THIS is WHY Malaysia will Blow Your Mind!

THIS is WHY Malaysia will Blow Your Mind!

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welcome everyone we are here in Melaka look at this we're right by the river right now and my very first impressions are this place is so colorful Taz is walking ahead we are taking a little Riverside path here it's very peaceful my first impressions of the place hello hello good morning good evening afternoon whenever and wherever you might be watching it looks like this place is so colorful my first impressions of Melaka it's a burst of colors every color under the sun is all out here beautiful we're by the Riverside beautiful we are and all over here you can see the buildings all brightly colored it's looks absolutely beautiful ah look at this we have a little boat coming a little water taxi I just thought this was a canal Riverside area I had no idea there were boats going through here as well look at that okay ready they're going to come past us looks like a big boat as well you know this is quite a popular way I think to head down the river you can actually take a little tour as well on the Melaka River better we catch this I would love to go on this hey hello it seems popular it seems really busy the entire thing is full that's crazy oh look at it going mad down there now oh my goodness tsunami oh look here yeah that is so cool wait that is so cool sorry Melaka you won me over already wow that is so cool we can hear some music going on down here and there seems to be some Riverside seating as well so I think we're going to go over there check it out a little bit welcome to Melaka the world heritage City here in Malaysia I am loving it so far I think we're going to have a pretty cool day today it is the weekend so I'm expecting it to be probably quite busy because I know that this town is very very popular with the local tourists and also with foreign tourists alike so I'm expecting it to be pretty busy it's got some rich Heritage some rich culture also some really good food I've heard so everybody has told us you cannot come to Melaka and not try the good food so up the stairs yes we're going up the bridge I hear live music I see color I do I'm automatically going there first to see what's happening so we're just going across the bridge look there's another water taxi why are we so excited for the water taxi? I absolutely love them they are pretty cool so far you guys I'm liking this town bye-bye hello wow that was so cool we have Food Avenue guess what I've noticed in the restaurant I think food but they've got cendol ooh and you know what cendol has to be done here in Melaka I've heard very very good things so we are going to walk through check it out see what it's like look at this we've got some of the locals are out here already it's probably because it's a weekend thing but there's too many people out and about there is yeah we've got lots of people out here enjoying themselves sitting by the Riverside and then we have hello we have a Cafe yes here thank you okay there we go we got some food going on over here some Nasi Lemak but like Taz just asked we're on the hunt for cendol we've heard you cannot come here and not try it so that is exactly the plan look cendol kampung we also have a big food court in there as well it's looking pretty busy in there Taz is obsessed with cendol we're getting it here in Melaka you can't come to Melaka and not try cendol so 5 minutes into the Vlog and we're already here okay what are we going for? we got lots we got d24 so that's the big boss cendol of all time with the musang King you got the regular I think I'm going to go for that one what are you going for? I think so maybe not exactly sure should I? hello can we please get one cendol regular yeah too and can we get a durian added? yeah yeah I mean we just want to break one piece for now see how it goes if you like it we can get more added to it no problem they've got quite a variety here you can add more toppings to it as well okay we got some live music going on over there hello brother good cendol? good yeah okay the cendol is good I'm excited apparently so okay it looks busy here there's loads of people that are there sitting and waiting so we have to find a table yeah we need to find somewhere to sit okay thank you oh it's already there oh wow this is what you call Express service by the time you got done paying it's already here waiting for you so you got ice cream you got cendol and you got a massive piece of durian in it as well that's all for you by the way no you're going to try it obviously you can't come to Malaysia and not try cendol with durian very true so the very first time we tried Durian was actually here in Malaysia as well so I guess we're excited we're going to give it a try again see what it's like so pick up your cendol Kampung Hulu Kampung Hulu go for it this is a generous portion how much was this for 17 ringgit not bad okay now we have to find somewhere to sit all right so he's got ice cream here durian that looks like mango it does right unfortunately it doesn't taste like mango it tastes better than a mango yeah it's an accquired taste durian is an aqquired taste but this one doesn't even smell that strong so that's good and it's got obviously the green bits the noodles that you see in there they are cendol with some red beans look at the size of this pot like this bowl plastic container is huge it is so good please come to the I don't know if you guys can hear me or not because it's very Lively out here the atmosphere is electric buzzing too much energy but I'm going to be buzzing after having this that's shaved ice believe it or not that is so fine it is and apparently this cendol shop are very well known because they have really fluffy shaved ice it's almost like Bingsu is it good? if you ask me for a rating I'll definitely give this a 10 out of 10 no questions asked wow I haven't tried the Durian yet here comes the durian go for it ready big mouthful this has given your palette like 2 years to adjust okay it is strong strong I don't think this is musang King though because musang King is super super strong like you can tell from a mile away musang King this is D24 I don't think so I'm excited to try this you know there we go we've got a little bit of everything on there let's do it okay I actually didn't even try any durian but now that like the ice cream is melted in it it's kind of got the taste of durian in there already so what can you expect right you will have some but it's okay it's really good really refreshing like it's so nice and cold which is perfect on quite a hot and humid day the brown sugar syrup is all at the bottom 10 out of 10 nice oh I had no idea so early on in the Vlog we'd be coming across that amazing cendol yeah that felt a bit chaotic at the start guys it was all happening oh here comes another one so it is a regular service here up and down I believe there's different companies operating the service yeah I'm not sure you know I love the design oh we got two yay hello hello oh look at that okay so this a busy waterway we definitely need to see where we can hop on one of these ones because this will be fun oh there's another one okay it's picked up now quite literally there was one every 10 minutes maybe now they are back to back it's a busy through Waterway here in Melaka it used to be it's always such a universal thing wherever you're going every time there's somebody going past on a bus or a boat everyone seems to wave at you it's cute I love it it's actually really sweet so cute these houses here they're so cool they're like red green yellow blue every color under the sun all colors of the rainbow here let's go see what the main town has to offer let's do this guys we're just taking a stroll down the streets of Melaka oh look there have some painting going on in here there we go this place is actually really cute we've walked past quite a few little cafes some clothing shops in the corner we've got quite a lot of the older more traditional housing Styles down here and it seems like there are actually residents that do live here too oh my gosh look we've got Roti John and our favorite Ramly burger no yeah that is amazing I absolutely love that there's also some cebdol there ice balls do you remember that? oh yeah the last time we came here we had ice balls didn't we we did that is so cool look at that then we've got some souvenir shops here some postcards some little bits and pieces that's actually another thing oh once this car comes out of the way is that Melaka is known for it's street art and it's wall murals that's so cool that looks like me when I dressed up in the HanFu in China and it's identical you guys did they take my photo or what the inspiration behind this wall art I'm just trying to have a look what's going on over there and over there is where I see some dragons there's so much going on there is yeah oh look there's more even more street art down here too should we go have a look? yeah let's do it get a chance go over let's wait for this one oh look and here too I love it this place is definitely full of color and character it absolutely is we're just going to go over this side and check it ready let's go okay cross we go oh this is so beautiful this mural features Empress Wu Chan I want to say there we go the Empress of China I love it so cute and this is all so colourful wow oh my goodness I am absolutely obsessed this is beautiful and like we said before you guys this town is obviously pretty old and its location is pretty strategic as well because it is right close to the Melaka strait the famous Melaka strait so it's very well known in not so much now but in the previous times it was very much known for its international trading routes so that was pretty cool but look at this this is even cooler I like this WOW we've got another Jetty down here Jetty Hard Rock there we go wow guys I'm obsessed with Melaka already we've not even been here very long at all and I think I see some of the traditional red dutch colonial buildings just all over here this is insane this is so cool another water taxi going past we've got everybody looking at it here okay this we've got a little map here too explaining where we are and explaining all the different things that you can come and see around here we've got Jonker walk we've got some temples we have oh another Jonker walk I don't know what the difference is there but temples up here we've got a mosque as well lots of cafes this is so cute I am absolutely oh look at that one over there that looks so cool so this is one of the jetties then is it? yes it is this is one of the jetty stops but literally stood right by it Jetty Hard Rock which makes me think there's a hard rock there is where? that one there the white building way yeah see down there all right so is this like a Hop On Hop Off thing? okay and there is something even better you guys I think you can have a roti John and a ramly burger with a view of the river what more could you want oh look it is stopping here so you definitely can right yes it feels like to Hop On Hop off there you go you've got some beautiful Street murals to enjoy on your way we might even see you guys if we can actually go and hop on a boat ourselves and go on the Melaka river and take a little Cruise or a little tour I think I'm not sure but this place is amazing it's definitely it's bringing the Vibes I'm absolutely loving it let's go check some more out let's go I really really like the the setting of this place with all of these water taxis making their way along it's so cute isn't it it feels really like romantic in the way as well I like it it's really nice there we go so if you want to bring the misses out on a nice little romantic weekend getaway from Kuala Lumpur it's not that far it's like 2 hours from Kuala Lumpur so you know what to do you want to make the misses happy? bring her down here look at this one she's so happy here's the Hard Rock that you were talking about Hard Rock Cafe in Melaka I had no idea Melaka had a hard rock cafe but hey now you know neither did I it's getting busy here and I can hear another water taxi coming up wait a second there it is I don't know how many I've seen going past this today never get old it's always so exciting okay I really want to get on one now so why not so cute okay let's head up here let's make our way up so would you say this is the main Square? okay let's see how buzzing this place is because this is where it feels like all of the actions going down right now well look at that what is this? this is Jonker Walk you guys this is a very very popular kind of pedestrian street I guess food Street Market at the evenings as well so we might come it looks like Chinatown it does right look at this massive dragon that is so cool wow okay if that's a food street or if that's a night market or a food market I think that's going to be in the next Vlog probably because I have eaten a massive portion of cendol right now that was huge I need to walk it off a little bit someone's got to control his sweet tooth over here because there's some good traditional food in Melaka we must try but guys let us know if there's any that are the best? any good food recommendations drop them below we want to hear them we want to give them a try but we're going to go and head this way for now it says welcome to the historic city of Melaka all right let's go see what's happening I was going to say don't trip over don't get too excited okay feels like the everyone is out here it's so busy if I thought it was busy back at the cendol place this is next level that was just a fraction of the turnout that this place has I was thinking Melaka is a nice quiet little place where you go away from all the hustle and bustle in Kuala Lumpur and you come down here for a nice little weekend getaway which obviously you can because there's not as much traffic but look at this this is the museum I think so yeah sorry my Dutch isn't that polished so if that's a Dutch name excuse me because I have no idea so I would pronounce it the way it's spelled so it's okay cool the red building oh look at these they look cool beautiful that is quite cool actually I quite like it but how do you ride them? do you sit in the front with them? it's like your own little Lamborghini you know oh no look at this they sit on the bike and then you sit on the side so it's like a little side cart and Frozen Yeah there all different types there's one over there with the Pikachu Hello Kitty there's another Pikachu there cool I want to look like a princess too but we are here in the Dutch Square you guys there we go like Taz said as well it's I was going to say I have no idea yeah it is a Dutch name but look we've got all of these red Colonial styled buildings they are absolutely beautiful and they are apparently some of the oldest Dutch buildings in the East which honestly that's pretty wild look we have the Christ Church Melaka over here as well so this is definitely probably quite a good spot to start you guys if you're coming to Melaka you can come and see the Dutch Square in all of its Glory there's a lot of different souvenir shops around the edges you've got postcards you've got this looks like maybe some ice cream here we've got the fountain in the middle as well this is so picturesque this place is phenomenal perfect little photo spot too very nice oh I'm absolutely loving it and did you know that this here was built between 1660 and 1700 and it is known to be one of the oldest Dutch buildings here Malaysia oh wow in the east east? apparently yeah I had no idea and now we know not just the beauty the brains as well the Fountain of Knowledge that is the Libster right that looks beautiful Christ Church Melaka 1753 made under the time when the Dutch were around beautiful is it open? do you think probably not it looks like it's Closed at the moment but I can just enjoy the view from out here amazing I love these bikes out here as well like they are again so colorful here we go you guys so we wanted to just give a quick view of the Square from up here because we are actually on the balcony that we saw earlier whilst we were downstairs and now look how busy this square is so many people are out and about I think there's some little food stores over here I see cendol again which is nice but I know there's some really delicious food we got to try while we're here in Melaka so stay tuned but I'm loving the music it's cute right and actually just behind this clock tower there's a little Windmill and this is literally so typical Dutch with some cows so should we go check it out yes I also noticed it's the a cannon there yeah right at the front just down there beautiful I didn't see that beforehand but I see it now let's go check out the action let's get in the heart of it just as we said earlier welcome to Melaka world heritage City Melaka and Georgetown historic cities of the streets of Melaka Malaysia being inscribed on July 7 2008 by Quebec Canada by UNESCO how beautiful are all of these Street? I'm absolutely loving them we have a little scooter and bike park there and then look we have the Church of St Francis right here but this actually does look like it's closed for some construction we actually just looking for an ATM right now we are walking parallel to the river this is the bridge and there's a river just down here the Melaka river which we were walking on earlier but how cool is this place Melaka we are absolutely obsessed we're loving it there's also some kind of wall here which I do see a sign just down here which looks like it might be something quite cool maybe some ruins or something history of Basin Victoria there we go see there is history everywhere in this crazy crazy City it has character it has charm I do see a bank just over in the corner so let's go withdraw some money get some money out and then we will be able to carry on exploring this amazing UNESCO Heritage City okay we are walking down again by the river we're actually on the other side this time though but we're going to see if we can find somewhere where we can go and take the boat and go for a little boat ride because that would be fun right I've been looking forward to it since I saw the first boat it looks like a lot of fun plus it's a really great way to see Melaka as well so why not yeah you can explore that way instead but there's so many cute little cafes, Resturant there's loads of bits and pieces down here lots of food lots of food lots of drinks I am loving the look of this it looks so freaking cool oh some real fruit ice cream as well well might have to come back and treat ourselves to one of those but we're going to get fat you guys what with the cendol with ice creams with other good food there's a lot of sweet Temptation here in Melaka so there is it must be the Gula Melaka you need to have a strong willpower to come down here and not be carried away eating all of the Sweet treats not like this one here okay we are actually down here because we're trying to find the boat tickets but now I don't see anywhere that's obvious that's a pickup point can we just go directly down and buy it on the boat not sure but what's the start and stop point there I think this is the start I haven't seen any more go up so where's the ticket office? I don't know it said here ticket this way right but there's a little visit Melaka here maybe we can find out in here is there anyone in here? do you sell the boat tickets here? no the boat tickets is over there probably just Street near the bridge okay thank you thank you okay there we go so we found out that they're actually over this way so we have to go towards Jonker bridge I think she said I think this place as well come the evening I feel it will be a very popular place to be what have we got here traditional ice creams? what were you just saying about the sweet tooth? too much sweet Temptation everywhere ooh fried mushroom interesting waffles oh that's giving me dutch food right Durian ice cream no thank you some mangoes and some watermelons over here hello juice very nice it looks lovely very fresh very fresh very cool we got some drinks there little cafe going on very nice indeed people are just chilling out enjoying some cendol I think enjoying some drink everywhere there is right I was just going to say the same thing they're everywhere there we go some Dutch influence in the area with the windmills and the cows yeah it is a really good time to come to Melaka as well right now over the weekend because this is when most people just take a break from Kuala Lumpur and just make their way down here this is the place where they were saying you can buy the tickets okay let's see if they still have any tickets going right now let's go find out hello can we get 2 foreigners okay 60 it's 60 and what's the time of the boat? then when does the boat go? this one first come first serve and where do we wait? go down the river you see line here brilliant okay 60 right? yeah perfect there we go and how long is the tour? 30 to 40 minutes perfect okay so guys we just came to this little booth here this Melaka River cruise ticket and this lovely lady is going to give us some tickets perfect there we are so Taz is the boss here we grab our tickets and then we will go and hop on the bus thank you thank you you can't come to Melaka and not do this I mean I only just found out when we started today but hey ho it has to be done absolutely so we just met this really friendly bunch of Indonesian students as well so we're going to go take a quick photo with them as well okay guys we met this really friendly group of students and they're practicing their English they're here right now we're taking some photos hello I love it hello hello we are from Indonesia let me invite you to see in real Province Indonesia a what does it mean let's try okay okay I'm recording oh I don't remember one 2 3 look at that all right now you guys need to go and visit that place as well see what's happening over there because there is meant to be a boat Festival so that would be amazing all right hey three thank you very much everyone thank you thank you one more come on one more one more one more all right two three thank you so much we're looking forward absolutely thank you very much bye see you byebye this way this way I think we're going down that way lovely bunch of people visiting Melaka from Indonesia they invited us to go and check the place out because there's this big event that happens from the 21st to the 25th hopefully if we're around we might go and check it out why not but for now we've got our tickets for the boat which I think leaves from here down here yeah the lady said it's first come first served there so they just wait until it fills up I think so we have to walk down here until we see the jetty and then perfect we take our boat ride okay this looks like a fort it does right these walls they've got cannons out and there's this 4 here so this has to be a fort yes there's a super famous and very very popular fort here in Melaka A Famosa if I'm saying that right but we will hopefully go and check them out a little later on so we want to go and take the boat ride first and then we'll probably head back this way and see what else we can explore but this city I think it's up there with one of my favorites here in Malaysia it's very very cool it's kind of similar to Penang a little like in the sense they're both UNESCO City and it's got so much to see look at that we got the Spiderman bike over there as well yeah oh look you can have your foot massage here for 15 ringgit for a foot massage maybe after all of the walking today we might be coming around here again to get a foot massage is it good? I think that's a good because Libby got a thumbs up so that means it's good and also car there you go so I think this place comes to life in the evening then I would assume so because typically that's how these Malaysian cities work we have found that it's way busier in the evenings because it's much cooler but yeah who knows we're going to enjoy it anyway we're finding this Jetty because we're lost we're distracted we're lost I think this way so two tickets for The Jetty was 30 ringgit per Foreigner for the locals is 25 so not much different from a local to a foreigner price not bad whatsoever got some bubbles going up here and I think this should be it I think so I guess so so let's see so I see all the boats pulled up over here and we are then going to go and hop on one right now I'm excited for this you guys so this is one of the very popular things that you can do while you're here so we paid 30 ringgit per person we're foreigners so we paid that and now we're going to go and get in the line here and we're going to go take a little cruise is it this one? yay I think it's this one I don't know okay you take your photos I'm going to go and find out I think that it's around here we are ticket counter maybe I don't really know to be honest that was confusing you guys so we have our tickets already but you can also come down here and buy them directly at the jetty as well but here we go ready for a photo session are you ready? with a green screen behind us as well well you just finished all of your photo shoots actually with those students again so there you go thank you I'm ready for my photo shoot we're doing the photos thank you okay now we go queue up and then I guess we all are waiting here right now for a boat I was about to say for the bus but it's not it's for the boat so we're going to go queue and then we'll show you when we're getting on said boat let's do this let's go on the boat because I've been waiting too long the anticipation is real all right let's go great weather as well I think it's time to go and get on we're following the queue here here we go hello thank you woo okay we're going down we're on the jetty we're going through Jetty key side you guys if you want to come get the boat you can do that here look got loads of others all waiting here Taz is going to choose us the best seat ever it's not that one it's the most farthest one the one on the outside oh my goodness but we got to go through two boats before we get to our one just there got it here we go we're going to watch these guys get in 2-3 configuration let's go girl Hello the last boat thank you welome oh look you got bend down there make sure you don't miss a step and go in the river here we go okay we're doing it then we're going to head out on Melaka River I'm excited for this woohoo switched so we were on the right side now we're on the left side there we go now in the wind it's the busy boat it's going to be full up I think so there we go came out a good time what is the time you ask time is actually almost half 5 it's a late one but it's fine because the sun's setting around 7:30 so we still have 2 hours till it's dark we're going now this is exciting guys we're going to see Melaka from the river we're excited look at this casa del rio that looks lovely look at that okay we've got people standing on the side we're going to wave them ready look at this this is cool gravy baby they're sitting right on the Riverside and these guys too I love this there we go oh this boat trip around Melaka is coming to an end that was a lot of fun it was not bad whatsoever it was about 25-30 minutes and the boat was traveling it was slow it wasn't going too fast but it was all right it was good speed look at this you guys we've got a plane right behind this really old train here yeah you know I have no idea honestly we are heading towards the fort because the fort that we thought we saw back there was actually not a fort so we got that one a little wrong hello that's amazing how are you? hello good how are you all? there we go see they loved it but yeah we have some old trains all the way along here I honestly don't really quite know what they are but this city is full of lots of culture lots of History some baby sharks do you think this was an old train station? it could have been hello it could have been an old train station there's lots of museums I think this is a museum this is a museum and there was one around the corner as well so wow there you go there's a whole parade of these bikes coming up now there we go they have a crew that's a party one I love it they're all playing their music as well oh look there's more here I love it guys there you go see everybody's jumping around on their rides playing the tunes out but we are heading to A famosa Fort I believe it's called so round this way I could do some food right now I'm not going to lie oh look at this there is we've got loads of different stalls along here Do you know what I have seen? shocking churros yeah I'm actually hungry yeah I'm hungry for something like that as well but look we've got so much sweet stuff here it's unreal we've got some that's spicy or is that yellow yellow there we go we've got something there that looks really good hello what else have we got our churros okay this is actually the same churros we had in Kuala Lumpur yes the exact same coffee over here what's this? do you know I really fancy oh yeah more sweet I want to have while we're in Melaka what do you want to have Laksa is that a thing like is that specialty? Its Nyonya Laksa we had it in Penang but in Penang we had as well we had quite a few variations of Laksa in Penang honestly I didn't think it was a thing down there I don't know I've seen it is so I hope it is but we absolutely love Malaysian food it's so good but look at what we're coming out to Performance going on where's your number? go there some live performance going on here as well there's a crowd building up if you want to call that a crowd but yeah more people hopefully will show up guys look at that I think that is the fort I think and I think that was some sort of like a marathon or something going on here because there's a start I don't know where the stop is or the finish line but this has to be it not quite sure so I think Libby knows exactly where we are let's go and find out we've got a cannon out here cannons just fascinate me wow wild and also guys did you know that Melaka the city got its name from a tree named Melaka there's a whole story that goes with it but I can't quite remember it exactly something about a prince was sitting under it and something something but it all got its name from a tree named Melaka so there you go more history here right in front of us oh this is it this is the fort I think this is which I actually if I'm not wrong I think this is the only bit that's kind of actually still standing so let's go check it out let's go have a look move away from the music a little bit as well because I'm literally having to shout yeah yeah and I need to eat so I've got a dry throat as it is I've got some water but I need to replenish my batteries a little bit as well but look at this we get Melaka that means Melaka Hill thank you I know a few words in Malaysian I'm working on my Malaysian language skills okay this piece is intact from back in the day this was probably the entrance and that is Melaka Hill okay let's go up there see what it's like but I need to First confirm with Libby if she is ready to go up there are you ready to climb all these steps? we can go up yeah for sure let's go let's waste no more time let's go up there see what the views are like yeah Bukit Melaka let's go check it out there was some information here this fort was built by the Portuguese apparently so it must be a 15th 16th Century then I think so yes so this has been standing for over 500 years impressive okay let's have a quick look there we are this is what's the left of it looks beautiful whatever's left the only remaining part of the ancient Fortress of Melaka built by Alfonso D'Albuquerque and by him named oh wow 1511 you were right 14-15th century you said that I think 15-16th yes there you go near this the Bastion of Santiago wow yeah that's roughly around when the Portuguese used to be here 15 16th century so after that the Dutch came and then the British anyway oh okay it looks like an entryway right like an entrance gate or something it says this is a small Hill St Paul's Hill okay got it let's go up there let's see you guys on the other side in 3,2,1 we're here yay I am out breath because we did just climb a fair few steps but we've made it look at this this is what remains of the fort is this the fort yeah I think I'm not too sure oh come let's have a look we can go inside let's find out what's happening inside and this is free as well the entry there's no tickets so you can come straight in walk up as you like happy days I'm loving it just look at this right so this is from when the fort was originally made or constructed this looks like different family emblems yes I think that's the family crest oh yeah it looks like it okay is this the original or is this like a replica? okay this does look pretty cool though I think this from the shape looks like it used to be a church do you think? see it looks like it though was it? it does yeah when we were just walking up a minute ago as well there was a few like it looked like Graves or gravestones so it could be a church yeah actually it is it is look yeah that's what I was saying from the design it looks like it was we've got some latin written here wow okay and as we were saying earlier this looks like it's a family crest of some sort from is that 1655 yeah wow down there this slab here it's got something written there can't really read the language or decipher it as such but this is I think St Paul's Church and if it's not St Paul's Church it's St Paul's Hill so it once was maybe St Paul it must have been yeah okay wow sweet so interesting it's on top of a hill wait we've got something written here some signs up here so let's have a look see if we can enjoy the view as well maybe you can see the sea yes we go here we go you were right fountain of knowledge as I was saying earlier guys we actually probably came up here at the perfect timing it's about half 6 it's getting towards sunset time and look I don't think we'll have a sunet today because it's a bit overcast but it's so cool you can see a bit color over there though it's not gray you can tell the sun's setting over there and this is a bit where there was that revolving restaurant or the cafe or whatever that was but yes that platform has gone down it's not down no more must be down at the bottom right now but you can actually go oh look it's going up back up again I think it's basically just seated so you just sit and as it goes up you just enjoy the views because it rotates 360 so you get 360 like restaurant no I don't think it is okay I don't think so for a minute though I thought it was a spinning restaurant I mean if it is you guys can let us know down below but I don't think it is okay I mean the views would still be really cool though yeah the fact that it's spinning you don't really have to walk around just choose a good spot grab a seat and take the views in oh there's a there's a ship over there as well look at that straight there okay guys I think we're getting very very hungry we actually haven't eaten today apart from cendol so we're probably going to soak up this view a little bit enjoy and go grab some food let's go all right I think we have located the place where we want to go it is here here we are jonker 88 looking good hello where are we going? you order first inside then we go upstairs I mean that's what I think they're saying that's what I heard okay let's see let's see what we have to eat here maybe in here yes okay okay okay we have Nyonya laksa Baba Laksa Asam Laksa what's the difference okay what's the difference? sour and Meat sour creamy mix so this is sour creamy mix okay baba is sold out and okay so maybe we should get this one so get the sour and we get this one as well then so can we have one sour and one mix then please I am excited for this I am hungry next counter no problem can we pay by card or is it cash cash if possible okay cash if possible no problem little system going on down here already so 24 ringgit for 2 Laksa and then we've got this lovely lady who's making some over here I think she's got the ingredients all prepped we are ready to go are you excited for this? I'm looking forward to it I have walked quite a bit and I am hungry now so yes we're very very hungry so let's see let's see I'm excited what is this one Bean Curd with fish ooh nice it's good? yes okay okay thank you we wait here yeah okay but we are just going to wait here they've got some big pots at the back all the broth oh which one is the best one? what do you like the most? everything I want to say everything oh okay everything is best okay I like it what's your favorite? actually you can't say all of them has to be one one for breakfast one for lunch one for dinner you can say that actually that's honestly that would be true yeah yeah I'm excited to try then yeah very excited if you like more spicy and sour then you will like the Asam flavor like how spicy then too don't too much creamy and don't too much sour than this one will be your favorite okay can I say I'm excited thank you is Asam is tamarind? oh no Assam means like sour sour but it's kind of the like flavor to make it sour so a kind of spice okay like a spice or a herb okay got it perfect thank you where are you from? England yes thank you thank you we are in the corner ready yes I come bearing gifts this looks yummy I forgot the original name this Baba Laksa so from color I can tell that's Asam that's the creamy one now try go for it because they said this might be a bit sour and spicy whereas yours is mild and creamy yes so I'm going to go for the creamy one fast I'm excited for this though you guys honestly we absolutely love that so let's try some of this I waited for this the entire day oh my God oh my God that is good okay you have to try some before I carry on it is creamy like the lovely lady back there was saying I see what you mean about it being spicy yeah right it's got a kick like in the back of my throat I can feel it can you give us a rating so good oh my this might be like a strong 8.5 out of 10 oh delicious wow the noodles right I need to ask you guys a quick question like is laksa a specialty here in Melaka because I thought it was like a Penang kind of thing I had no idea it's down here in Melaka as well so comment below let us know oh look at that look at that so that's Bean curd yeah is that bean curd yes it is or is that chicken no this is fried bean curd and then this is fish crispy onions cumbers how is it? this has genuinely made my heart happy oh oh this is this is good but guys this is not a food Vlog so we are going to tuck into our Laksa right now we need to destroy this because it's screaming and shouting our Name it absolutely is so we are going to devour it right now and we will see you in a minute oh you guys wow we are finished that was maybe the best Laksa of my life thank you oh it was amazing oh no how do we get out? thank you like I was saying guys I got a bit distracted on the way out but that was potentially the best Laksa of my life how good was that? I can't wait to come back to this place again I think I might have lunch breakfast dinner everything down here tomorrow because this is so good we tried two they've got three we have to come back and try the third one as well but something else has caught my attention what is that a baby body builder? the father of bodybuilders in Malaysia there you go I love it that's so cool Mr Universe there you go. Had no idea that Malaysia had a big bodybuilding scene, neither did I but there we go the father of bodybuilders in Malaysia great!! right guys I think after that incredible incredible Laksa that we're probably going to finish it up here we've had the best first day haven't we Melaka has been really cool it's far exceeded our expectations we were not expecting Melaka to be as Lively and as energetic as it has been it's been so cool we've loved it but we're going to finish it up here guys we're going to wrap it up because we have to go back on this busy crazy road yeah Jonker walk is where we're going to head back its getting busier what have you just seen? so we just spotted some Thai tea and some green tea Happy Days Thai tea in Malaysia let's go!! brother can we get one large please? this one Large thank you there you go they got two sizes here the big they got the small big ones 6RM not bad just one lovely look at that I wasn't expecting to see some Thai tea here in Malaysia but I'm here for it still you were asking for a Thai tea earlier though, there we go okay cool guys there seems to be a lot of food up and down this road actually I'm really excited to come and check this out in full probably tomorrow actually so we will come back and you guys will see it probably in the next Vlog but for now look at this Thai tea thank you give it a try let us know what you think that's like Thailand is it good oh actually it said you know the the thing here says product of Thailand so it's good huh I like it there we go no straws, we're being environmentally friendly eco-friendly that's the way to go and that so good oh that's so nice very refreshing very um it's not too sweet it's exactly how I like it like we don't like oursr super sweet Perfect 10 out of 10 finishing off a 10 out of 10 day so perfect what more could you want? cheers to Melaka cheers to Malayasia we are going to bid you farewell you guys it has been a very great day here in Melaka this city has so much character charm we've absolutely loved it if you have any recommendations for us where should we head up next what should we see if there's anywhere in Melaka that we've actually missed as well let us know but for now we're going to leave it here so if you've made it this far thank you very much and we'll see you at some point somewhere in the next one somewhere here in Malaysia see you in the next one let's go !!!

2024-07-18 19:18

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