No Tourists Visit This Area of Bangkok, Thailand

No Tourists Visit This Area of Bangkok, Thailand

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yeah I just swallowed it all I I  don't like it I don't like it at   all this is perfect this is a sticker  R from hell yeah for the top part [Music] what did she put into this it's so good hello everybody and welcome to another  video here in the busy streets of Bangkok we   are absolutely exhausted and feeling very hungry  from the sran celebrations and today we're in   Thailand's first everever land market believe it  or not around 120 years old traditionally Thailand   was mostly floating markets but this one here is  the first ever land market today we are at Nang   loing Nang loang Market I hope I'm saying that  correctly and we're going to try some Thai street   food and not only will we be exploring this Market  but we'll also be checking the general area out   as well for some amazing toy food so let's go and  check this out and here we have the map of exactly   where we are so this is obviously the market area  itself and then you have the whole general area as   well my God you guys coming into the market you  can see immediately uh this giant sort of hall   with this very original old looking structure it  seems to be like wooden beams on the top and uh   with a metal roof so inside of it it's very hot  obviously and I already read online that there's   like some sort of traditional noodle dishes that  you should be trying here in this market which   I'm very very curious about and wow check this  out oh they're in the back is already like a   Temple or Shrine looking thing I'm wondering if  this is already the um sh of Prince of chumon   shrine not PR Prince of Tron Shrine that would  be very interesting to see actually and Lucas   already looking at the I think this is a dessert  this is with the Salted EO stuff yeah I've heard   basically that this Market is uh probably like  Naomi was just probably telling you this place   is known for Thai desserts oh no I didn't say it  so yeah it's known for toi desserts Royal Court   desserts as well so maybe we can try a little bit  stuff for our sweet tooth today in here and also   there's a ton of different options I've already  walked past a bunch of different stands serving a   whole different uh types of savory stuff too this  stuff here seems to be on the sweeter side I was   talking about the noodle dishes that I read online  that there's one traditional noodle dish that you   should be trying yeah yeah and also uh obviously  you have all of the sort of thae desserts here   uh that look really really good I already saw  something with a butterfly pee that looked kind   of tasty I love butterfly PE everything that comes  with that and uh yeah neither of us had breakfast   so we are Hunger we're currently in a very local  area so no English translation for us but uh we   are working our way through with Google translate  can you read anything so these are Vietnamese   noodles so Vietnamese noodles with egg Vietnamese  noodles with Lang I don't know what Lang is   Vietnamese noodles with spicy soup and eggs and  they have a spicy Vietnamese noodle with rice as   well Vietnamese nood should we try Vietnamese uh  food in in Bangkok he's never done that before   might as well give it a try is this man eating the  Vietnamese noodles I think so it looks okay that he sold out yeah I'm not sure I think I think we ordered  two servings of this one here which appears   to be like a spicy Vietnamese uh noodle dish  with egg but we'll see what we get we have   no idea this Market here is like I said 120  years old very very local there's absolutely   no tourists around here apart from us usually  as always this is a the type of places that we   enjoy coming to so we're going to sit down  and see what we get yeah and it's uh as I   said before because of the metal roof it  is absolutely boiling here so you're just   basically sitting in a sauna as you can maybe  tell looking at Luke he's a very wet [Music] sweating ooh check this out you guys we just got  our soup and it looks like they have a whole lot   of different magical things in here um it looks  like you have some maybe pieces of uh this one   here looks like a little bit like a sausage  type of meat then you have an entire egg which   is a soft boil so I might pop the yolk yes that  looks very nice and um obviously you have noodles   which uh appears to be maybe rice noodles or wheat  noodles but I think it's it might be rice noodles   no what do you think oh yeah they're like um it  seems to be like vermell noodles like the little   thin noodles incredible Pack full of flavor I  think from sitting in that broth and uh Naomi   and I were just saying to each other were really  wondering what sort of components of this noodle   dish would actually make it a Vietnamese noodle  looks and smells incredible very strong smell of   onions as well because they toed it off with  Crispy onions and in terms of the meat inside   I'm not too sure exactly what it is I believe  it's pork and then you've got the thin noodles   and like Naomi said the soft boiled egg overall  the smell is incredible I'm really excited to   taste it as well but that's maybe what makes  it Vietnamese it's the might be the crispy   fried onions remember in Vietnam everything had on  everything yeah that's very I don't know I'm not   sure though could be anything look at that egg oh  okay that is amazing I'm going to try some of the   yolk with uh some of the meat as well just give  it a try see see it for what it is it's very very hot extremely hot that meat is very tender  the Runnin from the egg yolk as well gives   it like a creaminess to the meat as well  and I need to try some of the noodles but   I'm very afraid of burning the roof of my  M mouth cuz that's where all the heat is cu   the noodles obviously are going to hold on to  the soup of the broth anyways let's give it a try oh my god did you burn your did you burn your  mve no it's actually perfect so crispy onions in   there give it a very unique flavor the noodles  as well super thin very very flavorful this is   a flavor profile that haven't actually really had  in a while the Thai side of this or the Thai side   of me the the side of me that enjoys Thai food  makes me want to add like a ton of chili into   this and uh make it really spicy but there's  nothing about this right now that is spicy   there is condiments over there that you can  actually customize your dish to so you can   add chili and fish sauce and I love chili and  fish sauce especially with noodle dishes like   this this as it is right now is amazing but if you  are someone that likes a little bit of spice you   definitely need to add something in there because  there's not much spice going on right now but it's   really good right you guys I'm also going to  give it a try I don't really understand because   I feel like from what we had taken a picture of  which translate it sort of said spicy Vietnamese   noodles so I feel like it should be spicy why  is it not spicy or maybe she thought because   we're farangs yeah true maybe we cannot handle the  spice or something let's just give the noodles a try M oh that's really tasty yeah really really  good oh my God that's one of the like best   noodle dishes that I've ever tried yep M again I  don't really know what would make it Vietnamese   per se other than the onions other than the onions yeah oh yeah oh my God this is so good  you can also taste that she added a lot   of like coriander on top and other sort of uh  greens which makes it super Super Fresh but I   also feel like I might I might run over there and  grab some condiments to actually make it spicy m   super good though very tasty yeah we should  probably add some chili in here because we're   definitely fangs don't get me wrong look at  the skin color but we thoroughly enjoy some   chili so let's add some of that chili in it's  going to go full spoon you also want a full   spoon oh yeah go for it yeah yeah yeah you  want any other condiment oh that's me for now   I'm just going to basically mix in the chili and  then uh give you guys another little bit of a of a   taste taste test I really really enjoy egg and the  way that she cooked this egg is just unbelievable   I've never actually seen it done so perfectly  inside of a noodle dish so I'm just going to extra bit of protein in there oh yeah  chili changes it up now oh now it's spicy   yep I think I need to mix a little bit better  I just took like a full spoon of the of the chili oh yeah it tastes a lot better though  in our days even though it's a Vietnamese   noodle dish it does taste a lot more time now  going to give it a go as well with the chili inside oh yeah mhm yep chili change just the  entire profile onions chili noodles egg fantastic   I really really love this what a perfect way to  start the day off here in Bangkok and um after   this I think we're going to just kind of briefly  explore around this Market see if they've got some   other stuff on offer they do definitely but it's  unfortunate we came here not really understanding   or knowing the hours that the market was going  to be open and it unfortunately closes just in   a a couple hours it closes actually at 3:00 p.m.  so it's an early day Market but we didn't know   that but we we know now so we know the next time  that we come here that we need to be a little   bit earlier but like I said at the beginning  ever since sran we have just been burnt out it   has been a water War for the last three full days  and in some parts of Thailand it's still going on   this is unbelievable though I feel like the  eggs really added like a nice thickness to the   soup that I've never seen like this it's  really good I'm very happy with this oh yeah this gets a solid like 8 out of 10  8 and 1/2 out of 10 for me the spiciness   from that chili is starting to kick in  as well my cheeks probably starting to   go a little bit red yeah this is a fantastic day I'm losing all of my noodles this one looks good this with  uh looks like sticky rice sticky rice   butterfly PE butterfly PE butterfly  pea sticky rice this one p p p oh wow   ping fish fish and the coconut  this one fish yes w f w amazing   oh okay we try the these two much 21 okay you like  coconut milk coconut milk yeah yeah too bad yeah yeah oh we need something sweet obviously those  noodles after we added the chili we're very spicy   so both of our noses are running and uh we were  complaining about it not being spicy then we added   chili and we said this is too spicy noodle soup  from hell yeah literally that's what I called the   added way but this one looks nice she also has  the white sticky rice with the mango probably   yeah we're going to get a sweet treat now guys  because like I said this place is known uh for   its desserts alongside its noodles as well so  let's get ourselves a snack and unfortunately   like I said a lot of the stands right now are  closing up because it's roughly around 2 p.m uh   in the day so it's only around an hour from this  whole market closing down but we're going to have   a nice sweet treat now and then we're going to go  onto the streets of Bangkok on the hunt for more   Bangkok street food oh nice she's adding spoons  I was worried this one here is interesting what   is this one this is a p T oh wow t t Taro coconut  milk Thai custard pie wow that's incredible can   we try one can we try one why not 18 okay 18  bad Thai custard pie very cool oh my God the consistency I think we I think we saw something  similar before remember we saw one that was like   in green uh Leaf yes yes in the owl Market in  the owl Market before similar we might have   had something similar to this but I'm not sure  it came in a green leaf and it was uh very very   delicious very special if that is the same thing  we're very very happy because it's absolutely delicious okay we're getting a dessert  Feast now tie desserts for the win ccor C oh I'm still saying whatp oh yeah we're wishing  everybody a Happy New Year it is only the day   after the third day of sran so like today is the  fourth day technically yeah well today is the uh   17th of April so technically Thailand is still  celebrating everything is still going on but   just look at how quiet this Market is right now  because of how late we are but anyway not really   sure if it's because of how late we are or maybe  because of s cran yeah also be that some vendors   are closing for Sr because I saw online that a lot  of the like Thai businesses even uh some of our   preferred hotels here in Thailand are closing  completely because of the new year uh because   obviously they want to also celebrate and go home  or wherever they might come from uh outside of   Bangkok to visit their families so yeah not every  single Shop is open basically let's see you need   to assemble I asked for coconut milk aven Avengers  Assemble oh my God it's so hot oh it's so hot is   it hot the coconut milk is really hot that's like  boiling uh condensed milk it's hot oh it's coconut   milk oh sorry condensed milk coconut milk yeah  yeah one second I was just trying to get it out of   the bag thinking uh we can just eat immediately  but it was uh really really sort of hot on my   fingers immediately and um actually these little  baggies of coconut milk they were only two butt   each so this one was I think 18 butt 18 butt 18  butt and this one was two butt and two butt I'm   so excited to try these you cannot believe it  it's just a struggles because of my nails the   struggle is real right now guys so we're opening  our coconut milk and then we're going to top off   our cakes so this is shredded coconut and roasted  sesame on top and with this one she said fish she   actually said fish fish on top of this one so  I think we're going to save this one for last   you know Best For Last and stuff like that maybe  in other way some TI desserts have like a salted   pork or something or like fermented pork maybe  it's the same but with fish yep possibly oh my   God yes D I love the coconut milk like sweeten  coconut milk it's like it's such a like cozy sort   of treat uh if I could like have one treat for  the rest of my life I think it would be maybe a   mango sticky rice with with the warm coconut milk  on top oh yeah yeah I'm going to try and get a   little bit of everything so this is a butterfly  he sticky rice with shredded coconut on top the   coconut might be fermented I'm not sure it looks  fermented but I don't know I'm going to give it a [Music] try good this is so this is the best  thing I've ever tried I mean it like I mean it   it's the best thing I have ever tried that  little innocent looking Auntie she really   knows what peep she's doing it's so good oh my  God if this is you need to try it I'm sorry I   don't have any words I'm dripping on your arm as  well what's what did she put into this it's so good yeah this is uh   Next Level incredible what is in there I'm in  shock I don't know yeah well butterfly P sticky   rice something Sesame in the unbelievable the  texture of the sticky rice is just beautiful the   coconut shredded coconut over the top unbelievable  condensed milk or the condensed uh sorry coconut   milk I keep wanting to say condensed milk because  I'm so used to condensed milk in Thailand coconut   milk again as gives that like Warmness that rich  flavor to it genuinely one of the best desserts   that I've ever tried I'm not going to right  here I'm not going to lie I just smell this   one and it does smell like anchovies smells  like fish anovi yeah like salted dried anovi   that's a unique smell for sure I I I feel like you  should give this one a try first I'm going to pour   it coconut milk over for you but uh you can try  it I'm a little bit scared because of the smell   wait a minute here is the ghost of coconut milk  myomi is really not a I'm not a fish not a fish lover I typically never have an issue with  fish either uh I never have an issue with   fish in general but sometimes if it is mixed  with uh interesting things like fish and uh   pandan sticky rice pandan sticky rice with  fish um that might be a little bit extreme   for me but I'm going to give it a try anyways  and see so let's go in get as much as we can in there are you not taking the fish I'm trying  to actually get some fish here we go there's   a good chunk of fish on there a little bit  nervous I'm not going to lie here we go okay okay not as bad as I thought it would be  so do you taste fish it tastes fishy but also   the sticky rice kind of combats the fish a little  bit because the sticky rice handan flavor is sweet   so the sweetness and the stickiness of the rice  kind of goes against the fish it's not as strong   of a fish taste as I thought it would be also  the coconut milk mixes in with that sticky rice   and then it adds its own sort of like I said  like a Warmness to it almost like a pandan   fish curry with coconut uh very very unique and  now it's time for Naomi to try it and I'm not   going to be surprised I will not be surprised if  Naomi doesn't like this one ready nah not ready I just swallowed it all I I don't  like it I don't like it at all   I'm just going to I'm going to eat  this very fast wait a minute it's an   alarm alert it's an Al it's an alarm  emercy that's what I'm trying to say em this is perfection this is uh sticky R from  hell oh my God I don't like it I'm sorry I don't   it's okay that's the funniest thing I've seen  in a long time okay I'm doing better now I need   something to drink we don't actually we didn't  bring anything to drink so I cannot even chase   it with some water I just Chase it with like  butterfly pee n why would you do that yeah   the poor like Panda and S rice is perfection  by itself why why would you add fish to that   I'm sorry but I can't stop laughing at Naomi's  reaction she literally froze uh I'm going to try   this one now guys so this one is a uh custard Thai  custard coconut uh pudding basically I think the   Tha custard is egg custard right I think it was  Egg card T [ __ ] I'm just going to go straight   in and cut try and cut through as much as I can  get a nice big mouthful of this it looks to be   very interesting consistency wise almost like  a like a jelly of sorts let's just give it a [Music] go oh yeah that's very good it does have an egginess to it so like a  whipped whipped egg kind of in there coconut   scrambled egg almost very strong Taste of  coconut again uh coconut is like obviously   the the real consistent theme in these desserts  here this one is uh it's pretty nice it is very   very thick so uh going through and getting a  full scoop like that it's a lot uh I really   like the stuff that's on top here stuff  on top is like loads and loads of coconut   shavings with coconut milk again all  sort of Blended together and I think   the part on the bottom is where the egginess  comes from if I'm not wrong yeah so the top part the top part is where the the coconut is  and the bottom part is the egginess now the   egginess sometimes depending on what your taste  buds are like sometimes it can be a little bit   too much on the egg side if you're looking or  something sweet but this is all right this is   pretty tasty this one here is the winner that is  genuinely like Naomi said one of the best things   that I've ever tried and one of the best things  she's ever tried as well it's really good yeah   you need to visit the Auntie that we showed  you before and get the blue butterfly pee and   stick your eyes with coconut shavings not with  fish not the fish [Music] one oh interesting   that's weird it's like a coconut egg you do taste  like um like scrambled egg sort of not too much   but like it's like a sweet scrambled egg with  coconut on top yeah I also like that very much   now but if I had to choose between the three I  would say this is the panda and sticky rice from   hell this is somewhere in the middle and this here  is uh the best thing you've ever tried so you have   a wide variety of things from one auntie literally  yeah this is genuinely one of the best things it's   so tasty one of the best things you've ever tasted  honestly I'm going to have more it is so so good   I don't know whether it's the butterfly pea uh  taste that does it for us or what but this one is special oh it's so good so good beautiful streets of Bangkok right here it's one  of the most picturesque streets that I've seen in   a long time how beautiful is this street it's so  beautiful and I also feel like a lot of the people   are sort of selling directly out of their houses  so whatever products they might have whatever   dishes they're cooking or whatever they're just  selling it straight out of their house uh which   is super cool and convenient I would actually  love that to go outside in the morning and have   all of the food stands everywhere that would be  really good I would be so fat just look at this   it's like something out of a story book you  can really tell that we are in an older part   of Bangkok look at how low the buildings here  are uh we have seen this in very very little   areas sort of around Bangkok usually everything  in in Bangkok is sort of built upwards obvious   L other than the historical areas and here as  you can see there's no Sky skyscraper inside   at all there's always going to be a 7-Eleven  but not a skyscraper but it's a really nice   sort of change of pace because I mean it's still  busy I mean you still have like uh vehicles on   the street and all of that but it's not as crazy  maybe like it seems to be a little bit more slow   pace easygoing type of a Vibe especially for a  mega City like bangok just crossing bobay Market   fourth bridge and uh check out how colorful all  of the houses are a lot of them are like yellow   purple turquoise orange pink blue like all of  the all of the colors of the rainbow here it's   really cute this is amazing I cannot get over how  beautiful this area of Bangkok is totally local we   haven't seen any other tourists again and I love  the architecture everywhere I just want to take   pictures I literally I have my phone in my hand  constantly snapping photos all day I barely   even remember to pick up the camera to talk and  Vlog cuz I'm just taking photos constantly let's   check out this Market have a look see what they  have maybe we might be able to get a t-shirt or   something and then we're going to grab some more  food and apparently this one here is the wholesale   market right wholesale yeah so I think it's  like bulk bulk buying bulk okay so maybe I hope   that we're even capable of buying like singular  t-shirts we don't really want to buy 100 t-shirt   but yeah it's our first time in this area  actually as well so we're super excited to   be exploring a new area and uh yeah I can already  see all of the colorful sran t-shirts in case you   didn't pick up your sran T-shirt yet you can  still do it very late very late but still very   nice shirts very these are actually a lot more  colorful than what we saw before I wish I wish   we came here to do our cing yeah oh look  at the Osaka Japan shirt it's really cute   look at this one with a little Sushi that's cute  not AF pretty lot of really cool things around   here a this one is nice as really with the f p  I love it very cool first impression I love it   really really beautiful uh such a vibrant area too  I'm Blown Away by how just beautiful the streets   are I keep saying it but it's gorgeous did you see  the T-shirt over there with the tie dye that just   says politics why does it say [Music] politics  oh guys have a look at this we've got some shorts   here on sale for 35 bat for one pair and you can  get three pairs for 100 bat some of the designs   are actually really cool you also have a little  bit more expensive ones for 50 BT each and then   you have 100 bat jerseys and t-shirts and there's  a ton of different designs here you also have some   tie boxing shorts and stuff as well and yeah  they're selling a whole bunch of really cool clothes I love this Market very very quiet Market  as well they look like they're big enough they're   cool yeah really really nice I love the color  of them as well you like the purple they also   have like really nice greens o yeah I love the  green this is like a semi traditional I think   this one there with the thing in between the  legs is that's more traditional yeah true what   do you think should I would you do something  like this or would you do the traditional one   I think these ones you're going to wear more I'm  not going to lie they also look uh a little bit   more comfortable the one with the stuff in the  middle might get in the way sometimes or might   get caught on stuff but he's look really really  nice I'm not sure C 100 100 but you think it's   for me it's okay no maybe a little bit big  I don't know it's okay okay and this one how much 1 13 uh-huh W I'm thinking because they  also have this one is really cute the blue one   blue one little bit of an elephant but not too  much yeah yeah what do you think I love it I   the blue I love the green ones of this one can  I have one of this and one of this yeah yeah   sure yeah you want to try them on as well  I don't know if you can I'm not sure I'm   too sweaty to yeah true you think this one is  size is fitting or maybe the blue one the dark   blue one can you take it down for me oh yeah he  has a he has a stick he's going to take it down   for you don't worry there's no way I can reach  that I think this one is Def could definitely   fit yeah that one would fit for  sure even this for at home like very elastic super nice design and it's also  very light light material too this is large oh yeah yeah they're stretchy too can I put  on over my pants can I try on over the pants I   leave pant on just no shoes yeah yeah I take shoes  off it's okay to try on yeah just to see for the size oh yeah yeah yeah what do you think it's  okay it's good with a nice white T-shirt maybe   white T-shirt yeah yeah you think I should take  it or no I love it yeah I get both okay I get both there you go supporting the locals guys once  again Naomi got both pairs so she got the green   pair from this section here and then also the  blue pair from over here 230 bucks for two pairs   of traditional Tha pants can you believe it what  a bargain to get the traditional one a lot of time   in another other markets I saw them for like 400  500 on like the touristy [Music] Market popcorn   have a nice day bye-bye cool yeah and a lot of  the other uh markets in the touristy markets I   saw them for so expensive and I was always like  I don't know if I would actually wear them uh if   they are so expensive I don't know but this one  that was a real bargain bargain 230 total or two   pairs that's like what 5 I was expecting like  300 each that's what I would have uh would have   thought yeah it's good this one so cute incredibly  good should I buy more pens oh yeah this is cute oh let's keep exploring this Market this   is so cool I'm really hot and  sweaty now very very hot yeah yeah look at this one can I by textile  textile yeah true get your s made or   something you can actually probably get  them made and tailored for you look at   these pants they're so cute W you would  have all of the space yeah oh these are   actually these are the tops that go with the  traditional pants all of the like lace tops   oh the lace yeah true true true I see a lot  of Thai ladies wearing these ones Thai anties   wear this really beautiful body C I don't know  I would really like to have it but I don't know   I don't know if I would wear it I think your  pants are fantastic for now I'm going to yeah   and then you can mix and match your own clothes  with them oh wow how beautiful is I love the   colors is it feels like it's woven by hand or  something feel the text like it's oh that's   very very high quality yeah you would be hot  though very hot you can get a doron pants Dory   mon pants for Luke oh yeah and Mickey [Music]  Mouse the fun thing is now we walked in a lot   of like little circles around the market I don't  know where we are where we're going to get out noidea I just found my favorite  brand you guys odos oh no it's   not even odos it's oos oos oos  favorite brand authentic authentic Duan lemon Duan lemon oh chocolate chocolate oh coffee chocolate oh this  one chocolate I I oh wow I need table   oh like Taro I think I want the  lemon lemon one lemon one coffee   okay popcorn cup uh 40 b 40 B that's  a good price careful there's a lady hello wow yum yum yum yum yum yum and lemon wow thank you you got yeah m w this is very nice it's a perfect  thing for 20 bu really really delicious ice cream   very very friendly guy just kind of at the  boat Pier we're going to go and take the   boat now towards an area where we can actually  take our MRT back home on the blue line is the   boat coming boat's coming okay let's see if we  can get on the boat with our ice cream [Music] we made it on board whoops oh my God oh my God oh my God we're  starting to drive oh my God we made it ow let's enjoy our ice cream he littleon tast a little coconut yeah for sure this is the best way to  get around Bangkok right here I really love that he included this  little cup as well oh yeah this was   Germany the ice cream would just run on  my hand straight away yeah yeah very true delicious I got a Tarot flavor which is a  almost like a sweet potato type of a flavor give you guys a view out the out the window of the boat amazing so it's a I'm never sure  about the ticket price beforehand so   I always give a little bit bigger money  it's 12 bucks to go from the Bippity bu   Market all the way to pratunam really good  price 12 bus per person it's good incredible   and it is genuinely one of the most exciting  and convenient ways of getting around Bangkok   I'm like the happiest person in the world right  now yeah couldn't be better but for now guys my   name is Luke my name is Naomi we're the two  M explorers and this is your reminder to keep   exploring see you guys in the next Thailand  Adventure Kaka for watching popcorn C bye

2024-04-19 10:40

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