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This is checkpoint number 120 since I entered Venezuela a few weeks ago. I find myself, at this moment, somewhere between Maracay and Barquisimeto. -Where from, gentleman? -From Spain. From Spain? A journey of less than 300 km that I travel without stopping and with the intention of arriving as soon as possible to refuel, spend the night in the first hotel I find and tomorrow morning continue on my way as soon as possible.

But moving forward in Venezuela, you already know that it has its peculiarities - How are you doing? -Everything is perfect, you? Happy journey. Is the trip going well? -All perfect. -Everything without news? So far everything is perfect. So, finally and after a very long day that started in the Caribbean, with Sebas, I arrive in Barquisimeto in the middle of the night, I stay in the first place I find, and at the first hour, you know, I continue on my way.

I am leaving Barquisimeto, a city where I have slept without pain or glory. I follow. My next destination is Boconó. What's up? Good afternoon. A small town at the northern end of the longest mountain range in the world, the Andes. "PAC" Police. Another checkpoint.

So, for the second day in a row I dedicate myself to hitting the gas and moving forward as quickly as possible. Today is going to get more and more beautiful and, obviously, it is going to get much more beautiful because we are going... Because we are going, or so I hope, Let's go! towards the most biker area of ​​the country and to the roads that we like the most. Good morning. Good morning. In total, a second day of another 300 km.

Good afternoon. Look, here's another one. A journey in which, little by little, the landscapes become more beautiful. Another alcabala. as I approach the mountains, but in which, unfortunately for Venezuelans, Good afternoon.

the checkpoints and, therefore, the military and police control occur every few kilometers. Good morning. The fact is that, at least today, unlike other days, they are not stopping me. Good afternoon. so, I can move quickly towards my destination. Kilometer 180.

Another checkpoint. They don't stop me either. Bye. Because what I really want, and I think you do too, Good afternoon. It's about reaching the mountains.

"Boconó", here I come. Let the asphalt disappear, and with it the alcabalas, Good afternoon. and begin, once and for all, the real journey. "Ask the person who already saw her. See you at the circus!"

"Today, Tuesday, don't get married or embark or go somewhere else!" Today, Tuesday, don't get married, get on board, or go anywhere else. Today I'm going to the circus. I love it. Let's see what I have to do now. "Boconó" Ah, well we have arrived at Boconó. What I do? Will there be gasoline? Because I have consumed almost a deposit.

Hello one question. Is this with a footprint, is it dollarized or what? Dollarized. Dollarized? So I can put in without a problem, right? Damn, it's nice to be able to fill up with gas as soon as you arrive.

I don't think 20 will enter, less will enter, but whatever enters. Stop. There it is, 14 liters, so leave it there if you want. 15 liters. 15 liters.

Where is it heading? Look, it says where I'm going. The world on a motorcycle with Charly Sinewan Season 23 Road to disaster Chapter 16 These impressive mountains are The Andes. Although it may seem incredible, this mountain range is the longest in the world, 8,500 km in length that represents the longest mountain range in the world and that warns us, among many other things, of the long road that awaits me until I reach Tierra del Fuego.

So I'm practically at the beginning or end of this giant mountain range. And where we are going to come across these mountains on countless occasions. And after this information, which I am sure will change your lives, I am preparing to begin what will be the last leg in Venezuela. Well, as I said, this mountain range is the largest in the world that begins in Chile and Argentina and ends here and here we continue our path south, towards San Cristóbal.

Well, towards San Antonio, really, that is where I started and where I entered and where I am going to leave again to Colombia. Nothing, I have three, at most four days left before leaving. Within the No Plan, the truth is that the sprain has somewhat disrupted some of the destinations where I would have liked to go.

The truth is that the only one that I am really sad about not seeing and that I hope to see one day is the Santo del Ángel. It is a unique place in the world, but it is not easily or even close to reach by motorcycle, of course. You have to arrive by plane.

The only "payable" way is to do it from Caracas. I thought that being closer when I was in the Gran Sabana, that it would be cheaper, but quite the opposite. So, one day, perhaps, I hope to return and see the Santo del Ángel, because it is unique in the world.

Therefore, the visit to this place is officially pending, the largest waterfall in the world, El Santo Ángel, with a fall of about 980 meters that looks spectacular from the drone of my good friend Sebas , who was here. , and I recommend you watch the episode he did on his channel. Today I have as long a day as I want because I have no plan of where I am going to end up. What I am clear about is where I am going. I am very clear that I am going to the city of Mérida, but, as always, the idea is to look for roads without asphalt, that cross the mountains with the difficulties that this entails in this country.

So, look, I don't have much to think about. Hit the gas and let things happen. Let the scriptwriter work. And yes, yes, I'm telling you yes. Nice bridge, right? That the scriptwriter is working very hard to make it difficult for me before leaving Venezuela. You'll see.

Well, it's not a dirt road, but this road is nice. In theory, and in practice, come on, this is what trail running is, right? Asphalt and dirt. The combination of both. And these motorcycles are designed for this, right? To be able to go on a dirt road up to a certain difficulty and also be able to enjoy roads like this. Yyyy...what is that up there, a cemetery or what? Look, look, look, what a collapse.

The walls are falling down in chunks. Very rural area, as you can see. A dog that came, a pig eating a tire, a broken road, some cows, a mini landslide, motorcycles up and down, very little car, almost all motorcycles, and countrymen on the side. Good morning.

Country people. I like it. This is getting spectacular. We are at 2,800 meters, the vegetation is beginning to clear, as you can see, I continue to climb.

16 degrees. Nice, huh. Zero checkpoints today, along this route where criminals could perfectly come, with drugs, weapons, with whatever they wanted, but no. Here the government does not consider it necessary to control the passage.

How comfortable it is to go without the police being there all the time. Look, this was all you could see from there. And what will it be? What was white is plastic...

I don't know what it is at the bottom, I just know that we are about to reach 3000 meters and that we haven't been that high in a while, huh. Look, I'm going to ask this local. Good morning. Sorry, a very easy question for you. What are these crops that have white plastic? That's strawberry. Strawberry! Ah, how delicious.

What, is it typical here? Excellent. Thank you so much. Do you cultivate? Yes.

That's good. Do you have your land? -AHA. -Excellent. And where do you sell it, do you come here to buy it or do they take it? Yes, they come to buy it. They come from the cities.

Of course, they come from Barinas and... Boconó. Nothing, you have a very beautiful land. Thank you very much very kind.

Country people are more cool. Well, you know boys and girls, we already know one more thing, those are strawberries. I don't know, but I'm hungry, I'm a little cold, and I'm starting to go into full travel mode. Well, what a wonderful road, I mean, I love going on dirt roads but this is quite isolated asphalt.

We are already at 3100 meters. There is no one, that is, there is less and less traffic. This path is great, right? Going around Venezuela almost in its entirety is showing us a country with an amazing diversity of landscapes. First the plains, then the Gran Sabana, then the desert coast of Araya, the cliffs a few days ago and now the Andes. Oops.

Rolling at more than 3000 meters and on the way to one of the points of greatest interest in the country, Pico del Águila and the highest road in Venezuela at more than 4000 meters. It would be nice if among these houses that are mini towns called Pajarito, I don't know what, there was a store or a restaurant because I am very hungry, increasingly hungry. And cold. Look! "Winery" Closed. They are half-ghost towns, that is, you see people and such, but there is almost no one on the street, that is, I have not seen an urban area. They are like loose houses on the side of the road.

Ah, no, we are arriving at another town. Ah well, this is a good sign. Tuñamé or Tunamé. Good morning. Hit it! How are you? -Is the restaurant closed? -Yes... And is there anyone else around here or not? Yes, down here by the temple.

-By the temple? -Yes, through the temple, towards the top. -Perfect. -There is a restaurant there. -Without leaving the road? -No, without going out, yes. OK, OK thank you. What part do you come from? From Spain.

Are you coming for tourism? Yes, knowing Venezuela. And what's your name? Like, Andrea or Amnea? Andrea. I am Carlos. And you, from here in town? Yes... And what do they live here for? -Strawberries? -Mmmmjjmmm... -And what else? -Potatoes, carrots...

All agriculture, of course. Tourism, little. No no. What's wrong with them, are they ashamed or what? They're going to appear on YouTube, eh, and on Tik Tok and all the places. Well, thank you very much for everything, huh.

May they do very well. The temperature has risen 10 degrees in this time. Total Murphy.

Bye. And on top of that, I think that now the path goes... Well, I have put on Gore-Tex and I continue on the path.

There was no food in the restaurant, I asked and there are no big towns soon so I messed around a little there with some "milk bread" the lady called it. But well, the point was to eat something to endure and continue and not waste too much time because otherwise the hours would go by. The road according to OsmAnd zigzags, but come on, as if there were no tomorrow, it zigzags. The road zigzags, as we see, through an increasingly spectacular landscape where I barely come across anyone.

Until, finally, the asphalt disappears and we finally enter one of the few stretches of land that Venezuela has given us in the more than 5,000 kilometers traveled. How beautiful! Well, it's starting to warm up, it seems. Damn, a horse! Nice, it's very nice.

And be careful, because with the tires I have and in general it pulls a little fast here there are some important "game overs" on the right. Good morning. I'm at 2300 again. And up. Good afternoon. How beautiful, isn't it?, this path.

I'm warming up a little. Well, it's getting funny this down now. The road is completely undone and he leaves. Well, first part a little fun, right? For a long time...Well, with Sebas he was gorgeous, really. That piece of coast we did was incredible.

But that and two sections of the Gran Sabana, literally two sections, and that's it. And this today. Well, the good thing is over again, right? Below is Timotes. Timotes or Timotés, what do you think? That there. Which is already quite big and we're back on the main road.

Now, right? I should eat something. -Thank you. -I love you. Why would the lady blow kisses at me? What a movement there is, right? Just look. Man, a checkpoint. Look. Kilometer 133 of the day.

First checkpoint. The good woman is so calm there. First time in Venezuela that I am 130 km without checkpoints or checkpoints or whatever you want to call it. Lettuce is missing something, don't you think? Something that you should always carry in your biker luggage . Now yes, now we can eat in peace.

Eaten. I continue on my way. Well, I think it's going to be a nice trip, but we're at 2125, let's see how far this goes. Now the time has come from Timotés, at 2000 meters above sea level, we are going to climb in just 40 km to Pico del Águila at more than 4000 meters above sea level and with one peculiarity, the good thing is over.

It's going to rain on us. What is not written. How nice to ride a motorcycle, ideal temperature, 14 degrees, it rains a lot.

It is also curious because each curve changes the intensity of the rain. Take, take! Ugh, you can't see anything. But I'm wearing the Gore-Tex suit, so, onwards. Pussy! How much we are? 2700 meters. 14 degrees.

This looks bad, doesn't it? 3000 meter. It does not stop raining. You don't see anything. And the truth is, it's a shame because this must be very nice. And it doesn't stop going up, but hey, it is what it is.

3300 almost. You can't see anything, but now less than ever. Phew! I'm going 30 km per hour. Upset.

But with j. It doesn't look like this is going to get better, really. 10 grades. Ugh, it falls even more now. Look, uh, a car here. Well, 7 degrees, I'm freezing, especially my hands, although my grips are warm, but of course, these enduro gloves are bad.

We are at 3950, total plateau, paramo as they call it here. Keep uploading this, huh. I see nothing. I think it's 4040.

3985. I don't see a damn. Nothing is seen again. But nothing, nothing, nothing. Hello.

Is there someone? I think I've reached the top. There is something there. Well, we have arrived at the top. Eagle Spike. How much we are? 4050. -Hello. -Good morning, dad.

-Still raining? -Yeah. Are you waiting for me to stop or what? Hot chocolate. To where they go? Merida. Are they on the motorcycle? Both together? And are they going to wait until it stops? -Of course, because it's very cold, right? -Yes, quite a bit. And what they're wearing isn't waterproof? -This one, right? -That one.

No, we have to wait, huh. And without gloves. It's 7 degrees right now. -Yeah? -7 mark. Could it snow or what? Here yes. It's clear.

So it might start snowing. And is there somewhere to stay, up here? No. It is not recommended. -By? -Due to the height, we are at 4118.

-This is the highest point of... -On the road. On the Venezuelan road? And the highest point without a road, the highest, highest, how much is it? It would be Pico Bolívar, the Cable Car. Who has 5000. For her. Thank you. I hope it calms you down a little from the cold, at least, and some water.

Yes, water. It comes from the Gran Sabana that one. Does that cost 7 dollars? That's right, and instead of paying with 7 dollars, I give you 7 dollars and you pay with gold.

-Perfect, right? -Excellent. There is. -Thank you. -You are welcome. Luck! See you maybe on the way down. Good luck. Bye, have a good trip.

OK, let's go. "Piñango" "Apartaderos" that's where I'm going. I've warmed up, I've bundled up, I've put on dry gloves. They are going to last 10 dry seconds, but oh well. Above all, I dressed warmly, had a couple of chocolates and continued.

What a shame, right? Because this is very nice, here are some drone shots. The wasteland. It looks like the Sierra Nevada del Cocuy. Look how pretty, look how pretty! Fuck! What a sad day, right? Well, you've heard it, this is the highest point in Venezuela by road. And the highest point Pico Bolívar.

Which is 5000 and some meters. And it is close, in Mérida. Well, relatively close, there is quite a bit left.

From Pico del Ávila to Mérida there are another 80 km. How beautiful! Which with this weather and this visibility, means more than two hours, if nothing happens. Well, here on the right.

To Merida city. Well prepared. It does not stop raining. Aguaplan. Alcabala. First, second, of the day.

Incredible, huh. 210 km today, two checkpoints. Why, when there is normally one every 10 km on average, why is it, what do they say? From what I know, and perhaps I am not completely correct, the excess of complaints of extortion from citizens caused the government to order the removal of most of the checkpoints in this area. It doesn't stop raining, huh. 1760 meters.

Alcabala. Nothing, it's raining. He's not there to work. This is Merida it seems, right? Well, I'm going to find a place to sleep.

The saying goes that after the storm comes calm. I already tell you, no. Arepa with ham and cheese.

And, of course, strawberry juice. Sugarfree. Good morning from Mérida. This is Merida. It was cloudy at dawn, but it seems to be clearing up. Good news: everything has dried, I've oiled the chain, I've washed the clothes, so I'm good as new.

And I have rested. And I had a pretty good breakfast. Everything ended up very damaged after the rain and the cold, huh. It was so cold.

Conclusion: I am in Mérida, there is the cable car, I think it is the highest in the world, it is very touristy, which I am not going to go to. This is Mérida, a very touristy city, which has a well-known cable car. Above is Pico Bolívar which is the highest cable car in Venezuela, at 5000 and something meters. That would be a good reason to take the cable car, but since I have a sprain to my beak I won't be able to go up, so I'll pass. If you are interested in watching, you can go to the channel of any YouTuber who has recently entered Venezuela, because they have all gone, I think.

From friends, Hakuna Matata and Sebas. And this is the Archdiocesan Museum of Mérida. And this must be the Cathedral. Or whatever. And this is Simón Bolívar Square and those are some kids looking at me. I think that within three days maximum, I want to be entering Colombia and leaving Venezuela.

And I'm far away, if I went on asphalt I would arrive today, but obviously I'm going to try to say goodbye to Venezuela a little on the countryside, right? Today a route called Los Pueblos del Sur begins here , which is a series of towns that are somewhat isolated due to the type of road that there is, in principle I think it is quite by land. In other words, I hope to find less asphalt than normal. And that's all I have to tell you, really. And that's all I have to tell you. But what the screenwriter wants to tell you is a very different and much more convoluted story that is going to greatly complicate my last days in Venezuela. I should buy nuts, right? And water in anticipation of what may happen today, right? According to this, I have 200 km left on this tank and I have eight, nine more liters.

But I'm going to get into depth, then... The thing is that I haven't seen a single open gas station. Nor have I seen anyone selling on the street. So I do not know. But hey, everything is going to be fine. As I have already told you, I am heading to a route known as Los Pueblos del Sur and, finally, most of the way will be away from asphalt.

So, the protocol says that I should bring plenty of water, some food that I can get by, and also, if possible, as much gasoline as possible. Is there gasoline? -No. -There is no? Well.

There they say there is, on September 16. To there or there? To the center, are you going there? I'm going there, yes. There is water, but there is no gasoline or nuts.

So, we continue to be concerned. Well, the gas station told me in a language that was unintelligible to my taste, or rather to my understanding, that down there I think so, there was one open. The problem is that I, shortly, am going to deviate to the left.

Thanks bye. Well, I already have peanuts. With this and the water could survive. The only thing I haven't gotten is gasoline. But hey, everything is going to be fine. Well no, not everything is going to turn out well and I can tell you what awaits me on this path that comes out here on the right . What?! It's going to complicate things for me . But where is this going? and a lot of leaving the country.

Where it goes? To be continue

2023-11-24 18:13

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