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so good morning mr alfa how are you  doing this morning thank you fine time   awesome awesome and we are on your banana farm  this morning and you will be giving us a tour   yeah all right so for the viewers and  subscribers just to let you know that   we are in the island of the bahamas and this is  mr alpha the farm owner and he will be giving us   a tour and we'll have a conversation as  we go through so stick and stay for that   all right so mr alpha tell us how you  got started in farming first of all   i studied in farming over here for the past i  think about 15 years ago 15 years ago yeah yes and   uh because i was in the field of heavy equipment i  used to own heavy equipment okay but after i think   um the the fall of the economy i decide to  pack up and go into farming full time okay okay   but there is a lot of challenges in farming over  here because this place is prone to hurricane   yes and when you say over here just for clarity  you're referring to the bahamas because you are   from lucia yes okay and what happened is that  um let us say like sometimes every three years   we'll have a heavy hurricane a solid one wow  right that especially with hurricane dorian   yes it was all a disaster wipe off completely yes  yes so it takes me three years to get me back to   that stage with the help of nobody at all oh my  god yes awesome i am trying my best struggling   on my own yes to see what i can do again all right  it has been rough and tough but i am trying okay   awesome and we're looking at the farm and  it's beautiful so you're saying it took you   um roughly three years to get it back to this  stage yes wow that is only about half of it   i i am cultivating right now okay okay so in  another location you have bananas in another   location or this is it okay okay so apart  from bananas what other crops do you plant   vegetables i plant all kinds of vegetables  okay okay tomatoes cabbage beets a whole lot   of different things oh wow you do beets as well  yes okay and i noticed under the banana trees   in jamaica we call those cocoa i don't know if  that's the same name that is used in the bahamas   we call it tanya and in the bahamas they  call it eddies okay say that again so in   saint lucia we call this tanya insane lotion  in saint lucia yes in jamaica it is called   cocoa yes in the bahamas it is called eddies  in lucia it is called tanya oh wow interesting   yes yeah but it is not a big seller in in  the bahamas okay it is not a big seller   but i have a lot of it i have thousands of um  these same eddies or cocoa or tanya however   you'll learn to call it okay yeah but it is not a  big seller okay um how do you um so when you it's   not a big seller but you have people who do buy  it yes definitely okay what do they use it for   the jamaicans just buy a lot of it and the  haitians oh yeah yes because we have a big haitian   community in the bahamas okay and jamaicans as  well okay okay so back home i know we use the coco   for soup yeah um is it well we use it for pretty  much like it's so it's a starch that can go with   you know your protein but predominantly we use  it for soup is that the same thing here too   yes they they use it for super as well okay  bohemians use it but not as much as um the other   foreign nationals oh okay i see i see yeah all  right so in terms of your bananas though mr alpha   how do you um is it that you when you reap is it  for export or for domestic it is only for domestic   use alone okay so you sell to places such as okay  i would sell sometimes to the food stores and um   the locals come right here and buy it so i doesn't  even have chance to get on the street with it   oh they find you it is yes it is in it is in  demand there's a high demand for bananas bananas   in the in the um bahamas okay okay i see yeah wow  and i notice you have okra as well on the farm   yes well the okra um although i was not the one  who planted the workers plan these okras yes   right but again um it came it is very nice so  it's all right with me okay okay right okay and   what type of dishes do they use the okra in here  i know at home in jamaica we use it for steamed   fish some people may put it in soup is that  the same thing just the same way just wanted   to check that out yes yes it's just the same thing  right so what types of bananas are these these are   william hybrid william hybrid yeah it's a hybrid  banana they have i think they have that all over   the caribbean okay okay it's the same the same  thing with jamaica okay so we still have robusta   william hybrid yes these are the two best ones  for the caribbean okay right you might get a few   graven dish yes it's all mixed up but most of  what i have there is william hybrid okay okay   so i'm looking at this soil and it's mostly i see  a lot of stones talk to us about the soil what um   soil type is best suited for planting bananas in  the bahamas okay all right what happened you'll   see here there is a difference with soil on the um  other farms or on other islands the reason why um   when i had heavy equipment and i decided to  go into farming yes uh i used to when i go   and clear on people's property yes i used to  take the soil and come and dump it here oh   okay so you will see well that's a hill  it is rising yes right and i over here   i have about i'm 12 feet of soil 12 feet off  soil yes so you could say that is soil yes   woods and stones it's it's a it's a big area of  compost material okay okay that is what it is and   it is very much fertile okay because i i  don't really use fertilizer as such because   um it it creates its own fertilizer because  it's com it's all composed right that gets you   so because of that i don't use that much  fertilizer yes yeah um now uh the space here in   between the bananas yes right i plant them eight  feet apart okay the reason why is um to control   the yellow sugar together disease as  you can see yes right to control these   right so if i cut them right uh do not allow it to  spread too far okay so i would keep trimming them   and sometimes well this year i  haven't had my own um solution   because i'm so busy trying to bring back the farm  okay but what i use to control it is the um i   make an a solution out of the the banana itself  like i would um cut this yes i would cut this right i would cut this   and into pieces yes put it in the water to soak  right right for about three months wow the seaweed   right then i would take a little epsom salts  and put in there yeah and molasses right the   molasses would soften the leaf for me so that i'm  the solution the trick could absorb it properly   okay so in applying it to the solution you just  where do you put it i would use a mist blower   to blow the leaves oh to spray it on okay so  it's a leaves that you spray yes i will spray   the leaves okay right to control the the leaves  spot disease yes leaf spot disease yes okay   wow uh because um if i have to  let's say in just a couple weeks   if i can control it yes then the whole  the whole field will be all gone oh my   yes because it will be attacking from one  lift to the next and this affects the growth   of the bananas yes it stopped the growth  of the banana oh premature banana yes right   and a whole lot of different problems okay so i  have to keep it in check yeah so it's important   that you do your spraying with the solution this  variety here um the sugar banana sugar banana   yes that is what we call sugar banana over here  okay and in saint lucia we would call this um here we call this makambu okay this is a combo yeah  and in over here they would call it hog banana   i don't know hog hog banana oh a hog hog as in  pig oh i see yes hog banana yes wow oh yeah and   now this one here right is the purple banana i  brought this plant from saint lucia yes yes when   we get when we go higher up i'll show you what it  is like okay and i have a shorter variety right   i got from over here as well yeah okay okay right  so yes i will show you a little more about the the the sugar banana sugar banana okay just  literally i had there was a little a heavy   wind about i think that was about between 45 to  50 miles per hour wind really yes just about um   about two months ago yes and most of these bananas  was down wow yeah now this is not the proper way   of um growing bananas yes but bean these are  sugar bananas and they're very much they they can   resist the temperature very very well yes right so  i allow it to grow so because we have plan of um   utilizing an order 500 acres of land so i'm badly  in need of the plants that is why i am living it   as is as is yes okay right so soon from now do  we we will be preparing an order 500 acres yes   for bananas pineapple and a whole lot of  different things okay okay yes and so in terms of   um the banana plant tell us how it is that you  would start in terms of the preparation from   the moment to start planting the banana to the  preparation process oh you have to take care of it   talk to us about that okay up to reaping of  course first thing after preparing the land   you do your layouts you prepare the field  and then you start putting down the plants   yes right you make sure your irrigations are in  place right and then you start planting yes from   there it all depends if you want to use fertilizer  okay you will do some soil tests to see what it is   like what your ph level is and everything okay  right and then you take it on from there right   you you decide well you check the market to see  what um amount of bananas that they consume in the   bahamas right right and then you take it on from  there okay okay is it a profitable business it is   a profitable business yes it is okay so you you  mostly sell green bananas do you do ripe bananas   as well only green bananas only green bananas  yeah i'd sell them green okay because i have   somewhere to i have a ripening um shed yes but  it is not all that prepared as yet okay right   because i'm still watching these hurricanes and  yeah you know yes yeah but with the 500 acres it   doesn't matter it will not be it is it belongs to  a corporation that i happen to put together myself   okay right and talk to us about that some  more yes the corporation is like that um   every we would like every member of gra on  grand bahama everybody we would like them to be   um part owner of the farm yes and a  shareholder we starting with about um it's 145   yes per person and with that it comes with two  shares and you only paid at once but your shares   you could keep adding on your shares you could  buy more shares yes right um we would like to have a store a big storage complex where that  we can also sell from there and everything   okay awesome so we will be growing all kind of  different produce right i just name it would like   to do that okay awesome so is this cooperative  um you mentioned is it just for farmers   just farmers or other persons who wants to it is  for everybody for everybody yes because there is   not enough farmers here to run a cooperative  oh i see because farming is not prevalent in   the bahamas no it is not a prevalent um project in  the bahamas okay okay i see yeah i see so um what   i am doing i am actually encouraging people into  farming yes especially while um other countries   some of them is very much interested in war we  ourself we are very much interested in growing   our own food yes right so that um it would  prevent us if there is a catastrophic right   we ourself would try to save our own people yes  without depending without depending imports on   the importation from other countries okay awesome  yes right awesome so this is what i am really   working on right now yes yes so ultimately you  want to have a complex from which you can sell the   produce yes not just bananas not just bananas just  name it all kind of food whatever we can grow yes   yes yes i just received an amount of 50 breadfruit  plants wow yes yes about 50 bradford plants and   i would like to grow that in the bahamas as  well yes and to bring in much more than that   wow okay yes because for the past 26 years i've  been living here it don't make sense for me to   say let me go somewhere else and start all over  again yes yes right you want to stay and build   and add some yes yes that is what i really want to  do awesome okay now this area this whole area here   i'm going it's getting all and i'm going to  push it down to transplant it in new okay   right starting from here this area here to go  all the way back okay so that is why you see you   will see it is not looking okay um the way it's  supposed to right right now this is the banana   i was telling you about the purple one oh  okay yes right this is what it looked like nice all right now this is a plant from  saint lucia oh i bought this one from san   lucia yes yeah yes um i i don't really  know the name for it okay but i would   rather because it came from saint lucia yes  right i would call it the lucian brand okay   yes that's all i could call it okay  great brown yes right mm-hmm yeah um okay   um this one is a sugar banana because from  down here this whole fill there yeah these   sugar bananas here and it is a big seller here as  well okay it is very much in demand in the bahamas   it is a very sweet banana yes yeah it's very  sweet oh i see why they call it sugar bananas better known as hog banana banana banana yeah it  is very much in demand because um the haitians   love it okay yes and there is a lot of haitians  in the bahamas yes so i it and sell even more than   the regular banana oh yes yes it's a big i  really love that one yes um because it and   it is very high in iron as well okay it's very  high in iron yes so they knows about it very well   so they would grow go for it okay yeah what type  is this one this is one that you showed us yeah   that is the same that is the same hog banana okay  it looks somewhat like plantain though when you   look at it no i have plantain as well you have  plantain as well yes i have plantain as well okay okay so you were just saying  that you have plantains as well   yes i'll show you the plantains when i get  back okay and there is i have about maybe   about four different varieties of plantain oh  wow there was two i brought from saint lucia one is grows about a hundred pounds  and the other one is about 50 pounds   wow yes now um what happened is that i almost lose  it yeah i almost lose them in the in the hurricane   oh because the sea water um was all down there not  too far from right down there okay there was sea   water yeah but it did not get to the top yes but  the sea blast right was able to destroy a lot of   my crops oh um talk to us about what is  what is the sea blast the salt from the sea   from the ocean yes right when when it blows it  would blow all over and destroy everything yes oh   yes now that doesn't mean it's close we are not  i'm not that close to the ocean mm-hmm but the   place is flat yes it's actually left yes because  you're just going around the bahamas i realized   that it's a lot of flat land a lot in fact i've  not seen that here yes the whole place is flat yes   so like um the the hurricane will say okay well  we could take advantage there's nothing to break   it down yes right the little trees are nothing you  know yes yeah and you were greatly impacted by the   hurricane because you would have lost everything  i lost everything right all my all the processing   machine all was gone oh wow everything is gone  and i i am unable to replace it up to now yes   yes yeah that's a friend of mine hello okay yes  um now i would like to tell you as you get here   yeah i would like um you could come because  um he's my my my b partner okay um we also   i um have we we keep bees as well oh really yes  wow interesting now i had a solid blow with the   bees because i'm very busy so the bee wax went  in and destroyed 18 of my hives oh my yeah wow   that's a lot yeah yeah yeah oh wow lucky lucky  i i'm doing something there in a while i'll be   with you yeah yes i can walk around a bit yes no  problem okay okay well mr alpha you seem to in a   um in an island that does not practice farming on  a wide scale you seem to have captured so much you   know the bananas the planting the vegetables  i know you're mentioning that you are into   bee farming as well yeah you love farming yes i  love farming yes i love farming i'm addicted to   farming yes you're right yes so i am i'm hoping  that one day i make farming look like something   in the bahamas yes yes wow that's powerful yeah  yeah i i really wish to do that yes because   i'm here already i can't run away from it  yeah i can say i'm a bohemian after 26 years   yeah you could say yes pretty much yes yeah  yes so in terms of the um planting of bananas   are there other farms that you know of  in the bahamas that does banana planting   no not really wow not really um this is the  largest i would say in grand bahama yes yes right   and i don't think the other islands have that much  bananas um although i believe andras might have   a good build as well okay yes um ultimately  because you talk about farming so much and we   can hear your passion for it um ultimately  what is your vision i know i know you said   earlier that you know you want to have  farming look like something in the bahamas   talk to us about your vision ultimately what would  you want to see for farming in the bahamas what i   would like to see for farming in the bahamas  being with a black nation and that is part of   our culture yes i would like us to stick to  our culture right and first not to imitate   um that kind of lifestyle which is not too much  in our benefit which is very much our against our   own health yes it is very much the lifestyle over  here is very much our against our own existence   because we are eating too much fertilized food  and it is causing a problem health problem   right now we have a big rate of cancer and  diabetes yes which we can control we can do better   yes if we make up our our mind to get together and  fight it we will be able to fight it right right   stay away from all these fast foods right because  the fast foods are the number one contributor   of diabetes and cancer yes right now we  know that for sure so what i am doing   i would like to show the people we can do better  yes we can definitely do better okay right so i   am i am taking the initiative to say well okay  let let me go ahead yes and do what i can yes   to save my people okay so that's a start yes that  is a start right here right right that is what   i would like to do okay if person's watching the  video and they will see you want to get interested   in farming home yes okay all right the easiest  way of getting to me is the phone okay one two   four two three seven five seventy six thirty three  alpha a l p h e awesome mr alpha and of course we   will place that number on the screen of this video  and also in the video description so you want to   reach out to mr alpha to talk about farming to  really just commend him on the job that he's doing   or to form a collaboration or somewhat just  reach out to mr alpha thank you so much mr alpha   thank you um for that and you are supposed to show  us the planting as well yes let's go i'll show you   the planting all right okay and i must commend  you mister of what i see i love the passion you   have for farming yeah and i can tell you the sun  is very very hot yes i don't know how you do it   but you do it yes well because of my  irrigation system yes i have water   now let me tell you in the caribbean i  would say yes um we have the most water   in the caribbean a lot of people don't know that  yes and our soil is not acidic we doesn't have   it's a non-acidic soil so you could grow whatever  you want yes um in the bahamas yes because um the   soil every drop of rain that fall on the ground is  preserved yeah every drop of rain is preserved wow   yeah it's all it's naturally preserved  yes because it goes down in the ground   and um there is no river here yes and in  a matter of couple of minutes the water   right will filter it through the ground through  the soil and it stays right there oh right   now maybe after about 40 feet if you have to drill  about 40 feet you're going to heat the salt water   right so the fresh water will remain on  top yes and the salt water is underneath   yeah so you'll get it the water little brackish  it is not enough salt to really hamper your   your plants okay what do you mean by brackish  when i say it's brackish it is between um you   have a little salt yeah and a little  freshness okay in between it's balanced   yeah it's balanced okay okay okay great yeah all  right so how long does it take for the banana   to from the time you plant it how long does  it take to you know come into maturity okay   um it would give take me about nine months to a  year okay for harvesting okay okay yes that is   but if i want to push it more than that  well i can okay you know how to do it yes   yes so in that case mr alpha it means that  you would plant different crops so that you   have bananas coming in year long yes i i just  i i just have bananas year-round right because   that's the time that you're planting yes oh yes  year-round i see okay awesome okay okay now i'm   going to show you the planting the  different varieties of plantain okay yeah   um the hundred pounds i told you i only  managed to have one uh which it's about   eight months now okay now planting would be maybe  about after a year or between a year anyway around   it okay right okay and while you'll get this like  the horn planting these are horn plantain right oh   horn yes they look like corn that's why they call  them that and they resemble horns right so it   looked like cow horns yeah horton planted yes yeah  so okay yeah and i see i have cane too yes i have   quite a bit of thin on the other side as well okay  you plant them throughout the the farm awesome i want to show you i have the 50 pounds over  there right right so the horned one would be the   hundred pounds yes okay all right the plantains  are mixed up and this is a plantain right here   okay this is another planting okay right which  i harvest already yes yeah and what i am doing   um to maintain the quality i would be flour the  bananas you know oh yeah they flour them yes   right break off the flowers oh right so that um  you would have a better a better quality a better   and it have a better texture than um the chiquita  brand mm-hmm and the other brand like dull chicken   and all of them this one is much better okay and  this one is fit right now this one could be ripped   or it's not ready yet it's only ready for boiling  not for ripening okay i see i see yeah okay i'm taking you down there okay so from what i'm  seeing and based on what you have been explaining   so far mr alpha i i can see that it takes a lot  of work so yeah it takes a lot of years because d   flooring so in terms of labor how is that for you  um additional you know getting people to work um   i can't get workers because uh all i have  to do is request to the immigration okay   that i and i would have to prove it to them  right and then i would have a field inspection   right i would have to um request to the  labor department as well okay it has been   properly controlled yes yes yes okay so it  is not a matter of you just say well okay   i want x amount of workers and you'll get it okay  they have to come in and do an assessment yes an   assessment will be taken first mm-hmm okay  then you take it on from there okay understand oopsie i'll show you one of my hives  there oh that is all gone   okay yeah okay this is the this  would be a 50-pound plantain okay   right now this this one came from san  lucia yeah yes this one came from san lucia   this is what that is the uh what i was telling  you and the other one is all the way in the back   yes we might not have time to go to that okay okay  okay yeah but looking at this if i if you didn't   tell me it was a plantain i would think that it's  a banana no that's a plantain okay yeah wow it's a   plantain yes and this type is what again the name  of it this one is a 50 it is 50 pound and there is   another one which can go about 100 pounds okay  that one is the horn one no this is a different   variety right the horned one is the one that goes  100. no the ho that was all they go about between   30 and 40 pounds oh okay 30 and 40 pounds for the  horn plantains yeah so i have quite a few of these   i have i have quite a few of these i have the  dwarf planting okay uh and the horn the dwarf   the 50 under 100 four different varieties okay  yes awesome yeah okay so right here now um this is one of my hives that have been  destroyed by the by the wax moth right you can see right oh it was a big colony yes  right and the wax moth get in there and destroy it   okay so the wax what is that that you're  referring to the works morph you said   yeah it's a muff um it's an uh an inset like  um a butterfly like but it is not a butterfly   right right and the um this is what it  does right so what it does it goes in there   and it drinks and it lead eggs right in here  right i see and then eventually damaged yes   all the all the comb is is damaged and the bees  have to leave because and find somewhere else   to go okay so how do you prevent that from  happening i lose i lose 18 of them this year   so is there a way to prevent that type of insect  from getting into it yes you can prevent it by   inspecting it every week okay okay i  was kind of spread out a little too thin   yes you mentioned you were busy yes okay okay  but this is that was there are new hives new   boxes everything but yeah i can't see that i end  up in losing it okay so um later this same year   i will have to go back hunting again right to  start yes to start again yeah i i goes out of   hunting bees people call me mm-hmm if the um the  house might be attacked by bees oh so i would go   and get the bees and put them in the box okay  great yeah this place um is infested with bees   it is you know this place you mean grand  bahama granba okay gran bahama is infested   with bees so it is not a problem in me  getting bees again oh okay i see right   i can get bees again easily yeah easy yes i can  just leave here now i'm going to collect bees wow so yeah but okay so so that concludes our tour yes yes yes so  thank you so much yes thank you very much as well   right for sharing with us appreciate  your presence around today   thank you we appreciate you for  allowing us to be given this tour yes   yes so thank you so much he was very nice yes  okay thank you so please remember to like share   subscribe and hit that post notification  bell and we see you next time blessings you

2022-08-07 04:35

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