Lost In Downtown Bogota Colombia

Lost In Downtown Bogota Colombia

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what's going on guys I'm here in downtown I think downtown Bogota and we're in front of the famous Plaza De Bolivar. I think named after Simon Bolivar there's something going down right now I just got off the taxi and there's something going down I don't know what it is let's go find out it's like drumming going down over here I'm possibly linking it with my boy I don't know where he yet I think he said he's at one of the tallest buildings here so let's see what we got here oh I think there I think it's a protest guys I think they're protesting uh something I'm gonna try to ask one of these guys so it's a protest uh indigenous protests uh they want more I get some more help and I don't know what building this is but this is a building, okay y'all get your rights up all right so I'm gonna be walking this way I don't know where I'm going hopefully I can find my boy and uh we're just looking around most definitely man guys this city is not your normal city that I've seen before. like I've been to a couple of different cities in Colombia I've been to a bunch of different cities here in Colombia and this one has its uh individuality it's different I can't compare it to any other city I've been to in Colombia just yet weather-wise people-wise uh Bogota is known for being an outspoken city people out here like to protest okay like if there's a process happening in Colombia it's happening somewhere else and it's happening in Bogota okay so that's what you get for Bogota I'm gonna see if I can link up my boy let's go through this crowd first and then I'm gonna try to figure out where this guy is he told me he's a tall building I'm not too sure um but uh yeah let's just go through this alley right here and see what's going on all right got people selling stuff on the floor okay not bad um people hanging out more stuff on the floor right here people on the line he told me it was a big let me see if I can look at my I'm gonna try to look at my phone real quick because I got that I have no idea, we are lost. we'll just go to that main street and then uh I'll figure out something all right something smells good here like some soup or something oh it's the chicken yeah you know me the chicken is good wow they got a little area right here it's like this says alley on top of alleyways okay it's like an old rebuilt building they're doing shoes man so in order to get here, I was in the taxi for like almost 13 minutes like and we still in Bogota I'm like yo this city is ridiculously big man. like we've been rocking for a while and I got here and I don't think we still see anything in the city all right see there are a lot more people over that way okay we're walking into like a main road it's more people there let's go that way, okay if you recognize this street guys comment down below you know what I mean I like crowds I'll walk through this crowd real quick look how big these streets are guys all right so yeah this is right here this is being careful mode all right so food oh oh yes there's so much stuff that's happening here okay food bowling that's some of that food right here they got some chorizo um some fried food right here that's good oh rika oh that's some big espalito oh wow it's big all right guys let's move down all right hit that like button guys especially by myself excuse me for me I'm by myself and I'm giving you the footage all right recommended not to be doing all this by yourself this is like a clothing venue or you're right here okay what's up girl you get to work you're getting to work ain't it a boy over there with an ice cream machine I don't know what avenue this is got some soup here something wow that looks good so I want to see what he got here oh okay question all right let's get into this all right a lot of stuff happening on this end right here okay a lot of people here it's crazy I don't even know the name of this place guys comment down below hold on come on we going in the mid this is like downtown is this downtown I'm not too sure but man it is hot right now too guys super hot okay wow this is amazing guys it's so congested up in here and this thing goes for another two blocks or something okay they got the cops here a lot of people out here man okay this is not something I expected to see coming down here man this is the real Bogata right now we're in the real Bogota we got to be. If this ain't real I don't know what else it's not real. this is the real Bogota right here oh man I wish I was live streaming this

but hey guys you guys still get to see it man look at that crowd it's crazy here okay let me just slow down a little bit so y'all can see a little bit more I know I'm moving so fast all right this is like a place for your people to uh just get their hustle on Go to be very careful here guys. so for me, I'm like trying to avoid people bumping me, even though I'm going through this large crowd of people. You never know. you got professional pickpockets here that's what they live for they're really good at it too all right so give you a good look energy wow okay okay, so I guess the cops here just to slow down on the crime. just their presence alone might make somebody not want to do something here oh man wow this thing keeps going, guys people just walking in and out hitting you can tell who's used to this area I'm sticking out well I don't stick out too much okay we get into where the cops area is and man this is crazy I gotta lick it with my boy okay once we get past that cop thing I'm gonna pull out my phone and try to link it with my boy okay we're supposed to be going on a full tour but man this is crazy is crazy this is the downtown I have always uh thought about a Bogota but a little bit more like wet on the floor or something like that but this is uh cool oh man this is the real guitar guys this isn't sometimes people don't want to show you this energy it's like a flea market wow okay we just passed the police department um situation and they got more tents over there too all right this is more it's more people I want to stop but it keeps going all right might be windy let me switch the camera yes all right guys I'm back hopefully the audio is a little bit better because I realize it got windy all of a sudden so let's go all right more people okay this is crazy I'll come back here I feel like I need to do one more video of this place all right let's go right here for a second let's check this area around come on okay got some juice here all right some food okay so we're finally reaching an end of the mayhem okay for me okay and we got into the main road right here wow okay got cops here to hold on let me not film them because they get a little funny when you see they see cameras all right and boom we made it and once we make it there's a trench right here see look at this church, on the other hand, don't know the name of that church man this that was busy that was busy man i love that you know i love that oh hit that like button man oh you got to come out here for real let me go find out with my boy because we're supposed to be going on a quick tour and i'm wasting time san vitorino so guys i you're so youtuber guys so i'm in san diego we're in san beach to the near area i got a taxi because it's just too much people and to link it with my boy it'll be too too much time because we need to save some time so i'm gonna link up with him and then we're gonna hit the ship again uh yeah i love this place i love the energy the vibe the hustle the bustle the people just just going crazy trying to sell you stuff and yeah man the energy is here okay i love it all right so let's go check out my boy and we'll be back with more awesome crazy crowd this guy is a player man he out here he ain't waiting for nobody he's gonna go do it he's exploring by himself he's smiling because he just did something to his teeth why are you smiling man you so smiley now right what happened well if i'm smiling i've been waiting forever this is me amigo okay man my bad man they man they put me all the way over there we passed this area man did you see this look up this hill what look at the top crystal okay oh wow there's like a statue up there when we take the tram up okay what you was doing here huh you gotta come okay we're gonna go check it okay okay let's go so we're going in here to see what he was doing man man it's been an adventure coming looking for you i was down in the casino oh okay did you come up okay did you make some money nah okay you gave it back to the my boy was wesley sniping it wow you came here to get some coffee yes this is the best awesome spot I love it it's the best coffee spot it's it's most definitely more chill right here compared to the mayhem outside the big building right here this is like what is this is a place to live or this is uh office building yeah that's right yo this is huge bro is this the tallest building here or no there's more buildings I think in this area okay it's a gym there let's see what you got right here okay got it all right let's see what you got right here what did you get okay uh for me I want a tinto listen we stayed next to each other and he took off without me they just don't like to eat breakfast yeah one thing he's on his meal plan and he's very strict to it so if y'all see big okay I got up and I went to go get brown this is like a Pepsi commercial oh okay I keep coming how you feeling about this place uh the lady at the front desk at the hotel she told you to come here she told me to come here cafe quindio she told you to look for the cafe is this the only there's many but this is one of the best places to be okay and just kind of relax and chill out get on my phone and got a little wi-fi so it's good I can see there's a lot of professionals walking through here so that's dope yeah good vibe goodbye my video was on super view so if you're like what happened to the camera went to super view but this is what we got going on all right let me try this good oh it smells good no no no no i've been drinking a lot more coffee because it doesn't have calories the weather without any extra stuff in it so it's good for me normally this will be my breakfast right here all right guys we'll be back once we finish this that looks dope though right there i came here this morning um they come to my cafe but i ran by a dinner dennis place and because of it at home my dentist wasn't seeing anyone for a long time so i heard in in columbia you can get your teeth done and i walked into this dentistry place and i asked the lady you know can i get my teeth cleaned she's like sure i'm like i ordered she's like yeah so okay so i went in and um filled out the forms or whatever um right away they took me to the back now i don't know to recommend these people or not but it's a teeth cleaning it feels wait was it here where where was it around the corner around the corner it was around the corner how's that like just to pop up and get your teeth cleaned well let me explain my spanish isn't that good okay man so i went in there and just translated with them they were very very nice the dentist spoke a little bit of English and first they did a full um x-ray just to make sure what they were working with and went in there and cleaned it it took about maybe 30 minutes in total which I thought was phenomenal and it was like okay you can go and that's what's up hey I'm before I leave I'm gonna try to do the same okay guys we're back for the energy loving the energy guys they lied to you about Bogota all right make sure you share this video with everybody so people know as they died to you they told you Bogota is not worth traveling to they live meant to eat also nice oh yeah we're about to go to a place where you can get a lot of deals, oh there's a lot of deals there's shopping all over the place I got this so, guys, we're going to show you the block all right remember guys they lied to you they told you not to come here all right maybe they wanted to keep it to themselves Shout out to brian. brian probably not gonna like this my friend, he loves Bogota and I see why so it's a crazy town yeah I really do I'm loving these high-rises things being for so for sale could you imagine the city was locked down for a while yeah the financial impact that did for the city it's flourishing now though I mean they not have bounced back they bounced back better than ever all right guys so let's check it out they got all these vendor spots right here whoo more people out here coming out wow oh my god you know me oh man beautiful i don't know where he went okay we're going down this way guys guys i just want to let you know this place is so insane as far as people 9 million people i believe it now 9 million people out here very cool people doing anything um great vibes finally you guys get to see the real Bogota I know a lot of people just come here and film nothing but the bad stuff come on guys you got to do better so good stuff go show all the life that is here you know why. I'm

a speak on that right now too because you have the social responsibility to give people the right information when you do that if you give people the wrong information you're gonna have a whole bunch of people coming out here for the wrong ideas for the wrong reason and that's not really gonna help the city out so that's why we what are we doing we're looking for a brother man to hook him up real quick let's go look for brother man right quick thank you okay let me see okay wake me up wow look at this like get down weaponry nice really good yeah further down is where the mayhem is over there oh yeah what's up to plan okay that's all I do with uh I want to get a Santa hat huh okay huh Santa you want to rock with the Santa hat, oh yeah let's get a Santa hat guys I saw a couple let's look for more sorry if the wind is blowing too hard guys it's a very windy day but yeah wow oh let's check out my brother's all smoothed out what's up man I see y'all looking clean though huh? That's the dentist place this is where I saw the dentist right here wow you bought what? This jacket. how much did it cost? Bogota jersey. how much? uh, sweatsuit I think is about sixty! oh ok wow let's get close by let me check it out real quick all right so I know some of you guys like Adidas and Reebok so check it out check it out a lot of stuff that's a big one bro it's really big it's huge the more you get the more of the distance so that's an interesting discount you can get guys this is huge all right let's go if you're watching uh the premiere of this video what they should do if they're watching this video like the video gotta like the video come on y'all you know what it is people forget because it's not easy because they got to get out of the chat so let's give them we're going to give you like 10 seconds to do it before we move you won't miss nothing all right are you going to just see my face for 10 seconds all right one two three four five six seven eight nine ten thank you because you know they don't wanna miss anything that's why they don't they'll continue I gotta get it too sometimes you just gotta scroll down if you scroll down while the screen is on full there's a like button yeah let's go back out right now okay and it doesn't hurt to watch the video twice i do it all the time you might miss you might see something hello how are you she came out of nowhere all right look at these basketball jerseys right here okay the style here guys is interesting i see it like i've seen people just look like they're from the states as far as style wise wearing laker outfits um heat uh bulls content huh seems like you can find anything down here they got jewelry rubik's cube this is downtown this is a different i've never seen this type of downtown like i'm gonna lie maybe in costa rica some parts of san jose was similar to this but this is on a different scale look how wide the streets are there's plenty of room for people to walk down where i was earlier today it was just a little bit more condensed but i i love it oh is that the that's where you walk from yeah he's the guy over here he's doing this right now wow he's really talented very talented guy right there okay and they got a lot of churches and i feel i want to say i feel like some of these buildings are like from old bogota right i know well you know i see like buildings like that look this is like a church or something right they never took down any church okay i was trying to preserve it okay all right now you see all these people with their suits and professionals and everything right here they say this place supposed to be um dangerous but you were walking here by yourself so was i oh no no and you was here early extra early i've been here extra early um it wasn't dangerous people look at you because you're a foreigner not because they're trying to steal something from you now i can't say a hundred percent they're looking at you because you got two parts let me get a thumbs up let's just see if we can get wow wow and you can see more people on that end see check out I'm gonna give him a tip, I'm not gonna buy a jersey but I'll check what he got on go check out his selection um hey man you looking fresh out here these trees you go you're looking fresh out here in these trees bruh that's how you want to do it you're looking all fresh out of here bruh yes we ain't getting fresh real cheap oh now you got a little stomach thing going on check out the dog over here okay a lot of businesses here guys a lot of this is central like timing over here okay let me give this man a tip or something I'll say let me give him okay so let's go guys deeper into the rabbit hole we got a busy day today okay man that is so loud that true that I guess it's supposed to be like a holy prayer or something but it is tough all right oh wow I'm loving the graffiti it's like an old sword or something this the church even though it's a church like was it something else before it wasn't true you know that's one thing about Latin America they really are into the catholic church type of vibe and everything and some of their rules revolve around being the church energy and everything right yeah that's the bike lane oh okay we in the back lane my bad that's something i got to get used to like stay away from the bike god lane can feel them coming right behind you too all right guys it's probably right up here the busiest part okay we're getting closer to the busiest part let's see if there's a Santa hat right there we going in man I might have to make this a part two video guys Santa hats okay let's see what's here let's go right here we're gonna find some like woof we'll smell this over here we're gonna find the perfect place to get the Santa hat all right if not this episode next episode all right come in oh nice, oh and I need to get a better type of vocal because my type of vocal just I just stand out with my face mask you know what I mean so look at this building it's crazy. look at the front of it yeah you like this place because of the energy to be honest with you it's a lot of variety a lot of different things you get to interact with the locals when you travel try to interact with the locals don't just be standoffish in the tourist stuff that's where you get your richness, okay okay let's go all right which way you want to do it? you're the tour guide almost time to go back because we gotta they got a bunch of people that way they got a bunch of people this way how you want to handle it this way okay let's go this way better all right let's go this is where the like express buses come through right here big street is that guy real quick that's a real guy you know you know that's a real guy you know he's the real guy with the sombrero he's the real guy with the subaru that's that guy's copper mr copper all right i gotta go see okay go ahead go find out about the man looking like a Mexican um penny looking like a Mexican penny right here all right go-ahead he bout to do something with that let's see what's going on let me get one of these okay ah amazing place you can just feel the energy the goodness it's hot it's warm it's not cold today so even in the winter Bogota is warm too perfect yeah guys i want to film more but i think we should end it here because we need to get somewhere and we're going to be filming more but something else all right thanks for watching this video more on the way from me and my boy we're going to be feeling filming things you have never seen in Bogota in real talk all right so make sure you like these videos these are very important videos thumbs it up you know what I'm saying the city needs is proper representation all right whenever you type in Bogota you don't see nothing but craziness so let's get this video popping more on the way and thank you guys all right on to the next video right let's go let's go

2020-12-30 01:16

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