Nigerian Govt. | Tourism Potential | Ojude Oba | Calabar Carnival | Viewpoint | Veegil Media

Nigerian Govt. | Tourism Potential | Ojude Oba | Calabar Carnival | Viewpoint | Veegil Media

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taking a hue from Brazil revenue generated by  the tourism sector during the Rio Carnival in   2024 contributed 1.8 billion to the Brazilian  economy now this discovery is according to the   global data and business intelligence platform  statista Nigerian States actually ought to do   better taking a queue from Brazil I mean  here as the state governments concerned   should resurrect and reclaim the various  indigenous festivals across the country if   it is to actually achieve a clear and a seamless  strategy towards a 2030 goal on Viewpoint where   we discover perspectives and embrace dialogue  we take the bed's eye view on the role of the   federal and state government in the tourism  sector with an esteemed guest branch manager   of a reputable travel agency why more should be  done by the Nigerian government particularly the   state government to promote tourism and  create a robust economy through satorial   opulence dance and Fan Fair join us in the next  phase of the show but before you do that you   do well to subscribe to our YouTube channel and  follow us across various social media platforms [Music] [Music] you're welcome back to the show the show is  Viewpoint where we discover perspectives and   embrace Dialogue on the show with me we've got  uh uh tourism experts and branch manager of a   reputable travel agency T and she'll be shedding  light concerning uh the Nigerian government   and the tourism sector T you're welcome to the  show thank you very much for having me okay so   straight to the point you're quite conversant with  the tourism sector as it is um talking coming from   this Quee of this state Festival replicating  it to other festivals how the government can   actually key in and use this to actually boost the  economy where we find ourselves in this uh cost of   living quag Maya now on a scale of one to 100 how  will you rate or rank the Nigerian tourism sector   see what can I say as an expert I would really  to rate US and high skill but considering so   many factors which are affecting our tourism  here in Nigeria I wouldn't want to give it a   figure but I would say we are very very low on  a scale we are very low because right now we   are dealing with a lot of issues when it comes  to tourism and factors like accessibility we   don't have um infrastructure infrastructures  very poor infrastructures um our attra our   tourist attractions are not well kept they are not  you know in proper conditions and most important   security we are dealing with insecurity in Nigeria  so all these factors are much more are affecting   tourism sector and it's one of the reason why  I would say that if I'm to rate it if at all I   should do a figure is going to be below I would  say 50 below 50 maybe 30 or 40 to go about okay   so you rated a ranking uh below 50% meaning that  uh the government has a lot of homework to do to   make sure the tourism sector breaks in funds not  to be solely dependent on uh the major oil exports   or whatever right so moving on without proper  planning a potential tourism Ena like the just   concluded OA which was last month in June inun  State theala Festival in anra state the Calabar   in Cross River and the IG Festival in the  B Clans just to mention a few we continue   to actually rely on sponsorship and engagement  by in the informal economy now shouldn't state   government actually peit these festivals more  through storytelling advertisement and cultural   conversations to receive not just only Global  attention but uh not just local attention rather   but also majorly Global attention V Investments  you know you know this this is a very very um   sensitive topic because it's sensitive to me  because I feel it have a lot of potential which   you are yet to even scratch the surface imagine  you living in a country where you're getting to   know about such festivals only on social  media and I feel we we need to we need to   scratch the we need to um go in further because  festivals like this look at look at the o f   we we saw we saw um a culture we saw a culture  that was kind of like kept looky and it was   brought to life through the use of social media  so if the government decides to come in absolutely   yes we we would attract um foreign investors will  be seen on a global stage so I feel that yes the   government needs to P in U more they should you  know put in more um investment into such festivals   into such cultural awareness they should you know  invest more they shouldn't just focus on just one   aspect of um you know things that bringing in  revenue for them if if they start doing more of   advertisement more of Storytelling you know we we  will get to a point where people forign because   I I tell you a lot of tourists this is why they  travel around the world they just want to taste   from different culture we want to see what is  going on and then if we having festival for   me I sh the FES and I was like wow wow you could  see different attires colorful attires you could   see different cultures stting from um the first  things they have to do before you know the the   Festival begins and how the big Festival goes  on and all it brought in prominent people from   all around the world people flew in from different  parts of world just for that festival and and look at people complained about the leading to the  festival people complain about security issues   so these are things that the government needs to  start taking care of because if if they can't take   care about take care of it then how are we  going to promote it so I believe that yes if   Government really really keing on working on the  tourism aspect of Nigeria we are going to we are   going to grow beyond our expectation if they can  invest more in the advertisement the pr of any Tes   both in the North in the West in the east in all  parts of Nigeria definitely you know it will be   one source of you know generating revenue for the  country thank you okay you mentioned the aspect   of roads here now Frankly Speaking when roads  are constructed it's common knowledge that that   area is actually open now if the state government  should actually construct and improve and maintain   also Rural and uh state roads linking communities  to the federal highways and airports to this will   actually open the communities to Investments  as you said to ease also traveling other basic   infrastructural needs put in place will actually  boost this tourism now when they boost this   tourism do don't you feel or think maybe those at  the Helm of the Affairs particularly those under   for instance probably the governor who is in place  who is the figurehead those who are under owe this   responsibility to to make sure that funds which  are actually coming in Via investment or even uh   neutral tourists who are actually coming in  to enjoy the event just as they came in for   some of the events which I have just mentioned  will actually exploit the issue and when they   exploit these festivals Cashwise what instruments  are in place to make sure that they put them in check okay so um the instruments in place well  first of all it has to be security we have to   deal with the issue of security we even we the  local of Nigeria you know going out and coming   in is just by the grace of God so if we cannot  assure ourselves of the security of where we   are living how much more people you know we are  trying to mure into our country with the aid of   them or rather with term so first of all they have  on security and then accessability which is basic   infrastructure you don't need to be begging  the government for R these are things that   know last week or rather early this week I I'm  really cheing about that but there was a news   about a state Governor I wouldn't want to mention  government name saying that there is no government   that can fix his State Road within 8 how will  a government say that in public television how   will you say that so these are things that  affecting and Hing tourism from going beyond   what is supposed to be right like now we are not  we I can't you know you can't encourage friend you   can't encourage them to come to the country bed  on the fact that security not bad infrastructure   is bad I I remember a few years back I I went to  um for for um an excurtion and you know going to   such a place I was wondering why you know such a  place is not really promoted on the news and all   but right now I was able to go there um without  issue but now if someone is going to such a place   you know you be afraid of insecurity the road be  good enough for me to go there and you know come   back safely so these are the things that are and  then again tourism is one way that the economy can   grow because we will be able to generate Revenue  the economy and you know it will also promote um   job opportunities for people you see people start  to have businesses because tourist buy one or the   other to take home to show proof that are been to  this place so it to promote local businesses as   well so these are the things that the government  should look into and we are pleading with the   government both the state government and the  federal government even the local government   they should work on this this is more we should  not just focus on the oil oil oil oil there are   so many sectors and one very important and major  sector to grow the economy is the P sector thank   you very much okay you mentioned something about  the uh roads now let's focus on these uh roads   now who is actually to function of maintain or  even construct these roads the government most   definitely now the question is is it the psyche  of those in government not to be disposed to the   functions in which they ought to dispers to the  people or they should actually be phased out why   because a new set of people need to come on board  or secondly is it the fault of the the the the V   vs or electorates who put them there not to accept  their functions concerning uh fixing these roads   to bring in prospective investors to actually make  sure that this venue or this Venture the tourism   sector can actually boost the economy I want to  ask you on a liberal note who was actually to take   the blame if if we are being very honest we are  all to take the blame both the civilians and both   the government because now you said something  about you know voting in the right people   again sometimes you tend to vote people you feel  are the right people and they going there and they   forget the duty or the reason why voted and then  again we have Nigeria as you know our votes really   don't our votes really don't count sorry I'm very  sorry to say so some sometimes the people are in   the Forefront are not the people who we actually  voted for maybe they would come out to say yes   they voted them but I wouldn't want that's not  the issue on ground but what I'm trying to say   is it's it's it BS down to everyone it's not  just because if the government is not working   we as you know we can also push them to work we  can push them look at that last year that was the   very first time I heard about it and based on the  fact that you know we the civilians and the the   people who promoted it on social media putting  you know they use their to propagate it out   there globally people flying and you could see  that the way it was last year is quite different   from this year this year it was more announced  more pronounced people looked forward to it so   I feel that the government yes the government has  a larger part to play but we also as civilians you   know if the the government is not we we can also  work on our own in terms of securing the tourist   when they come around and you know sometimes  when tourists are even the local tourist Nigerian   as as as as a tourist this is particular location  a attraction we are being you know they kind of   like um you have all these local clubs Who  attack you who they fun as it should be so if   the government can put the right place people in  place they can start walking on the road because   I don't think this road based on the amount of  money that's being consumed by the government on   a daily basis I don't think this Road are issued  for them if they decide to it's just for them to   decide to and then it to be G okay thank you  okay uh another one here right now let's focus   on this o DEA you made mention of the fact that  the first time you heard it was in 2023 now it   was quite elaborate based on awareness campaign  in this 2024 will it not be a Clarion call for   other states to rise up to make sure they promote  their own indigenous festivals the role of the   state government to come into actually play some  laudable role concerning the awareness campaign to   boost in fine yes we agree that uh everything  is always at the center state governments are   dependent on the center but as it is now can  the state governments on their own part explore   this Venture as a rise up to competition we only  have okay fine we're conversant with the calaba   carnival the calaba carnival is quite pronounced  held every December do you judel now has come to   even create his awareness now we now see that  there are two uh announced uh festivals which   are quite dominant yes now we now have the arungu  festival in the North in the northern part of   Nigeria we've not been hearing anything about that  one we also have the ofala Festival of course the   B Empire also also has his own a festival also now  the government on the own part while intentions   particularly the state government could be loable  enough to diversify its revenues through tourism   there must be a clear and seamless strategy to  achieve it 2030 goal by providing better security   to enhance his objective but truth be told if  security concerns are not addressed as you have   actually said earlier on these festivals won't  only be hijacked Alone by Mis grants or as they   are now widely known as Bandits Bo harams just  to mention the ice swaps we likewise Drive Away   tourists and financial backers for instance the  agu festival which I just mentioned if which is   a 4 Day Festival in kby state and other northern  states such as Niger States and Northwestern parts   of Nigeria now your own disposition now what do  you feel you might profer or Prof actually yeah   profer as uh solutions to make sure that these  issues can actually be addressed now I'm talking   about the state Governors making sure that they  promote their indigenous festivals on a healthy   note not on a negative note okay all right for  me the first thing first is before I even answer   the question you know um it's surprising that  people don't know about this Festival okay myself   included because I was surprised um you know this  the guy who became the face of the um Festival he   said that he has been attending that festival for  over 15 years with his family so imagine that we   have such a beautiful cultural Festival who which  has been going on for a very long time and we just   getting to know about a few years ago which is  really bad so the first thing that the government   needs to do is need to work on the pr they need  to work on the awarness we are not we are not   promoting our culture at all in any way all the  festivals we have mentioned I'm pretty sure both   in the north the South the East and the West they  all have their own cultural Festival which is done   year and we do not hear about them so the only way  we can hear about them is by promoting and one now   is social Med bring influencers we have so many  social influencers one of influencer that you know   promoted I won't really call him an influencer  but you know he's a photographer influencer   that promoted um the festival was I'm trying to  remember his name Mr or something like that that   was the guy that promoted it and you know with his  camera with the lens he could bring out the beauty   of of that Festival so we need so many people we  have so many Festival sorry so many influencers   who are both on the local and interational level  you can use them to promote the festivals that we   have in Nigeria not just the TV or radio station  we could use there so many social media apps to   use you could use Instagram Tik Tok different  social media apps to promote our festivals and   you know we did and then again when it comes to  um awareness there has to be that tension build   up the tension build up the tension in a way that  people are looking forward to experiencing what   you're talking about and that was what this year  so a lot of people who I'm pretty sure did not   attend last year based on um the awareness that it  got last year you know this year the look forward   that tension that was a lot of people from  different parts of the world so I'm telling you   most people came for that festival and not just  that fesal we have the new Festival in the East we   have Festival in the north and people are coming  in they're looking forward they want to promote   their culture speak to this people you know get  representatives from different cultures on how we   would want their you know culture or their SE to  be promoted like and then I always go back to to   the most important for me this is one of the most  important thing make this Festival accessible the   bad R it's inacessible if you don't have a good  infrastructural facilities it's inac in if um you   need hotels around them you know promote local  businesses that can help them to you know want   to promote the festivals in their own way you time  so these are the things that I feel that can help   the the um rather that can attract people attract  investors attract to our cultural festivals that   we have in Nigeria okay that was quite extensive  and elaborate but in some total if I may get you   straight to you may actually be talking about two  major things which is accessibility and awareness   from the federal or the state governments  to actually generate income for the economy   concerning the country thank you yes and and do  not forget security which is very very important   yes with is gerain because if it is not actually  taken care of by the security operatives therefore   it might be hijacked and also undermined at the  end of the day right yes okay yes okay okay thank   you very much uh t for taking out time to be with  us on the show today it's been a lovely session   with you we do well to have you from time to time  concerning uh ertic affairs from time to time if   you really comply all right thank you very much  for having me and I look forward to coming next   time all right thank you very much all right bye  yes thank you well we heard it all extensively   from uh branch manager of fly connect arinami who  has actually taken time to expiate concerning the   needs the involvement the awareness and also the  accessibility and also security concerning these   festivals to actually raking income just as uh  countries like Brazil actually do with their   festivals no doubt Festival such as theud in state  the arungu fishing Festival in kby theala Festival   in anra the calaba carnival in Cross River just  to mention a few like I said earlier in the in   the introductory phase of the show showcase a  colorful and assemblage of culture particularly   in satorial opulence music dance food and Fan  Fair organizers should aim to make it not just   indigenous but Frankly Speaking Global  now Beyond being rhetoric the federal   government particularly the state government  should reinvigorate his cultural festivals   to promote his sense of belonging preserve its  Heritage and haret its economic uh potentials   the show has been Viewpoint where we discover  perspectives and embrace dialogue you do well   to subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow us  across social media platforms thanks for watching

2024-07-19 11:12

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