, service pulled the information run.

The Different analysis, on trends, on. Outliers. And I see this, useful. Information which, is sales. By SKU so. I'm just gonna bring, it into the grid this. Creates, automatically, both a pivot, table and a pivot chart. Many. Of you may be familiar with these features and use them all the time but for, many people, who are starting with the tool this is something new and, having. The capability. Of running an analysis. Where, you summarize. The information when. You get where you get to see outliers and see your data visualized, is very powerful, and. This is something that we're, very excited about. To. Bring people with different. Levels of, expertise, with. The product. Now. I also, mentioned that we had some integration. With. The. Inserting. Data from picture in. This scenario I received, some. Information. But. This isn't printed for him so in the past I would need to just open. Up another tab, and start typing or if, I could get the online version that would be even better but some. Of you may know that that's. Not always the case I still remember my first internship. Was exactly, doing that at. A lawyer's. Firm, so that wasn't very fun, and. Now, I just, pull up my phone, this. Is my app it shows the, file I was working on because it was in my computer in on the desktop and you. Can see the desktop image it's still running both are running. In, parallel and I. Have my, full spreadsheet, in my pocket, so, you see the presses showing. In the desktop on the left as I. Interact. Because. This is just the same file where, I'm collaborating together, so, I'm. Just creating a new tab this, is gonna be the. Market data and here. I go, to this icon. At the bottom which is data from picture. I click. It it pulls, the camera. On. The, phone directly, pointed. To the table that I just. Show you printed, and. This sends the information over. To, the servers runs, OCR, optical, character recognition in. This, case there is a value where, the service isn't sure what, the value is so instead. Of just inserting, garbage, data. We. Empower, the user and give give the user control, to, correct that data now. That we have it inserted I just close it on my phone and, go back to my desktop. Computer and continue, the analysis, there so go. To the tab that, was just created and. I can run, all the analysis, that I'm, used. To with. The comfort of a mouse and keyboard, on. My computer, so here, I'm just gonna get the average for each of the competitors, so. I. Simply. Add the. Functions, here and continue, the work. Directly. Here. And. Now. I'm gonna. Pass. It over to Shoshanna, who, will talk us about a. Brand. New VCO. Integration. Add-in. For for, itself. Thank. You David. Hello everyone so I'll be talking about the Vasu and Excel integration, as you, all know Vishu is the industry, leader in diagramming, and it's, used by business analysts, worldwide to, document, their business processes, by, interacting with the stakeholders, of the process, with.

With This integration we are trying to democratize the, business process mapping and making it more data-driven so, that now users, can capture the data within, Excel and, automatically. Visualize, a diagram, without having. To learn the nuances of process, mapping and wish you so. The Adhan helps you create basic. Flowcharts, cross-functional. Flowcharts, and organizational. Charts from, your data within Excel you. Can view print and share the diagrams, using, the Adhan and visual online, if. You want to further customize diagram. And make enhanced. Edits then, you can use either of the Visio endpoints, with your online or with your desktop to. Make advanced, customizations. But. Up, to the point where you are visualizing the diagram right within Excel you need no visual installation, or any Visio license all office. 365. Users will, be able to do. That, so. Let's have a quick look at the demo video so, in this scenario I'll be showing, you how you can create a cross-functional, process, flow chart right within Excel. Starting. With the Adhan you can insert some sample data in Excel which, creates a data linked visualization. So, that's an actual visual diagram and now you can replace that data with your own data for, example I'm adding, another step in the course publication. Process which. Says review the. Requirements. And then I hit refresh and a, new shape gets added right there similarly. You can create your own process, by typing out the list of your activities, and you, can open the diagram in which you're online which. Is again available to all office, 365. Users and all, the metadata, which was captured in Excel becomes. Part of each of the shapes in Visio you, can use visual online, to share it and collaborate. On the diagram with your peers and if. You want to again as I mentioned edited. Further you can use that in which you can do that in visual online for, example changing the team or adding the title or making, any sort of customizations.

To The diagram and it reflects back when when you come to excel within the atom we, also support basic flowcharts, and as you can see organizational. Charts, which. You can visualize, right within Excel so, the add-in is available, in private, preview right now the, QR code up there will, help you sign up if you want to dry out the atom and we'll send you an exclusive invite, to try it out. So. I'll hand, it back to Jana. Thank. You. After. Excel. QR. Code again. I. Was. Gonna say an option of cell and Visio as my next favorite product and, now they work so beautifully together and. This. Information will also be published, in. The web site after the conference so you'll be able to go back to the to the deccan as, well. So. We looked into some of the newest. Innovation and, we had an excel but. We also spend. A lot of time trying to make. Sure the users of the current features greater the best experience. And. We've. Made some improvements, to those a couple of on, the first list here is across. Office. And Microsoft, in general such, as and. User experience, with. The UI so. We've recently introduced, an updated ribbon. And. The symbol line ribbon, for office on the web including Excel, so. Hopefully you've seen that. Also. Unified. Search has been introduced back in September, that, allows you to search documents, across Windows 10, office, 365 being. An edge. It's. A very very convenient way and an easy way to find find your information and. The. Rest, of the list was the second wave of the performance, improvement, we've made on excel specifically. That. Would also recently announced and, the first one is was. Really the, most asked. By. Many. Of our users is the, improvement. On the performance, how lookup, functions, work and. The. Vlookup, hlookup a match are the most used functions, in excel of. All and what. Used to take minutes, now takes seconds, so we'll show a, quick. Side by side video, in a second and and. Here you can see the listed from if. You are there improvements, we've made such, as improving. How fast soldiers. Sorting. Filtering works, so. We encourage you to take a look at some of the article since the content we put together explains. All. The range. Of improvements were made in the product, recently. And. Also. Many. Of those as I said a due to our user, feedback, so, we encourage you to join our communities. Send. Your feedback to user voice and Excel specifically, so we can hear back what is not working for you so we can prioritize and help, get those improved, as well and. Here's. A. Quick. Side by side video that. I promised, so here on the right you can see the new version of, Excel that, runs super, fast, lookup. Type, functions, now so, which I can. You. Can see that has like about fifty thousand rows of data the. Type, of functions that it uses and it. Took like a second, to recalculate, this whole spreadsheet. There and. You can see that on the Left we still running the older version of Excel that. While. We were a check in everything we needed on that other file this, only recalculated, to, to.

About I think like two or four percent as you can see over this time so literally what it was minutes, before, I now absolutely. Take seconds, and the. Version of Excel which is. 1809. And. Newer. Versions they, already, run, the new the new performance, of of, those functions and wink we even, had some of the customers. Switch, to monthly channels, for Excel just to just to get to the better performance, of. The product. And. We. As we actually, the visiting visualizer was a great example how, you get more value out of Excel. Using. As part of office, 365 Microsoft. 365, and if there are a few additional benefits. That we wanted to, share with you so. Custom. Functions, went. To to general availability about, a month ago and. They. Really extend, the capabilities, of. Using. Functions, across Excel. Across. Operating. Systems across devices, so, developers, can create. Multiple. Functions. The possibilities. Are endless and some examples, can be fetching. Some data from the web streaming. Live data, forecasting. Future, data all this, is just a couple of examples where developers, can now deal with custom functions. Unit. That is that regular. Users don't need to create all the functions, they. Can take the functions, that been created, by expert, in their organizations, they can trust and just, really, use those functions, so. We've had a lot, of a lot of customers, and, partners who are excited about build, on top of those a. Couple, of other interesting. Recent. Innovations there are they're, still in in preview, so. Flow integration, for example our integration, of Microsoft. Flow. With Excel allows you to automate some of the actions such as delete, and add in rows and a spreadsheet for example automatically, and Romania. Examples, how flow can help automate those actions. Form. Integration. Is really, exciting how you. Can start, a survey. Or poll right, from Excel. And. Also the data that you've created through. Running, a Polish to be using. Microsoft forms, you can take back this data into Excel I've has been a massive survey you get massive amount of data you can analyze and run all the, functions on the formulas, all the analysis you would you can usually do, get data in Excel by, having. This information from, from your surveys. And so there's a there's no rediem exciting, integrations, we have there again this is all the value of, Microsoft. 365, hours 365 brilliance. To excel and ditional II. So. I here, I wanted to summarize. Those. Few, recent. Innovations, that we talked about. Address. In form. Key challenges, that modern analysts face today so. You, have links for all the additional articles if you if you get the duck please please do that and just, learn. More about that. We. Also I. Excited. To hear customer. Stories, so, when, customers benefit, from using Excel does this always, always. Very exciting, and here's one of the recent. Examples, how our. Customers, and partners have, been using. The value of custom, functions, to, surface. IOT. Insights, right into Excel so this is um this. Is an interesting story. Volume. Each. Of these senses, are likely through any adding, that. Goes to a custom, function within Microsoft, Office 365. Person. D so does it allows excited. To connect. With the real world without, any engineering, or any specialist, knowledge I work, specifically. On the device the symbols our device and I. Develop, the feel my authority so the features we are more excited. About about, the office. 365. Are. The. Stream function, because. Basically it integrates, really well with what, we want to do within visa the, great thing about the Excel, add-in it relieved, us a lot of effort. And development, and time for. Everything, that concerns the, front end and in the same way offering, users.

Powerful. Tool to really. Manipulates. Their data so. The retail customers are in the UK is jobless the challenge or lose hat is that, they have to take, on some devices are going back to the chance that may. Have sensitive data on them where, they are using Lisa for is to attach this. ELISA device to a cage and. Now, just by doing that on, a spreadsheet they can now start tracking how, that cage is moving through their internal network Sbisa. Is a great product for us for, two main reasons the. First is that, the tracker is, really, fully functioned, it, gives us a very live, and granular, view of where, the items that we're tracking the, second thing which is great about it is the integration of Microsoft, Excel the. Team in head office to look after this area already, use Microsoft, Excel for. Their analyzing. An entire and interpreting. Of data that's going on within, the return supply, chain the, fact that's the sim. Bisa trackers. Feed, information directly. Through, to, the Excel spreadsheet on, their, desk means it's very easy for them to, work live information. Into. The, analytics that they're doing so, Sbisa is a bridge, or. Each cell actually becomes, a window to. The real world from linux elf and. That's super powerful, I have excitedly, exist it's not clear to me why solution. Will. Exist. So. That was one of the one, of our partners who've been using the, early. Early. Versions of custom functions, and they, basically built a solution for their customer, who, were who logistics, company, and they were tracking packages, with this little IOT devices and streaming data right into Excel so, and, we have a lot, of customers, and partners interested, in the solutions, going, forward now that the functions, the, custom functions are generally available so, we're, looking forward to hear more and more such stories so. It's a completely new world that how. Excel. Becomes a front end of of, getting real, real-time, data there's, a few other recent, stories, we heard from customers and again that I'm always excited to hear them how our customers using. Our products and. The. World is excited, as a customer do think of excel as is, the, create, analytics. Ad hoc tool, and the. The kimchi chemicals named excel as a Swiss Army knife which, is I think all, of us could agree with that it's it was great for it how can Alice's, for sure the. Second story is actually very. Similar. To the one we the video we just showed yesterday it's. It. Has a lot of use, and education, right now but I I, still, love the story so much we decided to include it here just to share with you I'm so that uses, the power of the data streamer, as the, new add-on in Excel as well but that again brains to the physical world into. Into the, analog into Excel and how. For. The a bunch of stem. Curriculums. Building. A real-world construct. For example like a robotic arm with something they attach sensors to, this arm and this data of the movement, of the arm streams, through data streaming directly into Excel and students. Can see you can see what's going on they can analyze this data so, we. Have a lot of our. Education team has built a lot of curriculums, just. For, these for these capabilities that have been used in schools around the world so that some this, very exciting students. Can see that and, and. Finally, when a customers talk about increasing. Velocity using out this is exciting - and for, a full, caliber system they actually said, that just, you to excel they've managed to increase the productivity by, 25%. So, that that, is always great to see and. We. Love, the stories. If. If. You want to share any of that publicly, with us please please tell us and we'll be excited to tell, your stories in front of other customers.

We. Would, like you to to learn more and stay connected with us here are some of the resources. Will. Be useful to download the deck to get the links for short those are pretty long so we don't put the full links here I'm so please download the deck and. Stay. Connected with us away from the resource it always up-to-date. Here's. The one link which grab, now is, our. Worldwide. Excel. Community. That. Helps. Each other we we are booked to participate in this community to get any answers answered about excel so any questions answered about excel so. We have a lot of people join in please please join up if you haven't yet we. Would like to see you there and. This, is our first kickoff, session about, excel in this conference we have a whole lineup of, other. Interactive. And and rich content coming up about Excel so you can learn more please, please. Join us it's, some other sessions, too during these two days. We. Would like to see you there as well and, content. Will be available if you if you miss this by by any by. Any chance so a little bit for a second if you could if you wanted to grab a new session codes there, and. Please. Submit, your valuations. How we did in this session we would, like to hear your feedback. As, you always we. Will we, shall stick around here, if there are any questions so. We will close, at this this. Is a recording. But. Please come to, us here if you if you have anything you might have to check with us so with that thank you so much and enjoy, the rest of the conference.

2019-06-13 03:17

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